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A little about the application of acquired skills.

Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2013 16:17
by к-13
Those who have overcome laziness, unbelief, and skepticism (that is, after all, gone beyond the period of adaptation), dedicated)))

In addition, the quality of life in itself has improved - became quieter, more durable, less irritable, improved memory and reaction speed, health and well-being, physical performance and the efficiency of mental work... (the list can be long, You should already know), because we still have some abstract anchor. It is clear that they can be used to obtain derived from a mind-state-machine - team fast and efficiently to sleep, Wake up, relax - but they can be far more effective to use. This will be the topic (if you have any ideas, personal experiences or questions are welcome).

Application installed anchors:
(I will gradually fill as you recall, given the free time)
For a start the most useful in my opinion:

- "Dream spies":
When we just need to relax, but time is running out, helps a bunch of anchors on the alpha and Delta state. Sit back (from personal experience: it is desirable in a free sitting position with support for the back and neck), activate the alpha and the achievement of a state begin to give yourself installation, for example "exactly 15 minutes, I'll Wake up and I feel fresh, healthy and full of energy". Setup repeat 3 times and then activate the sleepy anchor.

Works well only if is correct the installation of the anchor on the alpha and the lack of physiological barriers to achieve freshness, vigor, or health (e.g. fatigue or illness).

- "Morning is wiser than evening":
(a special case of the previous situations, when time to rest more, but you want to solve a problem that has long haunted).
Solving problems in my sleep. The meaning is the same, only the installation goes something like this: "I Wake up at 7:00 refreshed, rested and full of energy and the question of ...".
Can also be used for healing and recovery when you feel that sick or are already sick, I think it is clear how to modify the installation.
Well, or just use as alarm clock without additional functions.

- "going beyond" (for the solution of complex of the current questions)
Concentrate the maximum attention on the question that requires an answer, for a few seconds closing the eyes and activate both alpha-anchor and a high performance state (in this case, work tactile anchors).
Most likely when hit in the target state the answer would come to mind (in the subconscious of all information available to it), if not - refer to previous methods.

No need to put unrealistic tasks - in this case nothing but undermine faith in their own strength, to not likely to succeed.

A very curious way the use of any anchors is their imposition on others, there are truly an unlimited number of variations - from healing (healing from physical ailments or bad habits) to fast learning (and even direct transmission of images, although it requires a very deep level of attunement on alpha). To put your anchor on another person is not as difficult as it seems - you need to it can be adjusted to synchronize the breath, for example, or to mirror the gestures, and may find you interesting both the topic of conversation - who is interested in NLP and the techniques of manipulation, he knows what I'm talking about (with close friends and relatives is much easier with them, we attune to the machine, as with interesting people), I'm sure, almost everyone can give an example from your personal life when there is such a state, when you realize someone perfectly, I can say chorus one and the same phrase... is is the moment of attunement. And they can consciously control.

Now on the use of solitary anchors:
1. Relieve muscle and nervous tension. In any kind of activity (or even inactivity, for that matter) it is always good to pause - what would you do, stop for 10 seconds and spend them to stay in the alpha state and You will feel the difference - if it was mental work, You come back to it with renewed energy, if physical exercise after will suffer less from muscle pain, if You suffer a difficult question - get the answer...
2. Objective perception. The alpha state cleanses our consciousness, so the information from the environment is analyzed more appropriately - not pressures by stereotypes, templates, patterns, filters of perception... And who owns the information - owns the situation. We rarely find ourselves in a difficult situation, adopt more efficient solutions, our intuition often makes itself felt,
3. The self-programming. In the alpha state our words penetrate into the subconscious directly, bypassing the filters of logic, so we can change your beliefs, change negative attitudes positive, to program their actions in problem situations.
4. Getting rid of minor illnesses and minor ailments. In a calm and relaxed state with the dominance of alpha waves, the body activates the function of restoration, regeneration and healing, and if a little to help him correct formulation of problems concentrating on problem areas, the effect is stunning.
5. The achievement of the goals/wishes. In the last decade become very popular technique based on the visualization - the law of attraction, transferring, shamanism, ritual magic, but few people realize that when effective work on all these systems the brain operates in alpha mode-based setting of our subconscious in accomplishing our goals - alpha imaging. In my opinion, the most convenient in this respect the technique is a "universal city" Robert stone and its variations (for example, the quite popular five years ago, the technique of "Imaginarium").
6. Receive information (when you need something to remember when seen or heard). You can ask yourself the questions in the alpha state and listen to the answers within your own mind (if the condition needs, you first came up with the idea is most likely the correct answer, and in other cases - hint), you can use a pendulum or frame - to calm the traffic, close your eyes, activate the alpha anchor, ask a question, open your eyes and record the response. You can check, for example, when you can't find the house keys or a passport - took direction from two corners of the house and look at the intersection of the lines. Significantly increases in effectiveness when combined with synchro-anchor.
7. And much more. You can find application skills alpha state to improve their lives. Suggest to read the books Jose Silva and Robert stone (e.g., Cuba) - almost all of them devoted to the use of the alpha state.

Everything is simple - use when you need to Wake up, cheer up...
A separate paragraph is "ridiculous" anchor - its application is very wide, if you want - most people use it to increase your personal appeal - glowing with happiness the person looks much prettier than the surly. Well, as an excellent means of dealing with depression, stress, his troubles or aggressive events in the middle slice of the world.

the high performance State ("synchronized brain"):
When you perform a complex and tedious physical work is simply indispensable (moreover, in such situations, it is more and trains - you can easily danapoint anchor in monotonous work), great where you want maximum attention and concentration (for exam, interview, competitions, in critical situations). Well suited as a booster for a good half of the use cases of the activation of alpha and beta. Absolutely not suitable for replacing beta-anchors, although similar in action with "funny".

Delta status:
There is also nothing strange - sleeping pill without side effects, which is always handy, never lost and will not end (if you periodically back up the anchor in a natural state).

the Theta-state:
Almost same as alpha, but much deeper on and effective results - the healing of more serious illnesses, the self-programming on a deeper level (more stable and much quicker)... There are more significant differences, but they are much easier to feel than to explain in words and to understand written, so I won't even try - who will host the programme of the workshop, he will understand himself, and the rest is not necessary...

a Little bit about the achievement of the state, called the phase, astral, out of body experience (OOBE), lucid dreams, servicearizona... Just a bit annoying that it's almost the main question that I get asked in connection with the workshop...

Everything is simple - the sea of options, someone better work alone, someone other (and with the correct installation of the anchors should all work).

1). Direct output method:
- settled as comfortably as possible (clothing and physiological sensations is also a concern - if there is a narrow collar or tight elastic in my underwear, it would seriously impede the attainment of a deep enough state, as even a slight hint of the thirst and the urge to satisfy bodily needs)
- activate several alpha-anchors in a row - it should cause You very deeply, and relax efficiently (assuming that the anchors in the second phase is set correctly). Alternatively, use the checked session for deep alpha-immersion.
- then act according to the techniques described, for example, Michael's Rainbow - Rockin ' images (for visualization) or phantom sounds (auditory), taste and feel in the hand phone (kinesthetic), and then make a phantom movement by the hand or foot, focusing on these movements maximum attention (changing the perception from a real body in the dreaming), and use the falling or rolling out.
- be sure after you Wake up write down the dream.

2). Method MWOS (mnemonic entry into lucid dreaming by Stephen Laberge):
Activate both alpha - and Delta - anchor, while mentally reciting "I sleep, is sleep, I sleep, it's a dream...". Works best when falling asleep at the usual time or upon awakening for some time before the normal rise time.
- be sure after you Wake up write the dream

3). Deferred method (first described by Robert Allan Monroe):
- Waking up to an alarm clock in phone (settings will not move to turn off the vibrating alert is disabled, short and loud, but not a sharp signal posleduyushim a long period of silence in the melody, the repetitions in its sole discretion, but not less than 7 minutes) for an hour and a half before the usual time (as an option, using "sleep on it" - setting the time and details "awakening") - even if you upon awakening stirred or opened his eyes - nothing terrible, just activate the alpha and ...
- then act according to the techniques described, for example, Michael's Rainbow - Rockin ' images (for visualization) or phantom sounds (auditory), taste and feel in the hand phone (kinesthetic), and then make a phantom movement by hand or foot and apply a drop or rolling out.
- be sure after you Wake up write the dream

4). Self-awareness in a dream:
- before falling asleep activate and hold the alpha anchor, and giving his next installation, "tonight in my dream I see the sea (or any other place, the main thing that it was more or less specific), and then realize that we are dreaming, will do so-and-so, and then Wake up and record the dream." A night of full sleep is really a technique to 4 lucid dream.

5). And such way you can think of sooooo many...

One major "but" - do not write down the dream (too lazy or maximum tightening stay in phase after the scheduled tasks and simply falling asleep), within 5 minutes after waking up it is guaranteed not to remember (ie don't get a positive experience, and motivation to continue), and the next time the installation may not work (and make sense? 've already set a precedent of work in the blank - brain rational and will not do extra work where it is unusual for him).

to be Continued...
(different topics in the workshop anyway given examples of solitary anchors and their bundles, for example, in the subject anchors)

PS: If You are not very good at it, what is described above, I recommend again to quickly run through the programme of the workshop - choose your favorite session on the main frequency and work with them to deepen States (and improve the quality of the anchors). To bring to perfection (well, at least until some semblance of ideal) alpha state, and then to deepen the rest of the base state of the workshop. I recommend this ritual to be performed regularly (every six months for a week or two to pay the renewal and consolidation of the obtained results).<

Re: a Little about the application of acquired skills.

Posted: Tue Nov 26, 2013 14:29
by к-13
Separately with the use of alpha - and synchro-anchors when learning to play a musical instrument. I Saturday one of the participants of the first workshop, two hours had taught the game six-string guitar, while everyone drank the health of the birthday. Took 2 guitars, activated alpha (he - to improve the digestibility, I'm easier to adjust on the machine to give more effective solutions), and then I just showed how to play basic chord 24 (from(up to) up to In(si) with minor versions, in fact it was 6 chord offset for frets, along with a Capo taught to use), after which the "student" activated balancing and started to play their "range" from low to high and back with the pronunciation of the names of the chords (and I watched and corrected). Half an hour later he was able with a list of chords to play simple songs, and half an hour later sang with me in two guitars to the public (even though their state was already do not care for the craftsmanship, but nonetheless, it was highly appreciated). Today he is able to play songs Robin (Sunday learned of the types of searches, yesterday and today healed propavshaya calluses on his fingers from a nylon string, although have been warned about the excessive zeal) and quite easily picks out the chords by ear.