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0.1. Safety requirements.

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2013 13:51
by к-13
Let's start with the fact that light-sound stimulation is a General contra-indications - it is strictly contraindicated to people sensitive to light, suffer from epilepsy or have mental disabilities, and those who have suffered serious traumatic brain injuries and nervous breakdowns. If these people have a desire to use a mind-machine, it can be done only after obtaining permission from the attending physician. With caution to MM should be treated people who have had a stroke and has heart problems (stimulation with light and sound affects heart rhythm and increases blood flow to the brain).

Now, about the use of those who have no contraindications. It is better to adhere to the following restrictions: no more than three sessions with MM per day, the intervals between classes at least three hours. The best option is intense training 2 days on the third, but for casual capacity result, we will try to conduct intensive introductory course)))

Not to get sleep problems and keep the performance and to stay awake, it invigorating session, and disks to use in the morning and relaxing in the afternoon. The optimal time for training in psycho-acoustics from 16 to 18 hours (the period of decline of the biological activity of almost all people).

Strictly observe the indicated timing of the classes - they are in stages, and so this maximum is less to go without a break is possible, but more risk to nullify the results and to very unpleasant consequences - the state of lethargy, insomnia, apathy, irritability... is best between cycles generally do not listen neither to other sessions nor any drives or just relaxing music like newage - there is also often all are mixed.

No alcohol when working with MM! Hungover or a little drunk - it doesn't matter. If the blood contains some alcohol, refrain from activities with psychoacoustics - the consequences will be unpredictable and the blame for them is only the experimenter. I warned you.

If You had a cold or caught the flu - no classes! And break 15 days after recovery. The disease itself is stressful for the body, it fights infection, with the damage from the aggressive environmental conditions, including tuning of brain rhythms on recovery mode. If You tried to impose the sessions, their frequency (which does not coincide with its target, and for the treatment of lower frequencies are needed), the brain could simply block at the time the possibility of external stimulation - it is a normal reaction to the disturbance (the brain uses every opportunity to work - and then so well all match, body relaxed, posture comfortable, water filled, do not interfere... Well, except that in addition to these pulsating sounds... Unplug ' em before). After completing the workshop will be able to heal themselves (at least according to the method of Silva), but is not worth it to complicate your practice.

How to listen to a single session:

- No hint of thirst. Even a minimal demand for water will give your brain to fully relax the body, that is, neither what kind of performance it is not. Best pre-workout drink a glass of water and after a workout, another one - in any case, the body is the only benefit.

- Posture should be comfortable and loose clothing - no tight elastic bands, tightened belts and narrow collars (also preferably on a workout time to remove the chains, stretch bracelets, heavy earrings...) - all this hurt to get a good result at the initial stage of practice.
"Beginners advice, when you start working, do not go to bed as if to sleep, but do not sit in the chair in front of the TV, it is better to lie down on the sofa so that his head was on the pillow, but above the body, on the back so if sadrameli, you will hear his podkapyvanii. Try to relax and not think about life perepity (although at first it may be difficult). Try to listen to sound, watch out for him, but without tension, if sadrameli - well, but soon learn to stay conscious during deep stages of relaxation. To do better when there is full peace and quiet."
- Brightness and volume should be comfortable, and it is better to use minimum levels at which the signal is clearly visible - when the body is a bit addicted to the training, the sensitivity of hearing and vision a few higher comfort level can become excessive and annoying.
"At maximum brightness and volume there is only an entertainment effect, and the effect of the involvement of the brain in the frequency of flashes is not observed. Hence my advice - begin to add from zero until, until you begin to clearly record the flashing, and the sound is clearly audible (this is sooo far from the maximum). At high (subjective) brightness and volume is possible the emergence of unpleasant sensations increased anxiety and irritability, sometimes even pain in the heart, immediately after the session, even the next day."
I strongly advise to buy for cars headphones with volume control right on the cable without such detail it is almost impossible to set the normal volume mode audiostrobe - at a normal volume control signal is often not detected by machine, and the volume at which it is detected, most often it is excessive for beginners.

- It is advisable to refrain from listening to one session more than three times in a row (even if with good breaks) - this will lead to habituation (adaptation) and the loss of efficiency of the session - a good way if you want to work with the same session for a long period of time is the change of the audio signal.

- During the session do not need to focus on thoughts - don't try to control them, let it go - just observe the arising of thoughts and images, imagine that they self - record their arrival and departure, note where they come from, what and how to go flow, dissolving and gradually dying away. But if we focus on negative thoughts, it is possible to earn a headache - nothing terrible, just a muscle strain of the skull in the result of intensive mental activity, but can deliver a lot)))

- If there are unpleasant sensations in the body (pressure, tingling, heaviness, twisting), just try to relax the area that is marked.

- The optimal time for a session of light and sound stimulation - 15-25 minutes (some even less, so it is better to listen to a longer session without light), maximum - 45 (further just useless - after exceeding the optimal time comes the so-called diffuse inhibition of the cortex - the feeling that a couple of days not slept - it is impossible for something to focus, detachment, the desire to do something just do not). This condition can last for 40 minutes, although some particularly sensitive and up to three days can stretch. Nothing dangerous in this state of health, except that some inconvenience in daily life...
If the head was clear before the session, and became a tough, alpha, and especially beta - it's overkill at the time, although theta sessii it can be said, is normal (and even achievement).
Be sure to read frequently asked questions about disks Patrushev A. V. - much the same is true mind-machines.

Also, in my opinion, required reading for beginners com/url?q=">the 13th Chapter from the book of David Seaver "Mind of the machine. By far the technology of ABC's" PRECAUTIONS AND SIDE EFFECTS of AUDIO VISUAL STIMULATION (although it would be nice and the entire book read).

getting to the workshop, each participant undertakes to strictly follow the above recommendations and assumes full responsibility for possible adverse consequences of their violation. Neither I nor the administrator, nor the store employees nor the device manufacturers responsibility will not bear all the responsibility falls on the user. When you use programs for their intended purpose to harm is impossible, as, by the way, it is impossible not to benefit from them.
If You can't guarantee yourself that you will strictly follow the recommendations, do not proceed with a workshop.

Special attention should be paid to the relationship to alcohol. This is not because I myself do not drink and out of spite want to ruin the holidays of everyone else))) Small doses of alcohol also very well stimulate easy alpha.
This condition is very superficial, but it gives an inexperienced person to experience all the benefits of active relaxation - purity of mind, lightness in the body, a positive attitude, the reason is almost the main cause of addiction (like with cigarettes, and some types of soft drugs) - people again want to experience the same excellent condition, but no longer finds it (repeated through the alpha course does not cause such vivid impressions, but this does not mean that they are not, but they have become more familiar, no former contrast), therefore it is necessary each time to increase the dose or even get drunk to a deranged condition (at least through to the poisoning of the body to get back in that condition, when heart and not worry about problems when everything is easy and the whole world at your feet... People in a deep alpha state feels about the same, but it remains a fully adequate and perfectly control your thoughts and muscles). That is why many scientists in this field believe alpha stimulation almost the most effective method of getting rid of dependence. But they, in turn, are effective methods of elimination of the results of the training with mind machine.
A small dose is about a tablespoon of the 40-degree tincture for an adult of average build. That's just people generally don't understand what the next 50 gram (and the remaining 2/3 of the cigarette) remove this effect and people desperately trying to bring him back again, infusing into it more of the poison... And excess "dose" - is already very different processes and each of them can be different, but in any case, nothing good, neither the brain nor the practice of alpha rhythms, they are not.

I know a few cases when the one and only Buster completely annulled all the results of the machine then a couple of weeks actually worked, or rather did not cause nothing but irritation and nervous condition (anchors remained, but also partly faded).

Alpha training has the same effect in the brain increases the level of alpha waves, but with time it becomes stronger, deeper and, most importantly (and completely absent for the chemical stimulants) familiar. That is, after drinking the same 20 grams of vodka You don't already get the old feeling, as they are already with You - You are already in a light alpha even more profound than can cause the intake of alcohol. And the brain no longer needs the drug moreover, he now understands that it is harmful - there is some aversion to taste and smell.

But the Smoking situation is somewhat different. Because Smoking is more of just a habit of the brain to your hands and mouth busy in between things - a psychological need, not a physiological necessity. Find a new habit (for example, training possibilities of the mind or sleight of hand) and the old would not be necessary. Start to ward off the smell of a smoky hand and the finish is Smoking in his mouth, and the process will cease to bring satisfaction - only the nausea and itching in the head :? Real tobacco while Smoking causes increased alpha waves, but in cigarettes they usually don't smell.

Habits and proper training of the brain waves is incompatible :)

That is why half of the participants and jumps off of the training on the adjustment period - once is enough good to drink with friends, to undo the effect of several weeks of training with alpha - many here know that all this is nonsense, bullshit and Scam... And in fact, they only made the choice in the direction of bad habits...

After reading these lines, Your choice will be clear.<

Re: 0.1. Safety requirements.

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2013 21:29
by рубен
к-13 wrote:If head was clear before the session, and became a tough, alpha, and especially beta - it's overkill at the time, although theta sessii it can be said, is normal (and even achievement).
although the question could then ask, so how can the explanation be , but still -

that is when we can train theta session , the head becomes heavy ( once is an achievement ) , then how much farther until the end of the day our other things ?

Re: 0.1. Safety requirements.

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2013 23:06
by к-13
рубен wrote:
к-13 wrote:If head was clear before the session, and became a tough, alpha, and especially beta - it's overkill at the time, although theta sessii it can be said, is normal (and even achievement).
although the question could then ask, so how can the explanation be , but still -

that is when we can train theta session , the head becomes heavy ( once is an achievement ) , then how much farther until the end of the day our other things ?
Dear RubenYou haven't begun the first phase (adaptation), and then ask questions about what you will do in the very last, to which even the most active and hardworking members will begin not earlier than through 1,5-2 months of training with the device.

Do not be surprised if You will have positive results. And it's probably not that technology MM You act like something is wrong, like all the others... In any case necessary and important, and without it chaos and confusion.

So let's make a deal: either You cease to randomly rush about and act in sessions with MM strictly according to instructions, or I can't guarantee that You will get good results. Moreover, with this approach it is possible and in the initial stages to not very pleasant consequences sustained a broken state, insomnia, irritability, complete lack of attention/concentration, problems with short-term memory and other small pleasures... All of this happens the overdose of stimulation - for example if in one hour to listen to several different sessions, the brain perceives external stimuli, as aggression (coercion and erratic conscious-the mind is not so hot as you like) and trying to protect themselves - blocking the channels of perception, leaving only signal system - man in a while turns into a zombie or cyborg first generation - slow, clumsy and totally incapable of analysis and learning, only the natural needs of the body and from outside a given direction in space...

PS: the Answer still Your question. It's simple - before you go to the theta level must be mastered (and anchored) all other States, in case such a result to have a "pill" that can quickly and painlessly back into the state required. Therefore, those who will not exaggerate their achievements to move to the next stage, no problems with this situation have not. And the rest will blame themselves - I can't be responsible for people who can't be responsible for themselves. The programme of the workshop on volunteers checked and corrected taking into account their wishes, the identified deficiencies are corrected - no one would give in open access program, which could lead the practitioner down, so if you do not samodelnoe (carefully read the terms and to do what is recommended) there is nothing to fear.

I hope the answer is informative enough? I really want to have a good time.<

Re: 0.1. Safety requirements.

Posted: Mon Sep 02, 2013 3:01
by Якубович
can happen a real hard complications?

Re: 0.1. Safety requirements.

Posted: Mon Sep 02, 2013 13:35
by к-13
Real hard, there are complications and watching TV. In our world, almost anything can be a medicine, and poison, and just useless - it depends on how you use it.

If you follow the simple guidelines and do not violate security requirements, then any negative consequences will not only buns, good and positive))) and if you do not follow and break, nothing particularly terrible will happen (slight hangover is much heavier than the worst kickbacks from prestimulation), just a shame is so poorly blow a great chance to change yourself for the better.

When I talked with the developers of Neuro-Programmer, read the results of some extensive research from Americans (more than 10 years and not less than 12 thousand laboratory observations and 10 times more generalizations opinions), they just on this subject, the study was conducted.

There negative consequences of light-sound stimulation on only three occasions - in the predisposition to photoepilation (presence of traumatic associative relationships in flashes of light), mental disorder (manic-depressive psychosis, schiz, obsessive-compulsive disorder, phobias, there are all sorts...) and in the use of psychoactive substances (drugs, strong stimulants, alcohol...).

That is, in fact, the only real contraindications painful sensitivity to flashes (as the second and third paragraph and without light and sound stimulation is not the fountain - by themselves - there is generally almost nothing).

No strokes and brain injuries, pregnancy and nursing, food preferences and religious views, as well as all other and other clear deviations from the statistical error in studies not shown.

It is exclusively and specifically on the light.
The sound of basically anything from normal music or sound of nature (sound of rain, for example, or a running engine) is no different. Have you ever heard about the contraindications to the pop music on the radio? Banning listening to the rock for medical reasons? On health deprived in the rain? And there all the same frequency, only located a little bit in a different order.

Recommendation - if there are serious concerns at the first listening, ask someone to look after your body and just try it. Anything is deadly in a pulsating light and no sound and can not be (up to a bad night sleep or head circled for about 15 minutes) - can be unpleasant manifestation of some inner psychological processes (namely the psychological, the physics of light and sound in the sessions and the CDs may be influenced only by the brain response to an innocuous stimulus), but no one hinders the person to remove glasses and no longer use. Without light your performance is not critical decreases.<