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Is it possible to learn a foreign language in a lucid dream

Posted: Sun May 06, 2012 12:01
by Даршан
Is it possible to learn a foreign language in a lucid dream using Dreamstalker?

Re: is it Possible to learn a foreign language in a lucid snowy

Posted: Sun May 06, 2012 12:17
by ТаксМэн
Of course. You can even not using grimstalker

Re: is it Possible to learn a foreign language in a lucid snowy

Posted: Sun May 06, 2012 13:39
by Даршан
That is, in the OS you can learn? And how to do it can you tell?

Re: is it Possible to learn a foreign language in a lucid snowy

Posted: Sun May 06, 2012 15:51
by ТаксМэн
Theoretically it can... though it's hard to explain... That is about the same as you learn out of sleep(school - College, etc.) only you're doing it in the OS. Try to learn from some of superprofessional or (for me the coolest option) just watch the movies in the OS in a foreign language at the same time realizing what was going on. Important not to strain Mosk information such as "AA is a word and it translates so how the fuck would I know, I know I can't...", just see in the cinema and watch without thinking about the translation. just know (and don't think about it, just know) that they speak Japanese(Spanish/English/Sanskrit etc.) language. Also in the pleasure you get from watching :)

Re: is it Possible to learn a foreign language in a lucid snowy

Posted: Sun May 06, 2012 15:58
by ТаксМэн
And so not only is learning a foreign language. You can also try a nuclear physicist to become...
But I love just to walk in His world. Grimstalker haven't tried, but I want to gift to OTHERS. OS discovered about two years ago, waking up in the morning and realizing. I'm still in a dream, but was awake and begin to model their actions(and not just their own). However now I keep feeling deja vu, but it's good :ay