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Re: Novice Navigator

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2012 18:31
by Кукловод
Thank Voffka. :ay

Sessies work with open eyes

Posted: Sun Mar 03, 2013 20:55
by Солтус
good Day!

Camera NAVIGATOR Photosonix - a very worthy development!
Many Thanks to All who worked in this direction!

I have a question:

Allow me to ask You for the device Navigator, could You not referring to the "instructions to the Navigator," write what session could play with their eyes open that would no doubt make it clear, "what's in it for work with your eyes open!"
Thank you!
With Respect!

Re: Novice Navigator

Posted: Sun Mar 03, 2013 20:59
by Андрей Патрушев
the Soltus
With any session you can work with eyes open. Neposredstvenno to work with open eyes is a special session of the OPN.

Re: Novice Navigator

Posted: Fri Mar 08, 2013 19:08
by Нова
Good day!
Recently bought a Pathfinder, and had a few questions.
When there pretendendo, sessions are much more effective, but when the light, the light from more points has little effect on me. What better way to do this? add a blindfold, or increase the brightness?
There were a few times that when I set the session, the light did not show up, podkluchil several sessions, and only 4 times was light. Why so?

Re: Novice Navigator

Posted: Fri Mar 08, 2013 22:38
by к-13
Нова wrote:When around pretendendo, sessions are much more effective, but when the light, the light from more points has little effect on me. What better way to do this? add a blindfold, or increase the brightness?
Light stimulation works best on the contrast, that is, in the dark, the difference between 0 and 1 maximum, and other light sources not - there is light in glasses dominates, it has no competitors.
During the day in bright environment, the difference is much less, and even with closed eyelids perceive the light of the Sun (because there are not only visible light but a range is not perceived by the eye radiation), so flash some sort of micronanotec in comparison with the luminary of the not so influential))) If it is not possible to shuttered window, light, but opaque dressing will greatly improve the performance of the light component.

Re: Novice Navigator

Posted: Sat Mar 09, 2013 12:48
by Нова
K-13, thanks.
And another question, when you put the Navigator charge( indicate the time), and after 10 minutes starts flashing light, a charging light is flashing. Because of this he discharged not too shabby. What to do?

Re: Novice Navigator

Posted: Sat Mar 09, 2013 14:07
by к-13
Cover with a cloth so as not to be nervous out of the blue)))
Is the indication standby. The batteries it will not drain on one AA battery medium led may blink for a few weeks - they really consume little electricity. But you can determine if you will fail, and charging does not complete in regular mode.

Re: Novice Navigator

Posted: Sat Mar 09, 2013 14:12
by Нова
:) If it's supposed to be, I'm not worried. Was thinking of doing something wrong.

Re: Novice Navigator

Posted: Sun Mar 10, 2013 22:16
by Солтус
Good time!
Tell me, by working with the device NAVIGATOR Photosonix - what session focuses on memory, remembering !

For example:
on InnerPulse
4. Memory/ memorization
Applied transitions between alpha and theta ranges for entry into the hypnagogic state, where you float a very vague memories.

on Nova Pro 100
4. Preparation to training
A variation of the classic program light and sound stimulation for learning. The microcycles provide the necessary background for the transition in the alpha/theta range increased susceptibility. This program is for General purpose learning and remembering.

5. Logical training
About the same as the previous program but is more for logical learning than rote.

6. Language training
Gives a very deep relaxation, contributing to the mechanical memorization, such as foreign words. Use this program together with the tapes, learning a foreign language, or engage in language learning after the session.

7. Memory/ memorization
Applied transitions between alpha and theta ranges for entry into the hypnagogic state, where you float a very vague memories.

and NAVIGATOR Photosonix
III. Training ?
1 L01N Rapid preparation for class
The power of binaural beats allows you to make this session short, but it gives the calm and concentration. Use to create the necessary learning state of mind. ?

2 L03N Increased susceptibility to suggestion
This session gives a hypnagogic state in the alpha/theta range, on the verge of sleep, the state of relaxed receptivity. Of suggestion will be most effective after the first 12 minutes. Use in conjunction with your favorite positive affirmations (on CDs, for example, or self-hypnosis) ?

3 MABS Mild stimulation predominantly in the range of CMP (body asleep, mind awake). It is recommended that before training.

Thanks in advance!<

Re: Novice Navigator

Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2013 1:52
Here's a question

Session L03n

Increased susceptibility to suggestion.
This session gives a hypnagogic state in the alpha/theta range, on the verge of sleep, the state of relaxed receptivity. Of suggestion will be most effective after the first 12 minutes. Use in conjunction with your favorite positive affirmations (on CDs, for example, or self-hypnosis)

If vosea recording in the Navigator it is important whose voice can be a stranger or listening? And what details there are to consider? How effective is this method?

Re: Novice Navigator

Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2013 11:32
by Андрей Патрушев
Your best, but someone else will work too.

Re: Novice Navigator

Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2013 11:33
by Андрей Патрушев
the Soltus
The same as in the Nova Pro.

Re: Novice Navigator

Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2013 21:49
by Маниту
Hello! Yesterday I received the GPS. Already largely figured out, enjoy. Acquisition satisfied. He persuaded his mother to listen to the session "for the normalization of pressure." After the session, the mother became ill - nausea, decreased pulse, increased blood pressure, there was a feeling of suffocation. In General, the situation my mother is 64 years Mar. diabetes, removed, bile, tachycardia, high blood pressure, suffered a heart attack, bypass surgery is done. Please tell me why my mom felt bad that we did wrong and what to do?

Re: Novice Navigator

Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2013 23:01
by к-13
Most likely You've set a too high volume levels and brightness. In addition, to adapt to a mind-machine, you have three weeks to listen to only a light alpha session. Young, healthy nothing, and the man in age with a serious illness is stressful. So any such symptoms.

Re: Novice Navigator

Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2013 23:19
by Маниту
Hello. The volume and brightness were minimal, the color green. But perhaps with the first session for mom I got excited. Thanks for the reply

Re: Novice Navigator

Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2013 0:00
by к-13
You have to start at all without glasses and I tried something easy - relaxation.

Re: Novice Navigator

Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2013 11:30
by Андрей Патрушев
Most likely from my mother and arrhythmia, and therefore did ("decreased heart rate, increased blood pressure"). Arrhythmias - contraindication for employment with the light.
She is more suitable for "disc" Healing (in the Navigator). Without glasses.

Re: Novice Navigator

Posted: Sun Mar 31, 2013 17:02
by Маниту
Thank you

Re: Novice Navigator

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2013 19:17
by Воффка
Hello! Pumped into your browser .wav files, it shows that the file is being played. but no sound, no gate, not even at full volume... All possible sensitivity settings tried to change, and there is some sensitivity, the sound is not audible... Some files are fine plays, and some so what could be the reason? PC and player the same file plays perfectly.

Re: Novice Navigator

Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2013 0:29
Similar question why does the audio file in the Navigator to play with a little distortion and on the player?

Re: Novice Navigator

Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2013 10:53
by Алексей Крячко__
Воффка wrote:Hello! Pumped into your browser .wav files, it shows that the file is being played. but no sound, no gate, not even at full volume... All possible sensitivity settings tried to change, and there is some sensitivity, the sound is not audible... Some files are fine plays, and some so what could be the reason? PC and player the same file plays perfectly.
there can be several reasons for which wav will be no sound playing : you have exceeded the bitrate or bit depth (here may be no more than 48000, usually 44100 or 48000), the wrong title is used or the PCM. Also (though less likely) may be to blame the media or device on which it is written (the reader), I have a similar magic happened sometimes when testing some memory cards, even those files that are 100% should proigryvaetsya and played on other devices.
distortion when playing a wav saying that either the file has been digitized at 24-bit or incorrectly converted in 16 bits (cut off senior level), incorrect data in the file header
ideally, you can put your problematic file somewhere for sharing, I'll have a look (preferably not too large, and I had a ruble for every downloaded megabyte pay).

Re: Novice Navigator

Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2013 11:27
by Воффка
Alexey Kryachko__
Try to understand and accomplish your goal. If it does not lay out files.

Re: Novice Navigator

Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2013 10:21
by Воффка
Alexey Kryachko__
Yes, indeed the problem was in the application of PCM, thanks for the tip! I recommend making this reference in the standard manual

Re: Novice Navigator

Posted: Wed Apr 17, 2013 16:56
by 1Андрей1
Alexey Kryachko__ if you apply the splitter (adapter), one end of the Navigator (headphones), there are two more under the headphones, and computer speakers. This system will work/is effective?
Effective in the simultaneous load on the headphones and the speakers will create distortion in the sound output.

Re: Novice Navigator

Posted: Wed Apr 17, 2013 17:27
by Андрей Патрушев
Only music. BB are distorted by multiple reflections.