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"Ariana airlines Inoichi, the reptile in me Extraordinary.

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2011 22:13
by Дмитрий_999
Like that I was impressed – what is in it.

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2011 18:17
by Малика
Thank you! Image

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2011 18:51
by Дмитрий_999
Please. I'm impressed already found where you can buy toothpaste without fluoride.

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2011 19:09
by Дмитрий_999
I went to one of the links – people have thought about fluorine...

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2011 19:14
by Хаст
Owner curious about fluoride also interested me. I saw on TV how the residents of the ecovillage brush their teeth with ash, also I read somewhere (like Sidorskogo), the yogic method of cleaning teeth with salt with your finger instead of a brush. But it seems to me particularly to take seriously the book is not necessary, in this sense, it is similar to "Inoplanetnye civilization of Atlantis"- all very interesting and beautiful, but not much sounded good.

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2011 23:38
by Димонъ
About fluoride and aluminium oxide even Paul Bragg wrote. In General, 95 -98% efficiency cleaning of the dentition depends on mechanics(the motion of the brush, the hardness and thickness of the pile) and only 2-5% of the toothpaste. So if you brush without toothpaste(slightly longer time), the effect is the same, only without the aftertaste. As for books, it's just a compilation for the Romanians :) with local Romanian Jesus. According to some, Vanga predicted the glory of Russia, the Germans had stories about Aryans, Jews have about "God's chosen people", etc. do Not consider me evil latent annacom :evil: but the book is so-so. Nothing new. And a bunch of discrepancies in addition. Metal on the body distorts the field, and then wear copper pendants :? . Now, about the target group of the book. Matrix(for fans of the eponymous movie); God, Jesus(for religious people); the Anunnaki, Nibiru, and others like them(aliens, conspiracy theory, higher power, etc.). As you can see the author tried to cover a large group of readers :? .
I now pity the poor Anunnaki, who as the last space rogue go to different planets, and gold is mined, and in the intervals of eating human flesh. 500 000 years they we have, and we all breed. Blah, the Anglo-Saxons had less time to cut the Redskins, and without any flying saucers. And such examples full. The Anunnaki purpose what? Gold, ie money? :lol: I understand that they're gold plates build. Cool, and guys? Or have they also the economy as we have in the consumption of structured hierarchy? "Exceeding the plan at the plate" :) . The question arises on nutrition az the hell the fuss? Here we grow chickens, are we hiding from them? Or conspiracies supervised chicken, keeping the chicken elite? Of course it is clear that the logic of lizards strange man :? .
2012, Anunnaki, Nibiru, and others like them. A lot of things I watched and read. There is a feeling that information is specifically soiled or made up. As a rule, all "facts" are circumstantial, and sources,-"name changed ...wished to remain anonymous", etc. when the boys with a beer discussing the issue of 2012 at the underpass(interspersing it with the main decision-who will follow Klinsky(not advertising :) ), then there is no problem :? . And I'm just on a human level, I wonder what will earn their Wilcote, Tregebov and others, in 2013? :)<

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2011 0:16
by Практик
And I'm just on a human level, I wonder what will earn their Wilcote, Tregebov and others, in 2013?
Yes the same fools will not be less :lol:

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2011 0:30
by Дмитрий_999
I don't perceive this book as the ultimate truth. Just there are moments that make you think, I the book left a certain mark on the same fluorine and its influence primarily in the pineal gland, I was "not a dream not spirit," I don't think you read it – just decided to share.

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2011 3:35
by Димонъ
All OK. And thank you, of course. Good thing we have people here shares with each other information. I just wrote my opinion because also long been interested in similar themes. Notice that almost any such straight, truthful information mixed with outright fanciful speculation. As for the fluoride, not all fluoride is harmful. Contains fluoride for example in apples and other common foods. Such a fluorine(organic) is normally absorbed and participates in human metabolism. Some compounds are harmless and help to protect tooth enamel(the same fluoride varnish). But for the most part, in toothpastes, indeed there are harmful substances on the basis of fluoride. And it's not the Anunnaki, and the lobbyists metallurgical companies. In the 40's opened the protective properties of fluoride to tooth enamel. It decided to use the steel company, which has accumulated a huge amount of oxides of aluminum and fluoride(production waste is simply), quite useful. This is, in the Bragg book "the Miracle of fasting", if I'm not mistaken. By the way, in toothpastes and powders, the main active element is an abrasive. Importantly, its hardness was lower than the hardness of the enamel, otherwise together with a touch of it destroys the enamel. Therefore, it is not necessary to use whitening toothpaste as well as whitening procedure, which essentially is the processing acid of the enamel. The enamel consists of prisms, and whitening simply discolor the joints of connection of the prisms by removing the surface layer. The result-the destruction of enamel, extensive decay, veneers, crowns, removable prosthesis.)) By the way, if there are problems with the gums(periodontal disease), then buy our real green autumn apples(Antonovka) and eat every morning on the Apple, chewing carefully. A couple months proecu will be pleasantly surprised. :)
In General, in the case if nothing to read, nothing to learn. And sometimes you have to shovel a mountain of information before you find something worthwhile. So thanks again for the link az .<