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Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2010 10:45
by Малика

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2010 11:49
by Раймис
Малика wrote:...and where can I download this movie, is there a link?

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2010 11:55
by Малика
Thank you !

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2010 11:58
by Смелый
Малика wrote:And say there is nothing,only to Express my sympathy that You had in such an extreme situation to visit.. but You probably consciously choose their profession and extreme sports there is enough..
It is a pity that before did not get to this website (Psychotronics), so much time lost..
Bold, and where can I download this movie, is there a link?
What kind of profession are You talking about? I was there as a bystander. And the profession is before, long ago. And the question is not about me. And those young girls who through the fault of the people who had to save for the nature of its activities, condemned someone to death, someone on disability. Just system in our country is designed so that human life is or what is not.
Regarding the timeliness of hits to the site. I was also thinking about this. But it seems that all the time. Thank you that even now got.

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2010 12:05
by Малика

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2010 13:15
by Dimas
I was somewhat disappointing to hear that about lawyers, as my wife is a lawyer, another close relative held a high position in the Prosecutor's office of Moscow and close friends are lawyers - I think they are very decent people. I agree, now the situation is, to put it mildly, bad lot of crooks and salespeople, but not all, and to seek the truth we can and must, if want.

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2010 13:32
by Малика

Re: Vladimir Megre series "the Ringing cedars of Russia"

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2010 14:08
by Михаил_
Малика wrote:Books from a series "Obvious-improbable". Despite the seeming irreality above, I am convinced that everything written is true..
That's about the truth - it is not necessary. Re-read carefully what I wrote in the subject "here." Absolutely don't want to stir the mud here. I'm in the soup had the opportunity to cook a little myself and I know him very well (and soup and books and personally of the author).
So let's objectively some right ideas there is one thing. A book that You didn't feel reading it, the art and contain a number of "bookmarks" which tends to "grow" problems.
By the way maybe You don't know, but the first book of the series, was first published in(first editions small 1000экз), the storyline of which 50% different from the current at a fairly fundamental points.I think a scan of that version can still be found online if you really want, at least he was previously. And sensation from it, too, was better... then I went to edit(with a simple goal - to make the story more exciting detective and the reader's attention), and the last I generally considered dangerous to read. As well as a number of other texts need to hang a label - "caution, programming". Ie is to distinguish between ideas and what to them doveryaut (including other ideas) to the load.
And the basic idea can and should be simplified - more deep integration of man with nature, not man-made path that is right.
But it's all good no kinks.

Further reply on the subject will not.

And about the officials....
As Yuri Shevchuk asked about his attitude to the Communists, the question-paper at the concert. He replied, "the Communists, like the police are different."
Officials and state employees too. I have the opportunity to observe so to speak in the full range of grades and from among the different related branches.
Good people are everywhere.
Spoiled long-mechanisms -too. But hanging label....<

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2010 16:25
by Малика

Posted: Sat Oct 09, 2010 17:49
by Шломо Look,if you're interested.everyone has the right to their own interests and Hobbies.We all have our own view of the world,how many people-so many opinions.Just learn to separate the wheat from the chaff.Develop your intuition,for example, using disk A. Patrushev,mind machines,СК1М,modulator, etc., etc.

Posted: Sat Oct 09, 2010 20:26
by Малика
Thank You,Shlomo! Touched..

Posted: Sat Oct 09, 2010 20:55
by Шломо
Малика wrote:Thank you,Shlomo! Touched..
If you aktsentiruete his attention to the rest of the books,then they talk about the love between a man and a woman and children,by the way, and about the education and development of children,about proper nutrition,and the interaction man-nature(by the way this plan is not a bad role has the Svetlitsa-super,to me personally its like the effect),good in my opinion tips for growing and caring for plants of various cultures(program of Astro-dynamic realization together with radionic device also helps).tried the effect of the pendant from the cedar,but to me it is unclear(in the sense of is suitable for me or not).Well, it's probably I'm from the topic of this thread going.

Posted: Sat Oct 09, 2010 21:18
by Малика

Posted: Sat Oct 09, 2010 23:25
by Нетрезвый Сурдопереводчик
Dimas wrote:Malik
that everything written is true..
Based on what Your beliefs are? :)
these books(the author--a former police officer),subtly beating up on female a rule,well-read ladies,stop doing apellatsia,strenuously to work hard in the country("family estates") and consume pine nut oil and the nuts in industrial quantities. :D .in not very advanced cases,it is rarely fatal and does not hinder anybody to live.I am personally acquainted with two ladies,one had been ill the above-described symptoms,locked in the country,and the second surrendered all the property(including an apartment) and seems to be still building a "family estate" somewhere in the Nikolaev Area...
the analysis of these books did not just lazy,most of us agree that they are written in the genre of parody :wiz :D :D :D

Posted: Sun Oct 10, 2010 0:06
by Логик
Хозяин wrote:these books(the author--a former police officer)
Oh the horror! A former police officer... AAH What dirt! Patrushev too, like the policeman and nothing you read it, tips use... How so?
Хозяин wrote:analysis of these books did not just lazy,most of us agree that they are written in the genre of parody
- it is the same predabissi as you? Authoritative opinion...:lol:

Posted: Sun Oct 10, 2010 1:45
by Нетрезвый Сурдопереводчик
Логик wrote:
Хозяин wrote:these books(the author--a former police officer)
Oh the horror! A former police officer... AAH What dirt! Patrushev too, like the policeman and nothing you read it, tips use... How so?
Хозяин wrote:analysis of these books did not just lazy,most of us agree that they are written in the genre of parody
- it is the same predabissi as you? Authoritative opinion...:lol:
Oh!You "and after a year caverni,"everything will be the same :wink: just Megre,in contrast to A. Patrushev ,a)concealed staleprokatchiki detail of his life b)invented Megastore. and she is a little evil,but a parody.parody of "what",I think You personally would be interested.

Posted: Sun Oct 10, 2010 5:24
by Шломо
denial of something is the fact that the subconscious resists the worldview which he imposed a society as a result of development and the end result depends on the manifestation of will or its absence.Probably the people decrying a reasonable coexistence with nature based on their worldview without "harm" can afford to live in Chernobyl and eat anything.In short as they say all the students teachers at school:"Look at the book,see.....,what I want to"

Posted: Sun Oct 10, 2010 7:39
by Смелый
It seems to me that all the same the basic idea that in connection with this book would be worth to discuss the opportunity, the means of unification of man with nature and what it gives, both nature and man.
I had a good friend named Garik. Former Afghan paratrooper. Red star and For courage - evaluation of its eighteen months of polsani in the mountains of Afghanistan to intercept and destroy dushman caravans. Guy with a keen sense of justice, not to give offense to themselves or loved ones. Lived by certain principles and these principles are not violated. However, if you do not meet his standards and principles, it meant only one thing - you in the list of his acquaintances, no. Only. And not love people of Caucasian and other nationalities. Once a few of these individuals got it in the restaurant at the hotel. He went with them outside, tipped the melon and went back to the restaurant. After some time, the same individuals returned to the restaurant and invited him to go to the lobby of the hotel to talk. Garik enters the hall and sees there two sergeants of militia. Without saying a word, pulls from his pocket a grenade, rips the pin, throws it in the middle of the hall and falls face down on the floor. There was a miracle, because from the explosion suffered only one Sergeant - moderately wounded. The others just stunned. Garik was brought to the police, a little beat up. Then, someone worked out the issue (I will not write who and through whom, because, again the answer will be that in law enforcement, a lot of decent people. By the way, Dima, the integrity of a law enforcement officer is not determined by the fact that he is cute and cute people, and even in the original, reads Shakespeare, and that whether he is able to refuse to execute an order, the system gave with the purpose of infringing the legitimate rights of the ordinary citizen and which is contrary to notions of human decency at all) and Garik three days later, released on a subscription about not departure. Garik naturally dumped, and two years of it was nothing audible. Two years later he appeared again, fresh, happy, pleasant and polite. Ask where he was. In the taiga . Two years in the forest. Hunting, fishing, horse. Says age would not be returned, so it was good there. But here, the event lost its edge. He was given two years probation. And society again drawn. Again disassembly. As a result of one of them, with Azeris, while the Azeris were made by many, including the local, so-called criminal obshchak. Azeris under the barrel put all of the first the earth formed obshchakovsky. Only Garik and his friend, also an Afghan, were cut through. Garik was cut down, another was killed. During the funeral, near the house Garik was on duty about 10 policemen. Not released. Murderers, of course, was never found. Perhaps then the lives of Gary and broke. Now about decency. Probably he was one of the most decent people I have ever met in my life. Despite the fact that the justice he restored a kind of ways.
A few years ago it did not. Overdose.
Nature, even such a person for two years managed to revive him. The society with its problems and a keen sense of justice Garik - Garik killed.
I think that in creating eco-villages, makes no sense. Because people are coming there to live, come with cockroaches, and all of them had a different number. Which means interference.
Be cleaned might be only one on one with nature. Back in society, this purity, it is difficult to maintain. You need to have a very strong will and energy. Garik them is not enough. But let him be okay. He is a "well" deserved.
Good luck to everyone!<

Posted: Sun Oct 10, 2010 9:05
by Логик
Хозяин wrote: Vladimir Megre,in contrast to A. Patrushev ,a)concealed staleprokatchiki detail of his life
In your word - "hide"-there is something to be ashamed of. Hide a criminal record, etc., the facts discrediting the person.
If people did not shout at all corners of all the moments of his biography, this does not mean that it is something "hiding"
Хозяин wrote:b)make up Megastore.
Yes, it it it up. If you read carefully, you easily distinguish the moments where he writes Maigret (a snippet is hard to read and not interesting, but there are things that are read in one breath, and given the information that Maigret himself could not invent.
As critics it's simple. Made it all up. Well, well...
Yes the average person is not crazy enough to invent such a thing. In the Maigret books have the knowledge very useful in life. They need to have to come up with their impossible.

Posted: Sun Oct 10, 2010 11:21
by Малика

Posted: Sun Oct 10, 2010 22:31
by Шломо
In the conclusion the conclusion is that for someone reading these books, maybe something to help and give any advice.One word who has time to read.

Posted: Mon Oct 11, 2010 11:33
by Dimas
Who has the time, better not lose :)

Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2010 10:35
by Дмитрий__
I have a friend, a former young professional hunter in Transbaikalia. He read the book Maigret and many times joked about his descriptions bear dens and related events: clearly Maigret lair never looked.

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2010 13:56
by Малика

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2010 14:02
by Dimas
But Anastasia is a bear? Image
