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RESONANCES - settings on Energy sources.

Posted: Thu May 23, 2019 19:35
by Aura
ЮАлла wrote:
Tue May 07, 2019 0:33
Aura and other members, what would you advise? There are recommendations? The purpose of using resonance is deep cleansing, attuning to our Higher self and harmonious realization of the goals (and even after all they transformirovalsya - it does not matter).
What to tell You and so there is a bright and deep cleaning, after which it will be possible to start implementing the second objective. Additionally engaged in the workshop, relax, release indulgenceanime, feel, be aware of current processes. Are you afraid of current processes or do not understand them, in what area do you need advice?

RESONANCES - settings on Energy sources.

Posted: Thu May 23, 2019 21:32
by Лон
Аура wrote:
Thu May 23, 2019 19:27
Although "accepting" - this is not quite correct definition for inaction, which as I understand it You had in mind.
shoulders and armpits seized because long enough fighting with them and have a positive and noticeable changes

RESONANCES - settings on Energy sources.

Posted: Thu May 23, 2019 22:06
by Aura
Лон wrote:
Thu May 23, 2019 21:32
shoulders and armpits seized because long enough fighting with them and have a positive and noticeable changes
You should be able to let go of the attention in local areas blocks. Meridians long, the problem often lies not in the field that appears. Problem usually like a snake has a head and a tail.

RESONANCES - settings on Energy sources.

Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2019 19:16
by Aura
From a personal
Aura, Hello! Thank you for the advice on the forum. I really needed answers to some additional questions.
After the end of services I went instantly rolled back in all areas, even where there was a balance BEFORE you connect the resonances. In this regard, I would like to understand the nature of this product called resonances. What is it? Why rollback when disconnecting, if I cleaned and not bespotted no spots, blocks, etc ... for some reason, the rollback? Resonance is a certain shot? This egregore? Where he gives, when connected? If you increase the power, how will this affect the results? Power is directly proportional to the effect? Then what is the maximum capacity and how to determine your rate?.. there are more questions, but I'll stop, I will wait for your information. Thank you in advance!!!
It's simple if you understand that the resonances are sources of energy. The nature of energy? This is the universe in all its diversity :) Issue associated with the interaction energies is simple, if you approach it from a position of physical interaction, and difficult, if you try to argue the topic not from a position of “esoteric”. You need to understand that as some say the wise men, as above, so below, and the laws of interaction energy are almost identical (to understand working with them better make that identical, and not to think about the difference of working with different frequency levels). About egregore forget immediately, the resonances no egregorial component, unless of course You do not fill the incoming energy is desired egregore. About the shot immediately forget...easier to understand so that resonances is clean energy, cleaner than we usually get from the world, because not being able to interact with the energies directly, we have used (or would be correct – we have been taught) to the energy through certain intermediaries. The energy in fact has one the most important quality – it fills. Fills the form, structure, program. What it will fill depends on You, and more specifically, from Your IP. Work with PI does not belong to the scope of the resonances is the sphere of operation of software products. Energy flows to where there is space. So, coming back from physical principles, the resonances provide a flow of energy that the operator will do with it depends on the currently active in SP programs. Remember the example of Ohm's law – current is directly proportional to voltage and inversely proportional to the resistance. The tension in this case – the power of resonance, resistance, Your own resistance, that is primarily physical and emotional stress. So many times written that resonance enough to relax, even physically, not to resist and to follow the flow of energy. Therefore, the question about what happens if we change the power of resonance You can answer for yourself. With the energies all really simple, if you do not start anything about energy, to invent and to contrive. About the rollback – it is solely a matter of individual geometry (shape) of the interaction energies, or the form of EIT. About different forms of EIT in detail can be found in the section of cards Alchemy II level. Simply put, what You do with the energy. Many people there is the consumer's attitude towards energy – when it is, we eat and consume (well if you still digestible), no, start without her to suffer. Hence the kickbacks. The difficulty is that without a corresponding software resource we fall into dependence on the incoming energy, instead of to learn. Energy assimilation has two components: the readiness of the body and readiness of consciousness. The human body in its structure absorbs energy if it is to develop. The body is a vessel for energies. Consciousness is able to manage (direct) the flow of energy if active. In other words, EIT human can interact with different vibration patterns. Energies and all energy processes are controlled by the mind, through tighter energy – energy of body, heart, emotions, through intention, as a condition of the orientation of the vector of development. It is impossible to consider body and mind “passive players” –they say, I'm hooked resonances, it was good, I cleaned, turned off, became as before, and if is only a possibility. Someone with enough energy resonances for development, if difficulties arise, apparently, lacking some of the software resource. To start I recommend as always with database, Cloud and Microcosm. Overall, You've got experience of interaction with energies from which to draw conclusions many of the findings above already done for You. I'm just trying to redirect the flow in the right direction – often gaining experience to be not what was thought (see, I fantazirovat?), the user begins to look for problems with the product – the egregor, a shot...? And in fact, the consciousness has got experience with clean energy. How to learn from the experience, I already suggested what to do next, decide for yourself. If the connected period was one month, it is likely that in this geometry the form of the EIT was not enough for the experience more or less decorated. You can use this experience and not indulgere to assimilate it, to work with the software resources of the Cloud and Microcosm, or extend the resonances and to allow the self of EIT, which is at the moment, to interact freely with the energies, trying to relax and follow the flow. The flow of energy he displays on the right (harmonious) geometry, but you need to work out the least correct interaction energies. If you don't believe me, then WMD :) If enough resist, even if the large power of the energy flow, the end result is "current" - the user can be reduced if not to zero, to a minimum :)<

RESONANCES - settings on Energy sources.

Posted: Thu Dec 05, 2019 22:24
by Aura

The crystal package expanded by 1 resonance, Jade package by 2, Garnet package by 3, Ruby package by 4 and Diamond package package by 5 resonances.

Starting with the Crystal package, a new package is available to users
Resonance " Nob " - the energy of financial stability and preservation
Nob energy stabilizes personal financial flows, strengthens a person's connection with the social sphere of abundance, contributes to the continuity of the flow of monetary energy. Energy works well during periods of negative changes in the financial sector, such as job losses or reduced regular financial revenues. Nob energy stabilizes the financial situation, perfectly relieves stress and normalizes the psycho-emotional background, promotes positive thinking and transformation of negative attitude to the current situation, and the released energy is directed to the search for new opportunities and tuning in to abundance. Nob energy can be used for planning, starting a new business, signing contracts, important documentation, etc.

Starting with the jade pack, a new one is available for users
Resonance "The Sunrise" is the energy of sunrise, a valuable and important energy, especially in autumn and winter.
It is known that during the appearance of the first rays of the sun, all living beings activate a special program. For example, plants feel the energy of sunrise, swell, prepare to be filled with solar energy. In humans, as part of life on Earth, at the first light "bloom" energy centers to be charged for activity, vigor, openness during the day and to perceive the energy and information flows of the world. In modern man, especially living in the metropolis, there is a chronic lack of sunrise energy, as due to the social way of life, natural biorhythms are confused, and often urban high-rise buildings deprive the very opportunity to feel the energy of the first rays of the sun. This can lead to drowsiness during the day, lethargy, dulling attention and cognitive functions, CFS (chronic fatigue syndrome), decreased immunity and performance, and other adverse effects. If you experience these symptoms during the day or want to use the subtle aspects of sunrise energy to power your consciousness, it is recommended to use sunrise resonance. The flow of energy, thick, dense, powerful, sharp, colors from gold to purple, is two spirals: one goes from the center of the Earth, flows into the spine and then into the Central system of the brain; the other goes from the brain to the sympathetic nervous system and flows into the Sun. The energy of the sunrise can give a person activity, cheerfulness; inner radiance, a state of love and filling of the heart center; joy and positive thinking; impulse for easy start of new cases and completion of running processes; stress resistance and increased immunity.

Starting with the grenade pack, a new one is available for users
Resonance "Feng Shui" - the energy of correct orientation in space.
Feng Shui energy is necessary to harmonize the internal energies and energies of space and reduce the resistance of space. The geometry of space and all things-the objective level of human existence - is a force that is determined by the interaction of certain energies. It can be in harmony with man, filling and perfecting him, or in opposition, destroying the internal energies of man. Feng Shui energy is not just an orientation in a fixed space, but also a harmonious orientation in a temporary space, that is, a measure of movement. First of all, the energy of Feng Shui extends to the object world, manifesting inharmonious aspects of the external space and contributing to the harmonization of the object level, as well as a sense of power in objects, knowledge of the sacred meaning of seemingly simple and everyday things (household items, clothing, etc.). Energy Feng Shui is a complex, multifaceted and involves many aspects – from the astrological to the national. Feng Shui energy helps to increase success in various spheres - from financial to personal, self-expression through space, accumulation of personal power, knowledge of beauty and harmony, adjustment of internal rhythms.

Starting with the ruby package, a new package is available to users
Resonance "Emerald roots" - generic financial energy.
The resonance of the emerald roots is the energy of acquiring monetary knowledge and the power of the Genus. The structure of man can be represented as a tree, where the Givens available from birth are symbolically represented by roots-generic energy. This energy can be both favorable and unfavorable, which together constitutes generic karma. Therefore, the current material condition of a person is partly determined by his independent efforts, partly based on the opportunities left to him by his ancestors. It can be both material heritage-real estate, inheritance, and intangible heritage-hereditary financial programs. The energy of the emerald roots works in the deep layers of the subconscious, contributes to the accumulation of positive monetary heritage and experience of ancestors, and most importantly, the development of destructive karmic programs of money. Energy can provide not only financial resources in pure form, but also the ability to manage cash flows, their investment, direction, preservation and increase. Energy works through the ancestral vehicle-usually the most financially powerful ancestor or collective image, through which the collective financial power and knowledge of the genus is interpreted. There are two important aspects of emerald root resonance work. First, it is important to be open and positive in contact with the conductor. Ancestors are different, as well as different relationships with them, and not always financially strong people are gentle and kind. Any negation, opposition and other negativity towards the conductor can block the flow of energy of the emerald roots. Secondly, destructive testing of financial programs can lead to significant changes in lifestyle, rapid and powerful event flow, for example, a change of job or sphere of human activity, if the current one was the result of a destructive program. You need to be ready and positive for any changes, otherwise again there may be a blockage of energy consumption of emerald roots.

The new one is available in a Diamond package
Resonance "Amrita" - the energy of appeal to the higher power.
Whether the Higher Powers are expressed esoterically, mystically, psychologically, or existentially, whether they are represented in the conceptual field of the operator as deities or as the subconscious, the Higher Powers are primarily the energies of certain frequency characteristics that exist in the microcosm (the discovery of a certain part of the brain) and the macrocosm (in the architecture OF The energy of Amrita nourishes the channel of communication of a person with the Higher Forces, allowing to interact with these energies: to communicate, receive advice, advice or information, send wishes and give thanks. The channel of interaction with the Higher Forces exists constantly, but its functioning depends on filling with high-frequency energy of Amrita, projection on the physical level-the Department of the brain known in Taoist alchemy as Xuan Dan Gong. Resonance helps to increase clarity of thoughts and clear low-frequency emotions. The energy flow is pure, cold, cold silvery and silvery blue. When resonance is activated, a silky chill is felt in the crown region, descending like a waterfall down the outer contour of the body, with an increase in the temperature of the surrounding space.

And now the good news and a small gift to users-package updates are made for free. The cost of extended resonance packages remains the same.
When the number of new resonances becomes significant, we will form new packages. At the same time, the expansion packs are absolutely free.