by Aura » Mon Sep 19, 2016 21:25
The root of negative emotions and reactions, inability to fully realize their natural gifts, to reveal dormant possibilities, the root of all problems and failures lies in the past.
The past is our experience. At the level of neurophysiology, the human experience is a stable synaptic connections between neurons – neural network. The neural network of the brain shape our perception of reality, helps to navigate the information flows, but they are forcing us “to step on the same rake”.
When choosing a variant line (and as a consequence in thoughts and actions) we often do not rely on the present and the past on freight, both positive and negative experiences. During the day we repeatedly come back and scrollable situation of the past, and as you know, where attention goes, the energy. For example, when in the past people acted in a certain way and got an unpleasant experience (e.g., negative States and emotions – fear, shame, excitement, uncertainty). In a similar situation in this attention tend not to look every time a new way, and to project the past into our present and on the basis of existing experience, not reality, is the choice of the variant line. For example, shy and timid boy in the past, was afraid to talk to beautiful classmate. Becoming a seemingly successful, rich and confident man, in this he begins to avoid contact with women of a certain type, to avoid repeating an unpleasant experience.
This fixation on the past is due to the fact that the duplicate situation, forming in the brain stable synaptic connections – the neural network. The more often our choice is not based on a conscious choice, forming new synaptic connections, and the burden of the past, the stronger becomes the neural network.
Sustained activity of neural networks causes in the organism a set of biochemical reactions that affects the physical condition of the appearance of blocks, chronic clips, body posture, facial expression (happy or unhappy), external appearance, etc. you Can call this concept “the past is obvious”.
On the one hand, the reflexes of consciousness is needed in order to save energy and not to come up with a conscious choice to every detail, on the other – significantly reduce the range of our choices and our possibilities of action and of thought, as we fix on one variant of the line without letting go to others.
There is such a thing – attention last. Not so much we are going back, as I was on last pulls the attention and energy thus past through us in the present affects the choice of a particular variant line, that is, influences us in the future. Attention past burns the energy that is given to us by the implementation of a new variant of lines – finding new ways and new opportunities.
But the fact that all of the variant lines that existed when a particular choice (of actions, thoughts, behavior) in the past, continue to exist. The past is as multiple as the future, so clinging to a fixed situation of the past (the past), we cut off a whole range of variant lines (possibilities) to the present.
Especially much attention last pulls of the situation, affecting the scope of strong emotions and attitudes, causing a dependence on these emotions and attitudes. This is one form of “software dependencies”.
Attention past affects the present attention in such a way: for example, this person has formed a positive intent and implements, that is, pays attention and fills you with energy variant line of implementation intentions. The attention of the past begins to draw in real people and events, resonating with fixed in the past, the emotion and situation of man in the present because of sustained activation of neural networks respond (scared, annoyed, interested, offended, shows emotions, etc.) on the persistent external stimulus and begins to distract from favorable variantoj lines, giving attention and energy to the attention of the past. The attention informed is one of the main factors hindering the process of self-development and self-improvement and disturbing to realize their potential: to become richer, prettier, more successful...
Card Chronos Delta is a software package that implements one of the options to prevent energy losses in the present, interfere with the freedom of choice of action – to cut off attention from the past I present. That is, the situation continues to exist as a memory, but it stops the energy outflow.
Of course, the experience and knowledge of the world are our opportunities, and our guide in the infinite universe. So not all situations should be cut off from the attention of the present, selectively, only those that are the ballast load, and prevents us to live and grow in the present, to look for new ways and opportunities, in short, prevent to create our own reality and to actualize our goals and intentions. Card Chronos Delta allows you to do is point and selectively, purposefully working to a certain situation.<