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Noopendant II. The library programs. Reviews. Discussion.

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2015 13:53
by Aura
Ноокулон II уровня
Ноокулон II уровня + Полная библиотека программ

Library programs:

1. Atlant (Merkaba)
A package of programs aimed at facilitating the implementation of the energy operator functions as a person in our world. In addition to implementing their individual paths as karmic realities, the person performs a certain energy function, which in practice are associated with the transmission, mixing and transformation of two opposing flows: upflow (Earth energy) and downward (energy of Heaven), or streams of positive and negative atmospheric ions.

Figuratively, these functions were depicted like ancient Atlas holding the vault of heaven: on the basis of the Earth to support the Sky. At the software level implementation of natural energy functions of the person is manifested as the connection to the integrated field of the operator specific access keys to high levels. These access keys do move operator in search space practically unimpeded, i.e. the integral operator field becomes natural towards the environment.

The operator can feel the operation of the package Atlant balance: male and female, of the natural resources and develop the material and the spiritual, etc.

Work package applies to all levels: the physical (bodily), emotional, mental, energy structure, etc., Atlanta is the center of the World, because performing a natural energy function, it interacts with the base, the most powerful energy flows that exist on a completely physical level, but to mix and transform can only work because of certain energetic structures.

On the physical level of the ascending and descending flows are correlated with the movement of atmospheric ions: positive ions (lost an electron) or negative ions (joined electron).

The movement of ion fluxes is due to the electromagnetic processes between the Earth's surface, having a negative charge (an average of 0.5*106 coulombs), and the ionosphere of the Earth: the negative ions move in the direction of the Earth's ionosphere, and positive in the direction of the Earth's surface. Moreover, due to the presence of a constant magnetic field that prevents positive ions to settle on the surface of the Earth and discharge, the movement of these flows is continuous and has a spiral look.

The geometry software functions package Atlant – two interpenetrating tetrahedrons. Package program implement: forming a direct and inverted tetrahedra in the structure of man to the possibilities of interaction and transmission of ion fluxes and the formation of two planes: the Earthly and the Heavenly, the unwinding of a bi-directional spiral motion of each of the tetrahedra, forming a common axis connecting both the tetrahedron and allow you to mix the energy of both flows, the formation of two points of “entry” and “exit” divergent energies, the cyclical nature of capture and transmission of energy, the formation of two Polukarov (hemispheres), the formation of the sphere, forming a single center transformation energy and trim threads.

a Package of programs for information double (infotopia):

2. The Program “Natural”
The essence of the work program the course – up to infotopia information about natural potential, which is manifested as a balance of internal and external, natural and timeliness of manifestations of feelings, emotions, expressions, actions, ideas.

All actions of the operator, the most vivid, unusual and absurd, will be perceived not just positive, but worthy of emulation. Particularly suitable for operators of “white Raven,” and operators who do not accept the standard model of behavior.

3. The true image I (Desert island)
A comprehensive program, the essence of which is the removal of parasitic infotopia virtual programs. Allows the operator to remove the creating blocks in the energy body social masks, and also contributes to the energy recovery situation, when the operator operated on the basis of its natural potential, and to please or conform to the opinions of others, that is, of space-time points in which there was a virtual engagement program infotopia operator.

4. Program Style
The essence of Style – in the recording program structuring in infotopia. Structuring infotopia is the next qualitative step in working with infotopia, it is recommended to use together with Natural and/or image of the true self.

Structuring infotopia allows the right way to combine, “link” data infotopia to create a unique image.

Program Style promotes mindfulness approach to recording data in InfoKey other words, to go from mechanical copying data from other infoscope. Importantly, the program Style encompasses not only the external image, but on thinking style, behaviour, speech, movements, etc.

5. The Program “Titan” – record in infotopia energy expansion. Causes people to take longer and more significant, including the actions and words of the operator, be better than others.

6. Experience unconscious
The essence of the program is to connect certain keys access to some “closed” terminals infotopia, which leads to a qualitative change in identity. In your image which we see every day in the mirror we put your vision, but the image is different. That's why I know better.

We can say that some part of us lives outside of our consciousness of his life which is not perceived by us, but perceived by other operators, and therefore carries some of the unused energy potential.

The program allows to look at ourselves and use the information infotopia, which is not realized by us in the ordinary state of consciousness.

Attention! The work program could lead to sharp jumps in the variant lines.

7. Vitality
The basic program of saturation of the second level. Often, reaching a certain level of development, the operator may feel a lack of incentives for action and a lack of motivation for everyday tasks, despite the overall high level of energy. The main distinguishing feature of the program Vitality is the energy saturation of the inner nature, as a consequence, the possibility of creating a reserve energy capacity for performing a particular action. The program contributes to the Vitality of synchronization vitality with daily activities. Program Vitality allows you to enter daily activities in spiritual development and synchronize with external rhythms, which in turn allows you to become a full-fledged "master his life".

8. Program-Sens –increased sensitivity to “subtle” energies, increases in the frequency, utonchennaya energy.

9. Program “Law Of Inverse Sine” – good luck in the game.

Mathematically calculated “theory of fortune”, which allows to manage random fluctuations. The program can be used by both professional players and anyone who decided to try yourself in the Game.

The game is not just attempts to control fortune or making money, is to promote kinetic model for the potential energy, Miroslava with sensual feeling of participation in the process of Life. The program takes into account different aspects of the Game, from the operator to the interactions with other players.

10. The Program “Tantra” – the joy of life, enjoyment of life, relaxation, purification and refinement of the senses, the fullness of everyday practices, increased sensitivity, suppleness.

Absorption of energy through emotions, sexual interaction, food, movement, breathing, and contemplation.


11. Removing software dependencies
The main method of education software are based on emotions – emotional experience from knowledge. This forms a dependence on all information generated that the virtual program.

Relatively speaking, having vivid emotional experience from certain information, the person begins to look for source of information, and reflex return to the program again and again, while it may no longer to such an emotional outburst. Software dependencies forms a reflex behavior, when a person does the same repetitive action, although not understand why, for what, and what it receives from this.

In the presence of software dependencies, we are not dealing with the brain and with the brain response to certain information.

12. Jade cleaning – a universal Converter

The transformation of the energies of space and protection from geopathic zones

security software:

13. Protective program “Flywheel”.
The program creates a “sphere of invincibility” around the outer areas of the operator, all the negative effects are swept by centrifugal rotational force.

14. A protective program is a “Black hole”.
The program generates a shell of a universal absorber, the essence of which is the rotational centripetal force that sucks in and absorbs any to operator negative effects.

15. Protection in the inner circle of the integral field.
The inner circle entrepreneur is our inner circle: relatives, friends, close people. At the software level, the notion of intimacy, a relationship defines free software exchange.

This exchange has its pros and its cons, the cons are that the software natural immunity doesn't work in the inner circle PI, and hence we share with loved ones including “software viruses”.

Protection program in the inner circle PI software locally increases the immunity, preventing the parasitic virtual exchange programs.

16. The energy in the inner circle of SP.
Also in the inner circle FE happens free exchange and access to energy. “Private” field is to some extent “public”, which can lead to energy parasitism in a field that has greater power capacity in comparison with other members of the inner circle BG. The program blocks attempts energy conscious/unconscious “energy vampirism”, not affecting the overall positive background of close relationships.

17. The Program “The Hermit” (“Privacy”) – create a “cocoon”, partially blocking exchange of information from both sides, helps to alone, to be in a state of inner peace, detachment, redefining experience, proper rest and replenish resources, helps to go deeply inside yourself.

18. The Program ”Silence” – reduction of internal dialogue

a Package of programs for energy body:

19. The program “Conscious movement”

20. The Program “Integrity”

21. Program “Centrality” - helps to build the energy of the centrality relative to the center of the body - the single-celled embryo, which develops fragmentation in the human embryo.

22. Program ”Richness”
The program allows to create conditions for the development of sensual abilities of filling any actions. Not to be confused with emotional intensity (program intensity). Sensitive content action allows you to fill up any, even the most simple and small everyday actions that can be called the fullness of life itself or quality of life.

Without the content people are looking for external sources to fill the “inner void” that leads to dependence on them: it may be dependence on the Internet, from a mobile phone or other gadgets, search for a person and at least talk with someone from the news, TV, movies, and TV shows, dreams, “smart gum”, sex, entertainment, adrenaline addiction, etc., etc

It is recommended that anyone who feels “empty inside,” even the active life of intense action.
For practitioners the program is recommended with the aim of providing the content for practice and care from depending on external forms of practice, in other words, for the purpose of practice was not itself a regular “ritual” repetition of certain acts and movements.

23. Thirteen methods of body position (13 of monads). The position of the body in space expresses the principle, or the method of interaction with the surrounding space. The position of the body can be disorganized, chaotic, or to Express one of the 13 efforts that are available in our 3-dimensional space.

Chaotic or unfocused position of the body leads to the start of the destruction process at the program level. One of 13 body positions allows you to interact with certain energies of the surrounding space, and is a comprehensive package, as each method is applicable in a given situation, how personal, spatial and temporal conditions.

In General, the program can be described as allowing the operator to develop harmoniously from the perspective of the laws of our space.

The first method – forming,
the second – generating
third – changing,
fourth – preserving,
fifth - collecting,
sixth - linking,
seventh – expressing,
eighth – reinforcing,
ninth – perfect
tenth - outputting,
eleventh - transforming
twelfth - evolutionary,
thirteenth - timeless.

24. The Program “Yin”

25. Program Yang

26. Marriage the Emperor's chambers Activation of male sexual energy

27. Marriage Empress Activation of female sexual energy

a Package of programs for meditative States:

28. Program Deep Meditation – the production of endorphins

29. Program Meditation For Inner Growth

30. Program Meditation Life

31. Program Meditation Learning

32. Program - "Egregorial passionate harmonization"

The program works with outside entities on the principle of harmonization (alignment) of saturation. In the beginning of the period it is an important program, the essence of which can be described as “change the format of the operating space.” The egregore is essentially formed by the mass of people, the General vector of their energy interactions. How a person puts themselves in relation to this vector, determines what will be his this weight.

In our space, there are several ways of operating one or more corners of the interaction of this vector from vertical (the eternal struggle) to horizontal (drift). Therefore his original nature, man may have a high level of software saturation (the so-called "passionaries") and low energy (so-called "oppressed").

The extremes of both the first and second type are the weak points of interaction with the surrounding world, as expressing the system imbalance with external actors (egregors). The first are characterized by high social activity and seek to alter the external structure by itself, the second usually feel in a social environment awkward and uncomfortable. Such metabolic of the microcosm with the macrocosm are common due to the prevalence of certain virtual programs, and such energy the human condition in the modern world has become normal and even promoted.

The program aligns the level of software saturation based on the desired (required) operator position for forming the required interactions (external structural relations) for maximum resonance with the space. The program is tiered, its work can be monitored in the PI operator on the energy level (the structuring of the outer sphere), on the psycho-emotional level, the creative sector etc.

33. Program - "Inner joy (Anahata)"

A multifaceted program of adjustment and fine-tuning the sensual-emotional sphere. Inner joy is more than emotion, it is a departure from the response and reaction of consciousness. Childhood emotional center works more in compression than in extension, as to extend the right conditions (which must be created at the levels of subject, energy, social, household etc. which is not always), reflex compression is determined by nature.

Was invented even a special day that creates the external conditions for the disclosure of Anahata and manifestation of inner joy – the holidays. On weekdays, if you please – cover up (from myself and the world), that is the emotional center is always in a compressed state, and therefore does not produce energy (bioelectricity). Stay in a state of inner joy – a holiday every day, a condition associated primarily with deep relaxation, comparable to the relaxation during sleep.

On the physical level, program Inner joy associated with the pituitary gland and the pineal gland, clears many blocks, not just emotional, but physical and mental and helps to normalize the circulation of energy. Regulation of the emotional sphere contributes to the proper understanding of Love, the discovery of such aspects as the love of self, unconditional love, the opening of the inner source of love, the channel adjustment recoil-energy etc.

The energy aspect of the emotional center (Anahata) determines the level of the Person. The developed Human level gives you the opportunity to deal with individual rhythms, the natural cycles and to create nodes of engagement with the other measurements. Crafted Anahata determines the control of its manifestations, as a person. At the program level the program can be described as a reduction of distortions in the “reality monitor”. Program Inner joy emanation also has protective aspects.

Andras wrote:Aura, can you please tell how to understand that it is time to start working with the pendant level 2?
Impossible to understand, you can subjectively feel by circumstantial evidence. To understand and clearly define the transitions from level to level only on the 7th level.
One of the landmarks has already been given – the concept of qualitative transition, the concept associated with the imposition of linear motion on the matrix the integrated field system Balance+. In fact, because the matrix describes several levels at more subtle levels, the transition occurs a little's more objective point of reference and if interested can further disassemble it. It info was already given, if you have no questions, it is conventionally considered that everything is clear.

Other landmark. You have to understand that 97.5% of all the reviews about neocolony (and not only) show that the operators work with products at the level of shamanism :) This is also a way, with its pluses and minuses. Here it seems easier to navigate for those who have Brmy, these products are unique in that when working with them some energetic and informational mechanisms are derived on the explicit level, operator level, though technically withdrawn, but not systematically, and there is either mastered or not mastered. In neocolony the same mechanisms sewn into the firmware and work for yourself, and it's either tracked or not tracked, it is not necessary, and given that the brain structure is extremely lazy, for 99% this is not necessary. That is, the qualitative development of Brow, that is not just feedback, but if it is possible to achieve stable results, the operator masters the 2+ level at once, if not 3+. But could this not all, nookular in this way a more consistent and simple tool. Who is that. This is a slight digression to understand the overall system of articles.

And while we must admit that we treat the products from the perspective of shamanism. This means that our perception of the world is at the level of shamanism: there are some external forces, they are either beneficial to us or not. Favorable need to catch and try to hold as long as possible, adverse – you need to avoid using different signs and techniques. The essence of these techniques at the level of shamanism does not necessarily mean, whatever works. There are forces of "good" that we bless and strive to use, and "evil" that we're afraid of and that some “shamans” manage to scare us. To know the nature of these forces is not necessarily important to avoid heavy rains or drought, because there is a Shaman or a Priest (advanced Shaman) who understands this and will always explain what happened, who among the gods are angry and why. And even a sufficient information base will not help in this, there is a difference between to understand intellectually and to understand-to realize. That is to repeat what the shaman whispers, causing the rain to be enough in order to cause the rain yourself.

I guess the analogy is clear, so to answer Your question, for the second level it is recommended to go to those who wants to become a Priest, that is, the impact on external space. It can be and just explore – to go the way of the Sage. Or become a great leader and a Warrior who conquered by using these tools all the tribes around. Each path is right and decent. In other words, on the second level you need to go to those who know that there is something more, and who need something more.

I am giving away one piece of information, because time is so special it's how to treat it, everyone decides for himself. You can agree or disagree, respond or not and in any case it will be right for everyone.
Of our planet long enough have made a landfill power station. If not a concentration camp. We have been deprived of rebirth. What Buddhists say about the rebirth of the shower, no longer applies to many living on our planet, because that was the rebirth of the soul, you need to have something to be reborn. If there is nothing that original energy that was given at birth, and selected, merging into a single “Energobalans”. This energoblok seers perceive as a gray mass (it is also well-Castaneda in his books described). That's all the rebirth ended. The point is that the original energy (without being attached to terms of probation you can call it a Soul) requires appropriate density, not to be dissolved in mass of grey after death, and it's not so hard to do, if you understand one time, but no one teaches it. And on the contrary learn how to liquefy with the release of energy, that is, how to be a Perfect Battery. With this purpose, the information space of the Earth is filled with virtual programs, which purpose one – not to give the man for his short life span to understand what was happening, to encourage maximum emission in the near-earth space of energy in life. This is done very simply, I'll give you an analogy for those who all the previous posts not read... at the program level we perceive reality is nothing more than an illusion, the picture on the screen, the pixels is an analogue of space, i.e. space does not exist by itself, it is also the only program glowing or dead pixels – this is what we perceive as physical reality. A character that moves on the monitor, it is also the movement of the luminous pixels – our physical body, the existence of which is also determined by performance of the corresponding program. Is Programmer, conditionally correlate with human consciousness, or the built-in control program. From the settings of this program (of thought patterns and filters of perception) depends on what is happening on the screen.

And the primary task of the virtual programs is that TLU relate yourself with the character, which runs through the monitor. This is done with one simple goal: remove the only possible self-control, and that runs on the monitor to control not just possible, but very easy, and this is done at the software level.

And here it will be important to explain frequently used software the term “space”, “outer space” and “inner space”. It would seem that it is easier, there's me, everything outside of me – outside space, inside of me inside. The inner space opposed to the outside. Unfortunately or fortunately, usually these terms are understood. Another understanding you need in order to make maneuvering between positive and negative space threads to switch to space management. Even the simplest understanding of outer space as being beyond the boundaries of the body, is untenable. For human (clarification – for most people) “the microcosm” is also the external environment. Relative to one hemisphere, say the left, the right hemisphere is the external environment. And yet people are not befriended both hemispheres, the whole bottom half of your brain and will be the external environment for the other half, to confront him. And for the liver is slight the environment, until you have formed the connection between the liver and the lungs. Can someone define outer space in another way: I can feel, though separately and consecutively, your finger, your hand, the spine, the head, especially if it hurts, it is an internal space, a table I feel can't, it's outer space. Then try to feel my spleen or gallbladder. what kind Of feeling “thin” energies we can talk until felt even that exists on a completely physical level? At the programmatic level, the external environment is everything that is not currently covered by the work of the CPG. Therefore, for each operator the concepts of external and internal space will vary. For someone the crystal can be interior space, but for someone's own brain external. Here is the forum some people who bother with the knowledge and even awareness of individual groups of cells, DNA, hormones, mitochondria some...why on earth is it necessary? Like and without our participation the cage itself is quite divided... It is also the process of dissemination of the work of the CPG at the biochemical level, and this is also possible with the position of a Warrior, a Sage or Priest.

These explanations are contained allusions to the work of some important programs of level 2, is particularly necessary now for the testing: Program-sense and Integrity.
Andras wrote:do I Need to buy 6 more pendants and start to wear them? If so, what? How long to wear them? Or is it possible to start work from the 2nd level?
This individually. Let's say, and one special. the package to a higher level output, but doesn't happen every day, as well as not always all 8 are needed for this. But if it is to approach neocolonial with the positions of the transitions in levels. It also should not be an end in itself. Let's just say, working with programs for conditionally linear linear consciousness, in fact it is conducted at several levels. The material level is the most inert and the completion of the cycle on the physical level gives the study at all levels. Someone relies on more subtle, subjective feelings, for some it's right, but don't be surprised if at some structural point of level 2 will bring you to the corresponding 1-th level. The concept of conditional levels, the programs of the 2nd level will work and that who ever neocolony do not touch on how much of percent, depending on the current status of the integral field. If you take a conditional average person, the program of the 2nd level will work without this base of percent 11-12. The main thing is not to grasp higher level, and that the current set of programs was consistent with the information, energy, mental, physical, etc. as the operator at the moment, then the work of neocolony will be most productive.

At the time, too, all highly individual and depends on the mobility of the consciousness of the operator and used in the work modes. That is why special. package Cloud is a conditionally basic, or starter for many..

Re: testing the products of technology SEM.

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2015 16:19
by Корвин
Аура wrote:what Buddhists say about the rebirth of the shower, no longer applies to many living on our planet, because that was the rebirth of the soul, you need to have something to be reborn. If there is nothing that original energy that was given at birth, and selected, merging into a single “Energobalans”. This energoblok seers perceive as a gray mass (it is also well-Castaneda in his books described). That's all the rebirth ended. The point is that the original energy (without being attached to terms of probation you can call it a Soul) requires appropriate density, not to be dissolved in mass of grey after death, and it's not so hard to do, if you understand once, but this one does not
Like my friend says the nagual - the soul still have to do YOUR and for this it needs energy to fill to make a tight

Re: testing the products of technology SEM.

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2015 16:25
by мимоходом
I have a suggestion that is not very energetically (though in principle there is neither pure energy nor pure information). But if we consider the polarity at the top as more informational and more down as energy to fill up is just what goes into the man from above is usually called spirit. And so he had someplace to flow from the bottom makes the shape of the vessel in which the spirit is quite comfortable and it does not spread right and left. Is fully to bring your information up and into the body, and this in parallel to provide energy storage the bottom. And then... I think... man will arise so-called self-structure, the grain further and to raise. It's about that each way or another implies the preservation of their individuality.

Re: testing the products of technology SEM.

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2015 16:26
by львёнок
bi AURA :ay all chewed in the mouth should be :? :ay

Re: Feedback on test products

Posted: Sat Oct 24, 2015 12:39
by Иван Славов
Just took nookular 2. Appearance I like. Also very interesting the identification number of neocolony.
Yet, according to the perceptions of the interaction with neocolony 2 can highlight the following points:
- interact with neocolony 2 starts /or is likely from those levels of access GAIP/ even when GEIP emerges clearly that the operator will have that pendant. Then intensified when nookular 2 came to the office in Sofia, and was felt strongly yesterday, as it was in the post office in the town where I live. That is, in other words - I have attunement with the "quality that gives the use of nookular 2" can already be considered what happened, at least on a partial level.
- if the operator used neocolonial first level, BRM-s and! very important as I see/ crystal essences /at least a couple or three times from strong essential mixes/ and if did exercises with psychic workshop, the attunement has the quality order is a top view on processes sadasivuni on the first level of GEIP, with the further understanding /verbal form with ordinary human speech is not very suitable as for as a movement in different spatio-temporal variants, and the recasting of certain events, not proceeding from the true branch of reality;
- the understanding that this level of touch /but only the small faces/ the possibility for a direct effect on physical objects - the cultivation of teeth, for example, etc, probably in the third level will be more with this though, if I remember correctly, Aura wrote about it /I need to reread again/.
I.e. I have almost no difference from neocolony in your pocket or integral field somewhere in town about the /although the integral field is condensed and there is the possibility for further expansion if you want; or you can even use the term: "expand", which is a slightly different concept than the usual expansion/.
Of course expect a further switch to more advanced modes will give much more insight and experience. While I do not really understand how and where to switch, but probably will be information about it. One of the interesting prospects of further /in person for my research is the combination for me as an operator programs:
VII. Marriage the Emperor's chambers
Activation of male sexual energy
VIII. Marriage Empress
Activation of female sexual energy
as yet not seen the reviews about the product BJ with similar names, and probably function about the joint combination W /operator; i.e. different incarnation and unification, so to speak simplified/.
In General ALL the modes (!) and very interesting and going, if you get a chance to work out with all...
Team "technology SAM" thank you for the opportunity to test.<

Re: Feedback on test products

Posted: Sat Oct 24, 2015 20:20
by Иван Славов
Аура wrote:level changes of the perceptual filters
quote here
- it is easier to enter HEIP and find the response to your inquiries, however very well - intentioned- they do have a nature /i.e. caused by some kind of automation/ or, actually not;
very easily erased with a virtual program through the deprivation of their energopodachi-attention, on the principle: "You just no, don't even think about it" if you can Express the usual linear human thinking...
- by the way, GAIP right "took the collar" and the beginning of the show /literally poking his nose/ well those are the new path that I stronger way. Some of them are very interesting to conduct 'research' on the principle: "I know you know I know...", i.e. they have a sort of built-in neskolkomi fuses... a Very interesting and rewarding experience.

Re: Feedback on test products

Posted: Sat Oct 24, 2015 21:23
by ОльгаВВ
Ахим wrote:VII. Marriage the Emperor's chambers
Activation of male sexual energy
VIII. Marriage Empress
Activation of female sexual energy
In General ALL the modes (!) and very interesting and going, if you get a chance to work out with all...
Mmm interesting :wink: Waiting for reviews! Aurawhen the pendants of the second level will be available?

Re: Feedback on test products

Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2015 12:33
by Иван Славов
Interestingly, since the parcel with neocolor 2 has already started to come to me in dreams started a sort of "basic housekeeping" all "of forgotten, lost and left long clips"... in addition to purely informational plan in this direction, and energy work, sort of rebuilding the energy sector in compliance with information...
Here, the key negazirovannoy information:
Ахим wrote:- very easy to remove a virtual program, by the deprivation of their energopodachi-attention, on the principle: "You just no, don't even think about it" if you can Express the usual linear human thinking...
- by the way, GAIP right "took the collar" and the beginning of the show /literally poking his nose/ well those are the new path that I stronger prevent.
last night, in a dream /very quickly and slept, ignored the debts for sleep, as read in the other reviews so far, just felt that the brain and the periphery need resources on this, so now, if you listen to some programs, for example, disk Healing 2, or supraliminal - do it on the principle of "two days"/ it was erased as I understand it, and had this experience: a kind of essence of me asked me, showing both variante development in the near future: "are you sure you want this?" then I moved on both branches simultaneously, to understand better...
It is clear that at one time all work on the energy level I have personally not be 100%, you have to train in this direction, and is probably a philosophical question: "whether all at once /or much softer/ remove dev?".

Re: Feedback on test products

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2015 10:55
by Милая
Continue to "explore" nookular 2 level. Nothing extraordinary has not happened yet. The mood is always upbeat, despite the bleak autumn weather. The state of happiness and mild euphoria does not change even when the hard work and stress load. Slightly sore throat, and General symptoms of mild cold, symptoms are, but the feeling of no disease, no weakness, no fever :? such strange symptoms on a background of continuous happiness :)

Re: Feedback on test products

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2015 12:41
by Aura
SweetheartYou have connected so far, only the Vitality of the program (basic program of energy saturation level II) and Naturalness (fine program, there is in collaboration, not so much as something unusual).

Re: Feedback on test products

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2015 19:17
by Иван Славов
Nookular 2 strong /or to be more precise - gives a strong possibility that not each/. Those who are going to develop with these technologies is a very good learn to relax. I have not yet perfected it's deep, but yesterday started a long-abandoned exercise in autogenous training /how-beginning everyone can find a suitable exercise, reading a couple of books on the subject/.

Re: Feedback on test products

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2015 23:11
by НВП
I don't know, pendant of the second level do with it or my first one? Today I had a dream. Yeah, no big deal. But my dreams are rarely removed, even though I've explained that I simply do not remember. And then I remember. And maybe it's not the dream was. Yes, actually, and not a dream. I saw my House. Not in the sense of the house - wall. And the House, the Homeland, the place from where I am. There are no colors, there are no sounds and objects, there's nothing there gray heat gently and very well. And I realized that I was very, very welcome and miss. And I miss it, just forgot about it. And my place there. But here everything is strange, empty and not needed. It was interesting for the first time. Yes, already pall. A trip, ha ha, 7 days / moments , centuries...??/ discharged. And only half passed. And anxious to get home. So expect me there. Look today on these entities around, I'm a stranger to them . They gave me someone else's. And I play to play, or no wrong - semester to pass through. Love to all left, but somehow a quiet, contemplative background. And as you all now all the same that blade of grass, like daughter. As it is touching, informative and contemplative. And like a lot of fuss here. Why?

Re: Feedback on test products

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2015 12:36
by Иван Славов
More likely to "catch" yourself on the reactivity of /my southern blood, so to speak, and I was and still am to some extent, the reactive entity in premanent /moment preceding the action itself/. And understand: "And what do I need, really, is it?" /mean its a thoughtless reaction to something/...

Re: Feedback on test products

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2015 8:49
by Милая
On Monday, I hooked up the program "Experience unconsciously". After connecting I was "off" for 3 hours, fell asleep in broad daylight, despite a good night's rest. Does this mean that the connection to new energy programs?

Information on the vision and ourselves went through the day and off - and online. A lot of information, I always thought that can quickly process a significant flow of information, but I clearly do not. It takes some time for reflection and receiving. In parallel, it continues to make information systems and system principle, too, is still being treated. A lot of very personal information, but after processing, I think that something will be able to post on the forum.

Re: Feedback on test products

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2015 19:03
by Иван Славов
I have no additional program is not connected /I forgot to give my ID number to connect the chosen software and the mode/. In the near future, probably will.
Today noticed that 2 of neocolony work for some , how to say, higher than ordinary than ordinary level for me. Ie for everyday business operator could do with the pendants of the first level of GAIP :aybut after some time doesn't necessarily quickly comes to the understanding that it is possible and is wider, bigger, better.
Is still great understanding about 'reactivity' - I am very pleasantly surprised. It is, in fact, a very good 'lesson' /the show in real-time.
Dopolnenie to the post:
p.s. here almost immediately /seconds, not even a minute passed from the moment I gave my identity/ the answer comes:
Nookular "hhhhhhhhhhhhh" mode changed to medium and connected programs:
1. The experience of the unconscious.
2. Program-Sens
3. Removing software dependencies
4. Jade cleaning
5. Content
6. Thirteen methods of body position
7. Program Meditation Learning

Re: Feedback on test products

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2015 19:29
by Aura
Милая wrote:After connecting I was "off" for 3 hours, fell asleep in broad daylight, despite a good night's rest. Does this mean that the connection to new energy programs?
No, this is a temporary process of switching to other energy sources – adapting to a strong product. Program level II more powerful, but less energy. Energy for work programs II level has a different quality because these programs are on a different sublevel. The concept of “energy” will be different depending on what level it is. The work programs of the same level is a condition of employment programs of the sub-levels. The work programmes of the second level is the management in relation to programs I level, physical level of reality, i.e., some data are essentially access keys and can activate certain software packages. Since there is a hierarchy of data, or access keys, which activate certain software packages, respectively, there is a hierarchy of energies, which are necessary for work of programs of different sub-levels, in other words, every level occurs the change in the quality of energy exponentially. With each level there is an increase in energy intensity and reduce energy consumption for same change on the sub-level, i.e. low-energy changes at higher programming levels result in high energy-level changes of matter. Therefore, nookular level II can be called a multistage energoconstructia program-level II with a greater degree of freedom changes. As a consequence, increases the level of responsibility in using products with this strong functionality.

Re: Feedback on test products

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2015 20:35
by Милая
Aura, thank you!
Аура wrote:Therefore, nookular level II can be called a multistage energoconstructia program-level II with a greater degree of freedom changes. As a consequence, increases the level of responsibility in using products with this strong functionality.
A sense of responsibility came at me, along with the pendant. Here is an excerpt from my journal on the second day after receiving the pendant: "... From today, from this very moment I perceive myself as the Creator of your reality. I take full responsibility for It. Now I'm responsible for every event in your life. For each. I understand and accept the fact that since then, NOTHING, absolutely nothing happens by accident. Every object, every phenomenon, every event is the result of my thoughts and actions. My responsibility Comprehensive and all-Consuming. I'm responsible for every minute of his life, in its fullness and the emotional component. I am responsible equally for the cleanliness of their nails, hair beauty and peace in the world. Again equally. This is my world. This is MY UNIVERSE.
Warning: being Aware of and accepting the extent of their responsibility, deliberately give up the perfectionism, need to eat the elephant in pieces..." - this code is the responsibility of the user of neocolony 2 level :)inspired by the above, well ...or...neocolonial :)

Re: Feedback on test products

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2015 2:32
by НВП
Милая wrote:the sense of responsibility came at me, along with the pendant. Here is an excerpt from my journal on the second day after receiving the pendant: "... From today, from this very moment I perceive myself as the Creator of your reality. I take full responsibility for It. Now I'm responsible for every event in your life. For each. I understand and accept the fact that since then, NOTHING, absolutely nothing happens by accident. Every object, every phenomenon, every event is the result of my thoughts and actions. My responsibility Comprehensive and all-Consuming. I'm responsible for every minute of his life, in its fullness and the emotional component. I am responsible equally for the cleanliness of their nails, hair beauty and peace in the world. Again equally. This is my world. This is MY UNIVERSE. Warning: being Aware of and accepting the extent of their responsibility, deliberately give up the perfectionism, need to eat the elephant in pieces..." - this code is the responsibility of the user of neocolony 2 level
Oh, read it, took it straight for the soul. What kind of art, so your feeling to Express. I only got articles of the criminal code in the head revolve. Very cool. Honey, you're right about the code of responsibility is it Possible to use your life? and that deep understanding is there, and then you just like conspiracy-prayer wrote. Her direct day to start :o

Re: Feedback on test products

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2015 16:18
by Иван Славов
Today, receive a comprehensive experience for all connected with me program. It is not easy to describe. Because I know how useful it is to have a self description, together with read on the subject, allow themselves to publish details about these programs:
Аура wrote:..5. The experience of the unconscious. The essence of the program is to connect certain keys access to some “closed” terminals infotopia, which leads to a qualitative change in identity. In your image which we see every day in the mirror we put your vision, but the image is different. That's why I know better. We can say that some part of us lives outside of our consciousness of his life which is not perceived by us, but perceived by other operators, and therefore carries some of the unused energy potential. The program allows to look at ourselves and use the information infotopia, which is not realized by us in the ordinary state of consciousness. Attention! The work program could lead to sharp jumps in the variant lines....
III. Program-Sens – increased sensitivity
Utonchennaya, increased sensitivity to “subtle” energies, an increase in the incidence.
IV. Program cleaning:
1. Removing software dependencies
The main method of education software are based on emotions – emotional experience from knowledge. This forms a dependence on all information generated that the virtual program. Relatively speaking, having vivid emotional experience from certain information, the person begins to look for source of information, and reflex return to the program again and again, while it may no longer to such an emotional outburst. Software dependencies forms a reflex behavior, when a person does the same repetitive action, although not understand why, for what, and what it receives from this. In the presence of software dependencies, we are not dealing with the brain and with the brain response to certain information.
2. Jade cleaning – universal catalytic Converter
The transformation of the energies of space and protection from geopathic zones
VI. Software package for the energy body:
4. Content
The program allows to create conditions for the development of sensual abilities of filling any actions. Not to be confused with emotional intensity (program intensity). Sensitive content action allows you to fill up any, even the most simple and small everyday actions that can be called the fullness of life itself or quality of life. Without the content people are looking for external sources to fill the “inner void” that leads to dependence on them: it may be dependence on the Internet, from a mobile phone or other gadgets, search for a person and at least talk with someone from the news, TV, movies, and TV shows, dreams, “smart gum”, sex, entertainment, adrenaline addiction, etc., etc
It is recommended that anyone who feels “empty inside,” even the active life of intense action.
For practitioners the program is recommended with the aim of providing the content for practice and care from depending on external forms of practice, in other words, for the purpose of practice was not itself a regular “ritual” repetition of certain acts and movements.
5. Thirteen methods of body position (13 of monads). The position of the body in space expresses the principle, or the method of interaction with the surrounding space. The position of the body can be disorganized, chaotic, or to Express one of the 13 efforts that are available in our 3-dimensional space. Chaotic or unfocused position of the body leads to the start of the destruction process at the program level. One of 13 body positions allows you to interact with certain energies of the surrounding space, and is a comprehensive package, as each method is applicable in a given situation, how personal, spatial and temporal conditions. In General, the program can be described as allowing the operator to develop harmoniously from the perspective of the laws of our space. The first method is the forming, the second generative, and the third – changing, fourth – conserving, fifth - collecting, the sixth connecting, the seventh – Express, the eighth – reinforcing, the ninth – a perfect, ten - prints, the eleventh - transforming, twelfth - evolutionary, thirteenth timeless.
IX. Software package for meditative States:
4. Program Meditation Learning
Looking at today and yesterday, after connecting, I have the deep conviction that all programs work. And instead of the energy loss on the contrary a lot of it. But I must say that this is not a overabundance of energy, and exactly how much you need for running processes, understandings, perceptions, etc. While I will not go into details, so not to program future users of neocolonial 2 to certain expectations. Can share what is really - declared the description of EACH of the programs true.<

Re: Feedback on test products

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2015 20:10
by Милая
НВП wrote:Oh, read it, took it straight for the soul. What kind of art, so your feeling to Express. I only got articles of the criminal code in the head revolve. Very cool. Honey, you're right about the code of responsibility is it Possible to use your life? and that deep understanding is there, and then you just like conspiracy-prayer wrote. Her direct day to start
NVP, thanks, of course, use of health :) The more that this morning for me again "had an Epiphany" that all my thoughts are not mine. I like a well-tuned radar to seek out the space information in accordance with the specified settings, modulate and broadcast it further. In my head, in my body, nothing is born, I'll take it ready. Moreover, even the body along with the brain is not the real me, I'm somewhere in another place, outside the body. And where? I'm yet to find out. Blamed this effect on the operation of the program "experience unconsciously". Me this fact of separation is not sad and not happy, just wondering.

Your image from the society I like, honestly, expecting the worst. And nothing interesting even self-esteem soared.
Ахим wrote:While I will not go into details, so not to program future users of neocolonial 2 to certain expectations.
Achim, share, wonder what You have. At this level, in my opinion, programming is not scary, because people get here, do it consciously, choosing a coordinate system or developing one.

Re: Feedback on test products

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2015 21:12
by Aura
Милая wrote:Your image from the society I like, honestly, expecting the worst. And nothing interesting even self-esteem soared.
So self-esteem was often the opposite ...the work of this program, some of the operators to a deep study has led, particularly with children's blocks, the denial of socially unacceptable behavior and patterns of thinking, etc.

Re: Feedback on test products

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2015 21:14
by Aura
Ахим wrote:Is still a big understanding of 'reactivity' - I am very pleasantly surprised. It is, in fact, a very good 'lesson' /the show in real-time.

Re: Feedback on test products

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2015 21:27
by Aura
Ахим wrote:Today I noticed that neocolony 2 work for some , how to say, higher than ordinary than ordinary level for me. Ie for everyday business operator could do with the pendants of the first level of GAAP , but after a while doesn't necessarily quickly comes to the understanding that it is possible and is wider, bigger, better.
That is certainly true. We can say that the processes in the 1-m integrated field, the long, difficult and basic. And very interesting :) For various reasons, not least because until the operator deeply immersed in illusions and displayed on the monitor picture of the world less in line with the realities of landmarks also swim and have to be reconfigured, by yourself or with a collective experience of other people. The process of development up to some degree of inertia: it is hard from a dead stop to shift, but the energy body once awakened, is already fully never in the dream of illusion is completely immersed ...and if conditions are suitable there is, "keep the seven".
You have at least a lot of experience, but CWP "baptism of fire 2nd level" :) Actually anyone that wanted one and got it.

Re: Feedback on test products

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2015 22:26
by Иван Славов
Аура wrote:
Ахим wrote:Is still a big understanding of 'reactivity' - I am very pleasantly surprised. It is, in fact, a very good 'lesson' /the show in real-time.
Yes, reactionary /reaction/ maybe I mixed up the words.

Re: Feedback on test products

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2015 23:31
by Иван Славов
Милая thoughts are not mine. I like a well-tuned radar to seek out the space information in accordance with the specified settings, modulate and broadcast it further. In my head, in my body, nothing is born, I'll take it be ready...
This radar and /or 'radio'/ - a certain model of what happens during information retrieval. You thinking about something adjusted /according to experience and the ability/ energoinformation coming from this creature, object, event, even frameway period... Thus /figuratively turning a button radar/ may :)very good to learn to read.
Милая wrote:...not only that, even the body along with the brain is not the real me, I'm somewhere in another place, outside the body. And where? I'm yet to find out. Blamed this effect on the operation of the program "experience unconsciously". Me this fact of separation is not sad and not happy, just wondering...
The energy body is a conductor, a double-sided 'communication messages' between the physical and the mental body. Just as an example /in this lecture, Pak Jae Woo sujok he writes about, is conventionally said multiple levels of treatment for sudake. The most effective way on the mental level.
From myself I will add that if the energy body is more or less 'right' - then some processes are much more conscious /have the energy for learning on the physical plane, to awareness them. Regular exercise in psychic-workshops are a valuable key in this direction...
The software package for the energy body /the way discussed in nearby the theme chakras are the energy body, and to some extent projected into the glands of internal secretion in the body if the physical body is in order - nobody, probably not even thinking about the functionality of their glands of internal secretion/
there is a program:
2. Integrity
Милая wrote:...Achim, share, wonder what You have...
Well, just connect the power and programmes:
1. Marriage the Emperor's chambers
2. Marriage Empress
Before getting information about connection /about 1-2 hours earlier/ in my mind there was a question about the work with these programs. Answer quickly 'came' figurative-abstract* way. At the same time /maybe I, integral field, I realized that "I will not find it" :)was a short emotional outburst, almost immediately after which has already passed an understanding of additional capabilities integrated fields:
Аура wrote:the power of the 2nd level was improved manual configuration of access level.
*share, back in my childhood years, if you thought about something, but wondered much you can say that I have this very special state type 'soft trance' in the consciousness there were strange, such, at first glance, 'images' /only very vaguely even resemble the object of my thought/. Here, it was found that thus, by changing these 'abstract images' - it turns out that, sooner or later /I have the cases and years later it turned out, did not immediately/ event turn out the way I wanted. I believe that it is an activity of the mental body, and the speed of realization depends on many other factors, in the first phase from the good work of the energy body as a conduit to the physical plane along with a clear understanding of what really want...<