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Re: woof! BU-ha-ha...

Posted: Sat Nov 25, 2017 23:38
by Гуфест

Re: woof! BU-ha-ha...

Posted: Sat Nov 25, 2017 23:47
by Гуфест
As you all hopeless.In the beginning clung to the essence of man's salvation,and then salvation is lost.

Re: woof! BU-ha-ha...

Posted: Sat Nov 25, 2017 23:53
by сол
Hope is something that enhances the illusion... Someone hopes that will say "trahtibidoh" and he will be fine. And there is a 50% chance that it will - then he will be strengthened in the illusion by building the wrong connection. And there is a 50% chance that they will not - then he will suffer from unfulfilled.

The issue is not the amount of hope, the question is the amount of happiness and can be achieved only one way. The greatest happiness is to do something useful, really useful, manifested in reality, we need someone else. To be needed by someone.

To check this statement for consistency - added to the hyperbole, generalising to the whole world. If each one will do something really useful to other people - feed the hungry, teach the ignorant, or cure the patient - the whole world will be happy and Paradise will come ))) Just because it's about something real, not fictional, from a imagination anybody does not become easier. As "mysterious ienergy", which has real benefits only selling them. And that consumers "use" to increase their own consumption of "all me, all me" - that is, for the death of his consciousness.

Endless vicious circle. And because, most importantly, all happy )))

Re: woof! BU-ha-ha...

Posted: Sat Nov 25, 2017 23:58
by сол
About still hope you can say so...

Hope transformirovalsya in skill. Or know how. Or hope that someone else will be able to. Something can only change the ability.

Faith transformirovalsya in knowledge. Or you know. Or believe that someone else knows. Something can only understand knowledge.

And only Love ))) In different gradations as a mixture thereof

Re: woof! BU-ha-ha...

Posted: Sun Nov 26, 2017 0:13
by Лон
Today not a personal thing, and the reports of the working day!

Re: woof! BU-ha-ha...

Posted: Sun Nov 26, 2017 14:16
by сол
As you all hopeless.In the beginning clung to the essence of man's salvation,and then salvation is lost.
Guest perhaps you wanted to say that as soon as you what-that became clear immediately was just all confusing... This is Tao, "I", perpetual motion - it is impossible to reach, catch and locked in a cage, one can only endlessly approach it. There is no one single instruction, there are many and they are often opposite. Instruction is understanding them all on their own, especially contradictory. It is impossible to find some fixed truth and say "here it is, finally, the ending".

Is it possible to make fixed because truth is rational, verbal (even your fantasies that you present is rational, logical, just illusory and chaotic, but still expressed, manifested and existing description). But apart from rational understanding expressed verbally, there is an irrational perception. The more you commit the truth in the rational, in the words and some descriptions - the more your irrational resists this, causing negative emotions at the junction. And the more you have irrational, calling it "magic", the more conflicted the rational, causing negative emotions at the junction.

Exit here alone - to reconcile them, at the same time to operate that, and another, avoiding bias to operate in volume. It means that:

1. all irrational must be explained rationallythat is scientifically.
2. While all rational must look magical (for example, a computer is a magic box, the Scarecrow of OZ, allowing you to look anywhere in the world at will).
3.And there must be their intersection, which is expressed in many ways: in gradations of beauty, in creativity, in love, in happiness.

The better operate the volume, the more accurate you catch the ball, but he still is not fixed, but dynamic. Than you further from the junction - the more you write nonsense, make claims and insults, order, produce irritation. And the more it looks hopeless and meaningless. Especially when your magical dance to the tune someone does not want, and that is what you wanted...

Therefore, all that is possible is to learn to understand and to grasp this infinite movement, to produce it and interact with it, ride the wave and not fall from it to set on top and not get crushed. Movement - this is the Tao, which is not achievable in the fixing and this is incomprehensible, it cannot be expressed in a single truth and can be expressed in the opposite truths at the same time. To understand him endlessly. Because it does not exist in a fixed form, it is created continuously, bringing you in action.

But the illusion is very far from the junction... When the man contorted in irrational, imagine all sorts of non-existent N. V. Kulikovskaya explaining the "magic" of numb and thinking, becoming stone. Or when twisted into a rational, denied all numb and thinking, becoming stone. And the stone loses the movement, the Tao and the "I" - death of stasis.

So... don't listen to anybody - they all are wrong, and that's not wrong - does not carry ))) Why you need the mistakes of others, you need to work with her and look for the intersection themselves. And realize that you have found it - for the feeling of happiness, beauty, love, harmony, understanding, insight. But after a while you'll lose, because the movement does not stop. And that's fine, this is the essence of the movement - the number of found beauty in it forever. As the number of found hate, and you are to choose.<

Re: woof! BU-ha-ha...

Posted: Sun Nov 26, 2017 17:29
by Гуфест

Re: woof! BU-ha-ha...

Posted: Sun Nov 26, 2017 17:57
by сол
The truth can only be found by trying to find yourself (to understand yourself, to feel yourself, to make your own). For example, in one embodiment, the search for truth is possible to conduct the thought experiment of the following kind:

Suppose you are a programmer (outside of simulation) and wish to create a simulation of life, you want to make simulation, the result of which is unknown in advance due to the large number of options. Simulation of automatic, self-modifying, self-playing, in General living. The implementation is made as a single server, and is connected to the plurality of client applications (directly characters). Similarly organized everything MMO-game online probably each at least one played - there is nothing complicated to imaginative understanding through an analogy. Even a browser game built on the technology of client-server where client is the browser and the server are not visible and do not even know what it is, but it is.

The task of such a client-server application two:
1. Consider the simulation of General peace
2. To consider individual simulation characters, players in the world. To consider their interaction and conflict.

At first glance it seems that the overall simulation of the game world happens on the server, and conflicts of the characters, their interactions and actions to change the world computed on the client (the character, the player whose life is simulated).

But if you think about it, the only possible implementation would look exactly the opposite. If we consider the simulation of General peace on the server, and then send it to customers, not enough bandwidth of data transfer since it requires transfer of data on the whole universe, the world, and each client. And not enough server capacity for simultaneous fast calculation of the world - enough for a slow calculation, one cycle per thousand years for example, but that's not what you want.

Therefore, the simulation is performed on the client directly at the player character. This simulation is identical for all customers it is because of the inviolability of the rules of calculation, physical laws. The earth revolves around the sun and we always at any time can know illumination of the planet at some point. It is strictly deterministic formula, and each character counts it on his own processor for its narrow local environment. He owed around a bit, respectively, of the calculations a bit. And thanks to determinism and the inviolability of physical laws - this simulation for all players is the same. And all players see the same thing. Also thanks to completely identical to the device of your nervous system, which is simulation. For example, photons of different energy (frequency) are transformed into an abundance of colors of the world, day and night, light and shadow, in cartoons on the GPU. And the vibration of the substance is converted into audio on the speaker, and so on... in Other words, the world is calculated inside each character, thanks to his device, such as a biological.

Conclusion: the inviolability of physical laws, are rules of General simulation world, which can not be violated, and through which the world looks identical, and all the calculations are simulations of the world happen on the character. While all the characters are arranged identically, producing the same simulation, but considering it individually

Now on the second point, the calculation of the simulation directly to the character interactions and outcomes of these interactions. Payment directly to the individual games and their impact on the overall simulation.

At first glance it seems that this is client-side, character. Because that's what he communicates... However, such an approach would be impossible to do cross-calculations, because one character does not have access to the other characters. It's like two browser with the game on quite different computers.

It turns out that the calculation of interactions occurs on the server. Each client/character sends to local data stream about their actions. And the server takes into account information from all clients and produces a cycle of General simulation of interactions, calculates the result. The result is then send to each client. It's like a normal role play D&D with throwing dice, where each rolls a die and the master calculates the result and tells everyone, then everyone gets the result and makes the next move. Only it's continuous.

Conclusion: without a server, considering collisions and their results can not do, and he is one at all. The character does not operate anything, as perceiving and performing device.

The whole issue is that it takes the character, because many reason, pull down your data connection to the server and begin to do the will of other characters, to establish their transmission channels to other characters to their advantage, to steer them take control. A kind of in-game hack...

Who are these clients, who controls it all, where's the server, how to access it, where is the data channel, who you yourself in the client application, the server, the character or the player controlling a character these questions you need to ask yourself.

But first you need to throw all the magic, otherwise nothing will happen... stuff you should comprehend and rationally explain, to understand the world and its rules are sewn into the client code. Cm. the first conclusion on the inviolability of physical laws. To comprehend the world you can only discover these unbreakable rules, and it describes the science. You can't play outside the rules - is simply impossible, and nobody can prove otherwise, because the physical basis can be found for any of the strange phenomenon, if it exists, not invented. Hence, the last conclusion: who has not found such a framework - he just made it up.<

Re: woof! BU-ha-ha...

Posted: Sun Nov 26, 2017 19:03
by Гуфест
Some sort of simulation of misconceptions clothed in Dao and served in the manner of a Gestalt.

Re: woof! BU-ha-ha...

Posted: Sun Nov 26, 2017 19:04
by сол
The power of your neural network is not enough even to understand what is written, not to mention creating something informational...

Zero information ))) This sentence only corresponding to the level of your development, which you are able to understand.

Re: woof! BU-ha-ha...

Posted: Sun Nov 26, 2017 19:05
by Гуфест
why should understand?

Re: woof! BU-ha-ha...

Posted: Sun Nov 26, 2017 19:05
by сол
ask a question and find the answer

Re: woof! BU-ha-ha...

Posted: Sun Nov 26, 2017 19:06
by Гуфест
what is the use of it?

Re: woof! BU-ha-ha...

Posted: Sun Nov 26, 2017 19:07
by сол
ask a question and find the answer

Re: woof! BU-ha-ha...

Posted: Sun Nov 26, 2017 19:10
by Гуфест
terminology and the meaning of the words clear, you have a dead knowledge ,there are many and everywhere,they give nothing.

Re: woof! BU-ha-ha...

Posted: Sun Nov 26, 2017 19:10
by сол
MF 7:6

Re: woof! BU-ha-ha...

Posted: Sun Nov 26, 2017 19:20
by Гуфест
Clap eyelashes and fly up Sol.)

Re: woof! BU-ha-ha...

Posted: Sun Nov 26, 2017 21:20
by сол
I see you there's a lot of finished ))) Contradictory and reactionary... But the phrase deserves attention.
You are not able to know everything for you info,my posts not addressed to you and not for some,they are in consonance with the need for me people .

For me, everything is energy And information. The energy we directly see, hear and feel. Energy is all matter around E=mc^2. At the level of electrons there or quark matter does not exist, but only the interference of the four classical interactions, that is field - but in any case, is energy.

And information is something that does not exist ))) Is the antonym of matter and energy, though, and does not exist by itself in itself, it needs a form, for example a neural network ))) the more information density of the neural network smarter.

You Guest as a bundle of energy, disintegrate, and what do you have left? That's right, energy in the form of a cloud of steam and fertilizer plants... Information will remain subject to your your information and the ability to handle information save at a zero level )))

If you do not want such a result... And I would like a little access to the server code... Explore the world, explore, and comprehend it in the facts, learn understanding. Not magic (as correctly written Lily before - it's just lack of knowledge) )))

Re: woof! BU-ha-ha...

Posted: Sun Nov 26, 2017 21:36
by сол
I would have immediately thrown the book with the style of mimohodom Sol and gave buy preference to classical philosophy
about classical philosophy is also very interesting! Because it is completely about what I write ))) About the dialectic, movement, consciousness and contradictory truths.

What would you like to discuss with me:

- Hegel's philosophy, dialectics with idealism, thinking, for example, "Phenomenology of spirit", "Philosophy of nature" or "Science of logic"?
- the philosophy of Kant, for example, the book "Critique of pure reason" with the reverse criticism dialectic, where Kant proclaimed self-knowledge through critical thinking and questioning?
- dialectical materialism of Marx, where the whole point and meaning is the realization in matter, in incarnation conscious?

or maybe you want to discuss ancient Greek philosophers? Please, this is a very interesting topic )))

Re: woof! BU-ha-ha...

Posted: Sun Nov 26, 2017 21:54
by Лон
Class!!! Pour Hopesto nepodemnaya at a time layer of information. After this one to learn not to want))) it is Necessary to start with individual lessons at least a couple of times. The approach also comprehend to escape the middle class.

Re: woof! BU-ha-ha...

Posted: Sun Nov 26, 2017 21:55
by сол
it was individually, and words like meaning and understanding, then do not play almost any role ))) They are so... For the sake of ))) he still did not understand. Only plays the role of creating tension in neural networks by... Words to you, you probably understand as a person with a technical mindset )))

Re: woof! BU-ha-ha...

Posted: Sun Nov 26, 2017 22:03
by Лон
Sometimes I think of how to explain the feeling and the technique of push-UPS ( I like the approach Siluyanova ) a man who never I do not see how it is done. I think the story would be my extremely esoteric.

Re: woof! BU-ha-ha...

Posted: Sun Nov 26, 2017 22:09
by сол
to explain no, Yes ))) you May need top to sit on his back so he lay down under the weight on the floor. And then to get off )) He starts to get up, and you give him - "well, you give me" )))

Re: woof! BU-ha-ha...

Posted: Sun Nov 26, 2017 22:11
by Лон
There's a trick!!! Correct performance only, which begins a wild burning sensation in the working muscle))) ripping just)))

Re: woof! BU-ha-ha...

Posted: Sun Nov 26, 2017 22:18
by Лон
And to teach people how to do push-UPS on one's a masterpiece...until you yell at him while a wild rage and anger will not cause...will not work