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Re: testing the products of technology SEM.

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 12:46
by Aura
Юрий ВК wrote:But now, in the evening, felt a wave of physical fatigue, but such that direct disables, though, it seemed, nothing foretold (overall, not bad sleep, working day comfortable load). There were more moments, but in the current state (cut), it is difficult to recover them, though, during the day, celebrated a few moments. The us went crashing to sleep
Almost all of the testing have experienced drowsiness, fatigue, heaviness, vatnost and so on. in short, the primary job of cleaning-latania resonances work like water fills a sponge: if the sponge is compacted (voltage), the "water" this sponge will absorb a little; the more relaxed a person is, the more energy it can absorb body. This is called content...therefore, it is desirable to resist such conditions and to lie down-relax-sleep. Strictly speaking, people should be able to be relaxed and filled with energy in everyday activity, but often we do not know how. Even in internal testing and some practices experienced slept for days in a row. The body is filled with energy rather quickly, if you let it and not fight it. Passes in a day or two, but Latka-cleaning runs smoother and faster, and after filling the body feels fresh, rested, obnovlennyi.

Re: testing the products of technology SEM.

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 13:05
by Aura
reldon't worry, nothing "its" definitely will not fall off, specifically drew attention to it in the description of resonances)) Just there is quiet positive, and have fun driving and positive. The second option is typical of creative people, because they need intimate contact with space, as an expression of his inner world, his humor and positivity to the outside world. Our energy exchange with the outside world is through the channels of direct feedback (even the pattern once placed), which can have different volume of information...or we can say, channel energy may be wide or narrow: a lot give and receive much, not enough give and little to receive. Optimum width of each channel individually, most importantly, in order to avoid distortions on the input and output. So You've got a body in the primary period of "closing" (let's call it so captures the essence, in fact is the creation of pseudo-neural circuits in the body) decided to go into the power saving mode is to narrow the channel of energy exchange - the condition is unusual, therefore, may be perceived as a "bad" state. Nothing bad actually no, just the filters and templates, you do not have time to readjust so quickly below the set put it simply, there is no experience of expressing his positives in such a "narrow", that is, calm way. All is well when channels direct-feedback from the outside world elastic, this gives you the ability to open the world or close it as needed and according to the situation.

Re: testing the products of technology SEM.

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 13:17
by анатали
how comfortable was yesterday first afternoon,walking sticks,walking with her granddaughter,then came home and took NAPs-NAPs.after sleep had broken up,the energy from the heart of opustilas in the area of the belly and began to scan me from the inside,feeling that warm ray of warm some sort of authority and if there are any visible problems there,it goes to another.yesterday it was with the upper part of the abdomen,the left half warmed-has paniyas from the heat and all and the right all evening and half the night whining.and not the bodies themselves ,and from the back the spine in place of the projection of the body.I get that when the pressure rises,but the pressure was normal-checked,TCE is for my liver and gall took thoroughly and the entire right side from ear to tailbone, after sleep,no restless.and yet I noticed that I now constantly keep his head tilted a little to the bottom-pulling the neck up and the whole spine stretches up.

Re: testing the products of technology SEM.

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 13:19
by Aura
rel wrote: Also tried "postinit" channels in order to understand what they represent, imagined portals egg-sized aura) - 6 pieces were placed in a semicircle.. went in there, "talked", "pulling" out there.. Even sent six phantoms himself in all six at once)) But.. nifiga not work, alas) is locked then I still.. or not there are "answers".. So after these attempts went back to watching the body - helped, incidentally, tune in to enhanced perceptions through the practice of Flow (i.e., permission-humility-bandwidth-transparency..) overall, apparently, there is a "fix"..
Either ahead of, or thought) today I wanted to give the job to try to direct the energies - it's a pity that You could not. Perhaps too complex version took...with six cocoons. One would have to start to think...apparently, a good imagination)

For all testing - try from this day on (let's calculate that clean-patches finished, one not finished, try to combine. We need to meet deadlines, there is still a stage II test, and between the stages necessarily on the day off the resonance to avoid overlapping), not just scan and mark, and to manage the energies. Everybody does it in his key - visual, kinesthetic, etc. for Example, caught some feelings, drive them through the body, change the localization and shape, move, compress, stretch, emits out, in General, all that can do with energy. Kinestetika and who was engaged in the workshop, of course, much easier. Who works in a visual way, please try not to leave the imagination to link the images and color with real energy sensations.

Re: testing the products of technology SEM.

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 13:23
by Гуфест
I have in testing are stranded all day Energizer even have to go to events to where to put the energy.
Sleepiness during the day the operator is reloading.

Re: testing the products of technology SEM.

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 13:26
by Aura
Милая wrote:Maybe our dog is now getting wave resonance?
Of course, it turned out) Cool)) we Leave it as is. No joke, watch the dog and include it in reports. High-frequency energy however, if the dog is not quite an adequate lead or feel ill, write, we will reconfigure.

Re: testing the products of technology SEM.

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 13:39
by Aura
Кира Алексеевна wrote:Tell me-what's wrong with me? The thing to note, I kind of seek out, listen to yourself, even ask myself-"What we have that's new and unusual? And in response-silence." If mid-day won't feel a thing, it'll ask for a power increase of up to 6.
Гуфест wrote:Kira try 1 mode.
All right Guest advised. You have to understand that from 6 modes in the transmission range does not include all. Should be individualized, as the regime in neocolony! If level 3 was changed to 5 and this reduced the feeling of energy, so moving in the wrong direction. Different people have different levels of sensitivity and pick up on the principle of less sensitivity - higher the power. Of course there are people with high sensitivity, can withstand high power, but this is a case of experienced practitioners, and the General rule is that. You see, human have their own protective mechanisms that kick in, if at high sensitivity cut level 6. This is the real energy, while high frequency and a block of 6 of the resonances. An unprepared body or of highly sensitive nervous system can not withstand such power. Of course, I can turn You on 6, but I do say what's going to happen - the feeling has reduced. I recommend to try 1-2.

Re: testing the products of technology SEM.

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 13:41
by Aura
LONincluded power level 6.

Re: testing the products of technology SEM.

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 13:46
by Aura
Гуфест wrote:I Have the testing all stranded,all day Energizer even have to go to events to where to put the energy.
Гуфест wrote:Aura install 1 mode,please.
Some idea why. You have a high sensitivity (mobility EN. body within a certain range) to a single resonance of the 6. This, incidentally, may be associated with the elixir and experiments with dreams. You can reduce the power to 1, but it hurt to feel the remaining 5 resonances. I have a proposition for You, let's experiment and will reduce the power not only of the block, and a single resonance, the rest will put on 3?

Re: testing the products of technology SEM.

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 13:49
by Лон
In! It is quite different! Nauseated was a little, solar plexus itching, throat really feel!!But all bearable...even the mood has improved))) recovery began!! Krasota!!!

Re: testing the products of technology SEM.

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 14:07
by анатали
Please enable 5 mode if not mastered will be asked to reduce

Re: testing the products of technology SEM.

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 14:43
by Гуфест
Aura let's as you suggest will do,I thing that night was not loaded heavily,and the day I was happy with everything.

Re: testing the products of technology SEM.

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 15:13
by Гуфест
The problem is this,in the second mode,night woke up ,went to the toilet shook as a drunk,was sick.this is what I need,woke up broken,but power was quickly restored in 5 minutes,very unusual that.Physical development is also the night you go all Savasana for the night.And you want to relax.

Re: testing the products of technology SEM.

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 15:21
by Кира
Please connect a power level 2

Re: testing the products of technology SEM.

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 16:33
by анатали
Yes, making a day charge noticed the difference in temperature.a distance of approximately 30 cm-heat,and then coolness,and even such as in the well

Re: testing the products of technology SEM.

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 18:24
by Гуфест
Kira you neocolony have? Or without nokolov on photos just got and expected impact.

Re: testing the products of technology SEM.

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 18:50
Sorry to interpose in the conversation. Connected were not. But read the forum.
The last day is simply "Back to the future"...
Cotton head, the feeling of staying in 5-6 parallel universes consistently. Each time the sense of reality, and the next hour is full of deja vu...
The names of the people with whom communicated, changed every hour in accordance with the current reality, but each time it was authentic.
On the eve of the increased activity of map programs "Alchemy" from 20 to 50%, verbal. That could have an impact and cause such consequences ?
Or attunement with the forum and the thread could be so influential ?

Re: testing the products of technology SEM.

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 19:22
by Милая
Well, as I understand it, to tired today I did not succeed. The feeling that you swim in the ocean of energy, all make easily on the rise, no tiredness, no stress. The General condition is good, we can say harmonious, I guess, it looks like happiness :)
Very interesting feeling of riding in the car, as if flying through the air. It seems that rising above the material world, and when his touch, it felt too hard, with very high efficiency in the material (from the word "matter") businesses. I wonder how long you can work in this state, not tired?
Tomorrow need specially download more. :)

Re: testing the products of technology SEM.

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 21:10
by Дмитрий Никитин
Do not know a coincidence or not, but two days before the connection of the resonances directly wanted to connect 4 mode Neocolony 2. And today decided to return it, I want :?

In terms of management of energies occurred to me to connect breath. Today I had to wash the dishes, a large number. In consequence of that long standing in one place. I have started in such cases the creeps in my legs, about knee length. So, making the breath through the right nostril was represented by gathering energy in his right foot and as you inhale, raise up on the right side of the body to the head and gently lowered her down on the left side of the body until the left foot, producing an exhalation through the left nostril (the nostrils are not pinched). It turned out that was enough for 3-4 strokes such that all normalized. Cool. :)

Another decided to focus on relaxing the back of the neck, slightly pushing her forward, as if to let the energy flow. Work, too. I have often accumulate tension, especially when dealing.

The resonances have noticed that my scoliosis in the thoracic sides is really strong itch back, later warmed, and well, apparently, it flowed energy is really more cheerful than before.

Before lunch was hearty. At lunch as I ate, I wanted to take a NAP. Lain two hours. In General the whole second half of the day was chill. Well that Saturday))) Really cleaned up in the evening is not weak, even the floors throughout the house washed)))

Re: testing the products of technology SEM.

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2018 0:38
by Юрий ВК
Today, of the new observations:
- more vivid dreams than usual.
although my wife and are interested in "folk" methods of treatment and prevention, but today the interest of gaining more strength, having me in some kind of mania ))
- periodically, throughout the day, there were a helluva lot of philosophical thoughts and States that are physically felt in the body.
Despite the 6 "power" feels like below, observe effects and condition a few more days and probably ask Aura to lower the level.

Re: testing the products of technology SEM.

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2018 0:44
by кросби
Аура wrote:Where was the sense of maximum density directly on the border of the physical body or at a distance?
I've been thinking about this question until a day go to sleep(haven't slept in a day).In the dream, I saw myself a coffee table,the handle of which was fastened from the middle of the back and ended on top of a glass sphere,when I woke up this "pen" for two hours did not disappear :)
Indeed,after sleep,the feeling of complete relaxation.

Re: testing the products of technology SEM.

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2018 0:47
by кросби
For purity of experiment,snitty pliz frequency to 2.

Re: testing the products of technology SEM.

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2018 1:29
by Лон
Sorry...I was on level 1...I realized immediately what he began to deal....Level 6 of anything..if you about anything))) the Aura, You heard me..Although..I may not be quite meh

Re: testing the products of technology SEM.

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2018 8:17
by Милая
Good morning everyone!

Today began with disappointment. Not because there is snow outside, and the garden is still left unharvested apples. God is with them, with apples, so they have nowhere to go :? The disappointment that I'm still "caught" this resonant flow.
Yesterday, as recommended by the Aura, tried to work with the energies. Clenched, unclenched, twisted, but tired quickly and decided to just watch. The feeling was pretty clear, the flow goes to the top of the head "as the stream of water pouring from the tap". Such cranes are that the trickle of water slightly rolling. Localization of the jet I was closer to the forehead.
My ego can not survive that impact goes directly into the brain. Yes, and where to go if the brain "owns" frequencies. Already in the first after connecting the night was clear, the picture with the brain, but the images are not so simple, not at once, at times, understand what is important and what is secondary. Ego so excited that the forces to deal with the quality of energy left. Go to soothe his ego, immediately served with Apple compote...
Feeling great, slept very little, but I feel rested. Understand that the 2nd level of my power, well-being and clear sense, but for the sake of the experiment, asked to increase the capacity to 3.
Our shaggy pet, all is well. Cleaning he started earlier than me for a few hours and continued for the duration about the same time. Only he seemed to be silenced. Was very frisky and playful, way too. And now the rules. :)

Re: testing the products of technology SEM.

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2018 10:16
by Кира
Good morning! Well, finally on the 2nd level was at least something to show. Yesterday after switching for a long time felt nothing, only periodically the ears and cheeks burned, I was Napping, but after sleep I'm so cold that I had to pull on a warm winter blanket and two hours could not get warm, all this time was in the horizontal position and did not want to move, the impression that left the energy and the vessel sank. At the same time, traced its internal state, which left the binding from what I previously had and loved dearly. Before going to sleep felt something warm and deep flows on the right side of my body and pomeschaetsya in the stomach and some time to be there. Sleep well and enough, in the morning we had to go by car, and when I left in the car alone, was included music at full volume, here is my heart and felt a pleasant heaviness-languor, which never left me for 20 minutes. Today also periodically flash the ears and cheeks.