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Re: Feedback on test products

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2015 23:42
by Aura
Корвин wrote:You are a very accurate word was given about the suspension, and this is felt when you do.+ I would like to know about DSC and other parts of the brain who is responsible for what and how to use them, power opening, and so forth, that is, not the description which is standard Internet issues
This is a more global topic worthy of 10 treatises. Not all at once, let's take the theoretical information with practical link.

Re: Feedback on test products

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2015 23:56
by Aura
Милая wrote:And does something "color" vision? Well, for example, the quality of the energy? Is, for example, the energy perceived in the yellow light from the energy perceived in purple? But if the two colors at the same time - yellow and purple with a clear border between them?
In individual development, unless you want to become a diagnostician, does not mean anything. It is some away from the development of information. Gone not because I don't want to share. The fact is that when a person comes into a new area, it usually feels (besides others) a sense of lack of usual supports, including information. To find support independently is a primary goal. So to speak, the information obtained through the sense component is more chaotic than structured. Structure you need yourself, if this is not Your structure, then You will not be able to use it. Accordingly, it is easy to conclude that if it is a foreign structure, then You will be able to manage someone else who created this structure. And for the most part in so doing, You will find many interpretations of supersensible experience, but few ways to achieve it.
As for the color perception, the gray, red, yellow no difference in principle. Let me explain why. We (well, the modern scientific paradigm) have an idea about the spectral decomposition of the so-called "visible" range of frequencies. This is the length of the waves, an objective parameter, but that ultimately, the brain interprets as the length of the waves, only individually. So You think he's green in Africa green. And here and there. What other people perceive as what everyone calls green, much different from the perception of green as a different person. There is a definite "social contract": a few people poke fingers in one and the same object and say "green", okay, but what happens in the brain of one person differs significantly from the processes occurring in the brain of another person. They recorded the reactions, emotions, what else is causing this wavelength is...but it's like different worlds.
As for the "subtle" energies here to the same "social contract" is almost impossible, though, because there is no concept of the same object. You are dealing with the same illusion, which is our physical world. And there is no "every hunter that wants to know", actually it is, but for everybody. More precisely, there is, of course, such schools and structures that will gladly give You the interpretation...but if there is at least one person who will answer Your question
Милая wrote:But if the two colors at the same time - yellow and purple with a clear border between them?
and those wanting to believe, will be a lot, he will immerse You in own world of illusion, depriving, hence, the ability to build your. Do You need it? :)
Милая wrote:is, for example, the energy perceived in the yellow light from the energy perceived in purple?
Of course, you'll be exactly the same as the yellow...the color differs from purple. But a clear boundary between the yellow and orange not all can spend. Remember the popular memes with the color perception of the lace dresses :) Where they will hold the border, and there it is.<

Re: Feedback on test products

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2015 2:40
by НВП
Here is one insight. And I have last week just a domestic crisis for some. Hard to focus on the Affairs, problems, communication. The head is just as empty a light balloon filled with helium, and somewhere firstreleases. In the mind of any thoughts. Stupid, stupid. Can just sit , be silent, unable to think. Even his wife was worried that you were sick? I feel physically well, alert, sleep. But all things, usual, normal, routine, you have to force yourself to do live through do not want. And today surprised myself to extremes: I went in the center, the corner of his eye grabbed the attention of the store for artists. Parked, walked in, bought melannie paint, paper. Woke up at home, the wife asks - my daughter asked? I vdgu realized - I want to draw. Ndaaaa. I had never dreamed about it. As I'm not . Or turnover, may the I, which I don't even know? :roll:

Re: Feedback on test products

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2015 11:32
by Иван Славов
Ахим wrote:Next week will tell if I can take this mode.
It was not easy to sustain, in the sense that there is plenty of room, but can't hold them simultaneously in consciousness, even "the second attention"/ and the habit you want. I.e. the active concentration should be directed on priorities and to be here in operatorsthe.
Also, from my point of view, to adapt, at least in this "transitional period", after the active concentration to be active and relaxation /relaxation, perhaps, for the best contributes to building a bridge between the hemispheres-halves of the body/. For this purpose it is necessary and autogenous training relaxation, upomyanalos me somewhere here in the topics.

Re: Feedback on test products

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2015 11:36
by Иван Славов
NVPand what mode Your nookular? By the way about the drawing - I'm also interested in the painting /want to learn how to do it the same on both the right and left arm - while I can write with a pen almost identically on both right and left/.
Drawing, I would personally need as I am going to learn /not now, as now is interested in learning, at least in the low potocani/ remote vision /remote viewing/. Here I got last week:
9 of the best tutorials on drawing.

When you want to draw, but don't know where to start... We have gathered the most interesting and popular tutorials that will help you in this difficult matter and will gradually explain many complex things.

1. M. Kistler - You can draw in 30 days. Simple step-by-step system, tested in practice.

2. O. shmatova - Tutorial on painting with watercolors.

3. B. Edwards - the Artist inside you.

4. Nicholas Lee - the fundamentals of educational academic drawing.

5. Nicholas Lee is the Head of a man. Fundamentals of educational academic drawing.

6. Jack Hamm - How to draw the head and figure of a man?

7. Ernest Norling - Dimensional drawing and perspective.

8. Noel Gregory oil Painting.

9. Bert Dodson - Keys to the art of drawing.
Good luck!

Re: Feedback on test products

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2015 15:36
by Евген412
For the past two weeks as I have to test the pendant on 2 levels. Interaction with the pendant started as soon as it was postponed for me for a couple of hours went to sleep and about a day in my head there was an active "job", then I felt when he gave to the conductor, intensified "work" in my head. Gradually reached 4 modes.
At this stage clearly shows the program
Content-the Program allows to create conditions for the development of sensual abilities of filling any actions. Not to be confused with emotional intensity (program intensity). Sensitive content action allows you to fill up any, even the most simple and small everyday actions that can be called the fullness of life itself or quality of life...
Life becomes brighter, just get pleasure from each moment of life, even though like nothing has changed.
Still clearly improved my "weight" when dealing with people, it seems to work programs
Titan – the entry in infotopia energy expansion. Causes people to take longer and more significant, including the actions and words of the operator, be better than others.
Recently walked with a friend along the waterfront and we are going to meet a man have fairly accepted on a chest, clearly with the intention of something to ask on, not reach a couple of meters already opened his mouth and then his open mouth just takes away, my friend even said, "What was that?". Don't know what the pendant/program worked(I still have the Body, the Corsair, the Master and Cloud), but clearly there was an anomaly.

Re: Feedback on test products

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2015 18:55
by АндрейСу
I do not know in what subject to write, so I will write here:
After wearing "masters" on mode power for several months of any significant changes that went beyond the usual randomness, I haven't seen (I wrote about this in the theme wizard). Long doubted whether to buy another pendant and, if so, what. Each had some pluses, but globally no one "touched" so that I was ready for it to stop. It ended in the last day of the campaign decided to buy 6 pendants – Packed the whole set except for "armor". In order to feel the effects, decided not to combine in one while wearing all of the above. Wear one on a neck, on a chain, the remaining 6 in his pocket. Can the effect of such wear and slightly lower than "normal", but to wear on the neck 7 is not convenient.
Feelings arose almost immediately, as soon as I got them – powerful energy recovery, an effect similar to a mixture of the effects of alcohol and coffee, but without their negative effects. Some effect of "hangover" is also present – in the day did not carry pendants so depressed, I was recommended for almost any reason, "cloudy" state of mind. When I put the pendants in his pocket, everything was alright again – back cheerfulness and good mood. Added new feeling of my body – it was better to sink in or something.
I find it difficult to determine which of the pendants what is the effect, but I really feel, and every day for more than a week in a row. Temporary coincidence this is not. Realized that I don't understand how to use the pendants in the regimes of medium or power – what you need to do to "change speed" or "pairing density", "access to the integral field." For me, this is far from the realm of theory divorced from practical application. Brought his master back to auto (now all 7 on auto). Will not change until understanding what to do and how to use.
Very interesting progress occurred in the implementation of energy exercises workshop (I wrote about them in the relevant subject).<

Re: Feedback on test products

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2015 0:55
by НВП
Ахим wrote:NVP, and the mode in which Your nookular? By the way about the drawing - I'm also interested in the painting /want to learn how to do it the same on both the right and left arm - while I can write with a pen almost identically on both right and left/. Drawing, I would personally need as I am going to learn /not now, as now is interested in learning, at least in the low potocani/ remote vision /remote viewing/.
Thank you Achim for the books. Me to draw the left hand away. I have the right to learn :) Although you gave me an idea. Need left hand to try to learn how to write :)

Re: Feedback on test products

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2015 1:06
by Корвин
see the colors when using the strobe before flowers almost never seen occasionally briefly appeared and again the red was now blinking steadily is probably as it should be

Re: Feedback on test products

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2015 1:29
by НВП
Achim and I have 4. For some reason I have a feeling that I gained. When something long-lost. I wonder what became apparent as old friends. From childhood :)

Re: Feedback on test products

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2015 8:57
by Gorius08
A little bit about modes. As I perceive them. Auto - gross. Sausage (bounce, whatever) in this mode. Headache was the indicator switch to this mode. And pendants of the 1st level it was so, and with the second. High, I was kept on this regime for a week. It is unclear how the people on it for months. Anyone, apparently, But..! but you can clearly can see the program in this mode. There I have a program, they seem to separate, therefore, easier to observe, while in mode Power for a program like embedded in you, embedded very softly, gradually, so that changes and programs can feel immediately. Mode Power seemed more native to any pendant. Dispersed pendants 1st level mode Power by increasing speed and density of the mate to the max, again all is well, stabilized quickly. Feel very comfortable in it, not slow, not blunt, not crash, in computer slang. Medium mode, transition mode. Nothing can say about him. Not been on it longer than 2 days. More interesting than Cars, but not Power.

Re: Feedback on test products

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2015 10:24
by мимоходом
Headache is a positive symptom is increased pressure on the blood vessels of the brain, will be removed psychosomatic stiffness, it will wear off eventually, but the process is lengthy. To facilitate - you can first try to "wiggle" the part of the brain trying to manage vegetative vessels - for me it was easier to imagine it as switching between the hemispheres in the activity with the rotating ballerina. Secondly you can try to breathe from the outside through the center of the forehead - one person tried to say that he has so many years of migraines gone. It is also "wiggling" the brain and the gland on the physiology, but not only

Re: testing the products of technology SEM.

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2015 15:04
by Иван Славов
Ахим wrote:
do I understand correctly at level 1 speak and intervene (and including set the priorities in the programme) not necessary? And how do I know that moved to 2nd level?
Not sure quite what will not confuse You more if I will try to answer. Better my advice to the Aura with these issues.
Good luck!
Ахим wrote:
what about level 2? Aura is not responding, how do I know?
Of course you can do anything - and say* and just to think, etc. You train the operator, You decide. Most of all, the manifestation of the effects depends on their own energy, mindfulness, concentration on a case, etc. Therefore, there is a psychic workshop as a minimum.
The second level - from my point of view - especially 4 mode neocolony 2/ - few operators can really come through. A clear boundary between 1vogo and 2рого level, no. Aura wrote - 2roy-level - timeless. But the effects of timelessness you /again again/ you can obtain and without no pendants or only with exercises of the workshop - most likely it is operator-dependent, in the first phase.
All the best.
This is the answer to the question in the PM.
* pronunciation of words /particularly strong desires in a particular emotional state/ aloud sometimes become quite feasible and really then. So you need carefully. Very. Nookular 2 very strong and, more specifically, his use of 'opens the door' to some area a very and HEIP that show to operator, well I would call 'siddhis', but something similar.

Re: testing the products of technology SEM.

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2015 15:23
by Иван Славов
By the way, in addition to the answer above: fears and blocks /operator and who has not?/ prevent it to use a product SAMM /not only/ effective. Of course, to work on them is good, but to dwell on it /i.e. to focus regularly on the blocks and fears/ - even strengthen them.
Keep in mind, please, that GAIP /it is not friendly and not hostile, but sort - of mirroring the/ will 'answer' Your query - i.e. if You think of Your blocks... I Hope it is clear.
Your fears is something that does not miss You then.
Sometimes these things /fears, blocks, clusters, etc./ prorabatyvayutsya in group better than alone. As I understand it, this new U-system may be useful in this direction, and it will not be 'reset and recovery of negativity' to a fellow cooperators at the club, and a catalyst. But, there's time and opportunity, will turn on and I /maybe soon/ in the club and watch in person.

Re: Feedback on test products

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2015 20:52
by Милая
Understanding of yesterday: "Technology SAMM - illusion of control illusion"

Re: testing the products of technology SEM.

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2015 23:31
by Aura
Achim all of the case said. You can only add that in General, the management neocolonial (the I level) is not mental commands. The fact that a control element for the activity of these or those programs ineffective to do the rational mind. The rational mind is based largely on Ego, what I would like, not what you need really. The software package neocolonial more than broad, only a few dozen in the basic package, plus an average of 10 packs (each pack on average 5-10 programs) in a special package ... in a word, without any active programs will remain :) Though the basic programs are essentially specialized sub-level, that is, in other words the basic programs are tools for specialized. Plus, some programs only work in conjunction (interaction)...well, what pronunciation, is a complex, dynamic system that responds to changes not only in the PI operator, but also on global trends in GAAP. The operator of all of these parameters can not account for, but the firmware of the pendant - can. Managing neocolonial is carried out indirectly, through their own actions, thoughts, emotions, any movement of energy in the operator field. The program is activated when necessary, so create this need – set a goal, form an intention, this is the most competent management.

For testing: in the second level, the control is a little different. This is due to the difference in the structures of I and II levels. Since the second level is (in the linear projection on the time parameters of the operator) a continuation of the second turn of the spiral, and the current work is based on the study in the first level. Therefore, program level II already have the necessary base and managed just a conscious decision: activate, pause (in serial it will be available through LK).

Re: Feedback on test products

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2015 23:48
by Aura
НВП wrote:the Head is just as empty a light balloon filled with helium, and somewhere firstreleases. In the mind of any thoughts. Stupid, stupid. Can just sit , be silent, unable to think.
You would know what a valuable state - the state of thoughtlessness and detachment, a state of maximum capacity. And as many seek him... you Can say it is controlled chaos. In fact every thought is one of the realizations of the disorder - one, that is, cut off all the others. Not to mention the fact that the brain eats a lot of energy and the state of emptiness of the head, thoughtlessness - the perfect recharge and rest for the body, hence the cheerfulness and burst of energy. "Stupid" is purely Your attitude. Take this attitude and use it while you can.

Re: Feedback on test products

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2015 0:31
by Aura
АндрейСу wrote:Realized that I don't understand how to use the pendants in the regimes of medium or power – what you need to do to "change speed" or "pairing density", "access to the integral field." For me, this is far from the realm of theory divorced from practical application.
All really simple. The choice You make every moment: to sit or stand, every spoken word, think that thought or another, all this leads to one or the other variant line. When the choice depends on You - it's management, when there is no - You run. Managing pendant is the same choice of the parameter. Another thing is that the ability to drive (not a pendant, yourself, your life in General) may just be insufficient, then more suited to the auto mode. To start the management just try to realize that making the seemingly ordinary daily mechanical actions, You still make choices.

Re: Feedback on test products

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2015 16:09
by Иван Славов
optimization of the resources of the body.
When not worked out some 'things' that prevent 'further development', so to speak, using neocolony 2 happens, I would call - "resource optimization of the body".
The physical body is a very important thing for human beings. We are developing /in spite of all the higher spiritual assertion, etc./ thanks to your incarnation. So, probably, is arranged by the Creator.
I.e. you're doing something, moving somewhere, but the body itself halted /I literally/ - have you actually from your depths/ know, that this action prevents you along the Way. Here such things could happen when such a "variant, the line is closed" you. And Vice versa - if you opened a certain variant linou - virtually no bottlenecking at all - everything's going on yourself /here I remember the story about the Chinese master butcher who, despite perfect them work on the processing of removing the meat from the bone, his knife was always sharp, as he moved his knife exactly where it was needed and not more.
p.s. How many "faces" of neocolony 2рого level is? Rhetorical, of course, a question like this. I can't even imagine.

Re: Feedback on test products

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2015 18:55
by Корвин
How to distinguish when the brakes are something you don't need and when to transition to another level, to close the ring and move to another, you must invest energy to break a situation sometimes it is very similar and it is difficult then to understand which way would be better te different estimates can be

Re: Feedback on test products

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2015 8:42
by Милая
Corwin, I distinguish between this possible action. If the action is present and there are the necessary resources, you only need a little (well, a good :) ) to make effort to make a breakthrough. If there is no possibility of action, there is a lack of resources (time, money, relationships, etc.), it is not necessary to "break into the closed door."

Re: Feedback on test products

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2015 21:01
by АндрейСу
Аура wrote:
АндрейСу wrote:Realized that I don't understand how to use the pendants in the regimes of medium or power – what you need to do to "change speed" or "pairing density", "access to the integral field." For me, this is far from the realm of theory divorced from practical application.
All really simple. The choice You make every moment: to sit or stand, every spoken word, think that thought or another, all this leads to one or the other variant line. When the choice depends on You - it's management, when there is no - You run. Managing pendant is the same choice of the parameter. Another thing is that the ability to drive (not a pendant, yourself, your life in General) may just be insufficient, then more suited to the auto mode. To start the management just try to realize that making the seemingly ordinary daily mechanical actions, You still make choices.
If so, ask for Aura to answer some difficult for me but easy for other issues: By default, the pendants are exhibited the average speed of processes, the average density of the pairing, the low level of access to the field integral (i.e. the maximum concentration itself). Actually a question to Aura: How to determine or understand when and why you may need to change these settings? For example, I decided to do exercise from the energy of the workshop and want to maximize the effectiveness of its implementation. What kind of pendant and that I need to change? The speed on the pendant body? The density of mates in the mental and intuition? To increase the integrated field for the master? And if to do something, how much or to what level it is better to change? When return back? As I wrote, I have no understanding of what is and what needs to be done.
And the second, equally important questions: HOW to do it practically, if I still want something to change? To mentally think "Speed Master! Grow to 60% of maximum!"; "Access to the integral field of Clouds! Be average!" ? How to get feedback that something really has changed?<

Re: Feedback on test products

Posted: Sat Nov 21, 2015 19:27
by Aura
АндрейСу wrote:If everything is so
So or not, You decide. I translate in words your experience in GAAP, each operator of neocolony it exists in varying degrees, so its possible deepening, which can be shared on the forum.
АндрейСу wrote:How to determine or understand when and why you may need to change these settings?
Just as there is need. The causes of need are different from “nothing happens” to “a complete loss of the current reality”. If necessary, it is better to stay on auto.
АндрейСу wrote:for Example, I decided to do exercise from the energy of the workshop and want to maximize the effectiveness of its implementation. What kind of pendant and that I need to change? The speed on the pendant body? The density of mates in the mental and intuition? To increase the integrated field for the master? And if to do something, how much or to what level it is better to change? When return back? As I wrote, I have no understanding of what is and what needs to be done.
Depends on what You mean “efficiency of implementation”. All in all, the psychic workshop a big role have a special. packages Body, Clouds, Master. Mental – at high levels. Psychic workshop is a necessary addition to just wearing neocolonial. In General, if you can't, and no understanding of the work modes, just stay in the car, what the problem is. Yet once again I repeat, modes need for individual adjustment of the pendant to the operator, don't have a goal to master all three modes, it is important to choose the one that suits You. May be more effective means for a car to stay.
АндрейСу wrote:HOW to do it practically, if I still want something to change? To mentally think "Speed Master! Grow to 60% of maximum!"; "Access to the integral field of Clouds! Be average!" ? How to get feedback that something really has changed?
Verbal promises are possible if You got used to them and thus You have formed the anchor for the command. In General, verbal commands are not required. It is important to understand that the office in fact You realize there is always. How is Your individual way, I don't know about it. I can imagine. It is important to understand that the office You are always carried out, although may not be noticed. If You this management control and realize that you can experiment with the modes and medium power. If not, and have no idea what it was – it is better to stay on the car.<

Re: Feedback on test products

Posted: Sat Nov 21, 2015 21:25
by Милая
Does the state of "complete loss of the current reality," a quality transition to another variant of the line or is it just loss of control/self-control? I ask because I experienced something similar during the 4 days after switching neocolony 2nd-level power.

Re: Feedback on test products

Posted: Sun Nov 22, 2015 3:15
by НВП
Аура wrote: Not to mention the fact that the brain eats a lot of energy and the state of emptiness of the head, thoughtlessness - the perfect recharge and rest for the body, hence the cheerfulness and burst of energy. "Stupid" is purely Your attitude. Take this attitude and use it while you can.
Thanks for the explanation. Indeed, it is strange for me as positive was not perceived. Then feel was that at some point the body and head as if filled the void than it fills. Energy, I guess. And such a wonderful experience that even physically as it is denser.