Woof! BU-ha-ha...

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Re: Architecture GAIP. System products SAMM.

Post by ЛИЛИЯ-Р » Thu Mar 16, 2017 18:20

here :?
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Re: Architecture GAIP. System products SAMM.

Post by rel » Thu Mar 16, 2017 19:47

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Re: Architecture GAIP. System products SAMM.

Post by ЛИЛИЯ-Р » Fri Mar 17, 2017 15:17

here :?
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Re: Architecture GAIP. System products SAMM.

Post by rel » Fri Mar 17, 2017 20:08

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Re: Architecture GAIP. System products SAMM.

Post by Легенда » Fri Mar 17, 2017 21:18

Actually Lily is very lively, kind and cheerful.
And I was happy to see her for the first time, and to this day.
Your comments on all public display is not appropriate, not only as a person but as a girl. Think and ponder about what you thought.

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Re: Architecture GAIP. System products SAMM.

Post by rel » Sat Mar 18, 2017 2:10

0. for "knight's" OK to read "a letter to someone else" ? )) (what is hidden and marked "Lilies"?) =o)
I think not.. and if you read - it is not a knight (or gentleman), so something's not right))
well, it's a joke (or a joke).. and then more serious:

1. I was being sincere. and I am sure that this is all that is required (the sincerity)

2. prior to this "opportunity" I've all the time to "keep your comments to yourself", and recently I insisted on stopping communication. as long as you were not prompted to consider my personal qualities (by the way, to the public ;) ) and to discuss the need to work on ourselves - and I for the life of all mirrors, what to do with me, the same show, and without malice, simply the equation of the balance. but even this is not all the main thing the main thing.. see next and overall I'm glad that there is a good reason to say it (because it is solely for the benefit of) - here are the details:

3. "men do not know", but I insist. on the method "the principle of a true friend". here You are, alas, not a real friend. God forbid I such friends as You (although there are all sorts was, and You will if fate will bring, but it is better - give me, God, real).

so, as a true friend of all says "as is".
"a friend is not someone who smears sweet, and those who tell the truth".

I think it's people like You, indulge, for example, those suffering from obesity.. comfort them and lull, and nothing to do, all the rules. and they continue to puff, to carry extra pounds, shipping heart, to scare off possible partners (from those who have normal vision and a sense of natural harmony). and it would be useful to tell the truth, nature is not conceived of obesity, only in extreme cases, the warehouse of toxins and other wastes in the muscle fibers was provided, but there is also fashion for fatties, but try this hat suits you so perfectly, you do not listen to these fools, you are just lovely.. they do not realize how harmful pseudo-friends, and they trust.. and the result is very poor, comprehensively..

by the way, "road to hell" does not that kind of good intentions built?..

and that is not obvious, good intentions often have some, but the road to hell - others..
those who believe in them and tends to "sweet" Yes "smoother" to listen to..

the answer can be found, taking into account the tip - "by their fruits ye judge them"..
and obviously, the "fetus A" (to be soothing but an illusion, to suffer)
much worse, "fetus B" (to know the unpleasant truth, but as a result bounce /ease / harmony /beauty and freedom)

+ here: "do unto others as you want them to do unto you", does not contradict this.
I would prefer the truth about myself to know someone that I see myself. All to the last gram.
well, except that with the exception of incorrect speculation, which by (in this case - see the fifth paragraph =)

for example, (I don't know, can be told on the forum) my ex-wife I only at parting (after 13 years...) told that it is necessary after meals to wipe lips, and the morning from the eyes of the pellets (when I was) to pick out.. and all this time, she "tactfully silent", "pitied" me.. and I, like a schmuck, I went day by day for 13 years with zhirnyuchy lips)) and nakagami in the eyes))

and where were all the others?.. all close ? "friends" ?.. not seen? or spared also?..
I think the second still. and was very disappointed then..

or that when a person has bad breath.. basically, all "without the pale" try behind to grimace, they say it's rude and the person will hurt.. a man can and not suspect.. the problem, of course, nothing to decide and not going to.. because of her and does not know..

often that is very unfortunate, consciously or subconsciously, people do it... in order to... to retain the advantage.. to be better and better ... like in the background of a terrible friend to Shine.. but this is about.. the most severe cases)

4. regarding "but as the girl" - separately..

Do you think girls are the "weaker sex"?.. and they are with You/for I agree?.. =0)
I wish they all were?
- type, "weak, flawed and dependent".. need you..?
to you, the hero, was someone to protect.. ?

Well, you know, I have a much better opinion.

Moreover, we are not on the forum of lyric poetry - I think that here almost everyone, except, perhaps, some of the newcomers to make any criticism, but the truth, so do you get to cuddle..

the other is the principle I : "show me my cockroaches",
that's only rarely that someone makes, according to the principle of collective responsibility (inter-sleep)
( 'you do not touch me - I love you' / 'and suddenly the answer will arrive' )))

5. and finally, if I got this wrong, then what is it that Lily can hurt?..
I'd laugh, if I were charged with something that there is no trace.
and by the way, me such cases (when I am wrong, and Reality/People are better than I thought)
it is particularly pleasing to tears!.. and extend me a picture of the world..
but, unfortunately large, I'm not often wrong.

but if I "got" and "guess", it is too cool it will use. (see paragraph 3.)

PS. at another time I would appreciate Your heroism
and protection (as it were)is weak, but... see # 3. and n. 4.
- well, for him, everything is just the opposite.<

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Re: Architecture GAIP. System products SAMM.

Post by rel » Sat Mar 18, 2017 4:52

rel wrote:I was sincere. and I am sure that this is all that is required (the sincerity)
amendment (two) - I actually was not accurate and therefore not rights - it's not all that is required..
as he said in his lectures Rami Blekt (and from him I learned the importance of a third element..),
components must be three (when something someone is saying / recommending /
"lecture" / suggest / point out weaknesses, etc.)

- 1. to know what is really telling the truth
- 2. to be sure that it will benefit
- 3. ... to speak with love ...

at 1st, in this case (the statement of opinion, feelings, thoughts) is enough to be sincere, and here everything is OK.
the 2nd - is deeply convinced that it is so. even brought "his" principle, and fully intend to "promote" to measure the forces. also rules.

well.. probably only the 3rd part.. for that I'm a little ashamed.. because I succumbed to irritation rejection,
while the rest accept and understand, love and forgive, and with no claim as such, and with humor,
but, it was spoiled.... identification with condemning/not taking part..

the importance of the third point is very great and undeniable.. because it is written without love will not be accepted
will be excluded, despite its validity with usefulness..

alas, it is true, confirmed by my years of experience (first more experience of errors and failures..)..
for years, I insisted that enough truth in any rigid form it was presented
the main thing that true were, and that was a favor..
as it turns out, without the third, without love, everything is really much much more complicated..
until the complete futility "shocking air"

more complement that now could see more clearly in the mirror-Lily) its the same (the same) quality
though I still think that I always explain thoroughly and responsibly to all (those who listens),
and listen with all the attention (to someone you really should listen) and so it is,
but overall, the quality of the behavior are quite similar.. don't accept (and not visible) to myself, I saw so)

finally, I don't think it was worth to remove these initially meaningless questions/answers)
that once again confirms the "robotest" approach "to see the value-the importance of all"
just didn't want to see in this promise of the Universe, because I sensed it will all end)))))
hope and Lily will all be informative and useful.. =o)<

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Re: Architecture GAIP. System products SAMM.

Post by Рэмис » Mon Mar 20, 2017 14:20

0. for "knight's" OK to read "a letter to someone else" ? )) (what is hidden and marked "Lilies"?) =o)
I think not.. and if you read - it is not a knight (or gentleman), so something's not right))
well, it's a joke (or a joke)..

Gentlemen, are you in or PM each other write, or draw on their notes marked "Confidential," "not for disclosure".

It is still a forum.

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Re: Architecture GAIP. System products SAMM.

Post by rel » Mon Mar 20, 2017 15:27

damn, it's branches throwing so chtoli?..
morning I watched the topic, all messages with the "float" was cut off..
I breathed a sigh of relief.. how to do this here..
and now again..

REMISI love to, but where I write, I respond (as I write, then I return)
(except 'hopeless' and 'unsustainable', then do not respond at all or send)

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Re: Architecture GAIP. System products SAMM.

Post by ЛИЛИЯ-Р » Wed Mar 22, 2017 13:23

rel Sorry to hurt you so,my opinion, there is another side of that question that you have voiced. You shared your experience , I think. There is misunderstanding. Think already allowed.
Sorry, again, sincerely.

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Re: Architecture GAIP. System products SAMM.

Post by rel » Wed Mar 22, 2017 15:19

LILY-P Forgive me and You.. I also, with great joy, painted in our "peace agreement" :o)
Although, as I wrote, I was referring to software that is not accepted.. and not to the True You..
If I'd only known that You consciously build it and apply and if they did, what purpose..
there would be no issues of any kind.. it just happened like in the movies and TV shows) where the whole plot, the whole thing, as usual, is based only on some omission, to the mystery, misunderstanding the difference between the terms and things like that))
Glad we talked in a PM and clarify obscure points. Again, all the best to You!

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Re: Architecture GAIP. System products SAMM.

Post by ЛИЛИЯ-Р » Wed Mar 22, 2017 15:51

rel Both sides ))

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Re: Architecture GAIP. System products SAMM.

Post by Лон » Sun May 28, 2017 3:40

Rel, Guest thanks for powerful parsing words! Yeah...a knowledgeable person...so mud will sling the uninitiated in the intricacies of the man Times Two! And don't even understand how this could happen, what is most offensive)) the farther into the forest ..knowledge multiply sorrow

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Re: Architecture GAIP. System products SAMM.

Post by rel » Sun May 28, 2017 3:51

is-Tina.And that there will be from the dregs?
usually Lotuses)

well, it is, by the way..)
in General, this parsing of words by syllables seems to me not correct
have drevniy Slavs as some sort of more complicated there all..

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Re: Architecture GAIP. System products SAMM.

Post by Гуфест » Sun May 28, 2017 19:48

the parsing of words by syllables seems to me not correct
Well,why not, a distortion of the meaning of the word has a long history as an approach that denies the true purpose of the word,which forces you to use dead words,simply empty, devoid of meaning and energy.GAIP needs to hear.

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Re: Architecture GAIP. System products SAMM.

Post by Гуфест » Sun May 28, 2017 19:57

it turns out the mud will sling the uninitiated in the intricacies of the man Times Two! And don't even understand how this could have happened, most annoying
Dog anger bites the stick as the culprit, but not the one who sets in motion.
For what? show feelings to a stick which can bring pain or feeling low frequencies,why? to be offended by words.
Media virtual program and competent person differs,with awareness,therefore, of grief and hurtful past,and is moving in the direction where they went, that is the causative agent,it is possible to practice,suddenly came a sense of remove from the picture which realized,the one who is the cause,this allows you to break free from negativity and will not have to carry someone else's load.Action is done very quickly, when we realized,felt,then opened a two-way transmission channel.
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Re: Architecture GAIP. System products SAMM.

Post by rel » Sun May 28, 2017 21:02

Guest well actually here you and finished to according to my definitions these words, some more (here only what for? to confuse?)

Truth is truth, everyone at least intuitively clear what it is.

Of the common definitions is suitable, for example, is : "that there is in fact, true." (Ushakov dictionary) or "According to knowledge of reality." or "Adequate reflection of objects and phenomena of reality, the knowing subject, which reproduces them as they are" (the definition of science Philosophy)
Or the definition of Aristotle : "Conformity to knowledge of things."
Or Plato : "the Eternal and unchanging absolute property of ideal objects."
or mine, where the last option I narrowed 'the everlasting' to 'topical', (significantly) added all those things
which does not vary during the term of existence (also in relation to what/whom are looking for the Truth).

You do some anyways there "Tina" finished, some "go ahead".. Where even a grain of sense, appearing or changing as a result of these corrections? he just completely disappears.. Where at least some new understanding from these rosulek? - only a violation of the old understanding. I said, in my head you 'cereal only', which you would have to understand. Duck are you still here her share, "confusing the immature minds"..

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Re: Architecture GAIP. System products SAMM.

Post by Гуфест » Mon May 29, 2017 14:23

Rel your borzois rubbish little desire to engage in dialogue,but to answer your impudence,what do you in the brain,as it is your idea you will agree.What's your point?picked quotes out of context is not,sostryapany in an incoherent lump ,mixed with the shit of your children's unmet ego and ask others to taste,it's arrogance on your part.
"what is, in fact, true." (dictionary Ushakov)
Rel you are an idiot,prove otherwise.Do you read,which is,in fact, means it is true.
I for my part, I wanted to convey that many of the words are not what is perceived and considered,I understand those who know other languages.
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Re: woof! BU-ha-ha...

Post by rel » Mon May 29, 2017 17:50

do You read,which is,in fact, means it is true.
Guest written on the fence is not true (except for idiots),
the truth is just what on the fence something written.

( ..however, as you know, the fence - usually - scene opinions. :ap )

Not understanding such simple things, you the undersigned, have proven that you are an idiot
even though you were never asked. :)
I for my part, I wanted to convey that many of the words are not what is perceived and considered,I understand those who know other languages.
as in this case (no one asked)..
it's like that for no reason at all to start the device plane or a recipe for the compote to tell your (stupid) thinking any of thousands of your employees are appropriate everywhere and always. That's just nope.
your borzois rubbish .. you idiot
Light, only it is desirable in this (especially for this) topic, and my caravan goes on.
And your destiny, at constant approach - always podgavkivat. And never in the subject.

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Re: woof! BU-ha-ha...

Post by Гуфест » Mon May 29, 2017 20:21

Rel your biglobosa nobody needs low your self-esteem yourself,you can only get others to hate you myself ,and usually the reaction will be expressed in arrogance,do not have to have the generosity and light,you usually punched someone else's information being.
It is better to read Aristotle ,Plato,the Torah,the Old Testament,Hubbard's Dianetics.And your dumb judgment about the great and the stolen quotes in your expressions will look,sound always ridiculous and pretentious,because it is not so well.
as in this case (no one asked)..
Mind you the mirror, you are the same nobody asked for.Your writings are not understandable to anyone,nobody understands what you mean?you are very primitive, exaggerated skips only personal beliefs clumsily veiled anything, about between lines that are not interesting.
in this case, as you know, the fence - usually the - scene views. :ap
For such idiots like you can be,and that the owner may catch and kicks to fight,Schaub teach it labels to do. :lol:
if the same approach - always podgavkivat
You pigs do not bark, but talk .
In my life people trying to do good by the nature of my work, I need people,so many with me at the meeting, shake first,just a thank you.What can you do?

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Re: woof! BU-ha-ha...

Post by rel » Tue May 30, 2017 0:18

I can everything you needguest)
But an endless waste of time on the gall incompetent envious.
Seeing my Scriptures what is not there, and not seeing what is there)
So, in further abide..shsya without my answers. and go to black list.
But the value of my business time will tell.

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Re: woof! BU-ha-ha...

Post by Гуфест » Tue May 30, 2017 16:55

I can,
The same as nothing.

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Re: woof! BU-ha-ha...

Post by rel » Mon Jun 19, 2017 15:48

In fact, bad mutual with Gotestam of gavinia.. would have the opportunity to start all over again - would try somewhere to hold back, or to say. Though the differences, like, on the spot (still think most of the message of comrade "garbage") but if it's not to inform, not to impress, it would be better, perhaps, to remain silent than to fight.

Anyway, that last statement - I do not personally Hefesto, but maybe reading, I will object.

All - not "the same," nothing.

This is only true for narrow-minded, low-flying, not believing.

Recall that earlier in our history, to the present (extent) of degradation, when people were more capable as an integrated system of development, like Kung Fu, for example. Where the individual does not just learn how to swing his fists, and simultaneously studied the art of dance, and self/not self improvement, and philosophy, and music, and dance, and poetry, and painting-calligraphy, and Feng Shui, etc. - in General, in fact, EVERYTHING. And moving in all of this, people do not become "nothing", and was the true masters in all.

And to translate arrows - personally, I'm of the same master. Except that life is "relaxed" (hence the nickname "Rel" from the word relax) But even so!.. given the true understanding - we Know we Can anneal and burn) In a number of arts(major), and each of them is in a heap of styles, which is rare even for masters in these arts (as many get stuck on the first found style). And not only in the arts and Sciences "advanced", including their know-how, etc. of promotion and mini-open. My project will gradually show it all, ie will release with time. But I'll be glad to bury the grain (anti-)doubt in the minds of the faithful brother Guesto and his ilk (in that the person is weak, stupid and useless - or necessarily - the slave/servant one or two skills).

Believe in Yourself, You can do anything! this is my "slogan".

well, who is "everyone" "anything".. that's nothing...)) (for according to your Faith...)<

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Re: woof! BU-ha-ha...

Post by Гуфест » Mon Jun 19, 2017 23:26

Believe in Yourself, You can do anything! this is my "slogan".

well, who is "everyone" "anything".. that's nothing...)) (because according to your Faith...)
I can tell you what you want ,that's your business,as well as to be impressed and fascinated what there areas that are important to you for some period of time,you are wasting your own time.Can you imagine every day what you ate the sausage and ate the sweet,but the stomach you will dictate your own.The sediment you pointed out ,it is your internal resistance,unable to feed him if you like,only what use is it?.Rel ,you really ,no one, nothing, in any way, and so will be until you start to belong to himself,but no somehow there fashionable trends which have taken your angry imagination.

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Re: Discuss and ask questions on General topics

Post by .по. » Wed Sep 13, 2017 21:48

A little more about the real reality, not about the flight in a fictional country. The text is not mine, but very interesting and worth to read to the end. The only thing that I would add that in addition to external - ad creates a people for himself, inside, as well as to others. To convert internal - enough to completely remove any claims. And quite on forces external to turn hell into Paradise, though not alone... From hell to Paradise do no one, moreover, who reads it.

a Short course in mental health no shit

some of my friends unhappy, constantly look at ourselves, go to psychotherapists, ruin the lives of myself and others — and the result is still miserable and not understand why.

so I decided that it would be useful to talk briefly about my life, ahem, like philosophy. I'm not sure it will help someone, it is unlikely you will be less unhappy (and then — also unlikely), but the answer to the question “why” I have, but it's something.

you are unhappy because you live in hell.

here, of course, the inquisitive mind at once sets a new “why”, but the answer to this “why” anymore. you did not ask why you live in Voronezh or at number eight. your parents lived in Voronezh, your grandparents lived at number eight, and all these addresses are in hell.
it happened.

it's not the most obvious fact in the world, because we live in hell for a long time, we got used to it, got used, and we have IKEA. from an everyday point of view, the ad looks good, we more or less arranged it, had a water pipe connected gas column and the Internet.

it is difficult for us to understand that we live in hell because in the books hell is described quite unpleasant and completely different interior. it is believed that in hell you need to constantly test the physical and mental anguish, plus there Fig furnishings and constantly lit.

I understand hell expansion. hell is a world that does not bring happiness.
it sounds a bit more familiar, right?
now I can be more precise to restate his first and only point.

you are unhappy because you live in hell and do not understand it. you expect from the world of warmth and love, but the world can give you either the first or the second, it is absolutely not about that, it's about hell.
by the way, is not to say that this hell is hostile to you.
not at all. he's just shit.

for example, you want to have in your life were people with whom you could establish a trust relationship. you wish you had friends.
the world shit on it.

or you want to succeed in their chosen profession and to achieve it great success.
for God's sake. the world shit on it.

or you want to admire, even to strangers at the sound of your name smiled and nodded understandingly.
world shit on your desires.

while you are in good company. similarly, the world was shit on Nietzsche, Schopenhauer, Princess Diana, Kurt Cobain and Einstein. Yes there Einstein. the world wanted to spit on Steve jobs, and this man gave us the iPhone.

but there are no jobs, and the iPhone is all there is, then it will not be because on the iPhone the world is also shit.
just the iPhone, unlike you, understands that and is not soared on trifles.
well, in General, the world is quite difficult to accuse indifference. if tomorrow the cuticle on the index finger suddenly began to talk and told you that you too rarely pay attention to it, you too will be pretty surprised.

the difference in scale between you and the cuticles are much, much smaller than between you and the world.
"so," said the universe, it means you are thirty-six, and, uh, you have a difficult relationship with their parents, they do not understand and do not see you as a person, all right? and from this you have a strong inner conflict which, uh, leads to the fact that you can not be realized, and there is something else I can't make out the handwriting.
"Yes," you say.
— okay, — said the universe. it is indeed a unique situation and a serious problem. I am fourteen billion years, the radius of the near my area is almost 50 billion light years, and I've never seen one. now I will throw, will cease to expand, put the entropy on pause and will immediately deal with your issue. sit down comfortably.

well, actually, I was joking. the world, of course, does not say anything. he doesn't care.

in fact, even the word “spit” is too strong, because the world, of course she is, from the point of view of the universe you simply can not. all your petty grievances, hopes, and victory is so small that it does not exist neither in time nor in space.
you, for there is no peace. and your claims to the world too.

for some unknown reason, in small and shitty-ass pieces of organic matter has a consciousness and immediately after that — claims and demands to the world in which they woke up. but those claims are meaningless and pointless.
no one promised it would be easy.
literally, no one. there was no one to promise.
there is no one to complain. no one to curse. no one to talk to.
in a huge and empty, by and large, the universe is just us.

well, by the way, if our the invisible person still existed and could hear us, he would be very surprised after reviewing our records in the book of complaints.
"one second," he would say, — I would like to clarify something. I mean, I pulled you out of obscurity at some brief and completely unimportant for me the moment I gave you oxygen, celery and netflix, I gave you the Northern lights and mountain rivers, I came up with the sneezing and hiccups, I gave you everything I created you, I inadvertently and accidentally invited you to a movie theater with a huge screen — and you're still dissatisfied with something?
— Yes, what makes you think that this is all for you? some of you paid for the ticket? and show roots.

and we have no roots. we have instead a long list of complaints and expectations. but these claims there is no one to present, because we live in hell.
and the most important (and offensive) that hell was not built for us.
it was just, we're guests.

actually, this is not hell, hell it's only because we don't understand the context and expectations from the world that he in principle can not give us.

in those places where we understand the context, we have no problem. none of the Russian tourists are not out on the streets of Bangkok and howling, because he was in desperate need of the buckwheat. in the restaurant, no need to show him the movie. in the theater, no one expects striking visual effects, we came to consciously understand that the theater has its limitations.

with the world of ours all went wrong because we were led to all sorts of stuff and did not realize that this is hell.

world as hell, it's not very fresh idea, it is in any more or less developed religions, I'm no America did not open, but just religion, too, have come a long way, and at some point in each of them there were marketers who realized that with the slogan “peace is hell” the cow will not sell.
so there were all sorts of ideas about the afterlife and other nishtyaki.
then there was the second idea — if the gods are to us.

both ideas are completely counterintuitive. the universe behaves honestly and consistently explains to us that it is not — and no, the small clerk can't come to CEO if he had escocesa pencil, because in the world of the CEO has neither a pencil nor a clerk.
why would God behave differently?
why is an infinite and timeless being that exists on all planes of existence, in General, should take into consideration that your wife once again nedodelal noodles and then she didn't love you?
could have and remember the right word.
but at the same time these ideas are too attractive and too well sold, so they can be discarded.

even Buddhism, which resisted the longest, and he eventually gave in.
Oh, this tariff plan is now part of the reincarnation? great. give two.

the world is hell. you will die. all your enemies will die. all your friends will die too. the solar system will disappear and turn into interstellar dust. we are just a little unhappy and sparkle in a very empty and incomprehensible to us space.
see, it doesn't look very attractive.
but it is very similar to the truth.
and it's free.

because if you accept that you live in hell, it's not so bad. really, if hell was designed specifically for us, it could have been done much, much unpleasant.
and so we have mountain rivers, Northern lights, sneezing and hiccups. and you can find a place with a good view. we have electricity, heating, hot water, netflix, game of thrones — Yes, is not the same, but still it is quite good, we still watched it just for the sake of Boobs and dragons.
we have IKEA, finally.

and no one owes nothing, because none of us, in General, no — but even if there is, it will not be fast.

it seems to me, just logically a bit to let go of all these glades and valleys, to free them from our expectations and requirements, to accept them as they are.

and then to do the same with other people.

it is not very easy, I also don't always work, but hell I don't invented yesterday.
but it is very useful.

and then, every little warming will be a joy and every joy is a joy.

if you understand that, by default, you put nothing, you will not feel that you have something to give less.

and if the people around you behave in the old way, if they need something from you if they have an opinion, what you should do, how to behave, how to feel, don't get angry and forgive them.

they are not evil. they know not what they do.
they just live in hell, and it is very difficult.
they live in hell and do not understand it.
unlike you.

Vladimir Guriev<
