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Re: Spark series "Metamorphosis"

Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2017 17:20
by ОльгаВВ
Auraand when the candle with the mentioned program "7 bodies" appear? :oops:

Re: Spark series "Metamorphosis"

Posted: Mon Apr 17, 2017 14:31
by Смузик
ОльгаВВ wrote:Aura, and when the candle with the mentioned program "7 bodies" appear?
And this candle is associated with the study of chakra?

Candle series "Metamorphosis"

Posted: Mon Apr 17, 2017 14:58
by Андрей Кабанков
Candle "Metamorphosis" with the program "7 bodies"

Program 7 bodies responsible for maintaining the integrity and functional state of the subtle bodies, i.e. the qualitative and full execution of them as metabolic and immune function, as well as the maintenance of balance and proportion 7 subtle bodies of man.

Lack of integrity in the first place, creates a fertile ground for connecting virtual programs, as a consequence of parasitic channels and outflow of energy. Energy imbalance and lack of proportion in the subtle bodies leads to the fact that people in their action, interaction, and personal field are accustomed to rely on the fact that pererastet, missing from the less-developed aspects. As a result, we cease to see the obvious problem areas in the subtle bodies at all, or protect the existence of the problem, creating the illusion of its usefulness and positivity. Thus, the candle Metamorphosis 7 tel helps you align with the direction of the adequacy of our perception and interaction. For example, sometimes to harmonious interaction is necessary to reduce emotions and include mental (violation of proportions) or to think less, act more (horizontal imbalance), but because of the perception of the situation through the existing imbalance a person thinks that he just didn't try hard enough, or external circumstances prevented anything, but not see the root of the problem.

The same program will be slightly different effect depending on supporting components and the carrier, in other words, the same program in neocolony and the candle will act a little differently. Program 7 bodies in the candle Metamorphosis active in the field created by a burning candle, the main areas of use:

- for emergency purification of the subtle bodies
- for practice
- to search, create and a quick dip in the harmonic reference state.
- for a more subtle and advanced work with data streams, forwarding them on mental, emotional, or other box, cut off the desired spectrum information
- to structure the space. The impact of the programme 7 the bodies of the candles Metamorphosis to the space close to the program Facilities to the US House, only more temporary
Свеча Метаморфоза (с программой 7 тел)

Re: Spark series "Metamorphosis"

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2017 13:25
by донна Лилия
Thanks for the new!
The Oracle is a miracle. I have well developed intuition, but such clear and specific information directly "on" only get with this candle. Feel the program "Control of the imagination" and "setting". Aurathank you for all Your wonderful products!
A question for Aura: you can work directly with two candles with the programs?

Re: Spark series "Metamorphosis"

Posted: Tue May 02, 2017 14:38
by Aura
Смузик wrote:And this candle is associated with the study of chakra?
Yes, of course, chakra is associated with the subtle bodies...the program in the format of candles can not be used for regular thorough study, it neocolony rather receiving parameters for tuning the chakras through the reference condition, an ambulance, emergency cleanup, help in old units, the use of axial techniques for balancing chakras, breakthroughs in those places where the really "nothing". The candle gives a quick and powerful yet temporary condition for a specific critical situation or request information. That is rather interesting to play with current processes, than something thoroughly basic system, stimulate can, but not as the main basic tool in the regular work.

Re: Spark series "Metamorphosis"

Posted: Tue May 02, 2017 14:44
by Aura
донна Лилия wrote:a Question for Aura: you can work directly with two candles with the programs?
Software 7 and Oracle combined, but the actual system of work candles are already complete and self-sufficient. The use of two Metamorphosis will be more down than give some bonuses. If you need a combination of software, worked with one, then with another or the second background field General behind the set, creating a total field - you can use any circle, the circumference of which on opposite ends of the diameter are the candles. Generally there are candles, which work in pairs, in particular in the embodiment with two wicks, but it is not Metamorphosis.

Re: Spark series "Metamorphosis"

Posted: Sat May 20, 2017 13:11
by ОльгаВВ
Candle 7 bodies gives a good sense of harmony, a reference condition and General "health". If a thin field to represent an orchestra, where each field is an instrument with its own sound and frequency, the candle works like a conductor tuning the sound of the instruments on one melody. Managed to track down some negative attitudes and translate them into creative direction. Box candles 7 bodies are very strong, fills the sensual feeling of perfection and complete a satisfaction, is the desire for action and active creativity. Thank you for the efficient instrument of Harmony! :D :o

Re: Spark series "Metamorphosis"

Posted: Sat Jun 17, 2017 19:37
by Лакшми4
Aura, after burning candles stones of tourmaline will remain visible? what are they in diameter?
can they be used in the manufacture of candles from wax ?(on your own)
laid the program you will or they will work according to its nature?

Re: Spark series "Metamorphosis"

Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2017 14:25
by Aura
Лакшми4 wrote:Aura, after burning candles stones of tourmaline will remain visible? what are they in diameter?
Yes, of course. Used the crushed crystals with a diameter of 0.2-2 mm can be seen in the photo. In General the smaller crystals are more suitable for programming large rocks are needed only for the human factor attunement. Large crystals are more suitable for the transformation and redirection of energy fields...artifacts of the Creator of grit.
Лакшми4 wrote:can they be used in the manufacture of candles from wax ?(on your own)
laid the program you will or they will work according to its nature?
If desired, programmed crystals retain their properties virtually forever. For self-production it is necessary to remember that the wax also has a crystalline structure, to use “clean” or purified wax, to consider mental programs, consciously or unconsciously broadcast that are mostly at the stages of melting and crystallization, as well as the number of factors of a different order, affecting the space in which the manufacture of candles, and in the final product influencing the field produced by the wax. In other words, the work patterns of artifact consists of several fields, You will be ready tourmaline field, the rest will be stored on an experimental basis.

Re: Spark series "Metamorphosis"

Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2017 11:58
by Артур888
Good morning!
I ordered a candle with a program 7. phone the Question is : can the candle that already contains the program, to work on techniques of working with a candle (meditation on the axis, the intention and burning ) ?

Better pure candle without the program or this program 7 bodies will work in symbiosis with my intent for example ? :)

Re: Spark series "Metamorphosis"

Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2017 17:56
by Aura
Артур888 wrote:Good morning!
I ordered a candle with a program 7. phone the Question is : can the candle that already contains the program, to work on techniques of working with a candle (meditation on the axis, the intention and burning ) ?

Better pure candle without the program or this program 7 bodies will work in symbiosis with my intent for example ? :)
Yes, you can. Equipment and basic properties listed in the description, applicable to the whole range of candles Metamorphosis, with programs and without.
In particular, the work's intentions:
1. Work with information flows.
Running spark essentially gives intended the opportunity to be, makes the intention of the operator. After lighting the candles, you start a process similar to the process of crystal growth. Each space has its own language, system of signs and symbols and syntax, which determine this space. To give an illustration: a person is faced with another life form and tries to establish contact. This requires the translator to understand both languages (a good example is the recently released movie “the Arrival”). The man has verbal consciousness, i.e., thinking with words, and the wax is transformed in such a decoder, a kind of guide, making the program operator in the structure of the energy-field. Melted wax solidifies intention. It determines and a share of responsibility in working with the artifact. It is necessary to be extremely attentive to your thoughts and your state with the running candle.

Re: Spark series "Metamorphosis"

Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2017 0:19
by Артур888
Аура wrote:
Смузик wrote:And this candle is associated with the study of chakra?
Yes, of course, chakra is associated with the subtle bodies...the program in the format of candles can not be used for regular thorough study, it neocolony rather receiving parameters for tuning the chakras through the reference condition, an ambulance, emergency cleanup, help in old units, the use of axial techniques for balancing chakras, breakthroughs in those places where the really "nothing". The candle gives a quick and powerful yet temporary condition for a specific critical situation or request information. That is rather interesting to play with current processes, than something thoroughly basic system, stimulate can, but not as the main basic tool in the regular work.
Ie as if with a candle, you can temporarily "touch" more or less harmonious your state where you can be and believe that this is possible ? :) And by the way wanted to ask for a photo but not until the candle diameter and height ?

Re: Spark series "Metamorphosis"

Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2017 17:45
by ОльгаВВ
And touch, and “feel” and apply. Noted interesting effective effect from the candle 7 bodies synchronize mental and physical body, or even all, 7 tel. With proper pre-work with the field my programs have learned to sort out the options as many threads. Opportunities sometimes takes the breath away. And then I want to try, and this... Especially in the creative sphere begins to break between the desires to learn calligraphy, dancing, singing, drawing of mandalas, casting of candles... want everything at once :) To do this, take the candle 7 bodies as a daily ritual (we are the old special warm relations). After the emergence of thought “and not to do...and not to try” the thought is clothed in an image (first time it can feel!), the manner in which the action and helps to determine the choice, not to get lost in the vast ocean of space options and its currents. Not the most important (maybe not true my wishes) inaccessible to the strings magically break and comes to the fore important, and most importantly transformirovalsya in ready step-by-step plan. Include hidden resources disappear and the usual companions of the flight of thought “late, lazy, waste of money” etc. With a candle path from the idea to implementation is becoming shorter and shorter and sometimes it seems to me that the very thoughts have become qualitatively different, find different, a powerful force almost instantaneous. A Metamorphosis Took Place! The physical implementation only educational moment of deliverance from the fruitless desires (in the mind of much we produce mental stuff!). It's like the universe knows that the energy resource of the subtle bodies are balanced, I'm ready for action and eliminates them, meet, magically brings the selected variant string matching events, people, and even sometimes financial opportunities :)

Re: Spark series "Metamorphosis"

Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2017 16:21
by Aura
Артур888 wrote:i.e. as if with a candle, you can temporarily "touch" more or less harmonious your state where you can be and believe that this is possible ?
Yes, as obtaining a reference state of “emergency” “urgent”, urgent situations that require quick solutions, as an additional product in advanced cases when “absolutely nothing”. Suppose a man got into a discordant, aggressive and conflictual space, picked up there things and need to quickly bring yourself back into balance. Or another example, the circumstances that people have for a long time in the profession, or other circumstances to carry out in a certain bias in the mental/emotions/physics and to shift attention to other areas problematic. Candles provide fast and powerful, but temporary States. Fast remedy in General)
Артур888 wrote:And by the way wanted to ask for a photo but not until the candle diameter and height ?
The diameter and height of 60 mm. Plus or minus, the work is manual.

Re: Spark series "Metamorphosis"

Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2017 17:12
by Артур888
Аура wrote:
Артур888 wrote:i.e. as if with a candle, you can temporarily "touch" more or less harmonious your state where you can be and believe that this is possible ?
Yes, as obtaining a reference state of “emergency” “urgent”, urgent situations that require quick solutions, as an additional product in advanced cases when “absolutely nothing”. Suppose a man got into a discordant, aggressive and conflictual space, picked up there things and need to quickly bring yourself back into balance. Or another example, the circumstances that people have for a long time in the profession, or other circumstances to carry out in a certain bias in the mental/emotions/physics and to shift attention to other areas problematic. Candles provide fast and powerful, but temporary States. Fast remedy in General)
Артур888 wrote:And by the way wanted to ask for a photo but not until the candle diameter and height ?
The diameter and height of 60 mm. Plus or minus, the work is manual.
Will the temporary status while problems in the case of physiological trauma (falls, punches in fights), emotional trauma (fears, worries) when this is all superimposed on each other in the body and causes irregular rhythms, a breach in the dural membranes and other systems that do not work smoothly and cause strong distortions in physics ?

If so, what techniques of meditation on the candle can be used to study the reasons for these problems ?

And with what other products it is possible to work in this direction ? ( I glance at nookular body)

p.s. candle came, it smells delicious :) Lit a small fire. I tried to just sit in a field of candles, sensations were not vivid.<

Re: Spark series "Metamorphosis"

Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2017 18:13
by Aura
First and foremost we must understand that drop and the more punches in fights is not just unpleasant circumstances, and the consequences of the relationship with the Sky (head “beat” heavenly energy). The human body is a microcosm, where every part of the body generates (or should generate) a certain type of energy, and the localization of injuries, particularly significant, especially regular, you should pay attention. The internal organs are damaged from the emotions, the legs from the relationship with the energies of the earth, the head with the heavenly energies. It's about reason. For withdrawal related emotional imbalances candle will fit (you have to understand that the candle is the product non-medical purposes, does not replace a visit to a competent neurologist), I recommend to use axial technique, paying particular attention to the integrity of the axis (physically the sensations on the integrity of the spine in the cervical region, is achieved by stretching the top up to the head is felt not as something apart hanging out) and the technique of pyrography. Enough to be the only of this product depends on how quickly You discover and eliminate the cause. Immersion in a balanced state that helps, but does not replace own ongoing inner work. Recovery is not a quick process, especially if the situation of the running. Nookular Body a good pair to the package 7 bodies works directed to each body system plus (further describe) there are situations when it is recommended in itself, the identification with the physical body, transferring attention to the body itself, and not a depression in the metaphysical journey and spatial entertainment, here will be a useful program “Mindfulness of body and movement.” If the cause lies not on the surface, it is possible to dig the Chronos. We must look at the circumstances, there may egregorial binding, blocking of consciousness, and You “comb” hooked. There are some new path, “legitimizing” a stressful situation. And You to them – with a candle) Vyzhget so that you will not find it)) I do not scare, most likely the reason one of the more common and less “banal”, but bear in mind all options are worth. I am for a comprehensive, integrated approach rather than a “headache – here's a pill.” Specifically I am not going to list the possible psychological and energetic causes of head injuries, not to ask directions and not to give reason to cling to the “false path”.<

Re: Spark series "Metamorphosis"

Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2017 1:25
by Артур888
Аура wrote:first and foremost you have to understand that drop and the more punches in fights is not just unpleasant circumstances, and the consequences of the relationship with the Sky (head “beat” heavenly energy). The human body is a microcosm, where every part of the body generates (or should generate) a certain type of energy, and the localization of injuries, particularly significant, especially regular, you should pay attention. The internal organs are damaged from the emotions, the legs from the relationship with the energies of the earth, the head with the heavenly energies. It's about reason. For withdrawal related emotional imbalances candle will fit (you have to understand that the candle is the product non-medical purposes, does not replace a visit to a competent neurologist), I recommend to use axial technique, paying particular attention to the integrity of the axis (physically the sensations on the integrity of the spine in the cervical region, is achieved by stretching the top up to the head is felt not as something apart hanging out) and the technique of pyrography. Enough to be the only of this product depends on how quickly You discover and eliminate the cause. Immersion in a balanced state that helps, but does not replace own ongoing inner work. Recovery is not a quick process, especially if the situation of the running. Nookular Body a good pair to the package 7 bodies works directed to each body system plus (further describe) there are situations when it is recommended in itself, the identification with the physical body, transferring attention to the body itself, and not a depression in the metaphysical journey and spatial entertainment, here will be a useful program “Mindfulness of body and movement.” If the cause lies not on the surface, it is possible to dig the Chronos. We must look at the circumstances, there may egregorial binding, blocking of consciousness, and You “comb” hooked. There are some new path, “legitimizing” a stressful situation. And You to them – with a candle) Vyzhget so that you will not find it)) I do not scare, most likely the reason one of the more common and less “banal”, but bear in mind all options are worth. I am for a comprehensive, integrated approach rather than a “headache – here's a pill.” Specifically I am not going to list the possible psychological and energetic causes of head injuries, not to ask directions and not to give reason to cling to the “false path”.
Thank you for your answer!

Try the candle for 3 times for 1-1.5 hour, noticed that calm down the mental noise, his head becomes like "clean". Bodily ailments also calm down on time spent in the field 7 tel. candles while meditating on the axis of the candle body swaying in different directions with small movements. Removing tension from the back muscles was also noted.

After work, come home exhausted, and after the candles as reboot and no fatigue :)

The status box of candles like I would like to learn how to keep the same state without candles...<

Re: Spark series "Metamorphosis"

Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2017 20:22
by Артур888
I understand that under the program 7 bodies means those bodies ?
1. "Body volume ver.2_1"
2. "Body of rotation ver. 3_3"
3. "Resonant body ver. 12_2"
4. "A truncated body ver. 3"
5. "Body voltage ver. 2_1"
6. "Body tension ver.1_4"
7. "Body collection ver. 2_2"

Where can I read about every body more ?

Re: Spark series "Metamorphosis"

Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2017 15:49
by Aura
Артур888 wrote:Condition in the box like candles, I would like to learn how to keep the same state without candles...
To keep the status, you can learn with the help of bandage Navigator.
Артур888 wrote:I understand that under the program 7 bodies means those bodies ?
1. "Body volume ver.2_1"
2. "Body of rotation ver. 3_3"
3. "Resonant body ver. 12_2"
4. "A truncated body ver. 3"
5. "Body voltage ver. 2_1"
6. "Body tension ver.1_4"
7. "Body collection ver. 2_2"

Where can I read about every body more ?
Not really, it's the projection of multidimensional bodies on 3-dimensional body. 7 bodies are able to conduct energy in different frequency characteristics.
1. Body volume – circulatory system. Body volume determines the capacity of the filling and our manifestation in space. The ability to fill their daily actions allows to fill them with meaning, not only to record their actions, but to comprehend, to compare them with his nature, that is filled with life. Body volume determines the amount of energy that we can retain and which determines our activity, or manifestation in space.
2. the Body of rotation – the muscular system, determines the proportionality. The development of the body of rotation and the quality of the proportions determines the energy dependence in the first place biochemical dependence on a gross energy of food, emotions, etc., we can say, allows you to get out of the zone depends on different diets, energy-intensive physical exercise (like sports, fitness or yoga) and other “tricks” to temporary improvement.
3. the Body voltage – skeletal system. Body tension is responsible for the underlying processes in the body associated including bone marrow, responsible for the provision and distribution of energy in the body. - Developed body stress forms an internal support, the comparison of efforts and objectives with their real possibilities. Body tension is responsible for finding space, taking up a certain position in relation to the external space due to the increase in the number of axes and planes (the versatility).
4. Truncated body – the endocrine system. The truncated body is a original power supply, which must evolve and be maintained and not be wasted.
5. Body tension – skin system, determines the circulation of energy as bioelectric potential. It is the body tension allows you to interact and to grasp the power of space. - Developed body tension allows you to feel “Feng Shui” of the space and to navigate the spaces. They say, “goose”, for example, when a person listens to powerful music, experiencing strong feelings is strong, powerful spaces, the body tension holds the power of space.
6. the Body of collecting – tendon system, determines the structuring of energy that allows you to collect and operate on the energy meridians. Structural, or collected body shapes the individual matrix of power structure that actually interact with the energies not on the mental level of knowledge about them and on real sensations, to navigate in the information space.
7. Resonant body – unequal system and primarily the brain, a key body for the development of consciousness. Resonant body determines the ability to improve and transform the energy, to go beyond the original energy parameters – the personal code.

The main value of programs neocolony Body in the expression of independence systems, that is, the extension of human action in frequency characteristics to resonate in different spaces, while the package “7 bodies” allows to support the relevant body systems of the subtle body in balance.<

Re: Spark series "Metamorphosis"

Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2018 18:21
by Лоцман
Россомаха wrote:In the process of combustion of a candle will be miracles.
If the "optional to combine a candle with a panacea to burn maybe longer at times ?

Re: Spark series "Metamorphosis"

Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2018 17:33
by Aura
Лоцман wrote:If "optional to combine a candle with a panacea to burn maybe longer at times ?
It is recommended to control the burning time by yourself using the technique of "Meditation on time", than indirectly. If it is possible for their abilities, what "crutches" without having to produce?

Re: Spark series "Metamorphosis"

Posted: Thu Feb 01, 2018 21:19
by Лоцман
Aura,thank you for waiting :) :o

Re: Spark series "Metamorphosis"

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2018 21:36
by Aura
I thank that responded.

Re: Spark series "Metamorphosis"

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2018 14:36
by Элина
You can ask a question, manufacturers of candles.
Why call it the wax the space of Giparksis? How the creators of the spark figured out that wax is a "multidimensional time" (for giparksis is the space of multivariate time).

it's interesting to me, as someone who is generally interested in everything related to time. I would be grateful for an answer.

Re: Spark series "Metamorphosis"

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2018 22:01
by Aura
Elinathanks for a good question :) You all need to "disassemble the cog" :) in principle, not bad, just need to be sure that after dismantling may be broken down into one cohesive and working mechanism to collect the... programme the time as you know working in conjunction with the program space, and to speak about time in the key of the relationship. The linearity of time, as well as the linearity of space is determined by our choice. The concept of "time" for many who are not familiar with rhythms, abstract, and "space" more specifically, so what is a "multidimensional time" not many can sense/imagine what is a "multidimensional space" a lot more understandable. Therefore, the previous measurement "eternity" less clear than "infinity". The fact that our universe is infinite, you can feel/imagine/understand (and this, many say, both scholars and esoterics), but the fact that the universe is eternal, is harder to understand because few people feel the time. Our space has a hexagonal partitioning, and this is why bees are sensitive to the structure of the space, build hexagonal honeycombs.
You can read here ... 10394.html
Not quite true that wax is a multidimensional time space, but refers to it (able to communicate) due to its amorphous properties, simplified crystallization at low temperatures and expand the cell – hex – in-line melting. This transformation allows the wax to emit energy and, most importantly, to redistribute, that is, to transform the space and time. Therefore would be correct to say that the space created in the process of melting wax and burning candles, allows the operator being in him, to collect (crystallize) their time, different from the most familiar to the operator. Well, it's like you can't directly take in giparksis using these properties of the wax, but have the opportunity to choose more suitable at this moment over time. The same property also explains the wax and cleaning and other “magical” properties of the candle. It is in the process of learning about candles and their properties was established some programs for US, in particular, Stop-time – space structure sustained over time. Just in the candles the ability to control time manifested rather poorly, and insensitive operators may not always get a clear time management and metamorphosis of all the interesting properties of the candle is more obvious and manifested at the expense of tourmaline field.<