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Re: Feedback on test products

Posted: Thu May 28, 2015 1:14
by Иван Славов
A very interesting option /work/ - one of the bosses is absolutely not the place offended by other chefs.. And filed the application to quit /in General, no one forced/.. Is one of the ways /there are other/ with visible until me the space for my growth in this company and not only "professionally" as some personality /more important to me/ who only lie dormant in me..
By the way, in the key of "Le Corsaire" -
Аура wrote:Program is not aggressive, the capture space is made of energy, namely: the famous martial arts system of “borrowing energy space” associated with the work of the external sector. In fact, it exteriorize yourself, your energies for a, the desired operator outer space (meaning a space as a flow of energy, not only a territory). You can take this property as the “universal dynamic access keys”. When the package the following happens: if necessary, borrowing some space (it can be anything, any manifested energy flow) is not exhausting struggle and the Reconquista, and the assignment of, or acquisition. That is, the world responds to the claims of the operator as if they initially had the space/resources/threads (depending on what you want to assign).

Re: Feedback on test products

Posted: Thu May 28, 2015 8:00
by Иван Славов
That's what that thing with the Corsair started it without neocolony was, but now it is a brighter manifestation of/ - started having texts, i.e. the plot of the dream is sort of if I read the story on the book in the form of text and /in Bulgarian, but in Russian too, sometimes/.. In some particularly striking moments the text and the page /most likely/ background literally starting to glow..

Re: Feedback on test products

Posted: Thu May 28, 2015 13:12
by Любознательная
dear Aura, prompt neocolony SAM and pendants ku-link is not the same thing? neocolony SEM is a broader interaction with GAIP? other levels of capabilities?

Re: Feedback on test products

Posted: Thu May 28, 2015 13:19
Любознательная wrote:dear Aura, prompt neocolony SAM and pendants ku-link is not the same thing? neocolony SEM is a broader interaction with GAIP? other levels of capabilities?
Different authors .Different principles of action.

Re: Feedback on test products

Posted: Thu May 28, 2015 16:33
by Любознательная
ЛИЛИЯ-Р wrote:
Любознательная wrote:dear Aura, prompt neocolony SAM and pendants ku-link is not the same thing? neocolony SEM is a broader interaction with GAIP? other levels of capabilities?
Different authors .Different principles of action.
Hello Lily. tell me,have You used the pendants, and what is Your personal opinion? thank you

Re: Feedback on test products

Posted: Thu May 28, 2015 17:02
by Ира
Uh-Oh... something I now of physical reality "pulls". Fluidity on the level of formation of physical objects. Maybe because of the regime change. Maybe something in GAIP. But ososhnia significant. Consciousness does not let go, but can be in any worthy point.

Re: Feedback on test products

Posted: Thu May 28, 2015 18:43
by Иван Славов
Since I wear the watch for some time - and sometimes change the arm on which you wear the watch.. Intentionally watched more before I decide to write..
The subjective perception of time or subjective perception of time wearing neocolony :) - I hope it is clear - changes when you change hands. On the right hand is sort mode "storojevaya time, but the study of some deeper processes", and on the left is faster..
I'm not left handed and not right handed, can use both hands almost equally, although I use more right /most people/..
One more thing - as I understand it can be anchored at different probabilistic variants of development for their quick recap-achieving when needed.. ie the "anchor" is like a call button for reshaping reality faster than if all start over again.. of Course with time and experience /best attunement, or transition to another "level"/ - should work much better.. It's like a kind of "spell" /which is not pronounced to the end and leave a couple of words when necessary/. Can we redirect the resources to the desired probabilistic branches with other /not needed/ - to be anchored and then go back /or go to another place again in the "starting point"..

Re: Feedback on test products

Posted: Thu May 28, 2015 19:28
If Pendant the Wizard test, here.

Re: Feedback on test products

Posted: Thu May 28, 2015 19:53
Curious I described in the beginning of this topic, but really understand only from the pendant Body is ,or in combination... Other pendants in personal use no, tell them nothing , I hope until..

Re: Feedback on test products

Posted: Thu May 28, 2015 20:32
by Aura
ЛИЛИЯ-Р wrote:If Pendant the Wizard test, here.
Not a test, feedback will take the topic viewtopic.php?f=35&t=5796&start=50

Re: Feedback on test products

Posted: Thu May 28, 2015 20:35
by Gorius08
Андрей Кабанков wrote:I don't know if it is associated with Neocolonial, but other products I'm not using
Still use test neocolonial body?

Re: Feedback on test products

Posted: Thu May 28, 2015 21:25
by Aura
Gorius08 wrote:still use the test neocolonial body?
At the moment Andrew is testing some access keys for the future software package is the second level.

Re: Feedback on test products

Posted: Fri May 29, 2015 22:38
by Иван Славов
It seems around this time of year - we start the mass holidays and all sales to the big hypermarkets - sort of froze, waiting for September.. BUT no.. People rushed to buy /and the W clients do this regularly/ is sort of their last physical ability to do it.. I promised myself not to be surprised, but just sometimes.. :) Not because of neocolony? Well, well.. Some of the Ministers of this hypermarket where I work, has not kept pace, and it's very cool to actually work in continuous drive /little where can obtain such experience/..

Re: Feedback on test products

Posted: Fri May 29, 2015 22:56
by Иван Славов
I have a personal plan - with GEIP goes /with multiple locations simultaneously, or nearly simultaneously/ information - that I began to healing is multidimensional, not only to heal, but other things can do. I do, however, do not think yourself ready to take this step.. and Therefore denied requests.. :) View more - if there is persistent information - you need to start.. :)
p.s. that would be such nookular /s the direction of Healing, although if I understand correctly this is not the first level of GAIP/ - buy would to see effects..

Re: Feedback on test products

Posted: Fri May 29, 2015 23:12
by мимоходом
Achim, I apologize, that fit. But does the healer need tools? He is their energy treats. And to restore it uses certain methodology. Vaughn, Aura what a wonderful workshop given. You can't even imagine how wonderful - unique, this basically will not find anywhere else, anywhere else. I for five years, nothing even close to similar is not seen, some tales and fantasies (very glad I finally met something similar with her)
But, on the other hand, the supply and demand for neocolony is also necessary, at least to be able to write such workshops for nothing, I know that too ))

Re: Feedback on test products

Posted: Fri May 29, 2015 23:17
by Иван Славов
passingneocolony - not a tool.. :)
мимоходом wrote:He treats with his energy.
All of us, but You in the first place - you need to learn, and learn, etc. :)
мимоходом wrote:You can't even imagine how wonderful - unique, this basically will not find anywhere else, anywhere else.
:) If You find the opportunity very well read the story workshop here on MM - I can see that I have long realized the good side of the workshop. But the format sent to email.. And then finally, due to Your writings topic can be highly confusing /at least/.
p.s. it is evident that You have a transformation /if you want you can even call 'inner alchemy'/ is. But the energy component, sort of ahead of information.. :) I sincerely hope that you will understand it and get the maximum benefit.. good Luck! :)
p.p.s. this forum has long since proved to myself how much magic.. :) Here "platform" magicians.. :)
мимоходом wrote:But on the other hand, the demand and supply neocolony is also necessary, at least to be able to write such workshops for nothing, I know that too ))
I would like to clarify this point - I have no financial benefit from nokolaev. I have only edinstvenno - thanks to the creators of this forum.. I wrote earlier..

Re: Feedback on test products

Posted: Sat May 30, 2015 2:20
by ММ
Achim you don't need a Healer pendant. Just mentally wish from the heart to one or another citizen to have his wish fulfilled.And the pendant will automatically do that. Quit Smoking with your work colleagues almost simultaneously. :ay You do not seem strange?

Re: Feedback on test products

Posted: Sat May 30, 2015 12:51
by Корвин
Achim, (as information about the pitfalls of )healing a serious thing not even on its own but at least respect the fact that you need not only to cure but also to stay safe yourself. I know from experience after another healing pulled himself half of the year, the benefit of the cat helped.Well this was written pochabov A. in the book the four castes.

Re: Feedback on test products

Posted: Sat May 30, 2015 15:05
by Лайси
ММ wrote:don't You think it strange?

Re: Feedback on test products

Posted: Sat May 30, 2015 17:12
by Иван Славов
You need to show quality as the computer, even I would say 'become the embodiment of honesty', if I wanted that healing was going well. Who can say that he is an honorable man?
Yes, I unconsciously helped some even without their request but I greatly respect each of these people are Flawless, from my point of view, can only be such a healer, who is flawless by yourself and your family in the first place..
About kickbacks do not want to even open the topic - because I believe that a certain level of perceptual interaction with GAIP, a certain level of personal power - kickbacks - negligible importance or do not have a place to be..
Korvinthanks , I'm familiar with the book pokhabova.. To the ego school, I have to admit, the interest does not show..
ММ wrote:Quit Smoking with your work colleagues almost simultaneously. :ay You do not seem strange?
Still don't smoke.. :) I wrote - I respect them, but nothing, absolutely nothing in this matter..

Re: Feedback on test products

Posted: Sat May 30, 2015 17:24
by Иван Славов
And one more thing about honesty.. Even 2014того year, some esoteric asserted /on the TV, I didn't know the mother was telling her because I don't even have a TV/ that during 2015, the year will be identified disrespect people /this is my free interpretation/ many will get "their"..
Here - watching for familiar people and strangers - this statement is the place to be.. Even on this forum.. :)

Re: Feedback on test products

Posted: Sat May 30, 2015 18:13
by нева
Корвин wrote: in terms of what you need - not only to cure but also to stay safe yourself.
It is a fact. I have a friend healer, go his wounds, then kidneys fail, the elbow will swell up and hanging to the knee, the operation should be done. Tell him...why do you have this kind of healing? And he understands, but nothing else neumeet. Every time yourself in hospitals rethinking satisfied and promises herself not to do it anymore, and then gets out of the hospital and again..

Re: Feedback on test products

Posted: Sat May 30, 2015 19:45
by мимоходом
I thought - as do all esoteric enough courage and objectivity to recognize not only the good that happens to them. Not only the salary increase, the influx of clientele, inheritance, the purchase of new machines (and other important money matters). But put, sickness, Tiffany, collapsed fence, getting into accidents (and other uninteresting brain incidents, which are the blocks immediately in order not to overload the mind). Do all mages will have enough impartiality to evaluate such events in the key "received according to their works". But at the same time and mind to behold that the human brain is weak to understand the overall causal picture, with all its connections. And just what he wants, and sees.
This property of the brain of course is also good, but does it include in your "wish" the volume of our perception of the event lines... 8)

Re: Feedback on test products

Posted: Sat May 30, 2015 21:46
by Лайси
Ахим wrote:you Need to be as respectability
How did you do that?...need is the order?...good will? :oops:
Ахим wrote:even I would say 'become the embodiment of honesty',
Do not make yourself an idol... bi
Ахим wrote:if I wanted that healing was going well. Who can say that he is an honorable man?
He then realized what he said? :lol:
Ахим wrote:Yes, I unconsciously helped some even without their request but I greatly respect each of these people..
And then...what? stand before you on my knees? :oops:
Ахим wrote:Flawless, from my point of view, can only be such a healer, who is flawless by yourself and your family in the first place..
Yes, easier "most horses to move" than soglasitsa whose kind of perfection that you yourself -'s you...but dragooo...not a fact... :D

Shucks...when it kasaetsa your loved ones, dear....for example children...then every chance kazhetsa "log and not a straw"...that's interesting...the healer needs to be impeccable to yourself and your family in the first place... how about you? :oops: don't kasaetsa? :shock:
Ахим wrote:About kickbacks do not want to even open the topic - because I believe that a certain level of perceptual interaction with GAIP, a certain level of personal power - kickbacks - negligible importance or do not have a place to be..
I correctly understood you?...what you're up against of such a law that to pay for everything? :oops:
Ахим wrote:To ego school, I have to admit, the interest does not show..
In least from the point of view...which was Nada...well, at least some, but the argument is...or what? :shock:
Ахим wrote: I wrote - I respect them, but nothing, absolutely nothing in this matter..
And Razi you at least as it concerned? :shock: :oops:
Ахим wrote:And one more thing about honesty.. Even 2014того year, some esoteric asserted /on TV, I didn't know the mother was telling her because I don't even have TV/
You do not have a TV - what's that?...some dignity?...type bury their heads in the sand like an ostrich?...but the mother... :lol: told... :lol: (why you listened to her? decide that your mother is stronger than you and the TV? the sense that first she, and then you...who are you kidding with this????) and you delve into the essence...right?...maybe easier from the :D you personally, or weak?...senior forward skip...such as the mother, and pooooop... :lol:
Ахим wrote:that during 2015, the year will be identified disrespect people /this is my free interpretation/ many will get "their"..
But you never know who is slapping? :lol: for his get all's inevitable... :D
нева wrote:said to him,...why do you have this kind of healing? And he understands, but nothing else neumeet. Every time yourself in hospitals rethinking satisfied and promises herself not to do it anymore, and then gets out of the hospital and again..
Like smoke throws?... :lol: well, laugh... :lol: bi
мимоходом wrote:I Thought - as do all esoteric enough courage and objectivity to recognize not only the good that happens to them.
But??? be continued? :lol: :oops:
мимоходом wrote:But, let the disease Tiffany, collapsed fence, getting into accidents (and other uninteresting brain incidents, which are the blocks immediately in order not to overload the mind).
Well, he is talking...that would not overload the mind.... :oops: ...because Yes... :lol:
мимоходом wrote:do all mages will have enough impartiality to evaluate such events in the key "received according to their works".
You personally concerned about mages?...why? :oops: :shock: maybe they SHOULD match exactly your idea of them? :oops: :shock:
мимоходом wrote: And at the same time and mind to behold that the human brain is weak to understand the overall causal picture, with all its connections.
That is? :shock: thereby implying mages, where they "razvili your mouth"?...for...according to your personal ideas "in passing"...the Magi...and competent advice available to them a common causal picture, with all its connections in your "passing" opinion?, that the magicians are not able to understand?...right?...on this simple basis that you personally, it is not available... so...?or otherwise?...mages have no chance to understand...unlike you?
мимоходом wrote:This property of the brain of course is also good, but does it include in your "wish" the volume of our perception of the event lines...
You DISTRUST...mages...if a healer is...psychics do...and vasse to any who God not you... :lol: and how can you trust those who are not yavlyaetsa you? :lol: :oops:<

Re: Feedback on test products

Posted: Sat May 30, 2015 22:30
by Иван Славов
It happens - look at the person - actually very good.. And he does not understand how not understand his moves..
By the way one of the aspects of healing, according to my understanding - see "interim projection" /i.e., its length in time, both in the past and in the future veroyatnosti/ how the maximum will be good for him.. This is serious stuff and you should treat them with respect.