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Re: Clairvoyance. Know about your future beforehand.

Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2017 12:04
by Россомаха
To know the future is only for certain things. For example, I know the outcome of upcoming games to tote to put them on and win a lot of money. Or know what the numbers will fall in the lottery, cross out and also win. The rest need to know.

Re: Clairvoyance. Know about your future beforehand.

Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2017 13:46
by раданов
Россомаха wrote:to Know the future is only for certain things. For example, I know the outcome of upcoming games to tote to put them on and win a lot of money. Or know what the numbers will fall in the lottery, cross out and also win. The rest need to know.
in General, I agree .but myself and others also useful to know certain points .I wonder at what level of clairvoyance ability becomes manageable ? while in practical cases the ability cuts off .as if someone upstairs against the use of clairvoyance to improve well-being )may interfere with their own inner excitement associated with personal interest( uhh that's right now how to win a large sum !) for clairvoyance you need a calm, peaceful mind

Re: Clairvoyance. Know about your future beforehand.

Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2017 13:54
by Белояръ Волков
What else is needed clairvoyance(knowledge about many of the results of each action)? For example how to live life, knowing the optimal and suitable place to stay each moment is FOR YOU:


Time spent (bad) no returns. Don't have time to do what embodied is your problem.

Re: Clairvoyance. Know about your future beforehand.

Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2017 23:07
by Aura
Белояръ Волков wrote:Objective: to know in advance about the consequences of any action and interaction, including on the subtle plane. "Poprobyvala not thus on their skin and not looking for the old through an intermediary.".
This requires the return of energy. This is a high level...the return means linking the physical and software levels. And it's not linking because the link between the physical and software level is non-linear. In a previous post was trying to put on what is understood under the General term "clairvoyance" is multifaceted. Vision of the consequences of action is possible, but not as a picture, as the future is multivariate. Give the algorithm of repayment: monitoring (work attention), then directly control attention, focus, concentration, thinking, analysis, awareness, concentration, of consciousness. You can start with simple steps: drive from point a to point B. the Main direction: track action, not only as the realization of physical functions. It's not just some "the opening of the upper chakras," even now to understand the difference between focus and concentration are very few. In fact, the goal can be defined as: how does the software level of my physical actions, and the software level is available for perception in certain parameters of the filters of perception. What can you say about the road from point a to point b ordinary person? Was bored. The usual way. Smartphone face/music in ears/ and faster to reach point B. I'm talking about achieving a certain level of experiences of daily processes for human reflexes, but occupy 80% of the attention. A person who wants to know the consequences of actions, we should not forget about contact with space, food and condition of consciousness. We want to develop the 7th, 8th...the senses, do not put in order the first six. But the work of the organs of perception occurs at the software level, not physical. You have to understand that all our actions, thoughts and emotions is a projection of the software layer on the physical. And between them and energy level. You feel your liver? And it is the source of anger. And the anxiety you feel? Imbalance in the spleen. Straightness and stiffness? Imbalance in the heart. What I mean is that the development of clairvoyance occurs in stages and is due not only to the "upper chakras".<

Re: Clairvoyance. Know about your future beforehand.

Posted: Fri Sep 29, 2017 13:27
by донна Лилия
Dream - also clairvoyance)
Aura how many types (levels?) clairvoyance is?

Re: Clairvoyance. Know about your future beforehand.

Posted: Fri Sep 29, 2017 13:58
by донна Лилия
Biliary wolves another of the developments helps me to see the candle with Metamorphosis software Oracle. Stimulates vertical flow along the spine from the tailbone on up, get clear, unambiguous information.

Re: Clairvoyance. Know about your future beforehand.

Posted: Fri Sep 29, 2017 16:12
by Белояръ Волков
To clarify on the topic. We are accustomed to computers that thinking linearly. There is quite a different quantum computer, he thinks of space and information issues appropriately space all the time about everything!


Re: Clairvoyance. Know about your future beforehand.

Posted: Sat Sep 30, 2017 20:14
by Aura
донна Лилия wrote:Aura, how many types (levels?) clairvoyance is?
Let's first understand the definitions. Clairvoyance = clear vision. You can define clairvoyance as the ability to navigate and obtain information and knowledge, though this ability may apply to habitual daily life. The ability associated with a certain degree of conscious control of the subtle bodies and how the body is controlled, makes it possible to perceive (tune) of different vibrational space.
One or the other of the vibration determines the space available for the perception of information. Therefore, the dream as a certain degree of control of the astral body, you can really carry with clairvoyance. The higher vibrational quality of the space, the more “thin” the information available for perception, decoding and translation.
Transcript coming from the interaction with the sonic space of information is another question, depending on when the bark and cortex. Employees may be advanced a clairvoyant, in terms of perception of the information, but have little ability of this information to interpret (decipher). This requires repayment of energy that connect the physical and software level – it was written above.

All the main forms (not all correct to call the levels, as their discovery and development is non-linear) vision 8.

1. Orientation, or intuition. It is recommended to start the opening of the vision from that stage, because whatever the level of vision is not open, it must have the correct orientation, not to be in the wilds of the UN-understandable pictures and become their hostage, and also not to pick up virtualos. Recommended product – nookular Intuition.

2. Spiritual vision, or the vision, cleared of emotional arousal of information, bias, desires, that is, from the rude reactions.
The opening of the spiritual vision associated with analysis with perinatal level programs, inherent from birth as a result of the qualities of the energies of father and mother and the conditions of the space at the moment of conception. Recommended product card Chronos Delta. At this level often stumble deeply religious and mystically-oriented people, opening a vision on the energy of the egregore, repeating certain actions (rituals, prayers, etc.), but not understanding the laws, mechanisms of action and sources of energy.

3. Symmetrical vision, or the ability to fill your thoughts with strength. The power of thought refers to the ability to control using their thoughts a reality and not just speak beautifully and convincingly. The holistic, holographic vision (the vision of mnogopartiinosti). The level of education. Recommended products – dressing Navigator and nookular Master.

4. Synchronized vision, the level of super abilities, or higher self. At the level of the synchronized vision a person receives information directly, because has the ability a real feeling of energy. The synchronized vision understands the illusory nature of perceived reality, not abstract and philosophical, as after watching the movie “the Matrix”, and with real knowledge, clarity and ability to directly manage energy flows. Recommended products - map Alchemy and programs the Naturalness and Richness of neocolony II.

5. Structured vision. The task this level includes configuring for high space. Level attainable when creating a certain inner form – established energy ties. At this level we can speak about ultimate Truth, as the experience of the spirit. Rearrangement of associative cortex and formed another according to their functional abilities thinking. Recommended product - nookular the Oracle and the program of the Centrality of neocolony II.

6. The transformative vision. Difficult to describe the stage regarding timeless vision (vision out of the past and the future). In Castaneda, the level described as “stopping the world”. It should be noted that the level differs from state vision “here and now”, where attention simply cut off the concept of past and future concentration on the present moment. The transformative vision can be described by dinamometru, or another level of dimension where all past and future exist outside of time, linked with a complex structure. At this stage ceases to exist “vision for the future” as a concept. Recommended products - card Alchemy.

7. The character vision, or the vision of the forms (structures). The connection of thought with thought forms, the program vision. Form of the symbolic vision is achievable through the imposition of their coordinate information to receive information from the outside. We can say that at this stage, the person moves to a language of integral fields. The level of connectivity of micro - and macrocosm. It should be noted that it is not always the perception of the structures speaks about the opening of symbolic visions. Recommended products - program the Merkaba of neocolony II, map Alchemy and nookular Oracle.

8. Servidone. Communication with the absolute, from which came our consciousness. The attainment of Nirvanic States. Some people in the process of intensive practice relate to this form of vision, but it's one thing to touch another thing to operate with vision. That is, we get enlightenment enlightenment is a side effect of overheating the area of the brain responsible for servidone – T. Bai-Hui, and leads to speculation on the topic of spirituality. The difference between the opening servidone from temporary touch this form in operation, which at this level can be described as hold of sense.

So speaking of vision, you need to understand what sort of vision going on. For example, one sees the effects of the events or sees the biofield and subtle energies. And starting to rely on this form of vision, makes judgements about events and processes that to this form of vision-and do not include, believing that opening one form vision got access to knowledge about everything. Many are based on information from the seer, as a postulate, I said “seeing” and then the way it is. But “seeing” with, for example, the level of spiritual vision, does not see a lot else. Having access to a single vibrational level does not have access to others, and many are trying to “magicite”, influencing people and circumstances...sometimes it works – at the level of frequencies available for operating, but if the object of influence is on other vibratory levels, no result, such an effect will not give.

It should be noted that all forms of vision it is possible to obtain from nature, from “past the sky”, that is, to possess them and exploit under certain conditions, do not attach to this effort. Example – Shakyamuni Buddha, from birth has sservicename. People with some form of vision from birth, can you describe what it means to stay on the level, but cannot provide mechanisms for the development of form vision.<

Re: Clairvoyance. Know about your future beforehand.

Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2017 14:26
by АлексШепот
донна Лилия wrote:the Dream - also clairvoyance)
I read Your answers in the contest. You and Biliary wolves the only one who's chewing gum in a skit hit.

Re: Clairvoyance. Know about your future beforehand.

Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2017 14:47
by АлексШепот
Белояръ Волков wrote:the Main prize goes to the one who guessed the least.
Then it is clear where it came from Scorpions and cacti :)
Seriously, how can You read the information? Here Donna Lily - snowday...