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Re: New! Map Alchemy I level.

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2016 20:14
by Юрий И
Just last week, purchased..Map Alchemy and Neocolor-II..sensations..a lot until a bunch is not all settled down..
But I'll try to describe everything..
So I bought a pendant for mom, a card for themselves...and the necklace is also checked..
Feeling( I have more 5 years experience in psychosomatics, so my feelings are 90% ;)) is correct..
1. first impression - when I was in the would the expansion of space..and that I was freer to move even on a crowded train..and some kind of lightness
2.Vanished "out there that think of me are my neighbors," Yes obamaites what you want!!
3.Experiment.I'm not a smoker..But once in two years - breaks..Bought a pack( more than polygamy I can't smoke, even if tightened hard) - with pendant smoked a cigarette..sat another...and another..then the seagulls..
Certainly not a positive,but the organism turns out in the dirty matter, which are more stable immediately.
4.Drove to mom..and immediately,- experiment,- Mer pressure! 177..wear pendant...count to 30..measure the pressure..the top was 146 Now..more than 150 climbs..Even in the heat..
Have aktivno map...this time, after the activation got people who have not seen for 5-6 years/ chance meeting on the subway, looking for every day in contact..there are a couple of people..which has changed the interaction..but it's too personal/ write in PM))))))
Yet .so.
Yes..sleep became ..less need for sleep...hour 2-2,5 can now and enough sleep..all is good..

PS my mom is a big negative( especially in cases of transcendent Spheres), but the case of pressure - as it was very convincing.
Friends, with all these products need to Note that was that was..not to bother and certainly not cycle..But requires constant effort..
All the best...I will note the changes and continue.))

Re: New! Map Alchemy I level.

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2016 22:26
by раданов
The map is a worthy product .psychic package well enhances intuition .at first, the kerf 64 of the program and the brain swam ) was in a different reality ,in a great mood I wanted to move and laugh as they did ,his wife thought he drank ) increased feelings of all other products .night was holding the map under his pillow ,not sleepy looked interesting bright cartoons .the overall sensation is a mass of opportunities .I'll write more when the feeling subsided, and understood

Re: New! Map Alchemy I level.

Posted: Sun Jul 03, 2016 1:16
by арим
what the numbers and letters on the reverse side of the card?

Re: New! Map Alchemy I level.

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2016 14:26
by Aura
арим wrote:and what the numbers and letters on the reverse side of the card?
Is a numeric matrix for Hypercomplex numbers (technical information)

Re: New! Map Alchemy I level.

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2016 6:50
by Таша Л
I will share my little experience: about a couple of days before receiving any cards at night I Wake up from a loud knock on the door around 1.30 somewhere. Behind the door, essno no one). Got the cards and the very next day fell from T, cough and all soputstvuyuschie charms. Was sick for 2 days, then sharply left as it is. Try to look at the world from a position of "let's play!", start thinking about someone from friends, friends - this man somehow seen. I still read Tarot, and she somehow intuitively began to grasp the connection between the cards and events, interpretations have become more clear. It will be interesting to see what happens to other card holders
PYSY: a little distraction to the side - the noise was also an interesting situation, when I was waiting for AMB. Night awoke to the fact that someone (?) gently knocked on the window of the veranda. I walked over and asked:"Who's there?". And then suddenly realized that I'm standing and talking with a window), but AMB was a lot of fun, it is necessary to write separately)
Waiting for stories from members of the forum, very interesting)

Re: New! Map Alchemy I level.

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2016 13:55
by раданов
to share your story ,or rather three)after receiving the card on the balcony began to fly pigeon strange spotted- "thoroughbred" .though I live in a new area ,pigeons and other animals a little the more loft there .
the kitchen has long been leaking faucet was going to call the plumber ,hands did not reach .when the dove flew for the first time ,came as much as two plumbing -bypass ,collected some signatures and at the same time changed the gasket
when the dove came the second time ,came to the new district .old not find ,and this gave me his card .that night, the neighbors staged a get-together with the subsequent brawl had a business card to use
the third time immediately after the arrival of dove's wife sent to the store ,surrender of 500 was given as 5,000 .decided not to give vent to greed ,I told the cashier about the mistake :)

Re: New! Map Alchemy I level.

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2016 19:33
by Юрий И
Bought a second card 128 programs...Master..))
To enumerate all the things that happened to me - it is necessary to describe each day on all sorts of extraordinary cases)
The most vivid..
Firstly thanks to the managers..I Bought the card second at a discount as a club member and still somehow))/ thank you!!,/
I'm on the third day I realized that the need for the second card..
Wow..and zakolbasilo me..the Feeling that no second card is like half the job done...And decided the second necessary and urgent to buy..
I remember when they switched from the middle Level of the First Card in the "Paur"
Came home..put the card ..switched in's about was Included for the interest of the binaural collection "Sounds of Tibet"...Without headphones.."Flew very fast"..And flew)),- around 12 the next day..Where "shook," what happened to me can't remember..was shaken for another half hour..))
Attitude to binaurally changed, for very different perception of the matter.., that inspired to stop by the office and buy a new battery for НОВА_ПРО100, and charging is..And everything was available!;))...and could not spodvizhnitsa year probably)
Audiostrobe disci too drgomu were perceived..Feeling - during the first visits , he took 10-15% ..and here's "the arrival" only.)
Meetings with colleagues and just people in General began to occur almost in the doorway of the subway or stores.
A lot of the programs became apparent..
But the most interesting and precious feeling while during this time..
Imagine how shimmers like a rainbow soap bubble??
So just recently, I almost woke up, and felt in the chest area ( although the card was just there on the table) a if thin wires-webs..But it was not on the bodily and material "plane"'s like a kind of energy felt..very thin..and this need to be important..Very strong feeling..With this and go so far..the Fact that globally "not get" or "rushed in search of direction" over the past 3-4 years-was GONE..the feeling of ustakanivaniya..and stable..!..Maybe the responses will gather developers into a single array..I have the same zababahayut Alchemy level 2?)))Well, I even get lost in the presentation - THAT it will be..
Once again thank you all..And good luck to all "Alchemists-I"// Coelho really resting on the sidelines/))<

Re: New! Map Alchemy I level.

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2016 22:20
by Ирина-К
Good evening, everyone.
Unsubscribe on their feelings.
Purchased the Card a week ago. Just decided to record my feelings in a notebook in order to track all changes (do so sometimes when you work with the objectives or instruments: I have a BJ "Panacea" three bioresonator on the phone, the 4th after the global goal burst, chamber, all disks A. Patrushev, mindmachine). Already a day before the arrival of the parcel to the city, the numbers came card (all turned out well.) Morning on arrival of the parcel at work the beginning of my "storm". I'm not a newbie to the emotions of impatience "write off". Pick it up, the work got a map (I'm the only one in the office) and then started the phone and computer. "hang." Thank office for your help on the phone, activated the card. And then...the feeling of the viscous space are removed from the table and feeling weak. The action begins at a distance of 3 meters. Activated 64 programs in the power. Clarify that before you purchase the card for a long time studied and read all the reviews about neocolony, and this mode was chosen to maximize observing yourself. After 7 hours, the house suddenly a sharp feeling of "suction" as a cleaner (sorry for the term, but he's the only one that comes to feelings) and all of this viscous space absorbed in me, and feeling myself completely filled. As the night began to expectoration of sputum. Two days later went cough and lost voice. Sleep was completely gone in 3 days. Who worked in shifts knows what two days without sleep. Night Vimes. Go, drink tea read the forum (every day I reread and find something new permanent) to work in the Morning, day depression, I think the evening tired, Normal workout with the "Navigator" and drives A. Patrushev, normal sleep, in the morning, again depression. All week I feel in normal working condition without kinks of depression and fatigue.Dreams vivid. CDs listen the first time - new sensations, new sounds. Now the "external volume" I constantly (see psychic workshop).
I prefer to live in the mode of a day filled with action like a week, and then look back and realize that for a week as if he lived a month on the events. I'm happy with.
Do not say that the intuition events is through the roof, two things : either I know it or she will "check out" events, and know that it will.
Steel "to appear" old friends that introduce me to new and exciting to me. Resolved some issues.
This is certainly short, as records on a daily basis on the events I have written in detail, I sometimes write at the time - hour, min.
Don't know how such technology is possible, but just shocked by the developers. Thank you.<

Re: New! Map Alchemy I level.

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2016 22:49
by Ирина-К
I want to add in taste sensations. Left feeling hungry, have does not want to eat so little and little, that my wonder. Lost 3 kg. do Not want sweets (I have a terrible sweet tooth) and drink coffee without's inconceivable to me. And now the norm, and tea and coffee and all! without the sweet. just don't want to. And today cooked without salt. I think it's overkill:) let's See how things go.

Re: New! Map Alchemy I level.

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2016 16:12
by Джеймс
Good day to all!
Question to developers: map Alchemy replaces neocolony? It makes sense to carry the card and nookular at the same time?

Re: New! Map Alchemy I level.

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2016 8:33
by Фиолет
James map Alchemy for example is more suitable for experienced users of the pendants,but also for beginners of course you can use.Of course you can wear along the pendant and a map,but if everyone decides to pendants gradually expand the PI operator, and where even smoothly,and the map faster and more intense and where the violent,ie to cheat will not succeed.Themselves effects from one group included the same as it corresponding neocolony, but their manifestation brighter and deeper integration into the UI of the operator.Generally study a map is more powerful and with a big plunge.One card can run up to 64 programs of specialized package.Here and make conclusions for themselves what You want,inner feelings will tell :)

Re: New! Map Alchemy I level.

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2016 16:16
by Джеймс
Thank you!
Another question: if I buy the card as a gift, you can activate it yourself? Or it must a person do to use the card? If you buy two cards at a time - one to keep, one to gift if they will work in pairs on one person?

Re: New! Map Alchemy I level.

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2016 16:03
by Фиолет
James to activate you can own,since every card will work with that person,which is in close contact,directly in the field.

Re: New! Map Alchemy I level.

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2016 20:15
by Джеймс
So I joined the ranks of “the alchemists” :)
Impressions per week. The proximity card to the body is felt vividly. Experimented with my wife, I sat with my eyes closed, it is brought closer or moved away map to a particular part of the body. Almost exactly determine the distance and location maps. When approaching felt tingling and vibrations in this part of the body.
First hooked up at 8-10 in one section. Immediately there was a heightened perception of smells and sounds are perceived almost tactile. The evening included a favorite disc of Nautilius and was gone for the evening. Took far first to the past, emotions, past a chronic situation, then in future plans and dreams. Ended with a pleasant awareness of the infinite possibilities that actually only I restrict myself in everything.
A night with the card for a long time could not sleep, lying in the border state between sleep and waking and catching bugs. Put the map away, immediately fell asleep. Had nightmares, started to climb any tin like subconscious fears.
The next day decided to use its infinite possibilities and be open to the world. Ended up acquainted with a real Buddhist monk :). All the first days were filled with events, one day is lived like a normal week. Everybody at work is simple (August, crisis, etc.), and my customers shaft.
Then began to connect to 20-30 programs from different categories. Heightened clarity of consciousness began to alternate with a state of prostration did not want to go to work and do the everyday things, I wanted to hang out, meditate, but felt overcrowding energy.
Appeared the ability to either anticipate, or control people. One friend had not returned the external drive suddenly need, buddy brought the same night, told his wife had arranged for General cleaning, stumbled upon it and decided to return. At work hanged problematic cranky customer, just think as if to get rid of him, a colleague he offered to take it (the geography of comfortable). And a lot of just small things.
Aggravated intuition. Every time the phone rings guess who is calling. At work guess who and when they enter the door.
In General, I feel more calm and confident. Began to make the long-planned but postponed for one reason or another actions.
Summary - “life has become better, life has become merrier”. Card strong, to go better be careful and not cut from all programs. Feel that the potential is far from exhausted and it's only the beginning. I would like some guidelines, tips for beginners, how to apply and what to do next, how to discover its potential to the maximum. All success :)<

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2016 1:59
by Геката
A week ago I got three cards from Alchemy. Two - includes all of the above programs, and one more on order, including programs of neocalanus that on this forum no (horn of plenty, love magnet, stop magic).
Master began, a third card while lying in the sarcophagus, the two put in a neck wallet, I wear almost constantly. Cards look like ordinary plastic, and I thought "damn, how can they work if that stupid plastic?" But on the third day looked to the light using a flashlight, saw inside the device. :ay

The first day went only with basic programs, nothing special.
The second day included "the Body" is the beginning to clean the body. So many times a day to go, sorry, in a toilet, have not had. :?
On the third day included a "Cloud". Don't know why, but I seem to remember yourself ten years ago and woke up. Associate it with the program "naturalness". Flooded drive. In short, the evening satisfied my husband brought :o

Night and the following days (and now too) sometimes you feel a vibration in my spine and a fever, though dressed well and the apartment is not cold. Temperature slightly lowered. If you know what
it can be connected - prompt, please. Not the most pleasant sensations, coldly, damn it) Before such was not.

On the fourth day included "Le Corsaire". At times come very clever ideas, in particular, reminded my friend of how to perceive what is happening to her the situation, she was very surprised, since the idea was much the new. The wording I liked. Had a strong desire to change appearance, to draw attention to themselves, until the shocking. Decided to buy hair dye, came out into the street in a hat (for our city hat - very unusual).
On the fifth day (today) included a "Master". And decided to dye her hair)) live Deep conversations with someone downright felt the kinship of their souls.

noticed this week:
  • Vivid dreams every day, stopped taking pills for sleep.
    Deeper immersed in itself, dependence on the Internet has decreased. At the same time, notice the interest in me from the individuals that were considered to be above him in rank, usually something I laykayut and comment.
    Increased self-confidence.
    Moments of bodily pleasure live brighter (it's not only about the sex, but for example on swimming, Jacuzzi, sauna - complete relaxation).
Too early for conclusions, but it is definitely interesting to live :))<

Re: New! Map Alchemy I level.

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2016 17:08
by раданов
Геката wrote:Night and the following days (and now too) sometimes you feel a vibration in my spine and a fever, though dressed well and the apartment is not cold. Temperature slightly lowered. If you know what
it can be connected - prompt, please.
with similar "symptoms" came after long-standing energy blocks -chills, chills .it was more in the shoulders and upper back .presumably it is the job of the package body .

Re: New! Map Alchemy I level.

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2016 17:17
by раданов
asked to view a map of a familiar clairvoyant .said that usually it's clear from the ground the product or not and how .and then like a kaleidoscope ,one thing comes another .shimmers ball different facets and one total flow not to catch .says there is a General energy background is relatively strong and light and more specifically cannot see .

Re: New! Map Alchemy I level.

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2016 17:30
by раданов
Джеймс wrote:I would Like some guidelines, tips for beginners, how to apply and what to do next, how to discover its potential to the maximum.
also initially relied on tips ,there are basic topics the Aura is described .then came to the conclusion that all individually the products themselves give clues .you have all the normal is time the world responds, and there is progress .on his own work ,where to go and what to do that enough ambition and courage .

Re: New! Map Alchemy I level.

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2016 17:46
by нева
Геката wrote:on the second day included "the Body"
Геката wrote:On the third day included a "Cloud".
Геката wrote:On the fourth day included "Le Corsaire".
In the words of Violet, the card is more suitable for those who already have experience in the use of pendants. It seems to me that it is better not to hurry, and if you include let's say "Le Corsaire" it is better to disable everything else, to see, to try, as if it were a single pendant. The mere possibility of simultaneous use heaps of programs that is conducive to experimentation, but I agree with Violet, which in fact included a pair of three programs from the same "Corsair" may be more than enough under what ever the current task.

Re: New! Map Alchemy I level.

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2016 19:00
by Геката
раданов wrote: with similar "symptoms" came after long-standing energy blocks -chills, chills .it was more in the shoulders and upper back .presumably it is the job of the package body .
Thanks for the comment, apparently so. And the place depends on the location of the blocks.

Re: New! Map Alchemy I level.

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2016 19:06
by Геката
нева wrote: I think it's better not to hurry, and if you include let's say "Le Corsaire" it is better to disable everything else, to see, to try, as if it were a single pendant. The mere possibility of simultaneous use heaps of programs that is conducive to experimentation, but I agree with Violet, which in fact included a pair of three programs from the same "Corsair" may be more than enough under what ever the current task.
I keenly follow his condition, the overload or "bounce," no, I will continue to look at the facts. Some "pendants" I will try individually.

Re: New! Map Alchemy I level.

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2016 15:42
by Геката
Today disconnected all superfluous and kerf "Intuition", along with an experienced mushroom hunter went into the woods. He is nothing, but my legs are from mushroom to mushroom, but all two or three of red at a time...
In the end, I found three times more than a partner-mushroom, hand drawn, kapets :))))
But happy! Funny cheating :)))

Re: New! Map Alchemy I level.

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2016 16:47
Геката wrote: Funny cheating ))
A very appropriate word))). All the artifacts ,in life as in game cheats. :ay

Re: New! Map Alchemy I level.

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2016 21:30
by Ирина-К
Hecate, as you ordered the card Alchemy with an additional program?

Re: New! Map Alchemy I level.

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2016 21:34
by Ирина-К
Hecate, where you can see programs: stop magic, cornucopia and the magnet of love?