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Re: Already in sale - nookular "Body"

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2016 16:53
by Небесная
Смузи wrote:with a pendant is very easy bodily blocks are revealed and worked out, really great result
Don't know what it can block bodily manifested, but a few days the body wanders the globe with such a light feeling as if current. On the mental level it feels like a small but constant irritation. At the body level - at the same time a pleasant feeling and no. Noticed that when walking the body, such ease occurs periodically but stays in certain places for a long time and then irritation. What to do with it, maybe who knows? I tried to predicate, he only becomes more and harder. Not like the feeling(

Re: Already in sale - nookular "Body"

Posted: Sun Dec 25, 2016 0:20
by Смузи
:) a few days ago, very well for yourself prochustvovat work pendant..Experimented with the programs “Resonant body.”
"Body tension”, “Body collection”. Quite easy to enter into attunement with other people. It helps in communication, because it is easy to adapt to person to understand how he feels, what he wants. On the work you had to interact with other groups, so it is very easy to integrate into the new team. Remember what mimcry)))) it is, incidentally, a nice feeling from it, and mimicry are useful essentially in certain cases. By the way, remembered her thanks to the pendant, I set out to study effective ways of interaction :) The only negative, really felt people's emotions, their condition, therefore it is necessary to close periodically.
Still see how the body...not outwardly, yet :) inside...there is a lightness and luminosity of the inner, and with it a good mood. First noticed that the winter did not hover...and mud too)))) And have the desire to do many things. especially after picking up and seals after practices and activation of the program and I want to do at once many Affairs and at the same time....It is a pity that no many-armed Shiva :) but it would be done immediately... But it turns out that the day I manage to do now much more than ever before... And in the evening the energy level on high, so still have to read, watch, and other delights of life :) And most importantly, the table felt that the negative channel as if detached from the body, there is a phantom yet, but most of it is gone. This feeling came after a tough migraine))) I did not turn off her pills, because I realized that it is a powerful cleaning worked. I never would have thought that an 8-hour migraine with vomiting may be present :( :) But after everything turned upside down. Body and mind clean, light and fluffy)) and a bunch of zamorak themselves off ...And the most important energy channel through which the hook with the negative was burned...I can't feel it (until then in the stomach was) it felt really good clean. As the end stage of development feels like an achievement)))although, a little strange that the release of toxins goes through the maximum slag)))<

Re: Already in sale - nookular "Body"

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2017 17:05
by Грифон
All kind time of day! a small report in 4 days.
20 Jan came nookular "body". Immediately put(auto mode) and started a feeling in the solar plexus,but weak and obscure. A little later, after about an hour or two the feeling intensified. Honestly don't know how to describe it...the first thing that came to mind(perhaps the way) it's like lit the beacon in the chest! But the glow is dim whether whether weak :? Then everything quieted down(light rosseels) and inside was calm as in calm.
In the evening went outside to meet my wife from work. The feeling of what I'm wearing invisible armor,a clear statement of step,a sense of control of the body(physical), mood-elation,self-confidence.
21 Jan turned on the medium mode. Did not notice anything.
22 Jan turned on the power. Closer to the dinner began discomfort(head,nerves,a small cleaning). Switched to the auto mode.And use it to this day. I think it's better to keep him.
Product nookular "body" I have the first line of SAM,and I hope not the last :) Please do not judge strictly :oops:
There are questions to the forum! How to work with programs. with the base and with special.programs?
Here's an example of Smoothie wrote that worked with the programs of the resonance body(very interested), etc. exactly How to work with them?

Re: Already in sale - nookular "Body"

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2017 19:59
by Джеймс
Грифон wrote:Got a question for the forum! How to work with programs. with the base and with special.programs?
Here's an example of Smoothie wrote that worked with the programs of the resonance body(very interested), etc. exactly How to work with them?
Apparently this refers to the tracking and application programs as opportunities to change yourself, your vision, state of the world around...

Re: Already in sale - nookular "Body"

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2017 15:55
by Смузик
Грифон wrote:Got a question for the forum! How to work with programs. with the base and with special.programs?
Here's an example of Smoothie wrote that worked with the programs of the resonance body(very interested), etc. exactly How to work with them?
Griffin, good afternoon. :) You ask a very important question....For me this issue was the primary when I started my journey with pendants, and now he, too, is intermittent....At some point I realized that I don't have the exact answer of "how' is what that part of my linear perception of reality I wanted to understand this mechanism of 'like' as a specific manual from the connect this wire with that and here is the result. Doesn't's more for me like some kind of inside view of the resistance when the mind begins to try to control what is a very deep process, although has only a small vision of space. For me the main paradox was the answer "wrong"...not like's about opening yourself to new experiences and new opportunities. Important 'how to'- was the ability to listen and to notice, to explore and to read, to accept and to reject, to listen, to refute ...well...and many other processes :roll: ....And of course, I'm only a beginner....and this whole "like" for me is the ability to open information and use it in accordance with their needs, requests, intentions and desires. And yet, a lot of this info elsewhere on the forum...especially there are special chapters, there is a direct guide to action.....So good luck to You in your journey :) viewtopic.php?f=35&t=5783 there are many useful php?f=35&t=5782">viewtopic.php?f=35&t=5782 and here, too)))
Well....and yet...for me it is important steps to learn the program, feel the need internal or external...choose program....try with the modes and...observe, take notes....during some important moments recorded or teleski work....and now to draw start))))... I think this is an important action in the development and consolidation... so I like it :)<

Re: Already in sale - nookular "Body"

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2017 16:18
by Смузик
Грифон wrote:22 Jan turned on the power. Closer to the dinner began discomfort(head,nerves,a small cleaning). Switched to the auto mode.And use it to this day. I think it's better to keep him.
:ay well, You and speed :wink: right out of the frying pan into the fire!)))) I also have narvak was initially leading, the backdrop always matters. By the way the question 'how' I'm out of this nervana and out, that some control is connected, I think...with our human need to keep all of the control code, so that , God forbid, what changes did not happen...Very strained because of neraka, more so in auto mode , that's only just starting to experiment with other, interesting experience)) Understand that there are processes that rush is not worth it....There are - needed and PI is almost ready to create the preconditions, then the action....)))) in General, all mysterious and beautiful, and most importantly, works))))

Re: Already in sale - nookular "Body"

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2017 17:37
by Грифон
A few days ago, wanted to work with the package "resonance body"(just thought of it). Wanted to attune. It was just before bedtime. In the player the track for lucid dreaming Patrushev A. V. Woke up from a long forgotten vibrations through the body :D I longer tried to hold them back... but it is the condition that to hold not just :? it's none of someone's hand to catch,but much more difficult. In General one will understand :wink: I'm glad it happened. But was the moving to neocolonial? bc

Re: Already in sale - nookular "Body"

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2017 17:41
by Грифон
Smusic thanks for the links, I will study :)

Re: Already in sale - nookular "Body"

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2017 16:01
by Смузик
Griffineven with the program "resonant body" is easy to provide the settings and the feeling not only of people and their information fields, but reads the info from the items. Experimented, interesting things happen if you train, I think channel vision can be accessed quickly....well, in General it is interesting to resonate with animate and not very :) such a great variety of offers!!!! Opens a deep attunement with the world:-) I like this program, at least now it's being actively used.
And You just good! :)

Re: Already in sale - nookular "Body"

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2017 18:25
by Смузик
Very interesting work the program "resonance body" , many times noticed, when you activate the program and the whole interest is directed, it is amazing, "shoots" , truly a miracle :) :) :) yesterday said on the forum about this program, and then decided to practice a bit more and were in resonance at home with objects that are close...I ppractical, forgot and went on Affairs. The food drive and think they say one more month of winter and another month of cold weather in March(((, two whole months before spring, bbbrrrrr...
And then in front of me on horizontai three half-arches of the seven-colored rainbows and the feeling that summer meal after a rain and it's filling the body and mind strength and joy, as they say to murjek. And once the mind is invigorated, awakened, as the doping has received. First a glitch then. And then realized that I worked the program, got the software real dope!!!!!! Apparently consciousness is beginning to suffer in the cold, and as it is an unconscious request went into space and came instantly reply, because of the powerful energy first image, and then through him, the energy flowed!!!! Such a resource, that there is the winter!!! Very cool) all day today resonates with that snow on the street, and I have a rainbow))))) and body murashita constantly)
Yay! There is shown a structural point)

Re: Already in sale - nookular "Body"

Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2017 16:01
by Полинушка
Tried resonance body for modeling emotions and attitudes.
Good stuff. Increases the effect and easier condition to manage. The state is held rather long and vprintsype easily move from one to the other.
But more on the enhancement was applied.depending on the situation and what you want from me or need me the most. Useful experience, right as it as fuel for the desired action. Well was in a hung state, so in another go easier modeling desired . especially when the negative fall out in agresco.

Re: Already in sale - nookular "Body"

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2017 15:47
by Смузик
Полинушка wrote:Well was in a hung state, so in another go easier modeling desired . especially when the negative fall out in agresco.
Share developments....very interesting....just interested with images))) Learn to receive from them sensations in the body!!!

Re: Already in sale - nookular "Body"

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2017 16:50
by Смузик
Will share a little) now actively eksperementiruyu how you can model your state when working with different pendants, what is the difference, looking for where what subtleties and how work. :Weave spindle :)
With the help of the Body found the key state management through the images and embed you need in its structure. I don't always wear a pendant and use for directed work to restore the resources of body and mind, clean up blocks, hooks. As she came appliances internal landscape, I do not remember where I read it, but forgot all about it..(
Before, when there was a shortage of the resource, or extreme fatigue, the dream came to the same place....on the sea front...with sandy beach and mountains behind. Could even request to do want they say... there Awoke in perfect health of body and spirit! Then something happened and the images stopped to take shape..(((. But now - break! Information was flowing))) And together with these a deep peace, deep and effortless.
Found a very interesting this technique to build inner landscape, sometimes it's just a part of it and read, sometimes after reading spend re-dip and make the edit...Although it is difficult to say what happens because getting there after work is awareness, there can be changes on its own.....
In a different state - a different landscape...another state .... the feeling of comfort and unity, as the pattern of kaleidoscope. These. the images are flow, and I don't order, just get in that storehouse)))the fact that according to Jung , the collective unconscious, perhaps...although I don't like that it's unconscious :) I ...more nice repository of knowledge, GAIP :)
Very nice work, the attention, the feeling of overnight coverage attention, spreading throughout the body, in its interior space. The feeling that body and mind are connected with this landscape, they have this space! It's like the living embodiment of the unconscious, forgotten, stored in the memory of the body.
It is a pity that can't draw :? but there is room for improvement.....This landscape may reflect my state of body, psyche, my energy, emotions, blocks.... It's hard to put into words...Because the images are very lively and life-giving........And there is a feeling of when my space with other the principle of nesting dolls :) While learning to adjust their status through this space...but I think...there is more and you can create what you want ...try) And each time after work feeling like a new crystal face was formed... :)<

Re: Already in sale - nookular "Body"

Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2017 15:34
by Aura
Duplicate explanation of some of the programs neocolony Body from another branch
1. The body volume of the circulatory system. Body volume determines the capacity of the filling and our manifestation in space. The ability to fill their daily actions allows to fill them with meaning, not only to record their actions, but to comprehend, to compare them with his nature, that is filled with life. Body volume determines the amount of energy that we can retain and which determines our activity, or manifestation in space.
2. A rotational body – muscular system, determines the proportionality. The development of the body of rotation and the quality of the proportions determines the energy dependence in the first place biochemical dependence on a gross energy of food, emotions, etc., we can say, allows you to get out of the zone depends on different diets, energy-intensive physical exercise (like sports, fitness or yoga) and other “tricks” to temporary improvement.
3. Body voltage – skeletal system. Body tension is responsible for the underlying processes in the body associated including bone marrow, responsible for the provision and distribution of energy in the body. - Developed body stress forms an internal support, the comparison of efforts and objectives with their real possibilities. Body tension is responsible for finding space, taking up a certain position in relation to the external space due to the increase in the number of axes and planes (the versatility).
4. Truncated body – the endocrine system. The truncated body is a original power supply, which must evolve and be maintained and not be wasted.
5. Body tension is a skin system that determines the circulation of energy as bioelectric potential. It is the body tension allows you to interact and to grasp the power of space. - Developed body tension allows you to feel “Feng Shui” of the space and to navigate the spaces. They say, “goose”, for example, when a person listens to powerful music, experiencing strong feelings is strong, powerful spaces, the body tension holds the power of space.
6. The body of the gathering – tendon system, determines the structuring of energy that allows you to collect and operate on the energy meridians. Structural, or collected body shapes the individual matrix of power structure that actually interact with the energies not on the mental level of knowledge about them and on real sensations, to navigate in the information space.
7. Resonant body – unequal system and primarily the brain, a key body for the development of consciousness. Resonant body determines the ability to improve and transform the energy, to go beyond the original energy parameters – the personal code.

Re: Already in sale - nookular "Body"

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2017 20:05
by Счастливая Елена
Good evening! If you have a specific health problem, whether the pendant is to help you solve it? Maybe the feeling of being trapped some have in finding direction for healing. That is, the vector is clear - working with yourself, your inner world, to reflect and external - but the inner sensations progresses, but external (I health) not really. I would like to reflash the time of development through suffering.

Re: Already in sale - nookular "Body"

Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2017 16:42
by Aura
Счастливая Елена wrote:Good evening! If you have a specific health problem, whether the pendant is to help you solve it? Maybe the feeling of being trapped some have in finding direction for healing. That is, the vector is clear - working with yourself, your inner world, to reflect and external - but the inner sensations progresses, but external (I health) not really. I would like to reflash the time of development through suffering.
Nookular Body this product non-medical purposes, i.e. the integral of the product is not a pill that you can take to get rid of the disease. It can be removed, is attached to this work of consciousness, but in itself, the wearing of the pendant does not guarantee deliverance, if the operator when this chemical eats food, or is behaving aggressively, or thinking wrong thoughts :) When I'm asked any question about health, often the question is asked from the disease, that is, from the level of consciousness, when health is understood only as the opposite of illness. Software package neocolony Body can give the correct experience of her body, her movements and energy balance, and judging by the wording of Your question, You understand how it affects physical health. That way there's still no connection internal-external can be a time of expectations, that is, the material world is inert and it takes time for the physical changes and external impact inharmonious, that is destructive to the physical body space, in the modern world is very common, so in a couple of neocolony Body recommended US. If there is confidence that there is a commit time on the necessity of suffering for development, then this point is solved by the module Transformation of negative and/or Restart and/or Comfort in the Navigator or Chronos.

Re: Already in sale - nookular "Body"

Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2017 22:29
by Счастливая Елена
Aura, thanks for the reply. What is a MUSTACHE?

Re: Already in sale - nookular "Body"

Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2017 2:08
by ММ
Aye, just a lot of money to save up for US. And will be the customer happiness. :? Even if the prices were reduced for the sake of decency 2 times to be able to buy. And that such rates will become bankrupt. :(

Already on sale - nookular "Body"

Posted: Sat Dec 23, 2017 14:59
by раданов
Счастливая Елена wrote:What is a MUSTACHE?
versatile outliner space ... turizator/

Re: Already in sale - nookular "Body"

Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2018 15:52
by Аленький Цветочек
Good day!

Wear nookular Body, a sense of structure in me, emotions are under my control - that was my goal -I'm very happy about it. However, almost immediately after the acquisition of neocolony I was still very stress -swept quite, barely barely got out, needed a map Khronos -I didn't know back then about her. Just now missed the information about the artifacts.

I want to ask: I really want to take the pendant close relative, from which we all suffer, only setschas it came to me)) Microcosm she will give us will be easier -as never it is impossible to communicate -the family. If she passively wear will be in auto mode -makes sense?
And can I neocolony to cover thin sheets that mimic gold? We have a metal Allergy to the blood inflamed skin. And in the bag she then just will not wear. I myself am an artist and painting is easy for me.
Aura thank You for Your work, Your business is appreciated!!!

Re: Already in sale - nookular "Body"

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2018 23:10
by Aura
Аленький Цветочек wrote:I Want to ask: I really want to take the pendant close relative, from which we all suffer, only setschas it came to me)) Microcosm she will give us will be easier -as never it is impossible to communicate -the family. If she passively wear will be in auto mode -makes sense?
Meaning...he's always there. Even regardless of our brainstorming efforts :) And the effect of the pendants in the passive mode depends on availability. All come to use with different parameters. And develops from this "end effect."