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Re: Discuss and ask questions on General topics

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2018 19:01
by Шура
Thank you for the information) Now won't worry)

Re: Discuss and ask questions on General topics

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2018 23:54
by райбан
"escape into summer"
What it means to live... I don't know.
I myself am a victim, I am the villain, I am the judge and executioner.
In some persons.
What do you mean corrected? in the variant of life.
It happens or not?
Or worth a look anyway — and on a Fig?
But do not care for me. Do not care at all, fuck fuck big and fat.
Watch old men all with a high steeple, listening to the sound of autumn leaves?
Scary to think it's Me?!
From this you can easily go crazy being in a different world.
What?!! I do it both ways.
Making the routine of everyday Affairs, a bunch of useless things.
Why, I don't know.
The first time you see it.
Inverted world, inverted reality.
— Some curves work— I waved a hand before him.— So she'll have something. It's a pity from something.
— Not forever, ' he answered me, that I'm on the reverse side.
While on the other hand, maybe it's for the best.
And just a dream, talking to himself.
— Where are we?
We're everywhere. And at the same time nowhere. But our bodies are still in the area.
Wanted young man to show a little of other worlds.
In students to take. Go, the stranger from the white countries?
I do not know. Sucks, that's all. It turns out, their future looked?
Yes. Only, Karmal not touch. Please. Just get your knife and go.
just as you say. But you can walk among worlds?
The old man waved his hand, saying enjoy yourself, hell if you do silly.
I'm with you, and then you never know... and banged with a stick, only it's not a stick, and staff, somewhere I've seen this in my dreams.
And we went on... it's Hard to tell what.
As the March, or on the Road To Nowhere.
It is a concept.
Here the grass, footpath, forest, there is a river.
Why not.
And I set foot on the path.
In the distance could be seen the old dilapidated fortress, turned upside down. In the ground it rested on the spires and turrets, it was her support.
Weird. From there, the voice was, he called me.
Even weirder was when I went down the path and wanted to roll to the side.
And ran quickly, wanted to get away from the man and from everything.
May wanted to escape, or hide, whatever.
've been running. Just joined — looking, and I'm upside down on the same place and do not fall.
And the old man's teeth merit:
— stop this nonsense suffer. Come on down.

Re: Discuss and ask questions on General topics

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2018 1:27
by райбан
"escape into summer"
He stood at the only window of the room standing out for the lush green spot amidst all the grey of the situation.
Without demanding excessive attention and warmth.
Once I was nameless friend, before the advent of the Marga.
A plant like ficus small.
He was silent sometimes sympathetic.
Don't ask questions, don't take money.
He lived with me, not demanding special care.
Only from time to time to pour and put on the window in the morning.
In some ways we were similar, he was also born without long roots. Like me, torn from home and from everything.
I left for work, he walked me.
Came he met.
Didn't ask where he was at night.
Was granted: I came, and here he stands at the window.
Such friendship. He probably was getting old, and I do too.
Don't know, flowers get old or not.
But I'm getting old and I need a little more to grow up.
To figure it out.
I hope I'm not lying to myself at least that.
It is a flower, or a rational being.
But treated as sentient creation of God.
When I am to build?
I also want to become a Creator.

Re: Discuss and ask questions on General topics

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2018 16:52
by Лон
How much energy hack, how expressive, what living facial expressions !!!

And Hula is as energetic and bright, and the music is what is exciting and alive!!!

Re: Discuss and ask questions on General topics

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2018 0:13
by райбан
Bitch life.
She doesn't know me.
Its Creator.
Aura, if you're a man - don't pretend.
Look out the window.
And just tell me when you aim the red beam sniper rifle.
A-ahhh "of aura"
Where are you?
Don't know when will come.

Re: Discuss and ask questions on General topics

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2018 0:16
by райбан
The Soviet mentality..
Or maybe "aura" is also the Soviet mentality that pours out of your ears.
Someone check clearly.
And as their bio resonance
damn you're just Guinea pigs.
Dogs In "Pavlovo".
Checking for himself the resonances.
Yes, Yes, no, no.
aura I'm talking to you
Think about it why do.
I myself am on the verge of standing (with your pendants)
I POH and before it was not so .
I appreciated the peace, beauty, women.
Now there is no such.

I felt.
I replaced the "aura" and it got me.
Or the opposite of "Aurora" replaced me with her.
In short.
You can't do that with people.

— It does not happen bro.
— Sometimes even as it happens. Say I in response.
— Well erase their snot
— It is clear. well, so far.

Re: Discuss and ask questions on General topics

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2018 0:55
by райбан
As you understand — no one is indispensable
Instead of the "aura" comes again "it".
Something like this.
In principle, nothing will change.
Map, pin code .
And everyone will be happy.

Re: Discuss and ask questions on General topics

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2018 21:18
by Гуфест
I appreciated the peace, beauty, women.
Now there is no such.
To admire ,to look forward to,to be fascinated,to love ,try this.To approach from the perspective of the appraiser,but then he in return is willing to pay or what?

Re: Discuss and ask questions on General topics

Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2018 13:49
райбан wrote:As you understand — no one is indispensable
Instead of the "aura" comes again "it".
Something like this.
In principle, nothing will change.
Map, pin code .
And everyone will be happy.
Replace IT , you broadcast your verse that you believe to be stories. Too totally and vulgar. Didn't you notice that? If you take your stories early and then as you write now, then let me write to you (no offense only) that saddled IT's great. Cut off from myself this is it, you know!!! Show YOUR WILL !!! Leave the past , let him go after. It was an experience. Go on . You are the Creator of your life, build it the way you want and don't blame others. Each goes his own Way, who doesn't like changing direction. But on their own , not to not judge anyone, not to blame. Everyone is free to get involved in experiments, this is his Way, his trial and error. But it's an experience. Don't you like this experience? Choose your!

Re: Discuss and ask questions on General topics

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2018 12:30
by Гуфест
Rayban you're so vain for the Aura,you were sheltered,and you're trying to do something its not and do not address merging threats what is mend the roof when moving out . Stop giving.You normally,and you come as well.Imagine that I tell you this Aru's ears.

Re: Discuss and ask questions on General topics

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2018 6:34
by Имя русскими буквами
Interesting fantasy Marina and Sergey Dyachenko "wild energy. Lana". About energy and resonance.

Re: Discuss and ask questions on General topics

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2018 5:34
by райбан
Rayban you're so vain for the Aura,you were sheltered,and you're trying to do something its not and do not address merging threats what is mend the roof when moving out . Stop giving.You normally,and you come as well.Imagine that I tell you this Aru's ears.
I said I wanted.
Everyone heard what I heard. Through the lines and behind the scenes.
Do — just consider it necessary and the Chief is in his and only in his life..
Replace IT , you broadcast your verse that you believe to be stories. Too totally and vulgar. Didn't you notice that? If you take your stories early and then as you write now, then let me write to you (no offense only) that saddled IT's great. Cut off from myself this is it, you know!!! Show YOUR WILL !!! Leave the past , let him go after. It was an experience. Go on . You are the Creator of your life, build it the way you want and don't blame others. Each goes his own Way, who doesn't like changing direction. But on their own , not to not judge anyone, not to blame. Everyone is free to get involved in experiments, this is his Way, his trial and error. But it's an experience. Don't you like this experience? Choose your!
Experience, experience.
Strange thing. Although even this will.
Suddenly be useful. (referring to the recent events of forum )
Then, only want to look at the "group of resonances".
I was not allowed. Well..
Through experience comes the realization, so what. And a new storyline.
Of course, I blame myself. Reached where you should not.
Apologize to everyone who caught "kickbacks", "there" in the real world.
Sorry, who was in the group for failure.

So it turned out. Seen such karma.

Re: RESONANCE - tuning into sources of Energy.

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2018 19:07
by rel
In his youth, chronically, too, looked 15 years younger than the passport, but the beginning of something to get through) measures)
Means not on this site, but in Cute have already written to the PM about Amarantbut many interesting topic
I will repeat here in case anyone did not know.. In the form of butter, cereal and/or milled grain, a teaspoon morning and evening..

Also, from the last and now is constantly used, I recommend Bandhsnamely , Mule and Uddiyana-at least..
although their main friends there 3) But just first and second, also the "turn aging back" and all that.. + a lot of different additional bonuses..) and execute them nice/interesting)


The Resonances.. finally realized I was a dummy) - say, "ANTO a lot to me now," but, the key word is "now")))
he contradicted his own principle of "believe in yourself") - so start with small and go from there)
the more that 1m in the same set, for the growth of success so far-the distressed, was carefully added resonance to the Blue Bird! =)
In General, order is now in BOS, if you can take a free month, then cool, if not, you will be able to pay, because I "pull"))


PS. As a designer and as a perfectionist, I "hurt" to look at myinfospace)) - all want to sit down and draw (and then offer) cool design, modern, bright, moderately futuristic, with a clear and convenient structure, padding, icons to draw the original, for each Coulomb, resonance, etc. - but as evil (although, really, good)) in recent times clients do not give prodyhu, load.. But as soon as he can.. if interested of this, it can be done)
PS2. Himself MM (new) is also not ideal) but there is not much "eye bet", would be enough, and the point of impact the key.. again, if it is necessary)

Re: RESONANCE - tuning into sources of Energy.

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2018 22:30
by rel
Лон wrote:Again the anomalies are flooded, emae, no wonder there were two loneliness
LONdespite entering in an emergency again (well, not interesting to me just to read it, you see that we have some mutual ostrzenie)) - I Hopesto no, not a bit of resentment, I can not hurt, and I even "forgive" him is not necessary, because you see I really lies, since he's literally one line reads.. Maybe it's all 59 of the resonances at the peak of it as "stagger".. And maybe he is the designer of the admin and he was hurt..

In fact, in some ways he is right - it would be better to first draw their own, and then criticize. But believe me, I have a long time)) a desire to make designer hand.. and in my head I have almost all drawn)) every time I go and Doris)) and while I was silent, did not write anything about it here. And today here, let it slip) But with a big workload, and with considerable probability to start drawing without approval.. this is its meaning. Since my "slip", which at the same time and almost an offer I can reply, for example, that the designer is already there and it soon all draw. Then I will not waste time on a parallel development in which certainly, one of the two will go to the trash (did not want either themselves or someone else). And about the MM site, there all is quite good, but there are a number of things (as I wrote about him that he is "not perfect") - for example, there is no visual separation of the sections/subsections in the menu, not enough of nyandiko, margins, backgrounds, slack, etc.

Re: RESONANCE - tuning into sources of Energy.

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2018 22:35
by Гуфест
Maybe it's all 59 of the resonances at the peak of it as "stagger"
The resonances are working normally and stably,good.

Re: RESONANCE - tuning into sources of Energy.

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2018 22:38
by Лон
relI understand You, but actually no one asked You on this service, choose designer developers. Here in the subject "fundamentals of energoinformational magic" issues drain energy ...If you look from the side You want to drain your energy through the unselfish enthusiasm of the designer, but this is just Your guilt that You decide to work out, I could be wrong of course...and yet..You Beloyar well reinforce each other, whether it is on the forum to do?

a lot of extra written, remove the empty posts?

Re: RESONANCE - tuning into sources of Energy.

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2018 22:40
by rel
:lol: well :)
where is your fact ?let everyone see what I allow you to give a real assessment.
Frets) logically, I would have asked if I someone predlojil change the design.
Here, however, old work. And just think, while only the first two pages are for details.
But the screenshots (And In C etc.) can already be seen. What level was different a number of years ago. And it's growing)
Also there interspersed, work in different price categories. Often because of the economy requested "simple".
So, it is better to look at the first page.

Page 1 / Page 2 / Page 3 / Page 4 / Page 5

That's not all and there is no work of recent years.

Re: RESONANCE - tuning into sources of Energy.

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2018 22:44
by rel
I could be wrong of course
And successfully do) the guilt is not with it. As I wrote already, the design wanted to make before even to test any to competition, generally it hurts the eyes. It is clear that not asking. I too about a lot of things not asked for the World, but was glad the sentences are different. "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you", that's all.

About "mutual gain" is not understood. I'm a simple man) I liked - I liked. Or what is wrong?..

Re: RESONANCE - tuning into sources of Energy.

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2018 22:46
by Гуфест
you only do not feel the fullness... like Korean or lost power chtoli..
You don't need to feel .Personifitsirovano personal feelings to the wrong address.Everything around is full,go and make out if you can.

Re: RESONANCE - tuning into sources of Energy.

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2018 22:59
by Гуфест
haven't given or lost
And how do you ,the champion of the world when he loses,he this definition is suitable?Know Beloyar can for you is also wrong to see,and even advise,it's to stop trolling articles Avdeeva,you are not only annoying,but also himself cheated ,to Park nadogradi, the distribution of gingerbread,missed testing.And then you began unfairly blame the seller.

Re: RESONANCE - tuning into sources of Energy.

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2018 23:07
by Гуфест
Rel,looked at the proposed work.What can I say,well, are a lot of information to take away from the fact,for example in the picture,the car,the plastic window,the user can be lost and to give preference to another product.

Re: RESONANCE - tuning into sources of Energy.

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2018 23:16
by rel
Since I pagsasarili page and still probably need to be cleaned, allow a couple more thoughts. Well, first really some vacillation of the waves observed. But what's interesting - now I have no vacillation. A completely flat condition. From the outside it looks different, Yes) But I am sympathetic. Everything will be fine. All will be cured)

Well, I wanted to say about guilt... or gratitude? Recently, a lot of changes in the real to see him, and they are mainly due to articles and tests of the Aura and SAM.. Why would my answer not make something good?..

Then, it can be considered as for myself, because I also use this system. And as a service to others, because I'll be glad if others too will become "more good." As well as those posts that I paint on the street or the garbage collected in the district. I, first, most disgusting pile to go, and also boring dullness to watch. And secondly, people are happy, they like me, they themselves say..)

So, it can be.
Depends on the desires of those it solves.
What can I say,well no...
And it is, fortunately, not You, Guest))

Re: RESONANCE - tuning into sources of Energy.

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2018 23:36
by Гуфест
Beloyar, turn on the scanner))it may be sensible to see,and that the horror was not restored.

Re: RESONANCE - tuning into sources of Energy.

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2018 23:41
by Гуфест
Rel,you continue to offer their creative projects,we must also take into account for whom or for what category of people that the creation is not taken away from the main point.Must be a message for the recipient,for whom, and why.
Crystal returned with a brush ,do no good,a story made in cartoon form, of pathological anatomy or Tibetan black magic,where the illustrations are mostly from the dismemberment. The buyer should be comfortable to purchase and buy goods.

Re: RESONANCE - tuning into sources of Energy.

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2018 0:53
by СтаниФилмТВ
I work Rela liked. But also, why it seems that UH has always differed from all sites.. not fashion..and internal filling. To me the old design..for some reason liked it better than new. In the old design of the site..there was nothing extra, as there was flashing banners some quality of the roof, or the shop power tools. It was a very good Style..called.." Purely Business"..) Where the minimum excess.
We must pay tribute to Andrew.