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Re: Discuss and ask questions on General topics

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2018 12:34
Аура wrote: to develop Below, you need to build the geometry of the brain at least three vectors. When the dual pattern will change, will disappear and the question itself. And there will be other issues...
You can learn , or recall, any three vectors?

Re: Discuss and ask questions on General topics

Posted: Sat Aug 04, 2018 16:12
by райбан
you Can learn , or recall, any three vectors?
Concentration, fullness, peace.
Center — Y.
If you consider all that 3– vectors, or volumes...
Be aware of Your Center, then, possible Axis, Pro-arranging from the city Center, and possible corner the efforts of the Axes in terms of space 3rd density.

what is there to understand..

Re: Discuss and ask questions on General topics

Posted: Sat Aug 04, 2018 16:32
by райбан
Fullness, it is.... Inexplicable.
As an amorphous monolith, or a cloud of water.
Who, what — will consider there..

Re: Discuss and ask questions on General topics

Posted: Sat Aug 04, 2018 22:21
by Aura
ЛИЛИЯ-Р wrote:Can learn , or recall, any three vectors?
Since we are talking about Energoremstroy brain, all the same, how to determine or interpret them)
райбан wrote:be Aware of Your Center, then, possible Axis, Pro-arranging from the city Center, and possible corner the efforts of the Axes in terms of space 3rd density.
In principle the right answer. You can add that as the energy structure of the brain is a crystal, its development occurs in the volume, i.e. the three vectors. Brain structure volume. Volumetric fields result from the synchronous operation of the thalamus, hypothalamus, Hipocampo, tonsils, pituitary and pineal gland. The essence of constructing the three vectors - volume geometry of brain structures in the synchronous operation 8 basic structures, some of which are in a linear geometry are "sleeping". Under ideal bulk geometry of the brain 8 of the basic power departments working in sync.
You can spend according to the work structures of the brain with frequencies (or colors, law of octaves), with the physical structures and their geometry. Our consciousness is accordingly also relates to 1 of the 8 structures, or frequencies. In the linear scheme, the brain is forced to rush between "good" and "bad", why there is fear is the main emotion blocking. Depending on the constructed geometry in the volume of consciousness bears a different quality from biological survival to the timeless quantum properties.
In terms of the brain reaches its maximum intensity, due to a certain chemical in the secretion glands of the brain, as well as from ionization potentials in the cell membranes, whereby the brain gets the opportunity to Express themselves in the matter. We can say that when properly structured volumetric geometry of the brain cell is able to retain a higher software levels.

Re: Discuss and ask questions on General topics

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2018 22:18
by Гуфест

Re: Discuss and ask questions on General topics

Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2018 11:07
by райбан
news from the "information fields"
According to reports in the PM, many noticed some quality changes in InfoSpace during the last 3-4 months. The changes are manifested in very different feelings and development are more global than it looks with a subjective perception (it is possible to say that there is a change of information filling one of the levels of structure, but which inevitably affects the entire architecture of GAAP). We will not touch the linear estimate these changes, as well as a detailed explanation of practical usage (like following and listening, of course) of such a process.
and what this means in practical terms for people in addition to the use of bracelets, pendants, cards.
of increasing frequency, vibrations, dimensions.
it's unclear what kind of "extension".

Re: Discuss and ask questions on General topics

Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2018 13:14
by Aura
райбан wrote:Aura.
and what this means in practical terms for people in addition to the use of bracelets, pendants, cards.
In practical terms, often means (such a matrix...of the modern world :)) expanding in the material sphere. Of course, there are deeper aspects of the process, but the material is significant. Know the amount of money and wealth is determined by the size of ET, as the amount that it can draw. Another thing is that you can pull in different ways, that the expansion should occur from the axis and with increasing tension and many other subtleties. Therefore, the period of expansion all experience in different ways, someone who resonates with the space and time for this period at least some structure to build, can well during this period to rise, and someone's FLOOR, for example, if SP a little protective of programs that can break the vector expansion. I give this information for timely selection of eigenvector intentions and possible adjustments for the selection of a suitable set of software, and it is important to adequately assess their situation and opportunities. The map of Alchemy II for example knowingly included a special program "the Wind blows through me." Just often people are so focused on yourself and your inner brain cud that not enough energy and focus to keep track of what is happening in the world, I mean not so much the theater, which we show, how basic information processes.

Re: Discuss and ask questions on General topics

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2018 14:01
by райбан
"Falling down"
I was falling from heaven to earth.
With many kilometers of altitude — jumping from the wreckage of a burning plane, shot down by Pakistani air defense.
It reached just a little, to the border with Northern India.
Third high-altitude jump, my infamous life.
Regina remained in the burning plane... forever.
She was there, controlling the tail of the hijacked plane, with the captured crew.
I was flying in the cockpit, guiding the pilot in the right direction at the moment when it happened.
The warhead hit the tail of the plane, scattering it to shreds, the chances of survival — there was not anybody.
Tailed ball claws dug into the harness of the parachute, it is clear he did not want to die. Marg, of course it was him.
In the confusion of all urgent cases, the cat simply slung over the back.
Attaching the cat's collar crepe cord to the shoulder straps of the pack training parachute climber "PA–1".
Marg understood everything then, and not mewed.
He also wanted to live... as we all...
Regina is no longer living.
There will not atone for her death in any way, though beysya head against the wall, or falling down without opening the parachute.
If a star fell from the sky, you're "There" Shine from far away... what to do with it, if nothing changes.
Perhaps We light the stars in the dark sky of the galaxies of the universe, stepping into Immortality.
And what is human life, not exam preparation.
Demanding exam which is called death.
Death is only a temporary deliverance from earthly suffering.
Transient deliverance, following in reincarnation, bringing the essence of a person to the path of the wheel of samsara or purpose, even with the large letters — Pre–appointment.
Then what is the career, power of politicians, well-being?
Maybe better just to live without being ordinary and yet extraordinary man.
Why it is impossible to combine the two qualities, so to do in the worldly life for many reasons.
Life, apparently, so breaks fate with the same brush.
Strange creatures, these people. Very strange and without moral concepts.
Invented a religious cult, money, spectacle, work — no, it's not noble work, and slave labor.
Invented prisons and punishment, even if it would be proper education, they would not be needed. Exactly.
To share a common planet earth on state borders.
The concept, replaced by the true value: the law, sin as black or white — good and evil, happiness, death, love, family, marriage, procreation.
Life is hard lessons that must be learned.
Pain and suffering, and how you want, because most people have a life not Paradise smeared with honey, and only apply the power elite.
And if the people serving the notorious "Golden million" herbs from the ground and from the sky, with airplanes spraying all sorts of crap by dimitras over the cities.
What? So that's who you want...
And some people don't know or want to know, blindly believing their leaders.
And because there are special.the Directive, called the "clean sky", as a smile over common sense, signed by all countries.
Only in the sense that the aircraft, for example, from the U.S. can fly freely over the territory of Russia.
No, not a passenger, and military research.
Under a special project called "Project Renegade".

Re: Discuss and ask questions on General topics

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2018 16:50
by райбан

"Bloody endgame"
The fuselage is aluminum, in some places covered with paint, an old an–24.
Mishan, crunching the fingers flexing fists, came closer.
— Regina! The team is to start the engine!— shouted.
Well I can not just kill.
Unbuckled his baldric with the weapon to be on par.
BA.., Misha, what the hell?! Why?!
I did not teach you. And for good reason.

After killing Misha, that is, eliminating, I casually without any emotion searched his corpse, clothing on the subject of the right things.
The barrel is here. Ammo — there.
So it is necessary. Jumped into the iron carcass of the aircraft.
— Bitch! Who else wants it?!— announced the verdict, although we were already doomed to die.
Everything is working, checking devices, and crap knows what.
I just seized the plane.
That's what I had to go to the edge, and no farther.
I knew hijacking is punishable by death or life.
But the choice is no brainer...
An–24 with full tanks, to Krasnodar, you may even fly to Australia. But we do not need.
We would be closer, as in a taxi talking to the driver throwing the steward on the wheel.
The turbine howled and began to turn the propellers faster and faster.
"Old man" started taxiing, pulled out at the beginning of the strip.
Then all the engines roared, picking up speed, vzmahnuv dust lane.
With Vzletka began warning shoot "pograntsy", yelled Serena.
Fun. Motion, commotion, as I "love".
Russia, what do you say...
Stole billion — justified. As Polonsky S. E.
A plane was hijacked — so be it.
I don't know if really necessary: the aircraft was shaking his wings, then why.
MiGs circling around — wanted to bring down something.
Because the an–24 there is no device identification "friend or foe".
Forcibly broke the connection, pulling all plugs.
What "they" can do good?
India — surfaced in my head for some reason.
India, so India.
Briefly commanding the course of the pilot of the plane — direction of Delhi.
Delhi is capital of India, who knows.
Yeah, we are all frostbitten on his head "the Czechs", who returned from the first Chechen war.
Chechnya.... how here to forget everything and to fix it.
I don't know.
And no one knows.
And why so "it" then?
Maybe Zakhar Prilepin knows.. .he also "Czech", so bald tanker..
Yes, it's crap. Work.<

Re: Discuss and ask questions on General topics

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2018 16:55
by райбан
Hey — "losers".
Lost in thought, too late and cracked the dome, without having somewhere to plan a wide open place, although there were no open areas.
Had to fall directly on the solid hollow with a hole and closed his eyes, saving them from puncturing, synchronous sgruppirovany body and legs.
Blow on the branches, the crunch of twigs, here and landed, scratched hands and face.
The knife is not, but "the Punisher" coped with the task, several cuts bite now useless sling, dropping the heavy body bag on the grass. The parachute on the branches left hanging, or what's left of it.
Some lines longer strop brought with them, the rope can always ponadobitsa on the road.
And a few cuts of cloth from a fallen cloth dome've done.
Also useful: the bandage or headband–the headband right.
It's hot, humid, and stuffy in the heated bath, the rains three hundred days a year. That opened we're the door into Summer, the fraternity of fate.
Summer is not where there is no winter. And where heat, a year.
I wiped the burning tears speakers eyes.
The wind probably blew, protective glasses no.
And maybe grief.
After all, I lived thoughtlessly with the tide... in the first third of his life.
Fuck you — drinking for me, Oh my not an easy.
Wiped her tears and went up, first shock, then turning into a run, faster and faster, just trying to slip away from the crash site.
I raced without selecting the road, knocking the breath to wheeze, ran and ran, with the cat clasped behind his back, just to get away.
In single-player, training forced marches with full kit, by twenty kilometers.
Flashed shrubs, vines, trees.
Elastic thread progressively in the face and slipping on the head with the bandana.
Tunnel vision is the called when you see in front of you and nothing is noticed more around. Not good, well chalk it up to stress and shock.
What the hell was heard: me help that was screaming — no, didn't help.
All of the hype. There is no one, it seemed.
Do not wait — the guy there.
Banks, where?... no banks, without edges and outside of the swamp–green sea.
Where are they? Only godforsaken place, this jungle.
I run and shout, howling wild beast, hearing the cry of his own.
Filth one-sided, why do you bite me.
Pestering bloodsuckers, mosquitoes ants, Yes, to taste the blood of the white man, but do not persecute any program.
So I tripped over roots, swearing with all his might.
Fell... like the plague the dog not knowing what to do, just not hysterical.
Slowing down my race to "nowhere".
The puddle of water there.
I looked into it, and I looked in the distorted reflection — well, you face dzhonik, long time so going to knock about the world.
I asked the question myself, but, they do not know the answer.
Then scooped from puddles, your throat pouring handfuls of stale muck as favourite "Tuborg".
Didn't think to drain through matter, but not up to it now.
Suddenly fell three old women, near my klekotki puddles.
Who's here? I ask, standing over the abyss.
And one the huge woman laughed in his ear.
I asked:
— Who are you?
Creature heavy and ancient, evil beast madder, perhaps my death was. And she is not asleep in sleep, her breath even.
And I exclaimed:
— Just get out of here!
I'll help you out, even though I'm inept!— and Mara disappeared.
Short Wraith passed.
Again a quick inspection of himself, diagnostics of the body like arms and legs intact, we need to move on.
Syria is called "Istanbul" is slang for "losers".
Here, rascal, all died and I didn't.
It will not be corrected. Already. The past will not return.
Thief I steal life from others.
Manual "the Punisher" cut too bothersome branch.
People ask me:
— Why do you carry a knife?
So, we went to the jungle walk, and more expensive to sell his life.
It is impossible without him in my life.
The cat suddenly stopped completely, not meowing. And I do too.
Such problems of home, the hardships of our life.
Here I'm not going to scold and spank.
Himself live, and I will too, probably.
Real, have to live.
Oh, Yes, and carried away, so carried away.
Really "like" it.
Three fates my curves, hard.
And the cat went slowly on.
Humming song: Marg was mortal glad that you stayed alive, and I muttered his: "and I can not be below and not above me, and I gulp the sun and not the moon..."
The freedom of her mother! Finally.
Wild commando, breaking out of the cage the cage regime of the state. Just what am I to do with it, is not yet clear.
Freedom happens to us suddenly.
She, like love, is dumped at the wrong time.
Flow boiling. Swim bitch!— there's no other way.
Or, for example, longing tascosa.
And all is not as it should be. I think freedom to me.
I wish her the ditzy woman, exhausted from desire.
And when it is already here, at hand thrilled, you know — what.
Not in the freedom of happiness. And in anticipation. Such cases.
Well, I who then are today?
Hijacker terrorist and a fugitive, as you say on the news.
Or just cowardly unpatriotic Savior of their skin, following the unknown destination.
Yes, let them so do not care! Time will be written off, with the Statute of limitations.
Then why is the law on the immunity of certain categories of people, and an article in the Constitution that former leaders cannot be punished.
Why don't I have immunity?
If you look, by and large.
They are just people like me.
Just that they have a Golden toilet, and I don't have it.
This is the difference or what.
The authorities are currently preparing a riot.
Nothing can be done, because it is all work.
Is the establishment of a new world order.
Then the war will start, but it will be war in the cities.
All will fight for power, only it was planned in advance.
All have been counted.

Re: Discuss and ask questions on General topics

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2018 18:48
by Гуфест
Rayban,read worlds Gary Harrison,for example, iron rat,your style is a bit far,you have shared the adventures,this style of presentation popular,he'll go with the adventures,the warriors could turn out something worthwhile,but there's little mate three words for the whole story in 100 pages.

Re: Discuss and ask questions on General topics

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2018 19:06
by райбан
guest dear.
Yes. read Harrison. cool.
what do you say. grew up on it.

just had there is fantastic.
and I have a real life.

especially when in Japan

Re: Discuss and ask questions on General topics

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2018 20:14
by Гуфест
I'm talking about the presentation of the material say,and not about the content,the content of their slide,they and the Czechs in Czechoslovakia.

Re: Discuss and ask questions on General topics

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2018 20:22
by Гуфест
Rayban you fatality to get away,lost the battle but not the war,something like that,to take as a basis,let the characters give life easy,had a beginning to be in the way of the warrior,not to escalate tragedies,let it be as in Bushido,and the victory will come, in other embodiments,the descendants of the winners will fall in disgrace ,dejection,despair,envy the dead.

Re: Discuss and ask questions on General topics

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2018 22:06
by райбан
I, too, went through the city.
Laika worth it.
Table on this card.
I ask:
— What you playing at? Three thimble?
— no. Guess.
I hesitated and came back.
— how much is guessing?
— five hundred rubles. How taxes are raised. We (the psychics) also pay taxes.
Hey. Hey. Come on a discount.
Come. I know all about you.

Yes. Did not speculate. And to give the money to the teller.
If I personally know what and how.( happens to me)
If I would not know — maybe then ..

Re: Discuss and ask questions on General topics

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2018 23:56
by райбан

The thoughts distracted muddy patter duty:
they will now be at the gate.
Don't know what he uttered, but from distant space, probably a staff, a man came out in a simple manner without insignia.
And from the road outside the gate was approached by "keyway".
Then drove the second and third bus.
Of course, "monkeys" drove those.
And I stood there, not knowing what to do sandwiched from both sides.
Rock & roll!— damn full.
Let's start mayhem or something, and left.
The spark well, but will kindle a flame.
It's time to sharpen the knife a bit, and then postupila.
Following this rule, sat right near the gate, took out a whetstone with a knife.
Sit, sharpen. Not bothering anyone.
Circle motion — but don't give a shit. Of course all is formed.
And around the void, when viewed metaphorically.
From the "keyway" was published recruits-contractors.
The laughter and the giggles.
This is what a Sufi dervish..
I don't know.
The authorities know better.
O Allah.
The temple of God will sanctify the prophet ISA.
And hear the prayers.
If you think well anyone "this" war was not necessary.
That is, the common people.
Bitch!— again we died for oil, metal and money.
Ingush and Chechens — are normal people.
In fact. Like all peoples seeking justice in the world.
— maybe he Shaheed?
It's a thought. Impromptu and improvisation. The main thing in our business.
They found a larger stone and threw it to the crowd:
Bitch! no one went and not covered.
Here is how such to work?!
Shouted the rooster in the village and began
Taught how to cut off the head correctly.
Yes, a lot.
Head such as the scalp from the Indians
Bring pate — you 100 bucks.
War and peace, that is war and money.
On the edge of the abyss from the ninth floor.
Every flock needs a shepherd.
It happens in different ways.
But in this crowd we need hard hardcore.
Of course all is not as it was a good buy.
The Greyhound in the infirmary was taken away.
— build!
Bypassing the system.
On the contrary.
In front of me stood a man and deeply despised me .. I don't know what is.
Healthy, under 2 meters.
I, too, went through the city.
Laika worth it.
Table on this card.
I ask:
— What you playing at? Three thimble?
— no. Guess.
I hesitated and came back.
— how much is guessing?
— five hundred rubles. How taxes are raised. We (the psychics) also pay taxes.
Hey. Hey. Come on a discount. Come. I know all about you.
Yes. Did not speculate. And to give the money to the teller.
If I personally know what and how.( happens to me)
If I would not know — then maybe. I do not know.
Grandma feeling. Even I felt.
Something is there.
Well, what to say to him
Don't touch me. and that will be worse.
Baby Jonica.
As it was. In armeyke.
And the duel was eyes.
He thought so.. will cost mate . as in the Kubrick film.
Bitch. why is it so. People uncomprehending.
Earlier in the barracks back from the bed were removable.
Remove the iron arc and start all PI..
Something like this.
come on out.
Carcass flesh stepped.
A healthy hog will not say anything.
Long enough — if the soup to cook.
Dzhonik — you became a great beast.
But it is not important. So said Sensei.
And who if not me.
.—Yes I'm fucking a red beret..
Come on out.
He went out and I. And the tarmac. Nothing more.<

Re: Discuss and ask questions on General topics

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2018 23:01
by Гуфест
Rayban you do not want to read,because a lot of Mat and your personal attitude to the situation,you impose the opinion to the reader that,in principle, off-putting.It is necessary to submit the material to the reader itself ,on a tip-off,formed their emotions and attitude towards the situation.That soldier is no longer, or he grew up and became better because it survived,so he must think so how are you today,it is the sort of teleportation you in the past.

Re: Discuss and ask questions on General topics

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2018 8:58
by Гуфест
The soldier needs to change.

Re: Discuss and ask questions on General topics

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2018 19:59
by Гуфест
Real improved at the same time improving the past and the future.

Re: Discuss and ask questions on General topics

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2018 22:45
by райбан
Yes guest .. you're right. there fixed
.all the rules.

Re: Discuss and ask questions on General topics

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2018 22:48
by райбан
friends. ended my escape in the Summer.
mountains, rocks. canyons.
heat. rain, sweat, blood.
water from rivers.
food grazing.
slept on the bare ground under the starry sky.
brutal and extreme.
the rate of survival.
so there will be new adventures Jonica me.

Re: Discuss and ask questions on General topics

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2018 23:08
by райбан
I wiped the burning tears speakers eyes.
The wind probably blew, protective glasses no.
And maybe grief.
After all, I lived mindlessly with the flow... in the second third of his life, changing the city and places of residence are like socks.
Flashed in the memory of People, faces, subby, streets. home - all made up in one undistinguishable chaos.
Grains of sand whirling in the cycle of the world ocean of life.
At the same time okazawa its influence on proishodyaschee development minor actions.
The chain of chance this cycle.
To do so, and it can be different and then life will sparkle with new;
flying car on the highway, overtaking a bus and a convoy of vehicles at breakneck speed, decorated with wedding bows, apparently not afraid to catch... had... then in a ditch she was lying all broken in the trash; the cops, the ambulance, the traffic jam on the road.
people chasing bumashkami, iron and concrete boxes, for flickering happiness for vozmem the horizon.
although It is right next.
I don't know of another good deed goes unpunished, so they say.
simply need to be investing in the sense that to live like a rose blossoming on its stalk, or Bush growing on very thin ice.
Fuck you — drinking for me then, Oh my not an easy.
Wiped her tears and went up, first shock, then turning into a run, faster and faster, just trying to slip away from the crash site.
I raced without selecting the road, knocking the breath to a hoarse wheeze, and pain in the chest and heart, ran and ran, with the cat clasped behind his back, just to get away.
In single-player, training forced marches with full kit, by twenty kilometers.
Flashed shrubs, vines, trees.
Elastic thread progressively in the face and slipping on the head with a homemade scarf.
Tunnel vision is the called when you see in front of you and nothing is noticed more around. Not good, well chalk it up to stress and shock.
I remembered your multi-day Autonomous transitions to the floor-thousands of kilometers a month and a half, route 3A category of difficulty, on a deserted forest with a group of crazy vagrants living by their own rules and laws.
despite conventional foundations.
Walk every day to work in a tie and ironed clothes, delicious smelling perfume, discussing the latest movies, parties and the number of likes on instagram.
We dvigalo I don't know.
Just live your real life, not fictional.
To go around the world with their feet.
for some reason, I go behind This, as it turns out.
here Romka, otchizny topper and shirt-pair
the last dry socks the pill from the head, and a piece of dry bread.
- like, okay? - I ask him, panting under the weight of the backpack standing on a tiny ledge of a cliff and swinging on the height of high-rise building. he, too, stands, and wobbles, but admiring the pristine nature, smiling in response.
okay. very good!
or five core Yuri: he goes ahead of me regardless of the weight of the cargo, covered Nepomuceno camouflage wrap from the ever-drizzling rain. stepping light-footed on the slippery stones, never slipping as if hovering over a rocky trail to the Apostolic gospel by Matthew in apparel.
turns to me:
- Dzhonik, how are you? can help?
when I read the script on the go, almost falling down the slope.
somehow linger in the air, clinging fingers scraping them into the blood and creaking toed shoes after the receding of support.
He quickly stretches his Hiking stick so I climbed out of the goddamn ass with a fucking backpack.
Yuri himself with a load to carry, I backpack too, but it pulls like a lifting crane.
I'm telling you, the steel man, who does not know fatigue in the long transitions.
krasava, and all the guys too in the transition.
but how much joy was when we found a small field of wild onions, or luck fishing caught trout on a Hiking stick.
when freeze-dried rations and dried fruits I am sick as hell.
first, you go like fresh and easy, I look and admire the beauty of nature, but with each metre we have nothing to worry about, do not pay attention to the surrounding landscape, and at least have a turn of the trail and climb to the low rise area.
you come and go, hated the backpack presses on the shoulders, pressing the spine to the ground, stole the breath on ascent, but no you can not stop, because then it is impossible to climb.
and here is the Parking lot, and you fall exhausted somewhere on the ground, on the grass, on wet clay, on a Mat - whatever, just to fall to sleep and give rest to weary body and spirit.
and again no need to force myself to get up and prepare the diet, to get water, make a fire, boil myself, wash, pitch a tent, layout-laying of the backpack and equipment, other domestic.<

Re: Discuss and ask questions on General topics

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2018 11:40
by райбан
Its apparent long and Endless stretch of road measured section of the road ends sooner or later and comes for a short stay in camp.
And together giving rest and pleasant fatigue.
Tuk-tuk, tick-tock took place moments disappearing into the Anarchy of the day.
Moments like the day as mgnoveniye .
It all depends on the spot subjective.
In one way or another plane.
Marg I'm sorry it happened.
Someone had to die there.
Love stronger and stronger Russia.
Love the Motherland love is stronger.
Ahhh I just love them.
Yes, though you three go to Chechnya, nothing will change.
People will remain dumb as it is.
It needs a reason.
You know who you are.
What made
The war is in your blood.
We must accept, when you're on the verge.
To live aimlessly, or die for something worthwhile.

Re: Discuss and ask questions on General topics

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2018 13:16
by Гуфест
To be simultaneously in past,present and future,at the same time to bring harmony relations in time.

Re: Discuss and ask questions on General topics

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2018 21:37
by Гуфест
to Live aimlessly, or die for something worth while
Rayban th all that you have distorted it?
Maybe so ,or to die pointlessly,it is better to live for something worthwhile,everyone chooses,it is required by the rules of information behavior.
Rayban you have a normal syllable,you throw away the templates of writing which mess with your creativity.Templates created by other from another context and meaning.