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Re: testing the products of technology SEM.

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2018 10:56
by Гуфест
Aura thanks for the setup,everything is fine,it's amazing how fast the impact itself,I was slightly yeast,which is not strained,and was from the first test,after when we agreed on other settings,within 15 minutes all was quiet,night had slept fine,vivid dreams.15: minutes has rebuilt it very quickly.What settings did and that was removed?

Re: testing the products of technology SEM.

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2018 11:29
by Лон
Yesterday was sick half the night, his head ached wildly, today is easy, especially if you take the smooth of body position...level 6 heavy tolerated..not yet for me.
At least 3 to return

Re: testing the products of technology SEM.

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2018 11:43
by Гуфест
LON you have the kind of neocolor 2, it will be interesting if you will reduce the regime neocolony will change?

Re: testing the products of technology SEM.

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2018 11:49
by Лон
Gueston to try can really let go

Re: testing the products of technology SEM.

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2018 11:53
by Гуфест
I wanted to do,and then I have 4 level ноокулоне2.Need to find out how tied neocolony with these broadcasts.

Re: testing the products of technology SEM.

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2018 11:56
by Гуфест
I recommend to exclude salt from the diet,salt increases the conducting body takes place,something like a short circuit in the psyche,mostly negative emotions those on the surface.

Re: testing the products of technology SEM.

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2018 11:57
by Гуфест
LON I wanted nookular to auto expose,but the Aura ahead with the proposal.

Re: testing the products of technology SEM.

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2018 12:01
by Лон
I'll try to go into autopilot

Re: testing the products of technology SEM.

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2018 12:59
by Лон
Health lines, can be kept even so as it is. An interesting connection 4 modes pendants with resonances, mutual reinforcement goes?

Re: testing the products of technology SEM.

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2018 13:08
by Aura
Лон wrote:Health lines, can be kept even so as it is.
And already changed the power levels, yesterday it was not possible to unsubscribe.

Now stand:
Anatoli – 5
Kira – 2
Crosby – 2
LON – 3
(Gutesta individually arranged)
Гуфест wrote:Aura thanks for the setup,everything is fine,it's amazing how fast the impact itself,
Гуфест wrote:What settings did and that was removed
So the cause was identified correctly. Since we now I “blind” the testing phase will tell you later. Yes, enable the pause of the resonances and the variation of the power feels different than activation-pause programs. Changes felt quicker and sharper, the expander cycles are also different. The resonance is the concept of "maturation" of energy. If you remember our analogy of a sponge, which absorbs water, in order to qualitative changes in the external world and events scheduled, "sponge" must first absorb a certain amount of water before it can flow to the outside (the outside world).
One sign that the energy is ripe, is the alignment of the physical body passing under the energy processes. Here's something similar in the reports:
Дмитрий Никитин wrote:then tremors in places where there was a "tube", then "water came through the pipes"
Дмитрий Никитин wrote:Even decided to focus on relaxing the back of the neck, slightly pushing her forward, as if to let the energy flow. Work, too. I have often accumulate tension, especially when dealing.
кросби wrote:"Density"felt the bridge between me and a certain space.
анатали wrote:Yes and I noticed that I now constantly keep his head tilted a little to the bottom-pulling the neck up and the whole spine stretches up.

Re: testing the products of technology SEM.

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2018 13:27
by Лон

Re: testing the products of technology SEM.

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2018 13:32
by анатали
all comfortable and well,me of course patching is still going,but very soft and comfortable.again there was a cold and myself went and still-healing energy will be first it was only warm palms,then gently pricked with needles inside palms in the centre,and yesterday the same needles began to shoot up all the ends of the fingers,so cleaned the healing channels,I have these feelings was when I could take away the pain

Re: testing the products of technology SEM.

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2018 13:42
by Aura
Милая wrote:I Wonder how long you can work in this state, not tired?
Лон wrote:sorry...I was on level 1...I realized immediately what he began to deal....Level 6 of anything..if you about anything))) the Aura, You heard me..Although..I may not be quite meh
Лон wrote:an Interesting connection 4 modes pendants with resonances, mutual reinforcement goes?
For testing this is what we need, but when you use energy for in daily processes, it is recommended to feel and balance of energy - the impact energy. The fact that modern man exists in a state of energy deficit, so when you connect the resonances may be "greed energy")
Here someone asked about what is "channel energy" and what is "energy" at all. Now you can take in attempt to explain these concepts to me personally closer to a purely practical approach. This is how to explain to a person who never touched water that is "wet". Easier to get to the water and give a try. Here it is, the water is wet. The same with energies. Strictly speaking, the term "channel" is not quite true with position to see, but understandable at its core people who feel and use the energies. But the point is that "input" and "output" channel should be approximately the same width, then it will be important to strike a balance with the surrounding world. If only gain and not give, then the energy will stagnate. If you give more than you gain, then the person will be in a state of energy deficit. In resonances, it is important to understand and feel this balance and that the energy source, in principle, infinite. Take what you want as you can get. Not just to take, and the energy link. Energy linked structure, structure is program, it will need some energy. Often used the idea of man as a luminous being (energy is light), in fact the man is a structural entity, where each structure has its own luminosity. Every part of the structure has its own energy range, therefore, is considered as a system of various "thin" bodies. Roughly speaking, answering the question about the connection of resonances with the programs for the programs to work requires certain energy, and programs need to be linked (use/implement) incoming energy.
In General, the luminosity hides the structure, so that the person is a luminous being who know almost everything more or less close to the esoteric, and the fact that the man is a structural entity that few know. The ability to see structure in the luminosity is a measure of the depth of vision. The structure is built from relations, for the construction of which requires a certain energy. During the life of the unstructured energy is dissipated, and only linked (structured) energy can qualitatively change a person's life.<

Re: testing the products of technology SEM.

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2018 13:55
by Aura
ВИТАЛИЙ ГИНЗБУРГ wrote:on the Eve of the increased activity of map programs "Alchemy" from 20 to 50%, verbal. That could have an impact and cause such consequences ?
Or attunement with the forum and the thread could be so influential ?
Most likely, both factors are affected.

Re: testing the products of technology SEM.

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2018 14:05
by Aura
Sweetheart, exposed to power level 3.

Re: testing the products of technology SEM.

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2018 14:11
by Aura
Overall, the main results of phase I of received. Tomorrow at 9.30 the current block 6 resonances will be disabled. A day of rest, at the request to make reports about the feelings after the trip. I'll tell you what resonances are connected (many will be wondering how exactly was felt by the resonances), then the testing will be sent a list of resonances of the connection, and begin phase II.

Re: testing the products of technology SEM.

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2018 15:22
by Милая
Аура wrote:Honey, exhibited a power level of 3.
Thank you, already have experienced :)

Re: testing the products of technology SEM.

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2018 15:31
by Милая
Аура wrote:the fact that modern man exists in a state of energy deficit, so when you connect the resonances may be "greed energy")
Straight to the point, after cleaning, every cell vibrated and screamed "Finally fed to satiety".

Re: testing the products of technology SEM.

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2018 21:45
by Гуфест
Aura thank you for the opportunity to test the resonance was very interesting,I would even have been on these programs for a certain time.

Re: testing the products of technology SEM.

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2018 21:54
by Дмитрий Никитин
Today, as got up, interesting things happen.... Baldini potyagushki) Want to turn the brushes to compress and decompress fists. Similarly, legs, fingers talking), All swaying, stretching) Labor itself, her palms straining different parts of the body, as if some new decided to find) Aura You rock! Your products have always liked the mental and emotional component, but always missed physics. And then, Yes.... Long time haven't felt. Standing applause) bi

Another point I snore at night, and today we have spent the mother-in-law. So in the morning she told me PTS. happy said pachrapa I only in the evening and the rest of the night was silence.... It turns out she's listening to us not only during the day))) So it's possible resonances rid of snoring)

At the physical and emotional demands of today's hit records. Long wanted to go into the far woods, to see if there's mushrooms. So here I went) Fungi really don't, but the desire is implemented. Washed the car inside and out. Went to the Apple orchard for apples and in the evening more guys to the football played. For me it is honestly very revealing.

My mother is very not a simple relationship, she decided to call today, usually after such conversations are squeezed like a lemon and not even one day. Today not ) All right.

It remains only earnestly You Aura thanks! :o

Re: testing the products of technology SEM.

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2018 22:35
by Кира
Can I be in the top three to switch, and then all my senses in the morning and ended, and tomorrow morning will disconnect and I won't feel a thing.

Re: testing the products of technology SEM.

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2018 23:34
by Aura
Kira, the power level is set 3.

Re: testing the products of technology SEM.

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2018 7:18
by rel
Also, we can say, it was not possible to unsubscribe - technically she was, but "flooded" creativity of all kinds and it was not before..) how would I so it every day, but come the new ideas, experiments with new techniques, in General, the weekend flew by)

To control the energies of the tried - operated, very obediently and felt.. to Move, collect, send, spin, etc. - is obtained. But then not very clear what to do with them, as long as it is not known what quality, "meaning" have the energy this unit.. to Solve-could not be read, we will wait for the correct answer)

Like to do exercise "sponge", with the submission hence decided to try to be like a sponge and absorb) then emit back in, and it pumped back and forth.. first presented itself around a closed volume, and then I thought that it is not necessary to limit and just did the same in semi infinite space of energy.. better..

Also found the answer of Aura about recommended (or not) "GPP" workout - I decided to try one of the new, like 7 magical exercises Neigong; (these) , I realized that probably it is necessary to move from rough clamped physics for relaxing the body and feeling energy.. but generally liked to improvise in a given key clip)

Re: testing the products of technology SEM.

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2018 9:19
by Милая
Good morning everyone!

Thank you Aura to all the creators of technology resonances and testing the whole team for such a wonderful experience. :o :o :o

Some conclusions:
it's amazing how a good sense of switching power;
- cleaning was as expected, but rather "emotional" state;
- the state of "wow!" after cleaning all offsets;

Today feels great. The colors were brighter, the smells more fragrant, the sounds more clearly. There is enough energy and time for their favorite activities, practices and thought. In General, the status of the update. Sorry, I failed to understand what was energy, but, as my grandfather said "Too good too bad." Looking forward to continue :)

Re: testing the products of technology SEM.

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2018 9:21
by Милая
Our shaggy pet, all is well, just rubbed at his feet, he noticed that already it is time to walk. Come on, I think.