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Re: Already in sale - nookular "Body"

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2015 14:46
by Татьянка
Yesterday I decided to experiment and switched in the early morning pendant on Power :)
During the day, again began "bounce" .. then banging, then slip, but this is not interesting.
In the morning I noticed that the smell following me everywhere - on the street, in the bus there was a guy at
which was a very pleasant perfume, came to work, and then my colleague - just smells! :)
I love a good perfume, but when I asked nearby people, "I alone feel this?",
they are a little surprised, saying that there is nothing pronounced... some aggravation scent involved. :lol:
I have read that some of this is, that I had :?
But during the day it seemed to me that everything was accelerated greatly at the time, the day like "flying".
But, by the way, by the evening I felt very tired, apparently this mode is not for me...
Today will watch... and probably back on the Car.

Re: Already in sale - nookular "Body"

Posted: Sun Dec 13, 2015 23:12
by кросби
Hello.Bought 2 pendant "body".One gave father,his second wife.Father suddenly left us(I described in PM).His wife flatly refused to wear it.I was worried that she would blame his death on me(with my parlor,pendants).Nothing happened,she gave me the pendant his father and his untouched.Pendant father, I immediately hung on,nulytely gave his wife.It took 2 weeks,the wife runs to me yelling I'll never wear it:it's Corsair,mental-as good as new,and the whole body is murky,and silver.Asked to be contacted to get the review with You.The story spread at Your request,that the whole forum has gone to the PM.

Re: Already in sale - nookular "Body"

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2015 0:15
by раданов
wiping at all ,but in different ways . wear continuously for more than a month ,the clouds wiped a little chain, yellow ,silver pendant left ,pendant from the body unevenly yellowed exactly half the silver left. on the Yin Yang hints or something ..

Re: Already in sale - nookular "Body"

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2015 1:43
by кросби
Wipes probably,but it 10 days dimmed as a spotlight from a penny,all the rest-nulevoi,silver.

Re: Already in sale - nookular "Body"

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2015 5:26
by ММ
кросби wrote:radanov
Wipes probably,but it 10 days dimmed as a spotlight from a penny,all the rest-nulevoi,silver.
Give a photo for a good example.

Re: Already in sale - nookular "Body"

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2015 21:04
by АндрейСу
Basic pendants at pendants, generally not very good quality - wiping, get. And the pendants - one very wiped and dirty, almost no one wipes, one dimmed (most likely about any of your clothes dirty). I don't think it affects the internal filling pendants. Probably the first pendants were made not of very suitable materials.

Re: Already in sale - nookular "Body"

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2015 23:02
by мимоходом
Several times it was written - dissimilar metals come into galvanic reaction when in contact with the body. If the ring is gold, for example, and the pendant is a galvanic reaction with the oxidation of the pendant when worn on the body. Then no matter what metal wear, though pure gold and pure silver, the silver will oxidize

Re: Already in sale - nookular "Body"

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2015 23:26
by Корвин
I would like to know why all this writing te observation of the physical component of the pendants in terms of quality of manufacture when used as decoration and comfort of her contemplation or to know the relationship of the changes with the pendants and the us in the collaborative process.I have all the pendants in addition to master the inner side blushed te silver coating partially or entirely peeled, the outer side is opaque all in varying degrees except mental he is survived transparent .from this you can if you really want to see the dependence of the constant physical appearance of an article from the tensions of his work but all can be different, plus all sweat differently and the composition varies depending on health status . Actually for the developers of the new theme of the dependence of the appearance of the product depending on the advancement and health of the operator as an option. Anyway, I put them in a leather pouch type purse and hung it on your neck comfortably over or under clothing chain does not get confused and do not attract attention

Re: Already in sale - nookular "Body"

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2015 10:04
by кросби
To know the relationship,if it exists at all.

Re: Already in sale - nookular "Body"

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2015 12:04
by нева
кросби wrote:to Learn the relationship,if it exists at all.
I remember once long ago tried to measure the field strength of the radiated low-frequency antenna. The experiment proper consisted in trying to transmit sound waves directly, without high frequency component. The receiver served the usual digital millivoltmeter with a coil as an antenna, the experiment was successful, but that's not the point.
The device always shows a small electromagnetic field, that and of course because the wiring in the apartment is a little emits, and the radio is always a little tension, etc. But it was noticed that the readings change depending on the approach arms to him, which is also natural because our physical body is electrically conductive, and may also work as an antenna. But I wonder was else, such as readings slightly depend on internal (emotional) state. Therefore, it is possible to assume that...fidgety for a man, and was very electrically active, respectively, and galvanic reaction change. Can we assume that those who have a lot(often a lot) nervous, pendant quickly change..)
мимоходом wrote:a Few times was written - dissimilar metals come into galvanic reaction when in contact with the body. If the ring is gold, for example, and the pendant is a galvanic reaction with the oxidation of the pendant when worn on the body. Then no matter what metal wear, though pure gold and pure silver, the silver will oxidize
Корвин wrote:from the tensions of his work but all can be different, plus all sweat differently and the composition varies depending on health status .

Re: Already in sale - nookular "Body"

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2015 12:54
by ОльгаВВ
Korvinapparently the addiction is. My this has become
If I understand correctly, you can wear a stuffing for yourself, then the suspension itself to not be dark, or not so much.

Re: Already in sale - nookular "Body"

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2015 11:47
by Корвин
Not replace, but complement, the package of programm not work and do nothing for you, they in fact help you to work out the required output you practice,variant of line where situations arise for consideration. exercises of the workshop you are working on your energy structure, the conclusion you exercise can be a manifestation of the work programs

Re: Already in sale - nookular "Body"

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2015 21:08
by СтаниФилмТВ
Кудесник wrote:How can you relate the work packages data the practice of "pushing 12 knots"? Replace if they complement you?
To correlate likely, as the principles of mechanics and geometry. But these packages are revealed on the information level, and the practice of pushing nodes, it is the practice of owning the "energy body". Corwin put it very well, but not very clear. You can say differently. The software packages.. it's like a tutorial for the mechanics of the subconscious, and the practice itself is like a physical "breaking sticks" that can happen without a textbook..but "breaking sticks" can be effective if about the knee, maybe on the contrary, more strength to spend, but the stick did not break.)

Re: Already in sale - nookular "Body"

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2015 15:00
by Aura
Кудесник wrote:do I understand Correctly that these packages create the conditions for the formation of the body, which is called integral (or crystal)?
How can you relate the work packages data the practice of "pushing 12 knots"? Replace if they complement you? Again, in terms of formation of an integral body.
Give Your definition of "integral body".

Re: Already in sale - nookular "Body"

Posted: Fri Jan 01, 2016 15:29
by нева
Кудесник wrote:If so, then where is the body volume, body rotation, etc.? As far as I know, these 7 bodies 8 correspond to the Taoist trigramas. Therefore, nookular "Body", presumably, contributes to building the Taoist body.
Apparently Taoist trigrams, as well as Indian, were not invented, but rather was seen as some kind of quality, and then expressed graphically.

Re: Already in sale - nookular "Body"

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2016 2:28
by ЛанаЛана
Please tell me Neocolony have some work time(2,3,5 years, forever)))? :wink: :roll: :shock:
And if I buy a few Neocolonial, activate...can then share with your loved ones in the family? az

Re: Already in sale - nookular "Body"

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2016 3:11
by СтаниФилмТВ
These magical artifacts are usually inherited)

Re: Already in sale - nookular "Body"

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2016 18:05
by ЛанаЛана
az :D az :D az :D az :D az :D Excellent!!!

Re: Already in sale - nookular "Body"

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2016 11:09
by раданов
the Magician
such knowledge is indeed grounded in , apply , observe . reason in my opinion to no purpose :?

Re: Already in sale - nookular "Body"

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2016 19:51
by Корвин
ЛанаЛана wrote:please Tell me Neocolony have some work time(2,3,5 years, forever)))? :wink: :roll: :shock:
And if I buy a few Neocolonial, activate...can then share with your loved ones in the family? az
In principle, of indefinite duration while the server is running, to change in fact if you can reset to put on some necessary time in the sarcophagus for example, but if the study with this pendant is not yet complete it is unlikely it someone to give

Re: Already in sale - nookular "Body"

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2016 18:59
by Доктор М
To all a happy New Year! Finally the holidays are over, when attention was directed from the outside to the outside - where to go, what to see, whom to visit. Passed and the first working week of the new year is intensive and as it is not very easy. And that seems to be the normal rhythms. I can not share. Today at work we discussed the health of the daughter of our colleague, girls after a stroke. Who remembers the pendant Body and the Mental . Very happy to hear that the girl is fully independent, goes, walks, fully recovered it. Pendants carries both. There neither the mother nor the daughter do not delve into the details of the pendants, GAAP and so on. Just as it is to believe and rejoice in the results. I understand for girl pendant is generally just as magical artifact).

Re: Already in sale - nookular "Body"

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2016 15:38
by раданов
once again felt the effect of this pendant (I think together with the software package for the energy body II level) , now it is for me the most valuable combination ,the last week or two get pleasure from any movement ,like a child who just learned to walk ..
it's difficult to describe the body began to feel differently with a focus on the positive aspects ,usually pay attention to the body when it was felt blocks or pain now on the contrary get pleasure from the relaxed arms ,a straight back and constant movement in the body .it lives its life chooses its own variant of the line ,every movement itself was filled with energy .
I noticed an interesting time change at the store, too, began to take energy with the feeling of assignment given money for the third time I have change more than you need :) of course, I return to balance and it is even more :wink:

Re: Already in sale - nookular "Body"

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2016 16:49
by Иван Славов
раданов wrote:...I noticed an interesting time change at the store, too, began to take energy with the feeling of assignment given money for the third time I have change more than you need...
There simonovska practice looking at money through a magnifying glass:
Take any money (I'm just out of the bag all that was raked) and a magnifying glass, for example, a magnifying glass, although the glasses will fit. Bring a magnifying glass to money, that is almost not increased, and carefully porazglyadyvat. Then gradually zoom out the magnifying glass and loudly state the fact: the money you increase!
Maybe this practice will pleasantly surprise You.

Re: Already in sale - nookular "Body"

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2016 17:46
by раданов
Achimpractice is good for those who have the visual channel is acquired .visual channel-limited spectrum of perception ..corporal channel much more interesting :)

Re: Already in sale - nookular "Body"

Posted: Wed May 11, 2016 12:39
by Aura
Кудесник wrote:is There any recommendations on the use of crystal essences with neocolonial? Or is he, judging by the description, just replace the actions of several crystal essences?
All essences work through the body, you can use any. To replace Yes and no. If you look at the geometry of GAIP, that different levels of action. The vibrational level is closer to physical than informational, but there has accordingly naturalny. Essences nourish the body at the level of geometry, nookular – on the information level. Naturally, any geometry carries information, as well as information action can be expressed geometrically. But in the process of transformation of these transitions there is a transition in levels. Combine it would be ideal if the goal is to choose one of two, then rekomenduetsa to pick a specific goal: someone who works with the energy body, and someone to start a “patch up” you need.