Reviews about test products

Integrated control technology a reality
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Иван Славов
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Re: Feedback on test products

Post by Иван Славов » Sat May 02, 2015 18:45

These dots before my eyes - with their help - for those who have read Castaneda, or at least I think so - so you can assemble your own version probability in the world or as they call their own picture of the world..
Well, otzyvy today - earlier I wrote that if someone I like - he becomes a very successful man. Then it began to refer to the organization that I like.. Here - where you work, a certain branch of a network of hypermarkets - a lot more profits than other branches.. But today was someone higher, much Horny :)because in other networks of retailers and hypermarkets - in many places called for threats with bombs.. ie kakby police closes objects for some time yet to emerge, the situation, and in this object, where work continues to make a profit.. :)

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Re: Feedback on test products

Post by львёнок » Sun May 03, 2015 1:43

Aurahere there was an interesting thought (for me): if the software embedded in some product, can be harsh on any software embedded in other products (say, to annihilate them, or their impact), it is possible, using known tactics of the fighters, to use the power of the attacker as your own (ie as it is to admit it to himself), so the impact was not only destructive, and how to make it work as a single unit with them, for the benefit of the owner of these products :wiz

With respect :)

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Re: Feedback on test products

Post by Маг.нет » Sun May 03, 2015 10:00

"Tale lie, Yes in it a hint!"

A. S. Pushkin

— the World is one, ' said Folger. We artificially dismember it on high and low, subtle and gross, because we were so comfortable working with him and because the way our human perception. We dissect the world in quality and properties, and then established between the hierarchy and relationships are all operations of the mind, and only then use the resulting model as if it were reality itself -- and created a scheme suddenly comes to life: the connections that we just made in this world, suddenly be able to afford us in this world to manage. The mind of the researcher invents the laws of nature, and then man uses these invented laws to their advantage. Reality is plastic. It is how we see it. It is the way we define. If to forget about it, it is easy to accept mind the model for reality itself and become lost in the illusion created by our own mind. What I'll say next — not a reality but only a model. Only the description. Arbitrary division of the world as it is convenient and beneficial to us.
A common thread in our worlds Outlook splits a single reality in the following layers: physical layer, two energy — essential, coarser, and more subtle astral, and the mental layer. Last level of meaning, the level of pure information that exists independently, without any media. If all the same not to forget the unity of all things, we can say that the media for the level of pure meaning are all the other, lower layers.
Substances exist only in the physical world. Spells that are only complete system of pure action, can exist only in the world of energy. To operate with the mental directly, that is, to turn their idea into an object or process, which will be an empirical reality for other beings, and conversely, to transform real things into objects of his consciousness and use it as easily as we deal with things in his own imagination — it can only the gods and with Power. The power of each of them is limited only by the power of the others, if suddenly left in the world only one which Has, he would be omnipotent. Although they operate in a common reality, but each of them creates his own worlds within his mind, in the spaces formed his own Force — and these worlds would have seemed to us the absolute reality, if we are in them. However, they are not "would seem" — they would have been without the conditional reality... Like common people, sorcerers use the information indirectly. Although our being passes through all the layers — we have the physical body we have an energy field haimona and we are able to perceive information through his mind — there are no spells, able to operate on the information as such. Spells belong to the layer of energy — they are in principle not able to reach the level of pure meaning. This reasoning is correct and justified, as if depriving us of the opportunity to work with the information layer. But it's certainly not the case.
We artificially divided the world into parts, to make it easier to describe the properties and features of each part. But all these parts form one whole. We see the current body and understand, what is this body and what kind of action — in a single act of perception all the three layers: body, energy, and meaning — are given to us together, at once, one is not separated from the other. And so to get — even indirectly — to a mental formation with the help of spells we can. It is impossible to make a spell of pure information, but you can do a spell that will become a bearer of meaning as well as paper and ink become carriers of meaning invested in the book.
Of course, only the perceiving consciousness capable that meaning to decipher. However, it is possible to create a machine or magical system — which will simulate this process, performing operations according to the rules defined for them the real subject of perception.
For convenience, we consider the information that exists in the mental world, like a great many individual segments which are stacked in a certain order. This order can be reflected and perceived in an acceptable form. There are spells that influence on the order — break it or build in a different form. Working with information is always to work with what we do not see. We do not see tools and do not see what effect. We see only the "arm tools" — our own spells and arbitrary picture, which, although it reflects what we influence, but similar to sleeve no more than a flow diagram for the self moving body....
Andrei Smirnov. "Gifts of magic"

the first Rule:
Nothing is impossible does not exist. If you are unable to do something, don't think that this will not be able to do nothing.
Rule two:
don't leave the enemy behind. If he catches you, give way, who knows what's ahead?
Rule three:
Consider the consequences. But no more than two steps ahead. The outcome of the game can change at any time due to the change of initial parameters.
Rule four:
Accept the result, if not can change it. But you better slip away.
Rule five:
the fate of no. Your way you create yourself!
Never take the obvious solutions.
Never make fatal mistakes.
Never pursue only one goal.
Always sorazmerit opportunities.
Always correct estimate of the enemy.
Always consider the consequences.
About the art of intrigue
What do we mean by complex plot? Linear logical sequence of events instigated by the us, leading to a natural result? What is required of us? No, no and no again! Such actions differently than a catastrophic mistake will not name. This chain instantly suppressed in the beginning.
The real solution is a tree of probabilities, taking into account all the possible ways of obtaining the desired result with the changes constantly made by the enemy. Our lives are extremely unstable, often self-correcting the initial conditions. And each of us, creating your own tree, inadvertently influence even on those whose thoughts are directed to quite different goals. Intersecting probability very often create a pattern in which cannot understand even the author.
Therefore, if you focus on rendering only one line to the tree, especially to the end, miss the moment where the situation stemmed a completely different direction and never reach your result. And this is the best.
Of course, some fraction of events is more likely, some less. But we are here in order to learn not to lose sight of even the most inconspicuous branch, not to forget even the most incredible developments.
Learn to calculate the consequences on your Tree Probabilities, but no more than two turns, because the situation is likely to change radically.
So, ladies and gentlemen, the probability of chaos!
Alekseeva Yana. "1. Workshop on alchemy"

— Every man has a right to decide how to live and what to do. If, of course, he pulls out awareness to these decisions. To persuade you I'm not going to. But to say something. It would be unfair not to warn you. Please understand me correctly. What I will say now is not intended to persuade you to make another choice. You made the choice. I just want you to be prepared for what your world will change.

I don't understand... What will change?

— You probably noticed that on your path of life you have repeatedly taken? In many critical situations the event was so that you not only came out unscathed, but also gained more strength.

— Yes, you are right, but...

— It's all over now. Will no longer a fabulous good luck.

— Why?.. David shook his head. — You want to say that because of my failure I lost all the luck?.. Or was it not luck?..

— Not easy. In fact, luck was not yours. Your personal Power is simply not enough to spin the events in such a way.

— And who helped me? incredulous, he asked.

— J.

— You?! The Earthman laughed. — Yes, you yourself could not help! When we first met, in camplete, you were not much stronger than me, and during the second meeting, in Helaine — I was stronger. You asked me to get the Key, because they could not do... have you forgotten about this? Or I have false memories?

— Yes, — agreed Kesian. — But you see only a piece of the picture is wrong not in what they see, and that trying to extend generally visible to all. Like more nothing. That's what this is all about.

He paused, and then spoke again:

I'm not only what you see before you. Have a personality and a Power. They are two sides of one whole. Because of the actions of Civilisa I had died and when revived, it was weak and almost helpless creature. But this is only one side of me. The second side has always been, is and will be; the Power of penetrating everywhere and, along with other Forces support the existence of the worlds. And that's me too.

— So you want to say that you divided up into two parts and at the same time, as one part wandered with me on litemplate, the other part helped me?.. Something I did not catch that sorry. Why is your eternal and Almighty half did not help that second part?

— She helped — Casian smiled.

— Mmm... — David rubbed the bridge of his nose. How?.. Wait, don't answer. Came... Well, let's say... And why such a strange roundabout way, through me?

Because the direct route was closed. I'm not the only Lord in the universe. With limit each other, and this is particularly evident when we begin a feud and eventually be forced to resort to the most simple and rough influences to prevail. My Strength has striven to bring me back, but other Forces — and first and foremost of course the one that destroyed me — let it. Infernal Prince Cleverlys, you know, too, the fingers do not. So I had to find workarounds. In addition, the Force is not reasonable. In itself it has no consciousness, do not build calculations and plans. For all this Power and need a second individual, a reasonable half. By itself it simply acts as it tends, strives, like a river, in a certain direction, and just like the river, choose a route without thinking about it, flows where it is more convenient and easier to flow. That's why its path can seem strange. But it's not. Just the direct path is sometimes blocked.

— Okay... — said David. Yeah, that really explains a lot... But where the Force knew that I would eventually be useful to you? Because I didn't want to help you at the second meeting.

— You have misconceptions about the time — answered Kasyan. — More precisely, they are correct for your human world. Which is just a piece of what is. For you categories past and future are absolute, while the causes always precede the effects on the timeline. But from my point of view — not from the point of view of this little projection, which is now talking with you about metaphysics and the meaning of life, and from the point of view of the real me, whose attention is divided on this and a hundred other projections, dealing with completely different things — this is not the case. There is no hard line from the past to the future moving point of the present. Time for me — this is not a line, not a vector, but rather the ocean. There are events that are very different, and the path from one event to another and becomes what can be called "history". Present moves through time like a ship that leaves a trail, but the sea is restless, and the trail can easily change its direction and shape. There are only events, and the most important thing that identifies less important, including those that — from your point of view — has happened before a more important event. When we met in Hormone and I asked you to bring me Strength, you were given the choice to help me or to refuse. You decided to help. This is the key. And all of the prior was defined by this decision. Power began to operate, preparing you for this meeting and to ensure that you could carry out what was decided. A big city jail is huge, Lyla could be in any camera. Or any other place of your world. But it was there. Lakil could not return so soon, you wouldn't have hurried to get away from Tenuata, you wouldn't be on the roadway, you would not have pulled out Lila literally from under the wheels of the car, your conversation would not have taken the form that took Lakil would not have agreed to become your teacher... and so on. It could go the other way but went that way. Start of turn chain of events, but the result was already determined.

— You say "from the beginning", but the beginning — not in the past, patiently repeated Kesian. — Beginning at the moment when you agreed to help me. Wasn't that a free choice? Someone was pushing you? No. You could deny. Mentally reschedule our meeting in Horemone in the past, before the advent of Laila in your camera and everything will fall into place. Forget about what your time our meeting took place nine years after Lila has saved you. Imagine that it took place before. So, maybe it will be easier to understand.

What if I refused you?

— Then nothing happened.......
Andrei Smirnov. "Power of magic"

Sincerely, <

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Re: Feedback on test products

Post by Aura » Sun May 03, 2015 14:16

львёнок wrote:Aurahere there was an interesting thought (for me): if the software embedded in some product, can be harsh on any software embedded in other products (say, to annihilate them, or their impact), it is possible, using known tactics of the fighters, to use the power of the attacker as your own (ie as it is to admit it to himself), so the impact was not only destructive, and how to make it work as a single unit with them, for the benefit of the owner of these products :wiz

With respect :)
If we talk about official control programs, the perception of them as a material means is the theoretical linear model. The so-called "clash of programmes" there is individual interpretation of the processes of awareness, learning, and attempts to control its own IC field. The fact that GEIP sonoporation is a hierarchical system whose structure includes a system accesses. Understand that this system began to take shape ever since the very beginning of human consciousness, she is a fabulous self-organized, resulting in the absence of errors in any existing office management software.
Conflict is possible only in the perception of the operator and only at the level of the firmware, and it is an algorithm of the firmware of a product takes into account those situations or not. If we talk about the firmware, for the emergence of this subjective conflict requires a set of conditions and circumstances, which is also unlikely. Let's just say, is so unlikely that it would be very interesting at least for one such case see.
It's at the software level.
At the level of psychology there is a possibility of suggestion itself of any conflict, and here, the method is a method for self-psychotherapy. But it will still be even and the output, but the output at the linear level. In other words, the problem cannot be solved by the consciousness of its origin. My opinion, a real awareness of the impossibility of this phenomenon is more profound, something wise... In fact for a person who these "conflicts" are supposedly watching, it will be output from line-level to the bulk level.<

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Re: Feedback on test products

Post by львёнок » Sun May 03, 2015 16:42

Thank you, AuraYour post is very useful for anyone who had questions about similar situations

With respect :)

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Re: Feedback on test products

Post by Gorius08 » Sun May 03, 2015 20:15

Nookular 368077, please connect the power. Thank you.

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Иван Славов
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Re: Feedback on test products

Post by Иван Славов » Sun May 03, 2015 20:25

I would like, if possible, tomorrow /ie 4того may/ but posleobeda GMT time /does not matter when exactly, later,/, connect 368064 on medium..

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Re: Feedback on test products

Post by димыч » Mon May 04, 2015 13:32

please switch nookular 368074 mode Power. thank you!

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Re: Feedback on test products

Post by Aura » Mon May 04, 2015 15:14

Nookular 368077 mode changed to power.

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Re: Feedback on test products

Post by ГЛЕБ » Mon May 04, 2015 15:47

Aura, switch please nookular 368069 mode power. Spasibo

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Re: Feedback on test products

Post by Aura » Mon May 04, 2015 15:54

Nookular 368074 mode changed to power.

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Re: Feedback on test products

Post by Aura » Mon May 04, 2015 16:10

Nookular 368064 mode changed to medium.

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Re: Feedback on test products

Post by Aura » Mon May 04, 2015 17:00

Nookular 368069 mode changed to power.

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Re: Feedback on test products

Post by Иван Славов » Mon May 04, 2015 20:58

Ахим wrote:..
p.s. recorded today, his voice, naborot with the text: "In the dream, my body is deeply relaxed and resting, when waking from sleep I am deeply rested and full of new strength and energy and every day my body is more relaxed and free, I progressively gain inner peace and harmony for a more complete and harmonious interaction with the world.
I love and completely accept myself. I attract into my life the Joy, Love and Abundance. With all my being, I radiate Abundance, Love and Joy of Life."

the second day as I hear supraliminal..
Ахим wrote:Here - where you work, a certain branch of a network of hypermarkets - a lot more profits than other branches.. ..and in this object, where work continues to make a profit..
Аура wrote:Nookular 368064 mode changed to medium.
Thanks for regime change.. :)
In a network of hypermarkets, which work has established a kind of automatic control system of /throughout the EU, where the network has branches, which the system reads each sale and automatically generates a new order "tomorrow", so all quantities were adequate.. But from yesterday the system reads the /just edinstvenno for this object in which the work/ 50% ing to increase the number, ie today came straight crazy amount. :wiz And here the human factor did not interfere.. :)

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Re: Feedback on test products

Post by Aura » Tue May 05, 2015 2:11

Achimif you switch on the power and increase the level of access to the integral field, Your city will be able to say thank You)

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Re: Feedback on test products

Post by Иван Славов » Tue May 05, 2015 11:59

Yet, after the first day of connection to medium night more.. There is something that can't really convey in text, sort of a kind of Knowledge by which you can "move mountains" without special efforts..
Аура wrote:Achim, if you switch on the power and increase the level of access to the integral field, Your city will be able to say thank You)
I'll do it, but first work with the cards /not only the city where you live/. Don't know exactly when /prefer to refrain from participation in political elections but in the near future elections for mayor..
p.s. By the way /joking/ it's not my city, and the city of Alexander the great's father - Philip.. Tried to make a joke about property, otherwise the city really created Philip..

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Re: Feedback on test products

Post by Иван Славов » Tue May 05, 2015 14:51

If possible, switch the pendant 368064 the mode of "power". Thanks..

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Re: Feedback on test products

Post by Aura » Tue May 05, 2015 21:01

Duplicate information on the functionality of modes, and yet not a single question or opinion about the mode and medium power, maybe someone expects power modes or something...

Information about the operating modes of the test

The modes test FOR different levels of access to “protection” software.
Test mode (the best mode in which all settings controls the “protection” software of the operator, in other words, his subconscious, and some operator's software layer, for example, a behavioral program):
- the possibility of the operator's management

Mode Medium (medium level of access management “sewn” ON the pendant):
- the operator's speed control. This refers to the speed of the processes at the micro level, mainly the exchange rate data is direct feedback. This is the main parameter controlling the operation of the pendant is “gas-brake” process. Default is the average speed.

Mode Power (high level of access to “protection” SOFTWARE).
- the operator's speed control.

- operator control density pairing. The concept of density in this area affects the amount of incoming data. And this, in turn, determines how thinly the algorithm will respond to real processes. Default is the average degree of mates.

call level control access to the integral field. Relatively speaking, via the operator's pendant gets access to the control programs, which are currently enabled for the operator, or the integral field. In practice, this means that indirectly, the pendant gets access to the whole area of operator interaction, from relatives to colleagues but not to their “attributes, individual performance management program.” In other words, if the operator wants to expand the scope of the pendant (for example, a Manager wants to expand korsar on his subordinates), the level of access can be improved if you focus locally on yourself – set the lowest. In coulombs of the first series the level of access to the integral field can change in very wide limits. Default is the lowest level of access.

- operator connection to BRM. The operator has the ability to connect a pendant to a working BRM, in this case, the inherent intention and pendant will enhance each other.<

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Re: Feedback on test products

Post by Иван Славов » Tue May 05, 2015 21:07

Аура wrote:Medium Mode .. the speed of the processes at the micro-level, mostly-data-rate direct-feedback..
The difference with the Test mode and the Medium mode is definitely there.. But instead of "micro", I would use "a kind of deep reality" at least I so felt-perceived/ possible this is the micro-level, I don't know.. what About speed - is no special difference, but I am basically a fan of high speeds..
Last edited by Иван Славов on Tue May 05, 2015 21:26, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Feedback on test products

Post by Андрей ВН » Tue May 05, 2015 21:25

Nookular 368065 ask to change the mode Роwer

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Re: Feedback on test products

Post by Aura » Tue May 05, 2015 23:47

Nookular 368064 changed the regime in power

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Re: Feedback on test products

Post by Aura » Tue May 05, 2015 23:47

Nookular 368065 changed the regime in power

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Re: Feedback on test products

Post by Иван Славов » Tue May 05, 2015 23:53

Аура wrote:Nookular 368064 changed the regime in power
Thank you. Connection osutils as "goose bumps on the body", i.e. in fact, in the energy body.. muscles And sort of limp, like after a good massage or sauna..
Аура wrote:in Other words, if the operator wants to expand the scope of the pendant (for example, a Manager wants to expand korsar on his subordinates), the level of access can be improved if you focus locally on yourself – set the lowest.
I'll try to improve access to luck /what I have described above in the posts/ for those interested, really interested in this thread..
Here is my "auto adjust" in the resource /no need to watch it, I'm just so automatisera your "attitude"/:

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Re: Feedback on test products

Post by Иван Славов » Wed May 06, 2015 1:05

If for some conventional unit - Test=1 Medium=5:7 /despite the fact that the operator does, probably maybe more/, Power - begins with 10, and where can make it is probably individually..

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Re: Feedback on test products

Post by максик » Wed May 06, 2015 10:22

Good day, my reviews on pendant "Corsair"
To obtain the pendant was one event that I would like to describe. To receive a parcel, a passport is required. And the day before, although I did not know the date of arrival of the package, I was given a passport to pay the next payment on the loan. Accordingly, on the day that I would not be able to get it. In the morning zaius in the car, going to work and clearly comes to mind "need a passport", and then I thought, probably will come the package. Take your passport, two hours later a call from the courier to the question "When to deliver?"
After receiving the pendant "Le Corsaire" has occurred the events described in a personal message to the Aura. Did this pendant, it is difficult to say no answer yet.
But the feelings in the following days.
Day two:
Work quickly solved the problem, which up until this last time, not "get around". In the morning, arriving at work, a clearly formed goal, you need to finish. In the process of task implementation, there have been attempts from me to delay the end, but always over short periods of time thought about the need to finish, so for 4 hours the task was implemented.
The evening was a working group with top officials of the company, which discussed a very important project, which has become protracted partly by the fault of the two leaders (one of them me). In the process of discussion were identified and solved all the important points required for completion of the project. And as usual, looking for "guilty", but why all the "bumps" went to the second head, and it's like I was never there. Although in the discussion I have paid exactly the same amount of time as the second head. It created the impression that some "streamlining" in the sense of the negative side of the top officials of the company turning in my direction as if "evaporated". Also during the working day succeeded in solving small tasks to push the situation in their favor, and without much effort. Based on previous experience, I can say that to solve these problems before they arise would require a much larger effort.
Day three:
Feeling a constant "drive". Again when the solution to the problem, was quite easy to push the situation into their favor, with not a dull pressure and arguments that have occur to like themselves – out of nowhere.
Yes, a strange feeling while driving like a car not run by you, and you like watching him during his administration. And I have the feeling that speed is perceived as something different.<
