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Hexagonal camera of Reich and measuring strong bio

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2016 8:15
by Сергей Ивлев
To perfect hub of bioenergy, which I invented more than 20 kinds, had to come up with a measurement particularly strong aura, as the pendulum was going wild. That is, it unwinds to a vertical plane, and then on to Nakayama 360градусов.
From this moment I re-run it to measure in excess of 360гр. In my camera of Reich items for the watch to charge to 360+45градусов, not less. This corresponds to the improvement of the taste of the food, the degassing of kerosene and other phenomena. In the photo appear to plasmoids.
Or you draw on paper a scale line from 0 degree to 1000градусов and lead pendulum or needle along the dial, or fingers looking for a splash of bioenergy on a scale.
Activating objects for certain purposes for certain people governed by the influence of information through the computer (photo, video, texts). The experiment is a few months. Gone particular fortune in life, collect statistics from users.
For this, irradiated in the chamber, the flexible materials are applied to the antennas, the modem, the counter, the cupboards of distribution of electricity, microwave ovens, refrigerators, closets with clothes, beds, workplace, and your building gains a stack as large as in the Camera.
Looking for partners for international certification of these products, you can remotely prove through photos. That is, the Camera can affect the phantoms.

Re: hex Luggage Reich and measuring strong bio

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2016 9:19
by мимоходом
If a pendulum to keep shaking hands, and hanging on a stationary bar, which is not touched with hands, the pendulum will stop working

Re: hex Luggage Reich and measuring strong bio

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2016 12:23
by Сергей Ивлев
VERIFICATION OF THE PENDULUM. To test the ability to work with a pendulum: charge the activator is one of many identical small items (paper clips, matches, cloves, beads, grains) and mark it (for example, stick tape). Then cover with a piece of cloth all the items and mix thoroughly, then scatter them in the distance. Next, slowly move the pendulum and wait what place he will swing

Re: hex Luggage Reich and measuring strong bio

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2016 13:12
мимоходом wrote:If a pendulum to keep shaking hands, and hanging on a stationary bar, which is not touched with hands, the pendulum will stop working

Don't play that game , not one checked its charging system away with it, only the photos were processed and the measurements have shown up to 70 000. You have the guts to do so. ))))And we checked more than one month. Who wants to joke around here is not advised. The strangeness of the person who the photo is, so his back is sick. What's strange? However, he saves many giving them things and .....Jokes can be one who might be able to. And the weirdness and openness of man for all the is not welcome? In passing , you train for nothing, and for just all pop?))))Well, take it , learn all the gift-the GIFT of om))))Learn while Sergei gives how to do it. True Foty with blind man's buff and other great screwball I don't like, but this is one of the types of charging.

Re: hex Luggage Reich and measuring strong bio

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2016 13:21
by Сергей Ивлев
To measure the pendulum need bioenergy charkas at each frequency separately. Inogda in the Camera or from other Hubs of the biofield work items around which the palm of any sensitive nothing to feel but the chakras of the head strongly react. For stores one energy do for bath another for the courts third.
And the question is - where are the amulets, relics with the energy of the chakras above the head? Who faced?

Re: hex Luggage Reich and measuring strong bio

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2016 13:22
by мимоходом
What a joke here, just the facts. If you hang the pendulum on a rigid support - he did not respond to any artifacts. Check to see what a joke it is...

Re: hex Luggage Reich and measuring strong bio

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2016 13:25
by мимоходом
A bit later I will post a very short video, which clearly shows the essence of the pendulum. It will be interesting and probably will cause aggression and negation )))

Re: hex Luggage Reich and measuring strong bio

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2016 13:31
by Сергей Ивлев
If there are volunteers who will measure the biofield of the statue of Minin and Pozharsky on the red square, it is possible to make it a "Holy place" as a demonstration project. Welcome "Over" is obtained. Next to the monument Charged with a sense of harmonization of the soul.
At a distance it is not difficult to connect inanimate objects to the Cosmic energy of 9-12 measurements using their phantoms.

Re: hex Luggage Reich and measuring strong bio

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2016 13:45
by Сергей Ивлев
ЛИЛИЯ-Р wrote:not one checked its charging system away with it, only the photos were processed and the measurements have shown up to 70 000. You have the guts to do so.
For the a scale on a pie chart 220 thousand units, what was repeated also one girl who study this technique.
With these operators it is possible to stop military conflicts or the threat of terrorism - just to increase the vibration of a given site.

Re: hex Luggage Reich and measuring strong bio

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2016 13:56
passing Pendulum work-brain-consciousness-hand -communication and information field tells)))And on iron or wood attached , from whom the old? The same physics also say that you can not ))))))and you can shows. But...of course, who will get through (these..type of thin))). Those , Yes, podmognut ))))not sumlevayus. It also has the method.

Re: hex Luggage Reich and measuring strong bio

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2016 14:01
by Сергей Ивлев
The quality of the biofield indicate various trajectories of the movement of the brush when the support elbow on the table, you need to study, along with anikom

Re: hex Luggage Reich and measuring strong bio

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2016 14:43
by мимоходом
The promised video about the pendulum. Little pre-abstract from the author of the video

"Today, we will hold “the magic session with full disclosure”. I will control the body and thoughts of Jana, and then you will be able to repeat this trick at a party with friends, or create a sect and become superhero – that's you decide ;)"


And a small but interesting article about the million dollars, which everyone can receive by demonstrating their skill. For example, Sergey Ivliev, you can get it in just a day. ... 3521.shtml

a small excerpt

We receive many applications. For example, recently sent us a video in which a man with dowsing rods finds the well (dowsing rods — these are l-shaped pieces of wire with handles, can be purchased from any esoteric store). Then this man shows how the framework in the hands converge, when the hose is flowing water, and diverge when it is not flowing. I said, "We are very pleased with your application, it is easy to verify. Here I can only shoot another video, which you will not know in advance, where's the water?" I think he will be surprised when you try to do it, and the ability to suddenly stop working.

Sergey, can you try to go to a million dollars? Money is nothing to sneeze at.

Re: hex Luggage Reich and measuring strong bio

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2016 15:03
by Шалтай Балтай
мимоходом wrote:get a million dollars
what ischo of dollaroff?
the First one who passes the test will receive 1 000 000.

Re: hex Luggage Reich and measuring strong bio

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2016 15:07
by мимоходом
Yes, rubles ))) the Dollars is abroad it is possible to obtain in the same test, in my opinion, too million (tests for any abilities, describe yourself, and people will prepare methodologically correct test. For example, if someone has second sight, he will give a test with guessing cards, all as honestly as possible). The bottom line is that nobody got for many years, and the money is waiting for his chosen one. On one million roubles to train, obtain, and then to fly to the States for the money and a million dollars to. Even there may not be one such attraction generosity, with all patrons mystical to collect deserved money.

Easy money and no need to look for sponsors in the forums...

Re: hex Luggage Reich and measuring strong bio

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2016 15:23
by Хорошо
ЛИЛИЯ-Р wrote:mean but...of course, who will get through (these..type of thin))). Those , Yes, podmognut ))))not sumlevayus. It also has the method.
much secret? )

interestingly, I've been treated skeptical to the "pendulums", but once in the privacy of "reflecting" on one issue - the body began to swing back and forth, I still waited at first, but then came and "pozadavali more questions" - and the body rocked forward and backward or left-right or at the place it was, then it was necessary to reformulate the question. Then he took the string and rigged up a simple pendulum, it-turned out at the end of the mount from vayfay entence - he tried - works well, not always that "the mind wants" issues ))
then he noticed the feeling near the elbow, but rather near the bend of the arm, which occurs when the pendulum will change direction.

Re: hex Luggage Reich and measuring strong bio

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2016 15:29
by мимоходом
Without a doubt, the pendulum works. Not only from the outside. He will not be able to give an answer whether to buy dollars or euros, I can not say what the startup tomorrow will be worth a billion dollars, standing today, two pennies. I will not say when in your life will happen fortune or misfortune to prevent it. Can't find the treasure, to say who will be the next President and so on...

But it's a wonderful tool work with him. The unconscious controls the motor skills. And no matter what my brain may think it will give an honest answer to the question posed itself. That's the whole scope, in fact, the most that neither is a magical, mystical, and exceedingly needed.

It's a way of communicating your consciousness to your subconscious mind with the help of hands (some communicate using images, some with the help of the inner voice that gives answers, some with dreams, some with the help of touch)

By the way, the answer may not be objective, but because the subconscious thinks, that's his attitude. This is actually shown in the video above

Re: hex Luggage Reich and measuring strong bio

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2016 16:00
by Хорошо
Multidimensional medicine. The self-diagnostic system and self-healing of man.

Multidimensional medicine is an alloy of knowledge of Western and Eastern medicine, ancient and modern esoteric knowledge and experience agnostic of all the major world religions, which gave an opportunity to systematically describe the multidimensional nature of man, consisting of seven bodies - physical and six-layer energy of the frame that surrounds the physical body.

The author managed to develop an algorithm by which with the use radiostations method (dowsing) can be each person to identify individual matrix entries in the wave form of chronic diseases caused by root causes, and eliminate them using the method of vibration series, not having analogues in the world.

The method is simple to apply, safe, effective and recommended for anyone that wants to get rid of complex chronic disease, regardless of disease duration.
(C) the book

Re: hex Luggage Reich and measuring strong bio

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2016 11:12
by Сергей Ивлев
The average energy in Christian churches plus 360 plus 20, in the mosques about it.
The average energy of the cities – like businesses, plus 20
The average energy in kindergartens left end of the rotation 35град, right 25.
The average energy of the poorest countries – minus 45.

Re: hex Luggage Reich and measuring strong bio

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2016 11:21
by Сергей Ивлев
With a strong bioenergy rotates the pendulum picks up speed, starts to rotate vertically to 270град, then again horizontally to 360град. Then you need to stop and start measuring again with the question "how much rotation will exceed 360град?". If again he gets to the top and bottom right, then stop and start measuring again with the question "how much rotation will exceed 360+360град?"
Today I'm in my cell get 720+45град
The comp a scale to make a table and to drive a pendulum from left to right until he moves.

0 20 30 45 60 80 90 120 270вертикаль 360

370 380 390 400 410 420 430 440 450 460 470 480 490 500 550 600 700

720 720+45 .....

Re: hex Luggage Reich and measuring strong bio

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2016 11:54
by Сергей Ивлев
The cemetery minus 85 torture chamber Prison minus 270 on average, minus 30 Malaysia 45 Finland 35 Китай30 Shanghai 60 aurovill ' 360+45
Syria in state of war-minus 80 Capitals of countries an average of 30

Re: hex Luggage Reich and measuring strong bio

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2016 12:48
by Сергей Ивлев
The Arctic and Antarctica-30 Mountain Гималаи45 Алматы45 Kazakhstan 25 Russia 45 Western Europe, the European Parliament - Bouncing rotation and polyacene 20град Parliament USA swing 45gr
The whole Earth – the pendulum swings 45gr at an angle of 45 to the chest
Aura Putin 720+45 Aura 25gr Obama Hillary Clinton ellipse 45град trump –rotation plus 45 USA half-ellipse, half crosswise swing 20град
The building of the Russian state Duma-plus 30 of the World's ocean эллипс30 the Moon counterclockwise rotation with rocking 25-30g Sun, mercury - rocking 45gr
Mars-rocking 20 Saturn, Venus - ellipse plus 30 Jupiter - clockwise ellipse and rocking 25gr

Re: hex Luggage Reich and measuring strong bio

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2016 14:17
by Шалтай Балтай
Сергей Ивлев wrote:With a strong bio-energy, the pendulum rotates and picks up speed, starts to rotate vertically to 270град
and at the video to see how it looks?
thanks in advance.

Re: hex Luggage Reich and measuring strong bio

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2016 17:06
by Сергей Ивлев
Well, withdraw. And you work with pendulums?

Re: hex Luggage Reich and measuring strong bio

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2016 17:11
by Сергей Ивлев
I'm looking for observations, veils, what happens when a huge power of concentration of bioenergy? Transmutation? Rejuvenation? Sufi water? Levitation?...
Who measured the strongest bioenergy and where?

Re: hex Luggage Reich and measuring strong bio

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2016 17:28
by Сергей Ивлев
Here is an example. I was doing spiral 8 order, i.e. the spiral of the spiral, which itself from the spiral and the pendulum 360+360+360+30 depending on the wire, static electricity, voltage, frequency from the antenna...
Now can through photos to throw the charge of the biofield from its hubs, with a large camera while Reich 1.5 tall, but you can pull the wire out of the Tube Reich on hexagons tens of meters and then take a look where cancers winter.