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Parasite. The physical device and methods of influence.

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2015 18:13
by Санктпетербургжец
I propose to talk in this thread about this interesting technical device, like a parasite.
On YouTube there are videos of their expulsion . All the exorcists expel the larva beliefs like: "Come out of her!" . And given this great difficulty, and not all that says about the wrongness of this method. Of course , a mistake born of ignorance of the physical device of the larvae, "hit at random ".
To my surprise, never found on this site in the sale of the device for the destruction of the larva.
What, in Your opinion, can be its design?

Re: Parasite. The physical device and methods of influence.

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2015 18:23
by мимоходом
Against the will of the person is kicked out of it )))

Re: Parasite. The physical device and methods of influence.

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2015 18:30
by раданов
Санктпетербургжец wrote:error generated by the ignorance of the physical device of larvae
Could you elaborate? :) ..or a ready-made tool exists?

Re: Parasite. The physical device and methods of influence.

Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2015 15:21
by Санктпетербургжец
раданов wrote:
Санктпетербургжец wrote:error generated by the ignorance of the physical device of larvae
Could you elaborate? :) ..or a ready-made tool exists?
I'm on such a device don't know. So I opened this topic to discuss the possible design of this device.

Re: Parasite. The physical device and methods of influence.

Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2015 0:53
by ММ
The so-called parasites for 10-20 minutes completely withdrawn teachers of theta healing. With the help of a special test. From me out of my cocoon in June brought the Egyptian priest who broke my sex life. And naive I never believed in all this. Until he was in deep shit. :shock: Recommend!!! :ay

Re: Parasite. The physical device and methods of influence.

Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2015 1:10
by АндрейКо
Get in proselochnoy state, quietly exit the body and look at yourself (or another side) If you see the larva - rip them from the man and destroy. just keep in mind, at the time of destruction they can nasty squeak.(Yes, and their appearance is quite ugly)

As you can see, many people, so many opinions :)

Re: Parasite. The physical device and methods of influence.

Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2015 2:33
by ММ
You think everyone can see the larva normal vision? :) Is it really that easy?

Re: Parasite. The physical device and methods of influence.

Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2015 2:40
by АндрейКо
ММ wrote:You think everyone can see the larva normal vision? :) Is it really that easy?
I believe that one person can and another :)
This is an unusual sight (if you see yourself from the side).

PS I think there's confusion in concepts - the parasite is a thought form that feeds on man and is able somehow to change his mind. Can a priest be a parasite - I don't know.

Re: Parasite. The physical device and methods of influence.

Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2015 16:07
by Бабуся
АндрейКо wrote:tear them from the man and destroy
Rather than destroy something with an axe?

To the question about the confusion in terms: of larvae and maloki is one and the same?

Re: Parasite. The physical device and methods of influence.

Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2015 16:13
by ММ
The priests a million times more dangerous parasites. Things they do against their victims - Mama do not cry.The priests are the real maniacs. They can bring you, to suicide, to prison, to the psychiatric hospital.And you will never know why all this happened with you.
There is information that egipetskie the priests could communicate with parallel worlds and pulled out a bunch of phenomenal scientific information and scientific technology.Hence their success in the construction of the pyramids, etc fiction just resting next to them. 8)

Re: Parasite. The physical device and methods of influence.

Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2015 16:39
by мимоходом
Where you get this priest was sitting? As all of them then?

Re: Parasite. The physical device and methods of influence.

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2015 2:08
by ММ
Teacher theta healing conducted a test and determined that "barrier" is in the field of the Soul. Then gave complete old who is hurting me. I'm in sleep saw the priest. He told me openly threatened. It happened when I began to work with Pandora 0.5 So that everything matched. As you can see, the science of religion sometimes tells the truth. :wink:

Re: Parasite. The physical device and methods of influence.

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2015 2:15
by АндрейКо
Бабуся wrote:
АндрейКо wrote:tear them from the man and destroy
Rather than destroy something with an axe?

To the question about the confusion in terms: of larvae and maloki is one and the same?
Don't know what, but is perceived as sound. a canal is formed - the axe will not help here :)
what is malakai - do not know :?

Re: Parasite. The physical device and methods of influence.

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2015 10:23
by нева
АндрейКо wrote: I think there's confusion in concepts - the parasite is a thought form that feeds on man and is able to somehow change his mind
Then probably better to clarify that the alien (alien)
a thought-form. Because if its own thought form, it will be just element of the world picture.
And open up vast horizons for thought. Example: to calculate the parasite can be some Intrusive thoughts, which are introduced from the outside, as a special case: here will believe anyone from reading what some of the "priests" and start thinking "what if I"... and all we can say Sandalli the parasite human consciousness :)

Re: Parasite. The physical device and methods of influence.

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2015 10:53
by нева
With regard to the device for the expulsion of the larva, so he is))) is called a stun gun)).. as noted by people, that the priests of some begins to think, then correspondingly, you should show your nervous system (the subconscious mind) that it's not very good, and again! yourself with a Taser in the leg)) If you then thought about the priests come again, and so as long as such thoughts never arise.)) Something, in a psychiatric hospital, and goes conventional medicine, but much more radical, since the electrodes are attached directly to the temples, and the "gap" of neural connections has been calculated, for the long years of shock therapy.

Re: Parasite. The physical device and methods of influence.

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2015 17:34
by АндрейКо
нева wrote: , "rupture" neural connections are calculated, for the long years of shock therapy.
Only then will the patient be able to companies to accomplish work at the level 4 school. (tractor for example...)

Re: Parasite. The physical device and methods of influence.

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2015 17:59
by нева
АндрейКо wrote:Only after this, the patient will be able to companies to accomplish work at the level 4 school. (tractor for example...)
Yes, and therefore, it is a radical approach to the question of course is unnecessary. It is better not to bring the case to the extent of the patient. If there is no teacher nearby, which is a bamboo stick on the head I will go as soon as the attention the parasite is given alone to follow and actions to take. But the most interesting plant of the larva. Plant them on the Scarecrow and horror stories. In Gypsy magic, do not give the type deneshku hell will not stand, or is there in the third month wait for a dead man. Well, or the priests-the maniac will stick, the cocoon and the rest of your life, they will have to feed. Larvae is the engine of advertising..)

Re: Parasite. The physical device and methods of influence.

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2015 0:23
by ММ
Neva, the problem is, the priests-villains exist in the real world without our faith. Then faith is not needed. You must clear your energy body from energy parasites. But experts at the cleaning of the cocoon just two and obchelsya. No priests or mullahs or rabbis or Granny witch in these cases know nothing about. Apparently so and demand money. :?
I was lucky that my teacher at the theta healing kindly agreed to help me. :o And thanks to Michael for Pandora broadcast viruses-blocks. :o Thanks to these products turned one of my major desires. :o In just 3 days. az :ay :D

Re: Parasite. The physical device and methods of influence.

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2015 0:46
by мимоходом
MM I heard a Holy place is never empty. One customer theta healers once told me that they were out of the man kicked out part of it, and sat there theta healer. He even complained that they hypnotized him to make money from it suck. Well, in General, the energy through attention. In General, barely tears. Well, maybe lied to you all. Here's to the end unknown.

Re: Parasite. The physical device and methods of influence.

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2015 20:36
by Санктпетербургжец
Allodial "Larven" (the Parasite get out!)-a good name for a future bestseller. Given that the presence of larvae leads to oncological diseases, the demand for the device will be. On Responses Mail Ru every day we hear pleas for help in the liberation of the larva.

Re: Parasite. The physical device and methods of influence.

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2015 20:41
by мимоходом
And most importantly how much money will bring allodial... Demand something big. You three rubles in Moscow to buy. Even here the scheme devised: first, to hang ads "diagnosis of the larva", to appear good, do not spare money on advertising, including the Internet. People will be pulled to diagnose the larva. Well, everyone that thread to find. And to advise a miracle device to get rid of the larva. But since it is not easy - and the corresponding price tag. If a person arrived in a Mercedes and wearing an expensive suit, it is possible thousand three hundred rip off. Well, ordinary citizens and palenichko fine. And who is not pull - you of course laroslavli to hold five sessions at 2 thousand rubles.

The demand will be, and even what. A fool don't need a knife, him with three boxes will lie and do with it what you want. And morality it is possible for this thing to fail - say, helping a young inexperienced souls to gain much needed experience, a Holy thing to do. Anyway, they say, the way of the worker. Inspired the man that saved him from parasites, he believed, psychosomatics adjusted. Like all good, for the benefit of people... Sort of.

Re: Parasite. The physical device and methods of influence.

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2015 21:53
by Санктпетербургжец
Here's what I managed to find on the Internet on the physical structure of the larva:

Experienced parapsychologists claim that they periodically have to deal with power disorders the cause of which may be some energy entity which has been introduced into the human biofield and sucking the energy out of it.

The psychics with the astral vision, sometimes called their aralnyj entities. Many practicing magicians ascribe to such entities, properties of spirits. They can take various forms, for example, may be similar to the dark leech, a hedgehog without legs, a shapeless BLOB of an octopus with tentacles and so on. These entities may be located in different places of the bio-energy field of a person, on the abdomen or lower belly. On the chest, back and head. Such entities are often called energy parasites. Experts believe that this is the real living energy substance that falls into our world from parallel worlds. Such entities depending on the order (kind of hierarchy) to which they belong, or unable to suck the energy in small portions, or eat it in large quantities.

Consider some of energoseti, which are called larvae, characteristics of these entities and the negative impact they have on human energy and on his mental and physical condition. The fact that even the scientists associated with the official science does not deny the existence of such energocassette and their impact on human rights. Which means the parasite, translated into scientific terminology? In the language of scientists, this is the electromagnetic matrix having a negative charge.

Based on the esoteric knowledge of sacred cosmic energy suggests that the introduction of malicious energy entity in the mental, astral and etheric body of man if in the aura are negative programs. Effects can occur in case if the human aura disturbed harmony and as a result, the field greatly weakened and it ruptures and gaps.
The energy of the entity dwelling in man and devouring his energy fall in the human biofield through the aura in which gaps were formed from the high concentration of negative energy.
To penetrate the aura and feed on his energy, parasites tend to first to a person who emits a low frequency vibration. For these negative entities are vibration related and cause much appetite. But if the human aura radiates high frequency vibrations, the negative entity coming in contact with it, it can burn (be destroyed)
The energy essence of man can sit down and live in the mental body of a person is closely associated with the ego emotions. These creatures live in it and get nourishment from the emotions and feelings of the person. Over time, good recharge of energy and forces typing, penetrate into different energy points, which are closely related to points which are responsible for human emotions, and begins to exert a strong impact on them, evoking the desired emotions and more eating them.

Another option of the malicious entities in the human biofield is a foreign introduction, is made by MAG-order or on his own initiative in the power of any private motives. These entities like virus infection, affect the subtle energy bodies, mental, astral, etheric.

Various energy-beings can enter the information of the energy flows circulating in the energetic field of a person. Penetrating and blocking such communication channels, a negative entity, usually having the form of a clot, harm the normal circulation of information energy. They devastate the person absorbing all of its information power.

"For "seeing" people, the parasite seems to be like an octopus with tentacles. This monster may have a gelatinous, rubber, plasticine body is dependent on the vision of the master. Some say that the monster resembles a jellyfish. In any case, this octopus is very firmly held on the head, and the tentacles hanging from the head and attached to various places.

The tentacles often attach themselves to certain places:
•One tentacle to the 6th chakra, the so-called third eye. This gives a distorted perception of information, which leads to disruption of relationships with others.
•The second tentacle is attached to the extra chakra, and can cause persistent headaches.
•The third tentacle, usually located near the left ear. This leads to noise, itching in the ears, hearing impairment. Can appear frequent ear infections.
•The fourth tentacle attached to the top and leads to a significant decrease in immunity. The man says that it literally stick all of the disease, he was often ill with colds.
•The fifth and sixth tentacle located on the back of the neck, and can lead to frequent and sharp jumps in blood pressure.
Parasites feel bad at high temperatures – so many rituals to get rid of larva produced in the heated bath."<

Re: Parasite. The physical device and methods of influence.

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2015 12:24
by АндрейКо
Санктпетербургжец wrote:hedgehog without legs
Faster hedgehog-slug (instead of legs something like a suction Cup).

In General, what people describe the phenomenon more or less equally already says something.

Re: Parasite. The physical device and methods of influence.

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2015 22:37
by Санктпетербургжец
Well, the situation is more or less clear. Something to think about.

1) the Parasite is a tangible object. Does not consist of matter and physical fields.
2) the Field must inevitably spread to the entire universe. But this is not happening. This is possible only in the case of using "tore technologies". Thus, the parasite is a field of different frequencies, confined in the torus. The inevitable loss of energy kompensiruet due to the energy of the victim.
3) Such technologies are known to science only in theory and in the terrestrial industry do not apply. Which testifies to their alien origin.
4) the Parasite interacts with the human aura, and thus has a similar composition.
5) Through the aura it can affect the organs, i.e. taking them radiation their frequency, but more powerful.
6) Some of the larvae are reasonable, which gives reason to consider them and settling as the same phenomenon, at least in our case.
7)Interesting methods of cleaning in the bathtub with salt water and ploughed the ground. Them combines the high electrical conductivity of wet soil and salt water and their shielding ability against electromagnetic fields.

Thus, if you pick up the emitter, affecting the aura, then the emitter will be affected and the parasite.
But what I don't understand is how they are influenced by temperature?

Re: Parasite. The physical device and methods of influence.

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2015 23:02
by мимоходом
And did you see the parasite?