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Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2010 15:59
by Вадим Перелыгин
Hi all!
I propose to discuss the construction of the pyramids and their effects on humans and the environment. As Bareev writes in "the Sixth race and Nibiru"
"...the pyramids are psychotronic generators that convert one kind of astral energy to another. If you go from the first chakra pyramid to the top, then the vibrations of invisible energy rising with each step, with each chakra. And a clean man, going into one of the chambers of the pyramid, can independently "tune" on its antenna circuit, to join him at a suitable frequency lower or higher realms of mind and consciousness."
"The most beneficial effect on man and all living things four-sided pyramid is oriented with one side face due North, in which the ratio of the length of the sides of the square base to the height is equal to the ratio of the Golden section number Phi=1,618..." (the Golden section is the division of a segment into parts 5/3=8/5=13/8=21/13...).
And if you make faces from ORGONITE (its ability to accumulate the vital energy which V. Raich called Organum) or its substitutes (any material containing carbon or silicon)...
Want near the house to make a greenhouse in the shape of a pyramid (size 6 x 6m and a height of 3.71 m covered by polycarbonate or glass.
Maybe someone already have experience. Please share!

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 19:23
by Вадим Перелыгин
With the "Golden section" is not so simple. There are a great many... Need to study more...But that does not doubt:
In the book "About the greenhouse-the pyramids and the greenhouse-temples" Cold Vladimir Y.
writes: "the presence of the post electromagnetic radiation emanating from the top of the pyramid says another fact. Our compatriot A. Hunger near lake Seliger built 20-meter pyramid. During research with a locator operating in the centimeter range, above the pyramid was discovered upstream ions with a height of over two kilometers.
Streams of radiation, outgoing from the vertices of the pyramids, twisted around its longitudinal axis, that is, turns of the vortex tube. A rotating flow in the vortex tube described by the theory of flows. Its peculiarity is that the smaller the cross section of the tube compared to the original, the greater the rate of flow. In the case of pyramid flow of electromagnetic radiation, part of it through the base, as you move up will reduce the cross-section due to reflection from the inclined faces of the pyramid, increasing the speed of rotation and density. At the top of the pyramid thread will turn into a narrow vortex tube with a high density field, which is outside of the pyramid.
The vortex flow of radiation will appear in the vortex of any form, be it in the form of a hemisphere, or dome of the Orthodox Church intact.
...The plant world also uses a funnel for the energy concentration of the upstream land and a downstream space. Apple is particularly noticeable 2 funnel, carrots, grass, flowers, pine, fir,..."
I came up with an interesting idea that women's domed dress serve for energy concentration upstream of the earth in the area of the major energy centers and the future direction of the vortex flow up the spine, nourishing and healthy person!
It's a pity they went out of fashion!

Posted: Sat Apr 03, 2010 18:57
by Вадим Перелыгин
After working with different sources, especially with the book the Cold V. Y. "Pyramid Golden section", here is what I found out.
Take a right triangle with sides in the ratio. 1:2:V5.
If AB be divided so that there is AN:BN = AB:AN = 2/(V5-1)=1,618 it is called the "Golden section".
Object fits into a rectangle with the same aspect ratio subconsciously pleasant. The ratio of the lengths of the strings is equal to (V5-1)/2=0,618 creates a harmonic chord.
Ratio Fibonacci number series: 1,1, (1+1)=2, (1+2)=3, (2+3)=5, (3+5)=8, 13, 21, 34, 55... also tends to f=.. 21 1,618*1,618=33,978 and 21+13=34
Cuttings of the leaves adjacent to the stem in a spiral: 1/3 of the total turnover at the hazel, 2/5 – oak, 3/8 poplar and pear, willow 5/13 at ....
The complete sequence of the Golden ratio looks like this:
...1/F3, 1/F2, 1/f, 1, f, F2, F3,... or ...
0,236; 0,382; 0,618; 1; 1,618; 2,618; 4,236...
The number f has the properties wider than that of decimal number .
For Example: 1+F=F2 F+F2=F3. That is, each subsequent member of the gold sequence can be obtained by summing up two previous members and multiplying the preceding term by the number F.
Pythagoras linked the pyramid, the Golden section with the image of "living" matter.
The sequence of spheres is inscribed in the pyramid schemes, determined by the number of the Golden section f=1,618... to the extent appropriate,
that is, f, F2, F3, F4,... even When the degree f of the secondary vortex field of the pyramid has an activating effect(Pyramid life).
When an odd degree of f secondary vortex field of the pyramid has a stabilizing properties(the Pyramid of harmony).
The octahedron and the cube is the basis of the structure of "dead" matter, and secondary vortex field of their pyramids, harmful to "living" matter. In the living room, having the shape of a rectangular parallelepiped, the secondary vortex field "dead" matter is felt in the corners. This field calms, slows down the vital processes in the body.
If we denote:
E - the unit of calculation = half the length of the base of the pyramid (In/2) = the Lower half of the inner leg of the isosceles triangle constructed on the height of the pyramid (H) and the apofema faces (A). B - length of the base of the pyramid. With the edge of the face. a – the angle of the base of the inner triangle (the angle of the face), b – upper corner of the inner triangle with the top angle of the triangle faces. r1 is the first radius of the inscribed sphere, r2 =r1/K, K – the ratio of the radii of inscribed spheres r1/r2, r2/r3,... Then:

Pyramid of harmony.
K = 1/f; r1=E/VФ; r2=r1/f
N=2ЕФVФ; A=ЕФ3 ; C = V (A2+E2)
a=arctg(H/E) = 76,35 , b=2arctg(E/N) = 27,31 c=2arctg(E/A)= 26,57, 2a+b = 180

Church of the intercession in Obukhovo. The bell tower Baptist Church in St. PETERSBURG
By Alexander Golod such pyramid was built by Seliger. There E=5m and H=of 20.58 m.

A separate study deserves a question - what is the number to take the unit E?
Maybe the wavelength of the Schumann frequency?
And here is what Drunvalo Melchizedek in "the Ancient secret of the flower of life": If you display the average sound of all objects in the universe of this third dimension, you will receive this length of 7.23 cm and it will be the true sound of Om for this dimension. This wavelength is also the average distance between your eyes, from the center of one pupil to the center of another, the average palm width and the distance between our chakras.

Interestingly, if we take E=f=1,618, then N=6,6600 number with a certain stereotype!

The pyramid of life.
K=1/F2; r1 =E/f; r2=r1/F2
N=V; A=ЕV5; C = V (A2+E2)
a=arctg(H/E)=to 63.43; b=arctg(E/N)=53,13; c=arctg(E/A)=48,19; 2a+b = 180
The dome of the Georgian and Armenian churches.

The Pyramid Of Cheops.
K=1/F3 r1=1/(ФVФ); r2=r1/F3
N=ЕVФ; A=FU; C = V (A2+E2)
a=arctg(H/E)=51,83; b=arctg(E/N)=76,35; c=arctg(E/A)= to 63.43; 2a+b = 180
Here b = a(Pyramid of harmony)=76,35 and c = a(Pyramid life)=to 63.43
Thus she unites the main properties of both of the above pyramids.
Inside the pyramid is a Golden triangle (hundreds of.sides 1: VФ: f). Creates conditions for the harmonious flow of vital processes in a "live" matter.

You can check the formulas for the actual dimensions of the pyramid of Cheops: In=230; N=146,28; C=218,74; A=186,07

Will build near the house of wood and polycarbonate pyramid with B=7,23; N=4,6; M=6,88; A=5,85<

Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2010 11:38
by Вадим Перелыгин
Eureka! Found why the actual height of the pyramid 138м, not 146м.
The first radius r1 of the inscribed sphere=E/(ФVФ)=230/2/1,618*V1,618=55.877;
The second radius of the inscribed sphere r2=r1/F3=55.877/4.236=13.19;
D1=2*r1=111.754; D2=2*r2=26.38; D1+D2=138.13
She cut off at the level of the two diameters to eliminate isolation. This top hole of the funnel through which enters the vortex flow!

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 18:09
by Котофиллер
:lol: The successful space flight of all the inhabitants of the site! A bifurcation is provided.

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 0:09
by Вадим Перелыгин
Котофиллер wrote:Bifurcation provided.
In the sense of "schizophrenia"? :roll: bi

Posted: Sat May 01, 2010 14:15
by Вадим Перелыгин
Now a new questions:
1. In what place to build the pyramid.
Kortikov V. N. in the book "the Pyramid of health, or the healing power of the pyramids" recommends the centre of the pyramid to place over the faults in the earth's crust, where a stronger influx of earth energy and thus the power of the pyramid will be more. So it is necessary to learn the dowsing and working with the framework.
By the way, the Daggers like many others, gives the dimensions of the pyramid in my opinion is not entirely true.
Base length(In) = height of pyramid(H) x 1.6. Apofema the verge(A) = N x 1,35
While in theory the Cold V. Y.( Sequence of spheres is inscribed in the pyramid schemes, determined by the number of the Golden section f=1,618... in the relevant extent) at the pyramid of Cheops
Base length(In) = height of pyramid(H) x 1.57 Apofema the verge(A) = N x 1.27.
For practical application the difference is not significant. In the book of Dirks describes in detail methods for the treatment of most known diseases with infusions of herbs exposed in the pyramid at a height of 1/3N to 2/3H and dosed stay in the pyramid. It is not clear what exactly and where is actually he uses the pyramid, medstatistika and reviews of patients.

2. What is the power of radiation of the faces and than to measure it.
In the book of Manfred Demde "the Healing power of the pyramids" refers to the pathogenic influence on the psyche and state of mind of the Eastern and southern sides of the great pyramid and about the beneficial influence of the Northern and Western sides. Caution is recommended and dosed to use this energy. With the help of dowsing (of radiesthesia) to determine the distance and time of day for maximum impact. To start the exposure and training with pyramids and obelisks of small size. Not to forget to turn them off, turning to an inactive state.
If you build a stationary pyramid outside the house, it will not turn off and will not turn off! And under the influence of some faces, and emissions will be constant and what will happen nobody knows! Dowsing is a rather subjective method dependent on the abilities of the operator. The electromagnetic radiation and air ionization is not available to me. Maybe somewhere already there are calculations and formulas based on shapes and sizes?
But only if the electromagnetic?
A. A. Litvinenko in his book "the energy of the pyramids. Magic rod and star pendulum"
writes "According to the hypothesis of A. I. Veynik, there is a large class of microparticles, called chromonema whose mass is millions and billions of times smaller than an electron. In physics such particles are called leptons. Their speed of several meters per second up to a multiple of the speed of light. Discovered hroney two signs - positive and negative, defined by their spin. The same name hroney attracted and opposite - repel. Hroney carry full information about any object that emits them. All physical, chemical and other processes occurring in animate and inanimate nature accompanied by the emission and increasing the number hromonov." that Negentropy is negative entropy?... "Chronal radiation coming from Space, can be captured using a variety of geometric shapes, using them as batteries. Chronal field builds up in them relatively quickly, reaching maximum output within a few days, charging not only the battery but also located in close proximity items."
... "The theory of the Creator of the orgone accumulators of Wilhelm Reich , who discovered "orgone energy" specific energy found in living organisms, around them and in the atmosphere resonates with the hypothesis of A. I. Veynik about the chronal field."
What to measure orgone energy and chronal field?... :wiz<

Posted: Mon May 03, 2010 12:16
by Вадим Перелыгин
"Ahora" (22.10.2008 07:36) on the website writes: "Over 4 years I did not very great pyramids in the proportions of "Golden section" (the size of which I justified on the basis of knowledge about the wavelength of our material world, the equal of 7.23 cm) and they are very well established, even though such a miniature form. ... I use this value for all subsequent calculations of the size of the Pyramids and explain this simple logic. If the wavelength is equal to our three-dimensional world of 7.23 cm, then what would the Pyramid as the object of this living space became the harmonious resonance with spirit and with the energies of this world, you need to consider this value as the base unit of the geometric dimensions of the model Pyramid. ...For our Pyramid geometry the classical form will have the following: the height of the Pyramid of 7.23 cm, the length of the base of the Pyramid 7,23х1,618 =11.7 cm".

"Ahora" also takes In=N x 1,618 whereas Alexander Litvinenko In=N x 1.57 as well as Cold V. Yu.

But the fact that "Ahora" takes as a basis the height of the pyramid, not the length of the base (like me) is a multiple of 7.23 seems to me more rational. There will be a vertical waveguide. You should try N=7,23 x N where N is a suitable ratio(odds of gain?) for example 50! and then

for P. of Cheops In = N x 1.57; N=0,0723х50=3,62 m; In=3,62х1,57=5,68 m
For P. harmony In = N x 0,49 obelisk. N=3,62 m; In=3,62х0,49=1,76 m
For the pyramid of life In = N. N=3,62 m; H=3,62 m

Near the house is quite compact look of harmony.
Litvinenko writes: "Health, success, happiness are the expression and consequence of the harmony began the Yin and the Yang, and Vice versa, illness, failure, decay, misfortune testify to their imbalance. That is why the goal of a harmonious lifestyle, any natural method of treatment is to maintain and restore energy balance."

Posted: Mon May 10, 2010 16:01
by йа

Posted: Tue May 18, 2010 18:21
by Регулятор
Hello and best wishes ! I was touched by how the builders of the pyramids exaggerate the issues of the "Golden section", we give a substantiation of mathematics, but almost no one touches the most important component. What level of energy needed for my pyramid? Why is the base corner of the Mexican pyramids-45°, the Egyptian-52°? And what angle would be optimum for my area? Dowsing methods allow to answer these questions. :D

Posted: Wed May 19, 2010 11:16
by Вадим Перелыгин
Регулятор wrote:Methods of dowsing enable you to answer these questions
I am also puzzled by this question. Could You please advise easiest for a beginner in radiesthesia method of determining these characteristics? az

Posted: Fri May 28, 2010 20:35
by Регулятор
Unfortunately, I must disappoint You. Beginner in dowsing this task will be difficult, because it requires a good skill in working with numerical values... Can You work with 100% scale? If Yes, then You need to get acquainted with the Bowie bio-meter to determine the required energy pyramid for Your biofield numerically. Next you need a pendulum and a linear scale based on the area of application and the required energy, to determine the geometry of the future pyramid, and selection of materials. Then, re-optimization....

Posted: Sat May 29, 2010 0:12
by Вадим Перелыгин
Регулятор wrote:You need to get acquainted with the bio-meter bovi
Thank you for the recommendation. I'll try to dig into this topic. Construction is in full swing. Chose the pyramid of harmony with dimensions of a=2,81 m N=5,78 C=6.11 slice at the level N=5,24. Frame is almost ready. No screws do not have. Going to use, at least under greenhouse. Oriented to the cardinal. The North face at a distance of 3M from the house. According to M. Dimdi influence even the pyramid of Cheops recorded radiesthesists does not exceed 20m from its facets. :)

Posted: Mon May 31, 2010 12:59
Having the experience of making a pyramid of harmonies in the proportions of the Golden Section, I want to describe the simplest (experiment) design:
Frame: 4 long and 4 short sticks (I bought a bamboo used for supporting potted trees, sell different lengths and cut to the size convenient). To connect with rope (bought there), tying. Gathered square and ribs.
Part: used dense matter, making cutting necessary cuts, gathered with a rope (laced).
...and wearing that cap... no feelings... placing face strictly to the cardinal, noted the appearance of "noise in the head", you can compare it with the "noise" from the Modulator unit and toner cartridge Assembly "life energy", something like that, of course is subjective. After you have placed the "prototypes" of plants, but... not enough light and bad air circulation, so the experiment had to end after 2 weeks... was Planning to experiment the actions frame, only podugas, then no,that desire is not enough

Such is the experience.

Posted: Mon May 31, 2010 14:39
by Вадим Перелыгин
Thank you for describing Your experience.
I stand by the pyramid of harmony as the most researched serious organizations such as: Institute of theoretical and experimental Biophysics RAS
NGO "Gidrometpribor", General Director A. E. Hunger
The research Institute "Graphite"
Research Institute of Virology. Of the Ivanovo Russian Academy of medical Sciences
Hematology research center of RAMS
All-Russian electrotechnical Institute
Scientific research Institute of vaccines they. Mechnikov RAMS
Here in detail about the pyramid of harmony A. Hunger

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2010 14:31
by Регулятор
Pyramid Hunger are not optimal for the Moscow area, although the therapeutic efficiency is somewhat better than the traditional proportions of Cheops. The optimum angle of the base of the pyramid treatment for this area should be close to 60°. In studies of their pyramids, Hunger ignores the energy factor, the areas of use for the treatment, the presence of negative angular zones....Maintaining the principle of crowd-"good for all".. It is not so. We are all DIFFERENT. And therefore, requires an individual approach, mentioned before. There are many people for whom the use of the pyramid does not give the desired effect. Now a little about pyramid water. My personal experience of using pyramid water shows that it is useful for the body she was in charge range of 100-3000 bovis. From American sources, this figure can reach 6500 bovis. The energy potential of large pyramids, with a height above 2 metres , tens of thousands of bovis.

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2010 18:57
by Вадим Перелыгин
On request "Iolmaster Bowie" only managed to download the book "the secret life of plants" Tompkins_&_Berd briefly described, this device. But unlikely to make it in this description. Can you advise where there is a constructive description. It would be interesting to measure how much Angstrom will change the radiation exposed products in my 5-meter pyramid. Quote from the book:
"Simonton found that food with radiation in the range from 8000 to 10,000 angstroms in biometry bovi causes the pendulum to rotate at an amazing rate of 400 - 500 rpm at a radius of 80 mm. Food with radiation between 6000 and 8000 angstroms, the pendulum rotates with a speed of 300 - 400 rpm in a radius of 60 mm. Meat, pasteurized milk and vegetables, have been subjected to excessive cooking, emit less than 2000 angstroms and not have enough energy to cause the pendulum to rotate. ... The use of a pendulum to determine the relative energy value of foods was to Simonton a matter of life and death. He was on the brink of the grave, when accidentally stumbled upon a system bovi, allowing you to distinguish poisonous, unfit food, from fresh healthy food. After a short time he recovered not only from tuberculosis but also its complications. He acquired such a health that years later, at 66 and 68 years old, he became the father of two children, and in seventy - played tennis." :ay I wonder is there a minimum and maximum limit of radiation in food after which it cannot eat. :roll:
Still concerned with this question: whether it is Necessary for the top of the pyramid to put gratitued and grounding? After all, if it creates a column of ionized air, then the storm is a perfect conductor and will not find it if you find yourself in the pyramid at this time. But on the other hand is not grounded all the useful qualities of the pyramid? bc
Today I bought 2 frames with resonators, and a practical guide G. M. kibardin design. I'll try to get in resonance with this information. Yes, and Your experience will try to understand with the help of BJ and module "a Guide to experience." Thanks for the help. az<

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2010 20:49
by Регулятор
Iolmaster Bowie - this is not a device, and a digital scale to work with the pendulum.... In English try Google do a search for skale Bovis or Bovis Biometer. No conductors and ground connections do not need to, disrupted energy pyramid. You just need there nebyt during a thunderstorm. For pyramid pendulum preferable framework. Frame does not give numerical values.

Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2010 12:36
by Вадим Перелыгин
Put BJ included module "Explorer experience", entered in the alpha, asked a question about the lightning rod. In my head there was the answer: "Chronal radiation (orgone energy) focused in the pyramid by nature is electromagnetic. Therefore, neither a lightning rod nor the nails will not affect its properties". As they say "flies separately, cutlets separately!" :)

"Bowie has developed a pendulum which was a crystal rhinestone with metal tip, suspended on a double strand of red and violet silk. Bowie called the pendulum "by paragemination", as it is sensitive to objects that both attract and repel a magnet. If placed between the dowser and the pendulum a small magnetic field of the solenoid, the dowser can detect extremely thin vibratii of, for example, originate from unfertilized eggs. Using red and purple thread bovi explained by the fact that they increase the sensitivity of the pendulum. Vibration red coincide with the atomic vibrations of paramagnetic iron, and purple - with diamagnetic copper.
To measure different frequencies of radiation emanating from food, Bowie has developed a "bio-meter" - a simple line, divided into segments of 1 cm, indicating microns (1 thousandth of a millimeter) and Angstrom (100 times smaller than a micron), thus covering the period between zero and 10,000 angstroms. He placed a piece of fruit or vegetable or any other food on one end of the line and watched as his pendulum swung to a certain mark on the ruler. This mark gave him the idea of fresh food."
I do not understand what a "small magnetic field of solenoid" and how it is structurally related to its pendulum? :roll:

Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2010 18:18
by Регулятор
Then more large steel nails and a powerful lightning rod... This recommendation is EXCLUSIVELY for Vadim....Everything will be alright...For a discussion on biometry Bowie, must, at least, to be CONFIDENT to work with a pendulum.... Good luck.

Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2010 12:40
by читающий
Vadym Perelygin
Put BJ included module "Explorer experience", included in the alpha
How to get into the alpha?

Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2010 23:30
by Вадим Перелыгин
I propose to explore the theme of ACTIVE INTELLIGENCE
in Conversations about everything. :)

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 12:29
by Вадим Перелыгин
The frame is built

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 12:38
by Вадим Перелыгин
Can't post a photo in the message bc [/img]

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 12:49
by Вадим Перелыгин