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Re: Orgone generator with their hands (The Succor Punch, SP)

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2016 10:00
by Алексей Швец
мимоходом wrote:Turns out the ring is slim in the next topic, collect for yourself a low-frequency hum of 50Hz, increasing electromagnetic radiation

Crystal has the same effect but weaker. Organic operates exactly in the opposite direction.

Users of rings of crystals and orgonite very happy to say that each individual product works great, better than anything else. Here's the paradox...

Also in the video you can see that the electromagnetic field reacts quite intensively, thus it is possible to carry out experiments with it, using rings, crystals and organic no undetectable fields is just detectable. And you would be well to decide whether the concentration of the electromagnetic field, electromagnetic radiation is bad (then the rings are bad and crystals, and organic good). Or Vice versa, electromagnetic radiation-good (rings are good and the crystals, and organic bad)

This shows generally negative values near organicville pyramids,only what is not clear(negative energy?) In principle, the electromagnetic field all possess.

Re: Orgone generator with their hands (The Succor Punch, SP)

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2016 10:08
by Алексей Швец
That Humpty is not responding. It seems with the sacred dimensions of guessed :?Lucky. Now in a different reality.))

Re: Orgone generator with their hands (The Succor Punch, SP)

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2016 10:11
by Алексей Швец
Want to stir up something such that would be a prana filled the room and the body. Well this type of clouds which pass through the body and nourishes. What this is more light,not magnetic field.
So I organit made more,still with a simple quartz. There was something when he had. And now no again.
Apparently orgonite pulls in,neutralizes, al. could. what gives to infiltrate other more delicate things. XS in short. This is more like it from the body depends. If tired, then perhaps no organit will not help. Is that the size of a barrel.

Re: Orgone generator with their hands (The Succor Punch, SP)

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2016 10:21
by мимоходом
There it is quite possible that what is called electromagnetic smog - may be useful. Condensed EM field in the area of the body as "food". That is why it would be good to understand what is happening. To study, classify and apply. And it turns out in an arbitrary manner in one branch of EM-field thickens (ring Sliema), the other diluted (organic), in the third trying to neutralize (EMF-Armor), in the fourth camera make for maximum seal (cabin Reich)
What is this easier,not the magnetic field.
The answer is you, yourself wrote, but no "go another way"

Bring me, sir, monster hairy for sexual pleasures!
- What???
- Okay let's go the long way, bring me, father, flower

Re: Orgone generator with their hands (The Succor Punch, SP)

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2016 10:29
by Алексей Швец
мимоходом wrote:There are it is quite possible that what is called electromagnetic smog - may be useful. Condensed EM field in the area of the body as "food". That is why it would be good to understand what is happening. To study, classify and apply. And it turns out in an arbitrary manner in one branch of EM-field thickens (ring Sliema), the other diluted (organic), in the third trying to neutralize (EMF-Armor), in the fourth camera make for maximum seal (cabin Reich)
What is this easier,not the magnetic field.
The answer is you, yourself wrote, but no "go another way"

Bring me, sir, monster hairy for sexual pleasures!
- What???
- Okay let's go the long way, bring me, father, flower
Well, that's understandable. The main thing is the balance between magnetic power and paralysis from the magnetic power. For example stun-gun I don't know how to eat and high-voltage lines :)

Re: Orgone generator with their hands (The Succor Punch, SP)

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2016 14:34
by Алексей Швец
It is possible to organic converts the electric. field into electric Petinos, and perhaps just clears all the fields in the result poluchaetsya has spirit energy what vysvobojdenie. Generally I measure El.p. priborchik.

Re: Orgone generator with their hands (The Succor Punch, SP)

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2016 14:59
by мимоходом
"Spirit energy" is presumably a special combination of EM-field with a special frequency, form and harmonics that can be generated by man himself (and perhaps device). There is no need to introduce unnecessary entities. Therefore, to measure all the device is a very good solution.

Re: Orgone generator with their hands (The Succor Punch, SP)

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2016 14:17
by Шалтай Балтай
Here in the course of the branches ran an interesting idea, but none of zamorachivat to wind Mobius fiber? well, and power respectively?
I would say that braid of glass to twist does not work, grouplife, but if just Mobius? how is it compared to copper? experience there?
navega necessary?
it may turn out that it will be easier to power and modulate, the higher the q, maybe...
moscha like not rested... (cooling system and is based on a break out too :) )

Re: Orgone generator with their hands (The Succor Punch, SP)

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2016 14:41
Mebiusu not shook the frail and the Hoop on the head for meditation and so on entertainment - Yes.
Was supplied the green and blue laser, including modulated.
Experiences uniquely associated with the device is not revealed, I suspect that should be escaped.
The works continue.

Re: Orgone generator with their hands (The Succor Punch, SP)

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2016 14:46
by Шалтай Балтай
XUPOH wrote:Mebiusu not shook the frail and the Hoop on the head for meditation and so on entertainment - Yes.
Was supplied the green and blue laser, including modulated.
Experiences uniquely associated with the device is not revealed, I suspect that should be escaped.
The works continue.
Oh! thanks for the feedback.
IMHO, Mobius is mandatory, I would even say that it should be used a pigtail to do the right counter-current, cross-on-cross, or talsinki will not, and ACC and effects

And as modulated? Could you elaborate?

Thank you in advance

Re: Orgone generator with their hands (The Succor Punch, SP)

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2016 18:28
Шалтай Балтай wrote: And as modulated? Could you elaborate?
With zvukovojj through fieldwork

Re: Orgone generator with their hands (The Succor Punch, SP)

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2016 20:56
by Мастер 108
Шалтай Балтай wrote:
XUPOH wrote: IMHO, Mobius is mandatory, I would even say that it should be used a pigtail to do the right counter-current, cross-on-cross, or talsinki will not, and ACC and effects
Try to wind the coil on a thick Mark the birthplace (for the fiber - I guess very thick :roll: ) bagel. Should be able...

Re: Orgone generator with their hands (The Succor Punch, SP)

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2016 22:13
Мастер 108 wrote:Try to wind the coil on a thick Mark the birthplace (for the fiber - I guess very large ) bagel. Should be able...
There are plans paramesotriton with a propane mini-torch and fiber, and you see Mobius poluchitstsa))

Re: Orgone generator with their hands (The Succor Punch, SP)

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2016 4:47
by Шалтай Балтай
XUPOH wrote:plans paramesotriton with a propane mini-torch and fiber
keep up to date :)

Re: Orgone generator with their hands (The Succor Punch, SP)

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2016 15:10
by Алексей Швец
And you can make orgone generator,what would the government started giving away money just like that.Well as charity? And then we have a growing number of poor neighborhoods.Everything is in stores. There is production ,but no money. I don't even know how they'll go without money. That would have at least got ourselves cleaned up,ate,rested from this condition.Their areas in order themselves brought. And that , not nachto. Need to close this krugovorot money. The people,shops,housing, Treasury,again people. And more and you can without bread.

Re: Orgone generator with their hands (The Succor Punch, SP)

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2016 16:21
by Шалтай Балтай
IMHO, those thought forms that you are putting on torsions will only work if they are consistent with the will of Your "Highest I". Violence over the universe, on themselves, no good will not result.
Every nation zasluzhyvaet of the government, which has.
And so, to each his own.
For example, I don't know and don't want to know (and do not tell me their systems, I don't give (I wanted to say free) personal consultations :) ) what the utilities, the stores, the Treasury, the people, the science... well, etc.
I have already given a parable about flies and bees, decide who you are
good luck

Re: Orgone generator with their hands (The Succor Punch, SP)

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2016 16:27
Шалтай Балтай wrote:Every nation zasluzhyvaet of the government, which has.
The people he has not, but people have it)) Sorry, off topic, but do Russian people-inventors, scientists,......and the very first in the world created a lot of things ,such creatures deserve to have they had?????)))) This is their statement as the Truth to obedience. I don't agree :?

Re: Orgone generator with their hands (The Succor Punch, SP)

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2016 16:30
by Шалтай Балтай
definitely Yes.
had to drink less
but this is politics, Offem, I respect Your position. good luck

A couple of lines
Here the man - worms. Who is to blame, man or worms? The man, of course, worms is what they are.
You can write a poster "Worms - come forth," to hang it on the wall, to turn his back to him, drop your pants and get "cancer" (sorry) and wait until the worms come out. That all who are engaged in politics are in this position.

Re: Orgone generator with their hands (The Succor Punch, SP)

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2016 19:06
by Седой
Humpty and you imagine, there you sit in the evening at home, watching TV, not bothering anyone and suddenly the war in her home flies a couple of missiles just to the bedroom where his children sleep.
Consider a person responsible for their fate and even more so for the fate of the country is silly. Remember the first conversation with Woland atheists. Man is mortal and sometimes sudden death, to consider him responsible for their fate unfair. The beauty of religions and those who are passionate about it that they have the power to which such liability is imposed, one can believe or not believe to love or hate, but it removes a huge burden from the person. This awareness of their own mortality and what is called destiny.

The person is not guilty that he is stupid, he lives a little and his time is limited. That he was weak and vulnerable to disease and aging.
Man is not to blame, that human society is so arranged that always one part of the population to strive to dominate and rule over others and will do anything for it. He does not choose social orders, he was just born lives and dies. And so the same person can't change this set, as not enough time and knowledge.

Re: Orgone generator with their hands (The Succor Punch, SP)

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2016 20:34
by Алексей Швец
Шалтай Балтай wrote:IMHO, those thought forms that you are putting on torsions will only work if they are consistent with the will of Your "Highest I". Violence over the universe, on themselves, no good will not result.
Every nation zasluzhyvaet of the government, which has.
And so, to each his own.
For example, I don't know and don't want to know (and do not tell me their systems, I don't give (I wanted to say free) personal consultations :) ) what the utilities, the stores, the Treasury, the people, the science... well, etc.
I have already given a parable about flies and bees, decide who you are
good luck
Here I was expecting a similar thought viruses.
They say people deserve as lives.Get drunk and everything. Inflation. Yes, the prices are growing every day. And salaries every five years raise. But their quick to react.Well, firstly there are millionaires who thump on black.Well, maybe not black,but thumps also. It is a fact. Apparently depression.Mirror neurons and so forth. And may not this thing.
Well, excuse me if I got everything but money. So why not give.
Here I will give an analogy. When an electron gets extra energy,it turns out from its orbit on the wider. Here is how this drunk electron will pull out.Ring of Slimane?But if he's hungry,too? I certainly have nothing against ways to increase your emotional state,well, there are all sorts of cleaning procedures of your body field. But sometimes you need something perialnie.
Came worked-threw.
If labour full paragraph?How people will clean up,if not nachto.He buys organic from Humpty?)

Re: Orgone generator with their hands (The Succor Punch, SP)

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2016 21:00
by Шалтай Балтай
I understand you
I'm not from India came not from Mars fell
all of us were raised
I had great difficulty (and worth it) all this stuff to videhot ... what did it get me?
I became freer
and don't ask what thoughtforms to write - I know for sure
and science does not interest me, it is a complex school, the need for external evaluation: "Auntie teacher, I did the job", "well done, good boy, the five of you"
this is just complexes, Masturbation to the feeling of self-importance based on self-pity
they can be a lifetime to mastrubirovat, but you can just stop doing it
to be free, a choice everyone makes for himself
bees or flies?

Re: Orgone generator with their hands (The Succor Punch, SP)

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2016 21:01
by Алексей Швец
And you also want the environment to get also some feedback from organico?
Or okay,enough of orgonite?

Re: Orgone generator with their hands (The Succor Punch, SP)

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2016 2:10
by сршошлщаа

Re: Orgone generator with their hands (The Succor Punch, SP)

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2016 14:06
by Шалтай Балтай
сршошлщаа wrote:Who reads -
Your opinion?
the idea of using orgonite as a means of neutralizing the EMF is attributed to the new - not possible
in the West it's called gifting
apparently the one about the scientific article that you gave one (of many dozens) of attempts to "Entuziastov" to commercialize the idea

good luck

Re: Orgone generator with their hands (The Succor Punch, SP)

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2016 1:39
by Юпитер
сршошлщаа wrote:Who reads -
Your opinion?

real measurement devices and accurate calculations are always interesting, if that still turn up from the bourgeoisie lay.
here detail not a lot . the rating is basically little/lot , soft/terrible , useless/will Golovatiuc. broadband :)