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Re: the New Hub of bioenergy and amplifier of thought forms

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2016 17:59
by Сергей Ивлев
A number of bad habits can be cured by balancing the HORMONAL REGULATION.
Any activity or condition from which we get genuine joy and delight, provokes powerful increased the hormone dopamine in the blood. Which in turn, makes our brain to remember the source of this joy, and after a while, "ask to repeat". So in our life Hobbies, habits, favourite places, I love food.
The status of "hormone of happiness and pleasure" hormone dopamine is bound to its main purpose and quality: it generates a person sense of pleasure and desire for re-acquiring the same pleasure (whether it's sex, some food, alcohol or drugs, Smoking, computer games, chess, crosswords, cards, gambling, etc.).
Actually, thanks to the production of the hormone dopamine and is the process of "placing", addiction to a particular food or alcohol, Smoking, and so on.
Neither the doctors nor the psychics are not engaged in the regulation of the System to produce All Hormones man.
"Invigorating" effect of nicotine is provided by the release into the blood of adrenaline and noradrenaline. On average only about 7 seconds after inhalation of tobacco smoke, to nicotine reached the brain. Thus there is a short acceleration of heartbeat, increase in blood pressure, rapid breathing and improve the blood supply of the brain. Accompanying this is the release of dopamine helps to perpetuate nicotine addiction.

I developed Information Modules against bad habits. Looking for who is willing to test them myself. Will send by mail.
While the emphasis on Smoking and alcohol as more simple.

Re: the New Hub of bioenergy and amplifier of thought forms

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2016 18:01
by Сергей Ивлев
Personally, I'm afraid to touch computer games and chess for 10 years. Hold on!

Re: the New Hub of bioenergy and amplifier of thought forms

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2016 20:45
by Овод
Сергей Ивлев wrote:I have developed Information Modules against bad habits. Looking for who is willing to test them myself. Will send by mail.
While the emphasis on Smoking and alcohol as more simple.
And if a person has immunity to all types of zombies that will come of it or your method is built on information and intimidation effect of auto-suggestion?

Re: the New Hub of bioenergy and amplifier of thought forms

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2016 20:50
by Овод
Сергей Ивлев wrote:Personally I'm afraid to touch computer games and chess for 10 years. Hold on!
And chess you than did not please? In my opinion chess is a very good educational game,and the money in them is usually almost no one plays...

Re: the New Hub of bioenergy and amplifier of thought forms

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2016 21:58
by Сергей Ивлев
Why such terrible questions? It is above all the time was about the information modules. Where did you see the modules in which the man himself zombiruet? Yes, on the subject of getting rid of Smoking?
The module contains thousands of photos of the tools and procedures against Smoking or alcohol, hormones, pictures of people successfully quitting Smoking or drinking, especially with willpower or meditation (as I quit Smoking), the means of increasing the strength of will and mind, self-hypnosis, expanding the aura, clearing aura from astral parasites, photo of healers that have healed many from quiet habits, and a lot of Know-how.
To be hated and can not be wrong
Later block photo "charged" with positive information of cigarettes or alcohol, which after consumption are reduced, the need
Why is it that you CONDEMN, if someone finished to get rid of chess, and takes way too long to the DETRIMENT of thousands of other more important cases?

Re: the New Hub of bioenergy and amplifier of thought forms

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2016 22:08
by Сергей Ивлев
Talking about how to teach the body to work out at the right time hormones:
adrenaline, non-adrenaline, ENDORPHINS AND ENKEPHALINS, DOPAMINE dopamine, AMPHETAMINE, seratonin, ENDOGENOUS CANNABINOID and others.

Re: the New Hub of bioenergy and amplifier of thought forms

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2016 22:10
by Сергей Ивлев
I think I need another drink photo full of such "Information Pills"

Re: the New Hub of bioenergy and amplifier of thought forms

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2016 22:13
by Сергей Ивлев
And most importantly upravlyaemye cigarettes (or alcohol) needs three days to be irradiated by the bioenergy Module.

Re: the New Hub of bioenergy and amplifier of thought forms

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2016 1:15
by Овод
Сергей Ивлев wrote:Why such horrible questions? It is above all the time was about the information modules. Where did you see the modules in which the man himself zombiruet? Yes, on the subject of getting rid of Smoking?
Yes, everywhere is full of such...for Example the same Allen Carr in their video programs the minds of smokers,instilling in them a complex of inferiority and guilt.
the Module contains thousands of photos of the tools and procedures against Smoking or alcohol, hormones, pictures of people successfully quitting Smoking or drinking, especially with willpower or meditation (as I quit Smoking), the means of increasing the strength of will and mind, self-hypnosis, expanding the aura, clearing aura from astral parasites, photo of healers that have healed many from quiet habits, and a lot of Know-how.
This is only suitable for infirm people that want to give up some habits,but they do not have their own willpower,but there are those for whom the decision to drink or not to smoke is a habit,and soznaniem choice. For clarity, here is my example,I smoke for 20 years and during this time I have several times quit Smoking and then again after some time started Smoking,and usually began Smoking after I was nicotine dependence(there were other reasons). And now sitting in the apartment every day I smoke a pack of cigarettes,but when I leave for a week in the woods in the woods I need just one pack a week. So sobstvenno question:do I have nicotine zavisimoti or the reason I was Smoking something else? Personally, I believe that the reason is something else. Can I independently to quit Smoking? Yes,easily! Another thing is if I want to quit Smoking? Here vryatli,because there is no motivation to it+itself is non-Smoking part of the benefits. And after all, what is most interesting,such Pisa and smokers like me great variety and I haven't heard that kind of meditation or something similar as it would affect them.<

Re: the New Hub of bioenergy and amplifier of thought forms

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2016 1:28
by Овод
Сергей Ивлев wrote:Talking about how to teach the body to work out at the right time hormones:
adrenaline, non-adrenaline, ENDORPHINS AND ENKEPHALINS, DOPAMINE dopamine, AMPHETAMINE, seratonin, ENDOGENOUS CANNABINOID and others.
I don't even know which group I substances is not enough. Smoking I do not even feel increase serotonin and the production of other substances and even more so,and thrust to go for a smoke I have as such no,but when I smoke I somehow so much better I think. Do you happen to know what the substances in this case can vyrabatyvaetsya?

Re: the New Hub of bioenergy and amplifier of thought forms

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2016 13:19
Овод wrote: do You happen to know what the substances in this case can vyrabatyvaetsya?
Well, who knows what else they except tobacco and poisons to shove? What can drug addictive substances. And you talk about strength of will, of intent....Human sat on a needle coke, and in a moment went to the barn , on the outskirts , took a sweatshirt , blanket and 3 days there pretracheal. Twisted , shaken up and 20 years never used. 20 years almost caught up with another from another relationship.

Re: the New Hub of bioenergy and amplifier of thought forms

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2016 16:56
Сергей Ивлев wrote: Dry. Then impregnate the activated "sanctified" information and inflated with water (modules I will soon lay out in the soft free version for some experimenters personal mail)
Combine hub type of Altar. Not the center hole and the axis of the firing Ergonom. Put on spikes, cones, doing short Bioenergetic Laser and Gun and shoot.... Terrorists? YOKE? Stole your stuff?... No, switchboard devices and Access Points
the type of Altar? don't understand. but if you send me instructions I will try to implement them.

Re: the New Hub of bioenergy and amplifier of thought forms

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2016 23:47
by Лоцман
As for me,these toys lead to emotional and mental exhaustion.))

Re: the New Hub of bioenergy and amplifier of thought forms

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2016 0:08
ЗОМБ wrote:Sergey Ivlev wrote(a): Dry. Then impregnate the activated "sanctified" information and inflated with water (modules I will soon lay out in the soft free version for some experimenters personal mail) Combine hub type of Altar. Not the center hole and the axis of the firing Ergonom. Put on spikes, cones, doing short Bioenergetic Laser and Gun and shoot.... Terrorists? YOKE? Stole your stuff?... No, switchboard devices and Points of Dostupatsya the Altar? don't understand. but if you send me instructions I will try to implement them.
Лоцман wrote:As for me,these toys lead to emotional and mental exhaustion.))
About the exhaustion, it depends on how you do them in or out.Here, geometry is important and spin and turn from yourself or to yourself. The whole of the case. Need to know what and how does the geometry itself of bodies and spaces.
I then sent links to, asked where on the forum you can attach ? Interesting . I watched and talked with other regressogram, he Igor., but to get in their skin to experience has not turned out, circumstances did not allow. But there is more to these references and others there is certainly a lot of interesting , but probably not for this topic . And look for the grain there from many sessions will have to. But you can learn a lot.
And these links , if you still do not spit in the first minute and quit viewing something interesting under regressive hypnosis refers to the Earth , the moon, but the most important thing about communication in between previously and is now broken. And just about Altars, and about the teleporters and about are the chandeliers in the churches and about the device, it would be interesting to hear more, which in the heart is the Altar. But I was not allowed there. I just about remember the last of the men's life, what is it and how does this heavenly tegrat-teleport.

Strongly agree with the ways of looting the Land that Valeriy Kondratyev in the films "Mine" and "In the footsteps of the founders" have described. And about the energy grids of the Earth like the one that Crystal mentioned.


Re: the New Hub of bioenergy and amplifier of thought forms

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2016 3:04
by СтаниФилмТВ

Re: the New Hub of bioenergy and amplifier of thought forms

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2016 11:11
ЛИЛИЯ-Р wrote: About the exhaustion, it depends on how you do them in or out.Here, geometry is important and spin and turn from yourself or to yourself. The whole of the case. Need to know what and how does the geometry itself of bodies and spaces.
good point. By the way, you sent me PM or not?
can't read it :( if you information related to this please send. I'm a mad scientist, always looking for new (or old) knowledge :)
good point. btw did you sent me a pm or not? can't read it :( if there was any information related to this please resend. i am a mad scientist, always looking for new (or old) knowledge :)

Re: the New Hub of bioenergy and amplifier of thought forms

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2016 11:45
by Овод
ЛИЛИЯ-Р wrote:
Овод wrote: do You happen to know what the substances in this case can vyrabatyvaetsya?
Well, who knows what else they except tobacco and poisons to shove?
But that's not say... to Know the exact chemical makeup of any product is easier than you think. I remember someone earlier it is had been doing research into and lecturing full chemical composition of several brands of cigarettes. In addition to tobacco in commercial cigarettes contain the same, and other components. The number of additional components typically constitute from 30 to 50,in rare cases, some components may be more than 50,and that the braid minium even in the cheapest cigarettes it is a minimum of 20 additional components. In this regard, for all cigarettes there is a single rule-the more expensive cigarettes are the less percentage of tobacco they contain. Among the additional component contains vitamins,bark and leaves of trees,asonye fruits,petroleum products,substances that stimulate and suppress different receptors nevriye system and much more. However, all these substances are contained in the micro-and alone, yet none of these substances are not able to have any impact on the body,but in the compartment in the process of melting these substances interact with each other,resulting in a theoretically possible mutual reinforcement of these substances,and it is quite possible that during their interaction they are partially mutate and form a new substance that is a single of the components of cigarette principle can not contain. If this theory is correct it explains many of the "super natural" effects are quite normal products(in this instance, the case of cigarettes),but if it doesn't then it turns out that we just akorim some property and set that property to some object,product or artifact(underline). Here I actually want to understand the example of cigarettes,do we not assign to themselves the properties of different objects animate and inanimate nature? Because if so then it turns out that we can prescribe the best for you the laws of the universe and only after our consent to these laws, they will take effect.<

Re: the New Hub of bioenergy and amplifier of thought forms

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2016 12:34
ЗОМБ wrote:good point. By the way, you sent me PM or not? good point. btw did you sent me a pm or not? can't read it

PM ????What is this?????? Your my not understand)))) Patamushta tozha sumasshedshij ......)))

PM ?????ol SS tsess the Emesa ne?

And so poorly??? :wink:

Re: the New Hub of bioenergy and amplifier of thought forms

Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2016 11:58
by Сергей Ивлев
Feel a deep guilt for the spraying of the topic, which is partly moved here viewtopic.php?f=32&t=6309
Have projects to launch about 20 kinds of hub of bioenergy. Looking for partners and contributors. Thanks to this forum found followers.
It's time to live on one salary from one hub! Writing a book on this topic. A number of know-how handed out to good people.
Helped Trump to win elections by expanding his aura and Channel the hub, virtual.

Re: the New Hub of bioenergy and amplifier of thought forms

Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2016 12:11
by мимоходом
Trump has Helped to win elections by expanding his aura and Channel the hub, virtual.
it's great! Maybe raise the retirement pensioners twice?

Re: the New Hub of bioenergy and amplifier of thought forms

Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2016 13:23
by Сергей Ивлев
On the eve of the adoption of important laws virtual can improve the aura of the building of the State Duma of the Russian Federation , no problem. The main thing I want to teach others.
In a given region is ready to order local authorities to reduce crime, disease, accidents, to prevent terrorist attacks, riots, reduce aggression between people by sharing a positive aura through the electrical system to improve the vibration area.

Currently doing experiments reducing the smell of gasoline bio right in the tank. Because vegetable oil is brilliantly enhances the flavor. It will save 30%.

Re: the New Hub of bioenergy and amplifier of thought forms

Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2016 13:35
by мимоходом
amazing )))

Re: the New Hub of bioenergy and amplifier of thought forms

Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2016 14:16
by Зозерхат
Сергей Ивлев wrote:Because vegetable oil brilliantly enhances the flavor. It will save 30%.
The taste of gasoline? :shock: But "brilliant" is like? With a metallic luster or dull, with a reddish tinge?
By the way, will save 30% of gasoline or oil? By improving the taste?! :shock:

Just brilliant! Have You tried Your project to place on Kickstarter'e? I think that it is very easy to find investors from abroad. Alas, such brilliant and hardworking people like You don't understand in their homeland.

Re: the New Hub of bioenergy and amplifier of thought forms

Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2016 14:33
by Сергей Ивлев
Saving gasoline. All hydrocarbons are changing. To compare the heat from two lighters.
Brilliantly improving the taste of any oil, mayonnaise, fats.
Declustering is liquids, spices and Cologne enhance the flavor.
Boiled water on the stove with activated concentrates soaked in charcoal activated water has a taste even melt snow water. And the like without the smoke. Necessary to carefully check.
with any internal combustion engine car for a couple of hours to completely change the taste of any liquids (pulse waves are coming) as an example

In order to revive this topic and get rid slevotra beneath
Take the seeds a long with asymmetrical ends, lined up in pairs towards the same ends to each other. Wrap in foil paper, twist... at least 30 pairs of seeds. For example, acorns, pumpkin seeds, ears. Small seeds attach to the tape.
Materials of the future book. Can reveal the secrets of their manufacture, only those hubs that are impossible to produce as commodities. Because he intends to organize their production with partners. Interested in expanding experiments with different materials. Please when you publish effects refer to my posts!
Use - the treatment, changing the taste of food, improve the aura of premises (place it near any antenna!), activation electric stoves, microwave ovens, etc.

Take a wire, coated with old jam or paste double-sided tape. It is rotated, rolled sticky cobwebs together with dust and even eaten with flies TC wings and chitin is very "of Bionicle". The top is then tightly wrapped with tape.
Scored at least two metres of Cord, folded in half and then make him a different spirals and shapes.

Glue the wing to the tape and on top of him symmetrical wing, but upside down. Next stick a couple in a row asymmetrically. When you have the Cord at least two feet, fold in half and twist of the helix.

Towards each other pairs of cones in a row hang garlands or spiral cones
Around a tree trunk at the bottom of the activating Spiral tie-Cords. Above the tie in the opposite twist.

Every spool of thread there, the wire if has two poles – at one end of the pipe, the gap between the winding she "shoots" with bio energy, the other sucks. If the front of your face the coil is wound counter-clockwise, then up it will radiate, and the bottom to slow down and absorb.
So, take a long thick aluminum wire and string all coils of the same poles to each other. Not less than 2 meters, then connect the circle, the semi-concentric spirals. . A circle is better to hang at the center of the polar radiation. Get effects – write what.<

Re: the New Hub of bioenergy and amplifier of thought forms

Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2016 14:52
by Зозерхат
Сергей Ивлев wrote:Saving fuel.
Saving fuel is confirmed only by laboratory experiments. Is measured while working on test engines during the combustion of a certain amount of fuel. Measured?