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Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 17:38
by Тапка
ECCO - for the scheme that I posted??? Or??? Are you going to do ECCO???

I am now in another city - no soldering no parts of netss.

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 23:07
by Николай3003
Good evening to all gentlemen!!! A while ago you were not. How are you ?

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 6:56
by Экко
ECCO - for the scheme that I posted??? Or??? Are you going to do ECCO???
in its

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 7:44
by Седой

I read In healthy skin - healthy hearing
Especially about the detector in the tooth the American very much.
in the morning, eat my diploma and 20 years of experience in designing of electronics will hand over to the sellers the certificates and forms in the Moscow metro. Sell in parts.
Closed its manufacturing company high-precision sound-reproducing equipment. And the world will go on.

In the first band of many normal headphones inserted into the ear, rather high and 40kHz will master, walk with the sticky tape on the ear by the piezoelectric element is not necessary.

Hold the earphone on the body with different kinds of signals in order to check up on what and how affects to do, it is better to read about it at Nyman or Schops. And it is better for one and Newel.

Brain is not detected is not AM not FM fluctuations, and also the body. But a hearing aid in combination with the fact that the box is able to distinguish phase shifts quite accurately, this principle is vparivanie people 8 speakers instead of a pair of quality Yes not distort the sound.
As well as the difference in signal level between the left and right ears.

That is, if you want to make sense of the sound focus in the center of the head, by the way this is exactly is low quality of headphones. The sound is focused in the center of the head and not felt as something coming from outside. However, since itch you to do this. To conduct an experiment on yourself.

Although I am absolutely sure that there is no tangible effect will be and the only thing that generally will depend on the effect that the original audio material, rather than methods of its processing, modulation, and so on.
The only tangible effect is a metallic overtone to the sound of songs and a couple of books that you'll read compulsively in order to create your miracle device.
This undoubtedly will benefit.

Secondly, if anything, it just find the network programme for the sound processing Audasity or something like that, promotoria in your favorite audio program material built-in function Amplitude modulator.
And sound card and more or less decent headphones allow.

Listen, the obtained juice, then read about the sampling rate why was beginning to 44 then 48 then 96 and Shas do 192 KHz. And why these stupid engineers decided to raise the sampling frequency in Central Asia the transformation with the development of electronics. And your obsession will pass without any harm to your pocket and ears, and you pomnite and you won't bite on all psychotronic-man-sensational.

Or other method, arrange to bypass the digital filter in the CD player a little older now there's a chip on all.
All in a heap. And to hear the result of sound, just the distortion with carrier 44 or 48 KHz.

Thank God at least this game is not life-threatening. As games with the torsion generators of the left vortex.

And everything that does not kill us makes us stronger.

Good luck with the experiments. Take care of the ears.<

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 10:20
by Андрей Патрушев
"Heard a ring, Yes did not understand where he is..." :?

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 17:24
by Тапка
Mdeee...Opinions neurophone contradictory .

For example - recently, in Ah I was the man , says what he did on it is a fake .

Without high voltage it is impossible to achieve the effect of neurophone , says I worked with a hearing aid on the principle of neurophone . Personally I'm not interested supati in the discussions on the topic - detects whether the brain world Cup AM the vibrations as the skin can hear, and the like .

Need not to speculate and to EXPERIMENT with high voltage, without it, with modulation and depth , with patikami ( and maybe you can piezoelectic which is not in contact with the skin to deliver ??? XS) , we and 200 kHz and 40 and hopping Nada))).

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 17:25
by Седой
Ringing in the ears, in the ears. Only he modulated ultrasound and seen only subconsciously, this is not audible. But the result of zombies in the face.

Interestingly the ethics Committee at the Ministry of health knows about this device?
But his Creator knows that the contact was irradiated with ultrasonic to your 5 extremities, i.e. head, fraught with mini-strokes. Well, if you irradiate just the other extremity it would be mikrogematomy, which can cause cancer.
But such devices are unfortunately created and are still created and sold and promoted despite the warnings of the Ministry of health, and all the doctors that one should not engage in self harassing.

NUU people want what to do. Masochism is welcome if only income brought.

A method of Frequency modulation and spectrum shift slightly higher sound, it is really possible to enter information into the subconscious. Such experiments have begun in the concentration camps yet. But in developed countries has ceased to carry out experiments on the population, at least legally.

Well, the network of volunteers recruited is not difficult, at least for a test of the effects of Polonium on the body, though if properly apply, the volunteers themselves are bound to get a Yes for their own tools to poison themselves and describe the effects on the forums.

at 490 mahagenco there is a window in which the conductivity of the skull is reduced. Promobladnannya frequency sound signal of high power is perceived in the subconscious, and the person may even repeat word for word dictated to him this way message.
Americans have practiced it.
And the performance is good more than 70 percent.

Just the method has a side effect, the brain dries from RF radiation.

This ceased to advertise the experiments, but in Russia everything is possible, though with impunity.

So waiting for the next device for people already on UHF...

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 17:34
by Тапка
Gray - go to any website on psychoterror , they have there MM and evil, and frequency and binaural beats ( as so they say is the same frequency of the heart AAAA of mamaaaaa - nissaya ostanovitsya!!!).

Foil wall screen,caps foil mold ( Schaub VOICES did not penetrate))).

Shaking like rabbits - their laser-Blaster is irradiated , the satellite for their zombie run .

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 17:46
by Андрей Патрушев
Седой wrote:And his Creator knows that the contact was irradiated with ultrasonic to your 5 extremities, i.e. head, fraught with mini-strokes. Well, if you irradiate just the other extremity it would be mikrogematomy, which can cause cancer.
I wonder if You know that there are sanitary norms of power within which such effects are not observed? :wink:
"at 490 mahagenco there is a window" not mega and Giga. :?

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 19:00
by Седой
And you know that people here took up the matchlock, and have no idea about those themselves sanitary standards?

And the only hope is that they will not succeed.

But who knows collected the student x-ray machine at his house and put his hand. Lucky for him, that is not the head, with an amputated head harder to live.

The network is full of recipes, how to make a kitty or HMTD in the home, but who is responsible for the crippled ? Someone. For recommendations full. Saubi do not prepare more than 2 to 3 grams. Dangerous.
And instructions as we know are written in order to neglect them, for it frees from all responsibility.

And devices for irradiating the ultrasound experimental was carried out in the USSR. and the generator remember was GU-29 And USSR Ministry of health not so much now, help lipie was not given. All that to say within the limits of sanitary norms. Well, after 5 years of intensive samokonasana accumulated statistics on the growth oncologists, according to this, both the Soviets made was peacefully quiet with no fanfare withdrew the device from sale.
The device was similar to Nickel-plated shower, with only a fork and a box generator.

Is essential the time of exposure,and people in a hurry always wanting more.

What happens in an ultrasonic bath can be read. Enough to Google.
Imagine that the same thing will occur in the soft tissues of the brain. But compliance with sanitary norms at facilities a little slower. Liquefaction of soft tissues slowly but surely and guaranteed.

You can sell the grenade to a monkey, with very clear instructions on how to use it and when, but the number of victims will not fall.

Tell me, honestly, would you let your children use this device, knowing that it is likely to hurt them, even by accident and inability.

No just on the Megahertz and not Gigahertz window. in 70 - 80 years of the 490 GHz only science fiction writers dreamed of, and now, by the way, too. And UHF naeksperimentirovalis.

Before we read the books and the Americans wrote the book on the recorder then the sound modulated high frequency oscillations the city all sorts of crap, so that the information imprinted in the brain, spending a time, funds health. But would not read. And remain stupid.
And now the Americans are the most reading nation and we are trying to do something that has long been out of fashion.

Andrew you're an educated man, could use their knowledge and experience to create something more safe.

Remember the Hippocratic oath.

Sneaker so after all better safe and sorry.<

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 19:20
by Тапка
We're not going to put the emitter ULTRASONIC bath on the head!!!!

Yes , I confess -we took up the matchlock))) Inquisitive, we are here))

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 20:20
by Экко
Well, all the same, you need to determine the parameters of AM modulation on the ultrasound? if Yes, what frequency? or something else? Determined to do what is necessary
if high voltage, it is also not the problem, do the same automobilovy arc of the Tesla coil.
Experience with HV already have some

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 20:30
by Тапка
EKKO - I think as long as no high voltage , Yes ,AM modulation on the ultrasound (well, if the modulation depth can be adjusted).

Frequency - adjustable ( well, the generator is conventional adjustable to collect Mona) , cuz there infa about 40 kHz to 50 kHz and about 200 kHz modulation.

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 20:31
by Николай3003
but the question says Monsieur Sneaker to try to do both
there was high voltage in the first neurophone

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 20:34
by Николай3003
but what about the criticism of Mr. Gray. Critics as dogs are not cut but some good advice so crap though that diplomas and work experience well, not like you ultrasound well push the idea of a principle end result I think is clear. Yes, even the same echofon to improve so to speak, why not upgrade the idea pretty interesting, and the extra brain never stopped.

Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 0:18
by Андрей Патрушев
Don't like to argue - it is useless... :wink:


And mega is a UHF (every hospital has). :?
And 40kHz is almost audible range, and ultrasonic bath at other frequencies working. Ultrasound ultrasound strife... Trees, for example, also generate ultrasound to drive kapilyaram water...

Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 1:31
by Тапка
Андрей Патрушев wrote: Don't like to argue - it is useless... :wink:
I already frantic start !!!!))) Better do not argue .

Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 3:27
by Тапка ... php?id=794 The pattern generator on a specialized chip , well, not maracide with generators.

Can ultrasonic carrier and sine and rectangle to provide it .

Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 7:39
by Экко
note: for the modulation carrier must be at least 2 times more of the signal.[/img]

Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 7:40
by Экко
the Pattern generator specialized chip , well, not maracide with generators.
Sha for mykruha that is this? I'm so **555 accustomed
the bad thing is that it may not be available

Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 15:02
by Тапка
EKKO - well, let it be on 555 timer ,does not matter.

XR2206 is just microa to build a variety of generators - I have it for the sake of interest brought .

And modulation - we like this about and goes)))

Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 19:10
by Экко
modulator one transistor is being planned? it should then calculate the correct operating point. I have a scheme, but there are a lot of details

Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 19:32
by Тапка
ECCO - if your scheme is a lot of detail then we can the one that gave me sausages ??? .

but the current bearing variable Nada to do ( TRANS postaviti???) so the scheme is not half worked.

Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 19:33
by Экко
she the

Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 19:35
by Экко
as I remember from electronics, the modulator is usually a single transistor. but such schemes are not only found included in the scheme, for example the transmitter