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Тема1 seminars, FREE introductory part.

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2017 3:24
by Михаил_
Attention. Free темы1 part of the seminar will be on January 21 and 22 in the time interval 21po 00 hours Moscow time every day. 20th January 21time will be checking in. Until that time, all registered on
will be sent instructions for entering the space of the web meeting.

To PAY for 1 subject at this stage is NOT NECESSARY!!!
the work will be completely free.
If You do not receive by Wednesday, 18th January, instructions for entrance into the Seminary space, it means that the leader (not me) on its own initiative decided to prevent You to a seminar and is not subject at this stage any discussion. Required interviews and/or immersion before the topic 1-2 pass is not necessary, but the master has the right of personal failure to configure name-emall. Also, the facilitator may request personal correspondence additional information about You. Thank you for understanding.

PS will be paid the second part of the first theme, time which is not appointed yet. To participate in it or not You can decide after attending free part.

Re: тема1 Seminars, FREE introductory part.

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2017 6:42
by Михаил_
Changed basic description of the 1st topic on the website that corresponds to the current situation ( with a free introductory/first/self-sufficient/introductory part). I hope the old description text about the payment no one is scared. Pay only for those who wish to continue 1st theme.

Re: тема1 Seminars, FREE introductory part.

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2017 17:34
by rel
You can perceive this introductory part, given the fact that
Part 2 (continuation of pay) yet I will not pull for the money?

Re: тема1 Seminars, FREE introductory part.

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2017 23:50
by Михаил_
Yes, of course, the introductory part is a self - contained material. At the same time it will be given General information on the topics 2 to 4 and that will continue on темы1. How this is all connected with each other, with our world and with us. And why and how it helps in everyday life.
But without the second part of the 1st theme is already a working tool that can be used for the benefit of themselves and others. And most importantly is very simple to master.

Re: тема1 Seminars, FREE introductory part.

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2017 23:51
by Михаил_
Because video reviews have seen I think not all will publish the links again
Thailand 2015

Re: тема1 Seminars, FREE introductory part.

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2017 22:14
by Михаил_
Oh, I forgot to specify that where a number of 15th we'll stop the recording on the theme 1(free 1yu part thereof), as with all conceptual though, and taking the interviews, but the analysis of the participants on a number of parameters held to be the leading (and if I have a minute, maybe me).

Re: тема1 Seminars, FREE introductory part.

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2017 23:49
by Кона
Tell me, who will be leading?

Re: тема1 Seminars, FREE introductory part.

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2017 0:30
by Михаил_
Кона wrote:Tell me, who will be leading?
Leading is a leading :) (not me) :)
Hmm... hee.... what ? it is fundamentally ? well, just, like, pretty obvious that I'm sooooo sensitive about such issues. I am on all the seminars sounded full direct a solution as anyone to disseminate this information, but with the understanding of RESPONSIBILITY for those who You'll get will be changed such practices, and if they don't get help it could be traumatic for them.
Leading (or leading) will be the operators of the dive. Some of. Perhaps I too will be partially present, but I will not lead. Want to this process (reading the topic 1) was Autonomous and that information could and without my direct participation to reach people. If you are constantly sick in the inability to delegate it to someone, then it will slip. And the information people need, and for that she hid so hard.

In other words, what I call leading, nothing will change, because the representation about the person named may not be complete or may not be. I have it once I delegate reading of important information and practices on it.

All this time, actually the first topic will be given more time than usual, so it is divided into two parts, the free (self-sufficient) and training with a large number of practices/practical study examined in a smaller group. To "free" it's a lot of people and practice in a number of people take much time or require work in several small groups in the hall. We spend within the free part of a number of basic practices. And a number of advanced (including what was in the joint practices of seminarians in recent months) will give to the paid part is for those who results free the introductory part wants to continue. However, a common basis and understanding to get everything. Will also be given a basic understanding of all other seminar topics (why/what you give, etc.).<

Re: тема1 Seminars, FREE introductory part.

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2017 14:42
by Михаил_
A little more video reviews but with a different "reading" of topics 1-4.
I want to emphasize that the reviews were written after listening to all 4 themes....
Summer 2015, Moscow, 1-4 topics, elective topics 9 elementary (cleaning), shamanic mysteries.

the last video seems to have a short comment - Peter was referring to the fact that many practice this for homework and not under consideration at the seminar, everything that I had planned to give we have time course up to 1.5 hours remaining for further questions, in other words 9 days 6 hours of theory and practice and 8 shamanic mysteries.[/QUOTE]<

Re: тема1 Seminars, FREE introductory part.

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2017 22:23
by Михаил_
Wednesday's record close

Re: тема1 Seminars, FREE introductory part.

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2017 12:32
by Грифон
Good day! Today is Wednesday and there is no letter. Can you clarify what I really prevented the seminar?

Re: тема1 Seminars, FREE introductory part.

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2017 13:40
by Авов
I have the same issue.

Re: тема1 Seminars, FREE introductory part.

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2017 19:41
by Тимоша
Yeah, the same box blank.

Re: тема1 Seminars, FREE introductory part.

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2017 23:50
by Михаил_
Грифон wrote:Good day! Today is Wednesday and there is no letter. Can you clarify what I really prevented the seminar?
Please note what was written above - "20th January 21time will be checking in. Until that time, all registered on
will be sent instructions for entering the space of the web meeting.
And then - "Wednesday's record close"

These are two different messages. To ping all get instructions. I think they will be sent today to my Nocera, as though I'm not, but access rights for the new event will probably have to register. For the record, I have now 15 minutes past 11 am, not 10 PM and I basically just got up and the evening will be busy working routine.
Nobody was going in Wednesday to send all messages. On Wednesday I promised to close the record. Why before the beginning of the seminar? because the presenter will review the list on the tolerances.
The good news is it has already happened.
The second good news, made all applicants (just got off the phone with a man).
In the case of trolling and other jokes, I warn you in advance that the technical means allow to ban comrades without problems.

PS the recording was stopped at this moment just now.
ZY2 thank you all for understanding.

Re: тема1 Seminars, FREE introductory part.

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2017 0:28
by Грифон
Michael_ thank you,that explained everything! Thank you very much :)

Re: тема1 Seminars, FREE introductory part.

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2017 7:07
by Михаил_
For the ping test, as I said, it's about half enrolled :)

Re: тема1 Seminars, FREE introductory part.

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2017 9:58
by rel
There may just be an unfortunate thing - I also almost missed/have missed, because only exactly 5 minutes before 21h. occurred to him to look again at the spam folder, and.. the letter was there) Although it was recommended to bring in address book 1 specific e-mail, which I did - and as if has calmed down (say, the spam can not check).. And it was.. Good thing You wrote that made all, otherwise I would have thought that filtered). Perhaps someone from that half, so here, not follow..

Re: тема1 Seminars, FREE introductory part.

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2017 10:16
by Михаил_
Well no, for a seminar (not a ping) came almost all, about 20% did not reach all, despite the fact that there were recorded and a lot of repeaters, for a group practice with a large number of people and awesome useful "pumping". I really didn't listen entirely what is happening there, gone for, but in General was almost all they wanted. If anyone has not got, it really.... I think such events will with some degree of regularity to pass, already with a smaller number of groups (the work will be easier, the effects are slightly weaker).

Re: тема1 Seminars, FREE introductory part.

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2017 12:34
by Михаил_
People, so. News topics a number of times again :) t/e free part of the first theme.
1) Due to the fact that there were MANY people, even the first practice ended. Therefore, the free portion will CONTINUE.
...27 January at 21 hours and will begin with responses to questions and explanations/practice the buffer zone.
It's Friday, that is because next weekend busy 789, and to cross threads do not want for a number of reasons.

2) the date of continuation of the topic-1 (the paid part) is not specified. Will be agreed with participants free themes and leading thinking in the area of the final part of the 27th number. With a large group, the total group on the paid part will be DIVIDED into a few subgroups because up TO 50 people we have the ability to support full-motion video to all participants, not deligero video mode every time. It is still very comfortable because the group sees itself as a whole (each each) because the moderator sees all. And say it's easy to start by just turning on the panel MIC. Saves time and provides rich feedback to the group. The actual large volume of the group is a bonus in practice 1 in terms of exchange of experience through non-verbal LM, but the downside is that the full video conferencing on so many people not working and if it worked then it is not real :)
The first part is entirely I'm not, but the paid part will be more long than free (I partially listened in the beginning and at the end of the first day).
Please don't miss 27E even those who are on a paid part isn't going to, the technique of "buffer" also used in PCs (the product) is important and necessary for everyone. Thank you.

PS by the Way I would be grateful if someone deems correct after these 2 days, after the 27th to write your opinion on the free part. I say this in a mild form, because I know that thing bilateral, and can attract external attention to the person who wrote. Topics 1-4 are always under a slight external pressure on the parties and sometimes on the leading. Because no wonder the entire theme of the LM erased from memory.<

Re: тема1 Seminars, FREE introductory part.

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2017 14:25
by rel
Despite the fact that in LM-Oh I was still "blind" (although feelings (and glimpses of the images) was still say, I still went back and forth with all)), familiarity with them is not passed without results.. since now I'm stronger than ever)) inspired to rebuild their videlco - at least, I'll start with the Lite versions of KS and KK + will regularly listen Vx tracks (attitude informed not so serious as you should..) well, even considering the number of measures) are also stronger understand the need Immersion because they feel that the lock is and most likely where I told in the chat (from the military theme). (I wrote "thanks for the tip", but in the N-th time is not in the box)) Thank you for the opportunity to participate!.. Friday, of course I will) thanks for that will be even given the practice of buffer and lolita for her present at the second visit her LM. :) Was glad to meet you all closer :) I wish you all yet-unseeing see and to pump in this thread! =)

Re: тема1 Seminars, FREE introductory part.

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2017 23:29
by Тимоша
Михаил_ wrote:People, so. News topics a number of times again :) t/e free part of the first theme.
1) Due to the fact that there were MANY people, even the first practice ended. Therefore, the free portion will CONTINUE.
...27 January at 21 hours and will begin with responses to questions and explanations/practice the buffer zone.
It's Friday, that is because next weekend busy 789, and to cross threads do not want for a number of reasons.
A link to the room will remain the same or there will be a new newsletter in a box?

Re: тема1 Seminars, FREE introductory part.

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2017 0:11
by Аиша
On the first day of practices on LM was very comfortable, a surge of strength and energy. At first I didn't believe in my "pictures" when entering the LM participants, but then began to resonate with the feedback in the chat and I relaxed...That's when everything began to turn easy better. The internal stress probably exerts strong pressure when you're trying to" see" , and it suddenly does not work))). Not all LM could go far, a few times threw with zoom. By the end of the first day did not want to stop , he went pumping, physically, the body was filled, compacted, in all parts of the body felt dense energy. Slept, dreamt about it all LM participants which went in a group. Can the brain something structured. In the morning, like your own skin, it was crisp and tender back muscles like stretched nicely, it seemed that the glow comes from the body. It is said the husband, far from my practices and do not believe in my" toys". After 2 days on the contrary I felt a bit tired, as if I was waving a sledgehammer at the same time engaged in intellectual work. To enter the LM was problematic, there was a lot of external interference , especially from home. Overall I am very pleased with this event and are grateful to all participants of the process. Today 2 times entered his LM, both times "pulled" by external circumstances, by the standards of the values of this world rather strong columnae structure. In General, they do not want me "strong" ))). I'll try to work with LM in the course of the week until the next workshop. Being in a LM of some of the participants I was just inspired, it would be necessary in your world to create). I apologize to lolita's for some" special" issues. Maybe Michael can clarify for me one caveat. Can I log in to LM left this world? Features and tricks of travel. There is a door seen from a hallway. And what if such a person is "asked" in my LM? I suppose that this could happen. Thank you in advance for your reply. If someone has a recording of the seminars, please share, because many times threw out, maybe missed something. ( Nika on the quantum magic).<

Re: тема1 Seminars, FREE introductory part.

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2017 0:33
by Аиша
Forgot to add... Today I suddenly "gave" 2 pigeons, ordinary grey pigeons. Such a life haven't happened yet. Surprise was accompanied by the words: "you see how much we love you" . About love in the ordinary sense of course we are not talking, but the General sense I understand it, a good response in the World. "Gifts" had to be released into the wild.

Re: тема1 Seminars, FREE introductory part.

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2017 11:52
by Тимоша
Was seen the anomaly, after the second day of the seminar. Emerged a friend after Hiking in the personal worlds. Located behind the right shoulder, like a man with wings, a humanoid form of dark color.
Upon contact, calls himself a warden. On the question of what you need, see said. Why are you looking at? That is not escaped.
What are you waiting for? Wait until the sun rises, soon all will know yourself. But not aggressive, just sits there and watches.
Maybe someone faced that comrade? Am I really so dangerous that to me the warden ushers, funny)

Re: тема1 Seminars, FREE introductory part.

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2017 14:34
by Аиша
Dear Lo, Michael! Please give me a recording of the seminar. Very often thrown out of zoom, not all heard. Interested in yesterday's practice .Thank you!