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Re: guide to the products, short description, purpose.

Posted: Sun Mar 23, 2014 18:00
by Михаил_
This aspect of the document over the existing not going.

Re: guide to the products, short description, purpose.

Posted: Sat Apr 12, 2014 13:51
by С. Альбатрос
Found a very useful "side effect" from the map "the normalization of female energy": fast and effective pain relief. Recently exacerbated chronic gastritis, especially at night suffer much, Wake up. At hand was a map, put on the stomach, the pain is instantly gone. Tested several times, works very quickly. Also used the modules right a pain, pill, recovery, works, too, but the map just instantly. Just amazing! :)

Re: guide to the products, short description, purpose.

Posted: Sat Apr 12, 2014 16:59
by Михаил_
Believe it is necessary to reflect on the causes of the disease....

Re: guide to the products, short description, purpose.

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2014 15:52
by Визард
Tell me please, can be included in the stream 2.5 and 2.6 at the same time ? You can tune in to a particular quality of necessity, or better not? constantly wear the bracelet 2.7

Re: guide to the products, short description, purpose.

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2014 17:42
by Андрей С.
You can enable can be configured.

Quick reference / point of entry / travel guide products

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2014 8:58
by Михаил_
Savage tribe lives outside of civilization perceive laser teleproektor from home theater for true magic illusions, at the same time, well-trained ancient methods but more effective than the modern methods of knowledge of the shaman, living in the wilderness, will readily recognize not only such a trifle to the level of principle and purpose, but more difficult achievement of our world — because it is able to access the essence of things, however, he is burdened not solvable for its level and experience problems.
What is perceived by modern man as unusual/ the sacred/ the highest (and for someone — delusional/impossible/cheating), in fact, is often just forgotten/removed/secret knowledge of structure and structure of the world, similar to physics/chemistry/science of the present, only more in depth and accurate.
And taking into account the creative component of the human operator or any other person, the Creator.

The modern world desperately needs Creators, who will take care of it, because the world is not ownerless, and the external "owners" and not the owners does hurt the thieving... I'm not a supporter of conspiracy theories. I practice and tend to check and recheck many times on personal experience. More important for me understanding the relevance of the processes of modernity. The fact that many of us used in life only intuitively as "I think/ I feel / predict" time to do work and many powerful tools. For those who are looking for this and written in this article.

The use of a line of products openlogic for people associated with significant socio-financial interactions (business/Finance/politics/art and so on).
A brief guide written in connection with the fact that the range of products has become large and complex, and their detailed description is buried in the depths of unstructured forum (which is done intentionally, as a measure of stimulating the best study of the topic). To begin the description will have a number of warnings and cautions that because it is better to draw your attention to possible risks in advance. This text is also suitable for most ordinary users, as structured "entry point", updated in relation to old versions of "guide to products" and the old explanatory video, since the range of products during this time has suffered a significant modification.

Disclaimer/ risk Warning. Description of the specific properties of the products, exactly like real feedback of their users, including the many cannot, and should not be construed as a guarantee that in all cases and with all operators (users) of the effects will be similar and similar. It should be understood that the discussed subject area is so comprehensive and complex interactions and effects that the similarity between them, though observable, but cannot be fully guaranteed in the EXTERNAL manifestations. Guaranteed that products always meet the stated properties, but the ultimate short-term effects of their use can sometimes be paradoxical and unexpected. So I recommend to rely heavily on their own intuition in choosing the optimal combination of products and not to misuse them "collectibles", many at once, does not always mean "good." I had to deal with statements of "give me what garantiruet such and such a particular end effects (for example effect on the situation in the right way), but this kind of action — not to me and not about my product. Why?

Because the main purpose of products Openmagic calculated on accelerated and increased the disclosure of their own human potential in those areas where he sleeps/ is destroyed and requires restoration/ not well developed / requires training and so on. I assume grounded and repeatedly confirmed the position that despite the many modern and esoteric sources, much of the person is not in a state of evolution-the development of abilities-growth, etc., and, on the contrary, due to the artificially created control factors strongly blunted/disabled/muted. In other words, many of our abilities and informational impact on the world and himself just severed not to mess with someone else's "monopoly". Not according to our status, but on the principle of "strong limit on light/air/water and education."

Thus the proposed product is regenerator/trainer (high intensity)/ PhraseBook-teacher and more in Odom or in multiple vials.
Proven real feedback on the forums, therefore I have consistently refused to expand the description of the product "paper", or other instructions and I recommend everyone to read the reviews of real people on the forum and my answers and explanations is a complex collective experience and cannot be replaced by a simple instruction. I understand the problem a large amount of forum topics, but it's worth the time spent.

This article focuses on the use of products in the field of business/Finance/associated region. This topic is close to me, including the fact that most really successful people from this area have already not sleeping and it is awakened and used , though sometimes not consciously abilities (which are actually quite normal and mundane abilities inherent in every person).
Their further awakening and development not only nice and proper, but necessary and just and to yourself and the world the process associated with the extension of the personal area of influence and responsibility. Such processes make our world beautiful/livable/sustainable to destructive factors inharmonious influences.

It should however be noted that efficiently and much kicking yourself in the use of powerful instruments and articles of my authorship in some way, you can temporarily distabilizirovat system "I-world", including the fact that many things dormant in us, our past interactions, potenzirovania in the experience successful or not successful, is able to stir inner "hornet's nest" and temporarily create some of life's chatter.
This is not at all, but then again, many in varying degrees, passed through similar, and that's fine. By the way it is for this reason I recommend a good psychologist as a regular practice.

It should also be noted several additional important things about which too it is necessary to warn/know in advance.

0. (programmers and wizards sometimes have a habit of starting counting from zero is a good number) Important warning trebuie complete understanding — all my products are "sharpened" under the harmonious interaction of the operator-the world, even in cases when the operator tends to bend under themselves the reality. A rating no one does and no system of "protection against the fool" - no. But the essence of the products is that is not harmonious options (not harmonious with distant goals or bad way to achieve short-term goals) will be to slip or to create a learning situation. It's impossible to get around — you can try, only adding to the number of "rake".
Above said does not exclude the ability to bend reality in many different ways — just think about the world as his home, for which are responsible.

1. In connection with the specific directions I do not take the position of "Kommersant" in relation to their products. Most of the products have no commercial counterparts, the effectiveness of which is not much lower than or comparable to commercial products. Many good people have successfully made them their own and very successfully used. Bonuses from the commercial versions is certainly there, but I never impose them, always try to give alternative. In this document, alternatives are also mentioned with brief references. Why I mention more about this? The topic is quite specific and in modern society where a lot of manipulation on voluntary choice and people's minds do not work the ancient "Guild" rules related to the adequacy of the exchange services/artifact on their equivalent of paying for the work of the author, but I have tried to create at the same time healthy to the understanding that my goal is not to increase financial flows in the address, and the improvement of the world in which I live, the financial part of the election (including free alternatives) is not imposed and voluntary. In addition I have tried to give alternatives to those who for one reason or another is unable to buy something at the moment. Although the existence of the opportunity to buy the like, often (but not always!) is an indicator of your own maturity from the point of view of the operator.

2. Another important aspect of your relatives and friends. Starting a series of important impacts on ourselves and the world(even in test mode itself, and products), You are guaranteed to take them as personal changes/events/soul-searching or something, and just outside-event chatter. Which sometimes is just fun (for example read reviews of Basil in the theme of "AMB". It is highly likely that all affected people will want to join You in the sense of the use of these products, although much can quite clearly demonstrate that even the "deaf materialists", but in any case taking care of loved ones and that your processes are not strongly destabilized their lives falls on You. To neutralize possible effects of the "bounce" is possible to use including non-contact exposure (broadcast and/or generator "simple magical things" - as a totally free agent). In addition will be helpful your understanding that launching mechanisms even just improving the efficiency itself as an operator acting on the world, You not only change themselves, but also affect loved ones. Show them and yourself to have the softness and understanding of these processes, it will help to overcome these moments gently.

3. Health/lifestyle/recovery methods themselves.
People at different moments and in different "starting conditions" find my design. Not superfluous to warn that a significant impact on the effectiveness of the application can provide the kind of lifestyle You lead/ what are the methods of recovery of the use and other aspects of your body condition and health.
Very much useful on this subject (the collection of facts/tips/techniques, information about effective ways of self-improvement is in the themes "small off-topic" and "food".
I can't insist on changes in your life associated with a fundamental change of food or other habits, but will notice that most of it comes naturally sooner or later/ one way or another. Mentioned in these topics methods of cleansing and healing is shown to all, regardless of how You consider yourself healthy, it is confirmed by the experience of many people. Without exaggeration we can say that a question of long and very long lives in health and youth is "an open secret". The problem is not in the special methods of "rejuvenation" or genetics. The problem is that the youth for any length of time tied to a number of factors and a certain way of life (and way of the world). And to that youth want and those who even knowing that wants everything "just so" or, in other words, nothing is observing. Separately this topic to be actually affected in the description of the product ( see "the panacea of youth" and several others).

4. The moments of peak load
In the course of working with products in the course of change itself in the course of the first experience of a more powerful vzaimodeistvie with the world, can occur (although with the same success may not be ) points and status is not quite normal, and sometimes unexpected or unpleasant for You. Do not be afraid, because many (if not most) in one form or another passed through it. It is possible that some or much of the below will already be familiar to You, nevertheless, once the warning is not superfluous. I do not pretend to a universal following, but they are the most basic, proven collective experience of many. Of course there are exceptions always -all people are different and individual and some of them are very different from each other ...

1) sudden fatigue/okologiske status for no apparent reason — the reason for the restructuring of the body/cocoon/body — cleaning from traces of the old injury or previous disease/infection and stress, just wait it out...
2) depression "for no reason" - a sign perhaps not optimally set important goals in life — to revise the way of his movement through life on a more flexible approach to the world. If You can't find reasons and ways to change course, it is probably related to the fact that up deep memories of the past (at least intuitively) and your condition is because of your current state according to their ability (or rather NOT possible) — depressing your reincarnation memory / subconscious; in this case, it is recommended to be in nature / with your loved ones and just wait may find themselves in addition to his primary employment a new hobby, or just take a short rest and change of scene either aim for the development of some of the available powers.

3) strong bounce — this refers to the event stream is too crowded unexpected / strange events, including(possibly, but not necessarily) finely-unpleasant. This happens in the development of new products (including 2.5/2.6/AMB/panacea) or when working with society-the world in moments when you need to adjust the interaction. Of course there are people and cases where more preferable is simply "pass through" such period "in a forehead", but often the best would be either to suspend the use of the product (dose to such addiction for a few days a week or use for a weekend, minimizing the impact on core activities).

4) state "I'm off right now" - it happens often when you really need to give yourself to work in the "background"/mode of working of sleep. At this point, the subconscious mind performs immaterial work, which often is not possible to get to the level of understanding of consciousness. If You abruptly shuts down (especially driving and other "interesting" moments), it is better to give yourself off at least 15-45 minutes. You can try to use an alarm clock. Resistance to these conditions is not helpful! The frequency of such manifestations may vary from period to period and not a permanent thing. Respect the desire to self-create on the other side of reality is change and this side of it. Understanding will come later — this is normal.

5) state of prolonged weakness / condition I sleep a lot / I don't sleep schedule and days off — is considered the norm, not to resist, simply to live in a new rhythm, as this allows the work/family/other conditions. It is sometimes associated with a whole combination of factors.
6) synchronisme/anomalies of the world — sometimes the world begins to show us strange anomalies, for example, meet regularly (much more often the norm) "criminal" car numbers or the clock - synchronous time like "21:21" if there is a surge of such events — You entered the zone of direct impact "system" matrix/illusory part of the world. This is a positive experience, and evidence of your current status — correct and "working".

5. The sources of information.
The best "theory" - a private practice. Often people ask me - "let the theory" or asking "how do You get all this stuff" or want a tutorial/the theory and ready life of the user... but it does not happen! More precisely, a "guru-containing" teachings and schools do, but it usually gets people nowhere.

However, answering a question about literature. Instead of the themed books, I have always encouraged imaginative perception of information transmitted by a number of authors of fantasy. Sometimes it's impossible to present a multi-faceted thing as theory, that you have understood correctly — a theory devoid of practice and remains a theory. I can't exactly explain the reasons why a number of authors of fiction so accurately reflects the real face of the structure world, but nevertheless it is so. The benefits of artistic and creative perception a lot more than from reading theories. Of course, such benefits have not all art books in the fantasy style. Many noted the following: R. Zelazny (all work, not just the well-known works). Max fry (all the "Chronicles of Echo" and several other works), oldie (the trilogy "the city and the World")

Meetings video/audio meetings. The last time with a frequency of approximately 1 time per month, held meetings those who thinks and understands the world the same is meeting me and loyal as well as potential users of my products with a discussion of how aspects of use and different situations, methods and techniques of communication in a free format. Due to the complete informality (despite pre-given subject to discussion), each such meeting reveals including the collective experience.

Now, having said all warning and important points at least in summary form, you can proceed to the classification of articles explaining what is and what can be used.

On the one hand I know people for a short time, buying up a large part of the product line and receive from it the maximum benefit, on the other hand, in the most General case I don't recommend this approach and suggest a gradual development of the products. Besides, as one of the main characters in the Christmas cult Soviet movie "Charodei" (after the invoice is received for the use of magic wand) - "however, this is still pretty worth it over many have to work" :)
The price range for the product is quite broad - the youngest are from 4000R
One of the top exclusive products cost its present owner to more than 200T of rubles...
Very casual for someone who is badly battered financials, even if you act according to the "regular price", always think whether You need it/how urgent and how important. Sometimes more Fidler is something completely different. I am not a supporter of mindless purchase of my products. Moreover, for top-end products restrictions on the sale, which means that I first sobeseduyut person and only then decide whether he could buy such a product. The reason is very simple — there are products, which for the common good need not fall into the hands of anyone, even if he has the money, and there are products that are for the good of man he may be premature.

So, all available in our small list of products can be divided into groups. Split it conditionally, because with the same success, you can break them into groups and otherwise.
Group 1

The first group will include "classic" the Bracelets of Life, t/e/ wearable on hand device which can be briefly described as follows: the restoration of man, its connection with the natural channels of power. The individual features of the versions described in detail on the forum and cannot be disclosed in one line, but we will try :)
1. Bracelets version 1.0 and 1.0 Lite — you can make a homemade, not sold. The Lite version is very easy to do. But at the moment we recommend to start immediately with the light of a panacea, if You want to start with free products. (how to make a panacea-Lite are on the forum).
2. Bracelets 2.2 (successfully replaced the 2.0 and then 2.1) is the base the second version. Power/recovery/regeneration/modules. Modules is a "dictionary" algorithms work with the world - this kind of PhraseBook, with tips on how to do different tricks on interaction with the world. Described — read. Since the second version, all BJ contain complex structure called cell cloud — sex-intelligence-paleobiological-energy facility. It surrounds and washes away the work of the bracelet for the whole cocoon. In all other versions it is the same except for the range 3.0 — there TO there, but in it there is nothing.
Version 2.2 cheap and basic. Recommended for starters, is recommended for relatives. Well worn also according to the "formula" 4x4 :) ie 4 bracelet on arms and legs — it covers the basic reflexology (energy) channels of the body and the cocoon and harmonises the body as a whole. Besides the basic protective functions help a little bit to clean up from different energoparitet pieces if they the person is. And often these are some of the socio grafted patterns of behavior.

An improved version of the 2.2 OS is 2.2+ ( with enhanced safety features ). Who Kormann — I recommend having 4 of these BJ to work with them periodically and at times when you feel overloaded. The rest of the time they can "relax". I want to note that even with the removed bracelet from the owner, and correctly of the operator, there is a communication and connection. The exception would be if You gave BJ to wear to another person (the operator then temporarily — it. 2.2 OS+ at certain points I use myself.

Version 2.5/2.6/2.7/2.8 described in detail on the forum and have their specific properties.
2.5 — finding new ways/invariants/work with probability and create new/create event unlikely
2.6 — before the advent of AMB many to have been the favorite business bracelet, because the pressure/domination/tank/inertial mass
2.7 — the sea of energy, power, sea life
2.8 high — frequency part of the world
All 4 versions are compatible at the same time and can be placed in different hands (or on one) and it doesn't create the conflict. Actually none of my products do not cause between each other contradictions.
When using the products should know that conventionally, in most people the left hand is more associated with the impact of quality on yourself, and the right to the world. So really, you can easily learn to be inside and outside in two guises, such as the inside — the invariant-and therefore likely elusive-soft, and the outside to exercise the "option" of the tank.
It is also interesting sometimes to change the "dislokatsii" on the body (for example 2.6 to shift with hands on the leg, etc.).

The ease of use.
Since the establishment of the BJ 2.5/2.6/2.7/2.8 much time has passed... and there were many new options use the same versions.
Опция1 — originated so-called "card transfer" information devices "filed" temporarily the properties of one BJ for every household item which does not require to carry by hand something outside the box, beyond the dress code and simply on a convenient item (watch/chain/belt, even clothes). Often, however, we still recommend the classic location (the watch/bracelet on the wrist).
Опция2 — stream is new, most modern and most powerful way of working with the informational component of bracelets that does not require General subject matter to put on.
Опция3 — switch BJ panacea in modes 2.5/2.6/2.7/2.8 (BZ panacea will be discussed below).
Since there were these options, classic BJ 2.5/2.6/2.7/2.8 are referred to as conditionally rare products (made according to the old manual method, using a laser engraver and engraving of each link, followed by coating its special composition). Their cost is higher than the cards transfer the same version or less than BJ - a panacea, But I strongly recommend if finances allow to have raitenau version for fun and exercise. It allows you to educate yourself and learn the quality of each version. Plus this product is transferable within the family and has an indefinite lifetime fitness, maybe in the literal sense of the word to serve for centuries. Without familiarity with the classic versions, to switch the Panacea in these modes difficult (no idea how that looks) and broadcast all at once or alternately each also harder to distinguish which among other broadcasts as needed. Plus broadcast dependent on electronics and are not life. True broadcast have very high learning effect and after 2 years of translation You are most likely entirely develop the ability to call for example 2.6 a no BJ on his arm and without broadcast. But I can't pass it as a physical object to other people (and the objective is needed).
Cheap economy version — a set of cards of the same name transfer.
The best option — set "rare" versions of BJ 2.5-2.6-2.7-2.8 plus, somewhat later, the same versions broadcast in 2 years. This allows us to study the physical version and educate yourself it an ideal (over a period of about 2 years) so that you will not need to carry them physically. Is at the same time and leave them in the home "archive". I occasionally use classic 2.6 and 2.5 in the form of physical products because I like the setting, the quality is not up to the end of my inherent psychologically, through the feeling on the hand, separate from me.
BJ Panacea. The most versatile classic BJ. Can be switched in all versions including version 2.9 (something like all at once). Is different in that it includes a non-base (2.2) a set of programs of recovery of the person and his abilities, which is not only powerful, but also a bit extreme. Many of the first users (at the time was a big activity reviews the primary use BJ panacea or even just a homemade equivalent in the "Lite" version) wrote that the night I see the nightmares that are associated with working potenzirovania in a cocoon of programmes and experiences of incorrect interactions, through this fear within the dream are working on.
BJ Panacea has changed (improved) a basic program FOR (cell clouds) which is why it created a huge amount of secondary products, which generally can be considered as just a recording of the program to the media.
The program "panacea" is also used as one of the bases of the sources of strength (ISB) versions of 1-2-3 (discussed in another section of this article).
For the user interested in what "piece" TO a panacea can be mentally separated from large and endowed with his program, are actually the simplest mind. There is a striking contrast to simply "thought forms" of any type, because TO harmoniously supported by the nature of the world as a "living kind" of organism and receives primary nourishment from the world. A panacea can be generated on any object by applying a "charging" the matrix "Lite" version (read forum) or a projection of her mind, or, somewhat stronger, holographic label a panacea. Thus it is possible to "clean" places from the mental and etheric debris (including frequently visited by people) or create based on monolithic structures from a single material personal "places of power", nonetheless, benefiting all around.
Read more in the theme of "panacea" on the forums.

БЖ3.0 — a completely different type of BJ that is not in contact with a group of 1.0 and 2.x, including the panacea almost nothing, except for the presence of similar, but a different KO.
For understanding the concept 3.0 we need an understanding of the many-worlds interpretation and the possibility of operator, at least mentally is "out of the world" (Humgat fry, or area looking glass, or the shadows in Zelazny), while being toward the world is an active Creator, changing the essence of the world.
BJ 3.0 allows you to bypass the restrictions of the world and in particular social mechanisms. Gives another(independent from this world) the power source is internal. And at the same time provides perfect protection can not be corrupted, and he creates this world. The problem is that visawaiver БЖ3.0 ISS status 3.0 most is not complete or not kept very long. However, he gradually trains.
There are several modifications of this BJ having to 10кратной difference in price (between the cheapest and most powerful version). The perfect kit 3.0 2 S++
Published manual for independent production 3.0 simplified versions (light and N).
Cellular cloud 3.0 resistant to the energies of beings from other worlds (not destroyed them) and fueled from sources not of this world, and from your creative source plus "abandoned power" (processing "garbage")
For 3.0 there are two modifier States — 3.1 — amp-kickpuncher,

3.0 does not exist in the form of maps of migration, but may be at the request of the client stated in the mode S++ for some personal item of stationary (constantly), for example on the clock, this product should not use cards for the transfer or for the application of social extension Ax (described below).

4.0 - product, "I am the operator this part of the world" - can be compared with 3.0+3.1+OZ at a time, but these products are not the exact equivalent of 4ki.

AMB is the most unique version of the bracelet is not actually a BJ. Very extreme pusher person to restore their abilities and the manifestation of operator skill in relation to the world. Attention! The product is a powerful modifier of the usual way of life for many of its users. Many times think before you get involved in it. Sometimes a change of structure takes place through extreme events (from the product is not dependent, steers the process your subconscious, choosing kratchayshie event branches). For those who want to preserve this way of life don't apply! Or apply metered.
Read more in the theme of AMB.<

Re: Quick reference / point of entry / guide earri

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2014 8:59
by Михаил_
Repair bracelets. Classic BJ is made of African Blackwood or ebony (with the exception of version 2.5). Sometimes they tear svazatsa links gum. It is a consumable item, which sometimes must be replaced. Is replaced by any "spandex" (elastic thread) which can be purchased in stores for needlework. The instructions for replacing lecturing someone from the forum, although it is intuitively simple and straightforward process. It is worth noting that the process of destruction of the gum often associated with the event or other overload, the decision in your favor in an unfavorable situation. This is clearly seen when literally "burst" at the same time the rubber bands on multiple bracelets. It should is easy.

Re: Quick reference / point of entry / guide earri

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2014 10:19
by Михаил_
Group 2
Products for harmonization of personal and family space/defense office/house/car/recovery of SEB, and
This group of products is important and necessary, even if You think that You have everything in order.

Panacea House — a set of holographic stickers panacea special program for harmonization of home/ cleaning it energy / protection from harmful external factors

ИСН1 ИСН2 ИСН3 — product (depending on the number of different capacity) space harmony and energy requirements of the operator and all other products ИСН3 actually removed temporarily from production.

Panacea Auto — a set of holographic stickers, a panacea to the security program for auto

Fairing and 2.2 OS+ card and bracelet with the added feature of protection from external influences of any nature. Basic functionality 2.2 + program is fairing. This product is thoroughly tested outside of this project and showed himself as an effective means of ambulance in samyz different situations (including when the problems of the physical plane, a more detailed description is not possible, in order not to violate the boundaries associated with contact with the other branch).

EP 6 in two versions — shielding space create a special area in the place of sleep or at your Desk, escapes from the manifestations of the big world that promotes self regeneration of man.

F1 special version of the EP or rather a replacement ES for working space (not for sleep)

Y4 - amplifier — a device which creates the flow of energy to the operator and all other products, increases the effectiveness of all products. Produced in 3 versions of different capacities.

Panacea-youth mental attitude and state of youth. Has personal (VIP) version. A detailed description of the approach to this issue, as it turned out much later, coincided with the dying work of spondylitis, which was also the theme of her report.

Stop magic keychain/ disk /cube — from weak to very strong (three different power version) — the product of the closing statement from negative mental messages, except those that he voluntarily misses out on himself.<

Re: Quick reference / point of entry / guide earri

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2014 10:25
by Михаил_
Group 3
Product where the to influence the world and interact with the world
Y4 and ИСН1-2-3 can be safely attributed to the group as a whole it will be even more appropriate, but historically in the description listed as products for garmoniziruyusche-protective functions.
Y4 and IIM enhance the efficiency and capacity of the operator's influence on the world at times or orders of magnitude (when using older versions), if you use other products (even basic BJ for example 2.2)

Ск1м + high frequency attachment to СК1м — set of two products to make the interaction operator, the world more smooth (no splinters or rough edges) and therefore more effective. СК1м has a number of additional functions and special audio having the task to switch the device in special modes. One of the oldest and still relevant products do not become obsolete ever. The prefix to the device extends its functionality.
SK3 is a more powerful version, it is recommended to use not instead of, but together with СК1м

Re: Quick reference / point of entry / guide earri

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2014 10:38
by Михаил_
Alfa-Vit - a set of special cards to create a "pinkie" to your trend through the creation of hard points of interaction with the world. Speeds up any process with proper intuitive to use. Can create a bounce if you use them carelessly!

Re: Quick reference / point of entry / guide earri

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2014 10:43
by Михаил_
Group 4
Products for work with society and gain bonuses from society
Includes a number of products "catchy" on the beneficial aspects of social interactions
"Artifact-phone" "Keys and doors", "feedback", "Suit", "Artifact-Dominance", "Artifact food", "Artifact art", "Travel", "the Road" - they are created to izvlecheniya maximum benefit from the very existence of society and are described in detail on the forum. Allow you to rotate forces of society in their favor.
For business processes and any situations where lots of negotiations will be important at (the artifact-phone), Dominance and maybe a Suit, if any the desired properties lacking in character. Dominance is one of the most important basic products for work in society as the leader (many forget about it at all, although it is effective even if the desired quality and so You have to)

Subgroup 4.1
The context-2 — the impact on your (and not only) processes in society from the perspective of hard-coding reactions (including evaluation) of the society, the anomaly/normality, the conflict factor and other aspects.

Facilities — interaction with egregorial part of the world in one of three modes "I", "request help", "operator in this zone"
Pendant Спектр2модификация4 — much more powerful version of the Spectrum (apply after a personal interview made just a few pieces, in most cases, you probably will have to wait for the refusal, the product really dangerous in the hands of an understanding person).

Genie-3 - governance of social and energy aspects of the company/holding company ( detailed information on request via private mail ).

Re: Quick reference / point of entry / guide earri

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2014 10:56
by Михаил_
Group 5
Other ancillary products
Two very important products related with "internal structure" of consciousness of each person.
These very similar products are revolutionising the potential of the operator. Can be homemade!
In principle, these two products can be safely attributed to the group 3, but the PC is associated with this thing "living" in our minds as an internal or personal worlds, and the Stabilizer projection of our consciousness in this world. So in fact both products are more associated with by the operator and not with the world. But affect the quality and parameters of its interaction with the world.
PK — a buffer where the options themselves, the world — changed and the operator is more the Creator than in the normal state of the world.
The stabilizer creates a constantly working the projection of consciousness onto the world, covering areas of interest and personal processes. Allows you to "anchored" processes on certain qualities of the world and combine them with a defined special intervention programmes. One of the most powerful long-term-positional goods. Allows you to set the trend and temporarily forget about her so many times.

Subgroup 5.1 — other articles useful, but not with high significance.

I1 — a foreign product helps to keep himself and his family in normal health, see the topic "small off-topic including reviews of it on real situations. Not a "panacea" but often helps in non-standard and standard situations faster to regenerate without the use of the classical approach of modern civilization (without pills relatively speaking).
Circle T1+ASD (structuring water special programs useful body)
Disk KV — structuring of water in the mode of "Epiphany water."
There are also a number of other products useful to understand their favour :) with them can be found either in forum or through the price list.
Because they are not basic in the line, I don't mention them in this "Express-catalogue"

Group 6
Temporarily or permanently unavailable now products
Modulator — is a good thing and useful, including the never released version of "Freedom" (with rays like the statue of liberty/USA) — mental projector. Maybe back in circulation
PC version of E+ (the activated metal during casting) the most powerful is the PC version (no time to trade, probably once the production will be resumed).

U1 and U3 — legacy version
Vх — series cartridges to the modulator, which can simply carry in your pocket (very effective) — development of particular qualities of the energy perception/vision. Discontinued, currently not available all of the series (the remains).
Once will be replaced by a new product. Available in simplified version in the form of auio tracks (having a similar effect) free of charge;

Additional tools to work with the surrounding reality (complimentary).
Speccode + program "simple magic items" - allows you to help people remotely (in the photo on the card) and cleaned the whole area from negative energy.
Attracted to their work the resources of computer processor.

Video 2.1/ Facilities and other free — will are on the forum.

As gymnastics for the mind, I recommend to watch the movies of mine and the Crystal my friend Valery Kondratov, it makes us think about what the prevailing view of the world is not what the world is.

As mentioned in the subject BJ, a modern tool broadcast allows you to send remotely to any person acting, the essence of most products, and it is usually more effective than the product itself, in fact an essential part of the products can be directly purchased in the form of broadcasts, although I'm still a supporter of availability and physical products, as transferred and sometimes more convenient to use.
The broadcast also let you easily connect those or other products in the family, sometimes with significant benefits. According to our statistics, 85% of regular users (including those who used homemade/free products instead of their commercial counterparts) — are broadcasting for themselves and their families.

A detailed description of all the products available from price list
and through the sections of the forum. Please note that my partitions only "the Bracelets of life", "Modulator", "Ск1м and Stabilizer", "Screening space." The products presented on this site, I tend not to comment.<

Re: Quick reference / point of entry / guide earri

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2014 11:04
by Михаил_
Therefore, the updated tour of products can be considered as probation is over. Anticipate the questions.
F1 Yes not yet available
BJ 4.0 will be available in the next few days (description too).
The Genie will not be publicly discussed on the forum (there are things worth leaving over). On it we will talk in detail when there are specific questions.

If You believe that I forgot to mention something important :) or have questions - write.
This topic is to duplicate a similar about changes in the product range and is precisely the guide-a reminder and point of entry for those who just got here.

Re: Quick reference / point of entry / guide earri

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2014 15:24
by Аиша
Thank you, Michael, for the info ( yet again - whatevs)) ! :) There is more work to do!

Re: Quick reference / point of entry / guide earri

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2014 20:07
by Нефтис
Михаил_ wrote:Repair bracelets...
Here you need to add the information that when replacing the rubber bands links BJ can be assembled in a different order, to temporarily remove the link (if you want to shorten the size of the BZ) and what will happen if you add a link not that version or not solution powered (if you want to increase the size of the BZ). Even that water is not afraid...

Re: Quick reference / point of entry / guide earri

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2014 4:15
by Михаил_
nothing will :) (if link not that version or not loaded)

Re: Quick reference / point of entry / guide earri

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2014 14:53
If you use products, you should know that conventionally, in most people the left hand is more associated with the impact of quality on yourself, and the right to the world.
And if the pendant? Immediately in both directions?

Re: Quick reference / point of entry / guide earri

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2014 16:08
by арте:м
And I was just out of this topic found that the modes of the spectrum is "I", "request help" and "operator in this zone". Other descriptions followed: first mode is "I", the second "I operator" and the third is equal to the sum of the first two at the same time. Live and learn, is called :)

Re: Quick reference / point of entry / guide earri

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2014 18:21
by Лолита
Michael, thanks for the review, concise, clear all sent to read.
The number of artifacts in the list of "Urgent buy" has increased three times)))

Re: Quick reference / point of entry / guide earri

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2014 22:36
by Михаил_
АКВО wrote:
If you use products, you should know that conventionally, in most people the left hand is more associated with the impact of quality on yourself, and the right to the world.
And if the pendant? Immediately in both directions?
Pendant - Yes.

Re: Quick reference / point of entry / guide earri

Posted: Sat Nov 22, 2014 19:09
by bofara
Request-recommendation: the information above put somewhere for English-German /well, there is a website or Basil as a subscription-newsletter/. I have easier to send newscoverage from there, but they don't look as detailed as before, news.
Today BOS from Germany - please give advice, inform about news of the BZ.
To me it is better to redirect the person to the right place.

Re: Quick reference / point of entry / guide earri

Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2014 11:54
by Атом
Michael, thank you very much for the review, for the beginner, very informative!!!

Re: Quick reference / point of entry / guide earri

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2014 15:23
by Владирес
Dear Michael! BJ I have 2.2 in a month. Question - how to activate modules?


Re: Quick reference / point of entry / guide earri

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2014 18:51
by Андрей С.
Not only that, why, then post a huge sheet in the form of quotes of the first post (overquoting is a direct violation of forum rules), and asked a question that was answered 100 times. The mental modules are included (detailed - read the forum!), and the posts I'd deleted (or at least one that consists entirely useless quotes).

Re: Quick reference / point of entry / guide earri

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2014 20:19
by Михаил_
for such issues there is a thread about the BJ, ask on the subject, here is a General guide (not in those topics I will not answer although You already answered)