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Guide to the products, short description, purpose.

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 3:03
by Михаил_
In order to streamline the understanding of the model range and to facilitate the work with a directory, forum, list of novelties, we decided (actually long :) ) to make a short guide.

In order not to clutter the text, links to products in the catalog and on the forums I will not put. Their easy to find. All commercial products are in the catalog, there are usually free here and on my website.

Thus, the basic product from which in General all began, is free ( and so was at all times) БЖ1.0, which can easily be done independently. It is soft and relatively weak version, however for many people he was finding and saving, efficiency was achieved by increasing the number of "charged" objects.
БЖ1.0 opens the beginning of the line advanced BJ from 2.0 to 2.9. Actually it turned out that the BZ 2.9 were not released, instead he had a more advanced product "Panacea".
In the range 2.0-2.9 is the next version: 2.0, 2.1, 2.5, 2.6, 2.7, 2.8, and a Panacea.
Attention!!! the growth of the version number does not mean its seniority relative to the other. The number after the dot means "different quality" of the product.
Let's have a brief look at why some of these products you may need and what are their individual qualities.

2.0 - basic model "of the line" 2.0-2.x will never become obsolete completely. Somewhat stronger than 1.0, has a number of unique features, one of which is "energy distribution" in this version, as in fact in all our other commercial products that used the technology of cellular cloud which envelops the Operator of the bracelet, improving the allocation of energy flows going through the work BJ to wearing it.
Thus, the 2.0 carries the same quality as БЖ1.0 - harmonization of the person mentally and energetically that has a beneficial effect on health, mood, reactions to events and the events themselves begin to meet more often more favorable. But in the case 2.0 BJ one can increase the "power" is comparable to several (up to 10) BJ 1.0... to wear 10 bracelets is not convenient, and the cost of 2.0 is extremely humane. Unfortunately the technology that we are unable for technical reasons to give to the free production of all the reasons for this are described and they are far from Commerce.
2.0 is a good version for all, especially for beginners. It is a good BJ at present, its use is rarely associated with overload (although sometimes it happens), caused by the BJ. Although, as in the case of other versions, including 1.0, the beginning use is associated with certain shocks on the events and zdorovu, which is usually normalization.
2.1 - updated version 2.0, which aims to run multiple processes of regeneration hidden abilities of the person and of their own cocoon (the energy bodies and, as a consequence of the physics of body normal). 2.1 working hard, touching including the flow of events, psyche bears also shakes. 2.1 more powerful, but harder. 2.1 feels (tactile, energy, or influence on consciousness, the emergence of the first contact to a state of mild intoxication, or, conversely, heavy head) feels most people, even non-sensory skills. The use of 2.1 recommended for those who have problems that need to be addressed urgently, or those who consciously moves itself towards self-development. 2.1 it is recommended to use after some time working with 2.0 or even 1.0.
Is it possible to start using BJ with version 2.1 ? You can, but to carefully read the forum on this topic, be careful.
The version 2.1 has a sister version in the free line - the so-called version 1.0 Lite. She, like 2.1, is an evolution of the previous (in this case 1.0), towards more hard work. This version is good because it can be done very quickly, causing a matrix of 9 letters on the subject. This kind of "reanimation" version. Know about it is because You may need quickly and on the spot someone to make a BJ is the case. Her work is also tough, but mostly in the cocoon. There is no such hard work with the events and abilities of the wearer, as in 2.1 and, of course, no work with the cell cloud (it is just not there, as in 1.0). Makes sense to have a "cheat sheet" with all three matrices published by us (you can also insert matrix for the regulator, see below).

Why do I need TO (cell cloud)? It not only increases the efficiency of the BZ, but also connects all of our items (not only BJ) in a single system interacting among themselves and with the operator of the device.
This is a unique technology with the power of the manifestations of which can be found in the opinion of people on the forum regarding the use of a variety of our products. For example, many well-known "authorization system", often launching "future purchase" to work with the operator (the person making the decision to buy one of the products) - the system authorization, the essence of the program on KO. It also allows participants the experimental work with the Amplifier U2, to connect leaving a request on the forum. For many, it is hard to fit in the mind, but this is a good example of software processing of information in the Internet, using energy, not material. Automatic consequences and clear reactions can be traced and repeatedly confirmed by the tens and hundreds of user reviews where tracked key events demonstrating timely response authorization system.
Thus - the power TO special technology to increase the efficiency of the BZ, the ability to integrate all products together in one powerful unit.
Due TO, You can more fully interact not only with those products that directly with You, but those that stayed home or somewhere else.

Returning to the versions of BJ, let us consider the following versions: 2.5, 2.6, 2.7 and 2.8.<

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 3:50
by Михаил_
Version 2.5, 2.6, 2.7 and 2.8 represent a distinct group of podgorci, where each, in a sense, has its own uniqueness, like no other. The fact is that these versions carry some basic qualities associated with energies in the world and the manifestations of situations, behaviours, thinking style of a person of influence (indirect) processes associated with health. In the description of the theory of Tenacula, Puck, Jevu, these manifestations are called, as (according to the order of the versions) heterosexual (2.5), Homo(2.6), Neutro (2.7) and NATO (2.8 ), respectively.
with regard to qualities in BJ this means:
the work of consciousness of the operator in unusual and inaccessible modes, the development of algorithms of decision-making, behavior, extraordinary and therefore advantageous way. This means the impact on the events of, reaction world, reaction from others. And finally, this means a unique exerciser allows you to develop a very complex person, a person with a diverse experience, perception and the ability to be creative and different responses. Most of it is not available.
Specifically, the versions.
2.5 is a manifestation of quality variation (heterosexual), allows you to search for new solutions, new ideas, contacts, something completely new that could not even come to your mind. This variability often awakens a long time and intact relationships (friendship, business, etc.), creates some strange situations, unlikely, but possible with 2.5 and goes to the benefit of the operator.
2.5 the softest, the representative of the Quartet, it is usually easily perceived using it and others. But he is significantly more powerful than the 2.0, although of course this is not important, namely its "nominal" features. 2.5 extremely useful when you have unknown way is unlikely to achieve or when You do not know the way at all or if you find something (You may not even know exactly what, just have a feeling, direction, vector). This is important in personal and business applications.

2.6 - kind of the opposite of 2.5, the manifestation of a quality of stability and permanence (the principle Homo). What keeps you from chaos. From the point of view of the operator bracelet 2.6, is the ability to be ground, to guide, to push, and it can be both internal quality and external (broadcast to others). People in 2.6 to a greater extent recognized as leaders, they can do to influence events. Even remotely they are identified as "VIPs", so, one of the buyers 2.6, described that of his old car started to miss on the way from the meeting with the courier who brought 2.6, which may be associated only with non-verbal change in the reading qualities of others.
For wearing, 2.6 increases the stability, the quality is able to remove the extra "bounce" in health, bringing the overall normalization (removing the random deviation on the informational level).
2.6 is a good defense and powerful support. It is perceived by some at first contact, as a more extreme version of heavy for the first days of use.
Using 2.6 leads not only to the growth of your influence on the world, but also to the fact that you spontaneously influence in a wider radius than usual. In view of this, the first few days of use 2.6 a report on the strange events on the verge of chattering beside him (PE, fights, weirdos, etc.) - this point needs careful to wait, your subconscious adjusts to a new kind of impact on the world and the anomalies will cease.

Version 2.7, matches the quality Neutro - stay in the creative harmony between variability and constancy (Homo and heterosexual). This quality marks the sea of vital energy. Bearing 2.7 gets a huge boost. This affects the General tone and Affairs. People are drawn to him. Especially it is noticeable by the opposite sex. Often the reaction is not logical, not explainable, not understandable :) As in the case of a driver of a car = doesn't work "live", not verbally, not in appearance, the perception of You. Version 2.7 take those who have to work under high load, physical or mental. She teaches (trains) the quality of vigor, able to lead the team and break through the wall. Version 2.7 creates a state of harmonious balance, with a minimum of conflict, despite the vehement (or violent) move forward.

2.8 - version is associated with high frequencies in our cocoon, with the work of consciousness, psychic abilities. In trindale is the quality of NATO - the initial a single world, a world of principles, the world "number zero" of a source. In physical terms, this high frequency of human energy corresponding to the upper chakras. This is the start of saturation Agni and related processes enhancing the operator's impact on the world.
It's definitely a different perception of what is happening (another state).

All bracelets 2.5-2.6-2.7-2.8 work powerful simulators of consciousness, developing the ability to be in one of these States, and without the bracelet. The minimum recommended time for the development version from a month or more.
in normal condition in man always present all the qualities of Homo-hetero-natra of NATO, but usually the person can only use any one of them, it is rare life gives conditions for the exercise of several. Since BJ all versions are primarily an activator and trainer of the subconscious, the use of 2.5-2.6-2.7-2.8 allows you to create a unique environment in the sense of playful self and development.

BJ 2.x do not conflict and can be used simultaneously in any combination. With just focusing, you can switch the active version. You can also create unique conditions for cocoon, with different hands different versions, thereby normalizing and releasing their own energy.

special attention should be paid to the fact that BJ is not doing anything for themselves, not make decisions for the person and everything that happens is connected with the ability and power given to man, but the final decision and the influence is always taken at the level of consciousness and / or subconsciousness of the operator (wearing BJ). This factor provides the "training" - from the time man acquires the skills to obtain the same quality settings, the ability to execute algorithms modules (see a full description of BJ), and when using the BZ, but independently.<

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 4:09
by Михаил_
Private extension line 2 BJ.x, are products of ISS, at the moment it ИСН1 and ИСН2.
It is noticed that the mass of an object (physical) that are essential for powerful and important energy tasks. Isn is a technology BJ version 2.x, the position on the basis of a massive media. Such a subject is bio-energy source, a local place of power and placed somewhere near the operator, for example on the table (IIM - a source of strength table).
From the information point of view, Sri is the same BJ 2.x only very large and massive. When a significant fatigue and the outflow of energy (a difficult conversation, a difficult task, shocks, etc.), it is possible to take up is significantly refreshed.
IIM-1 carries a combination of qualities 2.6, 2.7 and 2.8 (different layers made of different materials), its effect is soft, natural components.
IIM-2, made in the form of a ball with three-dimensional laser engraving is a much more powerful source (and lots of it above), also it has a quality 2.5 (except 2.6, 2.7, 2.8, which is there too).
ISS-1 is in the middle distance, IIM-2 on a larger radius, up to the scale of the room. Its harmonizing effect is noticeable even to the ignorant of him the people fall in range. Noticeable not only labor productivity, but also a great "concentration" of employees working in the area of ISS-2, they are less distracted by external factors.

I personally use ISS-2 all residential areas where is constantly my family. This energy supports the environment and the cleanliness of the premises in the norm.

In addition, for direct tactile contact, IIM-1 nicer due to natural reasons of your settings 2.7-2.8

Special attention should be paid to the fact that ИСН1 and ИСН2, as a matter of fact "very large BJ 2.x", have their cell cloud that closes through the system of interaction of the BZ, their energy management host. This means that their positive influence will work for You and at a distance. (any), while the effect will be to provide each IIM ( in total, in total).

Useful would be the understanding that both of these sources of power do not consume any electricity and do not grow old, do not depend in their work on any of the factors. No doubt we can split them, but it is extremely difficult to destroy in General. (in the split state, they will continue to work).
Thus, just as in the case of BJ, IIM is the artifact for the kind of family that can be transmitted to your children.<

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 4:31
by Михаил_
A useful trick: sometimes we want to protect from the troubles of our loved ones who may not want to carry the BZ, if it doesn't fit the image, and field conditions, suit and so on.
The effect of the presence БЖ2.0 may occur and stay in the following cases:
- people at least a few tens of minutes was БЖ2.x and it formed the cell cloud (if it is not specifically to relieve mental command, it will exist for a very long time and serve the weaker virtual BJ).
- if a person on the watch sticker as from the Ah (will mention below), because its composition is 2.0 system.
- if some of the things the person charged bracelet 2.5, the surface of which caused not a closed outer layer laser copy charging system 2.0 (such a thing would be weak 2.0 if it is on day two to put on 2.5 bracelet. weak, because it is not fully respected, the charging technology).

The presence of even a weak 2.0 received one of the above ways (at least a trace of trying on BJ for a while) may be reinforced by a "redirect" to it one or more of the IIM-s. Operator control operation ИСН1-2, and their integration with the BZ operator is always the actual owner of the IIM-s.
It is always defined correctly and automatically. (which is not little stories, almost anecdotes, some of which are described on the forum). The operator may temporarily reassign someone has to operate the ISS as the operator. It is enough to mentally formulate it. "Connecting" more of isn-s will increase the BZ (or virtual track from him) close to You, creating an additional safety factor in situations and health.

The authorization system used in our products can't be hacked. No one can take control of your products. If You temporarily give control, it will be transferred exactly as far as specified (for the time before the event or cancellation of call forwarding).

A useful trick 2: if You can't use the existence of cellular clouds from БЖ2.x on the person you want to provide help and assistance, you can create a copy БЖ1.0 remotely (modules, copier, replication, see the description and discussion forums), it does not require his participation or even consent.
With the possibility of participation You can give him the matrix 1.0 Lite. In this matrix there are also many reviews about the successful "local" application.

For remote operation and assistance are also suitable virtually all of our devices (СК1М, Amplifier, Stabilizer, Усилитель2, programmer Panacea), but more on that below.<

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 5:11
by Михаил_
Completes the lineup БЖ2.x, a new product called Panacea.
This product combines the following qualities:
function 2.9, which is the combination of skills 2.5, 2.6, 2.7, and 2.8 in a single product. These are also that one of the qualities can be chosen and enhanced by a team that will create from Panacea "software" obtained an analogue of the corresponding version of the BZ (2.5, 2.6, 2.7 or 2.8 ). This is the analogue power will be similar to the original bracelet the appropriate version, but may differ slightly in shades quality (versions 2.5, 2.6, 2.7 and 2.8, these qualities manifest more natural and natural way). To switch qualities need any special instrument (production scheduled for September 2011) or mental command. The switching device is more powerful, it will manifest the desired quality of 2.x more clearly and strongly.
The mental switch requires advanced skills of working with the right version. For this reason, a suitable instrument for beginners option. In order not to buy the device, you can use the programmer, which will be installed in the office, when ordering Panacea (yet this option is not available), getting your hands on immediately switched to some as the bracelet.
The switching conditions of the Panacea is of two types - permanent (not off spontaneously) and temporary - can be switched off under certain circumstances. See full description of Panacea.
It is also possible switching Panacea mode 2.9, without selecting a specific version 2.x, for such switching is the matrix posted on the forum and the programmer. Similarly (without the device) and returns the mode of "Panacea".

- another useful feature of the Panacea is an extension of the "recovery" mode БЖ2.1, shown in the Cure-all is stronger and tougher. This function first strongly manifested in the case of switched operation of a bracelet (or pendant) a Panacea. This mode is called "Panacea". In this mode, is not only the regeneration of the cocoon, but active recovery is genetically inherent in human extraordinary abilities. For many the first experience with the regime panacea marked "horror films" in dreams, vivid and memorable, but this episode is the use of the panacea it usually passes quickly, the brightness of the dreams of most remains, but the negative scenarios they practiced and followed by normal dreams. Dreams the Cure - one of the most powerful mechanisms of recovery themselves and control reality.
Mode a panacea coached in the statement of the man, restoring his ability is as defined БЖ3.0, pre - (before silver bullet) long work monitoring using 3.0, showed that they are mainly small time can be in the mode of consciousness 3.0, and mostly 3.0 works for them rather a means of improving the quality of life through the manifestation properties Reference This unfortunate moment helps to fix Panacea.

another important mode of operation of a Panacea is a cure - USB flash drive, in this mode, the top can be written training program, similar to those used in the series of educational cartridges Vx (training vision), with the same success can be recorded and other effective and needed types of information and settings, energy channels and more. In this mode, the Panacea is the perfect billet for temporary or permanent creation of something new. Possible easy and quick "preparation of homeopathic bracelet" - recording of the residual trace information with anything using this function panacea.

The Panacea, as БЖ1.0 (a Lite version) and 3.0(version Lite) is a lightweight matrix accelerated establishment, available free of charge. Thus, a simplified ("lightweight") version of Panacea, You can do yourself. Many have tried initially just the effect on themselves of a paper sheet coated with a matrix. This version is simplified but has the full functionality of a Panacea.

BJ is a Panacea, a replacement for the entire line 2.x?

Started with BJ desirable softer 2.0 or 2.1, familiarity with the qualities 2.5, 2.6, 2.7, 2.8, preferably not through a Cure, but directly with their carriers (BZ corresponding version), but if it is impossible (financially) to have all these BJ - panacea is the perfect replacement with many additional properties.

Is the Panacea an important BJ in your collection - it's definitely Yes. This is the best product line-up, with most developed properties and the most flexible programming environment for cellular technologies, where bearing her to the operator the maximum management rights.

The panacea comes in the option of the bracelet (on different carriers, the preferred variant for black tree). The bracelet is wide and narrow (more powerful, but more expensive) option of pendant. Pendant (or keychain) is more powerful than exhibits the properties of a Panacea, but more expensive.<

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 5:31
by Михаил_
A separate line of products is a social series Ah, headed product at (artifact phone). This series of products is an important addition to the technology of the BZ.

Consider the question "why?" if BJ and other products have such wide features and functionality, then why do something else social?

The problem is, society operates according to its standard algorithms, while often it is a choice, but more often between different variants of response to the "excitation", society reacts more predatory and negative way.

In addition, there is the problem of man "escaping from society", as many dealing with some personal development practitioners often complain that things in society are "nothing" or even a negative.

Ah series aims to fix that.
BJ the different versions affect the way You react to people (familiar and unfamiliar), and affect how You react to the world what and how decisions are made.
Series Ah, does not affect the reaction of individuals but that of society as a single machine, pushes people to positive interactions with You. This help from the other side, which is never too much!
The Ah series works in a kind of "orderly society" - it revitalizes social interaction within a certain radius from You, telling the members of society use positive social algorithms - the rescue, mutual aid, and others.

The series Ah is based on the product at all the other products of the series run ONLY when the operator at.
At is a couple of stickers on the battery (or battery cover if the battery is not removable, like on the iPhone), which carry holographic algorithms with society in a positive manner and the relationship of the entire system of social extensions Oh with your BJ and other products, using technology TO. In addition, the at is able to utilize radiation electronics cell phone antennas, turning them into biological energy to fuel You, in cases of lack of energy. At manipulating the principle of communication in society. Other extensions there are each under its own task and together they form a complete system to help in significant measure to turn the society face to You.<

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 14:48
by Михаил_
Appointment products of the group Oh to the following:
At - basic module, aka "Artifact-phone", aka the power plant. Its task is to supply energy to all the other "social extensions" to create a phone "portable power source" - in a critical situation, fatigue, lack of energy, the phone can take in your left hand and learn more energopodachi. And also, at has been the core work is the principle of telephone communication in society, the principle that the right person can be close, the principle of calling for assistance. In other words, this extension of the BZ contribute to finding a nice, proper right connections, often cutting off the excess. Comes to incidents - many people write in reports that the connection is lost, when you try to make unnecessary call, and then appears. Thus - at is a very powerful and proven tool for enhancing the functionality of the BZ and the area of your favorable effects on the world that brings You meaningful benefits.

As - Artifact watch, a unique product, realized in the form of laser-cut stickers on the watch (on the cover), implements the work of synchronism in society, regulates the time streams. Also of interest that contains a unique type of CO, adapted to operate with the flow of time. Target as - to make it so that You have most everything happens at the optimal time. Including random events.

It should be noted that despite the many bright and beautiful stories associated with these products, we should not expect from them some kind of absolute efficiency (for more, read the reviews on the forum).

AFb - Artifact feedback, this product helps to optimize benefit You information, feedback society. Such as finding the right information, using different means of information delivery, communities of people in your social interactions. Available in two versions (a sticker or key chain)

AD - Artifact domination. This product is one of the most powerful in the series. Available in the form of 3D engraved glass bowl on a stand and a wearable "remote" device. The task of the system "AD" - increase your status (dominance) and at the same time, the right legal job social mechanisms with consideration of your interests.

AK - Artifact keys and doors available in the form of a keychain. Exploiting the social principle of "access" to the necessary connections, people, information, structures, etc.

the following products are created, but not yet put into production:
AA - Artifact art is the interaction with the developed in society principles of mass cultural interactions as a source of energy and use.
AW, an Artifact of the road, associated with the correct flow (safety, help from others, and so on) different trips on any transport.
AV Artifact vision - linked with the principle to see no obvious connection of cause and process in society.
Afd - Artifact food, is associated with the correction of social programs to food as a cult,with work on the information recovery food (transformation of food), and to operate meals and feasts as a social mechanism for establishing connections.

The release of this half-series Ah in serial production is expected to fall.

Additional members of this series is two products that are already available.
АЧ2 - addition to at the label on the "output" label at the operation of the principle of humanity, towards You. Not available regularly. There is in the office.

K1 - product "suit", the simulator of the individual. Used for time configuration are not inherent personality traits, allows you to temporarily change yourself and the inherent traits of behavior.
available in the form of a plastic bookmark in the diary with the laser application of the working layer. There is a sale.
The suit can be useful for training the desirable qualities of personality, but can also be useful for temporal adaptation in a social situation where you need to have a style of behavior that is different from the inherent to You. The suit, pull on the collective experience accumulated in the world, under you described personality traits, temporary "dressing" it for You, training or temporarily changing You into the desired shape. It not only changes your behavior and perception, but the perception of You by others.

Attention. This text provides a brief description of products for a basic understanding of the range and relationships. Before making a decision to buy (for paid items) or self-manufacture (for a published complimentary), should carefully review with complete description and reviews on the forum. When reading reviews, note that usually people post the most vivid impression, so we should not think that will be the same for all users and immediately at the beginning of the use of its products. Each person and the surrounding his situation is individual. What determines the individual character of any similar products.<

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 15:52
In my opinion, it is better to do things like Panacea, '10b1', I mean, if all this is to buy all the charms, all the BJ will be like a Christmas tree... I'm for the minimum number and the maximum KACH-VA - possibilities.

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 16:21
by Михаил_
Well each product has its own characteristics. Panacea may not give quite the same, which is physically shifted in the desired quality 2.7 (for example). Ie, it will be very close, but a little something. Bit.
I use the entire line, and not like a Christmas tree :) just put - on request.
Because the products are via KO, even stored at home, either (see the discussion with in a bag, briefcase, have the desired effect. This effect for many is good enough to justify the inconvenience and cost. At least I know you are using almost the entire line waiting to add-Ah is sufficiently large.

So everything is good in moderation. Panacea as a universal thing - it's great. And it is made universal in order not to multiply entities, and to be able to physically release some of the secondary products (like the Vx series, more precisely its analogues in other areas to do the analogue vision for Panacea we're not going to, because I just can't do this).

In some cases, it is important that the subject, for maximum effectiveness, ONE function. Plug-guillotine, fire extinguisher and a lighter in the same form-factor with a handkerchief is not always good.....

So personally I have goes like this:
I always wear 2.1 and 3.0, and now even a cure. This three bracelets on my two hands. Two on left, one on the right. Ebony.
On the phone I have at+АЧ2, and even more accurately on the iPhone. The second reserve is in the bag, there is a different SIM card, is needed (I am in areas where there is no cover all operators to permute the card broke), and the third is at home on the table, too, for a number of reasons is needed. 3 at work better than 1 :) ie more powerful.
On the main phone in the back two stickers Afb.
A key chains AK, N1, and the clock which stood a few years ago with the shift in EK, they are sticker as. By the way they could be a long time to fix, especially watches good brand, in a gold case with a dedicatory inscription of a large state. korporatsii:)
But as I watch is already 10 years do not wear (and then I was out of a desire to control the time - idiot :) ), then I like what they stand for.
All this (two remote control and clock with AC) lies in the bag or in a backpack or somewhere else nearby. Sometimes at home (the connection is still there).
I occasionally use also the following bracelets:
2.0 a few pieces - soft stay in the city with continued feeding. It is softer than 2.1, when dressing on the arms legs very nice for a quick recovery. They Partizani along the length of the foot. (not all 6 pieces only).
These are stored at home.

I wear or bring during operation, the following bracelets:
2.8 (always with me, in bag or backpack).
2.7+ from larch - when you are tired and no time or opportunity to play with a bunch of 2.0. He alone is worth a heap.
2.6 usually recover your (your someone gave and gave and not for the first time), but regularly use... when you need the profile.

That's the whole tree.

Yes. In General, I now almost always cost the fact that on hand and at
In addition, I use about 6-7 Iim-2, 2 VERY LARGE Ск1м with RF consoles is located in the houses, they do not need to carry, does not interfere.
Усилитель1, Усилитель2 (well, I shared them with a bunch of people, I think You know).
From the complete list of products I do not use AD, as it is I have... too advanced, I just feel sorry for others. It already is a tank.
In General - nothing more.
Right now I can easily do without any 2.x replacing its own configuration that has been consumed during the existence of these versions. Ie, it took about a year to practice these qualities. If earlier for their "call" was needed to strain, but now not time to think - it's all here. But the bracelet is still easier (freebie, though, and exercise, although sometimes too lazy to go for it and easier to kick myself), but it is the consequences of the use.
So. I certainly understand that I have a preferential position :) but in any case using the entire line was and is justified.
Yes.... I have a K1 enhanced version, but I rarely messing with him.<

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 16:23
by Михаил_
Oh, I forgot to say, recently, as I wrote in the ACC. the subject, with me Good-Brilliant. Thanks to Andrew and ASD.
In documents lies. Along with all of my generally explosive combination, and sometimes even look funny what jokes are added.

A topic guide has just begun, is still to come 3.0 description and their combination with 1.0-2.x, all devices.... and the General map of interactions of all this and the world.

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2011 17:18
by Михаил_
Understanding the difference between product line 1.0-2.0-2.x-Ah and bracelets series 3.0
Although bracelets series 3.0, also called "BJ" (Bracelet of Life), but really it's the product with very different properties, but perfectly complementary, or more precisely extends the range of 1.0-2.x.

The astute reader according to the description it is known that БЖ1.0 and later, work as a harmonizer, training system (modules) and the backfeed system (energy channels) of the person through attunement with the biosphere of our world, are largely disturbed in most people, due to the urban, not the natural way of life and the destruction of the natural conditions of existence (next to the harmonious natural objects). Remnants of the idea of attunement with nature, constantly exploited workers of all types advertising industry. They even have a smoker or the person drinking, produce action for nature. Pictures nature uses in advertising of drugs, food, whatever... But some pictures did not give a proper setting, as effective as technology gives BJ. Especially notable is the effectiveness of such settings are effect on living things, where placebo effect is excluded. Such examples, including recently with the photos, repeatedly mentioned in the forum. This effect on plants or Pets the charging system of the BZ. Always a positive and tangible impact.

This effect is due to mechanisms of attunement, resonance with nature. On this basis, the applicable technology 1.0-2.x. For humans this means an increase of his harmony with the world and it is the position of the OBSERVER inside the world. In this state, the person is the one that affects the world, harmonizing it.

Work БЖ1.0-2.x is known to awaken intuition and the subconscious.

What is БЖ3.0??? It is a completely different state, very few people are familiar. This state of Creation. Unfortunately, the existing and common in our world now, the tradition of most forms of society, at least stimulate the pure creation that is more repeatable behavior. In as 3.0 you have a highly active right hemisphere, intuitive and integrated perception of the world. The as 3.0 is also associated with information resonance that causes the status "standard" (see resp. module BJ 1.0-2.x). For many people there is no possibility long to hold the status of 3.0, when using the BZ 3.0 it is a partial effect of exercise associated with "standard" and activation of the right hemisphere. With these BJ need to be careful. Many experience from their state similar to intoxication, passing through a few days. If you hold status 3.0 a person can not become a victim of foreign aggression and energy to realize their intentions, he does not need "technology" influences the state of the Creator implies intuitively an obvious influence on the surroundings. Naturally, in a world where many people live, such influence is not absolute. For a more detailed presentation about the version it is advisable to get acquainted not only with description but also with the discussion on the forum.
3.0 are available in 5 versions, differing in power and quality:
- 3.0 Lite is a free version, which is easy to do using the "matrix" (described on the forum).
- 3.0 N - this is the version that is more powerful and better "Lite" version, which production is more complicated.
- 3.0 S is the most simple of the "commercial version" done on the blanks bracelets made of black wood, of two types (narrow and wide, the latter is more expensive and can be translated by the program to upgrade to more powerful).
- 3.0 S+ a more powerful version of the processed 6слоями laser engraving (3+3 from different sides).
- 3.0 S++ is the most powerful available today, version 3.0, contains, in addition to laser engraving (as in S+) unique meteorite substance, as one of the working components.

Efficiency is a more powerful version - above. And most importantly, they give a more "detailed" study of the qualities of 3.0, faster creating in the human adaptation to the condition and the opportunity to call their own. However, all versions are working, and if it is impossible to purchase expensive commercial options, it is possible to obtain similar effects using a homemade BJ.

3.0 is a very specific condition which gives man a tremendous opportunity, but which is quite difficult to keep long-term. For many it may not occur at all (a rough idea about this can be obtained by reading diverse reviews on the forum). To prepare to use 3.0, were made in version 2.1 and Panacea (the latter also available in the form of a matrix Panacea-Lite - free). These versions though are part of a chain 1.0-2.x, i.e., a certain opposite pole, where the world affects you, not You - the world, but they are the link that allows a person increasingly learns to be in an intuitive state, allowing for easy transition to 3.0, and retention status 3.0.
Hold status 3.0 can be interrupted different problem areas of the body and cocoon (blocks).

Thus, 1.0-2.x is a projection of the harmony of the world on You, harmonizing and working like a tuning fork.
3.0 is by definition a harmonious reference to the condition of the person caused from the inside, based on genetically embedded in his features. 3.0 - able to change the world (creativity, manifesting itself in the world). Being in this state is extremely useful for the development of intuition and health. This is a great tool for self-development. But when it is used it is necessary to observe the recommended precautions.<

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2011 17:20
by Михаил_
Special attention should be paid to the fact that version 3.0 also contains special structures FOR (cell cloud), but in 3.0 it is different from CO 2.x does not coincide with it, works and is managed separately. In more detail - see description and discussion.

Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2011 16:03
by Петрос
Михаил_ wrote: makes sense to have a "cheat sheet" with all three matrices published by us (you can also insert matrix for the regulator, see below).
Regarding the matrix of the stabilizer. waiting for the continuation

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 12:11
by Артур888
On the forum much is said about the product BJ a Panacea, but sales can't find him. In the collection of family it is and where its price is 6000 p. Tell me in what section it is sold ?

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 12:26
by Борис_ ... /panaceya/
look for "the Bracelet of life version "P""

Re: guide to the products, short description, purpose.

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2011 10:01
by Валериус
Sorry for the offtopic, will be in Moscow on Friday. I want to buy a bracelet to 2.5 - 2.6
Where to find you in Moscow?

Guide to the products, short description, purpose.

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2011 10:05
by Андрей Кабанков

Re: guide to the products, short description, purpose.

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2011 13:23
by Тяфа
Michael_thanks for created this topic, I'm totally lost in your products, and then once everything is clear :o

Re: guide to the products, short description, purpose.

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2011 14:09
by Михаил_
well, it has not yet been completed. I'm going to write it whenever possible, and the release of some new products, since in General the number of products completed, interconnected and logical.

Re: guide to the products, short description, purpose.

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2012 15:55
by елей
have carefully studied the features of the product, very entertaining. Developed serious stuff and I'm probably not the first to wonder exactly how. Unfortunately, no information about how it happens, I do not find and not find. Apparently you are given permission to do so. I would like to know if there is a demo version of 2.8? Very curious and extremely important. And yet, what is the cartridge vx?

Re: guide to the products, short description, purpose.

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2012 10:13
by Друид
Demo version 2.8 is not present. But about the Vx cartridges (cartridges associated with the development of quality "to see") here it is written: they start the letter v

Re: guide to the products, short description, purpose.

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2012 10:54
by Друид
елей wrote:...unfortunately, no information about how this is happening, I have not found...
You will find, if you read this forum, and the forum from the very beginning.

Re: guide to the products, short description, purpose.

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2012 13:32
by Михаил_
елей wrote:Michael,
Apparently you are given permission to do so.
Here's the morning anecdote I read... :) resolution?
When you breathe or go to the toilet, then ask permission? Well, laugh.
You must reread or retrained some izoterike, where it is said that everything is divided, is structured and hierarchical? nu-nu.
All about the bracelets and everything else said and in some detail. Read more nowhere.....
So if you desire to find is-find. If your picture of the world does not fit - I have nothing to do with.

Re: guide to the products, short description, purpose.

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2012 13:38
by рыжая
елей wrote:Michael,
have carefully studied the features of the product, very entertaining. Developed serious stuff and I'm probably not the first to wonder exactly how. Unfortunately, no information about how it happens, I do not find and not find. Apparently you are given permission to do so. I would like to know if there is a demo version of 2.8? Very curious and extremely important. And yet, what is the cartridge vx?
Demo 2.8 separately, do, no, but there is a free matrix, Panacea, and there you can say "taste the taste" and 2.8. Only apply this matrix to the subject matter charged as 1.0 or 2.0. And still try at first to try the taste of at least 1.0, and suddenly it will be enough and there will be gradually to build capacity. Although such warnings, as a rule, and provoke people. :)

Re: guide to the products, short description, purpose.

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2012 14:32
by елей
thank you druid.
thanks red. try using a panacea.
well, what picture of the world? :) what is it anyway and who where doesn't fit? :)
I am of the opinion that each of us received permission to breathe, feel, think, move (including to visit the toilet) - otherwise we wouldn't be here.
you put into your products is something that can not buy in the supermarket, it is unusual and interesting.
I anywhere did not learn anything and maybe that is why I wonder what is happening on the forum. unfortunately I have no way to test your paid product but 2.8 really interested me. in General in General, you are definitely gifted and extraordinary man (and you are given permission those to be) - take it as a compliment :)