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Technology BJ governance(business and not only)

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 1:59
by Михаил_
It should be understood that the technology of the BZ are created and developed based on the concept of increasing harmony in the world. There are areas of business that may contradict this concept (e.g. production of goods and substances highly harmful to the health of the consumer), it should be understood that our technology can have an unpredictable way to work when trying to "push" them to those activities that may be harmful to the world as a whole. At the same time, I want to note that as a rule the subconscious is also "not amused" by such detalnost and can actively divert his master from the likes without the interference of our technology.

This should be the second warning. Often people want to get something that will help him in the business. But practice shows a variety of scenarios in the future. That is due to the fact that everyone is different, but also that work with the environment at a more subtle information level, affects those of our side who can be many neobosnovano part of yourself. Sometimes it happens that a person is dreaming about single, life is busy with something else.... it is obvious that the awakening of the subconscious in such a situation often leads him to ... a situation that could change his life.
Other people have ALREADY got used to be flexible, can work from different in your life and so one of the operations does not limit them, such is usually not history with the impasse at work because of dissatisfaction with some aspects of his creative nature.

In General, I want to note that we do not produce and are not going to produce a means of a definite manipulation, which would allow to control the external events in spite of everything. All our products are determined to build an optimal, useful to You, others and the World of processes, harmonization of the environment. Usually it gives the opportunity to get a lot of "bonuses" for those processes that You are included, since not optimal, shock, destructive and inharmonious interaction takes a lot of strength and energy in an empty, no useful action as a result.

In General, the warning is meant to say that taking responsibility to use our products, with functions of impact is broader than the scope of personal life, You should be aware that the result depends highly on your real-life goals, inner peace and conflicts in it (or lack of) and other data that can be changed by You. So, work with yourself and on yourself, including psychological, may be helpful and complement and seriously affect the result of the use of technology.
It is useful to understand the (most) your goals, motivation and reasons for this motivation, to assess short-term and long-term plans.

A lot of situations associated with highly effective and completely efficient use of our technology, is associated with internal causes to move towards particular goals, including a thriving business. The result, in fact, is always there. The question is whether it is always expected of us?.....
It would be absolutely devastating in relation to the internal world of the user, force him to obtain the result dictated by its logic and socially motivated (sometimes incorrectly) identity. If a person has no internal conflict, he gets great results and real help from our products. Otherwise, you may want to start with the younger versions of the BZ and a good psychologist-psychoanalyst, gestalterische and so on.

Today, technology, the radius of influence which is quite high, than older versions of BZ, it is possible to separately allocate СК1М, Power (and their combination, including SK RF console), and a Stabilizer.
In General, however, these technologies primarily work as a corrector of distortions in the area, which reflects the projected Operator (i.e., user of technology) to the world.
SK - harmonizes the interaction, freeing the way to cost effective options, removing the "bullies" and roughness (details in the description of technology of IC), the Amplifier provides additional potential for solving problems that sometimes opens up entirely new ways, the Stabilizer allows you to record "attention" on the processes associated with their picture of the world, in a mode not available to our consciousness, i.e., continuously and with a significant gain. All of this instrumentation, including the modulator (which in retrospect was just a device of masters and management tool), allows you to change the effectiveness of their interactions with the world, what clearly saying many of the reviews of our users.

However, the business (and, indeed, not only business) is an example of complex nested hierarchical processes that go beyond the PERSONAL competence of the Operator. In General, such as standing on the Foundation of the Institute of the society as a whole. And in this place there is a significant "irregularities" with how primitive, not to say destructive things in the version of "gravity", when compared to as could be and as the people who do that is to build intuitively.
What is a smart process control (and as a special case of business processes) from situations where directly applicable the above instruments and devices, including BJ? Let's see.....<

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 3:51
by Михаил_
So explanations.
This forum is not so little of those who had to hire staff for themselves, as the owner or Manager of the business, or those who participated in this process, providing your staff a sector, Department, unit. And these people do know how difficult this task is.... Ideal candidates usually somehow does not happen.... unfortunately, not always manage to act on the principle of the old quotes from the famous cartoon - "if there is the best, take the best of the worst". Sometimes you just have to take, because to go nowhere. At the same time, from the news we constantly hear complaints about unemployment. What is it? just disconnect the specialties and interests of employers? or more of a systemic failure in the principles of the organization of interactions? how to configure the processes so that the staff we happy? And that was a chance to find such staff?

The two extremes of building business processes.
Is familiar to many. Often small beginnings, as we know from international examples and beautiful stories, develop into something more, but they start usually with a team. With a group of close-knit enthusiasts who may not care about labor standards, conditions, and financing and on the knee "give birth" to something in a short time, and in the absence of conditions on it.
Not necessarily from this grow supercorporation.... since this phenomenon is quite inherent and ideas on a smaller scale, which by definition has nothing to do with "subcollections" level. The other polarity is "chrestomathie" building business processes. I.e. formation of the structure of the company according to rules and regulations, typing paper and other turnover, job descriptions and hiring employees according to these instructions that describe his area of responsibility working from and to. On the one hand it's kind of inevitable, especially for large companies. On the other hand, world practice shows that many very large companies with global size continued to advocate the scheme "the company is my family", which is closer to the first option.

Remark. At the time, when dealing with Western investors who have a long experience here, I heard the next version of structured securities company number of employees about 10 times less effective than the team. Ie instead of 10 people will need about 100. However, at some point it may be vital. At about the same 10 times, a team member may in certain situations (for example emergency project) to be more effective in their work (which includes processing and much more). A recruiter usually performs from before and goes about their business. Of course there are exceptions. The people with whom we spoke (at that time it was just the story of the transition from the command schemes of work we have created one project), said that in Russia the team be very effective in because of some national peculiarities :)

Most often, going to need to hire staff, we leave the automatic command system. On the other hand, this treatment is inevitable if we want to create something not for the fact that it is something always "eat" our time, but also was a source of income, where our self-realization is already expressed and incorporated inside created. In the meantime we can realize themselves in something new. How to be in this situation? After a while the idea of our partial or full exit from command mode predefined.
Among other things, the hiring process does not provide due to the traditions of our society, team integration, although in many places directly or indirectly provided for example a test work period.

Understanding of the processes.
The operation of a certain business (company for example some) there is a PROCESS. Which is short and primitive can be compared to natural self-sustaining phenomenon. For example the water cycle. There's a connection to the external energy (the sun), harmonization with the other elements of the external world, and a kind of internal isolation and self-sufficiency process. The process is never a parasite, it is. The process has its limits and can be regarded as a micro world (hence the command principles of effective), the process is born and is effective in the presence of potential or this potential is created artificially (hence the examples of the growth of the "garage" super-corporations). The process is always a master of controlling them at the moment (this can be a team, but there is always the undisputed leader, even though it may vary depending on the stage), the process may include many sub-processes. They are effective when you delegate a zone of autonomy (the brook flowing into the river in his area is completely self-sufficient) and responsibility (General rules for entry into the context of that larger process).
In a more complete form, you can compare complex completed with the description of the mechanism of self-sustaining "worlds in a bottle" described in the work of Zelazny's "Lord Demon".

The construction of the "alive" processes. Live the process works according to the laws of nature - he is not a parasite, but to complement and finds the position of the zone of equilibrium in which it automatically turns out to be highly effective (and normally expect from a business), but it automatically rejects the business to business and shows business performance for companies, not so popular now.
The observed degenerate and distorted form:
Kino, the potential exists due to the demand of society (even if the return is not positive for him), it generates a kind of process with high efficiency (actually showing and big box office), but yavlyaenie is short-lived. Please understand the difference, in this case, I'm not talking about economic potential, but about the human. For this reason, example 2
modern social network - a page on the blog, or a video can in a short time to fly around the whole world, involving in the process of participation (empathy) and more new people. But is it possible to determine in advance what the video "shoot" ? few people are capable of.... even by manipulating society, you can only change the "fuse" and his brightness, but you cannot prejudice the full and authentic response.
The process is always based not on the attempt to build a working business scheme, but the germination of the sprout. In other words the creation of a living organism capable of development. What grows is alive? on those terms around. As we know trees can grow in the pavement and on the roof... but they dictate their own rules of living systems growth and body functions. These rules are always more efficient parasitically systems. But parasitic system now popular because they allow you to create an effective analogue of the process for anything, even if you sell a poison under the guise of something useful, it can be provided. However, this does not negate the possibility of creating an effective living processes in their niches that are not in conflict with the current rules of the modern world.

Not a conscious and verbal levels, delegating areas of responsibility. For the growth of any process need branching (like a tree or a river is quite appropriate here). Thus it is necessary to delegate to the level under the main master process wetwet process continue (if it can be) of their rights and responsibilities, and most importantly, the approach to the construction of a living process, not a set of papers.
In a sense, not verbally, the person perceives the led process as PART of YOUR BODY and it is impossible to get rid of, because it is physically predetermined. Delegated processes in General fall out of this zone while working within the rules given to them.

Contrast egregorial structures.
Many people from esoteric, preach the presence and leadership of companies and other business entities created by command-and-or employees of egregors. Based on this idea, using them and the need to control. However, the word in the usual sense, this process is ALREADY lost to chance and last sign of the appearance of typical cases of parasitism. This structure will parasitize on who created it and then the staff could handle her constantly here and there will be problems. It will show signs of independence where it is not needed and will not take any initiative where it is vital. So work process structures and business at the independent or manual control formed egregores.

The law on the guard forming process the principle of the boundaries of the local world.
To make the structure of their processes to a certain "rigidity" helpful to clearly define boundaries. In some places this can be determined by internal mechanisms of rewards and punishments that do not violate external laws, but by the interests of the main process and its stimulation and protection. It can be rules, the violation of which is (for example) the unconditional dismissal of, or guaranteed promotion. Any rules that exist behind the scenes, but sometimes, including in personal conversations, replicated from mouth to mouth through the hierarchy structure of processes and non-mental law. The simplest example "of a man who <condition> in our company are always waiting for <description>" (options - promotion, trouble, etc.). Overall, this creates mental limitations of employees through social adaptation programs.
The law has no right to exclude. Technically it should be observed on paper and on events.
This creates a historically long and steady structure, which starts automatically to maintain a process within a given, but developing (if necessary) boundaries. The law did not identical contracts, Charter, schedule, official instructions and other usual attributes of "work". The law should be ONE for all and should be simple enough to have the opportunity to fully exist in the "oral tradition" :)

So, I tell the following. I want to shake the dust from severely rusty tölz... well that's the story with the modern way to build business processes (and not only business, but all processes with Central management or otherwise) in connection with this I announce the release of the technology with a funny name Genie-1 :)
Its use is effective for those who are able to operator level to work with BJ 2.0 and above (call modules, etc.) Knowledge and experience in the UK and Stabilisator - welcome, but not mandatory. Desirable, but not required is a set of events (or earlier) for creating and maintaining the structure of motivations and the structure of the delegation the areas of local processes (responsibility), this will simplify the system greatly. Without it will work TOO, but the efficiency will be LOWER.

However, Genie-1 is not only a technology adjustment and the impact on hierarchical processes, but also a business package, with an optimal solution for a quiet and non-violent implementation of technology BJ in your company, without posting the process. Familiar with the basic effects from BJ 2.0-2.x, I think it is clear that this implementation will cause a prolonged benefit through lower levels of stress, fatigue, increase resistance to seasonal infections and so on. A more peaceful, harmonious and respectful attitude of employees to life-processes also contributes to the resolution of domestic or other personal troubles and all of this will allow some increase in the overall already at the production level. Of course you need to consider some time for "relaxation" after "shaking" people in the new state (this is generally described in numerous reviews on BJ). A more detailed description of the technology and the package (which is not the same thing) will be published tomorrow (or, I strongly hope that it did not hurt :) )<

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2011 2:13
by Михаил_
Hmm..... description as always, there are delays... busy time of year.
However, going back to him.

The tree rarely grows one, usually next to other trees and not only. For the configuration of your process, it is necessary to clearly define for yourself "ecosystem" in which it is included. And that it includes inside itself as elements. Thus one and the same, for example business, it is possible to describe the mental in different ways, causing different reactions of the world on him. And different perspectives of life and development.
In other words, first you need to define for yourself why your process (perhaps not business) world and what from it pros. This of course is nothing new. Professionals, just working on team building within the firm (i.e. the intensive events, when almost "late drink Borjomi"), usually insist that creators must describe for itself the category of "mission". But the effect is indirect. I'm talking about direct. The person is clearly mentally committed by them incorporate processes into macro-level processes can rely on a clearer and quicker response from the world, unless of course from Frank with the world and with herself. Need to find what make its place in the surrounding processes.
Stage 2 is a simple description of the process for themselves and those parts that need to delegate.

And then... we can already see that we have to face hard formalizable in words images. Sometimes their verbal formulation generally error-prone. Because of the subtleties and pitfalls of language through a phrase known to many, including his own experience.
And finally, it will be good if not only Director and Creator of the process will be to see him as just a process, interacting with the surrounding world and at the same time having their own isolated internal features (an inner world), and the staff will be something to approach my work the same way.
Easy to say but quite hard to implement. Especially if there is no predisposition of employees they already have. And where to get them "right"?
Suggests non-verbal problem statement and framework.

Obviously, engaging in work (or otherwise make commitments to participate in another collective process) the people delegate to Manager certain authority. On this basis, it mental direct intervention in the framework of THESE POWERS, is more than justified.
We need the following tools in the Toolbox:
a tool holding structure processes (nested). It looks like the stabilizer, but the problem is that the regulator operates with 1 person and this is not a limitation of the manufacturer, but its physical essence. This person can describe the anchor through the correction processes that in some way in his mind, i.e. what he does. But if You delegate some authority to someone, they will not be fully in the area of your responsibility and interests. There is no need and no point.
The complex structure of processes should be uniform and it won't convince people who have "no clue" too, to use stabilizers or something similar. Thus, it would be nice to have a means of FIXING the structure of the processes.

- the second element that arises and it seems to be necessary is a stimulator of life processes. The tree is usually planted about pre-preparing the soil and choosing a good place for growth of this variety. In our case we need a amplifier that would be oriented on the stimulation of harmonious flow of "metabolic processes" inside the supported body. Conventional amplifier from our range of choice, but challenges can be good and succinct.

- finally it would be nice to improve the possibility of direct mental contact with employees in the area that they are allowed by becoming a staff, while strengthening their ability and incentives to be part of the basic process, the place to take the initiative and other ways to support the processes in which they participate. With the correction that someone can be a member of secondary processes rather than primary. And this in turn means that someone of lower-level managers should take a similar approach "mental stabilization" on autopilot, not knowing about such, but intuitively it replicating with the correction to your level.

Here are the elements necessary and important to us.

Genie-1 is, as I said above, and a device and a kit or a service package.
Structural basis of binding, we can say a programming language for it, it is a "panacea" in the mode of stick and some instrument development associated with it.

Appliance Genie-1 includes:
-the remote control. This is a field for creating a corrective trends and impacts.
-remote configuration. This is a set of elements for the text and image descriptions of your process (for example business) and his external in the internal structural relations.
the remote control is used until the process will have stable growth or stable developed state (if growth for a number of reasons is not intended that it is possible in some cases). Further, if necessary, correction.
remote configuration is used when the initial configuration is set and then, if necessary, to correct. However, adjusting the basic configuration, you should pay attention to the potential impact of this on the whole process.
Let me explain. Even if You just mentally overestimated how your business fits in the world, this may be sufficient for the appearance of the need to adjust all of the links inside the process. Since your score is generated by a change in external conditions (for example in nature - the dry or rainy year), and need correction for this. The remaining participants may not understand the reasons for change reaction world.
- the third component of the instrument is the source of energy, similar to U2, the potential thereof is clear about public connections to the meter device described in the forum thread "Amplifier".

The kit Genie-1 includes a set of initial consultations in a specified amount(depending on other system parameters defined by the configuration thereof) and the ability to integrate the BZ in the life of the office unnoticed.
The BZ integration will improve the flexibility of the system configuration in the area of operational aspects (will not affect the personal freedoms of employees, but will create a better audibility within the hierarchy of working process). And in addition usually the application of the BZ increases personal settings media. What is helpful for their efficiency as employees.

How you can integrate BJ discreetly? At the present technological level, possible. This is possible through a guaranteed used elements of a company or corporate identity. Badges, branded clothing (if any), electronic keys (if any), letterheads and branded pens (if any), including phones and furniture. For this integration has developed a special technology called "Transfer" which allows you to produce this process simple and without further manipulation, and with no visible external trace on the items. In the end, on the destination media will be a Panacea in the mode BJ 2.0, with the ability to switch.

Ideal application - the application that is worn continuously (e.g. the keys to the electronic locks in the office) Then precisely nobody will forget anywhere else and will always be with him.

Technologically the system is ready (developed).
Practically, we will be able to duplicate it after about 1.5-2 months.
The basic kit is designed to work with the staff 10-100 people and will cost 270.

You need to understand that the installation of such require greater care and diligence. Should proceed in stages, checking the absence of chatter and negative consequences at each stage. It should be understood that very often our surface logical ideas about how things are and the reality of the situation is two big differences. And then it can climb to the surface.
Bonuses business introduction of BJ described in the opinion, as I recall associated with the Master of the TAO, and one woman, which implemented a BJ on his small enterprise. Cons associated with the dangers of the transition period. On the other hand, with proper care You will pre-produce a "reinforcement" process and reinforce its strength against any change and shocks.

Free version. I ponder that some elements of the system to be free of cost and available (though the freebie is always a double-edged sword, but from the description it is clear that we are talking not only about just business processes, the range of applications is extremely broad). At the current time, I want to note that the programmability of the product "Cure" (even in the Lite version) and this description already allows to build a Lite version of "Genie" improvised with zero investment.

Questions are welcome. The application of a clear interest in the product is also welcome because I would like to know what runs to expect. This will depend on how to distribute the load on production.<

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2011 2:35
by Михаил_
Yeah... somehow forgot to specify that this technological solution allows to fully recycle and reincarnate inside thereof existing system the egregore of the company or other education that on the one hand to use his strings to pull is enough benefit, and on the other not to give him a parasite at all, including the head. This is a TYPICAL situation. The head of place it is as though the projection egregorial structure - power. But outside thereof (if left for retirement or just wants to steer itself and not where energuide egregor), it falls under a blackout, sometimes it happens for no apparent reason and unexpectedly. And the egregore is advantageous that the surge of energy. Well if there is something that creates itself and the dynamics there within. But if everything is more or less static, you can provoke conflicts and / or small and large crises that people spit out of himself a dose of emotions. However for small structures it usually doesn't work or hardly noticeable.

Re: BJ Technology governance(business and not tol

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2011 17:37
by Малика
Well, we accidentally found out about this thread! Therefore, the question asked for the "Genie"..
Now everything is clear, we think :)
The device, of course, extremely relevant.. bi

Re: BJ Technology governance(business and not tol

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2011 14:31
by Михаил_
We expect in the coming weeks the necessary components, but some time will be spent on the formation of the final structural elements of a production sample. I think by this time were received and early feedback from some test I will make some clarifications with examples of application.

Re: BJ Technology governance(business and not tol

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2011 7:18
by Petr99
Michael_/ feel hooked, but, apparently, in the long run. I would like to be prepared: to see the algorithm and clear and on several examples to be able to evaluate their readiness for such a step, to practice on there (family, work) for individual process steps. THANK you!!!

Re: BJ Technology governance(business and not tol

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2011 2:21
by Михаил_
examples will be. But this technology is probably still not a family, namely for complex business structures (some creative multi-level processes).


Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2011 12:23
by Каури
[quote="Michael_"]Hmm..... description as always, there are delays... busy time of year.
However, going back to him.

How you can integrate BJ discreetly? At the present technological level, possible. This is possible through a guaranteed used elements of a company or corporate identity. Badges, branded clothing (if any), electronic keys (if any), letterheads and branded pens (if any), including phones and furniture. For this integration has developed a special technology called "Transfer" which allows you to produce this process simple and without further manipulation, and with no visible external trace on the items. In the end, on the destination media will be a Panacea in the mode BJ 2.0, with the ability to switch.

Ideal application - the application that is worn continuously (e.g. the keys to the electronic locks in the office) Then precisely nobody will forget anywhere else and will always be with him.

Good day!
Michael, in the subject of holographic systems You wrote that when charging a system Transfer the next workpiece, the previous one loses its properties. viewtopic.php?p=74462#p74462
What about the distribution of qualities BJ in the office. Sorry if missed something.

Re: BJ Technology governance(business and not tol

Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2011 17:21
by Михаил_
1. Of course in the final system is taken into account, i.e., not 1 card transfer, and as long as you need. In addition, there are also stickers that can be used in the system 1копия. In General, technology transfer and maps the shift in selling is not identical. I.e. maps made by technology transfer, but technology does not end there and for specific applications it is possible to make a version with a different configuration. It is important to stick to the rules for each active host needs to be your active source to power did not fall. Theoretically, such a source may not always be (to be) material. But I'm not going to plunge the forum into the jungle of arguments about how the interaction of different layers of reality.
2. We now have the ability to produce completely invisible to the eyes of the media, of microscopic size, power beyond decal a panacea. But I can't put it in the series. Such media can be integrated anywhere, while remaining both powerful and invisible.
3. The power and capability of holographic stickers have not studied at the time of writing the post above and have not been considered. You can actually handle a huge production and office space quite limited number of labels, especially if they amplify and disperse using U2

In General, in this aspect, obviously details will be discussed with the customer individually, because different tasks.
Technologically we are ready to release the system into production in the near future. Came the certainty that her most beneficial to implement in the series.

Re: BJ Technology governance(business and not tol

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 8:53
by Каури
[quote="Michael_"]1. Of course in the final system is taken into account, i.e., not 1 card transfer, and as long as you need. In addition, there are also stickers that can be used in the system 1копия. In General, technology transfer and maps the shift in selling is not identical...

Good day!
It is clear now.
The question was asked under the assumption that the map Transfer is used.
Thanks for the clarification.

Re: BJ Technology governance(business and not tol

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 13:24
by Михаил_
All this set - oriented application. Ie in the first place this individual adapts to the situation. Technology we can very much apply. Which of them is appropriate in a particular case - much depends on the specifics.
Actually I once faced in their own skin, the problem settings in unison with them, or rather not so much with me as with a positive rate of 2-3 employees and the company as a whole. It turned out that bad and when this setting is not (in the end, such processes begin to slightly annoy even me very calm), and to create it - a separate song. After all, force people not be undone, and their society is tightly programmed. Therefore, the optimal variant of influence to set a good example and a good background, which gradually affects on the team, spreading that influence. This form is not Intrusive but as effective (you can change the degree of obviousness). And here it is necessary to consider that employees and even their families and friends-acquaintances. And they have become more of a source than the receiver, otherwise they are for the office door - and all on smarku. For example the booze (well I'm exaggerating of course, but that's the idea).

Re: BJ Technology governance(business and not tol

Posted: Wed May 16, 2012 2:33
by Константинэ
In psychotherapy there is a bright confirmation of your words. The more understanding people around (deep, with effort, attention, concentration) the better the result. The emphasis should be on love. Love, as the unifying sense. Magic + love is probably can much change the overall positive mood and can radically change the reality.

Re: BJ Technology governance(business and not tol

Posted: Thu May 17, 2012 13:05
by Михаил_
A little later I'll post a more detailed description of the system. Now we are ready to make the Genie under the order, the equipment depends on customer requirements. The basic module is uniform, but may have a different capacity. When the specified value (270) - capacity is the minimum possible, cover a team of up to 100-150 people.
Later I will try to post in the office a demo instance of the base module.
Management - computer, using structured system descriptions business. Or mental (whatever you like, I prefer the second, for example).
Maximum power can be calculated for any volume administered.
The number of accompanying materials is regulated in proportion to the customer's requests (stickers, etc.)., exactly like our recommendations.
The rest of the parameters are discussed individually in personal correspondence or communication.

Re: BJ Technology governance(business and not tol

Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2014 22:08
by Меломан
I wonder what are the options to optimize the interaction between the teacher and the student. Business: 5 music schools in 5 cities. In school 6 - 8 teachers, 70 - 150 students in each. The system of club cards. I see optimization like this: maps of the 2 shift.x (what to take?) badges for teachers, ideally for a club card too, but here it is that expensive.
Panacea stickers everywhere in rooms, the front room window. Can СК1м to school with some audio program? Goal: to increase the effectiveness of learning (the learning of students, the speed of development of techniques of singing, playing on instruments), to reduce the flow of students. It is clear that these goals are specific actions of our material world, but it is very interesting how to apply here development of Michael. Genie I don't pull on finances, nor is such a business complex hierarchical structure. Few employees, the hierarchy level - 1. Dear forum, anyone have thoughts on this score please share with us.

Re: BJ Technology governance(business and not tol

Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2014 23:17
by Арго
Good afternoon, Michael. I'm interested in the Genie to control a small firm - 10 employees. As you can read a description of the system and conditions, deadlines ? Maybe a remote implementation, if my business is not in Moscow?

Re: BJ Technology governance(business and not tol

Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2014 19:37
by ИльяС
Michael, Hello!
Prompt, whether there is a hologram or matrix module is "SHOP"? (or tell me others effective way)
Have: 2.6, e is a panacea and 3.0

In a nutshell idea:
To increase the flow of customers and, accordingly, the profit by overlaying graphics module/matrix/hologram on sent documents

Will this method be effective? or something will advise...