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N1 - stabilizer

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2011 13:23
by Андрей Кабанков
Description should...

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2011 15:12
by Маг.нет
Photo is impressive...

First impression.... Can certainly with something as its resonated.
Tried the "feel" of the photo, interesting effect was felt the activation of both hemispheres, their timing, energy content, merging in a common point of attention in the "brow", the hook for "information database", the expansion of consciousness.
Now I look forward to the description to check their results on the degree of their loyalty.
Of course this level of subjective perception, i.e. the assumptions so can be wrong....... At the same time check its capabilities in distance learning products on the photo.


Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2011 16:54
by Малика
The engraving is a hot stream, the edges cool.

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2011 17:40
by Маг.нет
Michael_ do not torment :)and then I had the Stabilizer not cope, appliances starts working "her way", she turns on and off, and the phones (all), Internet, external CD-ROM, though the guard shout, we set up extra stability equipment (3 pieces), seems to have calmed down, but for how long???
Boom to see.....

Sincerely, :o

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2011 18:52
by Михаил_
N1 - a product number one in the series N.
N-is derived from the title interior line projects "N" series, which is a joint development of our team and our colleagues in the field of information water and other interesting things. Nonetheless, water this product does not have any relationship.
N1 is stabization built on the shape effect. This product contains three levels of forms, representing protoform, i.e. certain basic forms existing in nature.
The first level is basic. It is fixed on the glass through three-dimensional laser engraving. The second level is tied to the base energy imprint made (modulated) cell technology. This level results in a phantom the same structures, but more volume and depth.
The third level is the "shadow" of the second level around the object interacts with the stabilizer N1.
For example, it may be bearing his statement.
The function of the product it is possible to explain so - protoform in the theory of tenacula shifted to the pole of uniformity (i.e., they are dominated by the principle of Homo), and they tend to remove any interference-distortion-chaos.
Multiple-invested their number is doing the same in a wide frequency range.
You can compare this system with broadband antenna-consuming chaos in a wide range for themselves, and pereyzdachy ordered signal (since absorbed the chaos excites the structure).
Through the use of KO (cellular clouds, specially made for this specific product) is included in N1 the principle of adjustment of force of impact, authorization of the operator and the deployment area of the product, wider than the FOB.

Possible use - stabilization situations, the removal of distortions from the cocoon, an increase in private event mass (a light analogue of 2.6 in this regard), and the like.
Possible side effects since the product is governed by the impact of weaker than other products to our range, made on different principles, it is possible to direct manifestations of the pole order. In particular, it may affect a different feeling from the passage of time, the possible of any delay in the meetings and so on (but it is not mandatory effects).
The N1 product effectively BUT is not integrated with other products of our production and poorly regulated power effects. In fact, it forms around You some kind of capsule with increasing degree of order. It is useful not always, for example, this may be useful when working with 2.5 influence techniques.
To remove the effect of N1 is very simple - you need to carry a key FOB for a few meters in front of me.
It is also possible local use of the cocoon.<

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2011 19:07
by Маг.нет
That is why the Stabilizer zakapriznichal, "friend" requests :Dthat was not boring...


Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2011 19:23
by Михаил_
overall, despite the similarity of names-purpose, with stabilizer-great direct there are no crossings at all.
I.e., the principles of construction and work absolutely great.
In some way this product is completely "pulled out" of the main line, in which everything has something to do with each other.
However, this is possible and has its advantages.
We can say that N1 - a thing for everybody. In principle, all these f-tsii gently performs BJ any version. N1 makes it more harshly.
I wear rarely, but usually have certain useful effects from it, including the events, although there is no direct connection.
One there is corrected the exams and the young dunce.....however at the end of razitsya apart, i.e. in fragments.Would have to retake, or rather two, and the teachers somehow decided to put the outcome on the results of past donations and to arrange to retake the exam.....
Although in General this product eliminates direct influence on the event flow, affected by the reduction of the chattering in the way of the operator.

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2011 19:36
by Маг.нет
And what other reason of the possible "scattering the fragments", in addition to the payment bounce?


Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2011 19:41
by Михаил_
just testing a program with overload... Basil broke the trinket from dominance just the interaction with the authorities (traffic police stopped, then custom - finished off). Avoid any situations at the same time, there were no violations in the capacity even had no problems. Just seems he doesn't really like them ... and pushed the throttle in idle products.
Apparently we will introduce a discounted rate for replacement later. It on a keychain.

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2011 20:04
by Маг.нет
Михаил_ wrote:Apparently, we introduce a reduced rate for replacement later. It on a keychain.
Useful recovery potential.


Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2011 1:05
by Маг.нет
As long as everything else:)guess charades:)I N1 already ordered :ay


Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2011 8:45
by Маг.нет
Михаил_ wrote:to Remove the effect of N1 is very simple - you need to carry a key FOB for a few meters in front of me.
Michael_, but you can "register" property of the pouch for a keychain N1 - insulation from external or Operator, not to remove the meters by simply putting the keychain N1 in the pouch, to localize its action inside without the removal of tional out? It would be nice........
May be possible other options box okleina foil (?), insulating or "sign", and in some cases, such as in small spaces if you need to eliminate this factor does well with him will not go away, and if you really need? Quickly.


Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2011 12:29
by Михаил_
1. well, maybe a bag and would like... (by the way here is the difference principled approach to our and our colleagues - to my creations usually don't need shielding bags.... never come), but to do such would not be cheaper than the cost of the normal products :) so it's a whole different story.
2. it's much easier, at least for those who have tried to work with TO bracelets and has some experience in this. The thing is that in the object itself (the image on it) is not founded in fact, functionality, in addition to the minimum local..... actually the original idea of our colleagues was in pure geometry - as we expected, it was fundamentally not that interesting. In the sense that the weak don't switch off, and somehow....tough, without harmonious interaction with the cocoon. All the same what to treat the problem of sticking in a sore spot something piercing - about the initial pain of course you can forget..... but strangely all this :) Therefore, the program was created to increase as the capabilities of the product and its flexibility.
So, without TO the product is only suitable for local effects (relieves local distortion, and pretty tough). The recipe is simple. There are two options mentally off - one to lead the phase of the cloud from a place where You, the effect will cease K1 (local can be for You as it is sensitive I will not), i.e. it is a way without changing the operation mode TO it just temporarily removed. Similar experiments on phase rotation of CO for the 2.0 I have long described both here and on the forum (I think).

Recipe two is more sophisticated. You can get your phase along with TO the BZ to the side, watching the scene from the side (by the way this can be done, as You have rightly observed and enhanced the appearance of the condition 3.0 with proper experience), so you can LEAVE the effects of N1 on the processes, but to protect from the effects of this personally myself, expanding its capacity broader than N1 Spector of possible actions.

Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2011 13:40
by Маг.нет
Michael_, thank you! Both options are acceptable and enough to understand in principle.
The question arose from the description, now exhausted. :)Boom to study:)


Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 12:01
by Маг.нет
Describe the events of today in 2 words.
I go to work with a driver and a car cut the driver "boil", turns back and pours to the originator of the "emotional verbal diarrhea" in this moment right before the car in front, standing to the right of bus crashes a kid, our speed of 70 km/h, a distance of approximately the length of the bus, the driver looks back, and besides, "the nerve", i.e., disconnected from reality, it is necessary to immediately make a decision (good what is really the "Wave of Success" opens a huge potential and there is such an unconscious ability to assess the situation and solutions). My mental envelops the driver (well, that and the attunement we have a very good, he largely understands me "without words") and I press "his foot" brake pedal to the stop and fix the steering wheel in a straight position of the wheels (to go no where, road is one way 2 lane, the right lane where there was a bus just stood). And an energy fist pushing a kid to the curb, he seems to be accelerated. Differed no more than 5 cm, only by this point the driver turned his head and "drove" what happened (or rather, what could happen) and I was scared. What possessed him (or rather his limbs), he later could not explain. Interestingly I inner eye (a kind of representation, the second attention) saw 4 glowing dots gathered in one square, as his tops and started this rectangular grid (in the form of a replicated matrix) to fill the space of the car, the driver calmed down for 1 minute, after 3 minutes we already talked about something else and I let go of this grid. All watch as it happened spontaneously, without any conscious control - automatically, my consciousness is just an Observer and an instrument of control initiated by the unconscious. Although the 2nd stage (fast stabilization of the driver) I'm after a little sympathy...
After 15 minutes and brand the situation is similar, superficially similar machine (like in the 1st case) and cuts, the driver is again distracted by the swearing (very rarely allows itself, I mostly suppress these processes) - the LESSON is NOT RECEIVED (!) and now 2 from both sides (right and left stood in rows, and the average where we rode was moving 40 km per hour) at the same time flies on the road in front of the car to the right man, the left is female, the distance to them no more than 5 m, the driver can't see, "on the nerve" looks back in the direction of "prune" the offender, I repeat the experience of 1 case of consciously, but the 2nd stage was rejected (removed the stabilization), suggested just stop and "blow off steam". Get to work, released the driver today, sending him home in the "ground dig".
"Wave of Success" let myself not to worry about the possibility of any negative effects, there was a feeling that "I flow" and confidence that the result in any case will be positive. The quality of the N1 appeared in the right moment (there and over time interesting is happening, subjectively - it is also inhibited during the active phase, allowing assessment of the situation).
Such are the cases.......


Re: N1

Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2014 9:23
by интересующийсябж

Reviewing the description of the stabilizer, N1 and IIM, and have a question:
1.- “... to compare this system with broadband antenna, absorbing the chaos in a wide range for themselves, and pereyzdachy ordered the signal”: does this mean that the N1 will absorb all the signals from the outside (not only chaos) and increase the Homo of the quality of this material?
2.- how about “signals” from the inside (stream for example, or the natural expression of creativity), they also like the “signals” from the outside will be transformed?
3.- “ forms around You some kind of capsule with increasing degree of order”: that is actually N1 isolates You from the chaos (handy when You have to go to the event, but ... or Vice versa, it is necessary to convince)?
4.- N1 + 2.6 ==> N1 receives the signals 2.6 and repeatedly reinforces them, if so what is more powerful ИСН1 + 2.6 (assuming that the 2.5 and 2.7-8 no, but is a panacea) or N1 + 2.6?
5.- N1 is made by the operator or can be transferred to 1-2 days for the situation to another person?
6.- N1 only works with the chrysalis, or with objects (e.g. machine, safety Deposit box or weapons, you know the stabilizer is more suitable for these purposes, but still)?
7.- why you need a N1, if there is a stabilizer and 2.6 (that is how he is simultaneously a little bit stabilizer and 2.6, and maybe even stop magic, because transformerait all signals in the material to enhance the Homo of quality and thus limits the impact)?

The questions may seem strange, but I just don't clearly understand the principles of work and situations where to apply it.

Thank you.

Re: N1

Posted: Thu Feb 13, 2014 5:18
by Михаил_
the answer to all questions - n1 - is something different from other products, and works well, usually in the cocoon, variations of usage depend on the task and programmed to suit your needs.