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The question, more precisely stat.survey on OS am.

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 2:19
by Михаил_
The survey is addressed to users of the BZ is mainly... the purpose of the survey to understand the necessity to develop this direction, is represented BJ module "Colored dreams". How to develop - talk to you separately... later.
While I want to get a portrait of the audience-existent at the moment.
In addition to voting, you can leave a short response to the topic.
The theme for the forum is not new, the existence of powerful tools in the form of Grimstalker makes it a very "local", but I'm naturally interested not only in the hardware extension, but rather a combination of options.
However, the work on this topic suggests the need for some feedback why and started the survey.

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 11:44
by Тоха
In the first few weeks, probably 5-7 I had no noticeable engine dream. Then came the race, when falling asleep, I use it and almost instantly falling asleep. Wasps are rare, but it is progress! If there is something new specially for them is just super.

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 12:01
by Борис_
Module dream I just clear the alarm. usually my phone is the alarm clock. And If you need to Wake up at this time almost always I am for the minute the two Wake up to his call. And if you do not need we often do not hear.
On the other submodes no vivid impressions.

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2011 17:57
by Петрос
Module "Color dreams" is not used. I have lately so the dreams are crazy :) . Wasps became more frequent after the beginning of the use of bracelets.

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2011 18:08
by Дмитрий_999
But if a person is always colored dreams – what does that mean?

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2011 20:34
by Мастер ДАО
Good time to all. Want some to add from myself and Personal experience and a little bit of the same explanatory information. Your first. With the Acquisition of B. J., as ever, the dreams have not changed especially. They I have always had very vivid and rich images and colors. Only with the Production of a Stabilizer (sorry for not specifying a theme), they have found a different focus and the other meaningful role-playing sense. As for the distinguished Mr. Methuselah-and that "But if a person is always colored dreams – what does that mean?"I as a representative, in the Subject of SLEEPWestern is more psychological schools, attended to explain the following statement - "it is believed that the color dreams are typical for people with artistic mindset, with a strong creative imagination, whereas thinkers inherent in achromatic dreams." But of course, this is only the principle, you should Always consider how the Person and Allthis accompanying Person in his Life, in the complex. My statistics the analysis of the dreams of my kurantov ,the more fit it is in this above statement. But for example, when I recently Confidentially communicate with their friends in Japan, all signs of the Classical Type Thinker(thinkers inherent in achromatic dreams), Dreams of his own, raised in some kind of analysis of his situation was particularly Polychrome and Varied in scale. I'm not talking about the Storyline. These are the observations...respect Your Master DAO.

PS. by the Way, a small addition to the load. The beautiful half of humanity represented in my statistics work with dreams, in the great majority, sees it Classic Color dreams.

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2011 21:35
by Соан
Could always boast an abundance of colorful and interesting dreams, and some OS. BJ for me has returned to me my dreams, and in recent years often from fatigue did not remember and may have never dreamed of... BJ and other items in the first place for me back the quality of sleep and vivid dreams have become the norm in about two months after the start of use of the BZ (about how tokhi). To Wasps I hope to get tight with the discs Patrushev And.... And in the module "Color dreams" I like the function of REM sleep, cut down instantly.

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2011 21:52
by Михаил_
Метхуселах wrote:But if a person is always colored dreams – what does that mean?
just what you always dream...
in General, the module name is simply the name of module, color of dreams, it has nothing to do.... well, or has so far. It's just a module of work with dreams. Including (one application) is the OS.

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2011 22:24
by Малика
Dreams I have always had colored, bright as full length movies :) . After the acquisition of BJ suddenly the dreams became quality much more interesting, there was depth, I began to see the individual stories as if they are special to me closer and give a look at a very close distance, sometimes such beautiful things come out..
OS was only once, recently, and I finally realized what in the dream to control the dream or situation in the dream ( don't know how to speak).. very much. I would often see Wasps :oops:
Michael, prophetic dreams, and Wasps - it's probably different things ?

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2011 11:07
by Смолка
Dreams often dreamed of a realistic, vivid. Before I met with BJ , there were a few spontaneous Osov. But often dreamed of some dream - visions of coming events, only if these events are very important to me extraordinary. Of the modules I acquired the call of the wild . The entire night staring at his numerous relatives. Also liked the Sleeping Sleeping pill. As if in a vortex draws you in and weight for ever presses. Somehow, a week ago, laid down and remembered the dream, but not a specific module, and said to myself: today will see a dream, a vision. I had a very unpleasant and dangerous situation with my sister. I decided not to bother her, but the evening we were talking on the phone, and she described me the situation is very similar in detail my dream. Of course, this dream of her every night will not. Event out of the ordinary. And about the OS, Yes, to me they are interesting.

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 13:44
by Воффка
Lucid dreams have been since childhood, and is still, but rarely. Increased when I started at Bronnikova to do :)
Module "lucid dreams" began to operate only after the acquisition of RF set-top boxes, before this module at all. Then activate this module has resulted out of bodily experience is OSA. Now when I turn the module OS, but sometimes they are, even when you sleep even without BJ, not the best as before. But what I noticed with my long and colorful OS was when I did nothing (I mean practices) and nothing special did, just drank two bottles of beer 0.5 and went to bed.

Of course I'd like that-would Michael have done anything special to develop this skill which I find extremely useful.

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 9:15
by Зухра
Even pondering for a fad to vote because Wasps occur periods - then a lot of them, then suddenly for some period of time they completely stopped.. But dreams all life color and even smells, sensations of raindrops or humidity of the fog, if such a dream. And there's the key to Wasps: if Castaneda that was the moment when I fly or want to fly - i.e., flight or anticipation in me had developed a memory that now I am in a dream.
Special equipment and devices are never used, except for listening to the sounds of other Hemisync and binaural beats, but the ones I listened to just because I like them - my most comfortable state when I'm in them.. I would recommend before going to bed to listen to the sounds recorded by NASA satellites and Tibetan singing bowls - also akin to binaural. So tomorrow I'll pay for the Artifact Watch, then I will watch and dream including, as in the FAQ I read, this device watches become BJ.

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 11:08
by Михаил_
Zohra, Artifact-Watch can be used ONLY in the presence of at, and at is recommended ONLY in the presence of BJ at least 2.0.
Cost 2.0 - not much....
So if BJ is not and was not, cancel the order, will this product work correctly, moreover, may have the opposite effect.
At designed for symbiosis with the existing BJ, i.e., BJ provides the existence of at least 2.0 and a couple of weeks constrained with the operator.
As then to be fed from at energy. Hours would be BJ, but do You have al? and as part of the system will work without its Foundation....
The whole series of Ah are dependent on at( it's written in the description), and at is dependent on the presence of BZ (it's written in the description).

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 11:21
by Зухра
Oh wow, Michael, thanks for this clarification! then I ran to phone an order to alter, and then I have ordered the Mirror of ISIS, planning that if ISIS is running over time, the Artifact will watch together the topic..

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 12:09
by Михаил_
don't ... don't do such experiments... they are the topic but only in a set, better just 1 BJ 2.0 to take to start.

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 12:12
by Игнациус
who and what help Wasps?

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 12:17
by Михаил_
Wasps can help absolutely in everything and everyone :) a universal tool. Including OS-s can help to work with what You work in ordinary life (a situation, health, etc.) + with working practices and skills during OS (which is much easier because there is a world of plastic) with the transfer of these skills entirely in real life (what is really possible, including exclusive skills like "flying").
So, a short summary... is not exhaustive. Besides the ability to work with parallel branches of reality (but requires great care, just sometimes it turns out not arbitrary and there is no escape), and with their own "cockroaches in the head", i.e. with the problems of consciousness, requiring psychotherapy.

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 12:39
It would be interesting to try bi

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 12:49
by Зухра
Михаил_ wrote:..better just 1 BJ 2.0 to take to start..
yep, already done, ie re-for BJ 2.0, SS, and Z.
Михаил_ wrote:.. Besides the ability to work with parallel branches of reality (but requires great care,
that's why I had this idea with the Z and the Artifact for hours.
Михаил_ wrote: just sometimes turns out not randomly and not to get to anywhere),
In dreams there are some in the same places that are not in my real life, there are even places that get again after six months or even a year, and in the dream I know the trail and the short path how to reach them. And some places show I like Shiloh, but the most interesting thing I get to know them, ie where I already was once, but not in this life, so to speak.
Yes, because I wanted to experiment.. :wiz :aa

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 13:18
by Зухра
This, however, was a long time ago, but I Ignatius, Wasps in real life first of all helped to dismiss fears that I successfully cultivated in yourself. Then later using Wasp I was able to solve problems and to solve problems in real life. In General, Wasps they are really closely connected with our reality, although this is only their application part, even more side Osov can be learned from books Lama of the Tibetan Bon tradition Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche "the TIBETAN YOGA of SLEEP AND DREAMS", I liked the book.

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 15:25
by Петрос
Who can advise from the literature on Wasps? :)

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 21:33
by Зухра
..Michael, I wanted to share:
Here came the weekend, and the good - when not working days, then you can sleep peacefully, not bothered in the evening that in the morning neither light nor dawn to get up, and then you can break all limitations - sleep plenty)). But just sleep, like, not interested, but do not aspire to have something special to take to Osov: if you will - super, if not - still these dreams super is always fantastic. And then, it turns out, the brain has left the conversation where you tell me about the Artifact watch said.. a dream, in it I remember that still wish to purchase this same device on the watch, but not without at)).. Sitting in my city apartment (sleep), think about the last conversation with You, but somehow "all deaths in spite" imagine I have the Artifact already in the hands.. )) turn in the peripheral region, where the railway station - the people around intricate, that there are no tickets for the train (and the train only one passing!), look at your watch (they have no Artefacta), "connect" mentally on this plan, get to the checkout they give me a ticket)) .. however, the train somehow it is strange to be late.. again look at my watch and in my head there is a path (the path so obliquely).., run.., you see this train - it goes without stopping, jump in your car. show ticket, meal.. landed God knows where (before the ticket), but all familiar to the pain, I see the path - and here again I am where I was last well up to three months ago in this cool place I haven't been (all of these places not from real life). Great place - everything I knew before, but they were all dead, but (now) I do not remember what, remember that again somehow looked at the clock and woke up at home on your couch, it's 8:30 PM. (for me crazy to Wake up at this time of the morning, by itself in the day - I love to sleep))
..imagine Michael as I wanted this Artifact))

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2011 23:18
by Михаил_
I think that You ALREADY have at and AC in the virtual copies... but they are so much weaker, but it works.... these artifacts can replicate under certain conditions. Therefore, the dream.

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 18:11
by 1Андрей1
Wasps are very interesting and necessary thing. It would be great to have a specialized module.

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2011 16:14
by хитрый тип
Sleep like the dead, dreams (real ones) come in 3 times a year approximately. Grimstalker I manage to shoot without waking up and put on the shelf. For this there is no sense :( Sleep in handcuffs and grimstalker principle is also an option, but not yet tried.

Dream four months included 6 months before sleep, the effect is absolutely no.

From recording dreams in a notebook like a diary of dreams and techniques of direct entry, the same effect was not observed. Here are the pies.