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Feedback on the modules BJ

Posted: Mon May 31, 2010 14:40
by МерКаБа

1. Correction and diagnostics - health regeneration simulate corrective actions on sujok reflexology

2. The inclusion of chronopuncture (simulated acupuncture treatment on total treatment - harmonization, when the needle is not periodically migrating the point corresponding to the current energocable (for circadian rhythms) )

3. Trenchline the inclusion of chronopuncture (similarly trinocular method)

These three modules will simulate the effects of classical sujok acupuncture at acupuncture points hand for a total correction of the body. as with all other modules are called either by name or by "principle", i.e., it is sufficient to recall the "what" (to form in my head, "I need here is some kind of were there") and it runs.

Additional modules related to health:

4. The old planet - the condition of the body as it should be and the connection with the ancient land.

5. The source of life - with a particular taste, apply as needed, not all the time, including intensive recovery processes.

6. Control of life - resuscitation-fighting. you can use one dedicated body (to give or take away life energy).

7. Extraction of signal 13 - removes from the cocoon of the death signals

8. Regenerator - enables accelerated tissue regeneration and
restore body function normally.

9. 28 lives - the equivalent of "9 lives", a stronger version, recovers
energizes and silver, builds around it a dense structure as armor, including the additional channels.

10. Funnel flow - constitutes a powerful ehnergostok. from "flow structure"
great power and promiscuity, you can throw in a vortex of parasitic
channel or energy with the inflamed organ.

11. Etalon - Energy and interesting quality. Rebuild and rejuvenate the body. Contains a connection to some very ancient reference to the source, the reasonable characteristic of living organisms. Puts the process in the normal state and much, much more begins to recover.

12. Cleaning the disk of the earth - through the body from toe to head, looking for places
disruption of the structure (rattles, broken filament structure) - darning, normalizes, removes a blatant distortion

13. Channel extender - extends the washing of the bracelet and its carrier and
enhances protectors on energocable and the bracelet, keeping it from
destruction under heavy load.

(also can be used with all modules "kits" module "amplifier" that increases the action of any of the modules).

1. In itself, the wearing of the bracelet relieves b black out most of the possible situations from the category "unpleasant", it happens because the object (person) wearing a bracelet connected to the "damper" is the total network bearing the bracelets. It is as though a large "mass", which is not sensitive to pulses of situations that could erase one person to nothing.
2. Many situations resolve automatically because the subconscious well "steers" all available modules of the bracelet, regardless of whether they are here documented or not, the subconscious has all the controls and uses them avoiding potentially dangerous situations automatically where possible. Not to say that it is the ideal mechanism, but sometimes close to that. The problem is that sometimes the subconscious is not aware of the problems of consciousness, which wants something like your goals and do not agree that this is not implemented. In other words "good" in the standards of the subconscious and "good" in the standards of consciousness is not always the same.
Therefore, you do not have to take conscious control in their hands.
The interesting thing is that it is difficult to select what applies to modules work with situations and what not.
So I will list what can be used and will not specify what concerns the protective functions since they are described, as far as I remember above:

14. Surfing.
Method of movement along and between the world lines without head-on collisions and resistance on the input you need to choose a purpose for the development (short-term or long-term life goal), the algorithm works to build a movement to objectives consonant with the goals and objectives of the surrounding world without breaking the initial design, while receiving peace support and shock absorption its weight of their actions. The purpose of this module is that there are a certain kind of chain of events in the world, which are the main events, so to speak. If in your actions You try, even within their personal small goals, pass across such a course, it does little good will come of this. But if you construct a route toward the goal so that he was together with global processes, the result will be completely different, although the ultimate goal remained the same. Imagine how moving surfboard on the crest of a wave.

15. Terminal.
Singular point, where the lines of control of reality. At this point it is possible to READ information (time - past, present or future is not important here) and change processes (time also does not matter that not all will be immediately clear, but gradually understanding will come). The terminal can be visualized as a "screen" of the computer, the body of which the lines of control associated with some process, phenomenon, territory, place, community, people, process and the like. Examples of points terminal - city firm, the woods, the weather over the field(district), abstract phenomena, such as industry knowledge, or financial markets, and the like. Any phenomenon, process, community that can be allocated on a certain basis will contain a single point of the "terminal" where you can read information and made corrective action.
The power of remedial action is of course limited to what is called "personal power", but at the point of terminal efficiency impact is much higher than in any other.

16. The separation of the Worlds - it is possible to allocate what is necessary to life and that it should not be present. The rest will be in third, but in the process of change can be side effects. The division is the power lines and when used carelessly can have serious consequences. It is recommended to use only in emergencies or when absolutely necessary. The use of this algorithm does not guarantee the "price" of the changes. You can collect what you think is "expensive" for yourself and forget something important that will be in the area "no", can both suffer and not suffer. Usually, however, serious consequences if not observed, dividing the world into ALL THIS and one thing that is not necessary. When activating algorithm unnecessary stands out from the consciousness as if the extension outside, from yourself, then you just need to switch for some time the attention to something else.

17. 10 warriors - force majeure activation for defense and attack (including physical and energy), activates 10 soldiers in the defense around You. One or two times can initializeremote for the sample to get a sense from working. Do not use just! Do not expect however, as a panacea. Note that the use of this module can change the reaction of others to you (You may be frightened) and may affect your psyche (may be unjustified feeling that you are still able to "go face all beat"), although in reality, its effect may not be as effective. However, in a situation when You don't know the exit and got into trouble of any kind associated with pressure on You, intimidation, fear, physical danger - it is worth to apply.
What is Sami 10 warriors? Good question, let's just say that these are real people whose spirits are willing to help people in difficult situations and they do it voluntarily. To believe or not to believe - it's up, whatever it is, it works....
range, as far as I know - right beside You. I have no information about the possibility to remotely use this module, but You can try. Since You are in contact with a reasonable force, it is quite useless to try to use it where it is needed, or You presleduet some purely selfish goals without which you can do, will work only if there is a real danger and it is not possible to avoid a reasonable manner.

18. The Air passage - way goal, the "left" of probability. This module creates the possibility of implementation of absolutely not likely of probabilities. Like the fall of a sandwich on the side and hold in this form. Ie in principle, such probabilities are, but extremely small and usually not implemented. Using them you can achieve is not achievable goals. When activated, you need to focus on the target and activate the module.
The goal may not necessarily be "global", and you tube to disperse on the road. Some have tried people from a crowded place so to remove unnecessary people from the negotiations.

19. The matrix of the Crystal Key - a very strong effect for improving the world and building of event flow as it should. Affects a "small" plan of energy lines, indirectly affecting the structure of the events of our world. It is recommended to apply only in cases of extreme necessity.

20. Search of Objects and materials - to bind the desired object to itself, to create a connection with him, if necessary, is the path to the object or the object moves to You. To locate, lost contact with the right people, etc. many applications. I recommend not to forget to turn off the connection, not to go covered as tree threads somewhere. This module also creates a channel object or objects through which you can spend later, energy or impact the exchange of information and more.

21. Control of Life - resuscitation-fighting. When using this module is not in healing, and in situational purposes, it is possible to extract energy from a situation and it will cease to exist or slow down its development. You can reverse - power situation, the energy, and it will develop much faster. In exceptional cases you can apply to a specific person, for example to disconnect psihologo or overexcited, leading to the fact that he "later pairs" because he won't have the energy to do so.

22. Shockproof-Group - force-majeure only for extremely critical situations. Activates a network of subconscious everyone who wears the bracelets and all relations and can be used for impact and to solve problems, rather it happens automatically. Activating this module You actually turn to the collective wisdom of the subconscious of several thousand people with your situation and it triggers some kind of response. It is clear that it should not be used unnecessarily. It is clear also that the subconscious can not lie and suffer human frailties. They will assist if this is an objective need and the situation is critical. For those who were helping and not geeky it's unlikely to be noticeable.
It should be understood that the "fake call" will not of course result in direct negative consequences, but it will not be exact. Can occur in some kind of trouble, or discontinuance of this module is for You personally in the future. Meaning deliberately false call, not a personal delusion.

23. Spiders -move - finding a path from a power line in the world, for
the progress towards the goal. You need to focus on the goal and call the module. In
further movement to the goal will go for one of the best
lines. This is one of the most powerful modules for automatic operation with any situations. If it activation can occur interesting conflicts, for example, is new friends or old forgotten friends to experience unusual circumstances and the like.

24. Guide to experience - use when you need some experience
no. Looking for media experience and allows you to connect the necessary experience to itself, i.e., to rewrite it as the quality itself.

25. Amplifier - increases the effect of any modules, do not forget to use when you need more impact.

26. Disconnect from the network off the bracelet from the shared network media bracelets that are dampening external influences (mass). The action "disconnect" will end automatically in an emergency situation, if the network is required, but it is not recommended to leave this mode active because it greatly lowers the effectiveness of protection. May be need if You want to lighten yourself, make pesenki in the sea, with which it is easier to happen any conversion, or in a different situation.

27. Enchantment - the appearance of the crowd - allows you to give your mind the invisibility and
ratio as a normal passer-by not calling interest

28. Spell - invisibility - forms the partial or complete
invisibility due to the line loss of attention from others. (the blind).

29. Enchantment - the horror of childhood - generates fear in the target of influence, drawing children's deep-seated fears and complexes. Can be used to distract the person in a critical situation or change his attitude.

30. Spell - desire for submission - forms the pull to obey You, increases Your credibility. Makes You a leader.

31. A large Water sphere - creates a protective sphere around man-made object (Car, plane, train) where the person is.
Sector can to a significant degree to demirovici different effects (crash for example), from the devastating effects due to the increase in inertial mass of the object. This improves security and allows to avoid some unpleasant consequences of technogenic accidents.

32. Fulcrum is an algorithm of zone selection support for my personal life or stabilize the situation, countering the effect, or Vice versa for effect.
Allows you to record yourself as an absolutely stable object, based on the lines of force of the world and their nodes. Extremely efficient module, but very much in his work, and its effectiveness depends on what position You chose. You can select unstable and to fix it - get the effect of instability.
To effect stabilization, it is necessary to imagine that the processes in the world are connected with lines as thick energopetrol through which flows the energy as glowing plasma, and this network forms a set of nodes, some of which - the largest. You stand at the same time on all large nodes, they give support, the World would protect and keep You. After this visualization aktiviziruyutsya module.

33. System bypass - is building a multi-dimensional analyzer lines probabilities (future)
(the boundaries of the bounce probability) and produces from them is clearly negative.
Starts rebuilding probabilities to avoid the negative and make them unlikely. Works offline, can additionally be caused when you need to get out of a situation, but there is no clear end goal and you just need to choose the least dangerous, and most odchodami for You.

34. Werewolf - the vehicle shifts down while leaving the mode of clear consciousness. In principle, this module can be applied also to healing a row, as it improves the immune system and regenerative abilities of the body are the ability to high loads, survival in harsh conditions.
The meaning of it is that it shifts the frequency of the body in the area specific to animals, but still leaves the consciousness in working condition that is not typical for such systems (usually capacity of the consciousness also changes due to the transition to the more underdeveloped creatures, and with a consciousness of perceiving the world and situations here that never happens). In fact, in addition to these points for stamina and health, can be used to make You fall out of attention for all in the world, because when you activate this module, You fundamentally become a different object that is not perceived intuitively as a person anyone, You all lose sight of.

35. Funnel flow - constitutes a powerful ehnergostok. From "flow structure"
great power and promiscuity, you can throw in a vortex of parasitic channel, or channel to someone (for example - tail from the module "search object"). Funnel sucks in the energy of the object merging everything very quickly and efficiently.

36. The strength of the stone is close in action to the "Source of energy structures", but it creates a more dramatic and uncontrolled release of mass energy in an extreme situation. You need to select the object from which to extract energy and structure (and hence strength) which is broken (!) It is not necessary so to joke with the residential buildings and other objects where strength is important. Choose a boulder on the street or something neutral. Energy can be directed on the desired effect. The power module in a sharp release of energy that can energize the work of virtually any module.

37. Transmutation of air creates the possibility to convert the object
the situation by working with probabilities, affects both the personal future and the future of the world, which means working in different frequency bands.

38. The transmutation of the earth - the same action, but due to the restructuring of the structural lines of force of the world.

39. The canyon is a funny thing, needed for modulation of important transformations in the surrounding world.
When you activate this module, especially at the beginning it is better to close your eyes and imagine in front of a sheer mountain stone wall (250-300 metres) is the mirror of the emitter of the canyon.
How would you tighten in place "operator", the signal reflected from the stone wall (it is a real object) runs back, and goes to the surface of the sea, skirting the then to our world. The signal is phased so that it comes to the same point at the time of his graduation and is in resonance with yourself
You need to imagine yourself in the place of the operator.
Need to represent in consciousness the object of influence and the goal of conversion.
To initiate a start pulse, he's going to grow and resonate
Your participation of the operator in the center of the emitter.
It is not recommended to use without a critical need.
Can cause damage energoalem if they are not prepared for such hard work.
Consider this module says "does not fit, kill!", as in the transformer box.
You can apply for healing (rebuilding of tissue) and to work with the situation or the weather (which is the situation).
Is a powerful tool for reshaping the lines of force of reality due to the effect of signal amplification.

40. The prophet - as accurate visions of the near future.

41. Colorful dreams - dreams to order, including: ability to get enough sleep to Wake up rested
to order the script of the dream to look at certain events in your life or other events
to obtain the necessary information to realize a dream to control the dream
Sub module.
-REM sleep to regain strength.
-alarm clock - some for reviews works. Depends on the characteristics of the personality structure. Allows you (If You have) to set the time of awakening.
-to realize - to realize in the dream that it was a dream and you can control it, to switch to lucid dreaming.
ring of sleep - washing energy during sleep by absorbing impressions from the world of sleep. In a way, causes the return of You, your energy spent on the dream space for life.
- the Lord of the sleep - mode to control the world of dreams, absolute power over the matter of sleep, the ability to redraw.
- remember the dream - lightweight stimulates the recollection of the dream upon awakening. However, it is not a panacea, it is better to perestanete all before getting out of bed and transition to a business and immediately make a reminder. The memory of the dream quickly goes away, even when there are, as worlds are different. It's like a long trip to another country for many years.
- the body of sleep - stimulates the development of the dreaming body. (there is such a thing)
- force flow of energy that allows you to manipulate sleep.
- sleep - to sleep, instead of sleeping pills.
- call of the wild is an interesting mode, creates a reliance on past personal and ancestral, as the length of the person in time, increases personal significance, although in the dream, causing the dream theme, but affects strongly on real life.
- search for sleep. Search someone else's dream.
- to transmit power - to supply power to another person in his dream.
- search facility - to find the object of interest, but in the dream.
- search root object to find what gave rise to the object, its context, causes.
double as = between dream and reality, poluosoznannye spectating from the sidelines.
portal - move between different dreams. I recommend to try to bring objects from the dream into sleep. When you do try to drag into the sleep of the subject from real life. This is a very useful exercise.
-hand of protection - something like 10 warriors, but in the dream. Although why you need if there is a power and the dream master - I don't know, but for some reason probably necessary..... for insecure.
-cute place - if you just want to relax in the ideal place.
-fluidity - imparting material of the dream of plasticity, so it can change anything.
-communication channel (in a dream) -communication with other sleeping.
-to Wake up the source
-to talk out loud
script sleep
-eight (alias the Whole world) - a special state of work with the dream world
broadcast of experience- to pass in your sleep your sleeping experience to another, train during sleep.
-finding solutions - finding solutions in dream.
portal of the real world

42. Copier properties in the structure (a synonym for "Copier") - copies the information on the energy level from one subject to another (distance doesn't matter) using the energy of the bracelet. The original object is not affected. You can copy the different modulation quality, including historical items or photos. For example, you can use to create drugs with the information structure of drugs, charging these properties by water or objects.
Thus, it is possible, for example in field conditions to charge something antibiotic or analgesic, which is not at hand (for memory tuning for this drug in the pharmacy, the photo, last, etc.).
The force of impact is directly proportional to the retention focus of consciousness on the source and target.
The role of the bracelet then the amplifier + a certain algorithm for scanning and transfer of information.
Of course this way you can copy not only the tablets but the information content or quality of different items.

43. The suit of earth, protective and healing module. Has three modes of operation + deactivation (off).
Mode 1 "darning" cocoon -energoblock person from damage and protects it from new.
Mode 2 sometimes need to be applied at danger to enter in an unpleasant emotional interaction when You look "hard look" etc. is a strong seal of regime 1, the cocoon, as it shrinks to the area of the physical body, being many times denser and stronger.
Mode 3 - full-isolation, open channels from the cocoon of any nature (from the nature of the required channels will avtovolnovye). Mode 3 will AUTOALLOCATE after some time, because together with the isolation of the person loses external power and is beginning cooks "in its own juice", which is not correct.
Mode 1 can be used as a "kit", if you feel that You have already fallen into some kind of energy or physical interaction wrong. You need to understand that with the defeat of the physical body, this defeat is reflected on the cocoon, which is clearly seen for example in the apparatus of kirlianography (such devices of the St. Petersburg production of even certified by the Ministry of health and also used the interior Ministry as a sensor for determination of some features in criminology). The overgrowth of the cocoon is that doing a "Sens" and healers, but most of them does not restore the structure, so relief comes only temporarily immediately after the session, after which the disease returns.

44. The archiver is used to memorizing States
specific moments of life for later use these points (including to restore health, energy). The archiver has a mode record and playback.

45. Dependencies - works with various addictions (alcohol, drugs, gambling, etc.) on a number of factors - the reduction of the generation of endorphins (natural hormones of happiness), a state of peace, look at yourself from the outside (negative attitude to addiction and its harm to himself) and perspectives in life (many have a relationship running away from reality) + there is a restoration of socialization, sociability, psychological blocks are removed childhood.

46. Right pain causes abnormal current to the human body's reaction to pain. In the usual case, though, and say that the pain indicates a problem and is therefore the correct signal, but in fact, the pain weakens the restorative abilities of the body paralyzing him and requiring commitment on the pain itself. Recovery when this occurs.
When you call the module I get an echo of the whole body. Principle - the body is stronger than one sore spot. Forces are aligning for an immediate restoration of the damaged systems of the body. Connects the reference state and external sources of energy.

47. To kill disease - antivirus tool. Suitable to fight different kinds of infections, it is also possible parasites (?) you need to check. Made to be projected on the object. Ie for example for water disinfection, indoor air, etc.

48. To bind the poison - the same module projector to invoke the mechanisms of neutralization of harmful substances such as pollutants somewhere in nature.
It should be understood that the informational impact on the material world often is not sufficiently "dense" to create a full effect. However, since the effects of diseases and harmful for living nature substances akin to information, there will be a partial neutralization, and the rest of the scenario will turn in the direction of minimize the consequences. Efficiency, as always, dependent on the personal power of influencing.
Someone glass is not achievable. For someone can the lake be cleaned.
Bracelet naturally enhances the result, but to your own upper limit. Simply without the upper limit is usually not reachable at all (greatly removed from the everyday status).

49. To freeze a process - suspend dynamics in the process, which for some reason is a threat or stopped. Similar effect can be achieved using the module "control of life" to the situation.

50. Resuscitation - hopefully nobody will have to see if it will work, but just in case added. Must rapidly mobilize the reserves of the body to restore normal functions in a critical situation. Can be projected onto the victim.
Should not engage the autopilot (or rather subconscious).

51. Obsessive thoughts - implements the clean channel of the upper podlucky from harmful inclusions, making not the proper motivation in behavior and thoughts, also causes an internal review and the search for the causes of obsessive-compulsive disorder. When you call to keep the attention on the problematic thoughts.

52. Pathogenic zone - implements a mechanism of constructing a system powering a person's energy by being in the abnormal energy area, regardless of the direction and quality of the flow of energy.

53. The egregor control - allows you to encapsulate egregor that unites people on some symptom of a new kind of motivation, if the result will generate a positive emotional response of participants, i.e. the change is for the better, it will catch on. If for the worse, then almost immediately die, though perhaps some action, but very limited. Here is almost the principle of the "virus" - it is possible to install something that will cause positive changes, it will create a community of people with a positive response and cause a power surge that would short-circuit the process of positive feedback.
Naturally from the work of this module should not expect immediate effects, the process is inertial, but in small communities, for example, a small workforce, change can be quite rapid.

54. Weather control module is very energy consuming and requires full attention to process, not just "command". You should to evaluate the process changes in the weather, such as:
1. physical phenomena (including the parameters of humidity, pressure, atmospheric electricity, the movement of air masses with inertia - which is already taking place, etc.). No matter what You may not understand it consciously, you should concentrate on this that will enable gaps changes and the direction and the model algorithms of the processes. To proceed follows from the fact that everything is possible, but the solution may still lie in the plane of real physics, though may be a statistical anomaly.
2. setting the atmosphere as part of the nervous and energy systems of the planet - single on entire area thereof.
3. option of those regularly affected by the weather (often not consciously). - should take into account if the effect is more or less not a local, but large-scale.
All three parameters are taken at the same time. 2 and 3 in Advisory mode. Ie You work in them in the mode of the MP before a crowd of listeners, pushing my opinion that you need to "so" on your own, good for You.
The effectiveness result will depend on the duration and density of exposure and the justification of intervention. For very small areas P1 sufficient in combination with the module of the air passage.

55. Visible the phantom is a toy, which can train your ability. It is likely that a few months nothing special will not be noticeable. Allows you to generate the energy, but giving the refraction of light. Such, for example, are often pictured in the form of "artifacts" -spots. Only in this case can play with shape and form. Useful for overall development of abilities and improvement of energy and personal power. You can use the exercise that I gave to the club.

56. Tube module was made earlier, I do not remember whether description. Was amplified. Allows you to close any channel of the energy tube. One of the particular applications - disabling personal channels (to relatives, etc.). It incorporates autostradausa if You're going through some nonsense to not beat the relatives. Since chain bracelets best damper (more participants) than the generic network.

57. Charisma - adjustment of how You are perceived by others. Extreme positions, the lower "bum", ie people who don't need to pay attention, which is to be shunned (sometimes very useful by the way !), and the other extreme position - "God", a man carrying a nearly unshakable truth. Extreme positions may be oddities of individual perception. For example, many columnae residents share the "knowledge" and "action". Ie not the fact that the truth is spoken "Saint" will push these in the right direction... not the opposite. In the middle is position suitable more than - it is possible to level yourself with someone, or make a little above or below, which is useful. In short smoothly tunity balance of perception itself, others to the situation. For example, in the service of the subordinate must remain subordinate, but can make himself so useful... just below the head, etc.

58. Timer healer. It allows you to project onto the bracelet another person call only modules running in the health and only the person who the bracelet was made and issued. While still a supervisor role is played by the subconscious mind of the wearer, which may block this action if it deemed incorrect. The point is that the subconscious mind is wiser than usually, but often not in a hurry to help until the problem became very much the cornerstone. For this reason, it is possible to be issued bracelets to prescribe a schedule for modules like chronopuncture twice a day (for example), set a specific time.

59. Security equipment - projected on the electronics sector, cocoon, enveloping from all sides. Protects from burning. failures caused by energy activities nearby (often just people with highly active subconscious are the cause of regular equipment failures).

60. The body - the capillaries - increased blood supply to the tissues. Healing. Well, or holistic sanative.

61. The desire - pure signal to work with goals, allows you to remove or to minimize the distorting influence of the world on your way to the goal. cause keeping the goal in mind and look for the revaluation and subsequent events.

62. Attunement for couples or other modes for those who understand what he's doing. in reverse mode it can also be caused.

63. Shop - to attract the attention of customers

64. Communication module - improves the ability of telepathy. However, in extreme situations not without training will be Fig. Will require practice, but enhances the signal and reduces the noise level.

65. The grazing probability reduces the possibility of loss of the unwanted branches draining her energy.

66. Power is the probability - on the contrary, connects a powerful source to needed probability

67. Wave world is consonant with the work of the module the Canyon but operates outside of this thread too (if needed). In the simplest case allows something firmly sewed into the fabric of the universe. For example (very stupid but effective application) it is possible to record a signal on a tangible medium is more dense and durable.
Generally a thing of incredible power, used in a broader sense, very carefully. But remember what is there.

68. Dense physical protection auto - attempt to make a large sphere of water more structured and give the opportunity to more efficiently protect the car. vehicle of increased danger.

69. Climate control - attempt to regenerate the innate ability of a person to temperature of autoreguljatsii that typically ruin even the swaddling clothes of their babies and Kuta, although they have better thermoregulation than adults, that their Kuta.

70. The power of choice - improves movement to the goal from the viewpoint of removing noise generating doubt (attempts to influence our choice).
71. Table quality - restructuring - changing the priorities within the individual to a more positive model.

72. Ring - dam is an interesting thing begins to release stolen from You by deception, the energy that You spent creating unnecessary by performing the imposed work, i.e., that imposed on the society. The dam begins to impound the energy of such a sub-pirate fashion back.

73. Dolphins - Dolphin impact on psycho-emotional sphere and energy. Has a General revitalizing effect, probably slightly softer than the standard for effects (?) I don't know yet. He also needs to seriously speed up the rate of reaction as a bodily and consciousness, because dolphins do not live permanently in that frequency range in which modern man lives. However, the last point to be tested - not the fact that the effect will be really noticeable, theoretically he should be.

74. Cleaning of the blood - Includes several cycles to remove from the blood pathogenic inhabitants (microbes, viruses, protozoa) and the normalization of the number of symbiotic microbes to the norm, these cycles also thrown information casts immunomodulatory drugs.
Should work as arihip (and generally antibalas), we continue to improve this area, because the result for now is (tablets 1-3 + other modules kits), but they are not enough for a vibrant effect. Yes, the disease with the bracelet is shorter and simpler. But I want to make significant and rapid effect is its suppression.
Module to call as often as you think necessary, even for preventive purposes, it is harmless. Must be called also in autopilot mode.
Thus, the possible characteristic sensations in the hand in the area of the bracelet.
Most favorable to activate it on the bracelet ( not on other charged objects), since there is a processing krovotoka slice wear of the subject, the less there is of veins and vessels, the more effective exposure and the subject should be covering in a circle.
Ie pendants, necklaces and belts for this module is not very suitable.

75. module "mirror" - limits the parallelepiped (8 preset angles) of the mirror surface. for example room. The surface has a strong shielding properties for attempts energy and information of contact in both directions (inside and outside). Automatic shutdown is not provided. You need to turn off consciously. Might off himself, but I on the action duration is not known.<

Posted: Mon May 31, 2010 18:05
МерКаБа wrote:Module
Thank you!!!

Very useful and timely information!

Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2010 1:59
Tried module-Climate control -started with left leg .And body has really become cool and today I did the same thing ,but the whole body just gradually became cool. Although the band was again on the right foot. Even the man in the bus when the hand accidentally touched looked strangely at me .He hand-hot water I heat in a stuffy bus and cold.

Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2010 12:49
by Вадим Перелыгин
Impressions of bracelets 1.0 :
1. Steel bracelet with clock prorabotala has – been irritation of the trigeminal nerve and discomfort from the bridge in the mouth, numbness of the fingers have passed - throw don't have to!
2. Wife forgot where I put my money – searched, all the nerves. Put BJ amber bracelet and earrings. The modules do not believe. With difficulty persuaded her to enable the module "search". A minute later the money was found. Says accident, but now has a bunch of bracelets.
3. Wearing a wooden bracelet on the ankle, necklace on the neck. Any modules not included. Came two strangers, and sold new right thing cost a 19t.R. documents, cheque and guarantee 5 Tr ???!!! Maybe it's time to buy lottery tickets???
4. Granddaughter 10 years with BJ "silver chain with a pendant with pianistica" playing module "invisible" and includes "funnel flow" when dealing with the subject of reaching her 5 years.
5. BJ "thick glass globe" pulsating in the hand and "flashing"? Position the ball under the tailbone, necklace on the neck went hot flow along the spine.

Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2010 16:21
by Маг.нет
First experiment:

Fig. 1 "DIVE INTO YOURSELF" ("insulated" all devices pre-meditation);


Uploaded with

Fig. 2 "WORKING WITH BJ", (+added "receiver" IC 1M), procedure: relaxation, self-absorbed (focusing on "I"), concentration on BJ, the wording of the Trend, the volitional impulse;


Uploaded with


Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2010 16:37
by Новик
And you can explain to those who have no Psyleron these graphs?

Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2010 17:12
by Маг.нет
And you can explain to those who have no Psyleron these graphs?
It is better to ask Michael... this is my first experiment... very, Oh, how interesting!

While in the process of understanding>>>


Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 19:26
by Михаил_
the first (graph left-down), talking about the dive :) dealing with the past, either themselves (which is generally one to some extent). I.e. in terms of the elements - right (water) shift, in terms of tenacula - dominant Homo in the state.
the second in the part where it goes up (from the point of fracture), said the work of creativity, i.e. the change of something. In natural terminology, this will be a left shift (either in terms of fry - the dark side), in trenchlines interpretation is to be heterosexual - a manifestation of the quality of creativity and variability, which is quite normal for any volitional impulses, trends, goals and also to focus on BJ and so on.

But in General... schedule of psyleron it's such a little about what the talking thing is more made for scientists accustomed to measure everything through statistics.
to me it never really was interesting and informative it goes smoothly to zero.
Because the device adopts not only the operator but the schedule may be arbitrary without concentration on the device it also sometimes goes beyond the boundaries of the parabola (which shows where he needs to be if we saw just a random process).

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 19:33
by Маг.нет
Михаил_ wrote:to me it never really was interesting and informative it goes smoothly to zero.
Please clarify...


Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 19:40
by Михаил_
what to clarify? this is a graph invented by scientists who believe in statistics, and random processes in the world, to evaluate the deviation of the chart from the accident. Well ... suppose You have a video camera with some permission... so take from it ONE pixel, i.e. the status of one point, black or white. This is our psyleron.
Now, give the output with this video cut to one point scientists. They will take statistics. Guess what's there... behind the camera, in the frame. But along the way they forget that this is a camera and begin to consider all sorts of statistics, deviations and other stuff, bearing ZERO information.
In pilinovsky data almost all the information is significant. It is a pure psi-a signal that the person is not able to interpret. To draw from it the graph is almost to no avail. Make operator touch to influence the device such a stupid way (pull graph in one direction) is not very easy.
You think how much time took idea? a second?
And it is not visible on the chart element.
This kind of mapping is designed to proof that the device works and responds to mental messages. But if not doubt and take it as a tool, then why do we "prove" we need a signal... but it's not the best way to draw it.

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 19:52
by Маг.нет
Михаил_ wrote:to me it never really was interesting and informative it goes smoothly to zero.
I hope understand correctly, it's on the schedule?
Михаил_ wrote:we need a signal...
In the recordings of the psi signal is that You do see the practical benefit of Psyleron?
Михаил_ wrote:best way to display.
Tell me what?

For example, I want to call one of the sentiments written on the chart, how to do it effectively?


Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 20:32
by Михаил_
Yes, it's on the schedule.
In the record there are practical benefits, as in interactive working with the signal, but not in the form of a graph. The more precisely we can read it, the better...

Ways to display - I wrote about it in the thread about psyleron.

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2010 9:49
by Малика
Michael,I'm sorry if used the wrong module and tell me how it is better:in the morning at the seventh hour activated module 9 warriors for protection from astral attack.I'm just shocked at what happened a few seconds around me formed a huge whitish cocoon in which everything was spinning at a breakneck speed (it seemed to me that on the Windows curtains fluttered),sometimes a little bit opened his eyes,but other than the white translucent cloth, and strong strange sounds, saw nothing and heard nothing. It was not terrible,I thought,as they circled around me several times and thanked for the work.Disappeared as quickly as it appeared, how many minutes it lasted I can not say exactly,maybe 3,and m.10m.After they left,the body continued to buzz,and I lay stunned by the result.Slowly came to, and at the same time I understand why are You so determined to warn about caution with the use of some modules.All I've seen,but it has faced for the first time.. Sorry that didn't hear You..

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2010 12:03
by Маг.нет
малика wrote:in addition to the white translucent cloth, and strong strange sounds
Similar was observed when activating another Module.
малика wrote:in the morning at the seventh hour activated module 9 warriors for protection from astral attack
Prescribed "setting" (autosuggestion), by EXTERNAL forces - WAKE up!
Helps, even when I'm awake, and not just from the "astral" attacks, but also from the psycho-emotional impacts.

With uvazhenem,

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2010 12:44
by Малика
And one more question: so I see and hear in this module, all who activates, or is it I did that because I see what others don't see? I see and feel is some of the things cat.unavailable for normal vision and normal sensation.

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2010 12:49
by Малика
Dear,not noticed Your message,sorry. Thanks for the reply.I will not say,when you activate a module observed a similar effect to already know what to be prepared. And do not quite understand what prescribed autosuggestion? It's important to me.Thank You for the reply.

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2010 12:54
by Маг.нет
малика wrote:it happened because I see what others don't see
Most likely.
малика wrote:I see and sometimes feel some things,cat.unavailable for normal vision and normal sensation
You know where to look... "where" hear... "what and where" to feel...
Many years to learn, but... not all the results are obtained.


Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2010 13:08
by Маг.нет
малика wrote:when you activate a module observed a similar effect
BJ "hear" constantly about the difference in "frequency" and "volume"...
Note the changes of "noise" when activating Modules and cartridges Modulator. Module "10 warriors" to activate not tried it. A similar effect was observed after activation of the Module "Terminal". Cocoon is not specifically seen, but the haze (fog) in front of the eyes around to a distance meter (not sure, I "seemed") and very "ringing" loud enough "noise", more like a whistle... called for the illumination...
малика wrote:what is prescribed by autosuggestion
Маг.нет wrote:for EXTERNAL action - WAKE up!


Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2010 13:11
by Михаил_
by the way, the module is called 10 warriors, but not important, someone made a typo, which I have reprinted on automaticity and multiple sclerosis.

the effect may be as a result of work and personal perception. I can't say anything. We have activated this module in the group in a circle and everyone felt a tight ring, but distinguishable silhouettes personalities, but caused no acute need. In addition, the trick is that when you call another module, if this is more appropriate, the subconscious mind could pull itself, despite indication of consciousness to do something different (or rather in addition).

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2010 18:07
by Вадим Перелыгин
Today the weather is cold, windy and the rain was going. In 13часов came to finish the pyramid. Cold. On the neck of the BJ necklace aventurine. Included module "weather Control", command: "turn yourself down the wind, the rain party", after 15 minutes the wind died down and it warmed up!!! :ay
I'm loving it!!! :roll:

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2010 23:05
by Малика
Thank You! Thanks Michael! Once clarified the situation with Your help.Besides the whole day if possible, reread and made notes in the margins for options.components(I have printed and collected into the book the whole selection,PTS.comfortable).A lot of new things discovered, so that's interesting it turned out in the morning shake...

Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2010 23:05
by МерКаБа
Again about the module "Climate control".
In this heat, activate it permanently. In my experience, the module works well. The specificity of the work lies in the fact that the body feels very hot, feels like sweating but it does not create, some, voltage, ie stand the heat, absolutely fine.

Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2010 23:16
by Вадим Перелыгин
Today was. BJ on the neck, climbed up on the forest - painted pyramid. In my head there was a picture: "can of paint falls down" - automatically load the module "Prophet." Think: "Thanks, I'll be careful." Graduated, began the descent. The Bank coming down! Whether I relaxed, or do not try – it still must fall!? :roll:

Posted: Sat Jun 12, 2010 2:13
by Михаил_
you can almost always get off the unneeded branches of probability. Sometimes it is NOT NECESSARY (it happens rarely, but sometimes, the alternative is somewhere in the long run worse).
But the other thing is that often we don't need to to go with her. Then you need to literally feel what you need to do some action, sometimes illogical, which will switch to another scenario.
The idea is that you had not "I'll be careful", and "spiders moving" to the branch, where the Bank does not fall.

Posted: Sat Jun 12, 2010 21:26
by Вадим Перелыгин
Thank you for the advice. Yes, it would be hard to analyze and to quickly decide what branch of reality, it is better to choose. :roll: