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Re: BJ 2.1 / 2.2 / 2.4

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2017 23:48
by Наталия А
Thank You, Michael! I wrote Andrew.

Re: BJ 2.1 / 2.2 / 2.4

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2017 1:34
by Михаил_
Of course no problem. And although I am stubborn (in terms of the fact that You and the doctor I hear, but because of experience think that all the other factors) we will change the material and this party will do specifically.
Just in case, I warn you all who took it light БЖ2.4 after removing the leather that Natalia has one over the years, the case of suspected allergic reaction to the material in this batch (all of the wood including BH/Eben contain juice which has a tough antiseptic properties, though the worms devour them anyway-about what recently wrote about wormholes). So if there is a suspicion that or want to be safe, treat BJ this type of wax impregnated type a La ikeevskogo natural or other hypoallergenic composition tolerances on contact with skin do not rinse then water (there are plenty such as the German oil based wax/vegetable oil) and other. It will repeat on about "the burn" when wearing tight, and about the possible reaction, like wood itself.
We will rework this and more of this brand, the wood will not take the case even though single and though I continue to believe that it is not the type of wood and generally a combination of factors, but You are right, even one case in 8 years, but repetition is not necessary. Just do 2.4 of the BH financial is impossible without subsidies on our side, there's a naked workpiece with the entire production cycle go to zero apart from the efforts to actually treatment. Replace venge for example, from where did 2.5 for a long time the old version.
I'll ask the office to give You 2;2 ° C+ in the form of plastic cards mentioned above were Kimili. Instead of 2.4.

Re: BJ 2.1 / 2.2 / 2.4

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2017 16:34
by Наталия А
Thank you, Michael!

Re: BJ 2.1 / 2.2 / 2.4

Posted: Mon Apr 24, 2017 2:52
by Михаил_
There is news - we are announcing the replacement of those versions 2.4 that the photo on the left.
T/e after 2.4 steel wood, first were those that right-wing, ebony with light streaks. Then those that are average and left.
They are of two different species of wood. Left after wearing dark to them, even if they are light (especially in the photo put a lot different) there's a noticeable streaks). Here they must change. And those that are average (bright and completely without streaks - not replaceable. Well right, too :)
has the following sharing options:
1) to pass 2.4 and get in return a new (maybe not immediately, exchange Fund those that are bright and in the center - small, new will через1.5 months) + one can immediately request a map 2.2 OS+ plastic in the form of bonus compensation.
2) to take 2.4 and to obtain the specified map 2pcs.
3) to take 2.4 and to obtain the specified card (OS 2.2+) and a remote charge of your bracelet/watch or other item in BJ 2.4 (photo to send me a PM).
The option You choose.
The reason of bonus(cards OS 2.2+) that we have to create for the owners of this version 2.4 some inconvenience to replace it with another BJ with the delay thereof.
The reason for the replacement is that this time wood something strange, 2 cases of allergic reactions to a hundred of users it's overkill and even if You weeks used this 2.4 we recommend you to replace it. In order to exclude any possibility of such problems. We will no longer use the tree of this breed. Before the advent of the new party 2.4 from the other wood they will not be in the sale.Image

Re: BJ 2.1 / 2.2 / 2.4

Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2017 12:11
by Аиша
Hello, Michael! I'm not sure that "burns" the material of these bracelets. I have no commercial BJ, in addition to the genome, and burns too. All bracelets are assembled by hand from wooden units purchased at a regular market. And I wear them for a long time,and the burns went from the winter. The reason is not as presets, is a powerful inner work, but it's just my opinion. Sincerely, Aisha.

Re: BJ 2.1 / 2.2 / 2.4

Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2017 13:48
by Бисо
Аиша wrote: And I wear them for a long time,and the burns went from the winter. The reason is not as presets, is a powerful inner work, but it's just my opinion.
And I see the same thing the last few months. I also have no commercial bracelets, only the arbiter made remotely Michael on my bracelet from the black hole.

Re: BJ 2.1 / 2.2 / 2.4

Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2017 17:10
by Ашатан
Support. Wore always burns in the winter

Re: BJ 2.1 / 2.2 / 2.4

Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2017 18:46
by Арнольд
I have the spring to burn some steel, both commercial and homemade.

Re: BJ 2.1 / 2.2 / 2.4

Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2017 13:04
by Артур888
What does this mass load in the form of burns? Bracelets launched all study powerful internal (may have been some upgrade of the filling of the BZ at all ?) ? Or what processes are going on in the world load for people ?

Re: BJ 2.1 / 2.2 / 2.4

Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2017 14:07
by Petr99
The processes are, and we are all in business because business never sleeps. And no matter what don't realize yet, but when we know better. We can say that the game is on the level of "heavy" and therefore the load, and therefore burns.

Re: BJ 2.1 / 2.2 / 2.4

Posted: Tue May 30, 2017 20:12
by Рома З
Gave my sister two bracelets - stop magic and 2.4. Wore for about three weeks, was very happy. A week ago, under her bracelets on both arms, the skin turned blue and began to climb. As the blisters - pierced and the water flowed. Put a dropper. Also went a little on the chest and stomach with bubbles. It is now easier. Happened on one hand in one night and another another night. Me and mom all right.

Re: BJ 2.1 / 2.2 / 2.4

Posted: Tue May 30, 2017 20:14
by Рома З
The hospital said that the burns with water.

Re: BJ 2.1 / 2.2 / 2.4

Posted: Thu Jun 08, 2017 23:45
by Джейсон
Petr99 wrote:we Can say that the game is on the level of "heavy" and therefore the load, and therefore burns.
Guys, burns is a nonsense. Things that are twenty go back and forth. If the situation is right and the overall trend is positive, the burns do not figure to complain, it's a real nonsense, little things in life. If all problems could be solved by burns. Thelema is, for example, there is one of the practices is beating his blade hands, with the wrong thoughts. I must subdue my body to my consciousness. Hands slashed just some. This karma is some that burns is just ridiculous. And as for the fact that it is the karma of frost and does not activate the need to say thank you.

Re: BJ 2.1 / 2.2 / 2.4

Posted: Sat Jun 10, 2017 7:19
by Михаил_
in order:
1. based on that I have offered above, I strongly recommend 2.4 for the wood listed under replacement treatment to remove. Even if you (not anyone in particular) it's all right year with them. Those versions on CD and on the photo the middle of that. There is the true reason for this second question, just standing there to listen to me. In this combination no matter it is wood or it is + charge, it is important that the overload occurs is not the same as in other wood or leather or do own toxins of wood play a role or something - not important. Get that 2.4 is out of work.
2. burns on other versions it's DIFFERENT, believe me, I before you "trigger happy" with the replacement of the piles of articles, conducted a series of experiments and investigated the issue.
3. it burns at all, am I the decider, the NSA, 2.4, 3.0 S+old version narrow 2.2 OS+, 2 NSA on his feet.
Recently, it was still new three. She broke all 10 units in ... (almost in tatters) after concrete work :) noticed slightly stained hand, but more on that later. Load time.... so. About the burns on homemade products or not. In the last month 3 times, watched the burn (mostly 1 blister on his left hand, fairly large). For a specific band ( under the arbiter in this case ) under the other at the same time not.
Total for me is now 8, and it with S++ 9 PCs despite the fact that the last time I often didn't wear at all more than 1 arbiter, with legs long removed.
Reason ? the load rapidly increased and just not had a lot of overload has increased the number of wearable BJ. Burns rarely.
Burns happen, but that was associated with 2.4 is replaced by some a separate song is different. Therefore, down with them.
It's sad ( in the warehouse had a large box of them - a few hundred), but it is correct.
Overall this is a completed story. And Yes, the manifestation of the blisters under them hazety possible on the day of their use and this feature is connected precisely with specific material. Energy burn if it adds "heat", only as an indirect factor. We most of these situations all the dealers were closed, it got the payment, thanks for understanding.
PS has become looser over time, going here more often.<

Re: BJ 2.1 / 2.2 / 2.4

Posted: Sat Jun 10, 2017 21:53
by АлексейН
Михаил_ wrote:in order:
In the last month 3 times, watched the burn (mostly 1 blister on his left hand, fairly large). For a specific band ( under the arbiter in this case ) under the other at the same time not.
So I have periodically under the arbiter of the blister appears. Interestingly, several such cases have increased in recent years, but, as the events in my life - left/got kicked out of my comfort zone :)

Re: BJ 2.1 / 2.2 / 2.4

Posted: Tue Jun 27, 2017 21:27
by Михаил_
well, just a blister is a type of norm :)

Re: BJ 2.1 / 2.2 / 2.4

Posted: Sun Jan 07, 2018 22:10
by друмка радева
Hi, I wear 2 years bracelets 2.2 OS + stop magic , but 10 days ago for the new year, they made me with magic / magic ,and I wonder why I got the magic,I Have a bracelet stoppage why he doesn't protect me, it did not help me when I need it :cry: ,

Re: BJ 2.1 / 2.2 / 2.4

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2018 0:55
by Бисо
друмка радева wrote:hi I wear 2 years bracelets 2.2 OS + stop magic , but 10 days ago for the new year, they made me with magic / magic ,and I wonder why I got the magic,I Have a bracelet stoppage why he doesn't protect me, it did not help me when I need it :cry: ,
And as you realize that someone did something for you?

As I understand your attitude should be "I'm impenetrable and no one can hurt me." Then the bracelet helps, and other artifacts too.

If you think and psych yourself out that someone did something, and how all of you felt bad - then you yourself admit you foreign exposure. Unless of course there was some impact.

I think something like that.

Re: BJ 2.1 / 2.2 / 2.4

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2018 21:35
by друмка радева
I did not think anything bad,this is the occasion to rejoice and not to think ill of our neighbor, I found the magic next to the door, after Christmas ,I think, who did this to me,this woman shared with her friend that she did me a magic to get me out of business,I don't think that a normal person on holidays would be to do spells,that's why I'm asking why the bracelet didn't protect me,

Re: BJ 2.1 / 2.2 / 2.4

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2018 21:39
by Ллерон
Stop Magic protects from external influences only in the case where a man deliberately not pass.
With respect L leron

Re: BJ 2.1 / 2.2 / 2.4

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2018 22:10
by друмка радева
Stop Magic protects from external influences only in the case where a man deliberately not pass.
With respect L leron ,,, Yes that's right, and that is why I am not a bad person,I didn't do bad for people and animals, I didn't think that I have enemies ,and a surprise for Christmas

Re: BJ 2.1 / 2.2 / 2.4

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2018 22:28
by друмка радева
and the question remains, why the bracelet didn't work,if it was torn or broken,for example, running bracelet,and do not,

Re: BJ 2.1 / 2.2 / 2.4

Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2018 1:01
by Бисо
друмка радева wrote:and the question remains, why the bracelet didn't work,if it was torn or broken,for example, running bracelet,and do not,
I have explained in the PM. The fact that you found something in front of the door is the only and indisputable fact so to speak. And the fact that you found something in the door does not mean that the band is not working. Everything else that you wrote me in PM pokazivaet that the situation is very complicated and as I understand it, you're not sure what happened and how. Or do you just think that something happened and from that draw conclusions.

Re: BJ 2.1 / 2.2 / 2.4

Posted: Wed Feb 07, 2018 6:03
by Михаил_
1. despite the fact that there are enough competent members of the forum whose answers are absolutely correct, if I'm busy and need my comment here, I can "pull" many of the seminarians and not only have my personal telegrams contact and it just.
2. the response of the subject given is correct, although it is possible to extend the - no the product is not only mine, but any, is a certain super-option with some super properties to guarantee a certain desired effect. For example in the 4th seminar topic we consider in detail a situation where a person is pulled over his personal desire to give energy or be in a hassle and then he does everything himself. This "jerking" does not have the impact/magic, is no different from ordinary social and other interactions at the level of the beginning thereof.
We give you powerful tools and OS 2.2+ is one of such tools, not for nothing do I wear to this day among rulers and AMB :)
But it doesn't mean someone won't try to approach someone's door. As was correctly stated the result of this "campaign" and a "gift" depends on the operator and his relationship / existence of social parasitic hooks and other factors. It is also, in this case to say that the bracelet did not work at all is not correct.
When I made the bracelet, was forced to put the protection of one of the clans shaman of Peru (conflict, but they considered me not the person I am and decided to "teach a lesson" - I don't like that attitude and time for adjustment of their status). A couple on the go made OS 2.2+ is fine coped with the task not to transfer the processes to the level of conscious attention and not spend my time on them.
(I've even joked and court room they broadcast separater but that's another story and old).
This fact, however, does not mean that in any situation, the bracelet will be some kind of perfect super-screen.
Will be useful to get acquainted with the 4th seminar and the concept of designer ties (this fairly closely, though not completely related topics).

I stress once again that the presence of tools of any degree of effectiveness and any manufacturer will never solve the problem of the operator and its "settings". It's just not possible. Not in the case of the same operator. plant and decisions for him to take? Any product is the possibility, and how it is used is. already a combination of factors, one of which is the operator.<

Re: BJ 2.1 / 2.2 / 2.4

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2018 16:41
by Ольгерт
Good afternoon, Michael. My wife and I bought a bracelet 2.4 for my father-in-law / he 79 years/ at the end of January. Until the end of February he wore it occasionally shot, wore. Since the end of February wore 5 days straight. On the sixth day, in the morning discovered the redness in place of the bracelet, and the redness had a clear view of the bracelet links with neperedavaemye gaps between the links. There was some itching. Obratililis to us, my wife and doctor, I'm an emergency physician, have seen and treated all sorts of allergies. Now study the system and Atlantis. So as not to run immediately to the pharmacy, recommended charging the water machine Smart water/charge from allergies/. Bracelet, naturally removed. After 2 days of taking the water condition has not improved, on the contrary, the redness has expanded. At the reception, the dermatologist prescribed the ointment and antihistamine. It takes all of a week, the redness has increased 3 times. Itching and pain do not bother much. That's the story. We understand it this way: the body has some process. The bracelet began to press on with the aim of eliminating, he in turn began to resist. this struggle was manifested in the form of an allergic reaction. I would like to hear your opinion, Michael: cause reactions, how to cope better, what processes can cause. Sincerely, Olgert