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Re: the Allergy bracelet!!! What to do?

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2017 0:18
by Мастер 108
In addition to a proper diet you also need proper cleansing (books E. Sadilova and the theme of "Small off-topic" on this forum).
Yet, here somewhere there was a discussion of the causes of allergies (include allergies in General and not on BZ). Not to shovel the entire forum (although it will be useful) — I this for yourself when you saved, download it here

Re: the Allergy bracelet!!! What to do?

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2017 0:26
by Наталия А
Мастер 108 wrote:in addition to a proper diet you also need proper cleansing (books E. Sadilova and the theme of "Small off-topic" on this forum).
Yet, here somewhere there was a discussion of the causes of allergies (include allergies in General and not on BZ). Not to shovel the entire forum (although it will be useful) — I this for yourself when you saved, download it here
Thank you very much! I will explore!

Re: the Allergy bracelet!!! What to do?

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2017 0:41
by Наталия А

Re: the Allergy bracelet!!! What to do?

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2017 0:42
by Наталия А
Photos show the whole process on the rise for 5 days.

Re: the Allergy bracelet!!! What to do?

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2017 0:44
by Наталия А

Re: the Allergy bracelet!!! What to do?

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2017 0:45
by Наталия А

Re: the Allergy bracelet!!! What to do?

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2017 0:46
by Наталия А

Re: the Allergy bracelet!!! What to do?

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2017 0:51
by Наталия А

Re: the Allergy bracelet!!! What to do?

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2017 1:00
by Наталия А
Ашатан wrote:All the symptoms took place to be my daughter. Three weeks, the swelling spread up the forearm , on the shoulder, itching, blisters, then slow fading and sisanie several layers of skin. All passed, there is a bright strip of new leather. Sheathed bracelets thick elastic fabric, namely the elastic from the sock. At night put again small rash. Well removed yet, of course. Even what layer to add? I don't know.
Ashatan, Your daughter had something like this?

Re: the Allergy bracelet!!! What to do?

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2017 4:07
by Михаил_
Good time of day. The letter I received immediately, please excuse that not at once wrote to here, asked people to answer those who are in the subject and quality "videlco" that have already done. I generally agree with most opinions expressed by forum users. But would introduce minor adjustments.
Let's consider the situation on the shelves.
1. Energy burns really are. We believe that from the bracelets, by visual and statistical data. Although it is impossible to avoid. In the sense that it is a sign of taxi on full overload from a bad life trend. Just because they do not occur.
I have to this day, but very rarely (well, once in a few months, and in one of the two pokrasnenie bubbles and the size of the diameter of a pencil relatively speaking). If you have, even if it is not clear what is the feeling of actually "Overdrive" which formed it.

2. But You have still the situation is somewhat different, because You REMOVED the bracelet. As worn on different hands. And spots where there was not them (the bracelets) ever. So I would start with the materialist version,to start. It is obvious that the redness is where never in contact with the skin was not.
(above the seats where worn) and worn on different hands with the Delta in time. And now You they're gone.
To write it off to "allergies" .... I don't know.... have someone close to me about a year eczema on the palm of the hand was - she went to the doctors and she tried a lot of things, had not all. 8 months. Was held for 1 hour. Was a PURE PSYCHOSOMATIC. On the session with a competent psychologist was a subconscious connection with the problems of consciousness and psychological problem bright and as soon as it came out on a conscious level - eczema literally another session was delayed!.... so, frankly, I would your situation would qualify it as a psychosomatic manifestation on the skin, although I don't know - not a doctor and You far. And BZ in this case, it just served as a factor (one of many) is activated. Think of it this way.

PS Yes, I have TO write a response in contact with the people responsible for the purchase of material for BJ, said that the last batch of material purchased which is always, at the eminent supplier in Russia, tree, natural, no DIPROPYLENE and not processed in the production process only mechanically processed is a natural product. Personal intolerance can be from anyone for anything, as an exception, but it would have started immediately and would have ended with the removal (well, certainly not intensified, agree?) So to the material (I did, I answered in detail) I personally have no issues on your 2.4 specifically and throughout the other at all.

3. Now let's think over the variant of others. But if it's not 100% pure psychosomatics, what useful we know about similar situations on the experience of wearing over the years gained?

We know that people are watching what you think is energy burn. A. Lily has rightly written that when a loose contact happens much less frequently. Directly related to the contiguity to the skin. But YOU have NO CONTACT!
Therefore, it is more about the processes going in the body WITHOUT BJ on You. On the one hand refers us again to the PP2 (psychosomatics). But on the other hand, speech can go about such a simple phenomenon as the overload due to the fact that not enough power PHANTOM 2.4 KO, which when removed will remain on You and work with You. So I would recommend to try the bracelet back WITHOUT direct contact with the skin and not on your hands (wear through the fabric on the leg or just put in pocket) and not with reduced number of segments.
In other words, if we consider not the version of psychosomatics, the question of overload where TO from brusletto much. And this is how he wrote Lolita in order that the body for some reason is screaming "help" (food/habitat, then again maybe some psychological situations in life). T/e Board Lolita very true.
T/e I see the situation - not felt any direct connection of redness and WORE the bracelets. Appeared it later. Internally too, there is no sensation. Felt that this is due to complex personal problems (psychology/health) and got it near the place where the bracelets were, because there the body was podcasters. The environment has emerged.
These blisters are they in fact ? as I wrote above I'm occasionally. They are essentially the output of the lymph (which is actually many questions). in the area where the body is loaded (heating there is no physical, chemical burns/intolerances, too, in my case, definitely not - many bracelets I have for YEARS worn). In practice there is a folk expression that doing something energy-intensive, you can "fry" the body if you push too hard (to try to jump higher than possible). Locally this redness something like that. But the decision to jump to such a BJ has nothing to do BJ does not have a personal opportunity for You to "solve" is the works of your subconscious mind first and foremost.<

Re: the Allergy bracelet!!! What to do?

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2017 4:16
by Михаил_
Yeah, I usually do with these things if you appear exactly like a normal burn without superfluous dances with a tambourine on "allergies" - well, there is no contact with anything. Don't scare yourself and doctors. Consider that the body burned on its own energy body, on a stream running through it. Protivoogogove foam, as advised above - excellent.
You can turn off and phantoms BJ and CO. from them remaining, but NOT recommended. Recommend your BJ put in your pocket without direct contact with the body. And to listen to the recommendations of Lolita, out of the blue, no one here is in THIS volume did not occur. This is a rare case. BJ and nothing to do with, except for the factor of pushing of the established situation in dynamics and the ability to find a harmonious solution in the future for your mind and health is to BJ probably was not. Not and I'm writing to make You understand what's necessary to do a wide scale. And biologically (what Lolita was written) and psychologically.

PS on the topic of alcohol here was the user and not the one who threw not only drinking but Smoking marijuana from BJ. I recalled specific, because he SWORE that quitting Smoking is not going to, he did not interfere and did not want, but ceased to buzz and Vice versa. and therefore had to quit....
ZY2 AMB we recommend you to take at least a couple. In Your situation you one physical 2.4 seems to be a little. For the current situation. And I am opposed to imposed on purchases. And maybe 2.4 for your status of the body Malek harsh.
Do yourself panaceas homemade ( instructions available here and on my forum) of just what will have your personal things to help the body to remove the load of energy with the places where 2.4 previously hung.

I Wish You Success.

Re: the Allergy bracelet!!! What to do?

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2017 12:23
by Лолита
Looked at your hands, I think a good master, su-Jok would remove these blisters quickly enough, but the chemistry of medicines longer.
And , no, you did not make your son's illness.

Re: the Allergy bracelet!!! What to do?

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2017 13:26
by Наталия А
Thank you all for the great responses and tips!
Today I had a very bad night, almost no sleep. The blisters spreads to the eyes and they bring a very strong discomfort. Itch like hell... until any ointments, injections and pills do not help, unfortunately. The day before yesterday appeared red spots on the thigh, today they have turned into huge blisters, that have merged among themselves, the area around the palm.
Son bracelet I gave to PN, and took in Thurs, when my hands were terrible and I was scared for him. And she wore the bracelet all these days in my bag. And the son wears a pendant of one link since the purchase of the bracelet, I've whittled it down to three links. One gave him a pendant.
On the recommendation of Michael this morning I added two links in the bracelet and slipped it on my foot. Let's see what will happen next.

Re: the Allergy bracelet!!! What to do?

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2017 14:47
by Михаил_
Frankly, You forgive me, do not see any connection threads directly from BJ especially in the form.
T/e/, the topic is called "Allergy bracelet". You it was not on You but in the bag, direct contact no, a long time cleared, other people have such a reaction is not seen, your relatives, as I understand it, everything is OK.
An indirect link with the bracelet only in that the first redness appeared where the bracelets were tightly dressed last time (on the left and right hand) that most likely can be associated with chafing of the skin during sports training in this place.
Rashes skin to watery pimples like herpes obviously, which might be comfortable to get where it was wet (sweat under the bracelets) and his appearance rather a hybrid of problems of the immune system and lymph of the body (well, what about what Lolita is, in terms of General factors of intoxication /purification of the body) and psychosomatic medicine (about which I wrote yesterday).
In the history of the use of BJ thousands of homemade and "commercial" bracelets have been used by people and or information inherent in these ideas is obviously no "Allergy" causes.
Material specific version (2.4) and allergic to it, I also do not see the connection, because the direct contact with the body, so I understand, been removed.
You described the process much like a variety of chicken pox/impetigo ... 0%B3%D0%BE . Allergies and especially allergies accessory type BJ .... well, with the same success to your smartphone or sinteticheskoy clothes, new shampur, the impurity in the water, eaten the cheese which was not the bacteria of fermentation, or anything else.
I do not mean to bond with BJ to withdraw from the topic, I see that the first redness were on bracelets. But, as You wrote, the bracelet was made firmly seated and there was when sports training is likely to wet conditions. and You write that the bracelet was on one arm, and then to another, and redness symmetrical. Like it shouldn't be if it was for example in the material of the bracelet.
I still think about psychosomatics provoked immune reaction which gave the development of something calling limfoidnye/algophobia bubbles. I have a friend in the family recently it was impetigo, though this is another country and another end of the world in General. But out of that it course taking profile of antibiotics. Such work correctly.

While at the same impetigo (I'm not saying that this is it, I'm not a doctor, and photo diagnoses and even the doctor does not put, often analysis need) watering cannot and should passivate something (applied to special compounds), and then just burn the foam will give a reaction in the side WORSE (because they do not offer dry - microslave create a breeding ground for Staphylococcus aureus).
I would similar of course all sorts of samolechenie would removed and sugioka well, maybe I1/I2. But to advise such others as you know not a good idea, it's a personal experience that can be applied personally, in understanding the sense of usefulness and personal condition of the body... Basic thoughts on this subject is in the product number on the forum. Topically I use in such cases, todikamp, ASD and internally (there are bad human for not liking the fact that veterinary medicine is made). But this is not advice but just a mention of my non-medical methods.
I'm a student, with physicians dealing only in reflexology and (rarely) there are still dentists, others I had not seen for several decades and there is no need and I think not. Praise acupuncturists, and they are in USA :) Although TV will never be replaced, she's the best.... And the rest clean folk remedies. And generally keep myself in condition so as not to get sick.
I sincerely soboleznuju what You have going on, on again - don't see the theme of "allergic to BJ". This I mean that we will have this in off-topic perhaps put. I understand that You appealed to the forum in order to get life advice.<

Re: the Allergy bracelet!!! What to do?

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2017 14:49
by АлексейАлександрович
Михаил_ wrote:
PS on the topic of alcohol here was the user and not the one who threw not only drinking but Smoking marijuana from BJ. I recalled specific, because he SWORE that quitting Smoking is not going to, he did not interfere and did not want, but ceased to buzz and Vice versa. and therefore had to quit....
What here to speak, from the bracelets even the meat throw :)

Re: the Allergy bracelet!!! What to do?

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2017 15:16
by Михаил_
Well, one is actively writing here people told me that after the dive he had a following - a friend who came with alcohol and to smoke for him for the weekend, all brought to it :) - wasted... and since then lost its.... It was 1 dive (first, naskolko I understand). And BJ he wore (without such effect). Each person is different ... and what happens to one happens or the other happens to others.

Re: the Allergy bracelet!!! What to do?

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2017 15:24
by Михаил_
PS Natalia And - teach that if I second guess the rights of accident and this impetigo is trivial, then there is the incubation period and the disease is contagious (by the way, in the same sport institutions type of fitness you get with someone easily). T/e can easily spread to family members. Antibiotics such beat, and antiallergenic - definitely not. I assume that our "doctors" from the word.... just put the wrong diagnosis, which in turn caused the deterioration and correct treatment.
That does not eliminate Varina with a psychosomatic component as complementary events.

Re: the Allergy bracelet!!! What to do?

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2017 16:22
by Наталия А
Михаил_ wrote:frankly, You forgive me, do not see any connection threads directly from BJ especially in the form.
T/e/, the topic is called "Allergy bracelet". You it was not on You but in the bag, direct contact no, a long time cleared, other people have such a reaction is not seen, your relatives, as I understand it, everything is OK.
An indirect link with the bracelet only in that the first redness appeared where the bracelets were tightly dressed last time (on the left and right hand) that most likely can be associated with chafing of the skin during sports training in this place.
Rashes skin to watery pimples like herpes obviously, which might be comfortable to get where it was wet (sweat under the bracelets) and his appearance rather a hybrid of problems of the immune system and lymph of the body (well, what about what Lolita is, in terms of General factors of intoxication /purification of the body) and psychosomatic medicine (about which I wrote yesterday).
Michael, maybe You do not carefully read my posts?
1. I wrote that last four days I wore the bracelet in the bag.
2. During cardio workouts , when the body sweats, I have the bracelet removed.
3. What You write about disease type chickenpox herpes and some other infections, are excluded. The first thing I did in the ARC that took blood from a vein for infection. They are not elevated basophils, indicating that the process of allergies in the body.
4. Many people who wore BJ was such manifestations. This was confirmed by your colleague Lily, a man named Ashatan, wrote that symptoms were the daughter of another one like me.
5. I understand that the name of its threads to create an anti-advertising of your products. I called the topic just because I have a medical report from a dermatologist that this is allegoric contact dermatitis caused by wearing the bracelet. Of course, everyone can make mistakes, and doctors including. But You know that allergies can be caused by anything and anyone. There is such a moment that the Allergy is cumulative. So you ate the chocolate, natatory you have allergies, it appeared the next day. And even though SMATV eating it in the days that followed, manifestations of allergies such as pimples on the face will be a few more days to stay. Get the name, move the subject to another location or even to remove it.
6. In the morning I'm wearing the bracelet on the foot, as already wrote, the itching goes away!!!! Hurray!!!! I even slept a couple of hours!!!<

Re: My reaction to BJ 2.4

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2017 18:05
by Аннаель
Will share their opinion who could be useful from my personal observations in three years. My husband had the burn looked like in the first photo with the trips to the hospital. Anoint the burn and bandaged. But the bracelet he wore, clothed above or on the other hand. The day before the appearance of the burn he got bit by a wasp about half a dozen, the tumor was only one, the rest is only a point. We were getting ready to call an ambulance because the poison is bad for the heart etc But there was not the slightest sign. But the next day the burn from the bracelet, and Yes it took much longer than usual. As we realized the bracelet in a moment of danger blows a powerful stream of energy, and a cocoon of our most far from ideal and it burns and everything appears to physics. But taxis our subconscious chooses what is more important to save the body from the poison was more important.
I have burns, but in the form of redness and itching when something bad happens. Well, for example last summer was with relatives and with nothing started to burn and redden the skin beneath the bracelets, I wear different and taxes and everything! Calling to check up on my daughter with her grandmother, and they were in the village, is at this time in front of them much illuminate the house on the street of wooden houses and the temperature is over +35 and strong wind. And according to firefighters was a "miracle" and the wind abruptly disappeared otherwise the whole street would be burned. And suffered only the neighbors ' house.

Re: My reaction to BJ 2.4

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2017 23:13
by Михаил_
Annual Thanks for the detailed and helpful review. Although in this case I paid attention to the long answer because of the "burns" are not under the bracelets and not in places where they are wearing (is it about legs and other body parts). I continue to believe that this particular case is somewhat different, and it's not only and not so much the overload of people (it all started when removing) the personal and psychosomatic condition of the body as a whole. The bracelet obviously was the trigger/impetus for these conditions, but it is not the reaction of protection from fire and a somewhat different story.

Natalia And I read your posts, I just have the impression that You did not carefully read the answers of the forum and mine. I do not care for advertising factor, I spread almost all the diys and they're just as effective as commercial products, well, albeit with slight nuances (not in the negative, in hardness). I spend on the project is available me time, it is not enough. It is not the main and not the only one to say the least. So I try to minimize what blood is support and not for sales and for people and receiving their use. Max.
You want the judges to.
Again, I recommend to use the cocoon for several panaceas. And finish up with a hobby to draw attention to themselves.
To discuss ANY situations on the forum there are topics. The new plant is not necessary. Please. Your option is a common theme про2.4 or common about the bracelets.
I am quite convinced that the cause is not allergic (as You yourself say - began to wear on foot it was EASIER to do) and other. I am convinced that it's your subconscious + the state of the body and psyche.
Personally, I have sharply different from the classic medical picture of such processes in any human being, but it is not appropriate here (I wrote in different subjects) and she quite clearly explains what is happening. Your cocoon WANTS to be cleansed and the subconscious too. This kind of internal screaming to herself.
Subject later salt with one of the profile in whole.<

Re: My reaction to BJ 2.4

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2017 14:22
by Наталия А
Michael! I understood it all. Thank You much for attention to my problem. All the tips he read again carefully. I rabotatat on yourself.

Re: My reaction to BJ 2.4

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2017 15:11
Наталия А wrote:4. Many people who wore BJ was such manifestations. This was confirmed by your colleague Lily,
Usually , it was a weak scratching, well, from fleece by hand , slight redness. When BJ is sitting tight on the hand , directly on the skin. If this has happened someone, then immediately shot to the other arm or just sleeve dress.Or as Malika-sewed in fabric. If feet wore pants under, just on socks. And on hands and feet bracelets always dressed freely to fiction of the sweat underneath it.

Re: My reaction to BJ 2.4

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2017 19:38
by Кимили
Наталия А wrote:Michael! I understood it all. Thank You much for attention to my problem. All the tips he read again carefully. I rabotatat on yourself.
"interesting" kind of theme))
Natalia, you try OS 2.2+. ideally, on two hands.
or card ( OS 2.2+ card "dolphins" or "poppies" or something like that).
and in the broadcast "kids calm", in fact 2.2, integration with a new...
BJ you are highly dispersed. To you these things in plus. The potential is there.
And the body... what body)) body has slowly consciousness will be))
These things are your call for help - a compliment to your strength and empowerment!
And now FEEL so that handles are velvety and healthy-gentle, and you smile and thank him for the confirmation of your strength!
Try ( the rule is to first. through the timer on your phone, for example) FEEL what you want totally!!
3 times a day: 1st time - in the morning, 2nd day - timer, the 3rd time before going to sleep.
Further, these RIGHT-for myself JOYFUL sense of victory-of success-health-healing increase to 4 times a day, up to 6 times to 10-12 times ( timer every hour after waking up) as long as you are able is able to FEEL light and happy!
And here is the "inner movie" and twist all day)) all day!
PS I saw several times "these" stories... starred in half a day, per day!!! at the moment when the client came to realize that he(she)_ the OWNER of YOUR BODY AND your THOUGHTS,YOUR CONSCIOUSNESS!!

and ASD and vegetables +good mood and inner smile to help you)) good luck, good health, healing, success!

Re: My reaction to BJ 2.4

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2017 3:06
by Наталия А
Кимили wrote:
Наталия А wrote:Michael! I understood it all. Thank You much for attention to my problem. All the tips he read again carefully. I rabotatat on yourself.
"interesting" kind of theme))
Natalia, you try OS 2.2+. ideally, on two hands.
or card ( OS 2.2+ card "dolphins" or "poppies" or something like that).
and in the broadcast "kids calm", in fact 2.2, integration with a new...
BJ you are highly dispersed. To you these things in plus. The potential is there.
And the body... what body)) body has slowly consciousness will be))
These things are your call for help - a compliment to your strength and empowerment!
And now FEEL so that handles are velvety and healthy-gentle, and you smile and thank him for the confirmation of your strength!
Try ( the rule is to first. through the timer on your phone, for example) FEEL what you want totally!!
3 times a day: 1st time - in the morning, 2nd day - timer, the 3rd time before going to sleep.
Further, these RIGHT-for myself JOYFUL sense of victory-of success-health-healing increase to 4 times a day, up to 6 times to 10-12 times ( timer every hour after waking up) as long as you are able is able to FEEL light and happy!
And here is the "inner movie" and twist all day)) all day!
PS I saw several times "these" stories... starred in half a day, per day!!! at the moment when the client came to realize that he(she)_ the OWNER of YOUR BODY AND your THOUGHTS,YOUR CONSCIOUSNESS!!

and ASD and vegetables +good mood and inner smile to help you)) good luck, good health, healing, success!
Have kimili, thank you for this lovely practice, I'll definitely try!
And the handles as legs, abdomen, buttocks and lower back will indeed be the peak month through three when you go multiple layers of the skin that is affected. We can say this sudden unplanned chemical peel)))
For the compliment about the strength and capabilities thank you, I am very pleased! Good mood and inner smile take it with gratitude)<

Re: BJ 2.1 / 2.2 / 2.4

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2017 4:51
by Михаил_
If there's anything I can help except sent to your address/phone L to side view/advice/possible help - please let Andrew( the PM is not read, there are not constant). Successful and rapid recovery. 2.4 is enabled through the stream (for free) due to the inability to be physical.
To argue on the causes and factors that triggered this process, I will not though in my opinion. Unfortunately now there are people allergic to everything including the sun and fresh air. So I understand that everything is possible. Who have been since 2010 and I think, although the redness is not after the removal and during wear were many from all types BJ (tree-Crimean/ebony/wenge/snake/ebony/polisandr/fabric/paper samples/metal watch bands after charging /Chinese skin-the Deputy of slots that the last version specifically 2.4 and so on). from everything including the metal was redness without removing (before removing).
I understand that theoretically and practically personal idiosyncrasy on ANY material possible and in your case may be the place to be. Although due to my "stacotest" and oddities of perception and see things differently.
For You personally I can change the condition on which the 2.4 is not written on items remotely and do 2.4 on a suitable carrier, that You are not afraid to wear it (the watch/strap/strap-belt/necklaces, anything shorter).
photos can pass through the office. Well, unless of course You don't have a personal Allergy to the very technology.
A quick and successful recovery. And sorry if You considered my personal opinion and not relevant in your heavy personal case. It is still a part of me....