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Re: BJ 2.1 / 2.2 / 2.4

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2017 9:13
by Михаил_
A tight fit of the bracelet - the sweating sickness. Wash the bracelet with soap and water and some time (a few days) do not wear until the redness (maybe just for this transfer was of the microflora developing during the sweating sickness). Can some time to wear over sleeves for example. Generally this happens in two cases, and hygiene (prickly heat, close contact with the skin) or overload (greater flow through the BJ calls as though energy burn). Recommendation suitable for both.

Re: BJ 2.1 / 2.2 / 2.4

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2017 14:49
by Сергейяр
thanks for the advice!and under overload mean?

Re: BJ 2.1 / 2.2 / 2.4

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2017 22:10
by Владмосква
Сергейяр wrote:and under overload mean?
Large flow through BZ (the processes on situations and/or repair of a cocoon) calls as though energy burn. Treated with increase in the number of BZ - load and overload is removed.

Re: BJ 2.1 / 2.2 / 2.4

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2017 0:56
by Сергейяр
the longest leg wear-there is like a burn, on hand as as hives. That is, I need to put BJ while on clothes?

Re: BJ 2.1 / 2.2 / 2.4

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2017 7:51
by Михаил_
yeah, or temporarily not to wear, but usually over-correct clothes.

Re: BJ 2.1 / 2.2 / 2.4

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2017 13:11
by Малика
I already wrote somewhere that sheathed all of his bracelets natural fabric but with the addition of lycra that stretched bracelet in the right size. Burns to get stopped.
Before each event, positive or negative, I received severe burns from the bracelets because they increase the flow of energy in the solution.
Checked many times - that the solution to some problem and got burns all bracelets BH. The rest of the time it was quiet. Therefore, the sheathed bracelets away from sin, because burns was treated for a very long time and looked not ice..

Re: BJ 2.1 / 2.2 / 2.4

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2017 14:01
by Ашатан
Yeah, it looks frightening. In terms of size and color. And while no pain, only itching. This is my daughter in the first session before the exam comes from two 2.4 and one Genome. Now waiting for the pass, but heals slowly.

Re: BJ 2.1 / 2.2 / 2.4

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2017 1:04
by ММ
Ашатан wrote:Yeah, it looks frightening. In terms of size and color. And while no pain, only itching. This is my daughter in the first session before the exam comes from two 2.4 and one Genome. Now waiting for the pass, but heals slowly.
Solkoseril kupite. Maz takaya est.

Re: BJ 2.4

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2017 2:49
by Флер
Thank you for the detailed answer, Michael :))

Re: BJ 2.1 / 2.2 / 2.4

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2017 6:09
by Михаил_
Burns cease to appear if we attend to the General status of cocoon. T/e does not wait for a "Special event" stress and work with you.

My reaction to BJ 2.4

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2017 18:49
by Наталия А
Everyone, good day!

I three or four weeks ago I bought two bracelets 2.4. One for me and one husband.
My bracelet I got loads on three links, I have a thin wrist. I wore even at night. And training in the gym is also not removed. Just changed hands. First worn on the right then after 10 days he changed to the left. A few days ago I have a sick son of eight years, and I gave my bracelet to him. The next day I noticed on both wrists red dots. In three days they turned into a strong rash wrists swollen, and began a terrible itching. Then the rash turned into blisters with fluid. Went to the doctor. A diagnosis of allergic dermatitis. I do not have allergies at all. Never in my life been allergic to anything! Prescribed injections, pills, ointment. Treat the third day. There is no improvement. The night almost didn't sleep.
What do you think of this?
Photo upload does not work. Sorry.

Here's what else I want to add. When I wore the bracelet, I was very good. I felt its positive impact. And I am very rastraivaytes that now I can not wear it.
Husband wears, all is well. I noticed such a thing. Before my husband every weekend "to relieve stress "with alcohol. I do, of course, strongly disliked. But change I could not. I believe that addiction may be overcome only with a strong will to do it. And this can only be done by the people who depend. After he began to wear the bracelet, its "corporate individual entrepreneur" has declined considerably. And in terms of duration and frequency.
From one of his extra links I made his son a pendant. He wears. Does not remove even at night. All . Said that the pendant fulfills his desires:)

Re: the Allergy bracelet!!! What to do?

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2017 19:16
by Артфан
Наталия А wrote:what do you think of this?
It is skin reaction to the work of the bracelet. IMHO. Thin fabric under the inner surface of the bracelet will protect the skin but will not interfere with his work. Usually an Allergy to something occurs immediately and not after 10 days. If worried remove. Everything should return to normal. I have allergies with 30 years of experience. Allergy cure bracelets PANACEA.

Re: the Allergy bracelet!!! What to do?

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2017 20:31
by Наталия А
I took it off 6 days ago and it was after this all started. And progressing, sorry not able to insert a photo. It is a terrible sight.

Re: the Allergy bracelet!!! What to do?

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2017 23:12
by Малика
Good day, Natalia And!
On the subject of information on this forum enough. Some wristbands actually cause burns, and including me.. and all BJ wood. Burns keep for a long time, leave traces on the skin that are kept too long. It all looks really terrible, itching all over, all blistered, and then looks like a continuous wound, hard to sleep, and so forth.. in General, everything is as You described. I treated the burns with a spray "Panthenol". helps. Personally, I have such burns arise before the decision of some problems, so I sheathed bracelets(already long) scraps of natural fabric, since no burns, but sometimes it is slightly itchy under the bracelet. Recently, somewhere in November, I decided to remove the paneling, I wanted to cover another shred, but time does not sheathed, denounced BJ a month and repeated the same story with the burn, slight trace still visible. So experiment I will no longer sheathed again. So, Artfan right, experience is not necessary, it'll heal.

Re: the Allergy bracelet!!! What to do?

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2017 1:49
by Наталия А
Malika, thank you, I read Your post about the fabric. But it bothers me that the rash spreads to arms, even above the elbows and on other parts of the body appear.

Re: the Allergy bracelet!!! What to do?

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2017 11:52
by Малика
Наталия А wrote:But me confuses that the rash spreads to arms, even above the elbows and on other parts of the body appear.
In this case, You did the right thing my dermatologist asked.. but in any case BJ wear on the fabric, and the pendant that you want the son to do, too, it is desirable to sheathe, you can take a piece of leather cloth of dark color..

Re: the Allergy bracelet!!! What to do?

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2017 11:57
by Артфан
Наталия А wrote: rash spreads
Write great, let react. It is the first time it happens... I Have Energougol cured over night. At night the bracelets off... the Skin with blisters tear, psikey vodka or Cologne in the morning all withered in a day in this place only a faint trace. BJ, I have only on my feet...

Re: the Allergy bracelet!!! What to do?

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2017 15:24
by Наталия А
Артфан wrote:
Наталия А wrote: rash spreads
Write great, let react. It is the first time it happens... I Have Energougol cured over night. At night the bracelets off... the Skin with blisters tear, psikey vodka or Cologne in the morning all withered in a day in this place only a faint trace. BJ, I have only on my feet...
Wrote last week, put a photo, I replied that sure he will forward. Yet no response to any greeting.
Frankly, I'm desperate, anything from medicines does not help. The process progresses.

Re: the Allergy bracelet!!! What to do?

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2017 17:02
by Андрей Кабанков
The letter was forwarded on the same day. Answer until not received.
If you move away from the assumption that the dermatitis is caused by magical reasons that I think least likely, and the difficulty of sweating during training, it makes sense to consult another doctor or change the drug.
Not necessary to hope that someone will solve the issue remotely in another way.
However, when doing such things really can appear in places where there is obstruction of sweating. My wife was a case that the whole stomach was covered with this rash after hours of Hiking, to get rid of it quickly fails.
She used a calendula tincture and rubbing alcohol. Did this for a day or two, and it took over a month.
If my assumption is correct, then see "treatment of sweating sickness".

Re: the Allergy bracelet!!! What to do?

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2017 17:42
by Ашатан
All the symptoms took place to be my daughter. Three weeks, the swelling spread up the forearm , on the shoulder, itching, blisters, then slow fading and sisanie several layers of skin. All passed, there is a bright strip of new leather. Sheathed bracelets thick elastic fabric, namely the elastic from the sock. At night put again small rash. Well removed yet, of course. Even what layer to add? I don't know.

Re: the Allergy bracelet!!! What to do?

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2017 17:44
by Ашатан
Sweating has nothing to do with the situation. The other bracelets are nothing like cause somehow, only 2.4.

Re: the Allergy bracelet!!! What to do?

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2017 17:58
Ашатан wrote:Sweating here at anything absolutely. The other bracelets are nothing like cause somehow, only 2.4.
For the time that sold bracelets that the rash was almost all the bracelets, but if very close to the body was the bracelets-most of those that have been cropped .Those bracelets, which freely was at the hands(feet) this was not.

Re: the Allergy bracelet!!! What to do?

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2017 18:26
by Лолита
I think that the main cause of skin reactions on wearing bracelets 2.4 can be called the internal state of the body and the cocoon. This is a response information field and pathogenic components may contribute its share nedochischennye parasites.
I recommend to start with improving the quality of intake water filtration is necessary.
To go through several stages of cleansing the body, liver, lymph. Attentive to diet, to eliminate food - meat, sugar, and salt.
After that, you can start cleaning the field structures of the cocoon - ASD scheme.
This is a very brief, but the information on the forum enough.
The fact is that the bracelets have shown you that your mental ready to wear and use of the bracelets, and the body is not ready. It gives message recovery.

Re: the Allergy bracelet!!! What to do?

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2017 22:37
by Наталия А
Андрей Кабанков wrote:the Letter was forwarded on the same day. Answer until not received.
If you move away from the assumption that the dermatitis is caused by magical reasons that I think least likely, and the difficulty of sweating during training, it makes sense to consult another doctor or change the drug.
Not necessary to hope that someone will solve the issue remotely in another way.
However, when doing such things really can appear in places where there is obstruction of sweating. My wife was a case that the whole stomach was covered with this rash after hours of Hiking, to get rid of it quickly fails.
She used a calendula tincture and rubbing alcohol. Did this for a day or two, and it took over a month.
If my assumption is correct, then see "treatment of sweating sickness".
Of course, I hope to solve the issue remotely. Today was another doctor. Symptoms much progress. The doctor prescribed other medicines. Due to the fact that four days of treatment the previous drugs the process is not that did not stop, but he is progressing. Tonight was beginning to take a new course of treatment.
I also had the first assumption that it's heat rash, then the rash, but both doctors categorically deny this diagnosis. And both put contact dermatitis.
I am myself very interested to understand what it really is. And why this process began when I took the bracelet and gave it to a sick son. The son, by the way , recovered, thank the Universe!
During cardio workouts I have the bracelet removed, of course. I read the posts about the sweat and remember them. VACUREMA strength training in the area of wrists, there is no sweating in the room good air-conditioning system.
Andrew, I can explain in PM how to insert pictures in a post?

Re: the Allergy bracelet!!! What to do?

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2017 22:51
by Наталия А
Лолита wrote:I Think that the main cause of skin reactions on wearing bracelets 2.4 can be called the internal state of the body and the cocoon. This is a response information field and pathogenic components may contribute its share nedochischennye parasites.
I recommend to start with improving the quality of intake water filtration is necessary.
To go through several stages of cleansing the body, liver, lymph. Attentive to diet, to eliminate food - meat, sugar, and salt.
After that, you can start cleaning the field structures of the cocoon - ASD scheme.
This is a very brief, but the information on the forum enough.
The fact is that the bracelets have shown you that your mental ready to wear and use of the bracelets, and the body is not ready. It gives message recovery.
That's just what I think. Or the option that I took on the illness of the son in this way.
As for my lifestyle and nutrition, I have long been closely involved in sports and for a long time and bother much healthy diet. Run 2-3 times a week for 15-16 km, and 3-4 times of weight training. I have a second degree sports. I'm a personal fitness trainer. Eating meat is not, in principle, a sweet almost never, if only a little good quality honey. The water is filtered, of course, this is very important and I understand it very well. Often spend several days of fasting in a row on the wrist, do not eat virtually any foods that have undergone industrial processing. Is not overweight. Height 170 cm, weight 58 kg, age 42 years.
Really looking forward to the Developer's opinion.