Reviews and discussion of broadcasts Male and Female

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Re: Feedback and discussion of broadcasts Male and Female

Post by .Ксения. » Thu Aug 13, 2015 22:12

Start your opinion from afar, at first I read the topic about the cards MN and WOH. Unusual rise, driving and feeling that this is what you need. Decided to order my wife around the map and began...

On the same day had to take a relative in another city and posaditi the train. Maybe it's a coincidence, but I tonight ran a red light (was successfully fined), and then the car got towed (while off cousin). A fun night was I'll tell you, but everything was resolved immediately, just about the money lost. And this despite the fact that these stocks I used the machine Athanasian round.
The next day, I got a test stream - the Topic of sex in General and Multiorgasmica.
At the time of connection there was a feeling that squeezed whiskey (and at fatigue to write off that too maybe).
During the broadcast, there was another important event for me, I was finally able to sell the car . She did not want to be sold a few months, I suspect that traslyatsiya removed some blocks and the process started.
Even small changes at work - I work almost in the women's team and began to notice that conversations sometimes shifted to the topic of sex (such as the discussion of underwear, which one has the sizes, etc.), this had not noticed before.
Sex also changes, has become as that new. By the way during the process were the goal to formulate (for selling the car, for example). So far so good implemented, will be practiced for other purposes
On the broadcast of "Running with the wolves" - heightened emotions, dramatically climbed aggression. Much like LIA, I have a habit of keeping it all to myself until recently. There is direct burst, but unlike Irina, I'm feminine and soft in expression of emotion there. Very hard slosh of emotions, to the point of almost rudeness nekontroliruem.. Although after such outbursts clearly comes peace of relief.
On the broadcasts the reception of the body and removing blocks and negative programs.
Stream works very gently, almost not there, but there are results. Do I have a child with a strong rejection of himself, and then it became easier. That is still a lot of work, but I did however note some positive aspects, changes in attitude. There was less hesitation, dislike of their appearance.
And still on the subject of sex people have the strongest units, so broadcast need to give some time to achieve some spectacular effects.
Stream "the General state of the single women's thread". The connection did not notice, but the next few days constantly terribly cold, although the street was the heat. Then there were problems getting to sleep, but if sleep fails, then the dreams are much more colorful, brighter and better remembered.
Suddenly proper cooking. Never in my life did not notice for a desire to hang around in the kitchen, and there is something to portray) and now even started to enjoy it.
Unreasonable mood swings, that "everything is fine" then "it's bad, leave me alone". But most often the mood is improving.
Sometimes there is a feeling of strong pressure on the back of the head and temples.
From the faults in the mood really helps the practice, laid out Xenia. From insomnia too. The thing is amazing!
Also hooked up the stream "a soft touch" dad, who knows nothing about it, became much calmer, more tolerant and more accommodating.
we Have broadcast apparent(and connected to mom and dad),had to take dad to the station,his train,and then plane.Time to get out,a car key, no-searching and understand that the Pope is late for a train,in another situation, everyone would kill each other in the truest sense of the word,but here everything is calm, no tantrums-mom insisted that dad called a taxi,although the probability of hitting the train was already equal to almost zero. To him 20 minutes.And we decided to connect the modules on the bracelet that dad had on the train and in parallel to the key is found within 5 minutes.The taxi arrived very quickly,dad went and as soon as he did,immediately found the key)).Put the gain of the modules and dad during these 20 minutes have time to get there and take the train.)All kept incredible for our family peace of mind. And the stream was"a Soft touch"
I somehow did not notice this bright modules)

My sister had some crazy talent and desire to cook,although the kitchen did not appear in her stream of"Female thread"

And in practice women,during and after the run feeling just like the description of the module "the Status of a Female stream",it helps to attune)
Short) Stream father-son. Since childhood, my father and I have a rather complicated relationship. After connecting, three days later went to the parents. About broadcast forgot). Then noticed that the father in the conversations, it became softer, asked for help on some points in General became better than before. Now the stream father-son changed to another, I want to try different within the campaign. By the way, and the second is not yet felt, so left. Thank You Ksenia,Mikhail)
Review: the broadcasts of "the Divine beloved" and "sex as a magical, creative action" was added to the map wives.the beginning, and the Acceleration.. I feel like I've moved into a world where everything happens quickly. Events - mass meetings, too, things are quickly made, watch in the house all in different ways go And all that is not connected like all Correctly, that night I ask myself: "What was that?" "How so, you can always be on time?" During the day I catch myself with the Observation themselves, while smile has Changed me, changed everything, and everywhere a fine point apparently
my translation:- Relations between a man and a woman, "Module centrality." To them bought a card from MN. At the moment the broadcast went to sleep for an hour. Since the beginning of broadcast to this day in my head feels like "a chill from the menthol." The mood is very driving, yesterday in this condition slightly "parachuter" on his friend, he's a little offended, I really "hooliganism". In dreams pop up old relationships with the fairer sex. The ever-present condition of energy and enthusiasm. Bracelet 3.0 N was very cold at the site of contact.

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Re: Feedback and discussion of broadcasts Male and Female

Post by .Ксения. » Thu Aug 13, 2015 22:17

Female thread gave me an unscheduled period came a week early. And passed easily and in a small amount (usually they are always I have a very abundant). Increased forces. If you start to do something, I shall be, I can't stop. Climb the blocks and without causing discomfort, carefully worked out. Very nice to watch this transformation. Periodically rolls a momentary trance state. Increased attention from the male. Had not time to show the pass at work, I'm heartless nodded, and I passed, now greeted with a smile, carefully studying my card. Began to feel gratitude, think it is "beauty, abundance" feels like.
Report for 03-07 Aug. Modules "centering" and "drive"

My situation is complex and where one or the other effect "grow legs" track is not always, I can also understand that some symptoms just so and not otherwise manifested due to the combined effect of several factors... now, to these factors added the test stream on weekends ... from Michael's experiments )) , and the week testing different modules from Xenia on the map Pandora - Masculine.

Specifically for this report during the week 03 – 07 Aug experienced modules "centering" and "drive" note from the "drive" and, apparently, in conjunction with the "centering", the anomalous effect, the so and the office was "nemaniaus" is a complex state that in 23 hours and then with enthusiasm and pleasure to work with! Not all of course. Someone managed to escape after a hard day at 19, 20 or 21 hours. But those who did not, those then... and what the authorities, which was not seen earlier in the gratuitous workaholism.... I mean "drive" from the "centered" me infect some others ))

What else can be noted from bright that in my opinion, with the participation of the above modules, the broadcast took place and/or strengthened:
1) drowsiness and congestion was felt unconditionally. in the beginning very much, for a few days (4-5) is normalized.
2) Began (with the appearance of physical products) and increased (with the stream) MEGA cleaning. A few days here and almost gone.
3) Pressure on the eyes and generally inside the head and kind of "stir" in the head. Especially the temporal region. I suppose "the formation of new neurons" ))) to the end of the week decreased.
4) there Was a feeling on the skin and deeper into the center of the forehead from the bridge of the nose and above the hair, say so in the "third eye" - the physical sensation from the skin as if she's other, heavier or thicker than the skin on the forehead is the same, but slightly to one side. Sometimes in the same area a feeling of heat and warmth.
5) Numbness of the thumb on your left hand, especially the left and right of the nail and a little closer to the joint. Really like injected lidocaine or another anesthetic – the thumb of the right hand of such symptoms has not. Just different feeling from the fingers and, moreover, different tactile feelings when touching anything. I suppose "changes in the right hemisphere". It is known to be associated with the left arm and thumb in particular. Apparently in charge of creativity and the magic of the right hemisphere are certain processes, which are thus projected. sensation does not disappear and is not reduced yet.
still going first day of broadcast. In the evening came the anxiety and discomfort of some sort, and I decided to lie down and listen to the body, will di feel the night descending and penetrating to the bone thread. Flow is not felt. Then I imagined the tumblers to see how each of the broadcasts is now working. The adoption of the body was about 95%, shared about sex - about 45%. Began mentally to slowly lift the toggle switch to the broadcast which is about sex. Arose yesterday's stream, and with him as like tranquilizers ate - bit "stupid" indifference and lack of affect. But the anxiety and not the comfort was gone, there was only the idea that you really want to be home and sorry that when I left didn't bring at least your favorite plaid - so light, weightless, very soft, warm and red, which is usually in a backpack put even to fly - come and get them if it's cold. Lifted the tumbler to 100%, he tried to jump to his former position, so he gave the command to hold at this level until otherwise instructed and continued to watch him. The thread has gone, instead, there was pressure on vishudha, the pressure on the heart chakra, blowing away pain under right shoulder blade for some reason, the pressure on the solar plexus, but over the uterus like some solid dome formed, nothing let inside. After a while vishudha buzzed, vibrated and pulse, is a "wiggah, Urijah, Urijah" I don't know how else to describe it) at the same time the uterus was perceived very dense, heavy, hard and then as if covered with a stone shell - this I was very surprised. I continued to hold the switch and after some time the shell began to crumble, but... what was underneath was not pretty, bad even - some sort of loose, sensitive as an exposed nerve. I immediately let go of the switch, he fell on his 45% interest, shell partially peeled off and it was not return, but the fact that it was slowly as if covered with tape, cool, elastic, and purchase an adequate look At this... decided to leave, giving the command to restore all carefully and neatly, protection is important. Though now the pain in the abdomen appeared, noticeable mostly when moving. This... This is what I've done? I admit that 40 percent of my glitches, but everything else? This is what the unit shows?
first, thank you for the opportunity of test broadcasts!
The very next day after connecting broadcast started my period ahead of time a week and a half, and they lasted longer than usual o_o. Slept like a gopher, whenever possible, from dryh))) the First few days the dreams were very disturbing (at night woke up several times), in the morning with the feeling that you forgot something. Now sleep while also longer than usual, but there is no such heavy dreams. And Yes, family, I dreamed in their worst nightmares after I got the map WOH, now if dreams, then watching them sleep with indifference and tranquillity, and in General "took away" from me)))). About the "soft belly"... I think he was too soft)))))
Opinion about the broadcast!
- men's standard

The connection felt immediately, expressed as the flow of forces was in the nature. The changed attitude to many things in the direction of what used to cling now not so much. There is a feeling of correctness for themselves, and defend their that I had not noticed him.
Dreams become much brighter, and my involvement in them has grown, a couple of times was kind of already awake and aware of himself and the events from sleep also go hand in hand. The need for sleep was also reduced.
But the most interesting that increased implementation thoughts!
Excellent condition on the observed


Re: Feedback and discussion of broadcasts Male and Female

Post by Укроп » Thu Aug 13, 2015 22:21

So interesting to read about heavy periods... :)

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Re: Feedback and discussion of broadcasts Male and Female

Post by .Ксения. » Thu Aug 13, 2015 22:27

Xenia thank you very much again,learn to listen to yourself the first day,in the evening, the body ran shivers all over my body,every minute,following day woke up with the feeling that I am perfection,the body began to Wake up appeared attraction goes so far,although I was already bothered by my indifference to in-t. it was comforting,it was short-lived pains in the ovary region,feel great,dreams are nasadenie,finally felt like a woman,today there is concern and a little anxiety although so far it was all easy and quiet,I really like it.condition that I have where it was sharonrose.thank you very much for your work,it's an incredible feeling.
To test broadcasts today I went 2 maps WOH. By evening, noticed that I was shaking, jaw clenched, relax your jaw, fists clenching, relax the hands in the abdomen are cramping and skin physically felt that somewhere between tingling and "crawling" - as if afirca vibrating and electrified, to breathe and to relax your mind did not help and then it dawned on me that maybe the cards are already in place. Began to call modules, to ease the tensions. From "dolphins" - lump in my throat and tears welled up, from "sources" - afirca seems to have calmed down, but the internal stress contrary increased almost to the feeling of pain. "Womb" - here's my module today). the heat from the heart down to the abdomen, there is a spiral it was in motion, relaxing and warming all dissolved and then, instantly spreading all over the body, the first waves were only strong-willed when you call the module, after some time, this meditation found yawning, and sucking air in General high, inflating the belly, stretching and straining all the muscles of the chest, diaphragm, abdomen and even the back, loudly, until tears from his eyes and snot river)) and the condition has improved, so well began, quietly.
Stream taking the body. Yesterday before going to sleep, there was a funny sensation in the body, like internal organs slightly move , like getting comfortable . In the neck vertebrae crackled, despite the fact that I lay still. It was still very pleasant feeling in my spine, I first felt as a whole (before osusala only parts, not been able to suffice the entire spine as a whole, as if there were failures), and from the spine, pleasant warmth and relaxation to the body went.
Something began to peel the skin on the body, as happens after an active sun on the seas. But I do not tan, and scaly in places that are usually closed clothes, so it is difficult to assume that I burned on the way to work.
And Yes, as someone already wrote, the day is lost small bruises on the body
First impressions from broadcast, courtesy in the test mode, Xenia
private reference "masculine" : a deep and solid thing After a short time (1-2 days) after power on, at some point, almost by accident, noted that in the usual case, in the same situation would have responded somewhat differently, probably would have thought the right thing to do, and then the decision came as if by itself, without any hesitation, and as it turned out, brought the best out of the situation for everyone involved, it's Difficult to describe, probably would be right if I write that inner self is going. And compacted. So long, and then we'll see.
the second stream was included multiorgasmica. I thought it was a bit more debugging, if done great work on fixing the whole mechanism. This is because I first thought.. a Little later he had the opportunity to make sure that it is not so because of a significant changes occur almost immediately. Changing quality of sensations, the brightness of the orgasm and its duration. And though the body on the old memory still breaks for years skated scheme of work , but the direction "where to go" became more clear. Ie his opinion about this translation changed. IMHO you need immediately and permanently

Yes, at the time of inclusion, have worked cards Masculine, Feminine and Pandra VIP. Pandora component maps of MN and WOH merged with the main Pandora, and in the case of energy shortage can be supplemented with it. Well, at least that's the task set

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Re: Feedback and discussion of broadcasts Male and Female

Post by Галатея » Fri Aug 14, 2015 1:48

Hello Xenia. On going broadcast of "Sources" and "Man - Woman". Disable them please. Feel the overload, the feeling that the head will burst soon.

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Re: Feedback and discussion of broadcasts Male and Female

Post by .Ксения. » Fri Aug 14, 2015 2:11

Galatea turned off.

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Re: Feedback and discussion of broadcasts Male and Female

Post by Любознательная » Fri Aug 14, 2015 10:47

Hello to all the test events! what wonderful results in many) interesting to read. I have broadcast a man and a woman. and the second dolphins. dolphins new. so here I want to describe about her. yesterday I met with a girlfriend at the girlfriend's trouble with her boyfriend,with whom I live together,yesterday I apparently it was very radioactive.if I may say so, she came to stercho all the nerves.once quarreled, come sit with me.chatted,drank coffee in a cafe and she tells me that something changed when around you (i.e. me) as it says quietly and did not want to make trouble and to talk about the problems)) gave her the card WOH hold,then she gave me obobral with hands bracelet BJ 2.6, well, here it all is clearly overloaded, headache and aching arm, where BJ is wearing))) I again took the head, she massaged in the neck, the pain is gone, now my friend is impressed about my experiments not previously believed,and now she will go to the artifacts for the card)) too many to solve the problems of need and without the help of difficult! so yesterday I productively spent the evening meeting))) I'm happy that she Uvidela effects on the other person and that is not my glitches and that I not making anything up))) well, something like this

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Re: Feedback and discussion of broadcasts Male and Female

Post by Рикуся » Sat Aug 15, 2015 0:52

Broadcast taking the body. Yesterday I talked with a colleague who told me that my grandmother was a midwife. And in this regard recalled that as a child my grandmother periodically watched the gynecology textbook because they are on the bottom shelf stood well with pictures. Especially loved was a book on female diseases. Because there were a lot of large color pictures, and even photos. I was terribly impressionable a child. After that, I have even had some sort of gynecological inflammation, and this in 4 years. Now I understand why I have a painful aversion to the female body and women's bodies, particularly After I remembered, I have begun to sore feet again there were bruises on the body, and the places where I do not remember that they were hit. And now here is a funny state - I kind of like it, I dislike it terribly. And it's during the day changes all the time.

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Re: Feedback and discussion of broadcasts Male and Female

Post by Рикуся » Sat Aug 15, 2015 0:52

Broadcast victim and executioner. Begin with long history. I don't remember exactly when, perhaps, with 19 I started to have a strange period, when I inappropriately reacted to men. Not always, and some seizures. This was reflected in the fact that I incorrectly suggested to have sex, suddenly harassed husbands, girlfriends, family friends. A couple of times tried to attack the day on the street: one time wanted to get in the car, the other with some drunk guy just grabbed and then dragged. And looks at me modest, not Pamela Anderson. Once at sea on trips on the boat, unfamiliar drunk man for some reason decided to throw me overboard, I grabbed the handrail, he had me pull out and then jumped himself. It was night, he then searched in the water.. it was All very unpleasant and I was pretty rotten life. I thought all men are freaks and perverts, what's wrong with me that something is very wrong, and that - is unclear. In the end, I actually gradually reduced to a minimum the interaction with men and have learned to be very discreet. Periodically I tried to work with it, went to a psychologist, but this issue has stubbornly refused even as it is clearly indicated. And against the background of the broadcast of these long-forgotten cases surfaced and a week hanging in the mind, not cleaning. With that, I went to a psychologist, where we finally found the cause. There is a complex interweaving of several childhood traumas and this is to work, but I have such a relief and surge of energy! The topic is very painful and that I never made, and now finally there is progress, and I am very pleased

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Re: Feedback and discussion of broadcasts Male and Female

Post by Рикуся » Sat Aug 15, 2015 0:54

Укроп wrote:just So interesting to read about heavy periods... :)
You're so vain. In the next incarnation may well come in handy :?


Re: Feedback and discussion of broadcasts Male and Female

Post by Укроп » Sat Aug 15, 2015 9:36

Рикуся wrote:...somehow at sea on trips on the boat, unfamiliar drunk man for some reason decided to throw me overboard, I grabbed the handrail, he had me pull out and then jumped himself. It was night, he then searched in the water...

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Re: Feedback and discussion of broadcasts Male and Female

Post by Аиша » Sun Aug 16, 2015 3:40

The whole family is a stream of "soft contact", in addition to the husband "man - woman", the son of the "father-son" and masculine, and I work with the physics of the body, the executioner-victim. Will start the review with men. :) My husband became softer in communication, attentive to me and the kids(my son and his), there was an urgent need to do a man's business, and to help me around the house that it absolutely is not peculiar. Does not do the hard work goes and saves me. I wonder what did hurt?! Just a model husband!Stepson - conflict problem child just the eyes are changing, "left" from the "buddies", could deny them communion even at full pressure with their hand, became softer in communicating with older relatives, eager to help his father in his work became more positive, smiling and open, there is a need to communicate with folks on the street(according to him) began to go to meet girls))).Help around the house, listens to advice, no longer aggressive to react to the information, was "to dream"out loud. Son is a shy home - it is a stream masculinity and father-son. Began to like myself, ceased to be shy and kompleksovat, more openly expresses his opinion, began to use men's perfume and selectively choose clothes. In the early days the whole family watched the menswear shows))), remeasure all the costumes, hats, glasses, long been evaluated by yourself in the mirror, he became more confident in her voice had power, and began to do push-UPS. In the house just a very positive atmosphere, the whole family increased appetite, began urgent things. I have - last week was crazy, the works themselves were done, were everywhere the place and by the time I ran by female doctors, a lot of calls and contacts, met a huge number of per unit time, old acquaintances, just not describe,small plans was carried out before our eyes , all around positive, business. Got an appointment to the doctor within 15 minutes, which is the queue for 2-3 months. Was offered a job! Pass the honey.inspection.<

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Re: Feedback and discussion of broadcasts Male and Female

Post by Аиша » Sun Aug 16, 2015 3:50

Dream - have become manageable.Exploring the blocks are in full swing with alternating moods from depression, elation, anger, it does not want to hurt anyone, and the desire to give up on other people's negative "sincere" conversations very much even Yes :) I have this knowledge early, many mistakes could have been avoided and is inevitable to perceive in a different way.Was positively fonit others, and imperceptibly to resolve conflicts. Left strong tension and innuendo, especially in the family. Thank you for such a good stream!

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Re: Feedback and discussion of broadcasts Male and Female

Post by Михаил_ » Sun Aug 16, 2015 9:00

Укроп wrote:just So interesting to read about heavy periods... :)
If You are not interested - please go by this thread. This is valuable and important information in the feedback to users and developers alike, is directly related to the operation of the product.
Or do You with this concept connotes something not appropriate for public discussion ? then definitely You have the wrong forum, sorry for the harshness. Did not expect this to hear here.


Re: Feedback and discussion of broadcasts Male and Female

Post by Укроп » Sun Aug 16, 2015 9:02

I mean that M and W must be separated, and you all piled in a heap and I'm still in the blame 8) In the case :?

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Re: Feedback and discussion of broadcasts Male and Female

Post by Petr99 » Sun Aug 16, 2015 9:13

just don't judge what you write, other users, especially not so ready just to leave such comments and reviews are necessary and important, for example for me - I have a wife and daughter, for whose health I am responsible (including)


Re: Feedback and discussion of broadcasts Male and Female

Post by Укроп » Sun Aug 16, 2015 9:23

This is not an evaluation - it is an innate disgust. I went to read about the male stream, and then heavy periods. It is necessary to warn 8)

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Re: Feedback and discussion of broadcasts Male and Female

Post by Аиша » Sun Aug 16, 2015 11:18

The theme of women's day...If you have women this period is very painful in a lifetime, the opinion about the positive changes in very handy. Good such men do not experience!) My stream was connected in those days, and as I wrote above, I haven't touched a painkiller pill, unlike in the past months and years, when you bundles toxic . And mood and energy was like in a normal period of life, I would even say happier than usual. Innate disgust is almost all, don't overreact on this topic, especially because you do not happen monthly and you don't know what it's for as. Sincerely, Aisha.

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Re: Feedback and discussion of broadcasts Male and Female

Post by Вячеслав. » Sun Aug 16, 2015 14:45


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Re: Feedback and discussion of broadcasts Male and Female

Post by Искатель » Sun Aug 16, 2015 18:18

A small report on "victim-executioner" and "womb."+ map of MN
A week ago, "love of self" was changed to "the womb".
The action to broadcast at me,"love yourself" was not noticeable.Probably come back to it,but much later.With the inclusion of "womb",and I was going to work this time,led to severe sleepiness and a host of dreams and memories which until I slip away.
"Victim-executioner" continues to be relevant to the situation beside me,this is the 2nd fight(when you pay attention to them they end more or less happily) where I are close,but in a safe area and a number of small events,when next to me someone to cling to in the framework of this program(victim and executioner).But the state is inside me,in comparison to the early days of broadcast has weakened,although on the card for the night put on 100%.
And Yes it really helps the AI,here Thursday was not that aggravation,did the "legs"and before training it seemed that no strength,depressed,and began to do everything possible was removed by hand,washed away just from the past, and some internal fragmentation have not disappeared.

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Re: Feedback and discussion of broadcasts Male and Female

Post by Даррья » Mon Aug 17, 2015 3:52

Broadcast General about sex and relationships man-woman and 2 cards in WOH the way to me. It was an interesting module "dolphins" because as "shaky" and groundless nervousness and anxiety often arise. But I never live with these beautiful creatures did not communicate, the module is periodically called, but how could not understand-to feel. And yesterday I once again invoke the module, and I was flooded with - I in the green waters of the sea, next to a white and gray dolphins, touch me, and now I have it, the Dolphin, cut the body of the water, nimble, strong, free, and so lovely, just a dream and all the feelings so much. Back. Sneaking suspicion and asked a friend who was there - did he live with the dolphins in the Dolphinarium or at sea. Yes, he is, of course, in the sea with wild dolphins swam... And could it be that I was "nick" he's got a piece of his experience? And those wild dolphins when you shared with him my wild Dolphin experience? And then, it turns out, this is the essence of why it is affecting people - the dolphins share with us this, your perception and may not realize it, but prescribed a person has this experience? So interesting!
And in translation, "woman-man"... Also a strange experience yesterday. I have no keys to the apartment arrived - had left her friend to cats fed in my absence, and to take them just does not work, so stayed the night at a friend's. We watched Harry Potter so I like that on his shoulder lay down, falling asleep, and he put his arm around me, and around me as it formed a type of cocoon, trapped above the coccyx, as if I dived into his cocoon, and this total feeling of safety and security showed up... And it clearly came from him. Don't know, something I've never happened like... And what is most interesting this feeling remained with me, it's like it's above the coccyx where it is born and forms a kind of shell around the top of my cocoon...

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Re: Feedback and discussion of broadcasts Male and Female

Post by Михаил_ » Mon Aug 17, 2015 12:44

Укроп wrote:I mean that M and W must be separated, and you all piled in a heap and I'm still in the blame 8) In the case :?
Take a nobody and "disgust" are not for our themes.
And we're still in the next branch enema with ASD are discussing :) hahahhahaha. Shorter times are decided here more Nini :)

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Re: Feedback and discussion of broadcasts Male and Female

Post by Дмитрий Т » Thu Aug 20, 2015 15:36

Ksenia, Mikhail, thank you for your creation.
Xenia, turned on the wife of Dolphins and Sources. (Don't want any now study, as the problems have enough)
Immediately a great result, the Wife stayed up 4 nights in the house suggests beauty, something improved, generally feminine and improved housing. In the morning at 9 o'clock feel good.
Great feeling persists for 4 days.
I want to explain that we do the repair and leave until he was generally fatigued and energized.
Though today was probably a little overweight because she's not slept again until 4 am, although no head, no pain.

Actually the cool thing would be interested in such a tool to have, and we hope that the physical cards will also be a similar effect when you activate these modules.
The only thing I don't know what the module is more the effect of the Dolphins or Sources.
I think, as always, Michael will say that all individually.

Thank you

PS. Thank you Ksenia for your patience, as I once asked to switch modules.

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Re: Feedback and discussion of broadcasts Male and Female

Post by .Ксения. » Thu Aug 20, 2015 16:29

A burst of energy more from "sources" most likely. Dolphins have more of this harmonious-soothing and in the map it can operate in conjunction with modules, working with "heavy" programs and units (such as "victim-executioner" of the same).

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Re: Feedback and discussion of broadcasts Male and Female

Post by АндрейКо » Tue Aug 25, 2015 13:53

АндрейКо wrote: PS - for soft contact it is too early to leave a review.
works, but the result is still unknown.
soft contact:
Got into a situation where "top" is intentionally pushed their heads against the subordinates. (a common practice of some managers) were Asked to connect a soft touch and began to act impartially. The situation left me (hand switched to direct negotiation). I think this is very good result.
