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Re: Hello dear

Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2013 6:34
Michael, I'm talking about "shit" from Thu Aug 22, 2013 1:06 (1:12) in this thread.

Re: Hello dear

Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2013 7:02
In the up coming. This is a new nick of Gilgamesh? Or am I mistaken?

"You see the torn Soul, but do not see the Soul asking for help. Can be talk?"

To be honest, I do not understand about the "Soul, begging for help." As for me, so looking for help themselves, not ask.
Perhaps now hour special of misunderstanding for people living on Moscow time. I'm one of them.
Don't want the flood to start. I'm dangerous. I was still shaking.

Re: Hello dear

Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2013 22:53
by bofara
By the way, will share.. :)
Last winter /ie like, like because I don't remember accurately, February, 2013, are notes in the diary of course/ I kind of nothing was covered with a strong hatred for Michael.. I Remember I was in proselochnoy state, i.e., between sleep and wakefulness and I didn autovalsa /non-physical of course/ in a place that can be called my "place of Michael," and there.. in the beginning I felt that sadeystvala some "alamena system" and therefore has got what she got :)+I was covered with a terrible fear/. Then this thing /Alemana system/ I recognize :shock: and released, and then I recovered /to non-physical sensations of perception, because on a physical level, nothing could be felt/ through a maximum of 2 days.. :)
Then, when I understood consciously etim realized that someone "serious" tried several times /in different periods of my activity on the forum/ to "guide" my behavior and then led me to this place and brought me to this "Anavana"..
By the way, I don't want to engage with etim /ie do not see the special meaning of/, but when something out of himself came the understanding that the Druid has the same taste as someone very clever was able to simply 'steer' it, i.e. to push for some not very sensible and familiar to his actions.. a Druid, sorry if that, but really that tricky, grrrr, got what he wanted, i.e., Michael never gave audio from the seminar /although intended/, as it seemed then, for this reason..

Re: Hello dear

Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2013 23:15
by Гильгамеш
LUDMILA K. About nick, I'm sorry, You were wrong =) I'm more of a Nick have not changed.
I am glad that the thread continues, although not quite as I expected.
LUDMILA K. I guess You're right. Perhaps I've got the whole world in illusions. Maybe because I feel like I'm living in a kind of fog. Of trying to get out for about a year. Tired because it exist. It seems to have everything but no peace. Even when all is well, it seems that should not be the case, it is not my will, not my desire, not my place. Or maybe I'm just fooling myself? They tell me that I have more than enough to live. So why do I still neustraivaet? Michael, to some extent rights - to live. I guess I don't know how to do it. After all, one must live in harmony with each other? Am I right? Need to solve problems along the way, not to avoid them, thereby turning them into problems. And then in General to run from them.
Why I'm looking for answers to their questions in the esoteric? Probably because I think that the official and the physical world will not be able to give me answers. Maybe I chose the wrong path and go into another illusion? Who was I before? What I can do and how to achieve this? Whether their place is in this world? If my will dictates my life, or I live in someone's behest? I will look for the answers. Only time inexorably moves forward, and I think that I can't do anything. How reluctant would know that my physical life will end in about 60-80 years. So much to see and learn. Just look. And the older I get it seems the faster time flies.
Wear BJ 2.1 for about a month. Just don't feel its effects on themselves. May not be able to manage, or may not notice the changes. In any case, it had to happen something that will catch the eye. And it's not happening. Decided to buy the SS. Subsequently Navigator. I want to catch the elusive thread, I think, able to give a boost to my development.

Re: Hello dear

Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 2:28
by Михаил_
with video and audio of the seminar, Bopara, it's very simple - it is necessary much to cut, I'm there's a lot of private things said (and not only me) but time is not. And feel the urgent need yet.

Re: Hello dear

Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 2:33
by Михаил_
Yes, indeed, you can stumble upon the defense of the forum, for example, especially if someone is pushing it. It is relatively "dumb" and I don't watch. Responds to different actions that it considers impact on the community or subject.
and Yes, indeed, constantly funny people (few) are trying to play in attempts to somehow annoy. Particularly this one does not suffer, but sometimes some are in the buffer between and lightly fall thereby into a meat grinder is an experience that just might be useful, if aware, not to fall again. Usually this can only be when you try to sit on two chairs at once.
By the way I protect the forum has significantly modified and now it covers not only my sections of the forum, but personal correspondence of the participants and connected to a more severe reaction schemes and more powerful sources of energy (more powerful than nowhere :) ), so that fans enjoy the PM now seems to be special - more fun.
When I play, I love to play, I panzarino know how to approach the process.

Re: Hello dear

Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 5:55
by Petr99
Gilgamesh, I can recommend it to work more effectively 2.1 (and faster) change your life, your way of life, change place of work, place of residence, get new friends. Ie you need to knock yourself out of the rut, of course, how much you are ready for it. This will lead to a revision of life values. Relevant will become irrelevant, and irrelevant is important. The human mind does not want to change, so either wait for when it is in passive mode do 2.1 (but still can be perceived as the chaos and aggression of the world) or to help yourself make it faster, then less will have to look for vynovat on the side. First, while not working or working poorly own intuition, your inner censor, it is better to listen to the recommendations of the forums of MM and OM. Read all over again and find examples of similar situations from other people and how they razbolelis. Especially OM from the beginning and not just the active sections. Many here wrote that I read the whole thing over a few times and have found new answers (including me). I do perceive the forum as a library, information center. Many were surprised as they opened new knowledge, new understanding, but that occurred when the person was ready to accept such information.

Re: Hello dear

Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 11:36
by Пианистка
Михаил_ wrote:by the way I protect the forum has significantly modified and now it covers not only my sections of the forum, but personal correspondence of the participants and connected to a more severe reaction schemes and more powerful sources of energy (more powerful than nowhere ), so that fans enjoy the PM now seems to be special - more fun.
When I play, I love to play, I panzarino know how to approach the process.
thank you :)

Re: Hello dear

Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 12:49
by Михаил_
but not for that... :) there is a trick that the one who plucked the defense of the forum, then it will be to interact not only in the forum (like out-retired and all), and until we get an adequate return will interact on all aspects of life. However, as always, takes into account the loss of time of participants (e.g. read crap) and other indirect aspects. And the impact will have a very fancy paint :)
And I slightly expanded the aspect of a protected zone, beyond their themes, though certainly not all forum topics are close to me, but the part was covered for the company, and of the personal ACC. got...

Re: Hello dear

Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 23:31
by Друид
bofara wrote:by the Way, will share.. :)
Last winter /ie like, like because I don't remember accurately, February, 2013, are notes in the diary of course/ I kind of nothing was covered with a strong hatred for Michael.. I Remember I was in proselochnoy state, i.e., between sleep and wakefulness and I didn autovalsa /non-physical of course/ in a place that can be called my "place of Michael," and there.. in the beginning I felt that sadeystvala some "alamena system" and therefore has got what she got :)+I was covered with a terrible fear/. Then this thing /Alemana system/ I recognize :shock: and released, and then I recovered /to non-physical sensations of perception, because on a physical level, nothing could be felt/ through a maximum of 2 days.. :)
Then, when I understood consciously etim realized that someone "serious" tried several times /in different periods of my activity on the forum/ to "guide" my behavior and then led me to this place and brought me to this "Anavana"..
By the way, I don't want to engage with etim /ie do not see the special meaning of/, but when something out of himself came the understanding that the Druid has the same taste as someone very clever was able to simply 'steer' it, i.e. to push for some not very sensible and familiar to his actions.. a Druid, sorry if that, but really that tricky, grrrr, got what he wanted, i.e., Michael never gave audio from the seminar /although intended/, as it seemed then, for this reason..
Excuse me for what you do not, It is your personal glitches, and reality are not connected. My actions have always been so "naive and childish and dangerous" (I classify them right now, from the standpoint of experience of what happened, but earlier I didn't think so), because previously never cared about security, because there was no experience of falling into dangerous places, and watching the eyes of a child who always lived in security. Now on the other. If me and someone "steer" it was me that consciousness is more considered and thoroughly looked to the future not to get to where need to be. It all happened in the best way, as always :)
Records are not uploaded and the reason was obvious what Michael wrote, and not because of me :)<

Re: Hello dear

Posted: Sat Sep 14, 2013 12:24
by bofara
Druid, :)
Good words.

Re: Hello dear

Posted: Sat Sep 14, 2013 22:12
Михаил_ wrote:Yes, indeed, you can stumble upon the defense of the forum, for example, especially if someone is pushing it. It is relatively "dumb" and I don't watch. Responds to different actions that it considers impact on the community or subject.
Bayan and totalitarianism. I'm somewhere on this forum even seen the topic "discussion of the BZ without moderation Michael's", not even one page and long before I came here. There is very little, we need to introduce the insights and will be a new Eden where all is well and everyone is happy, but if You have doubts and God forbid You voiced them, will during sleep to observe the protection of a heavy, powered Egregor and treat these consequences. I'm sorry that the management at this store has resorted to such measures against people who are in the majority and do not understand what kind of a beast. I can say with confidence that I, and so sat up as I the post to write to get a sane answer and further to do just not going that will work with other Egregors. I hope that common sense will prevail and there (not magic like everyone) ways of moderation according to accepted rules, as well as the force to answer any (even provocative) questions of everyone, not as it is. Go clean the Top Sites. All the best.

Re: Hello dear

Posted: Sat Sep 14, 2013 22:28
by Михаил_
Yeah, but there's no one egregor (protection of the egregore of the forum is not, neither BJ nor my other items egregors do not create or have some of them, such as a spectrum, rather contribute to the degeneration egregors something egregorial, with continued work, but not questions and deliberate provocations as unsuccessful, due to the protections, attempted assaults on members of the forum, there were very many times.
If I hadn't long ago taken appropriate measures, the damage would have been significant, not for me - I purely do not care for people.
The way that You will not be able to overcome internal contradictions, which of You just stick out in all directions bright and noticeable - it was clear at once. Lasted a long time. Go its course :) I have a little pity, but no more.

As for the posts of forum users here absolutely do not care. All write them as someone wants. The problem comes only in case of aggression, attempts to pull the blanket somewhere (just try to stick to here someone egregorial influence tied to writing the post) and in the case of other fun activities, such as Mamanuca above assaults on members of the forum or provocation. Such texts will be removed, and in terms of energy Stripping. A forum, even with the mechanism of protection is completely harmless. To the appropriate people. And the rest are forest.
Go to any self-respecting venue, from club to shopping centre. Try there is a loud and noisy show off (example: advertising club other ideology, and shout that this is crap or supermarket to say that everything is rotten and sozdaniem - present and good) You, at least, quietly kicked with, but how high still and it will execute (or otherwise quite a force to apply).
What? someone thinks this is not true? no... everything is understood, that adequate measures for the protection of the interior space with defined rules and structure.
What? someone who, under such rules then gets tight (prevent personal settings, and go past something does not) always want to behave well here. And hope that security will not come.
Fig. Will come. And very efficiently working. and physical (will erase all ...) and information-energy (other readers, and users will not be affected, and the impact will be adequate to more - not climbed.).
Everything is absolutely correct.
And the word is nothing.
I also don't do anything personal squabbles and do not have "favors or favors". I just have no time for such nonsense.
Who does not want - is a forest. Pseudo with therapies space my manipulative and provocative posts, even not consciously created (and so often, because especially during periods of active commissioning of new products provoke many to write something using their egregorial binding and is often very clearly visible - periods of exacerbation clearly and 100% predictable and justified).<

Re: Hello dear

Posted: Sun Sep 15, 2013 0:57
by Алега
It is You,Michael,trying to establish "causal relationships"? And that there is no chance to make a mistake-once a rake across his forehead? And who gave You this right?I AM OUTRAGED!Where is the warning with a description of the objectionable (to You) of the wording?
PS I read the forums Here (MM and OM) for a long time and I want to say that Michael early and Michael now-they are different people!!!
ZYZY AND what is Your defense for the truth will be hard to beat.I am ready for retribution.

Re: Hello dear

Posted: Sun Sep 15, 2013 1:07
by Михаил_
No, February is not a closed club, but certainly this community with certain rules, interests, internal structure, and its familiar to most of its members view of the world, apparently VERY well different from yours. But it (for me at least) is not a project for the promotion of certain commercial products, moreover, I reserve the right (and sometimes use) to refuse any user into purchasing some "older" versions of products. And You - including. So to measure this rules that You think are typical for some commercial structures - is silly. I like a lot of times refused to the ideas of those or other types of advertising BJ, because I think that the theme attracts those who are really need, time, during, clear, etc. And those who will some internal conflicts - should pass. The mechanism works almost perfectly. Not ideal bound in 99.9999% with what someone here pushing force, in order to try to influence the processes started by me.
And no, it's not your inner world where You have something showing suggested :) It's just the nearest hook, which You "pulled" - not the first time this occurred, it was 100% predictable, immediately after your appearance here.

Re: Hello dear

Posted: Sun Sep 15, 2013 1:32
by Михаил_
Алега wrote:Is that You,Michael,trying to establish "causal relationships"? And that there is no chance to make a mistake-once a rake across his forehead? And who gave You this right?I AM OUTRAGED!Where is the warning with a description of the objectionable (to You) of the wording?
PS I read the forums Here (MM and OM) for a long time and I want to say that Michael early and Michael now-they are different people!!!
ZYZY AND what is Your defense for the truth will be hard to beat.I am ready for retribution.
0. do not wait :) (I have these words I do not know and do not accept as retribution)
1. no, error is not seen :) and I don't think it can be.
2. I gave myself that right, and who I might give? any person must assume their share of responsibility... all forgotten about it, forgotten how, don't understand... well, almost everyone. Now, if I didn't do the above, then I would deserve censure. It would be a blatant setup for many.
3. your right to be indignant, but I somehow do not care
4. I no objectionable language, and the protection has existed for several years, and its existence has repeatedly reported on the forum. Now I just responded to complaints of victims against the misbehaviour of those who tried to circumvent the protection on the sly. Ie SPECIFICALLY to get readers via PM, thereby not touching the protection. In fact, the only adjustment - I made it a little more adaptive to such deliberate cunning.
Spontaneous triggers are all the thing is almost prohibitive. 99% of cases is associated with deliberate attempts to climb knowing that it is not correct, either with stimulated attempts to climb (read man obsessed with external control).
5. Michael previously and now is some of me "old" :) many here actually know me in the distant past. As conditions change (in the world) at the time of exacerbations (in the forum) I get a little tougher. In addition, I recovered somewhat better than it was two years ago. Now perhaps they may not yet all that could a couple of incarnations ago, or rather not all on demand and not by natural necessity, when triggered by the autopilot.
And Yes, that old "Michael", which while slightly translucent and of Michael now and Michael two-three years ago, the inherent including hard traits,as the conditions of the processes (for example may illustrate the last two films Valera with although there is not all shown, since the method of "nakapyvaniya" it's not to find.
yeah, so, in terms of such processes to only be soft - not.
Just neverovatno. And not bad for me, but for those who believe that there is an option to get out of Jo..
So before I have a responsibility to other people. And forced to be tough.
And I will :) I am very dangerous person, for those who are trying to harm or stop running processes of restoring the natural abilities of people, and many other "old" people in this world know it. Which stimulated, for example after the last exercise attempts to "run over" on those who I am absolutely free and without negative stimuli were shown how to PROTECT yourself from confusion and social vampire techniques.
And that, attempts have been.. :) and what resulted? to ensure that there are no arrivals came out, and people turned extra warm-up and training, free of charge, positive, with a smile. As a result, some -stiffened, made a serious face, got a big bunch. Other poulybalsya, politely, anyone not wanting to harm and not cycles on the fun "yeshuwah" just went on.... funny after all this...
Understand. Are you trying to reflect in his indignation, and perhaps fear of their complexes on the topic negativnyh scenarios. That You are there hammer beating on the head thinking? Thank you, I know how to block negativity so random that the victims can not be in principle - for example multiply all the good that people wanted easy to use BJ as a result of their actions and return to him multiple... if he really is good advise and wish him more and better. If not quite... but everything else protection just doesn't work :) first you need to create a catchy complex of its conditions. And this combination of factors is rarely random and still does not harm anyone just like that and nothing.... I'm not saying that the protection works as stated above - this is just an example. BUT the point is it is.<

Re: Hello dear

Posted: Sun Sep 15, 2013 1:34
by Михаил_
And here, as illustrated in my post above, in response to the FEBRUARY, the two of you spurred to write here today and a lot on this subject is quite specific anticipated my action. I know what :) So think whether you want to be someone else's pawns....

Re: Hello dear

Posted: Sun Sep 15, 2013 1:47
by Алега
Well, now it seems everything is clear.In General, if without provocation,that his thoughts to make. :?
And very interesting about"how to PROTECT yourself from confusion and social vampire techniques." Very important!!!

Re: Hello dear

Posted: Sun Sep 15, 2013 12:46
by Пианистка
I'm on this site since 2008, came here when I felt that my own resources are not enough, and I need help.

of what is presented on the website, I chose the drives Patrushev - something good from something so I freaked out, but I saw that they work, far as I was able to use these tools.

Then there was a break, and the next address to this web site, I got interested in BJ. Despite the fact that I always fit meticulously, long study of the description, listen to your feelings, sometimes you ask questions to the users - this is serious stuff, not a chocolate bar to buy.

Realizing that all this is serious stuff - I am responsible for my choices, for what effects I get from artifacts. At the same time, I realize that beside me on the forum is very different in features and character of the people. Sometimes it happens from a misunderstanding or a difference in opinion I think is normal. Just aggression, in my opinion, it is not the norm. And I believe that protection should be. If Michael did not protect the forum, I probably would never have come here, just self preservation, but to turn a piece of life in the banal purchase of another things in the online store, I do not want, and such an attitude would be unworthy in relation to the artifacts of Michael and his mission. IMHO :)

Not sure I managed to Express your feelings, but... something like that.

Thank you, Michael, that you care about us. Thanks for everything :)

Re: Hello dear

Posted: Sun Sep 15, 2013 13:42
by Аленка
Pianist, well done! Thank You, Michael! :o

Re: Hello dear

Posted: Sun Sep 15, 2013 22:17
by Вячеслав.
Good day!Allow me to Express my opinion,regarding the protection of the forum.I'm much more comfortable in these conditions to arrive at the forum,when specified these parameters.It stimulates,and carry out this intention in daily life.Another time on public transport,you have to exhort people.People generally slowly prevraschayutsya not understand to whom.

Re: Hello dear

Posted: Sun Sep 15, 2013 22:20
by Магистр
Вячеслав. wrote:People generally slowly prevraschayutsya not understand to whom.
I agree

Re: Hello dear

Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2013 0:49
by АндрейКо
Interestingly, Friday morning I wrote a letter, but not sent...
The idea was to ensure that if the protection is extended to a section of the flowerbed, but this section is meaningless...
The way of writing realized that I didn't write and decided not to send - wait - what's next :) ... And then got a lot going on ... and now I read this.

In my opinion, the defense needed. last time I felt the impact and already the puzzled answer - how Michael_ wrote that put protection on the action of the participants to each other via the forum...

Re: Hello dear

Posted: Fri Nov 29, 2013 20:57
by Вячеслав.
In continuation of the "theme"protect the forum.The forum in my opinion (overflowed)...always better examples.Public transport the whole!Situationare (girl talking on the phone...) everyone found out about all her secrets,and so on.Surprised by my reaction,the first impulse is to think...and became an observer.Watch as people cringe, etc. we Gee m Gee...and we grow stronger!Once detached become comfortable.IMHO. :)

Re: Hello dear

Posted: Fri Nov 29, 2013 21:50
by Михаил_
the world is changing and what was once perceived as weak, "thin" factors are few, beginning to come vividly to life all around the world and is becoming an important part of life.