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Re: Hello dear

Posted: Fri Aug 09, 2013 15:58
by Гильгамеш
Yeah, I tried to listen to the conductor a week and a half approximately. Tried before bed, but always fall asleep. You should try the middle of the day to listen. Yeah, I read that it works in a dream. But still want to ever test session in polupedestalom able to work out. And listened without clear objectives, in the passive version.

Re: Hello dear

Posted: Fri Aug 09, 2013 16:27
by Михаил_
no need to listen to it in the waking state, it's good that fell asleep, You again come up with complications on your own'll forgive the head.
Ie, if you don't attrubites in the process - it just will mean that shitty load the disk.

Re: Hello dear

Posted: Fri Aug 09, 2013 16:43
by Брэнд
"well, I'm sorry your head", "bad" - MDA.. shallow modern intelligentsia

The developer, not to the swearing in adolescence... childhood disease of leftism?
And indeed with the advent of business Commerce (amulets, bracelets, generators-stimulants) forum more and more shallow and degenerate.
Nothing that Andrei Patrushev gave it all here under the sink and slide...

Re: Hello dear

Posted: Fri Aug 09, 2013 16:56
by Михаил_
1. pass by :)
2. where did you find the profanity that? :) in the popular expression "to seek adventure on his own ass," which I so veiled to a decent appearance, but which exactly and way captures the essence of certain processes and is rather humorous? well, well :) Yes, You have problems with a sense of humor :)
3. you probably do not know that profanity is a social imprint, designed to drown out the knowledge on the correct use of words in different order? profanity is only when using words impose a negative impression quite positive. And Mat and wrestle two completely different ways sometimes use the same words. Well, according to the law of our country now anyway, especially on the Internet :) but I honor the law and anything not publicly use now:)
4. In the pre-teen and teenage, and later age, I did not limit himself in clear terms what we think is commensurate with what people think (the processes) and vocabulary. Where every expression has its place. It is not appropriate do not use never.
Never had a problem with it and always found complete understanding from both peers (including the girls, not only men) and older at the time by age. In particular the application of battle (namely battlefield, and not swearing or not swearing) allowed several times even at school age to disperse the crowd and to solve the situation without fighting and without dispute. Because I know how to use words effectively and with minimal harm to others.
Many, unfortunately, know how, or are trying to harm and ordinary words including in public and for an example of such attempts is not far to seek :).
5. the forum is developing well the last years that we should be grateful to two Andrei including.
6. and therefore pass by, to argue I will not, then just be immediately demolished after the publication on my branches. any amulets and I don't do stimulants :)<

Re: Hello dear

Posted: Fri Aug 09, 2013 17:32
by Михаил_
Oh, forgot to add - the intelligentsia - this term is bogus (I just don't carry and never carried), specially devised for dividing the society on the other, one of the typical manipulation of the system within one of the basic rules of "divide and rule" and the reception from this area were used in prokomentiroval me the message (trying to divide individuals and the forum for conditional appearance to create a dummy assessment criteria and imposing them on others) - a typical manipulation..

Re: Hello dear

Posted: Fri Aug 09, 2013 19:50
by Гильгамеш
I'm not offended. The teacher does not have to be good. Moderately stringent and fair. Push to resolve and sometimes to give the hat.

Re: Hello dear

Posted: Sat Aug 10, 2013 10:06
by Гильгамеш
House walk in the bracelet, in other places the bracelet is not worn, but simply carry. Today turned their attention to the fact that no BJ as it becomes uncomfortable. And breaks it to fasten. But the stain. But in everyday life, is not much used.

Re: Hello dear

Posted: Sat Aug 10, 2013 10:44
by Артфан
Гильгамеш wrote: in other places, the bracelet is not worn, but simply carry.
If you want changes in themselves and around quickly, wear the bracelet around the clock. If You want to change You disturbing the situation in their favor strengthen the action BJ homemade - matrices,a lot of them. When BJ and the matrix will begin work situations and health - possible redness at the site of contact. Clean essential oils and moving BJ\ best matrix. in other places. Too shy to wear in front of: BJ wear under socks and write the matrix on the belt. With depression the fight - she is not.Success.

Re: Hello dear

Posted: Sat Aug 10, 2013 11:59
by Михаил_
I don't know what there is about "dirty", I tractor the engine went through the bracelets and did.... then with my hands and that's all.

Re: Hello dear

Posted: Sat Aug 10, 2013 12:48
Artfan, At the foot wear, under pants and not visible, and clean))))

Re: Hello dear

Posted: Sat Aug 10, 2013 23:26
by Гильгамеш
About "stain". The tree is very well absorb odors and all liquids. Well then go with the skunk nefteprodukti not a rosy prospect. Gum is also believed not to oil? ) Okay burst, the links then you can at least how to assemble? Homes bzh is generally not removed. Nice material wood. Like it very much.

Re: Hello dear

Posted: Sun Aug 11, 2013 0:02
by АндрейКо
You can buy a card and charge transfer anything.
In which case to move to a new subject...
Артфан wrote:depression fight - she does not pass
it looks like something that connects... not 100% sure, but several times 'seen' and felt.

Re: Hello dear

Posted: Sun Aug 11, 2013 2:02
by Гильгамеш
I'm not seeing. But when I feel something cling. I began to notice recently, and not without assistance. Feel pretty weak and not everywhere, but the track can.
Sometimes that seems to do nothing, and the whole energy in the pipe flies. And sometimes he spent the whole day at work, and the physical, and forces in bulk.
If you do not see a hostile entity, it does not mean that they are not around.
I had previously spoken with than trying to fight. Depression and despondency that is not the reason - a consequence. And the reasons for the other, here are the solutions I started looking about a year ago hard. And the system does not consider grehom me to pull up and how to give on a head for my attempts. By the way, today is another one of those days when it seems that everything is in vain and standing in another dead end. All the evidence suggests I must say, I am back to normal and throw the whim of the head. Why today I decided that such moments is just to wait a bit, and with the onset of the next day to try to rebuild back. Don't know, I think many here encounter, it would Michael_ "this is very disadvantageous to awaken your abilities."
About transfers and stuff, I certainly admire more understanding. It can and should do. But while eyeing the newcomer its BJ. How it behaves, and how it works. Note little significant moments.
Thank you all for the replies, Your help is on the way of becoming invaluable.

P. S. the bad books of Carlos Castaneda, and what's worth reading in Your opinion?

Re: Hello dear

Posted: Sun Aug 11, 2013 14:56
by Легенда
Start with simple things, a bath, dousing with cold water. Pour and at home. You can still take SS "Svetlitsa-Super". Interrupts do not need connection, select force.

Re: Hello dear

Posted: Sun Aug 11, 2013 19:52
by АМТ
Гильгамеш wrote:What's wrong the books of Carlos Castaneda, and what's worth reading in Your opinion?
The books of Carlos Castaneda are not bad in themselves. Just for you and a wide range of interested in how it works around, they are more likely to introduce some confusion and to guide towards what Michael calls litterily. For professionals, they are an important artifact and a valuable work of art behind the development of certain sectors of American (and not only) companies for several decades.
But for those interested and not interested in the "setterich" they can ask not at all (or even not) right vector of development. In your case could use something capable of a deeper understanding of himself, and not the neighboring worlds. Read Eckhart Tolle. He has a lot of self-discovery laid out correctly and at the same time simple, understandable language. On Russian books translated. Start with the first The Power Of Now. High-quality Russian translations from Nikolay Lavrent'ev.

Re: Hello dear

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2013 20:35
by Гильгамеш
Started to read the book on your advice. Yet delve.
Now the common question is how to change? Completely? Possible from head to toe. I do not like what I have now, at the moment. What I am getting and upset people close to me. That anything really can not be solved in life. That can break and rebuild?
p.s. state, thoughts which scare me, I wouldn't want to have to do.

Re: Hello dear

Posted: Thu Aug 22, 2013 0:48
by Легенда
Notice the word life. How it is manifested in the nature of any Association between you and life, and what prevents these relations.

Re: Hello dear

Posted: Thu Aug 22, 2013 2:25
Hello, Gilgamesh.
Indeed, "everyone is a teacher...", no doubt.
In Soviet times, said: "this book is not read, but I condemn it".

I found the Soviet era is already in a more or less conscious age. And it wasn't like me. Broken parents raise their children the same "broken", and those – their. Still, my interests in life is always somehow very different from the interests of others. From early childhood I realized that I am not going to live like this. And I did, despite the perfect soreness. Such things as now (in the fifties years) I want to call magical. However, the problems that led me to your website (to BZ), and which annoyed all my life, almost all of childhood and adolescence. Everything is there, good health, family, children, good, magic, you, and I feel bad, "soul hurts" and that's it. The reason I want to understand. Here and looking, walk in the paths is not familiar. Seemed like leads me someone in life. Now, in retrospect, be seen: it was all according to my "order". Only the order must be spiritually sustainable, harmonious, i.e. paytanim. Including the "ordered" and the development itself. There's a lot more to explore. But nowhere is "stuck".
For example, studied the Bible, but the religion is not hit. Seemed something constrained and inanimate already. Any egregor felt and shunned since childhood. However, at that stage, the prayers used. And they worked. Another tool was not. As we now know, it was akin to setting goals in the UK, the stabilizer or programming panacea.
Then among other things was in the field of view of the books of Carlos Castaneda. Did not read as a textbook, but as (probably) the replenishment of the vocabulary or imaginative reserve of the mind, which must be able to describe feelings with words. What a different view of the world is possible and so necessary for me. Again, not "stuck". Just very grateful to Carlos Castaneda for the notion of Self-Importance. Having mastered the concept of UNEF, realized that no psychologists – psychoanalysts, I don't need, as a class.
It so happened that on the extraordinary capabilities of the person and intention, I accidentally (?) learned from the same books. Without these concepts it is unlikely that I would have had the idea to get out of the swamp. And awareness of the swamps too. Why are these books not more useful, I don't know yet.
By the way, his exercise of "Tensegrity. Internal style" remove all the growing pains long before when I learned about Soltice. Now my spine feels better than 35 years. And that this fact "toxicity" is now done?.. For me any bans toxic. The main thing to remember about "forbidden fruit."

And BJ and cleansing of the body legs are lighter than in his youth. And it's for only six months. You know the saying "if youth knew, if old age could..." So this is about me. Can, almost as in his youth, you know, almost like in old age ("almost" - to not die from modesty, or Vice versa). The movement is obvious.

And "Transerfing reality" Zeland too pleased. Life felt all it is. And then he went and described my vague guesses words. Around the world – a mirror of us.
Max fry was struck by his books about the Echo. And those in which caught the curse words, just not interested for some reason. (Listened to audio).

Now, I'm not bragging or nothing suggest. Just on the closest available, so your example (not to lie) are trying to say about man in General, his life.
In the search at the initial stage, when not yet know what (book, technique, technology), how do we know "made", and that "vigorous infected". Anything can be harmful, and useful, now or in the distant future.

"This is your life. And who am I to help with your wise advice" (Max fry).

In the beginning, until you know, there is no difference Castaneda or technology BJ. And on the Internet generally have nothing to say. (As mentioned on another thread and the forum "suck energy"). So, what really saves us. Flair some, consonance, close to us, or strange resonances. Observing that we choose how to react, we can understand ourselves better. (Not for me).

"Any trifle may be the instrument of fate" (Max fry).

And do not need to change themselves but still completely. Random use will not work. He who thinks himself the true and not know something at all. How to determine where and how you need to change yourself, while in the swamp? Exactly BJ-technology and it helps to know the true self, to liberate talents and to get rid of the "leash" is superficial. I think so, and patience is not necessary. Also some violence against them. (See, interpreted is who on that much). Just watch yourself at the initial stage safer.

"Cost to bring the body and mind to such a deplorable state, to learn, finally, the crushing power of the spirit. In everyone's life there are moments when you should throw into the abyss, to finally be sure that you could always fly" (Max fry).

Dear Michael. See, this is my post to be demolished only for its length (among other things). Sorry. Happens, I'll know your place in the world BJ. Also the experience.
And a HUGE thank you. To the youth even without the artifact of "youth" - well worth it.<

Re: Hello dear

Posted: Thu Aug 22, 2013 3:06
by Михаил_
Holy shit.... if something helped, it does not mean that it cannot cause irreparable harm to another person or seer signed up and I'm blind?.Are you ready to bear for it personal responsibility? great, and write. Hang the link on the impact of the reading on the recommendation of You and here for You :) To be that way. The problem with these forums is that the information they trust slightly elevated.....

Re: Hello dear

Posted: Thu Aug 22, 2013 3:12
by Михаил_
By the way I don't know what the "obscene words". Because of the word "obscene" should be like, what they don't have (or Vice versa needs?) to be censored.... what's not clear to me and it is not known because censorship, as you know - the mechanism of political influence of the state on its citizens. Usually limiting. Usually not to the benefit of the citizens (there are other examples of censorship?)
But if we are talking about native Russian words, the meaning of which is forgotten, I've already said that you don't need everything in one pile is a magical speech that has real power and used at least three different ways - as a mate (nothing bad), battle (combat use) and the impurity (the bridge the good with the bad - not the proper application).
Obviously theoretically in the magic book can be used all three types without harming her. But this is my opinion on the theory and practice of the legislation of the Russian Federation it seems once again imposed censorship, but to the words, it is not quite a direct relationship, rather it refers to the stage of history, and no understanding of their meaning. And associated grafted society complexes, trying (without success by the way) to limit their use.

Re: Hello dear

Posted: Thu Aug 22, 2013 3:30
by Гильгамеш
I think the theme will be live for a while. If Michael has decided that it is the place to be, then at least offtopa, but carries a particle of useful information. By the way, I confess. Had some me to post. But there she was lost among the motley of communication. Here the subject has the specified mood. Not to say that it is positive, it is not good in life cries out.
For some reason I decided that what I was at the moment - I do not like. I want to break and remake. It is easier of course than to fix what is there. But tired of beating my head against the wall. Wall, upholstered in a soft mattress, so I wasn't miserable. Here is more or less to come to some kind of interesting realization, as include mechanisms that instantly put in place. Here who can say why a person without any reason believe in fairy tales? Still. Forehead be increased, and believes in fairy tales. In goblins, devils, magic, bioenergetics. Not increased probably that's the problem. Where are the levers? Well, more personalities which regulate growth. And indeed to all. And preferably when they fit you with needles did not shoot. To the advice of people who know I listen, but that's interpretiruya in his own way, and understand nothing, only confused. It's like in driving a car. Motorist with experience, the beginner will say "Yes, sho is there to know? Foot down and went". And a new person eyes five rubles, he the machine for the first time sees.
Yes BJ is now almost removed. Rarely. Explorer about 13 days at night put.

Re: Hello dear

Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2013 5:42
Dear Michael, thank you for your hard honesty, you know.
"Punishing" me with a link and your anger over repeated mention of not useful and, therefore, are not relevant on your website was well-deserved. From that moment on, even without reading the answer, I could not visit the site as much as 18 days. Something not allowed. Day two for no reason fell cu. pressure. There was a feeling that closed the laptop drains energy. Coped with modules BJ, thanks. For how long? And today dared to come to this thread, so I have all this fever over the...
What is there "in seer has recorded, and you are in the blind"?! Everything is exactly the opposite. Apparently the illusion was... I even thought to do that. Now I know...

But... the So-called "lost in translation" from Russian to Russian still exist.
- I do not recommend anyone. I'm not that important or authoritative people (quite the contrary), someone rushed to follow my example. Besides, I'm not a projector person introduced without his knowledge, do not deprive choice. And the context was very different.

- About "obscene words" I totally agree with you, she feel the same way. And I understand that you wrote it for everyone, not just for me. Just so turns out that I have surrounded since childhood, almost no one expressed. Maybe there is no need, or I can't hear. She does not drink it's not that bad. But because in any moment is simply not there. To say it's an effort. Has developed a habit that the house is not comfortable, or something.
Among other people it happens often, but take it in their stride. Well, got the man on edge he is, or he sucks, he believes. So here for me, such outbursts of emotion like compared to the current state. No more. And "fight" with words is meaningless if this condition is itself satisfied.
And then "...who I am..." etc. (I like this quote from max Frei).

MICHAEL, I'm sorry. How can I earn a change of heart?<

Re: Hello dear

Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2013 5:56
by Михаил_
don't understand about how anger and mercy You say, I honestly hardly remember what it is like to write something when someone answered about the Mat swearing and filth, long I do not remember for what reason.
Much people try to invent your own not much of anything.

Re: Hello dear

Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2013 6:28
Gilgamesh, tales is a wonderful thing, as it turned out. With not-so-long time I began to UNDERSTAND them...
So interesting was their grandchildren to read...
I just want to put a "credit" in that process, which is associated with the word "development".

Michael often speaks about the illusions in which almost all the people are.
I rented, what do you bother with illusions. (but please interpret it correctly). Say only things that I have experienced. Illusions are collapsing... it Hurts... it's Like the world has collapsed. And the new to create it... How?
You on the eve of the collapse of many illusions. Consciousness clings, resisting... Obvious, time will pass, you will see for yourself.
Good luck!!!

Re: Hello dear

Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2013 6:33
by В верх идущий
ЛЮДМИЛА К. wrote:Gilgamesh, tales is a wonderful thing, as it turned out. With not-so-long time I began to UNDERSTAND them...
So interesting was their grandchildren to read...
I just want to put a "credit" in that process, which is associated with the word "development".

Michael often speaks about the illusions in which almost all the people are.
I rented, what do you bother with illusions. (but please interpret it correctly). Say only things that I have experienced. Illusions are collapsing... it Hurts... it's Like the world has collapsed. And the new to create it... How?
You on the eve of the collapse of many illusions. Consciousness clings, resisting... Obvious, time will pass, you will see for yourself.
Good luck!!!

See the torn Soul, but do not see the Soul asking for help. Can be get started?