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Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2010 2:32
by Михаил_
Петр Петрович wrote:Good :) . Then literally 2 words for such inadequate people like me: what is objectively prevents Denisov to move large items? From your previous messages did not become clear :?
In a nutshell: nothing, according to the same Denisova, size DOES not affect, and weight too. Were the facts of movement of the car and the operator (many times).
The problem has a different character. Describe it in your own words, not concepts Denisov. The stability of the result is floating. But the most interesting results are obtained semi-conscious, releasing the desire, i.e. "as always". For example, the man was walking and accidentally teleported. Same thing with objects. For example, trained student a high school student to get the penny, but it turned out ...the condoms...
i.e., logical desire and what concerned the subcortex, and that takes more than a significant signal to the right hemisphere and marks are two different things. This problem does not apply only to the technician Denisov. She and everything else involved.
Synchronization of hemispheres, the activation of the right hemisphere, a good integration between different processes in the mind - it all comes... with experience and practice. And practices need a lot.
And people don't tend to spend much time on such practices. Need a reason or an incentive, or very good conditions (free time, etc.).
In short the problem is in the translation process from spontaneous to completely manual control.
Here polforuma it was inscribed with :)
In principle, sooner or later it comes with practice, but strongly depends on the mass of other factors, including lifestyle and nutrition, place of residence and work (i.e. the conditions for the body and mind and their condition).

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2010 4:26
by Смелый
Do all of the above controversy, it is desirable to make the following conclusion. Interest is only their own development. Everyone else, including Denisov and others, just need to get them something that will help develop me personally. And it makes no sense to ponder why someone can't do something. Here's the key. When we take for example Denisova, take the techniques that other people seem to be supernatural, try on, use them - we are moving in the direction of development. When we doubt the ability, for example, Denisova, put forward the argument that this person is unable to do something, we are slowing down its development, rolled back. You know why? BECAUSE OF THE FACT WE QUESTION THE VERY POSSIBILITY TO DO SO. And Denisov is not to blame. It is our subconscious mind refuses to move in this direction. It is necessary in any process to see through the person who is doing it. To see the process. Experience the satisfaction of having something work (even if this person is to us personally, not pretty) and get upset if not. Refers to the process of human development, or his accomplishments in a positive way for the benefit of society. That is the true self of the person is conceived and created by the Creator.
Good luck to everyone!

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2010 9:43
by Петр Петрович
Yes, no and Denisov! I'm not a woman to me personally he was or was not cute :? . Especially because he is just a channel, through which we try to broadcast. Here at[SPAM] are trying to prove that the development grows in proportion and understanding of their responsibilities. And where, may I ask, is now Atlantis, the civilization of Ancient (pre-Christian and pre-Islamic) Egypt, the Sumerians now? And what we, humanity, are living in 2010 from BC are fundamentally different from them? I assure everyone here that when superpowers will open in droves, and even more if they open all at once, "for company" so to speak, after a while people get bored to read the thoughts of others and they will turn their attention to the Sun and the cosmos as a whole.
On the forum someone has quoted Einstein, I repeat: I do not know what weapons will fight in the 3rd World, but I can say for sure that in the 4th - with sticks and stones :?

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2010 11:29
by Логик
Петр Петрович wrote:In the forum someone quoted Einstein, I repeat: I do not know what weapons will fight in the 3rd World, but I can say for sure that in the 4th - with sticks and stones
This saying only svidetelstvuet that Einstein was not far mind, but millions of fools like monkeys, stupidly reproduce, said by authority, folly.

World war is a direct weapon of globalization, a tool for the creation of a world state. World war became possible only then, when the means of transportation - train, car, plane. Distances became possible to overcome in a short time. Only in these conditions of world war is possible.
If the population of the planet will remain only stones and sticks, people without communications, without means of movement, they will not know what is happening even in another city, not that in the neighboring country. And 100km again will be a huge range. People with only sticks and stones will be more concerned about their own survival, what kind of world war.

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2010 12:50
by Михаил_
Смелый wrote:Do all of the above controversy, it is desirable to make the following conclusion. Interest is only their own development. Everyone else, including Denisov and others, just need to get them something that will help develop me personally. And it makes no sense to ponder why someone can't do something. Here's the key. When we take for example Denisova, take the techniques that other people seem to be supernatural, try on, use them - we are moving in the direction of development. When we doubt the ability, for example, Denisova, put forward the argument that this person is unable to do something, we are slowing down its development, rolled back. You know why? BECAUSE OF THE FACT WE QUESTION THE VERY POSSIBILITY TO DO SO. And Denisov is not to blame. It is our subconscious mind refuses to move in this direction. It is necessary in any process to see through the person who is doing it. To see the process. Experience the satisfaction of having something work (even if this person is to us personally, not pretty) and get upset if not. Refers to the process of human development, or his accomplishments in a positive way for the benefit of society. That is the true self of the person is conceived and created by the Creator.
Good luck to everyone!
In General, it agree.

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2010 13:11
by Михаил_
Einstein was a puppet through which our physics has pushed the development for an indefinite time ago, putting the plug on the whole process in the form of silly dogma.

But war does not need the individual. In this sense, personal development for someone very dangerous of course.

That in Denisova something broadcast - nonsense. One is engaged in a personally available means to him. His obstinacy can envy. Why are You so troubled by this that I have said 20 times, it's offtopic to the subject 3.0 has very little value. Can for example and balance to say that at the same Monosov the store has such things as adjusting drives 13БА(the death signal) and device for remote transmission of the signal. Your thoughts so it will be a weapon of mass destruction. But really, do you think?... While there are mechanics and has no restrictions on the level of stupidity includes, but is sold for so many years and yet nothing terrible happened. I assure you, not because it's not working, it works completely.

The law of cause and effect works well but not as much as I love to write lovers to write about karma. It works as we see it on the physical objects. Knocked - left a dent. and so on.
A person who owns any of the real techniques through the development of their confidence, the one place he feels that if he starts to do stupid things. Including if he starts to do them at the direction of society (war in particular). He will never climb to power, control, elite business, policy. He is to the bulb, we need a living wage medium-comfortable, someone less, someone more. So it is always a strong factor of stabilization and only when he can climb OSSANNA to intervene if something threatens everyone, and it can somehow affect it in the direction of prevent damage.

But spontaneous ability, the manifestation of which I mentioned above, and which will be connected and now connected just with the natural energy cycle of the planet, it is a fact the lack of consciousness to what is happening. And can have really bad consequences for all. And for one and for others. Imagine children playing in the same war (copy algorithms society), gave a real weapon. They certainly understand what they are doing wrong, but before that can happen something terrible.

I assure you, remember my words years later ndtsat next. Because in the projection of the most probable future by many people independently noted the presence of some special.units trying to silence the chaos from it. Including purely military means. And staffed with mages in particular, but their deficit was not enough.
So it would be better than LOGICALLY (crazy for this direction) to raise concerns, it would useful, at least the same V-tracks :)
All. closed the topic.<

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2010 13:14
by Михаил_
Dimas wrote:
Einstein is the usual mass media idol raspiarenny paristemi from science.
Here is how...! :?
worse, he was corrupt ....kom, who just bought the powers that be in order to control the path of civilization. Another thing, it is difficult to assess what would be the alternative, but I have my opinion and it tells me that the policy of containment of the developments really don't like.

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2010 13:16
by Михаил_
All, folks. Stop the flame, demolished or in a separate topic or in the furnace. If the style will go to the individual participants is what exactly in the furnace.

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2010 13:20
by Маг.нет
тишина wrote: say - it's back and the earth is round.
The process closes the feedback...
тишина wrote:the Signs of destiny.
My understanding is the crossroads of life.


Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2010 13:43
by Михаил_
Dimas wrote:Yes, the commercials we will soon sink to the world of mad max, if we assume Einstein's corrupt puppet, to flout scientific truth and to ignore the authorities. Yeah, welcome the happy Paradise, Mr. "Hitler"!
:wink: 8)
What to consider... you know, if I write something, it is usually based on knowledge and not on speculation, opinions, or assumptions.
You can lead a multi-page list of works (research, not the left), facts, data... showing that Einstein's whole Saga is just a good example of work in mind control in a separate area of the world and knowledge.A little different from the typical media and other ways of management of society that in General is neither bad nor good, depending on how to apply. Only I'm not here for such things to waste time, because the theme is not apply who need to take care or will understand, and who do not need it - I don't mind that, and then remained in its original condition.

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2010 13:45
by Михаил_
Логик wrote:
Dimas wrote:Mr. "Hitler"
What are you, Hitler is pugalka for boys older. Boys Junior strength frighten a do'er!
- Here comes a do'er and get you! :lol:
And the do'er is not the case a diminutive SAI Baba or whatever his name is ? :) and even though it will come.

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2010 13:52
by Dimas
you Can lead a multi-page list of works (research, not the left), facts, data... showing that Einstein's whole Saga is just a good example of work in mind control in a separate area of peace and knowledge
Well, ready to spend their time.
Ah...Logic, Logic... but if you had the desire to expand your horizons, I learned that babayka in Turkic dialects is "back" and Babay - grandfather :) And why tell me and not very little boys are afraid of some sort of dedulki? :lol:

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2010 16:19
by Мистраль
Logik have You not noticed that in Your dispute With Dimas Michael has taken Your side.But demAs did not react? Michael is a man very "specific".He created HIS own reality where he lives according to ITS laws(have the right).WE are ordinary beings-primitive.Live in the ordinary world and must adhere to the modern scientific doctrines.And then comes the evil Dimas-babayka and flog You in contempt to authority! :?

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2010 16:25
by Петр Петрович
Михаил_ wrote:Can for example and balance to say that at the same Monosov the store has such things as adjusting drives 13БА(the death signal) and device for remote transmission of the signal. Your thoughts so it will be a weapon of mass destruction. But really, do you think?... While there are mechanics and has no restrictions on the level of stupidity includes, but is sold for so many years and yet nothing terrible happened. I assure you, not because it's not working, it works completely.
I'm a pacifist, but weapons like :oops: . Let's see what kind of technology. Just seems to me that we with you the death of different understandings :?

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2010 16:32
by Маг.нет
Stream signal of death is not death is only the beginning of the process, but the very act "...sooner or later, one way or another..." so that it is only the creation of an "enabling environment", but not the weaning of life, even more precise adjustment of the environment, taking into account an external factor, and when the environment is strong in contrast, this factor is negligible.


Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2010 17:10
by Петр Петрович
Маг.нет wrote: "...sooner or later, one way or another..."
Talking to two veteran:
- Mitrich! And remember us during the war gave these pills to women is not pulled?
-They began to act...

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2010 19:31
by Маг.нет
On receiving the psychiatrist shows the patient a sheet on which is drawn a triangle and asks the patient to tell what he sees in the picture.
- Well, it's very simple, doctor! - responding patient. This is the house where the two make love.
- Hmm. Interesting. What is this? - the doctor asks, showing a square.
And this is where you two make love.
They are very interesting. And it is Your what? asked the doctor, holding out the circle.
- And this pool, in which the two make love.
- Well, what is it? - the doctor shows the sheet with the image of the zigzag.
- Doctor! You're just a sex maniac!


Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2010 20:03
by Мистраль
Isaac Newton kept a cat at home.And to not constantly open and won't close her door;he's in all the doors in the house had done for her holes.Soon cats were born kittens.One morning the household was surprised to see that Newton cut next to the hole for the cat some more holes.What are you doing!? they asked.How's that!? In turn surprised Newton.Doing passages for kittens!!!(the real story). :)

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2010 20:24
by Воффка
And I also think that Einstein and other imposed on the majority(?) people "authorities" that his "laws" of absolute "truth" revealed only to the person thought and not thought itself is based on their "laws", ie not developed. According to their "laws" will not develop even if they wanted to Confused I Want to see those guys which they (Einstein, etc.) there are punched not without a sense of humor.

PS I Sent the message at exactly the moment when the branch was moved to a different topic :)

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2010 20:31
by Михаил_
Dimas wrote:Michael_
you Can lead a multi-page list of works (research, not the left), facts, data... showing that Einstein's whole Saga is just a good example of work in mind control in a separate area of peace and knowledge
Well, ready to spend their time.
And I'm not. You need You are looking. My role here does not affect the study of aspects of physics, at least not yet.
Will open academic institution, there maybe this topic will touch on.

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2010 20:42
by Михаил_
Мистраль wrote:Logic and You didn't notice that in Your dispute With Dimas Michael has taken Your side.But demAs did not react? Michael is a man very "specific".He created HIS own reality where he lives according to ITS laws(have the right).WE are ordinary beings-primitive.Live in the ordinary world and must adhere to the modern scientific doctrines.And then comes the evil Dimas-babayka and flog You in contempt to authority! :?
1. I stood on the side of Logic. I just stick to their own position. It is two big differences.
2. I may be specific people, but just busy, that return themselves and other people who are interested in this REALITY from the illusory layers. And live according to its laws, which in our time makes few people, but they act at all.
That's why BJ are working on all the same. You can verify on any hardware diagnostics that.
3. No one owes anyone anything, especially any authority to listen.
4. the absurdity of modern physics will soon become clear to the entire population without any of my or anyone else's assistance, year 20му max. On the rise. And it already has and will have the scale be something to hide will not be possible.
5. I introduce a new rule. Undertake to make it as effective as version 3.0 - for MY TIME spent on moderation sracha (especially Dimas with Logician) and disputes not directly related to the topic that someone deigned in time news somewhere in the gazebo, I'm going to recover at a certain rate for my time and not done because of this case that need the rest of the forum as a finishing touch or new products, articles and materials, and so on.
The function of foreclosure is to work through the events automatically. In financial terms. Pereraspredelenie money will go to charity. Will be provided a kind of symbolic event, to show that the loss happened for a reason.
I hope it will deprive me altogether of this left labor seleniu messages (4 pages a day though) and if not, then at least someone in the world will get lucky due to arguing, and I think luck to those who really need it. Most importantly look at the entire salary is not nasport.
I'm not kidding :)<

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2010 20:55
by Андрей Кабанков

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2010 20:58
by Логик
Михаил_ wrote: Important look at the entire salary is not nasport.
Michael_I'm sorry that spent your time, but you can't deny what the person does not have. :)

Removing my answers and not deleting some of the posts gave rise to them, you are, in my opinion, was wrong. Remove everything, leave everything. It turns out the imbalance. But when a moderator with the Delete button, especially not argue.

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2010 21:03
by Михаил_
I tried to remove just your argument with the demos. Because both are good.
Spend the time You did not start, though all earnestly joined in, despite the fact that I asked several times to return to the subject 3.0 or go to another branch. So I decided to automate the process.
One did not want to offend, but you need to make some kind of optimization... so to say - nothing personal, just the production aspect.

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2010 21:03
by Воффка
It's cruel