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Posted: Mon May 17, 2010 22:55
Interesting observation.
Driven to service all of the UK .The food in the subway. People who shies away sharply and looking as if stepped on something. On the contrary who comes close and then quizzically looking at me. And the devices were in the package and stood on the floor at her feet. And I read(Zoreva).Eye look a wonderful picture. Food in the bus devices behind because the legs keep very heavy. The people in the bus too, why it looked strange. Came began to show what and how it can be done. And what's interesting.He stands on the table .I on the one hand ,the woman who bought the other side. Talking what and how to do with it. I pull his hand to the instrument to show something and he "bites".Clicks I t e on the fingers. And before that she held hands and we talked. Such a field is strong
felt within a radius of meters. Dense and vibrant.
I was in conversation again with the hands to the device and pulled me back as leaned. Yeah. :wiz .I had so strongly felt. And then she did not believe it. It seems as if the owner is now there and you do not poke your nose.
Not weak really. Not aimed as the first but strong.

Posted: Mon May 17, 2010 23:21
by Михаил_
Like I said, the authorization for the owner - built. Thought jokes joke :)
But it's not dangerous :)

Posted: Mon May 17, 2010 23:49
by верунчик
Today I received BCC. In the hands of a little ice.Feeling so B O L S W I like the airship. I wanted to give the name of SK. Now talking to the UK and call them by name :)

Posted: Mon May 17, 2010 23:52
by Михаил_
to temporarily or permanently transfer the device to another person, you need to do it consciously, holding it in his hands, then there will be effects of blocking unauthorized access. From the point of view of the customers, the authentication problem there, as with the position of the world once they become single owners without any options.
Generally, you need to understand that there are principles of info systems for which, for example, "cheating" is not possible in principle. So for example, I do not recommend anyone to use the license manifestarem. Can Carl no defense and did not put, but it was probably somewhere in the background something to think about when something "good" about pirated copies, I'm not sure that there are people who want to check it out(if they understand what they are doing of course). And so with everything else.
well it is.... the way I had.

Posted: Mon May 17, 2010 23:57
by Михаил_
верунчик wrote:today I Received BCC. In the hands of a little ice.Feeling so B O L S W I like the airship. I wanted to give the name of SK. Now talking to the UK and call them by name :)
The name they give you. In the UK to a greater extent compared to the BZ, shown support for the cells, and each "organism" is derived from the prototype has a name. By default it is created once semi-accidentally. Well, relatively speaking "кролик1 and кролик2" it's definitely different from each other, two different rabbit.
In principle, the name need not specifically anywhere. But as the complexity of a program in the UK much above the rest, publicly used, and it accumulates the data and some experience, it is logical individualize it under itself, giving not automatic and was name. Of course it sounds strange to many, but even the drives on the computer during the formatting set volume label in the name....
So that everything is done correctly. I honestly thought around this time the description perfectly, and even so the volume of alternative information is close to critical.

Success to use.

Posted: Tue May 18, 2010 0:57
by Новик
Михаил_ wrote:like I said, the authorization for the owner - built. Thought jokes joke :)
But it's not dangerous :)
I hope so and then I have one in sq will live 4 days 3 persons..... how would mentally "captured" my SK :cry:
Michael in your opinion what is the best to use to bind to himself the actions of the UK?:
-A piece of yourself... your hair well, etc.
-Just on a piece of paper to write your name or there as you suggested NICK...
What would be best?
Test the water after charging is delicious and sometimes not so good:( did this with different moods Sytina

Posted: Tue May 18, 2010 1:13
by Михаил_
1.will not take, if do not give :)
2. works very well the combination of these bindings. Write the picture name and nickname and stick to it a little hair. Will be a combination of factors.
3. I'm not an expert on sytinskiy the moods, but still... oddly enough, I believe that bad taste is bad... well, except for special medical purposes. I recommend to charge the water with the sounds of nature, Healing disc, disc, Star traveler, classical music and so on.
in addition, I will soon lay out of spec. audio for these purposes.
4. water can be charged for order. Moreover, a possible double cycle. Take a small container of water and thinking about the task (situation, health problem) keep the water in the tank in the hands of a few minutes (up to 10). Then put on the stage for 4 hours.
Then you can drink at once or portions. the corrective structure of the water will go into a cocoon in a very effective way and the effect is quite strong.

Posted: Tue May 18, 2010 11:11
Михаил_ wrote:I don't specifically create the deficit, it just happened so fast, didn't manage to establish all the stages to Tikal without me as a watch....

Schemes simple. I can without pictures?
Generally Рад2400 very convenient for superimposition different thing.

1. it has outputs for trend and goal to minijack.
they can hang one or two of W1 (not necessarily M, but the other is not, the question is about the large version I remember, but still no certainty).
If the device one, then decide which of the outputs (more importantly, strengthen the trend or strengthen the relationship with the target and impacts on it), as a rule, if this is the situation, it is better to strengthen the trend, if health is the goal.
In General, the IC is able to effectively consider the impact of other system and strengthen it.

2. you can use a card from one manifestacin SK, just put the card on the object table of the device.

3. you can run radionic and SK independently from each other, creating for SK analogichnye a bunch of trend-purpose for audio either in the form of recording on the object table, or in the form of a mental command. Then they will work on one, but regardless, however not in dissonance.

I would recommend to start with at version1.
Thank you! You studied enough this issue!

Posted: Tue May 18, 2010 19:43
by Карил
I was the lucky winner of SK :) Weight this miracle is reminiscent of white silicate brick.

The desire is not to perform, but unable to share feelings. When the holding voltage appears in the head, as from the modulator. But not on the sides and waves, and increasing and continuous in the back of my head or even on top soon. In the body is also something to eat, but not feeling sure, not so obvious.

This morning an interesting thing happened. So Wake up sleepy and took over SK. The body is still asleep (well, I am sleepy), but in my head begins abruptly so freshness.

I wonder how long these effects will last. For example, the bracelets themselves do not cause sensations. Well, just decoration and all. By the way I tried to work with them to seal the cloud. If attention is to keep on "strengthening the seal", it becomes hard. Pressure can rises were not measured. However, this only hold their attention, if just to give a mental command nothing happens.

As with the UK in this respect? How much time does he need to give the command to take in processing? As I understand the bracelets without enerchi, but the team do not hold, and the UK?

Posted: Wed May 19, 2010 0:57
by Михаил_
1. Bracelets and should "not be felt" if it's okay. Felt constantly they can either some disease, or when overload situations or physical activity. If they are not long wearing, usually again felt. but not as much - they're tuned in to You.

2. SK in General, should not desire to do :) it needs to help properly put the components to the realization of desires - set man and the world for best interaction. It certainly can lead in some cases to situations like when a "self", but in reality the system always consists of a man and and man the active link. That is, in addition to wanting something to do. Well, I think everything is clear, but just in case said additional time.

3. Work with it TO not have a job with the bracelets. The fact that it doesn't keep teams that features your mental and domestic programs, folding - as I said, there is not a clean cage, and the basic program, which is said to enhance the problem is solved by a bracelet (in the modulator and IC - respectively. them). Ie, TO enhances the performance of IC, the operation of the cartridges in the modulator, and so on.
In the function TO is to keep the density of the cloud and its "transparency" throughout the volume and the long-term as asked by the operator. But if it's bad (set is not a true cloud configuration), then the subconscious mind will cancel the command. What probably happens. Ie You are already working with some "OS" in this case.

4. Bracelets long hold operation of units, though do it together with the subconscious and quite effectively. Most notes the best effects when conscious attention from tasks released.
SK keeps the team long-term at the expense of their own programs, not the subconscious. In addition, you can ask him the problem is not mental, but firmly (using a table or input).

PS filmed in the office today MM 1:40 of the video material for the modulator, SK, bracelets. In principle, nothing new - a General introduction, it is more suitable for those who are not in the subject. But maybe someone will clarify some points. Later I will try separately to give the expanded material for each of the products in turn.<

Posted: Wed May 19, 2010 12:03
Михаил_ wrote:it translates the correct state on students. A.
Michael, how difficult is it to make a "record" of this state into the cartridge of the Modulator?

Thank you! You studied enough this issue!

Posted: Wed May 19, 2010 19:52
by Михаил_
I have the audio. (psyleron).
on the cartridge, but it is difficult - you need not just a state, but the record function on the cocoon add to the efficiency was higher.
In General, by and large, until hands are not reached tightly to do it. The people working on the methodology and the records gets the result, but slower (and at a good General fitness). I suspect that you can increase efficiency, but has not yet been done.

Posted: Wed May 19, 2010 21:25
by верунчик
Today I was at the cemetery, in their language, "to take portraits on the monument." When I opened the surface of the printed portraits, sense-specific blow to the Anahata,the Impact is not passed to the end - if it is to look the part figuratively fist from the outside gets in rubber-plastic mass(perhaps a cocoon). Cocoon takes that fist just caved inside and throws back. State of wonder, bewilderment of the entire incident including what I experience. At first it was :shock: and then the head got involved in all this action and what if I didn't have bracelets? M and t and and and ! :roll:

Posted: Wed May 19, 2010 23:20
by верунчик
1. Where is the video (BJ, SC., Modulator) can I see it?
2. And where you can read about shielding the camera?

Posted: Thu May 20, 2010 1:09
by Михаил_
1. Andrew promised to send Vladimir to the processing and uploading. They need to make an easy installation (third-party conversations and comments during the recording process). Probably still not ready.

2. About shielding the camera material you need to write..... the fact that it was written before the normal material was not and the situation has been removed. Yes, and there was not a lot. Complete description requires a quantum of my time, and the instance to install in the office of the MM should be ready by the end of may, hopefully at the beginning of June to mount it to do. Now by this time the precise description will appear.

Posted: Thu May 20, 2010 1:49
by Михаил_
here is the beginning of the video appeared

Posted: Thu May 20, 2010 2:41
by Михаил_
верунчик wrote:Today was at the cemetery, in their language, "to take portraits on the monument." When I opened the surface of the printed portraits, sense-specific blow to the Anahata,the Impact is not passed to the end - if it is to look the part figuratively fist from the outside gets in rubber-plastic mass(perhaps a cocoon). Cocoon takes that fist just caved inside and throws back. State of wonder, bewilderment of the entire incident including what I experience. At first it was :shock: and then the head got involved in all this action and what if I didn't have bracelets? M and t and and and ! :roll:
I'm terribly sorry that this topic reminded of an anecdote, but nevertheless....
The doorbell, the door the police, "We were told that there was heard the sound of breaking dishes and smells of burnt tryapkami!!! What are You doing here?"- "Breaking stuff and've been burning rags 8) ".....
"What was that" - "It was a blow to the anahata chakra, which is natural".... And what You can expect....
Once again I apologize....

Now seriously.
The portrait on the monument creates a structural link, terms Charles to the deceased person. The dead man quite human, and different from an ordinary person that he does not have a physical body. Physical body ends up on the anahata and there begins the astral (afirca below, but it breaks up the deceased first, on the 9th day average).
The astral body of the deceased wants to eat. His usual fate to disintegrate. The experience and what remains, the higher frequency, goes in a cycle and after some time incarnates again.
The period of disintegration of the astral body longer, on average 40 days.
Under certain circumstances a person can hang in an intermediate state for a long time. Sometimes deliberately, sometimes accidentally.
photo on the stone - connection with him, like any photo. Since any relative aligned with the us, it is easier to pull the energy with us.
Thus a blow on the anahata is an attempt to feed on, like a reflex - You looked at the photo, there are more "thick" relationship with the current human condition and forward...
it would not be a bracelet kick would go through may not be seen. What would it be? a breakout at the level of anahata, fatigue, possibly stabbed to the heart (primarily responds to the absorption of energy at this level) but most likely - just "fatigue", maybe with some consequences.
From the point of view of the deceased - he was such supplements are not useful (usually) as delaying the natural course of processes and can generally the person to detain here, accustomed to catch the energy from all who come.
However, this channel may work after 40 days.

With regard to sensitivity to the event - she could grow from techniques used (including SK) + the effect Energodar because of the protection he focused, i.e. become denser and more noticeable.
In General, in all of this not only there is nothing normal - all this is the natural course of things....
In addition, the efficiency and simple density threshold protection could increase at the expense of the UK, which strengthened the recorded effects (write and think that it would be necessary to a number of people to give SK from relatives and friends who actively use BJ....)... most likely it was.<

Posted: Thu May 20, 2010 2:45
by Михаил_
and yet.... photo on the stone is radically different from just a paper photo... it's done (as far as I know) laser engraving that creates very special conditions for the rise of link.

Posted: Thu May 20, 2010 10:16
by верунчик
Michael, thanks for the answers and to find the time to answer our questions

Posted: Thu May 20, 2010 19:14
by Маг.нет
I start with thanks to Michael! Thank you!
Describing all worthwhile, Oh, I almost described everything in order:
06.05.2010 On Рад2400 install using the install Manifest to repay the debt to my good friend living in Moscow, Summa prescribe, order (involuntary transfer), the debtor and its environment, with the desired date (12.05.2010 g), target (in the Manifest) - a recent photo of a friend. (2 hours).
08.05.2010 G. No manifestations. (2 hours).
09.05.2010 G. a call from a specified debtor :)financial opportunity which did not allow for calculation, although the desire was present.
10.05.2010 g. Friend e-mail sends 3 hand-drawn pictures, 1 - target ("me" and my surroundings), and a pair of intentions, one of which, the return of the debt amount, under the following conditions...). Make adjustments to the Manifest. (5 times for 3 hours one week before 18.05.2010 g)
19.05.2010 g. I developed an "interesting" sense of confidence that my СК1М already there... Looked at EMC, location of the parcel in Moscow. Only I knew exactly. HE'S NEAR. (By the way a Chamber and it created a similar feeling).
Now though stand, though fall! Describing all worthwhile, go to the essence.
20.05.2010 g. Going to call 9-15 (in 09-00 just getting started), but 9-12 - call with EMC and my willingness to drive to pick up yourself. Notably, the emotional background smooth! around 10-00 am here, only a package "lost", another incident occurred with me, or rather my bag, a pocket in which are the documents - there is no "dog" (as I flew, what happened, the bag is high quality and surprisingly), trying to "crack" the lock, it was not there (lightning is not expanded, the bag the quality), I had to make a "cut". That parcel was found, where it was not looking at my feet.
10-25 finally leaving EMS, with device in hand (unzipped directly into the mail) are only 5 steps from the porch, the bell, on the wire G. Moscow (07.30), my friend, emotions are running high! Just got a TEXT from data Blitz-translation from a specified person with a previously specified amount (50,000 rubles), most importantly in the projected timeframe (2 weeks) to the day! word for word! Yes, interesting, inexhaustible heat (observed 12 hours). Feel the FLOW. The device works 100%!

Described quite. Is my acquaintance with СК1М. Though stand, though fall!

The question on the cartridges, if the edge cut (No. 33), as this affects the quality of the mortgaged properties.

For the manifestation of the feeling of FLOW use a technique of "doing", okay (I like!) decorated brodkaster A. Kapterev "Non-entrepreneurship". ... elstvo.mp3
Its essence is simple. In spite of its own conditionality, the person tries to perceive the world and act in it is not so, as is customary and as he is accustomed. For example, looking at the stone, he emphasizes, say, its shadow, or listening to music, trying to catch nuggets of silence between the individual sounds that compose the melody. At first glance, these actions are meaningless. Surrounding tend to perceive such a person as a jester or a madman, but he do not care. Part of it is already freed from the imposed childhood system and can now afford plenty vaculitis. So, by not-doing, a person gets rid from habits, from its own conditionality and becomes, in the words of don Juan Matus, teacher of Carlos Castaneda, "a magical creature".
Yes, almost always.
Michael, I will inform you about the new time of delivery! Send "hero" of this opus...
Will leave You for just a moment. Up to new meetings!


Posted: Thu May 20, 2010 20:35
Михаил_ wrote:I have audio. (psyleron).
Михаил_ wrote:you can increase efficiency, but has not yet been done
How to use this audio?

Thank you! You studied enough this issue!

Posted: Thu May 20, 2010 22:57
by Михаил_
1. Magnet.
:) well... quality bag I had to cut :) funny story. Doge has the debtor.... right anecdote comes to mind "well, no, I have no TV!!!".
actually, for device, world and You, apparently, its activation occurs somewhat earlier, even direct production or in the process thereof. The device is 100% predefined by a particular person in the process of sending after payment or somewhere in the gap from now until the direct production..... This is why the fun can really begin in advance. What is the fun of this kind? the appliance begins to exert a certain influence on what is happening and partly begins to attune with You. Its influence on the processes of growing and starts "strange", this influence is due to. I.e., when one branch of reality, we Flex the world to a slightly different scenario, the Delta changes may be artifacts of inconsistencies, i.e. some phenomena, facts, mistakes are very funny and abnormal, incomprehensible and impossible. It's just a "shift", the remains of bounce or flying from under the wheels remains "burrs" due to the fact that the system cranked in the right direction by adding force including.

2. CRAZY CITY - in order to work with audio you need to upload the entire manual.
And while she was in a restricted area of my site.... I would like to slightly Refine the whole thing
Therefore, I propose that. In the thread about psyleron there is a file-example, which is one of the parts of this tuning state. I propose to start with regular (1-3 times a day for 5-30 minutes) listening.
While I think about how and where to put everything.

PS I also have a strangeness sometimes in abundance... the last few days especially :)

Posted: Thu May 20, 2010 23:11
by Михаил_
Маг.нет wrote: The question on the cartridges, if the edge cut (No. 33), as this affects the quality of the mortgaged properties.
not affected. It's just the inaccuracy of the statement sheet in the etcher at the time of manufacture of the group of cartridges of a piece. If you irritate or otherwise do not like - ask them to change, but not affected in any way, so I don't cull. Cartridges are information processing (let say charging) after the cut. And even if it into pieces to share - they will work on the principle of a hologram, albeit a bit weaker.

Posted: Fri May 21, 2010 0:07
by Маг.нет
Михаил_ wrote:I don't cull
It is important, but not cover.
Question: placing cartridges in the UK (on the table, under the device) changes the effects? Whether the excellent properties of the obverse and reverse sides of the cartridge (gear pairs)? What is the prognosis result in the simultaneous availability of 2 or more cartridges.
Tied SK and Rad audioprogram, SK modulates the impact of the Rad? or forms a Trend?
Михаил_ wrote:funny story. Doge has the debtor.... right anecdote comes to mind "well, no, I have no TV!!!".
Eco-friendly... the Trend is the Environment - the sudden appearance of funds to return to duty at full name (debtor) using the name (in the environment of the debtor). The debtor rather creditworthy borrowers with temporary difficulties. The dependence of the result from the environment not specified. And then "suddenly" the time has come otherwise... So HAPPY with it!
And with regards to jokes, that's on track:
The family trouble, an only child, a girl 12 and a half years blind. So then there's another attack, excited* a sense of exclusion, deprivation,...
Parents, in the experiences I appeal to the psychiatrist:
-Doctor, help me in the problem!
-Your daughter very much* loves a food?
-Here, take the largest in Your home a pot, boil lots and lots of dumplings and invite the daughter to the table. She, realizing that You are nothing to her mind, to cope with their feelings and get rid of the complex.
And so they did. Took a large (D=1.21 m) Chan, welded 13 kg of meat and invited to the table daughter.
The daughter, feeling long Chan, finally, dissatisfaction said:
-I know, right :roll: as You yourself put it...
Михаил_ wrote:PS I also have a strangeness sometimes in abundance... the last few days especially
Thank you! You studied enough this issue!<

Posted: Fri May 21, 2010 0:52
by Михаил_
1. the cartridges are symmetrical, with the exception of the gear pair and the transmitter (but not the cartridge). It is necessary to put the gold side up(and the receiver still), from an energy source, but if "buried" in the place of power - all the same (energy around).

2. audio contact SC and Radionics configures the IC to perform a Radionics trend (in the UK it is audio input, so the signal it puts the device under the control of Radionics or in symbiosis with him

3. In the UK the cartridges should be placed on the table, if you want their impact in the UK. Device is if you want to make a copy quality. Cartridges just by the way, not copied, because they have the structure of information enhances and preserves in time the simplest program on Energokaskad, but a copy can be removed, will work just a while (not as long as the cartridges, I think they are unlimited). If the projected reproduction quality in solidifying something, the recording will last longer. In other cases, the device do not use, just for the table.
Ie if you have to transfer the property such as pills, only positive, a tablet device, where the top (such as water), into audio can be filtered, even recorded it (I'd rather record through psyleron).
All other cases are placed on a table top.
If you put some cartridges will work in combination. Should feel whether it is eco-friendly and correct some things in the summation can give something lethal, although the discord is quite useful.
If put on the top table from several transmitters transfer pairs will work independently, but then you have to set the device to just the generation of power or for all usable quality, and not to work with someone else's trend. I suspect (don't see why not), which is great, you can set and mode of operation simultaneously on different tasks is to transmit the energy through the transfers and to solve the tasks, but it depends on the skill settings (there will definitely only fit mental method settings.)<