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Re: Feedback about the effects of version 3.0

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2012 20:18
by Мастер 108
СтАвР wrote:and a variant of the charging N can charge anything and get the light?
Get N

Re: Feedback about the effects of version 3.0

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 11:20
by Игнациус
caused matrix to cream that really changed the texture. amazing

Re: Feedback about the effects of version 3.0

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 21:41
by Игнациус
test where spinning girl.
I have it spinning to the right, a force - clockwise. the predominant direction of clockwise.
when I'm 3.0 - only clockwise.
it turns out - in my usual state, my active right brain, and how to activate the left hemisphere? and I'm always in some kind of meditation, but for this world and the logic is probably needed... at least sometimes...

Re: Feedback about the effects of version 3.0

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 21:46
by Михаил_
well, if coherent expression is to write the logic still works, just a bit weaker than in the leading place. This is normal.

Re: Feedback about the effects of version 3.0

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2012 14:18
by СтАвР
where can I watch this test that link that the forum, in this thread, there is no :roll:

Re: Feedback about the effects of version 3.0

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2012 15:26
by bofara
test - where the girl is spinning.
СтАвР wrote:where to view this test
Here :)

This test is in many places, it was the first thing I found in the search. Generally write in the search: "test hemisphere brain" ... and immediately gives what we need.

Re: Feedback about the effects of version 3.0

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2012 17:00
by Белый Камень
The shadow she by the way, always under the left rotation.

Re: Feedback about the effects of version 3.0

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2012 19:57
by Малика
Again tested myself-the girl is spinning to the right, stops, changes his leg and spinning again, but in the opposite direction :)
If you look at the shadow (or lower eye on to the soles of her feet), the girl spinning left and right like a pendulum without making the rotation around itself :?

Re: Feedback about the effects of version 3.0

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2012 21:43
by Соан
Also decided to test myself, and tired of watching the girl spinning clockwise only... Called mom and asked her to look at the girl, she easily carried the team left and right, she happily called me to look at this picture and it turned out an interesting thing - we were both looking at one image on one computer, but I saw different things: mom girl continue to change feet, I have continued to spin only in one direction, then relented and began to turn to another ie, my mom did not match any moments of change foot or direction of movement :shock: . Then we decided to experiment and agreed to work together to "command" a girl and we made it happen, i.e. we saw a single picture.... that's the test! bi

Re: Feedback about the effects of version 3.0

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 14:42
by СтАвР
and I was turning clockwise, then against it, as I wanted immediately again on the hour :D
only 3.0 I have not even started to wear
BJ used 2.5 months, right now I wear 2.0, 2.1, and 2.5
worn N, but postponed for a while under the pillow
in General, I like as a Lefty, but not completely, usually can work right and left, but write with the left, and eating right :roll:
interesting :?

Re: Feedback about the effects of version 3.0

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2012 23:53
by МерКаБа
please tell me what to do if you constantly fly out of 3.0. As soon as it became worn, the ability to be present is significantly complicated. It's quite a new condition, which has been for a few days, even the image in the eyes has changed. As if I somehow became smooth and are in a bubble. The condition is interesting but confusing is that if before I could imagine the willpower and concentration to enter the position of the observer, it has now become almost impossible as you try not to. Weird.
Thank you.

Re: Feedback about the effects of version 3.0

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2012 14:08
by Михаил_
temporarily do not have the opportunity to respond in detail to posts requiring a detailed answer, hope will answer all the end of the weekend or a little earlier.

Re: Feedback about the effects of version 3.0

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2012 15:13
by елей
СтАвР wrote:and I was turning clockwise, then against it, as I wanted immediately again on the hour
only 3.0 I have not even started to wear
a fun test. spinning here and there. and where does the 3.0? :)

Re: Feedback about the effects of version 3.0

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2012 17:39
by Михаил_
3.0 a strong impact on the leading hemisphere, if You can accept (ie. if he introduces you to a state of 3.0)

Re: Feedback about the effects of version 3.0

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2012 17:49
by bofara
bofara wrote:personally, I read /not read only / in one forum almost every day, sometimes such mixing of the branches of the world, such plastiline "reality" that...
But UTB neosoznanno, people who see this /well, for example the tram was stopped already at the bus stop and ... no trams.../ though that was completely normal people - taxi drivers, teachers... don't realize that, actually, it. In fact, as far as I know, these people do not use any modern technology.
The case is the "hot" - people are already looking mixing events with different time positions - and the same event with the same "actors" to repeat the same day, but in the second year in a row.

Re: Feedback about the effects of version 3.0

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2012 0:15
by СтАвР
if charge phone 3.0 N
what are the shown effects and consequences

Re: Feedback about the effects of version 3.0

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2012 0:32
by bofara
СтАвР wrote:if charge phone 3.0 N
what are the shown effects and consequences
Today I had the thought in my head. :shock: But ... can get into serious anomaly, I don't know. :wiz Why not going. If You do so I would be grateful if post here about the results and effects.

Re: Feedback about the effects of version 3.0

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2012 1:36
by Михаил_
WELL, as the 3.0 is out of this world. And the phone only works inside thereof. It can work and will not cease, but to fail would be likely. It why? other advantages besides its buggy I do not see. For your is at and this is optimal.

Re: Feedback about the effects of version 3.0

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2012 19:23
by Павел Б
I made wristwatch 3.0 n
So... they are racing for a minute for a couple days. I do not remember that they were in a hurry before. Though not really worn a watch before.
Don't know the effect it or not) that's exactly what the effect is in the search. Today I wanted to find the lost pair of pliers, after a couple of seconds hurt some small trash on the table, the debris fell on
floor at the place where the floor was covered pliers) (I just where the corner of the house and the blockage of all sorts of things, among which is something very difficult to find by eye.)
And so, in General, for these what's it been.. a month and a half - particularly striking effects were seen and not felt.

Re: Feedback about the effects of version 3.0

Posted: Wed Feb 29, 2012 0:00
by Вячеслав.
Hello everyone!For the past four weeks wear N 3.0 a lot has happened interesting,during this period,in particular the rather unthinking mind understood that diet plays a role,but so subtly and powerfully,in General, too early to make kakieto conclusions,however, specific direction has been rather begin to think in a certain direction,and intiresno,no breaking,all that geniralny line which was selected by me :)it was nothing much back from what it used to BJ,synthesized, etc. literally on the third or fourth day of wear, 3.0 N,found the key to СК1М,in terms of interaction,before a couple of months walked around it around it :? Yes I wear constantly and even BJ 2.6,that definitely helps,on peeeete period,still know exactly where we go :) Yes, that's more effects,forgetfulness fierce sometimes,only table tennis and rescues,in terms of reflexes,although it was not all smooth... :) fortunately now little sit behind the wheel,in General, do not judge strictly I'm just learning,if not written,it's great that the forum is divided,it is easier to track and highlight what relates to what,in terms of the effects from different products.

Re: Feedback about the effects of version 3.0

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2012 18:14
by Константин.
See the following: the constant use 3.0, and tighter entry into this condition, close starting to be offended and think that I ignore them that they talk to themselves, etc etc :) I suspect it's 3.0, but should it be like this until I realized:)

Re: Feedback about the effects of version 3.0

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2012 18:58
by Михаил_
well, you need to learn more to be able to 3.0-OZ and friends will be somewhat less offended.

Re: Feedback about the effects of version 3.0

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2012 19:26
by Андрей С.
Константин. wrote:See the following: the constant use 3.0, and tighter entry into this condition, close starting to be offended and think that I ignore them that they talk to themselves, etc etc :) I suspect it's 3.0, but should it be like this until I realized:)
Similarly, only are understanding like :) Well, at least those who are really close, but these are few and know what I'm doing. And who out Yes, often perceived as cold and aloof person.

Re: Feedback about the effects of version 3.0

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2012 10:17
by Константин.
The development of 3.0+03 goes well. Basically a bunch of use outside the home.
Monitor the following: the detachment is replaced with a kind of drive and courage, but this courage is "outside"
although its obvious manifestations. and then Yes, people are less well digested, such a drive:)

Re: Feedback about the effects of version 3.0

Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2013 10:58
by Gorius08
Interested in your opinion about using the bracelet 3.0. Enough time has passed that a new notice? As is the situation with the presence in the "here and now"?