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Re: PC - basic functions and capabilities.

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2014 0:30
by Даррья
Good day! My little ACHETEZ. Realize that this there are already hundreds, but I don't share with anyone, and very necessary! So sorry..
A few days ago, printed them out and laminated a picture of the PC. The heat coming from her, well, sleepy, well, dreams are special... But not clear or not - can broadcast, we are waiting for, the effects can still hung with the same homemade products, and they have silent periods, and periods all doing.. Today I decided to draw a spiral with numbers... Painted 6 pieces... And then I would draw it, but... I turned it off. And consciousness works, monitors what happens, reflection is, and opinion on anything does not focus, everything is blurry and any movement after a decent effort. Went to the mirror, "stuck" what beautiful hair))) no, well, narcissistic, I confess, a sinner, but that... after some time finally in the eye, then from the mirror recoiled. Look staying and some dead, only far away as if something... pretty creepy by the way.. the Range on the right hand, which I wear for 4 months, suddenly tingled, and beneath it appeared the burn marks. Threw it on the left, and 3.0 N on the right, still under the Range formed irritation, but quite easy and not disturbing. And on the right by evening, all gone.
The kitchen looked in the fridge, and there is a bottle open and half empty, although it should be sealed. Took up, considered, podelilas, zaparanoili that someone I had so in my absence, in principle, probably because the flat I got on the roof and to the heap of the identical key to avoid confusion I just the door to the roof closed, and the room and to the kitchen - no, especially since there are only 3 apartments in the whole house.. Why describe it: a couple of hours again looked in the fridge is full and sealed...
At work - all day silent phone, which in principle does not happen. But even then, I will not make excuses for 2 months and really tired. Among the day for a couple of hours passed out, woke up in a deep depression... Mourn, he Paravel, washed down with sadness paracanoe water - and lo! and my mood has improved)) is not positive of course, but at least neutral...
Even as it is not hard to believe that it was only one day has passed...<

Re: PC - basic functions and capabilities.

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2014 0:42
by Андрей С.
Well, quite a normal fun for homemade PC :)

Re: PC - basic functions and capabilities.

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2014 16:16
by Михаил_
Welcome to another world :) hihi
the seminar on personal worlds, I warned the people - it is better to go at once, because just ago - will not work :)

Re: PC - basic functions and capabilities.

Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2014 6:47
by Даррья
something amazing to me continues to happen, I would like to share (at least for me to fix).
So, yesterday I at some point finally so fed up with my depressuha, and I decided to work with. Lay down and I began to ask myself the standard questions - what a feeling where, what it looks like, for some emotion, why do I need it and who benefit from this, well, such in the same way. and it turned out that almost most of all unpleasant emotions that are not mine, and even clearly visible was what papagrigoraki any word what caused and why. so that's why the range was burning, I thought, and began to fight.
with the thought - how many of them, to me life is not enough to deal with them! - passed out almost daily. I saw a dream... a quest for all my fears, blocks, complexes, feeling of guilt.. how many people were there... starting with mom and ending... and I'm still working at the same time, periodically waking up, answering calls, messages, emails and then fell asleep and then the dream continued from where he stopped. benefit pulled me all the same not so often, compared to the usual day - barely touched.
by the way I have for several years, so long to sleep..
finally I woke up... remembering all that I did, the main question was is all worked out or just going to the therapist. but the state was finally peaceful and even abstract, from which I conclude that still worked.
periodically "rolled" all sorts is not the most positive state, but for some reason once it becomes clear what sends they, and I, connecting facilities as a small child begin to explain all the good that is beneficial to everyone and HIM too, now what can I do to him-and so on in the same spirit. releases on time. until the next "arrival", and everything is new.

I don't know, maybe it's all my glitches...

Re: PC - basic functions and capabilities.

Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2014 6:52
by Даррья
by the way, "military action" conducted with the spectrum on the right hand - as time burns has passed, and with the printout FRM under her pillow. frm it is still side by side all the time, and no Overdrive...

Re: PC - basic functions and capabilities.

Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2014 9:08
by Даррья
And, I realized, why did you feel better last night dramatically!)) the crown of his merits is removed - I just finally hooked up the stream...

Re: PC - basic functions and capabilities.

Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2014 14:51
by Михаил_
well stream-a stream, their actions are too valuable and one does not exclude the other :)
and navedene sometimes, especially now, not only egregorial, but the target (on you personally) - it happens when a person has a brightness and possibilities change dramatically.

Re: PC - basic functions and capabilities.

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2014 11:02
by Любознательная
on Saturday caused panacea a matrix on the glass Windows and wrote a matrix on the door of his room, on two modules, first module on the funnel of the drain to the negative to drain and then harmonize relationships. Started)) like at first it was quiet, and then my mother in law started running around the apartment, I did not understand,thought what happened on Sunday morning she urgently got together and went to the cottage, but before digging in the trash.chose exclusively their garbage and threw it away,we left our)))))))))) no note, like left hurt)) so do the modules work? banished her from the house, felt that she was not comfortable in the apartment

Re: PC - basic functions and capabilities.

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2014 11:10
by Любознательная
Dear Michael! tell me please, is it possible after BJ 2,0 (wearing year) go directly to industrial 2.6? or simply plug the stream of this product? I understand that 2.6 works well with goals and raises creativity? thank you

Re: PC - basic functions and capabilities.

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2014 15:35
by Даррья
I have a question. With the advent of the PC finally began to dream (or remember!) dreams. The fact that 3 years ago I started having frequent but involuntary exits from the body in dreams, "prophetic" dreams - and not about the future, and just information about someone from friends for example, I didn't know. First is a little startled, and then became very interested and finally decided to do it all consciously. And I went to a training for out-of-body travel and Wasps. At the first attempt to apply the practice... I just couldn't sleep. more than a day! started. if the intention is to apply technology - a sleepless night is guaranteed. moreover, I started sleeping for 4 - 6 hours a night without dreams(( and awakening - I open my eyes and immediately throws up, and sleep in either eye! and where did this sweet morning bliss, when already awake but still dreams... and so for almost 2 years! even with the panacea hoped for the emergence of dreams, but quickly began to fall asleep, no insomnia, what is happiness)) but the PC is finally "broke". And what the hell this could be caused by? I hope it will soon pass and you will be able in a dream is also something useful to do...

Re: PC - basic functions and capabilities.

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2014 17:08
by Михаил_
what could be caused by that the PC broke? or what this problem was?

Re: PC - basic functions and capabilities.

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2014 17:10
by Михаил_
Любознательная wrote:Dear Michael! tell me please, is it possible after BJ 2,0 (wearing year) go directly to industrial 2.6? or simply plug the stream of this product? I understand that 2.6 works well with goals and raises creativity? thank you
1) this thread is about PC and not about BJ, feel the difference and place your posts where they should be....

Re: PC - basic functions and capabilities.

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2014 17:53
by Даррья
The last days several times a day for half an hour cuts down on sleep. the feeling as if specially just to sleep looked here 5 minutes ago, I hearty, but suddenly before my eyes, everything starts to sail, it becomes viscous, teleplay eyes and a mouth and everything - not me. And waking up some "shock". In my sleep (which I'm sure is real, because the domestic situation and everyday play) I suddenly remember about any work and just get up and do, generally is not immediately remembering that I was sleeping...
So, do not really remember once before my sleep was so that's "utgivning uvazeniem" and where it is unclear without reference to a conscious decision to sleep or fatigue...

It can be a manifestation of the "buffer zone"? Like no one on the forums about a similar condition did not read... And if so, what can this "viscous, darkening the space with a surprised but still trying to control something with consciousness" do?

Re: PC - basic functions and capabilities.

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2014 20:17
by Михаил_
1) can
2) not all write :) what happens....
3) you can
4) a lot of things :)

Re: PC - basic functions and capabilities.

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2014 20:43
by Даррья
:cry: :cry: :cry: thanks for the reply, although I did not understand, and continue to remain in this state "faces not disfigured by intellect".... ehh....

Re: PC - basic functions and capabilities.

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2014 13:21
by Анатольевич
Michael, I watched the video of your meetings, please make adjustments.. on the understanding of PC and common processes.

View the picture.. correct?

Cinematography – creating and managing: processes, material and not material things.
PK – a buffer zone between personal worlds and the current, a portal "tunnel" through which the management of the current world.

Creating and managing processes should occur through the personal world and the area of the PC, because in the area of personal world the ability of the operator and above all the processes of creation are automatically transferred to the area of the PC in the current world, i.e. a mirror..
3.0-OZ-3.1. tools extend the capacity and ability of the operator to create and manage processes.

If so, it is does not make sense to strain and break the current world, and it can be effortless to create in your since it automatically appears in the current (of course in moderation skills and abilities).

Then did not understand the creation process itself, how is it?

My version of the commitment + desire + emotional energy force.
Although I would like to get practical advice :)

Re: PC - basic functions and capabilities.

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2014 22:22
by Малыш
PC is not a buffer zone, using a PC to create a buffer zone

3.0-OZ-3.1. - tools facilitating the "operator" to be in a certain condition. and in a state of evident skill))))

Strain is necessary, our world is not necessary to break, in our world need to do something creative, preferably in a creative state of mind, and the world itself will break one.

"Creating and managing processes should occur through the personal world and the area of PK" - wrong interpretation

"My option is to have the intention + desire + emotional energy force." - here till the end do not understand, so can not say anything

Re: PC - basic functions and capabilities.

Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2014 22:06
by Михаил_
Анатольевич wrote:Michael, I watched the video of your meetings, please make adjustments.. on the understanding of PC and common processes.

View the picture.. correct?

Cinematography – creating and managing: processes, material and not material things.
PK – a buffer zone between personal worlds and the current, a portal "tunnel" through which the management of the current world.

Creating and managing processes should occur through the personal world and the area of the PC, because in the area of personal world the ability of the operator and above all the processes of creation are automatically transferred to the area of the PC in the current world, i.e. a mirror..
3.0-OZ-3.1. tools extend the capacity and ability of the operator to create and manage processes.

If so, it is does not make sense to strain and break the current world, and it can be effortless to create in your since it automatically appears in the current (of course in moderation skills and abilities).

Then did not understand the creation process itself, how is it?

My version of the commitment + desire + emotional energy force.
Although I would like to get practical advice :)
Now to forget it all and start again.
3.0 and the extension is the CREATIVE process, You have the word is generally not sounded.... and 3.0 and extensions to the personal world do not have a relationship, but without mastered these qualities no PC then You fundamentally will not help.... only a break will give.
3.0 is not the tools "to create and manage" a tool to show their creative harmonizing the beginning....
Now think about it, if you think You're doing here, where does the personal world? and if it is, and then here???? it's just different things....
PC so, creates a buffer. Yes, in the buffer, your options are slightly better but everything remains the same.
Detail work with LM treated separately and not through this forum. Guess the midst of the coffee is not necessary.
Opportunities it gives, but you should start with yourself and your relationship to what is happening in the world. PC - tool automatic.
LM - is for everyone regardless of PC, well and good :)
The ability to harmonise is because LM is not a blank sheet of paper, is a reflection of yourself inside and not only the current itself.<

Re: PC - basic functions and capabilities.

Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2014 19:44
by Тимур М.
Only recently has "grown up" PC - was this topic is very interesting. It's all thanks to videos of recent workshops :)

Today decided to increase the number of projects, to the benefit of all the work at hand. Made sandwiches of MicroPC (Col. on the jet), MicroPC (BW laser) is Platelet and all this laminate, the size of the original (card).

It was interesting that as I started to do PC (2 cards in the morning and two in the afternoon) there was a terrible desire to listen to the song Maxim - You say with the sun :) . What did. In it the chorus is cool))) is probably the song was Staniloae with my understanding of LM :)

Re: PC - basic functions and capabilities.

Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2014 1:32
by Даррья
Михаил_ wrote:what could be caused by that the PC broke? or what this problem was?
Oh! I immediately came to mind. Maybe I'm just such a "special" courses at the outputs of the "phase" and Wasps came to those who have started to turn, get stopped??? Or is it again from the paranoia about a global conspiracy??

At least the invitation to the seminar in the VC really came out of nowhere, even in the interests of anywhere I have about it is, no clear positive reviews, I, too, nowhere is this man not read, and not tried to read - so glad that it resonated with the current situation that flooded back in a heart beat. I was just have two weeks in his first 21-day fasting (only one, to be honest, for some reason since a week last 5m on the bottom of the body such terrible rash start, what is necessary to turn off your "holodilny project"), the energy pearl, and the dreams... Oh the dreams... and yet dramatically at one point stopped... :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

Re: PC - basic functions and capabilities.

Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2014 1:58
by Даррья
And by the way the rash my first time then in the last days of hunger poured just after this workshop... although I have all the cleaning done correctly and loadings and water treatments are not neglected... so allergic to starvation appeared....
I wonder if vecoma to drink and with BJ to try to repeat the experience how come this time...

Re: PC - basic functions and capabilities.

Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2014 13:13
In some cases a rash on the body is not bad, all kinds of stuff popping up from the body not only through the eliminative organs, but also through the pores of the skin. Through the organs is also not always calm when fasting. For example in the treatment of complex nicotine and other vitamins in O. Patrushev , the first symptoms that the body began to recover and clean the rash on the body. All bacily begin to skedaddle through the excretory organs, and the skin is also an organ of discharge (and admission) and the biggest. Patience (fasting) by Ivanov - is also happening. Not immediately , first all bjaka through the usual "methods" and then leaves the body. there are even ulcer formation , which are simply washed with peroxide of manganese of the bath is weak, and other -chamomile , St. John's wort, anything that removes this"critter" out of the body.

Re: PC - basic functions and capabilities.

Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2014 19:39
by Андрей С.
Даррья wrote:Oh! I immediately came to mind. Maybe I'm just such a "special" courses at the outputs of the "phase" and Wasps came to those who have started to turn, get stopped??? Or is it again from the paranoia about a global conspiracy??
Yes, it may well be :) Most of the mass of esotericism generally invented to those who have started to turn, to be stopped... or I'd just once like someone to have. But paranoids on this subject, and always see the plot also makes no sense - maybe just assholes you got, and maybe even not connected.

Re: PC - basic functions and capabilities.

Posted: Sun Aug 17, 2014 1:50
by Moon
Is it possible all the same :) learn what products can't you just put in the PC Communicator?
( not found where it was written on the forum)

Re: PC - basic functions and capabilities.

Posted: Sun Aug 17, 2014 21:13
by Михаил_
As far as I remember - I wrote some articles after coming out of the Communicator that will be able to prescribe a device.
In General, everything is simple, for those who became acquainted at seminars with the theme of the LM.
A number of products effective due to the properties that will not be enhanced and Vice versa will be blunted because it is based on the qualities that the buffer will take.
I'll think about a full list.