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Re: Equipment Operator BJ

Posted: Sun Dec 15, 2013 18:49
by Михаил_
Peter, many times pulls including from writing biased personal opinions on the forum supplied in the form of statements.... it doesn't help.

Re: Equipment Operator BJ

Posted: Wed Dec 25, 2013 14:03
by rel
about equipment.. I'm here now when out of the kennel and see the unpleasant, the feelings centralino cloud, start her vacuuming. More precisely, at first so did (hose "sent" creators "fillers"), but was embarrassed (horror mage?)) that (though "armor" themselves "conjured") adhere to what can. So now include the clouds Balsamo funnel drain and the mental hands, a huge MOP go uh DOR clouds into a funnel, strips like wash the floors.. the Lord seasoned operators tell me, not buggy if where and how this action to facilitate /speed up (to automate?..) Although about the buggy like it's not, I mean in the latter case (funnel-MOP) clouds eyes brightened greatly, I parasoles..

Re: Equipment Operator BJ

Posted: Wed Dec 25, 2013 14:08
by bofara
rel wrote:maybe something to adhere to
Can. :?
What about the technology - IMHO, you can work with is known here and on the OM - Sparcity and the Generator, and the rest will make the Time, i.e. you need to wait..

Re: Equipment Operator BJ

Posted: Wed Dec 25, 2013 14:11
by rel
bofara Generator it is clear, stationary use continuously
but I would not like to be/remain a statement only in the sense of "push buttons"))

here the dogs are still negligent the scope of water to apply (on the road) (tried the "all around town")), a drunk in the cold in a taxi to bring, will not do every time to take a picture and run/generate, sometimes just no time for these actions (even if the phone is with the mobile version, etc.)

Re: Equipment Operator BJ

Posted: Wed Dec 25, 2013 14:12
by bofara
Well, see, You are a Being Multidimensional /not only the physical body, not just push a button and start the Process. It's Operatorsthe /of course it is better to feel, to perceive multidimensionality and then it will be a more informed operatorsthe/.

Re: Equipment Operator BJ

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2014 13:00
by Маг.нет


Re: Equipment Operator BJ

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2014 19:44
by Михаил_
I said you, this approach will have to make a new revolution...or you will be expelled as a dissident :) and then somehow it all fell apart... this is what I am.... not really sure the kids have a lot of other things seen. However, I was only ever against the excesses and lies in the behavior of adults, I was never in operation or policy.
in my vivid memories is a lot different from those time.
however, not all "came off" with "collapse".
for example one of bright pictures for early childhood sizzle for high school students serving a Christmas tree in the Kremlin (I was held at the request of his grandfather there, he was at the place of work with relationships, me and other "disguised" under the service tree squad pioneer and temporarily made the list, t/e/ I the tree looked as though from the inside :) process) - "are you crazy!, want to sit and to set me up like YOU do!!! HERE!!! Dragged where to go?" :)
there was just the tape ... normal wear on batteries, Soviet, and Vysotsky :)
And lots and lots of different jokes that I hear from parents (not on purpose - but the reality of life), or others.
I recently reminisced with a friend a joke as stores birch :) and check corruption :)

Re: Equipment Operator BJ

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2014 20:15
by Маг.нет
:) works....... :) and it does not matter who as it was important that it was and "hooks" remained, pulling that "grows a tail", that can be, in certain conditions, useful, for example, significantly increases the stability (I'm not only writing this post, but manifested in a variety of time points, and at the same time), for example when the aggressive motivation with the egregore, much more difficult to "impose" a person when he has a different opinion (and not just a theory, and support), based on his own different (excellent) experience well, or just inertia (as resistance) if "not" that is sufficiently understood by the ideologists of the "information war", and probably so actively used "narrowing" the focus for the present and the future scattering in the projects of the future (we were just in the USSR), watch interesting exercise leverage external aggressive manipulation of minds and restore their freedom of choice, which may be used including such resource as "sustainability" (the icebreaker do not care for the grenades and the rope (like a donkey) it against the course not drag)))))))


Re: Equipment Operator BJ

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2014 18:37
by Владирес
Маг.нет wrote:Important not the result, but the path you
doing to achieve it.

From time to time, we all are impatient when
see something that would like to have or what he wanted
to achieve. It is like the growth process. We
I think that seeing the end goal and want to get there
so fast.
Then suddenly something happens that is not
planned, and our goal starts to seem
located farther than ever was. For
that we are so impatient, we often forget that
certain things happen for certain
We can grow only when we pass
through certain situations that can cause
pain or take time. These situations push us
with the unpleasant aspects of our personality, and it may
to be painful. However, be aware of the following:
the result is not important, important is the things that we
we meet on the way to it. They allow us
to develop and give us new and different information about
how we are organized. You can't
to avoid something because it will come back to you
the other way. Turning his gaze to the past, we often
say: "Everything turned around for the better." But at the time
developments, we don't always see it that
way. You should know that you can manage
this process of asking yourself: where are you your
thoughts, what do you want to show in the outside
the world?
The result is very important, because faced with the unpleasant aspects of his personality (and in fact is a flaw of the soul, without it there is no personality) have these flaws to eradicate, as they hinder further development, and of the situations necessary to make a conclusion, otherwise they are useless for development, and will be repeated, this is the result, knowledge, the development of the boundless and the eternal, at any stage of development in any inkornatsii, in fact, this is the destiny of man.<

Re: Equipment Operator BJ

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2014 19:36
by Михаил_
You are not aware of the real situation here, because obviously a little under a typical load of esoteric sources, but I'm not going to argue on these topics.
Of course I agree that should be corrected unpleasant aspects, but I do not think that without them there is no personality :) it is a myth.
Well, about the development of infinite and destiny for thousands of years in this particular world is only a mass degradation (and to position themselves izotermicheskoi school -the same only Burnie passes). The reason is very simple - the world is under common external control and it was beneficial to create an illusory representation of reality, replacing it.
I do not mean that development is not possible, but while 100% Shine only the restoration of under-demolished. This is somewhat different than the development process. I have repeatedly justified it on live practical examples, and I will not repeat - there is a desire and find themselves., which You quoted, is at a sufficiently deep understanding of the processes and say by the way did not (meant not the result or not). In terms of his plan (his post) he's absolutely right - that process is important. It is part of life and it is dynamics and creativity, and the result is just one of the steps, which may change along the way or lose interest in achievement, he needed to move.

Re: Equipment Operator BJ

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2014 20:09
by Владирес
Михаил_ wrote:You are not aware of the real situation here, because obviously a little under a typical load of esoteric sources, but I'm not going to argue on these topics.
Of course I agree that should be corrected unpleasant aspects, but I do not think that without them there is no personality :) it is a myth.
Well, about the development of infinite and destiny for thousands of years in this particular world is only a mass degradation (and to position themselves izotermicheskoi school -the same only Burnie passes). The reason is very simple - the world is under common external control and it was beneficial to create an illusory representation of reality, replacing it.
I do not mean that development is not possible, but while 100% Shine only the restoration of under-demolished. This is somewhat different than the development process. I have repeatedly justified it on live practical examples, and I will not repeat - there is a desire and find themselves., which You quoted, is at a sufficiently deep understanding of the processes and say by the way did not (meant not the result or not). In terms of his plan (his post) he's absolutely right - that process is important. It is part of life and it is dynamics and creativity, and the result is just one of the steps, which may change along the way or lose interest in achievement, he needed to move.
Yes, You are right, but I wrote that without soul there is no person, I'm a healer and not only healing have from birth and just recently, 10 years, out of all religions and dogmas and that allowed me to see that almost everything is actually arranged, I don't pretend to omniscience, but what I realized changed my foundations and was replaced as it proved correct (but the same Vedas, there are koi and began their development with the appearance of man and a knowledge given from above (easy to prove, against the facts do not trample)and much of this is based on esoteric knowledge and skills to apply them and was the way of human cognition, of the world. But the darkness (in my concept and that I understand the other senses) and not in the understanding of ordinary people for over 2000 years planted a false illusion of Christianity (even the name is not correct), who was against and had the knowledge, destroyed. That's practically what started the main carefully and repeatedly edited the pieces, and then began to fragment and here is what I have in the world.<

Re: Equipment Operator BJ

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2014 21:09
by Михаил_
The Vedas are also part of the illusion just in a different stage of loss of awareness of the real picture of the world and destiny itself (and its capabilities).
I do not mean to order something or to give something to reconsider - it is not necessary absolutely; and just the fact that one layer lies another one earlier just.

Re: Equipment Operator BJ

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2014 1:28
by Владирес
Михаил_ wrote:Vedas are also part of the illusion just in a different stage of loss of awareness of the real picture of the world and destiny itself (and its capabilities).
I do not mean to order something or to give something to reconsider - it is not necessary absolutely; and just the fact that one layer lies another one earlier just.
Are you so sure that this seems a know-it-all, all of our ancestors were wrong? Have you ever studied them? (although the sources were few) Because You can use generic memory You want it or not, and there is knowledge. It seems that You are in illusion.

Re: Equipment Operator BJ

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2014 1:31
by Владирес
Владирес wrote:are You so sure that this seems a know-it-all, all of our ancestors were wrong? Have you ever studied them? (although the sources were few) Because You can use generic memory You want it or not, and there is knowledge. It seems that You are in illusion.
In addition about the destination itself, I know how and its capabilities (and hidden too)

Re: Equipment Operator BJ

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2014 1:35
by Владирес
Владирес wrote:in addition about the destination itself, I know how and its capabilities (and hidden too)
in addition to real picture of the universe nobody knows (the human mind is not able to accommodate)

Re: Equipment Operator BJ

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2014 11:45
by Михаил_
Владирес wrote:
Михаил_ wrote:Vedas are also part of the illusion just in a different stage of loss of awareness of the real picture of the world and destiny itself (and its capabilities).
I do not mean to order something or to give something to reconsider - it is not necessary absolutely; and just the fact that one layer lies another one earlier just.
Are you so sure that this seems a know-it-all, all of our ancestors were wrong? Have you ever studied them? (although the sources were few) Because You can use generic memory You want it or not, and there is knowledge. It seems that You are in illusion.
Of course I'm sure. Moreover, I have this confidence for a long time and multifaceted checked and confirmed by other people.
Where does the "ancestral memory" and "is there this knowledge" :)
We have a lot of things is distorted... You Mentioned the episode of the life of this world is only one of the pages, much less distorted than the current state, but also - not present. Only this is completely beyond the scope of this topic.
And I prefer ancestral memory, his own reincarnation, they know too much that is, especially if you have the opportunity to compare with other participants of the same events, which according to the old resonances and in this life, pulls and many are in the immediate area.
And about ancestral memory - so early it was used as a mixer of data, and this was the ONLY purpose of reincarnation (not the cycle of life-death-life and does not change physical-body), because the process mixes the 2 generic memory at the gene level and adds a personal embodied memory. Also genome is always 3 and not 2, you need to consider the genome of one who is born personal.
So this mixer hasn't been used properly and there's often crap different. Oh yeah, I got about extraterrestrial incarnations of the sea, because although I'm local, but relatively speaking quite recently (in historical terms) was not there and was busy with work, which came back here. "The illusory nature of" my ideas about the world well-confirmed robocast of my products :)<

Re: Equipment Operator BJ

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2014 12:08
by Михаил_
Владирес wrote:
Владирес wrote:in addition about the destination itself, I know how and its capabilities (and hidden too)
in addition to real picture of the universe nobody knows (the human mind is not able to accommodate)
Old bike to hide the obvious beyond the "Oh, it's unknowable." Maybe there is a lot of that "not compatible", but it is much further than you can imagine. The world is complex, and processes in trying to tear him apart (I was about this one, small, individual assholes on the edge of the solar system).
Meanwhile, I see the following extremely simple thing - You have come to this new resource , asked questions, received answers, and now arguing about how things should be arranged. But this is not the place for disputes. This is the place for answers. You can accept or not accept someone else's position - it does not change. Here I like the sea. Including personal memories ...
My advice - don't waste my time with messages of a single line with a long quote at the top. Multiple. And not relevant to the topic. It is generally a personal branch Magnet and kristallizovannyj thoughts (relatively speaking).
So here's the deal - everyone has their own picture of the world, You don't argue, if there is prakticheski interest in something study. No - pass. But about the universe I'm talking I won't.

Re: Equipment Operator BJ

Posted: Sat Dec 27, 2014 15:26
by Владирес
Михаил_ wrote:Old bike to hide the obvious beyond the "Oh, it's unknowable." Maybe there is a lot of that "not compatible", but it is much further than you can imagine. The world is complex, and processes in trying to tear him apart (I was about this one, small, individual assholes on the edge of the solar system).
Meanwhile, I see the following extremely simple thing - You have come to this new resource , asked questions, received answers, and now arguing about how things should be arranged. But this is not the place for disputes. This is the place for answers. You can accept or not accept someone else's position - it does not change. Here I like the sea. Including personal memories ...
My advice - don't waste my time with messages of a single line with a long quote at the top. Multiple. And not relevant to the topic. It is generally a personal branch Magnet and kristallizovannyj thoughts (relatively speaking).
So here's the deal - everyone has their own picture of the world, You don't argue, if there is prakticheski interest in something study. No - pass. But about the universe I'm talking I won't.
What I was not looking about cellular cloud information is sketchy and not complete , and other people wrote me in personal messages that there is no full information, so don't tell me that everyone on the forum (by the way, I searched in other forums - same thing ) not to mention the technique (creating the BZ). I understand this is private information that others would not created (by the way, in the section on the first page of the website about the technology of creation of BJ and hanging what they are charging in the car), but did not write the moderators and the creators of the site about the info is still there, here there and write (You're one of the founders of the BZ) about cell the cloud, reveal information on the establishment of the BZ. And so, why lie to people?

Re: Equipment Operator BJ

Posted: Sat Dec 27, 2014 19:18
by Михаил_
I do not understand from this post do nothing.
Information about TO have two types - the user was given absolutely complete, this follows from the fact that many have mastered programming at the highest level and the sample programs was not created by me (and very successful) there are on this forum)
Don't know who these "Other people" - I such did not write anything and no questions asked.
The process of "creating BJ" is described (not on the first page of the website by the way) in the description of the BZ, is fully consistent with the old technology of creation 1.0 (publicly known) and 2.0 (not publicly known and outdated).
The simplest example of a "charging machine" to create 2.0 is the use of the labels "1-copy" done by programming TO (just) on the holographic sticker panacea. And what is not "charging machine"?
4) do Not really understand the phrase "how many wrote the moderators and the creators of the site", You mean whom exactly ? who wrote that ?
That's just confusing.... You do about this website? or how about something else ? Specifically, this supports a specific trading company, whose products have a very wide range. Each manufacturer maintains a section on ITS products and in him alone he is a moderator. The administration of sensible (reasonable) messages from You obviously have not - they would gave me, but the descriptions in my section anyway don't depend on anyone but me. And I You, "how many times" wrote ? This is the first :) So answer your own words "why lie to the people"? I know, and people will understand I think - a lot of the regular audience of such things immediately grasp.
5) I noted that this branch is called "equipment operator BJ" and is one konkretnym man, and therefore addressed to You in it message - offtopic and breaking the rules of my forum in the rough. Will this continue - just get banned on the forum, technical - t/e/ messages will be deleted and all.
6) Where is "here there and write" I do not understand frankly.
7) I'm not "one of the founders of BJ" and the only Creator, if you count from people, if you count in fact, there is the personal side of the world (individual world) - not to be confused with the System (it is a parasite on the world).
8) I repeat last time - all the information about TO have on the forums. In custom parts - custom. Technical - how was created TO users is not needed. It describes the authorization mechanisms and self-destruction and other things. There are not many and they are not related to the case. FOR, unlike BJ created a few dozen people and again, the world itself. Later historical data about that gained access to several dozen people came to then free seminars on personal worlds. This information lives on my personal website (there's an open part and a part where only those who read the open details for example "some theory and practice").
To describe something further than described - no one will, because it doesn't need. Who needs working without documentation because it simply receives these documents directly from the KO.
Can not - do not fuck to show off.
Over the years technology, the most advanced users are well used TO without any additional descriptions and very good care of him. The question is why You have not? I know the answer, do You? I'm sure the audience of the forum too long already knows.
9) contrast with access control systems in the world, I don't lie to people, at least I can give the information that now is the time for all (as the rest of the remaining could be granted), will be so to speak - on the scale You figuratively put in the space of causal interactions, and from there everything will fall into place, who is lying and who is interested in what. Want? Something I doubt that it will be a pleasant experience for You :) :) :)
This I mean that the statement "lies" to me it looks like slander in a public place, and even in my personally. I think it is not relevant here.
All SIM, I recommend next time think well before you write or even better just pass by the forum and find another place to time-consuming.<

Re: Equipment Operator BJ

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2016 19:39
by Михаил_
On that particular thread before it notes by a specific person. Maybe among them the specified INDIVIDUAL record.
As modules, these things work only with the BJ. Rather are a part of it. BJ easy to make homemade, enough pen and paper and write a matrix or mentally to put on one of the handy items.
Individual files a probiotic, cleaning of blood and ozone was made to work not as separate modules and attuning to these informational processes and can (not as modules, but as a system of creating resonance) be used separately. They exist since the creation of БЖ1.0, which, like many other versions, is completely free and available to all in the form of diys. In the variant with BJ their work will be more efficient. Without him through the graphic and audio files will be received a certain effect, the weaker (on the basis of how attunement and individual acting process).
I would also like to note that this tehnologii 6-7 years ago, very effective, but has long been proapgreyzhennye lot of new and considerably more effective, well broadcast for example.

Re: Equipment Operator BJ

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2016 1:38
by Михаил_
Probably there is no other method than to read some part of communities information.
the list of diys about full but not quite (not upgraded by the activator and some number of fresh products)
shown here:
Usually recommended homemade BJ Panacea for example.
And further, according to the study of Informatii, personal preferences, feelings and so on.
What a series is all the same. Some clothing was applied, on watch bands and more.