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Re: The Bracelets Of Life

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2016 15:17
by Ильмира
YOU know I searched , but did not understand and found-All General-bought-put on-great If so easy to prepare-what the prices are biting and where with detailed info-how to cook

Re: The Bracelets Of Life

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2016 15:48
by Михаил_
You badly searched. Most products have free equivalents. They are somewhat weaker, but this does not prevent them to work. Using commercial products will not only know about free ones, but many first tried them or share home-made and commercial products. The discussion of prices is not appropriate. For someone biting, someone - no. Commercial products are not the same technology that is free and prices are kept lowest possible to do it somehow interesting for it to spend part of his time.
I always tell everyone - if there is no financial possibility IN ANY CASE do not try to buy - there are lots of people who homemade products achieved fantastic results, including here on the forum many times wrote about it.
Section specified before the link is called homemade. If not found, it means that You probably now do not have to.

Re: The Bracelets Of Life

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2016 16:25
by Ильмира
well sorry for biting rates. I just have you on one of the pages I read-1.0-free So I asked-and you're right to be offended

Re: The Bracelets Of Life

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2016 16:41
by Ильмира
Making homemade BJ fit into the normal everyday things :)
Voffka how old are you? hell no normal household I don't know maybe I'm really stupid-but what I do not understand. some such golograficheskaya line?Where to get it? Panacea-matrix AIT
Oneee what you need to write?Can anyone really explain what to do???????

Re: The Bracelets Of Life

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2016 16:50
by Русалка
Ильмира wrote: Panacea-the matrix AIT
Oneee what you need to write?Can anyone really explain what to do???????
Take a piece of paper, or any other object that can carry, for yourself, in your pocket and a pen, pencil, marker, i.e., any writing instrument.
Write this in a column:

Put an item in his pocket, watching the effects :). Formulas in the matrices the simplest home-made and work with them that way.
Some products, like designer ties, you can download files to your computer and print.

Re: The Bracelets Of Life

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2016 16:53
by другой
Ильмира wrote:making homemade BJ fit into the normal everyday things :)
Voffka how old are you? hell no normal household I don't know maybe I'm really stupid-but what I do not understand. some such golograficheskaya line?Where to get it? Panacea-matrix AIT
Oneee what you need to write?Can anyone really explain what to do???????

BJ 1.0
The shortest version of the manual:
1. Take what you will charge. Desirable piece (one piece at a time).
2. Take the headphones from the MP3 player of the "plugs" (the ones that are stuck into the ears, i.e., without the little darling between the speakers)
3. All of this together, wrap the wire was Rouge food in aluminum foil.
4. All it did was wrap it in Saran wrap (one that stretches and clings to itself)
5. Repeat 3-4 several times (2-5 times).
6. The resulting submerged in a container of water, the wrapper should be tight, not to damage headphones (so they do not leak water). On one of the stages you need to wrap the tape around the wire, you can make a piece of wire wrapped in foil to direct contact wire-to-water did not exist.
7. Use a weight to press down the object to the bottom of the tank with water, if it POPs up.
8. Written to player track 1 and separately tracks 2-5 (in separate folder).
9. Include one hour repeat of track 1.
10. Include a day or more repeat tracks 2-5.
11. Take out.
12. Enjoy. The strength and efficiency of recording can affect the material of the course, the volume of the signal (the louder the better), the number of layers of the wrapper. You can also salt water, its properties will be somewhat different at the same time, can have a positive impact on the power charge.
Tracks can be downloaded here: rar">

In order to prevent water flowed, after the wrapper to put all received in a food package so that the air in it was not (to drive) but the neck of the bag was above the water. then just do not get wet.
You can charge any items. If the object consists of parts, it is desirable in the future not to confuse (for example not to move the links of the bracelet, if it is collapsible), although you can work around this limitation by giving the individual parts individually (there will be several adjacent objects, each of which would include a basic matrix), but usually it's just not necessary.
Everything else is not important.
When charging for items subject to washing (clothing or elements) or active contact with water, you may need to recharge after some time(watch feel).


Be bold and don't be nervous. But rather -
There is the image Generator.<

Re: The Bracelets Of Life

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2016 17:40
by Ильмира
I'm not nervous-I just want to understand what it's like to do. And why in the water-so cannot record?

Re: The Bracelets Of Life

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2016 17:44
by Ильмира
and bracelet made of black jade, you can write and what to write

Re: The Bracelets Of Life

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2016 18:34
by другой
Ильмира wrote:I'm not nervous-I just want to understand what it's like to do. And why in the water-so cannot record?

Well, if in water(wet charging method). on the bracelet is not necessary to write anything. If you want to write, then perhaps all. CD marker that is not erased. Ask family members in the end, they will help you. Although the topic of some native can a finger at a temple twist :) But the effect of the matrix is written on the wristband itself will be tougher than from charging wet method. This does not mean better or worse. just tougher. Yes, no need to write. :(

Re: The Bracelets Of Life

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2016 3:33
by Михаил_
A large number of people went through these questions and the majority found the answers in the aforementioned questions/answers and discussions. Perhaps if so much is not clear, you should read the forum (s) and not in a hurry. Because usually without follow-up questions, among hundreds of others ... all have been answered many times. No You did not offended just do not want the same things to say many times, take your time and sorting out and everything settles into place.

Re: The Bracelets Of Life

Posted: Sat Apr 23, 2016 12:18
by Ильмира
I'm very sorry that ask a lot of questions-but my husband lays with hemorrhagic stroke-2 years. I read of course -but the head is poorly perceived unusual things-this year I'm going to understand. And I don't have that much time.Therefore, I ask.

Re: The Bracelets Of Life

Posted: Sat Apr 23, 2016 19:28
by Михаил_
There are no medical products....
Non-medical help you can even just collecting herself. I assure you it works on others. To understand the material, don't need years and weeks enough. As written above - the simplest matrix a panacea to write and to try to imagine.

And then, people are very specifically react when their life or their loved ones is something non-standard.... on the one hand I know that everything is fixable and everything is possible. And that was a lot of examples in my life and the lives of others, and on the other there are things that can not be edit because it's not your choice and not your life. Everyone lives their experience myself.

Re: The Bracelets Of Life

Posted: Sat Apr 23, 2016 19:30
by Ильмира
or did the bracelet give 1.0?

Re: The Bracelets Of Life

Posted: Sat Apr 23, 2016 20:04
by Михаил_
bracelet 1.0 is done by writing the 9 letters. What we do not understand. I have no bracelets 1.0 and I am overseas. While You're waiting that someone will give something/fix/will do for You - will be of little avail. All the wonders and possibilities not in bracelets but in man, the bracelet is just one of the many means of their activation. If a person wants to he presented and can't do yourself, then the gift will not bring him benefit. The conversation is over.

Re: The Bracelets Of Life

Posted: Sat Apr 23, 2016 22:37
by Ильмира
thank you

Re: The Bracelets Of Life

Posted: Sat Apr 23, 2016 22:40
by ММ
Ильмира wrote:I'm very sorry that ask a lot of questions-but my husband lays with hemorrhagic stroke-2 years. I read of course -but the head is poorly perceived unusual things-this year I'm going to understand. And I don't have that much time.Therefore, I ask.
Perhaps your husband can help stream.Let not 100%, but the state of health improve.

Re: The Bracelets Of Life

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2016 7:16
by Михаил_
Stream is also money and for some may sushestvenno even in normal 2.2
And what can help - the issue is complex and controversial, associated with the fact that it is a combination of causes psychosomatic/event/etc. I do not mean that it is necessary/not necessary/won't work, just the work area broadcast information, and with a very specific focus on "optimization". For this we need to include all knew this optimization on the position of the person. He can for example internally wants to leave on the next cycle. Variants it is a lot. And in us society driven stereotypes - keeping here to the last. And can he experience this type of karma - to live as something in that state. People describe very similar .... specifically from the point of view of internal perception. Well, who then remembers and can describe HOW it was.

Re: The Bracelets Of Life

Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2016 0:46
by Ким
Poskajite amp - if I write the letters on a piece of paper, then glued to the back side of watches, top slapped duct tape, will that version work?
I ask because it is already done and dressed, it took about 1.5 hours, didn't feel any changes.

Re: The Bracelets Of Life

Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2016 2:52
by Михаил_
The author of a deleted message.
Why so many capital letters and exclamation marks? Gone - past. If so, "shout" then this means YOU it's catchy and that's "gone". Nobody directs the activities of the developers other than the developers themselves.
Not having the skills and opportunities to secure a financial flow can project on the material level a lot of his business ideas and thoughts into the material world where Finance is important. Here, for example is now going to the seminarians on important for is not financial issues, and the place was not chosen accidentally, and drive there, not everyone can - it's expensive, the other end of the world. Those who including able to work with financial flows - those got. Although completely different people and not all are busy with there business relatively speaking. You eat eat ? I tried to buy ecological products? expensive? to the body and their energy components were healthy? to travel the world tried ? in these You good to correct himself/karmas/figary and other things?

In short. This is the first and last post in my branches like that. And it will be deleted. In a similar tone of communication (no matter about what, it's important how You Express it is not kept) - ban. Because I understand that spring, but such communication normal indicator of your internal problems, which is an irritant causing you to shout so on the forum.
The topic is closed.

Re: The Bracelets Of Life

Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2016 3:00
by Михаил_
Ким wrote:Poskajite amp - if I write the letters on a piece of paper, then glued to the back side of watches, top slapped duct tape, will that version work?
I ask because it is already done and dressed, it took about 1.5 hours, didn't feel any changes.
No one is obliged at once to feel something. Feel some. About it much has been written.
This version will work but a piece of PAPER. Want to "charge" the watch - write on them with a non-permanent marker and leave on time - then you can erase(for example on the reverse side of t/e/ on the back cover).

Re: The Bracelets Of Life

Posted: Fri May 06, 2016 4:10
by Артем север
Michaellife as it is accelerated by your products (a large number of events in my favor for a short period of time). That is for the health and normal appearance? The energy status is good (and enough for business and sports and travel and to help close). What is recommend for youth, where to start? Things got better ,time to think about yourself personally.

What can you take to broadcast "Youth" ?

Re: The Bracelets Of Life

Posted: Fri May 06, 2016 18:33
by Михаил_
All cleans and ProStreet operator and its cocoon is connected with the factor of youth.
In addition to the broadcast of the youth, it is obviously 2.7 PC, the Genome in broadcast Cells in the broadcast, bracelet genome-Reanimator.

It is also working with himself and the damage of cocoon's designer ties or designer ties VIP and designer of cocoon.
It is here I just have thrown.
Well, the most powerful of the next innovations in this whole chain is actually I2.

Re: The Bracelets Of Life

Posted: Sat May 07, 2016 0:35
by Артем север
Sign me up for T2. Buy immediately as will be the specifics.

Re: The Bracelets Of Life

Posted: Sat May 07, 2016 5:58
by Артем север
Михаил_ wrote:All that cleans and ProStreet operator and its cocoon is connected with the factor of youth.
In addition to the broadcast of the youth, it is obviously 2.7 PC, the Genome in broadcast Cells in the broadcast, bracelet genome-Reanimator.

It is also working with himself and the damage of cocoon's designer ties or designer ties VIP and designer of cocoon.
It is here I just have thrown.
Well, the most powerful of the next innovations in this whole chain is actually I2.
What are "Cells" in the broadcast? Something I don't have one in the office...

Re: The Bracelets Of Life

Posted: Sat May 07, 2016 6:40
by Михаил_
It's the club PA.