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Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2010 1:36
by Михаил_
Петр Петрович wrote:al Pacino starred al Pacino :oops: It does not matter, the main thing I watched :) . By the way, one question hurts: why teleport coins, condoms...Yuri Podgorny there is even a ring materialized by SAI Baba. For example, a 5-ruble coin is slightly heavier than the 5,000 th bills (6.45 grams and ~6 grams, respectively) That prevented to start with it, and not with "patch"? :wink:
The idea is that only the Creator should not like when you break his commandment "thou shalt Not steal!" and "thou shalt Not commit adultery!" (to clarify I do not need :). So there is someone who helps to transport such items, but his power is limited, while it is able to resist the power of the Creator - the system of checks and balances, as the lawyers say
Well written, a bit to stay out of the Internet :) and here is a few pages.
1. Grandma is all clear. It is HER PERSONAL ability, and she does easily because it is part of its model of the world, not because it helps someone.
2. At Denisov almost all FIRST get the effect, it's hard to trigger consciously and repeatable. The first time left brain is fooled because they do not believe that something really will happen. And then everything is already partially under his control - an attempt on nezyblimost picture of the world. By the way, as I understand it, he dismissed the idea that there wasn't enough energy, but do not know whether I realized what was missing.
3. there are no forces, who contributes to or counteracts the teleport, who wants to look for such small things performed by several billion people. Spontaneously, as my grandmother, it turns out many many times in my life. As it does not contradict the picture of the world (just people not notice that this happened).
4. despite the "materialist" (yeah yeah!) configured Denisov, I don't think that his "teleporters" get all that they get from somewhere, because knowing the theory and practice understand that in certain area to apply the concept of a fixed number of objects is NONSENSE. I.e., the objects can come out of NOWHERE. And it is normal, and is not a materialization of (algorithmically). Similarly, it is foolish to evaluate from a moral point of view good or bad to get a 5 thousand dollar bill or 5-ruble coin. For no one can calculate the butterfly effect from this action. The world is not watching someone specifically, but quantum - he's no fool, this our world :)
I.e. if the man carries a harmonization of all themselves, any action will be among the General chaos to make. And Vice versa.
And whether it will be the act thought, or axe... not always essential.
5. The problem with "energy" rests perfectly in the other in the conscious awakening of the right hemisphere in one of the available methods (this is what wasted energy Denisov, don't know now, haven't been there). And there, on the right are zero at saturation almost all. Different level of energy creates a barrier synchronization, erasable during practices or during sleep.
6. Now the main trick is the measure of opportunity and a measure of responsibility for all one. Just an ordinary person spends their abilities solely pointer to someone else, unaware that they have it. A little concerned himself, starts to realize that liability is still there, and PART of it takes under your conscious control. Grow he not abilities, and informed management. At other times these same abilities run for it and usually not for their benefit... and often not for the benefit of the world.

No, of course the degree of the current killing of the body (toxic poisoning of shitty food, shitty accommodations in the energy sector, etc.) affects the ability, but only from the point of view of their immediate practical manifestations are not available, and even then not always. Those same alcoholics how often "autopilot" rescues from a completely dead-end situations... it's all the same ability.....<

Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2010 1:44
by Михаил_
Петр Петрович wrote:I live in Europe, in to work every morning, go to Asia. By the obelisk of the same name :) But nevertheless...
If the school is to mention learning the poltergeist is not very good will affect her reputation, but said "latency": Sapienti sat - wise enough. Carefully analyze the proposal from a newspaper article and to conduct a simple analogy. And so it is, Denisov, certainly, approved 100 %, or you wouldn't have to place on your website :?
Oh.... besides, I had already written, I want to add that dogma and not understanding the physics of the process creates sometimes quite fanciful illusion.... I assure You, the way You perceive processes happening at the same Denisova is very, very far away from what they are ...

Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2010 2:01
by Михаил_
Петр Петрович wrote:Well, Denisov is also very similar to the "bursting" with health, not like him and Karl Welz (enough to pay attention to his teeth - where is she, the famous American smile). Apparently, the right was Bronnikov (also, incidentally, the figure is far from unique) when he said that inside every human being that has phenomenal abilities necessarily someone sitting. So that the outside is just the shell. The aforementioned grandmother, most likely, asked to return to her brownie points or evil spirits. For example, my grandmother turned to the past to reclaim a lost object...
Bronnikov on me, I'm sorry, allergies :)
Denisov is not like a person who cares about how he looks, but he is in the light raises a group of 5-8 people for energy at high frequencies. Try at your leisure potrenirovat its state to the ajna at the room, or at least per group.... What's there to translate - just keep at this level and without BJ. It works enough, but many tight and slow.
No one is sitting.
Just everyone has a different degree of tunnel vision. Denisov let go a part model of the world and firmly secured the other part. So talking with him on the subject not included in his model of explanation visible the processes - it's hard... to put it mildly.
But released part gave him the ability to completely simple and mundane ways, to achieve great things. It's achievable for everyone. And there's nothing wrong. But there is a lot of work... they all want easy achievements, and it is rushing HEAVY expensive personal monotonous and repeated work. And the looks... you know, it's deceiving...
Welz I saw in the video Skype. I would say that for his age he looks great. It can be the batteries to charge.

Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2010 2:05
by Михаил_
Воффка wrote:
At the moment I know and understand the processes occurring in the world and my head is MUCH better than a few years ago. But I don't see any meaningful improvement in the ability to control your thoughts and emotions. :roll:
whence such confidence, what are YOUR thoughts and emotions? :)
with regard to the issue of governance or what is more important, left or right, I would say, reasonable and common situation - synchronously.
Without a little mind control, the process becomes a reflex, and loses the creative component.
In General I would say that Consciousness is likely a left and right mode (after the "star wanderer" when he punches You to the desired state), the mind - mode of the left, insight - mode right.
or in the words of tenacula - mind is heterosexual factor resisting the only true solution of pure knowledge (Homo, right hemisphere), but only together they give rise to CREATIVITY, because without variability does not occur new and .... in General, the balance should be.

Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2010 2:12
by Михаил_
Маг.нет wrote:No still... it's hard to be a demigod, such a liability... even if the Creator's possibilities to meet.

I don't know who this demigod, 3.0 moves a person in the position of Creator, long forgotten... one in which should be EVERYONE, because the world displaying OUR creative thoughts and invested the contribution of EACH living person, even drunk from a nearby gate.
And his contribution is not zero...
In the image - this is the measure of responsibility and at the same time "bet with a salary". And then all absences are... it's ambient in some disrepair and chaos, when viewed from the point of view of harmonicity of what is happening.
Perceived area of responsibility is expanding, simply because people began to notice that "here and there" may or WANTS to improve. And begin to notice how the help - I have been told that even from the Lite version the number of applicants hoping to get a solution to your situation - is growing.
I call this mode "I'm a prudent owner in the area in which you live" (or temporarily reside). Ie pay attention to the world and think that would be done better and where to improve.
The world is beginning to react, and perform - all.

Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2010 2:15
by Михаил_
Петр Петрович wrote:Visit Golden beam. There is a tab "Telekinesis". And one of the sites Denisov and his student there is an article from "Moskovskiy Komsomolets" (see the newspaper "yellow" and the article is rather promotional in nature), which stated that he, and not such else teaches, for example, you can move objects in an adjacent room and watch the process :)
well, actually it is the ancestral abilities of the person-any child can, if he wants. My friend cat has mastered telekinesis and themselves turn on the light and regulate the temperature on them physically inaccessible to the regulators... and people that...
So well done Danny, all he is right and this is a very positive case. Generally easier not biased and personally to see once than to assess remotely on articles based on the curves of the grafted society of systems of measures.

Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2010 4:37
by Смелый
Петр Петрович wrote:
Маг.нет wrote:Who created the Creator who created this world???
Evidence of course, circumstantial, but nonetheless. Christianity tells us about the rebellion of the fallen angels. Could the Almighty Creator to let someone disobeyed, and moreover, did not see the intended threat? If to draw an analogy with the organs of state security, the head of the Agency the next day, would fall under the Tribunal with all the...
From whence comes the Hell, if it was originally created only the heavenly beings?
So, there is someone equal to God or superior to him in features :?
Christians, of course, could object that such a provision had initially been scheduled and the effect of surprise was eliminated, but it will be called "game giveaway" and again cast a shadow on the Creator - and it needs to be perfect :?
The Creator needs - who?
If the Creator made the rebellion of the Fallen Angels - he means bad or badly programmed, that is, made a mistake. Or is there, as You say, the Second Creator of equal opportunities First. But then logical to assume that there's someone else, Sortwares, who Created the first two. Is that too much?
Neither the first nor the second, nor in Excess. There is one. And he (like a ninja) is never wrong. And he never made a mistake in programming. It has pre-programmed the fact that people have called "the revolt of the Fallen Angels". Why? Yes that would subject us to tests, to check for lice, to temper (as tempered steel). Subjected to temptations. Not passed - on the second, third, tenth rounds. And we will pass your lessons. Will not hold your hand. I did not accidentally posted in book club a link to the book "the Man who knew everything."
And the fact that we are here raising our energy, devices, plus Michael started to make the cartridges and functionals bind to certain benchmarks, or reference conditions, it's help from above. And MAG. no. very timely and clearly writes about the responsibility of the user device in connection with the increase in personal energy. Before you think, think.
Good luck!<

Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2010 4:45
by Смелый
Витал wrote:Bold
I can not figure out with such optimism and work with these devices-generally compatible?
After all, the statement, "that splash, but with such emotion... it serves you right" was written by the people skilled enough, there's nothing you the bitter truth, and feel a trip to Sochi that will give what you get :)
I have neither optimism nor pessimism. There is a real thinking plus some share of humor. And I write about real things. And my using the devices implemented here, is deliberate. I know in advance what is expected from a product, and usually accurately guess. And all what I want. Plus, I can add that I'm happy with all purchases. But if my jokes are to someone is not clear or is not pleasant - my apologies.
Good luck to everyone!

Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2010 4:55
by Михаил_
I think people tend to complicate things, due to trying to cram some things that are completely abstract in its conceptual baggage.

Here all attempts to talk on these topics date from this.
Read "Demon Lord" Zelazny. For fun at least. And then his own "Bridge of ashes" and ... well combine the two into ONE world in my head. If you go out.
No, I'm serious. As far as I remember, see and understand, both works are more than realistic. But there is a significant difference in the displayed models of the universe, or more precisely, their "problem" areas. However, both (and only these) problem areas are the place to be at the same time.
Literally, without any allegory.
But what reached us in a distorted form repeatedly in the various "writings" to interpret in the forehead would be ill-advised.

What we litsezreem in this world is the result of blending multiple, different stories, different beginning in time and did not in fact completed, although greatly prolonged.
Trying to understand these things through one simple explanation - a complete deadlock. Will constantly be distortions-distortions.
No one made a mistake and had not specifically created any tests or sakalak or checks.
Exactly how not to think, and especially logically, anyone who is over or who is steeper and who did what.

Imagine the conversation of a group of kindergarten children discussing the profession and work of their parents. That's about the same and started.
Our position did not really show and literature there is not very much help, because the understanding must not be induced.

I'm not talking about the fact that many of the processes from the inside and from the outside look completely different.
Offer the flame to move to the topics for flame.

Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2010 5:38
by Смелый
About responsibility and the role of the Creator I thought, I'm interested in this topic. I'm thinking that everyone is responsible for their own thoughts and feelings (for what he is doing). After all, doing the same, we roughly thoughts and feelings. And here are some questions, not just to You, but in General. It is often thought in our head and therefore not our feelings too. Ie, is the person also responsible? What if he has nothing to do with the fact that the head is not his thoughts, and it turns out that he is doing, and it turns out that all the small stuff, not what I wanted. For this, too, is he responsible? So why doesn't everyone realize that it creates thoughts and feelings? That's really poor people do because they first do not understand that, and then another, and do not know what head to get. Why would anyone this to understand, but is difficult to manage? I tried to control all their thoughts and I was able to do that, but on the third day I began to think about the fact that you can move the roof. I currently understood what caring for others and the environment and understand their responsibility before the world and before the people around me for their thoughts and feelings and when I can't cope with them I feel doubly worse if I did not know and did not try. I wonder, what if you completely dominate the consciousness of its thoughts and feelings? Then it will become a full-fledged Creator? Probably Yes... And I'm looking for an answer to the question of how such control to master. As an example at any time they wish to engender in myself the feelings that I want?
There are two approaches, or understanding who or what the Creator is. First here and discussed. The first approach, the Creator is a person or a Persona. But there is another option - the Creator, not the person and not the Peterson, but something else.

So, a different approach in the understanding of the Creator. All that I have in the future is written - not written by me. Reprint.

"Thought is the only force capable of creating real material wealth from the formless. The substance from which all things are made is a substance which thinks, and the thought creates the form in this material form.
The original matter moving in accordance with its thoughts; every form and process you see in nature is the visible expression of a thought in original substance. When the amorphous matter thinks about the form, she takes this form when she is thinking about moving, it makes this movement. Here is the way by which everything was created. We live in a world of thought, which is part of the Universe of thought. The thought of a moving Universe extended by the formless, and the thinking stuff moving according to this idea, took the form of planetary systems, and supports this form. Thinking substance takes the form of its thought and moves according to the thought.
Adhering to the idea of a rotating system of suns and worlds, it takes the form of these bodies, and moves them as it thinks. Thinking about the form of slow-growing oak tree, it moves accordingly, and produces the tree, though this job may require century. Creating formless matter, apparently, moves in accordance with its laws of motion. In other words, the idea of the oak will not cause instant appearance of an adult, a large tree, but it starts in motion the forces that create the tree in accordance with the established laws of development.
Every thought of form, contained in thinking matter causes the creation of forms, but always or at least usually, in accordance with existing patterns of development and action.
The idea of building a particular design, if it was "inculcated" upon formless substance, might not cause the instant of the appearance of the house; but she could channel the creative energies already working in Commerce and trade, in these channels, so the result was a quick build a house. And if there were no existing channels through which it could work the creative energy, the house would be formed directly from primal matter, not waiting for the slow processes of the organic and inorganic world.
The thought of the form "suggestion" in the formless, cause the creation of this form.
Man is a thinking center and can be the source of thought. All the forms that people "embody" hands must first exist in his thoughts. He can't shape things, until you think about it.
Thus, humankind has confined its efforts wholly to the work of the hands, applying manual labor to the world of forms and seeking to change or modify the existing ones. Humanity never thought about trying to create new forms by impressing thought upon formless substance.
When a person receives the thought-form he draws the data from the forms of nature and makes the shape, which is present in his mind. People however are making very little (or even no) effort to cooperate with formless intelligence – to work "with the Father." People never dreamed that he can "do what Father had done". It alters and modifies existing forms by manual labor and not ask if he could create something out of formless matter, telling her his thoughts.
We undertake to prove that he can do it - anyone can do it – and show you how. As a first step, we must lay down three fundamental statements.
First, we assert there's one original substance or matter from which all things are made. All the apparent diversity of elements, there are different views of the same item. All the many forms that exist in animate and inanimate nature are merely different forms consisting of the same matter. This substance is a thinking stuff; a thought contained in it, creates the form of this thought. The thought in a thinking matter creates form. Human being is a thinking center, can be a source of creative thoughts. If a person can convey his thoughts to the original thinking matter, it can cause the creation, or formation, of what he thinks. To summarize this:
There is a thinking stuff from which all things are made; and which, in its original state, permeates, penetrates and fills all space in the Universe.
Thought in this matter creates something that is imaged by the thought.
Man can form things in his thought, and by impressing his thought upon formless substance, can cause the creation of a subject about which he was thinking.
You may ask, can I prove these allegations, and, without going into details, I answer that can do it, like using logic and using practices.
Taking the reasoning back from the phenomena of form and thought, I come to the original thinking matter; taking the arguments forward from thinking matter, I come to a person's ability to create what he thinks.
And by experiment I find out what arguments are correct. This is my best proof.
If a man becomes rich, doing exactly what he tells to do the book, it is evidence in support of my claim; but if every person does exactly what the book says, and becomes rich, that is positive proof until then, unless someone goes through the process and didn't fail. The theory of law as long as the process is not "will fail", and this process will not fail; everyone who does exactly what the book tells him to do will get rich.
I said that people become rich, acting in a certain way, but you need to learn to think in a certain way.
The way of man to do anything is a direct consequence of his way of thinking about this.
To do anything the way you want, you first have to gain the ability to think as you want. This is the first step to becoming rich.
Think about what you want to think means truth, regardless of the visibility (i.e. appearance, forms).
Every person has the natural and inherent power to think what he wants, but it requires much more effort than to think that "imposes" visibility. To think according to appearance is easy; to think truth, regardless of the visibility, it is difficult and requires much more energy than any other work we had to do.
No other work, people do not shy away, as from a long and consistent thinking. This is the most difficult job. This is especially true if it is true the opposite of visibility.
Each "appearance" in the visible world tends to cause a corresponding form in the mind, observing it, and prevent it can only hold the thought of TRUTH.
Look at the faces of poverty will cause corresponding images in your own mind, if you do not adhere to the truth that poverty does not exist, only abundance.
To think health when surrounded by images of illness, or of wealth, seeing the poverty, requires power, but whoever acquires this power becomes a guiding mind (a master mind). A man can overcome fate and have what he wants.
This power can be purchased only by focusing on the simple fact that there is a single a thinking stuff from which and which created everything."

From the book "the Science of getting rich", the link is in a book club.

Thinking formless Primary Matter is the Creator. All the other hierarchical structure in the face of Angels, Archangels, ascended Vladik etc. (which by the way is never seen, unlike star clusters and galaxies) is the result of Its highly Productive Thinking.
Good luck to everyone!<

Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2010 9:57
by Петр Петрович
Here pulled out of your purse, wallet, safe or other storage all available cash flow (especially if it is borrowed, and indeed the last), leaving no single trace. Or dishonest traders from magic hooked managed poltergeist in your house, and then posted an ad on the energy cleaning of the premises or otherwise will be forced to seek paid help, then I'll listen to your "songs" on the theme "what is good and what is bad" :)

Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2010 10:03
by Смелый
Петр Петрович wrote:Here pulled out of your purse, wallet, safe or other storage all available cash flow (especially if it is borrowed, and indeed the last), leaving no single trace. Or dishonest traders from magic hooked managed poltergeist in your house, and then posted an ad on the energy cleaning of the premises or otherwise will be forced to seek paid help, then I'll listen to your "songs" on the theme "what is good and what is bad" :)
I hesitate to ask, Your post who or what is?

Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2010 10:58
by Петр Петрович
Regardless :?

Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2010 11:17
by Смелый
Петр Петрович wrote:Here pulled out of your purse, wallet, safe or other storage all available cash flow (especially if it is borrowed, and indeed the last), leaving no single trace. Or dishonest traders from magic hooked managed poltergeist in your house, and then posted an ad on the energy cleaning of the premises or otherwise will be forced to seek paid help, then I'll listen to your "songs" on the theme "what is good and what is bad" :)
All the same, to whom this post belongs, so I will try to answer it. I already wrote here that if in the subconscious mind are not set on material wealth, none of these devices, as if they have not been accessed and no matter how much we do not hang - material prosperity will bring. Your personal emotional reaction to the excerpt from the book on that material wealth is created by human thought says that Your subconscious mind are not set on material prosperity. "Money is a category of consciousness." It's the law. Classics even mention it. Remember The "Marriage Of Balzaminov". There is a poor creature so complained to his mother: "Well, I can't think like rich people. I have wealth and no."
As for me, I strongly broken and the loss of the purse or the collapse of another deal and do not receive Commission - just another lesson. Only.
Material prosperity comes only to those who know how to enjoy someone else's success in material terms. Purely in fact. Not to see Ivanov or Petrov received the next jackpot, and just to see the RECEIPT of the SCORE. And rejoice in the fact that obtaining material profit, as such, exist.
Good luck to everyone!

Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2010 11:38
by Петр Петрович
I wrote not about material wealth at all, but about the specificity of the object being moved. I'm curious to know: what about those bills allegedly persisted, not teleportirovat had the necessary details, in particular rooms? Or were they executed on papyrus paper, as in the movie "Hottabych"? :).
And again. Not necessary in every post to describe your bruising life and "terest". Many have never survived :?
Do you have an example of your hard-earned capital, can lead? Moreover, the criterion of fairness is left to your discretion :)

Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2010 11:57
by Смелый
Петр Петрович wrote: And more. Not necessary in every post to describe your bruising life and "terest". Many have never survived :?
Do you have an example of your hard-earned capital, can lead. Moreover, the criterion of fairness is left to your discretion :)
About teresti not anymore. The way I had. What is honestly earned capital, I don't understand. Any person who earned (or had in the past) serious money - went over the heads of competitors. There are some niches where people earn the amount of money, more than the average person, but not for long. Or the money people will develop, and then again competition. Or pass and then go again.
You must understand that money is made by some managers we Higher powers. The bulk of the money is a "carrot hung before us in order that we would have made some effort, physical or mental, and highlighted the energy with which these Forces feed on. For physical energy, fewer carrots. Mentally organizing others to perform the required action, the greater number of carrots. All the rich people - a great esoteric by nature and at the same time, great cynics. They understand that they create jobs and thereby feed a large number of people. But are they IN the INTERESTS of BUSINESS, because they understand, if they will act in the interests of people engaged in the workplace, the Power of leading their lives, replace them. And so, in business, to talk about the fair equity is not necessary. There is simply no such thing. It is in fact. But you can wrap it in beautiful wrapping. Only now the essence will not change.
Good luck to everyone!

Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2010 12:53
by Петр Петрович

Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2010 13:05
by Михаил_
What does all this have to the topic? later, the tail of the branch will clean leaving messages on the topic.

And about the number of bills someone first does not want to hear what he wrote, and the second does not understand the essence of the phenomena, otherwise the question about the numbers would be. Therefore, I say - at the level of everyday concepts is USELESS to discuss the impasse.
Monroe seems (I could be wrong, but like it) described that because of the troubled phase in life, when you do not have enough money in his pocket now often materializes bill. And in the pocket of your suit sealed in plastic at the dry cleaners. And he doesn't understand this process and don't know where it came from.

Now tell me. Here at fry described taking different objects out of nowhere. For example cakes. If we assume that they are somewhere disappeared, it is somewhere to change the story? or write the memory? No, of course you can say that this is fiction and all, but it's just the nearest example, there is absolutely accurately described a definite physical phenomenon.
Yet understanding of the processes of their ASSESSMENT - it is a profound mistake.
And to accuse someone you don't know.... in fact, this concept has a name - slander.

Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2010 13:24
by Смелый
Петр Петрович wrote:Bold

Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2010 13:26
by Петр Петрович
Want to go to legal language? Please! Here I see 2 aspects:
1.If you are moving a bill that has all the necessary characteristics, and therefore legally put into circulation, it should not uncontrollably move in space. Especially if there is a sanction of its owner. There is a theft, though unprovable.
2. Bill materializes, from anybody not disappearing. There is the illegal production. Here the process of proof is easier - I use her number.
Even if we disregard such a thing as the law (morality I don't even mention it as such does not exist, there is only "universal morality" :) ) , that threatened the financial system of one country, but of countries that have carried out her trade with the currency.
Therefore, I say that will be limited only lost previously "noses".
PS I imagine a court who will hear these cases :lol:

Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2010 16:40
by Маг.нет
Михаил_ wrote:now often materializes bill
Describe one case, I think matches the question.
A few years ago, on December 31, just before the New year, around 23.00, predava the money in the car casually put the wallet in his pocket, thinking that would be when you exit the car to shift it, and therefore forgetting to do so, loss discovered after 10 minutes and though the place was completely deserted, no wallet... as there is no Disorder on this occasion it was not I let go... lost in a way. Close and the surrounding had been thinking about this case, some thought it was bad, the other good sign, but no... I Forgot, but the case reminded, at the end of the year, December 24, talking in the street with his friends, and at my feet (and talked for a long time, nobody saw anything) be 3 thousandths (absolutely dry, although we had light snow) bills. Where they came from is not clear, the interviewees considered that I myself planted, laughed, but I knew that the return went... In the morning on the way to the Parking lot, again "under his feet" th bill, and from 24 to 31 December, "lumped" in various places (including in the pocket of a washed pair of pants that didn't wear one, but bill is 100% washable non-runner can be judged by appearance - brand new) that is lost in the wallet amount. Who threw me under his feet? But this is not over, now every year in the week preceding me "gifts" in the form of thousandths of bills, though in smaller quantities, but still nice....


Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2010 21:16
by Михаил_ - on the face of theft or forgery of the den characters :)

Peter Petrovich, excuse me, but what You write says just that now held at a distance of at least about 3.0 themes. Ie is a COMPLETE misunderstanding of the processes.

Know what a reality shift? For example You turns out to be something hyperprior, which doesn't usually happen - Villa or castle in the ownership of :) and no theft, since in this version of reality You always owned it or got heritage in the face of all documents, historical facts and other "legal" aspects.

As You rightly noted - both examples are not provable.
How are You going to prove the double rooms ? and if the second copy is irretrievably lost (burned, drowned?)
whether it is possible to identify and even more to prove?
on what moral or legal aspects of the question, if there is no understanding of the basis.
All this Blizzard I'll blow away, and please with such discussions in the gazebo.
Laws written by the people, for the stabilization of society.
These people appoint people who often give themselves slightly outside the law.
And those people control the people who live under other laws relating to the management of the society at the highest level and with understanding and using the laws of the universe.
If they admit the existence of Denisova, which deals with the fact that returns part drugged to unconsciousness of the people to a state where there is little running abilities, it automatically means that he is quite in the legal field in some way in the most correct sense of the term.

Ability mean changing the mode of consciousness. In such, when a sense of responsibility and understanding of what is happening - is significantly above the average citizen. And cause moral or financial damage without the ability to teleport something, even I would say, much easier.
No idiot will not be able to use the same teleportation someone harm. Everything else is your speculation, that is expressed anywhere but here, I will take it as hitting on a colleague without reasonable justification.
In the same film "the Prophet" with cage, illustrates what can a person with the abilities of a simple short-term foresight for a minute or two ahead. That is the only problem - to develop a similar skill possible, but first and for a very long time he is not stable, and not as in the film.
And with teleportation or other practices from Denisov.
They are no more dangerous than the ability to read remotely text, for example, shown in the same show "Minute of fame", and any extraordinary in the opinion of the society ability can be used theoretically to the detriment of someone. And of course many from this hypothetical possibilities begin sausage....
But it is better to deal with it.
It is the ancestral abilities of the person, an artificially frozen and they Wake up now for yourself, without any help. Soon this will be on every corner without any exchange. Believe me, the world is changing fast.
However, their revival is similar to the disillusionment after a deep hangover - the adequacy of the human significantly increases.
I.e. "teleport" from Denisova 100 times less dangerous to the world than the most positive righteous without this ability.

Only for a person in a state of deep inadequate we need laws and columnae standards, adequate person does not divide the interests of the world in which he lives, and their separate things and therefore such a person will not be someone to hurt - he will feel it as a harm to yourself.<

Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2010 22:18
by Петр Петрович
Well :) . Then literally 2 words for such inadequate people like me: what is objectively prevents Denisov to move large items? From your previous messages did not become clear :?

Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2010 22:50
by Маг.нет
Михаил_ - on the face of theft or forgery of the den characters
The money is real not fake, with numbers, problems in using them was not. Theft is hard to call "my contribution" returned with dividends, even in such an unusual way, but a contribution was made in "unusual Bank"...
Маг.нет wrote:let go of the lost... in a way
I think it was part of the way lost (the return from dividends).


Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2010 23:47
by тишина

Funny situation)) say - it's back and the earth is round.
I was also thinking that this year your level of luck, the level of interaction with the universe has increased and the money will have to go into your hands. In any case, it is a sign that you are on the right track. Signs of destiny.