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Posted: Sat Jan 29, 2011 17:07
by Маг.нет
You can do simply to take the habit of "close contact" - 10-20 minutes to hold in hands, daily...
It is also possible to formulate "its" - mental.
Or use the audio track "sk1operatorenergy" - for "flow of energy" which might also contribute to the acceleration of harmonization of the "harmful".
Or something more like...


Posted: Sat Jan 29, 2011 19:37
by Михаил_
recommend to apply the principle of transformation - its not is a negative (experience), the question of how inclusion in other structures. And someone else we don't need (which is stuck, let him come off). Just brush something that has a resonance in the response - it is useless, there will come a new. Usually the cleaning is that an increase of energy changes the rating system, the perceptual system and the resonances disappear.... well, even with a number of processes, i.e. it happens automatically and it is quite normal variant.

Posted: Sat Jan 29, 2011 23:21
by м-р Фримэн
Thanks, I'll try...
People who have RF console, please share your impressions! Indeed, the IC begins to operate with the goals of significantly more efficient with the console? But then I think do I have another 15-well put...

Posted: Sun Jan 30, 2011 1:22
by Михаил_
I would say that the SK RF is expanding the range of possibilities for action, they can not always be implemented. So if money is critical - not worth it. HF more pushes You as an easy jump, but it's not all noticeable.... Ie changing the whole "system" in General, people, UK, well ... the world remains the same :) but changing his perception in some way. These processes are not instantaneous.
For direct work with the goals of HF is of course also affected, but should not be considered something that was not (it can be a lot of reasons) suddenly the turbo will fly. Ie of course it can be, but it's not a rule, but a nice bonus. The rule is that with RF, IC becomes broadband and the number of tasks is definitely affected. I don't think this is noticeable as a bright flashlight. But noticeably, with regular and active work with the UK.

Posted: Sun Jan 30, 2011 3:11
by м-р Фримэн
I see... Well, I can't say that go, goes quietly here last weekend decided one more task for which I, frankly, have already put a cross, because it lasted all the way from mid-January last year, and SK started this goal only with the end of November, but no decided! Just living examples want to understand yourself need it or not...
You said something about the difficulties in the material and the possible disappearance from the sale of RF as of today things? What was left in the office - is the latest instance?

Posted: Sun Jan 30, 2011 17:53
by Михаил_
not until the last, there is still a little... well then if will end, probably by the end of summer again, the material will appear, but do not know exactly -- he spent a little on ИСН1, and a little bit on 2.8

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2011 1:56
by м-р Фримэн
Today acquired RF, by type of material reminds ИСН1. Michael, can we consider ИСН1 reduced treble?

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2011 1:59
by Михаил_
No, not possible.
HF is entirely composed of 2.8 component in the resin.
And IIM-1 consists of three factions - 2.6, 2.7 and 2.8, 2.8 in it only the middle band (its specific volume compared to treble is very small, I don't know, probably every 20-30 less).
Thus the isn-1 - multifrequency thing, and HF monocottura, to enhance the specific range.

Re: HF console to the UK

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2011 15:30
by Маг.нет
Here we have autumn came, the visibility of this event is evident in the shade of color (spring green, now blue) and "bottom line" of structured water, and on any of the devices of the line that was marked previously, but without closer observation. The highest brightness in the sample with escaveche, although drawing attention to this event put a week ago a few samples for outlining, some then put a little to the side so that the devices do not hold, in the UK, escaveche, Amplifier, washer SQ. If starting in the spring of the natural evaporation of structured water you can find "jelly color of herbal green", now in all samples - dry fine "pollen" whitish-black (with tints) colors than it resembles the Cretaceous sediments, but as if from very small crystals - snowflakes. The smell from there is no water, the taste is pleasant, although the taste with different devices is slightly different. Tried to take a picture, it turns out very small, can not see the beauty and harmony of the structure as in reality, I think you can try yourself. Such are the observations, reactions of water at the time of the year.


Re: HF console to the UK

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2011 14:29
by Михаил_
There are quite an interesting process related to energy metabolism in the buffer zone. For comparison, you can probably read this:
Here the process is gently stimulated, the energy in it no excess, but the external conditions, seasonal change, and result.

Re: HF console to the UK

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2011 12:46
by Стэллари
Michael, that in the composition HF is such a gray baby – it somehow affect the functionality of the RF or not? And the dark part of the HF is just epoxy, right?

Re: HF console to the UK

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2011 19:23
by Михаил_
The RF part of the UNIFORM. I.e. there is a single component that is wetted by the water in this wet filled with resin. Resin - transparent. The composition - of dark. There where the surface has got a lump and dried, could slightly brighten (to poseret).

Re: HF console to the UK

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2011 2:07
by Стэллари
yeah, of course) just in the window of the RF console so all speckled, and on my HF prefix speckled part is less than half) the rest - dark uniform) so I thought maybe marriage?? experience... :?

Re: HF console to the UK

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2011 3:05
by Михаил_
No, it depends on the degree of heterogeneity of the composition of the number in it of large and small inclusions. From the same batch it can be very different. BUT the work is not affected. Well, individualization :) as the leaves on the tree - form one, but everyone is different. Marriage is not permitted :)

Re: HF console to the UK

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2011 10:40
by stom
HF stuff is very strong, about three days was near .The pain in oblosti xiphoid process , blades. Spasms of the abdomen and breaking. 5 days in pain. The thought came about overdose. Removed 2.0 ,HF,ИСН1 disconnected W1 and an amplifier via 5min vanished pain .Happened the sudden failure of all types of alcohol 30 days weight loss. MICHAEL BOW!

Re: HF console to the UK

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2011 11:05
by Маг.нет
In such a case, the fact that HF for some time it was removed correctly, but 2.0 is better to leave a little more to recharge ИСН1, IC 1M also can work, but temporarily without direct contact by the Operator with HF. The reason such feelings are not quite od, but in raising the frequency of the organism in the upper range, at the initial stage may cause a "pulling" energy of the physical body (which could cause cramping) in the range of consciousness, and there is multiplicity in this "transformation", it is useful to pump the energy of the body with some physical exercises without the increased load, better with 2.0 on my left wrist ИСН1 in hand will also be useful. Described pain is also a normal phenomenon, not useful off the binding, and based on my observation study in the area of the xiphoid process launched RF cap in the blades (usually slightly to the right of the spine) Amplifier. These devices are at the first stage it is better to use a little dosed, over time, these effects will be. Less extremism, and slightly smoother approach to the interaction with such a mass of instruments, and better gradually....


Re: HF console to the UK

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2011 12:41
by Стэллари
Михаил_ wrote:No, it depends on the degree of heterogeneity of the composition of the number in it of large and small inclusions. From the same batch it can be very different. BUT the work is not affected. Well, individualization :) as the leaves on the tree - form one, but everyone is different. Marriage is not permitted :)
it harashi)) now I'm calm), although the speckled part I like more than dark)) it is more pleasant))

Re: HF console to the UK

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2011 12:47
by Стэллари
Маг.нет wrote:the Reason such feelings are not quite od, but in raising the frequency of the organism in the upper range, at the initial stage may cause a "pulling" energy of the physical body (which could cause cramping) in the range of consciousness,
I have probably the same reaction to the HF prefix - headache, poor sleep red eyes-beautiful)) third day - third day I got a RF transmitter for SKM is) and then I tied a not very good feeling with RF console, and now wonder...